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03x08 - Going Heavy

Posted: 01/22/23 16:55
by bunniefuu

- Randall, good morning.
- Hey.

I just got up myself.

Yeah, you look like you've been there

all night since we talked.

I didn't want to miss anything else.

I'm really not looking forward
to reading the part

in my article where I write
about sleeping soundly

while you and the Prime
Minister became fast friends.

Well, you missed way more
than us becoming fast friends

because she agreed to hear me
out on the coffee trade deal.

Said we'd get into it today.

Maybe I'm not cut out for hard journalism.

Maybe I belong at a desk

talking to a French Bulldog named Cheese.

- Who?
- Oh, come on.

You really don't watch my show?

Why would I lie about that?

Dwayne, I am so sorry,
but I'm afraid our coffee talk

is going to have to wait for a later time.

ALL CHANTING: Respect our choice!

Our mouths and our voice!

- Respect our choice!
- Why are they protesting?

We held a public vote
to rename the tallest mountain

in Gjelgjiughm, which was
called Cannibal's Peak

due to a gruesome tragedy

that involved our national soccer team

after a team building hike went awry.

Wow. Yeah, I would change that name too.

Which is what we tried to do.

We took submissions from
our citizens for a few names

and then we put them to a vote.

Well, now, the vote is over,

and apparently the people are angry with me

for not ratifying their choice
for the new name.

- Which is?
- "Billy, Will You Go

To the Dance With Me, It's Maria Mountain."

It was submitted by an -year-old,

and it won by a landslide.

I'm supposed to look out
for the people, right?

And make the calls that are

sometimes too tough for them
to make on their own.

Mm. I struggled in my relationship

with the public too,

especially earlier on in my career

when The Rock became a household name.

At first, things were great.

I was being myself,

and my popularity was skyrocketing,

so Vince used my growing stature

to create a little unrest
in the Nation of Domination.

The Rock feels like this, Farooq.

You are the greatest thing
since an egg white omelet,

so The Rock offers you this.

See, I had just bought my
fellow Nation members Rolexes,

but I had a special gift for Farooq.

Hey, go ahead. Go ahead. Show the world.

Why don't you turn it around here?


♪ You can't take your eyes off me ♪

God, I love that angle.

My recipe for success was simple.

I trusted my gut,
and good things would happen.

Damn, kid. I ain't heard
a pop like that in years, man.

Thanks, brother. The Attitude Era

was taking off in the WWF.

Attendance records across the country,

and our rosters were stacked.

Rest... in... peace.

I got two words for you.

Suck it!

You ain't got the balls to beat me.

And that's the bottom line,
'cause Stone Cold says so.

I'm Chad Frost.

Wait, who's Chad Frost?

At the time, Chad and Stone Cold

were the two biggest stars in the WWF.

Really? I know everyone from that era,

and I don't remember a Chad Frost.

I'll get to that, but first...

Hey, Rock. We're gonna go grab some beers.

- You wanna join?
- Uh, no.

I like to wake up in
the next town I'm wrestling in.

Yo, I promise you, you'll
wake up in the next town.

You just might not know how you got there.


Those late night drives to
the next stop on the circuit

gave me time to catch up with my family.


Do you see how the pillows
add a pop of color

- and some back support?
- Yeah.

Ugh, Mom, can you answer that?

I don't answer phones
at other people's houses.



- Hello?
- Oh, hey, Dad?

- Hey, Dewey. Yeah.
- Hey, great show tonight.

You heading out with the boys?

No, I'm just driving ahead

to Albuquerque for tomorrow's match.

Don't make it all about business, honey.

Make sure you enjoy some time
with your friends.

Well, you know how competitive it is.

These guys are so good.

I got to separate myself from the pack.

That's smart. The locker room can be

a viper's nest if you're not careful.

- A cobra's den.
- Uh, no offense,

but this is a different era.
These guys have been great.

It's because vipers

are masters of the silent attack, son.

The dance of the cobra has
fooled many a mouse, Dewey.

What they're trying to say is

don't worry about the other guys.

Do your thing, and you're good.

- Uh, yeah, I'll try.

Let me call you back.

Hey. Nice car.

Oh, thanks, man.

You should learn how to drive it.



One new aspect of the Attitude Era

was that the WWF had started hiring writers

to help with storylines... like Brian.

I know that you've always
got Triple H's back,

but, you know, I wonder
if maybe we shouldn't

sow some division between you two.

No thanks.

Our love is a bond that can't be shaken.

And I am so happy for you,

but, you know, I can't help
but wonder for a storyline...

I said our bond cannot be shaken.

Would you be open to wearing a funny hat?

Also a pass. Okay.

Most guys were skeptical of help from anyone

who wasn't a former wrestler,

but I was cool with anyone
who had great ideas.

So Brian became kind of my secret w*apon.

- Hey, man.
- Hi.

- You have something for me?
- Oh, yeah.

Vince wants to build

your rivalry with Triple H
in a promo tonight.

Here comes the man himself.

Well, isn't it the cast of "Twins."


You know, you're big. He's small.

- Bit of a thinker.
- Disagree.

- I'm actually average height.
- Not really.

All right, what do you guys wanna hit

- for your promo tonight?
- Easy. I'll come at you

with how obsessed you are with yourself.

- Ooh, I like that.
- We've been leaning into that

- with the Nation stuff already.
- Hey, and I got this idea.

Last night, this dude on the road

reeled me in with a compliment

then blindsided me with an insult.

I'll go at you.

You hit me with a comeback, and we're out.

- Hey, Brian.
- Yeah.

What's something I can reel him in with

and then destroy him?

Well... you ever notice

how he speaks in promos?


Look at The Rock-uh.

So pleased with himself-uh.

He's got his own name on his ass-uh.

You know, Triple H,

that's why they call you
the Cerebral Assassin,

because there's not
one detail that gets by you.

But speaking of asses, is yours okay?

Because every time you talk,
you sound constipated.


I could've ended there,

but my gut told me to push it.

[MIMICS TRIPLE-H] Tonight-uh...

I am The Game-uh...

and for the next minutes-uh

I'm gonna be talking like this-uh

and saying absolutely nothing-uh.



♪ ♪

Hey, Pat. Not bad, huh?

Yeah, yeah. Triple H talks funny.


You were a minute heavy on that promo.

- You gotta stay on time, Dewey.
- Yes, sir.

What the hell, man?

You were going to insult me,

not do some long-ass impression.

- I got us a pop.
- You got yourself a pop.

Man, you have a really big head.

When you only look out for yourself,

no one's gonna wanna work with you.

So why don't you go take your funny lines

and stick them up your [BLEEP]?

I don't get it, man.

I do an impression, the crowd pops,

and Hunter's whining about it

saying I'm only looking out for myself.

Look, man, you're blowing up.

The company clearly sees
your star potential.

So then what's the problem?

As someone rises, someone else has to fall.

The more you push for greatness,

the more you gonna have to watch your back.

Viper's den.

It's actually cobra's den, viper's nest.

Why does a cobra get a den
and a viper gets a nest?

If you're lucky, you'll never find out.

Did you eat your Chimichanga Brian style?

Covered in ketchup.

Putting ketchup on everything
is Brian style?

- Also great on spaghetti.
- Oh, my God.

- All right, listen up.

Bit of an announcement.

Unfortunately, Chad Frost
has injured his knee

and will be out for six months.

That's a blow to the roster,
so the rest of the company

will need to step up while he recovers.

I guess this's the only way
I'm getting a vacation.


Thank you.

Hey, hang in there, Chad.

Ah, I'll be all right. Hey.

- Keep k*lling it, bro.
- I appreciate that, brother.

You got it.

[SIGHS] That's rough.

- Chad is a class act.
- Yeah. Totally.

But Chad Frost and Stone Cold

are the company's two biggest stars.

With him out, that's a big hole
at the top of the card.

Vince is gonna be looking for
somebody to fill it.

- I wanna be that guy.
- What do we have to do?

- Show out. Impress Vince.
- Make the choice undeniable.

Though Farooq had warned me,


I was already fully The Rock.

♪ The Rock says that Cleveland ♪

♪ Is totally lame ♪ [CROWD BOOS]

And with Brian's help, I dialed it up to .

♪ Hall of fame ♪

♪ The Rock has to say, "Aw, shucks" ♪

We drew upon my love of country music.

♪ 'Cause Cleveland doesn't rock ♪

♪ No, it totally sucks ♪


I tested the limits of what
a heel could get away with.

Timmy, what a treat it is
for you to be here.

Tell The Rock how it makes you feel.

- It makes me...
- It doesn't matter

how it makes you feel.


And then there were the catchphrases.

A lotta guys had one, maybe two big lines.

But I thought, "Why limit myself?"

A roody-poo candy ass.


- ALL: The rock has come back...
- The Rock has come back

to Memphis.

Know your role and shut your mouth.

In front of the millions...
ALL: And millions.

And millions of The Rock's fans.

If you smell-I-I-I-I ow

what The Rock is cooking.


Dwayne, you went heavy again.

I don't love it when people mess with

the timing of the show.
Throws everything outta whack.

- Of course. I'll work on it.
- Good.

You know, SummerSlam's
just around the corner.

I'm thinking about putting you up

against Triple H in a ladder match.

- You serious?
- Yeah.

You would be the match
before the main event.

Stone Cold had that slot
at last year's SummerSlam.

This year, he headlined WrestleMania.

It's amazing. Thank you.

But I can't have you going heavy.

Especially since I been hearing things.

Hearing things? What things?

Don't worry about it. It's not important.

This a big moment. Lotta eyeballs on you.

I want to make sure you can handle

that kind of spotlight
the way I need you to.

Can't have you getting a big head, you know?

Right. Big head.

Turns out the vipers
weren't trying to poison me.

They were poisoning Vince.

So I went to confront the snake.

Just got off the phone with my wife.

Corn worms got to my tomato plants again.

Moths ate one of my turtlenecks.

Hunter, let's talk.

Ooh, am I in trouble?


So that's how you're gonna play it, huh?

- Come after my big head.
- What are you talking about?

You can't handle the heat
in the ring, so you go off

and tattle to Daddy Vince behind my back?

Whoa, I didn't tattle
about nothing to nobody,

especially not to Vince.

You need to get your story straight.

Man, Triple H denied the whole thing.

- What whole thing?
- He was the one

who trash talked me to Vince behind my back.

Told him I had a big head
or something like that,

which is true technically,
but it's proportionally right

- for my body.
- It wasn't him.

I know because I was there when it happened.

Look, all I'm sayin' is Rock ain't ready.

I mean, he thinks
he's better than everybody.

The guys don't trust him.

I just don't know if
he can handle the top spot.

I appreciate you telling me this.

It matters to me what my best guys think.


♪ ♪

I'm so much smaller than all the guys,

people just forget I'm there.

I get it now.

Chad Frost wasn't a real wrestler.

- It's a pseudonym.
- That's right.

That guy never turned out to be a friend,

and I'll just leave it there.

Oh, my wrestling blogs,

they are gonna be blowing up

about Chad Frost's true identity.


Chad Frost smiled at me,

shook my hand, looked me in the eye,

and he still did that?

Yeah, I couldn't believe it either.

Dad was right. Viper's nest.

I told you. Tell him.

- Cobra's den.
- Yeah.

And now I have a ladder match

with a guy I just chewed out for no reason.

How am I supposed to show Vince I'm the guy

when I'm working with someone
who doesn't trust me?

You got great instincts,

but the guys need to know
once you get in the ring

and follow your gut that you're
gonna take 'em with you.

You do that, you'll earn his trust.

Madison Square Garden
has been sold out for months.

This is the tenth annual SummerSlam.


♪ ♪

Hey, brother. Let's do this.

With my dad's words running through my head,

I knew what I had to do.

- You have minutes, Dewey.
- Tear the house down.

♪ ♪

[SIGHS] Showtime.


The structure in this match, folks,

who've never seen a ladder match:

No pin falls or submissions.

The Intercontinental belt will
be attached to that apparatus.

They'll defend it over the ring.

Only way to reach it is on the ladder.

And of course, the first man
to reach the belt

is the winner.

- All right.

Okay, ring the bell. Let's go.

Two of the great young athletes in the WWF.

Gonna strut their stuff here

on pay-per-view at SummerSlam.


Puts The Rock down, and now Triple H...

Going out for the ladder.

Triple H delivers the...

Oh, man!

And he's down again.

Now he wants a chair.

Isn't there enough steel in the ring?


And he got a real spike!

Tossed him outside.

What's he gonna do now?

He's got some evil intentions here.



I was determined to show Triple H that

I was willing to put
my body on the line for him,

work with him, and do whatever I had to do

to get this match over with the fans.


You got color? What's your angle?

No angle.

This ain't about me. This is about us.


♪ ♪

I just hope what I said got through to him.

And Helmsley's going for The Rock.

This is a match... you bet they are.

Right hand by Triple H.


Now, Helmsley putting
the ladder in position.

He's up there. Second rung, third.

Well, these two young studs

are taking it out on each other.

Okay, good.

Tell him to bring it home.

Nice work, boys. Time to go home.

I sensed the crowd hadn't peaked yet.

They wanted more.

[SIGHS] Not yet.

We got more work to do.

You trust me?

Not really. But let's do this.

Oh, what a... what a physical,
thrilling battle.

They are dissecting each other here

in this ladder match at SummerSlam.

I said wrap it up, damn it!

That's some b*mb!

Helmsley had just hit Rock bottom.

Seriously, Rock? Straight from Vince.

- Time to go home.
- Hang on, Mike.

You got it now, Rock.

Helmsley is writhing in pain.

How much more can these human beings take?

No, no way. No way. Oh!

Can you imagine how that feels?

Oh, wait a minute.

The People's Elbow? Yes!

You're kidding!


That was just heinous.

The People's Elbow was able...

driven right on Helmsley's heart.

With that pop we got,

you would've thought
the roof was gonna cave in.


I think it's time.


Helmsley again, on one leg.

He can barely put weight on his right knee.

He's inches away. Inches away.


♪ ♪

- Oh, those sh*ts.
- Man.

- Big time right hand.
- Oh.

I would say Rock's gonna
get the... oh, Chyna's in.

- Oh!
- Oh!


- Helmsley is looking for gold.
- Get up, Rock!

Get up, Rock! He got it!

- Yes! He did it.

He did it. Triple H did it.


Triple H.

Wow, what an effort by both men.

But Triple H did it on one bad knee.

[SIGHS] Hey.

Do me a favor.

Milk the exit.

I'm gonna lay here for a minute.

Thanks for the direction, Spielberg.


Even though I had won Triple H over

and gone heavy with the time,

my gut was telling me
just lay there in defeat.

Then something incredible happened.

The fans felt for me.


They started chanting my
name like I was a baby face.

CHANTING: Rocky, Rocky, Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!

That was a moment I will never forget.

What the hell are you doing out there?

minutes means damn minutes.

Get Stone Cold and Taker going.

I'm sorry for going heavy, boss.

I know what you're going to say...

- Dwayne, that...

Was awesome.

I proved to Vince that I could be

the WWF's next big star,

side-by-side with Austin,
but that match also showed

me and Vince something else.

The fans were ready for
The Rock to turn baby face,

and that turn would kick start

the next epic phase of my career.

Now, everyone's gonna have their opinion on

how I should operate.

But staying true to myself,

even if it means ruffling some feathers,

has always been the key to my success.

You trusted your gut.

Yes, exactly, and it's always
paid off for me.

I can't let them name that mountain.

There you go. Your gut has spoken.


Well, if you will excuse me,

I need to go and draft a statement.

- Sounds good.
- Thank you, Dwayne.

- Any time, Prime Minister.
- Okay.

- Any time.
- All right

That was nice.

I thought you might bring up
the trade deal at the end.

Nah, it didn't feel right.

I got to listen to my gut.

The opportunity will present itself.

Hey, watch out for
the grass crabs around here.

- They love an exposed ankle.
- Oh.


I stood on the lawn
worried about grass crabs.

How did I get here? [PHONE CHIMES]

Uh, play Talking Heads.