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01x04 - Introduction To Ethics, Part 2

Posted: 01/22/23 14:10
by bunniefuu
[door opens]

- Will you stop breaking into my room?
- Time's up.

- Hamish and Lilith are looking for you.
- Good.

- Let them k*ll me.
- Whoa!

As your RA,
it kind of sounds like you're depressed.

And this whole look... supports my theory.

I just k*lled my Ethics professor!
I woke up next to his dead body.

I'm covered in his blood. I think one of
his tendons is stuck in my f*cking teeth!

Oh, yeah!

- Flossing is your friend.
- That's all you have to say?

If Silverback k*lled
your Ethics professor,

he must have had a good reason.

What's the last thing you remember?

I was with Benson. Outside of her house.

What if I k*lled her too?

[Randall] Leaving evidence
of a transformation?

Sloppy, dude. [tsks]

[bangs on door]

Professor Benson!

[bangs on door]

Professor! Hello!

Looks clear to me.

Why were you here anyway?

- 'Cause I thought she was in danger.
- What kind of danger?

Magical danger, okay?

- You let Silverback do his thing. Nice!
- No!

No, not nice, because I slaughtered
my Ethics professor.

Dude, relax.

Everything looks normal,
and I don't smell any blood.

The longer you wear the hide,
the stronger your senses become.

- Oh, wow. Sign me up then.
- You'll say the oath?

What part of "I slaughtered
my Ethics professor" did you miss?

Well, nothing here tells me
you k*lled your English professor.

- You're sure?
- Solid...

- sixty percent.
- [sighs deeply]

Okay, do me a favor and check around back.

I'm telling you, dude...

Okay, okay.

Be right back. Don't go anywhere.

You owe me!

So, you want to resign as Jack's tutor?

It's more like I need to.

That's not very subservient.

It's not for me. The Grand Magus wants me
to continue to assist him.


So, you've solved his little riddle.

[chuckles] It contained part of a book.

I'm not sure what it is,

but... it's old and someone definitely
wanted it to remain hidden.

It was protected by an Echo Incantation.


You're on quite the adventure.

Find out why that book is so important.

Thank you.

This is the part where you leave.

He also asked me to tell you

that he needs exclusive use of the temple
for the next few days.

Well, you tell the Grand Magus
it would be my honor.

Ms. Drake, one more thing.

Edward has a way of making you feel

like you are the most important person
in the universe.

You are not.

[quiet chatter]

[Jack] Brandon! Where's Professor Benson?

Relax. She's in the hospital.
Some kind of car accident.

Relax? Look, she could have died,
and we could have k*lled her.

We? Don't try to take credit for this.
This was all me and Gabrielle.

It has to stop.

[sniffs] You sound like my dad
when I slept with his trainer.

[Randall] Hey, Jack!

[Brandon] Who's that?

It's my RA.

Introduce me!

Don't do that spell again.

Why would we? It didn't even work.

Thanks for ditching me. It's not like
I know exactly where to come.

- That one of your Order buddies?
- That's Brandon.

- What were you talking about?
- Never mind.

I gotta tell you, dude,
so far, you are a lousy double agent.

I am no one's agent.
Look, Benson is alive.

- Great.
- But she's in the hospital.

Werewolf attack?

- Hit by a car.
- [sighs] That's a relief.

After all this, it'd blow
if you had to k*ll her.

- k*ll?
- Come on, let's eat.

We need to figure out
how to keep you alive.

Sure you don't want one?

[clears throat] Not hungry.

Right. Ethics professor.

- You probably filled up on his heart.
- That's not funny, man.

Not a joke. Eating heart is
a Knights of Saint Christopher tradition.

Why would you do that?

I just told you. Tradition.

[sighs deeply]

I thought I had the transformation
under control.

You said Benson was in danger, right?

- So you were worried about her.
- Of course I was.

Well, there you go. You're worried,
Silverback hates magic.

Together, you fight crime.

- I don't want this, Randall.
- Look, I get it.

It's a big change.
It takes time to adjust.

Hell, Greybeard k*lled three people
before I learned how to control him.

What is wrong with you?

I mean, you talk about m*rder the way
other people talk about picking a movie.

- It wasn't me...
- Yeah, yeah. It was Greybeard.

[Alyssa] Greybeard?

- Yeah, my, uh...
- His...

My D&D character.

Battle Elf.

With a plus thirty charisma.


No, thanks.

I won't be able to tutor you anymore.

Oh, uh...

I haven't been doing any of that, uh,
that stuff...

you don't want me to, I swear.

It's not that. It's...

all that other stuff.


I get it.

I take it back.

I mean, I don't,
but if it makes you feel better, I do.

No. I'm working on a new project.
With someone else.


And I need to put all my energy
into this... new project.

I just...

thought you should hear it from me.

Dude, constructive criticism?

You have to work on your game.

And your charisma.


I can't live like this, Randall.
I'm a time b*mb.

I'm a wolf time b*mb.

- A k*ller wolf time b*mb.
- You're a b*mb, I get it.

But I can help.

You trust me?

Not at all. But what choice do I have?

That's the spirit.

Um, check, please.

[door opens]

You're sure you can get Hamish
and Lilith on board?

Oh, yeah. Absolutely, no problem.



Great job, Randall.

I thought for sure
you were going to help him run.

You double-crossing bastard.

Everyone calm down.
No one's k*lling anyone.

We agreed. Best out of three.
You lost, he dies.

Jack landed his first k*ll.

Big bad magic.

- Bullshit.
- Jack, tell them.

Tell them how you heard the ringing
and transformed into Silverback

and took down your professor
who was weaponized by bad magic.

That… that happened.

That's straight-up champion shit.

And pretty impressive,
considering he hasn't even been trained.

Doesn't change the fact
that he's been doing bad magic.

- That was a mistake.
- [Randall] And he's very sorry.

- You're a mistake.
- We need to discuss this alone.

What are we gonna do about d*ck leak here?
We can't just let him go.

She's right.

- Randall!
- [Randall] Guys!

Don't do anything weird.

Like lock somebody in your basement while
you debate whether or not to k*ll them?

Yeah, like that.

[sighs deeply]

Lie to them about what happened.

- That was your plan?
- It's not lying.

It's... optimistic expectation.

I never said Clarke was
"weaponized by bad magic."

You never said he wasn't.

Look, it's going to be okay. I promise.

It's gonna take a couple hours.

[door bangs shut]


Good afternoon.

- How are you feeling?
- Oh, I'm good as new.

You're gonna need your strength.

All the magic I learned over the years,

that's the one I use the most.
Never gets old.

[sighing] Alyssa.

Meet Sir Richard De Payne.

You're pretty quiet.

[Alyssa sighs]

Out of respect, Grand Magus.

Silence, subservience, observance.

Hey, between you and me...

I don't believe in unquestionable loyalty.

I never gave it... I don't expect it.


as my protégé...

go ahead. Ask me anything you want.

The book that was hidden
inside the obsidian,

what was it?

Part of The Vade Maecum Infernal.

The most powerful incantation
ever created.

What does it do?

This is more
of a "what doesn't it do" scenario.


So it's in pieces for a reason.

Centuries ago...

a few practitioners decided that
The Vade Maecum was too powerful.

So they broke it apart...

and hid the pieces.

That doesn't mean that people
haven't stopped trying to find it.

And was Sir Richard
one of those practitioners?

He's one of the hiding places.

What? Like the obsidian?

The book's hidden inside a corpse?

Yes and no.

[Sir Richard coughs]

He's not really dead.

[Lilith] Okay.

So, I say we k*ll him.

You always say that.

- And I'm always right.
- Might be a waste of a good champion.

He's no champion.

He is a member of the Order.
He is our enemy.

The guilt he's feeling
is punishment enough.

The guy's a breakup song on repeat.

Aw! He feels bad?

- Why didn't you say so?
- Come up with a punishment

that doesn't involve slicing open
an artery and we'll talk.

Guys, we all know
there's only one way to solve this.

[Randall] Woo!


You realize your behavior borders
on pathological.

[Lilith belches]

Hey! This isn't a library.

I was doing some research.

Who doesn’t want to spend their
last day alive reading some old book?

Your reliquary is almost as good
as the Order's.

- Reliquary?
- Your collection of magical artifacts.

- That's not ours.
- This is magical contraband.

Confiscated by the Knights
over the centuries.

Think of this as an evidence locker.

Well, then you might wanna do
a better job of securing it.

Some of this stuff is pretty valuable.

It's in the basement of a house
with three werewolves.

I think it's fine.

- Have you ever read any of this stuff?
- Of course not.

We fight bad magic. We don't perform it.

[Jack] That's too bad.

You might learn something.

Do you know
why you eat your victims' hearts?

Dude, how many times
do I have to tell you? Tradition.

No. You do it
to stop the path of the magic.

Okay. "If you don't eat the heart,
the magic continues on its way,

following the necessary path
to perform thy practitioner's bidding."

Well, f*ck me.

[Jack] There's a lot in here
about the hides and their champions.

Greybeard is the fearless one.

Sounds about right.

Tundra, the most cunning.

- Midnight is the reckless one.
- We call him "Cannon Fodder."

I guess that makes you, Timber,
a loner.

You got a problem
with an independent wolf?

Not at all.
But here's the thing about Silverback.

He's the most powerful.

- You're saying you want to be in charge?
- No, thanks.

But we do want the same thing.

Look, you guys
want to take down bad magic.

I want to take down a bad magician.

I'm proposing an alliance.

Who's your bad guy?

Edward Coventry.

He's the leader of The Order,
and he's...

responsible for my mother's death.

We don't do revenge.

Yeah, you just k*ll people at random.

- I'll k*ll you.
- Thank you for proving my point.

Guys, we can help each other.

He should've had a choice.

We didn't give him one.

We'll try an alliance.

For now.

Let's get to work, rookie.

Today we're going to try a potion.

Somnus Adveniat.

- [Alyssa] A sleeping potion?
- [Edward] Close.

[Alyssa] Somnus Adveniat.

The dream realm.

Sir Richard here

is in the middle of a single,
never-ending dream.

That's where someone placed
part of the book.

The journey inside
requires two practitioners.

You enter the realm...

and I'll be your anchor.

As long as you and I
are bound by this rope...

I can pull you out
of Sir Richard's subconscious.

I'll be right by your side.


Do you trust me?


Okay, this is actually part
of the incantation.

In order for it to work,
you have to say, "I do."

I do.

Mm. Cinnamon.

[Alyssa inhales]

[exhales deeply]

[ringing noise]

- Do you hear that? The ringing?
- Don't worry about it.

- Why must I wear a towel?
- So you don't ruin your clothes.

- Why must you wear a towel?
- Because I'm body-positive.

Now quit changing the subject.

You've taught yourself
how to keep Silverback in.

Now all you have to do is let him out.




[sputters then babbles]

- Take your time.
- [Jack coughs] Yeah.

[Jack grunting]

- Looks like you're dumping one out.
- You're not helping.

[chuckles] Jack, just...

Stop. Just watch. Just watch.

[clears throat]


[Randall snarls]

That was mildly impressive.

You kidding?

How did you get turned?

Freshman year, I was out for a run

and saw this scumbag try to grab a kid
off a playground.

I chased him down and held him
until the cops arrived.

Hamish saw it. Asked me
if I wanted to join The Brotherhood.


Yeah. He gave me this big speech
about power and responsibility,

and I was like, "Dude,
are you talking about superpowers?"

And he said, "Maybe."
And I said, "Sign me up."

Then they took me into the hide locker
and Greybeard chose me.

And you didn't know about the wolf part
until then?

- Nah.
- And you weren't pissed?

Are you kidding?

What would you say if someone asked you
if you wanted to be a superhero?

I don't know 'cause no one asked me.

[echoing] Edward?


I'm here.

Look around.

Find a landmark.

You're gonna need one.

- [bang]
- [screams, gasps]

What happened?

He scared me out of his mind.

[Sir Richard groans]

Let's go again.


[Alyssa breathes deeply]

There was this old lady who turned her
husband into some kind of zombie servant.

Found him with his hands
around the mailman's neck,

so naturally I decapitate him.

So, I tracked down the wife.

One quick flick to her carotid

and she's spraying a Jackson Pollack
all over the wall in her own blood.


And I came across
three practitioners in the forest,

they'd just sacrificed some rando.

Rip the first one's neck out with my teeth

while I clawed the other two down

[Lilith chuckles]

So, your battle tactic
is basically "k*ll them all"?

You go with what works.

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!


Grandma, no!

Holy f*cking shit balls!

[Hamish] The key to a proper gimlet
is using the lime cordial.

Spend the money on a quality product.

Or better yet,

make it yourself with fresh squeezed
lime juice and simple syrup.

Shake to a foxtrot time.

- And this is teaching me what, exactly?
- Après-k*ll cocktails.

[Jack laughs]

I never joke about cocktails.

Well, maybe Alabama Slammers,
but they're absurd.

To friends.

Old and new.

And not k*lling them.


Life is like a cocktail.


carries a kick, and doesn't last.

So take the time to savor it.

Doesn't last? How "doesn't last"
are we talking about?

I've been a Knight for eight years.

I'm practically geriatric.

You hunt enough bad magic,
bad magic will end up hunting you.

Or you get hit by a car.

The champions are temporary,
but the Knights are eternal.

And that's enough for you?

You ready to try again?




Alyssa! Alyssa! You're all right.

You're awake now.

[Alyssa breathing heavily]

You know where you are?


The temple. I know. Oh.

Oh, man. That one was...
that was...


This guy's got one twisted imagination.

- Right.
- On the plus side, I...

I made it all the way into his castle.

All right.

[clicks tongue] Let's, uh,
let's call it a night.

Just give me a few minutes.
We can go again.

I saw the book. I...

- I know where it is. I can do it now.
- I believe you. You need some rest.

- I've been asleep all day.
- You know what I mean.

Real rest.

- But we'll try again tomorrow?
- I promise.

[Sir Richard chuckles quietly]

[Jack] It's no use.

- Try again.
- We've been here all night.

- Your point?
- It's not gonna work.

I can't wolf out unless I hear
that damn ringing. I can't control it.

It's 'cause you're throttling down
when you should be giving it some gas.

Don't think of it as losing control.
You're gaining control.

Of what? My homicidal nature?

- Your strength, dumb-ass.
- Lil.

Just let Silverback out.

Accept everything he feels,
wants, remembers.

Accept what I did to Professor Clarke?

Yes, exactly.

Whether you do this or not is up to you.

But you have to choose it.


Okay, I'm listening.


Close your eyes.

Feel the itch moving through you.

- Can you feel it?
- Yeah.

Okay, chase it.

Grab it.

Randall said to go with the flow.

Randall's an idiot.

Ah, an idiot who's pre-med.

Look, we all have our own experiences
with transforming.

Find yours.


How did you feel
when Benson was in danger?



I didn't want her to get... hurt.

[dramatic roar]


[crackling continues]

[crackling stops]

- [piercing ringing]
- [Jack groans]


- Jack?
- No...

Tell me what did you take?

[Jack groans]


Eric, it's your student.
He's having some kind of episode.


- [car revving]
- Eric!

- [tires squealing]
- Eric!

- [car crashes]
- [Benson screams]

Clarke was under some kind
of magical control.

- And I...
- You saved Benson.

I k*lled someone, okay?

You totally covered for this guy.

- Twice.
- What does it matter?

I still turned out to be right.

How long was I turned?

Not long. About three seconds.

At least he made it
to full wolf this time.

Yeah, but he'll never hold the wolf
unless he quits wallowing in his guilt.

She's right.

You have to trust Silverback.

You keep saying that
like it's separate from me.

It is.

And it isn't.

Totally cleared that up.

Thanks for turning me into a m*rder*r.

What a shit show.
It's a total waste of time.

I'm starting to think Lilith is right.

- Of course I am.
- [Randall] Guys.

He's Silverback.

He's also in The Order.

Maybe that's why Silverback chose him.


- Hey. Jack.
- Hey.

I... I really don't have time right now.

Listen, I'm sorry
that I messed around with magic.

Because you got caught?

No, because you warned me
about the danger, and I didn't listen.

Well, I'm just glad you figured that out
before somebody got hurt.


Can I ask you a question?

I... I have somewhere I have to be.
Edward's expecting me.

That special project?

Wrong question.

Okay, look. I read somewhere that magic
travels along a path.

And if you interrupt that path somehow,
it finds a new route, right?

- Right.
- I was thinking, what if

magic is like a river,
searching for a way to flow.

If I dam up that river, it changes course

and not all that water keeps flowing.
It... becomes a smaller river.

Maybe even a trickle.

Where is this river going?

If I interrupt the magic enough,

and it changes course...

does it lose its strength? Peter out?

You just figured out a key lesson.

Magic has a half-life.

What are you up to?

I haven't done a spell
since you caught me.

- You promise?
- I promise.

Thank you for not ratting me out.

[Alyssa chuckles]

You're welcome.


That was wildly inappropriate.

You mean an acolyte kissing his tutor
or his tutor kissing back?

[both laugh]

This never happened.


Your lips are so soft.

- What?
- Oh, okay. I'm...



I know who's performing this magic.

- Gabrielle Dupres and Brandon Caruthers.
- How did you...

[Randall] I saw you talking to them,
and they both got into The Order.

Do you really think
I wouldn't figure that out?

Yeah, thanks for the heads-up.

- You can't k*ll them.
- We can if we hurry.

Look, just let me talk to them first.
You at least owe me that much.

[Jack gasps]

Everything bad
that has happened up until now

is because you haven't listened
to a word we've said.

We don't owe you anything. You understand?


[grunts then breathes heavily]

We can stop the magic.

- Without k*lling anyone.
- How?

I didn't eat Clarke's heart
when I k*lled him.

So the magic targeting Benson,
it kept going. It found a new path to her.

- The person driving the car.
- [Jack] Exactly.

But the magic started to wear out.
It wasn't...

It was less effective,
that's why Benson wasn't k*lled.

We can wear a spell down,
render it harmless.

- I heard him.
- [Lilith] That's great,

when we know the target.

I can find out. Just let me talk
to Gabrielle and Brandon.

- This will work.
- Says the expert.

If it doesn't... go ahead and k*ll me.

Sounds fair to me.

[Hamish] All right, Jack.

What's your plan?

I think I found it.

I can't move it.

What should I do?

Try removing what's underneath it.


- [gasps]
- [Sir Richard growls]

[Sir Richard groans]

[Alyssa grunts]

[Edward gasping] Shut the door.

[Edward gasps]

[Alyssa grunting and panting]



Wake up!

- Alyssa, wake up.
- [gasps]

Wake up.


You're okay.

You're okay.



Excellent work.


[Alyssa] Is it?

Let's find out.

Two down.

Two to go.

[Edward sighs]



Oh, hello!

Do any spells lately?

Guys, come on.

Yeah, not sharing.
Not sure if we could trust you anymore.

We gave you a chance and you blew it.

I need to know
what kind of magic you did.

You might want to watch your tone.

We found a spell
that will turn our enemies inside out.

- Oh, I'm your enemy now?
- That's up to you.

You're not the only one

learning powerful magic.

[both laugh]

Facies mutetur!



What the f*ck!


Not the face! Not the face! Not the face!

- Tell me.
- Okay, okay.

We did a spell to not have
any more English tests.


Oh, my God!

[both panting]

[Jack] Look, Benson's colleagues
tweeted about a welcome home party.

[Randall] Wow, Jack. Stalk much?

I thought knowing our target
was supposed to make our lives easier.

- How do we know who we're looking for?
- You'll know.

Guys, chill.

English teachers over there.

Knights on a mission out here.
We got this.


Oh. Here we go.

He's mine.

I call dibs on next one.

[Jack] No k*lling.

- [snarling]
- [g*n cocks]


[Randall snarling]

Jack! How long do you think
this is gonna take?

Stop asking me that.
I don't know how long.

But it's gonna be pretty awesome.

No more pencils.

No more books.

And there's nothing Jack can do about it.

There is nothing
he can do about it, right?


Even if he could...

what's the worst that could happen?

We'd have to take all our tests.

[both sigh]

I hate Jack Morton.

Jack, it's been an hour!
The magic's got to be dead by now.

Yeah. I think we're good.

- [engine revs]
- [tires squeal]

Or not.

[engine revs]

Oh, shit.

[engine revs]

Come on, Silverback. Come on, Silverback.
Come on, Silverback!

[glass shattering]

[Sliverback snarls]

[man] It's outside.

- [people gasping]
- [man ] It was an accident.

[man ] An accident.

[Benson gasps]

I love you, Professor Benson!

I love you!

[Benson sighs]

Doesn't have to be perfect, just booze.

Seriously, Grandpa.

[Hamish] Neanderthals.


I kind of get
why we need these now.

- It's hard work.
- It also used to be fun.

Jack k*lled a car. That was fun.

And you were right.
Eventually the magic petered out.

It was a pretty long eventually.

We saved ten people.

Feels good.

Saving people's okay, I guess.

Nothing is going to change the fact
that I m*rder*d a good man.

You know, what do you do with all
the bad shit you have to carry around?

You carry it.

It's called being an adult.

[Jack] Professor Clarke is dead.

And it's all my fault.

You've been practicing unsanctioned magic.

I'll accept whatever punishment
you give me.

If you wanna cancel my scholarship,
kick me out of school, or...

[sighs] ...turn me over to the cops.

Don't let it happen again, Jack.

Wait, what?

Well, we introduced you
to this amazing world.

We'd be insane to think
you're not going to be... tempted.

But I...

I k*lled a man.

And you should try to avoid doing that
in the future, okay?

[drawer slides open]

Did I say you could leave?

[drawer slides shut]

k*lling your Ethics professor
is one thing.

Harassing your English professor
is an entirely different issue.

[sighs deeply]

I hope you enjoy the sexual harassment
seminar you'll be attending.

Off you go.

I owe you an apology, Professor Clarke.

Come to think of it, I owe you several.

Starting with the fact that I have
to bury you in an unmarked grave.

I’m also sorry
I missed your last lecture on...

everything you need to know
about Ethics.

And I'm really sorry I lied about...

writing that paper
when I actually magicked it.

And I’m... really sorry I k*lled you.

But I think I learned a lot.

I was given this awesome power

and the first thing I did is get
everything I ever wanted.

Not cool.

Not ethical.


But I do promise you this,
Professor Clarke.

Your death won't be in vain.

How did you find me?

[Lilith] Have you learned nothing?

We smelled that corpse from a mile off.

You're not thinking of eating
my Ethics professor?

[chuckles] Relax. No one's gonna horn in
on your action.

But... if you want to share...

- No one is eating my Ethics professor!
- Guys, come on.

Of course not.

- But if you change your mind.
- We talked.

We think your idea of an alliance
could still work.


No alliance.

I give my life to the cause.

- [gasps]
- [chuckles]