03x20 - Tin Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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03x20 - Tin Man

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 43779.3.

The Enterprise is preparing
detailed exospheric charts

of the Hayashi system.

Although tedious, this endeavor

is the first step
toward planet colonization.


sensors report the USS Hood

is closing on an intercept course
at high warp.

That's odd.
We weren't notified of a rendezvous.

They seem to be in an awful hurry.

Sir, we are being hailed
on a secured channel

by Captain DeSoto.


Sorry to sneak up on you
like that, Jean-Luc.

Robert, why didn't you inform us?

DeSOTO: Out here,
you never know who's listening.

Keeps you on your toes anyway.

Hey, Will.

Will, you getting soft onboard
that luxury liner?

So, old friend,

how are you?

Well, you know, they send you
Galaxy-class boys out here

to the far reaches.

Me, I just haul my butt back
and forth between starbases.

- But not today.

Not today.

Starfleet's got new orders for you.
This is top priority.

They need the fastest ship
in the fleet and the best people.

That is you.

If time was so important,

why didn't they transmit the orders
by subspace?

Well, they're worried about Romulan
eavesdropping on this one.

And we have a passenger for you.

Kind of hard to send by subspace.

- What sort of passenger?
DeSOTO: Mission specialist.

He'll bring your orders
aboard with him.

His name is Tam Elbrun.

As in Tam Elbrun
of the Ghorusda disaster?

The same.

What can I say?

Your orders are to cooperate fully
with him.

Best of luck, folks.

Hood out.

Sir, the Hood is slowing to impulse.

Mr. Data, come with me.

Captain, may I come with you
to greet Tam?

- You know him?
- I do.

He was at the university on Betazed
when I was studying psychology there.

Oh, I see,
he was a colleague of yours?


He was a patient.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Tam is a telepath
of extraordinary talent,

even for a Betazoid.

He's a specialist in first contact
with new life forms.

He's a very unique person,

but he's not what you might expect,

Welcome aboard the Enterprise.
I'm Captain--

Captain Picard.



You wanna know all
about your mission.

Everything's on there.

Orders and briefings,
destination and heading, all that.

Dee, I sensed you were out here.

- How have you been?
- I've been fine,

- but I thought you were on Chandra V.
- Thought you were on Chandra V.



What are you?

I am Data, an android.

Incredible. An android.

I can't read you at all.
It's like you're not there.


Oh, you better hurry up
to the Bridge with that.

Captain wants you to run the orders,
scan the technical schematics,

and be ready to brief him
in ten minutes.


- Number One?
RIKER [OVER COM]: Riker here.

Meet Commander Data on the Bridge.
He has our orders and new heading.

Aye, sir.

And assemble the Bridge staff
for a mission briefing in 15 minutes.

Picard out.

- Mr. Elbrun, would you--?
- Would I care to see my quarters? No.

I'd rather get this briefing over with,

then be left alone until I'm needed.

I've heard something about Ghorusda.

- Weren't there about 40 people k*lled?
- Forty-seven.

Including the captain of the Adelphi,

two friends from my class
at the Academy.

Hmm, sorry.

Main Bridge.

So, what happened?

It was a first-contact situation.

Ghorusdan culture
is so complex and different

that the Federation sent a specialist

to prevent misunderstanding.

So that was Tam Elbrun.
What happened was his fault?

Not directly.

Board of Inquiry blamed Darson

for carelessness
about Ghorusdan cultural taboos.

But if Elbrun was so good,
why didn't he warn Darson?

What was he doing there if he couldn't
sense that much hostility?

Our destination
is the Beta Stromgren system,

following the path
of the Vega IX probe.

That's 23 parsecs beyond
our furthest manned explorations.

That is correct, commander.

Apparently the probe
has discovered--



DATA: Our orders are to proceed
to this star, Beta Stromgren.

Scientists have discovered
it is in the final stages

of an alternating cycle
of expansion and collapse

and will soon result in a supernova.

However, the unmanned long-range
space probe sent by Starfleet

to observe the process has discovered
something much more.

Oh, Data, don't waste time.

They call it Tin Man.

The Vega Probe
found it orbiting Stromgren.

Looks like some kind of ship.

Its energy source is unknown.

The people who've studied
the transmissions think it's a starship,

and they're sure it's alive.

Alive? How?

Cybernetic organism, like the Borg.

No, no, no. Here.

Starfleet believes
it's an organic creature

born in space.

Living its life in the wastes
between the stars.

No one knows where it came from
or why it's here.

But we're going to meet it,
and we're going to talk to it.

I'm gonna talk to it.

Have attempts been made--?

To communicate with it by subspace.

Of course, lingua code,
universal translation, all that.

It won't work.
Tin Man is too different.

Direct mind-to-mind contact
is our only hope.

The opportunity for discovery
is extraordinary,

but I don't understand
Starfleet's urgency.


Oh, hell, I forgot. The Romulans.

They claim that sector of space
where Beta Stromgren is located.

The Romulans claim all
that is in their field of vision.

They routinely monitor the telemetry
of our deep-space probes.

They will certainly be sending a ship of
their own to investigate this Tin Man.

No. Actually, they're sending two.

- Data.
- That is correct.

Starbase 123 has detected
two D'daridex-class cruisers

on an intercept course.

The top speed of this class cruiser
is known to be less than ours.

Therefore, we do have
some advantage.


Then it's a race.

An alien intelligence, a new life form

representing a technology far beyond
either the Romulans or ourselves.

The Romulans will certainly take
whatever measures are required

to secure this creature for study.

Study as in dissecting, I'd bet.

Mr. Data, you are our resident
honor student in exobiology.

I'm assigning you to head up
the life sciences on this mission.

- Aye, sir.
- Excellent.

Meeting adjourned, then.

So, Data, I guess you're the brains
of this outfit, huh?

Mr. Elbrun, one of the reasons
I'm asking you to work closely

with a member of my staff
is to avoid further omissions.

The possibility of an encounter
with the Romulans

on this mission is hardly trivial.

- And yet--
- All right, all right.

I should have brought up
the Romulans earlier,

but I was distracted.

And no, Billy boy,
I wasn't distracted on Ghorusda.

If Darson had listened to me,
no one would have died.


I don't care
whether you believe that or not.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Traveling at high warp,
we are still several days

from rendezvous
with the mysterious entity

which Starfleet
has christened Tin Man.

My immediate concern
is with Tam Elbrun.

Starfleet considers his unique abilities
crucial to our mission,

yet he seems to me unstable.

Well, according to his medical records
and psych profile,

he's very high on the ESP scale.

A sort of prodigy.

A prodigy? In what sense?

Well, in most Betazoids,

our telepathic gifts develop
at adolescence.

You mean you're not born
reading minds?


Except for some reason
that no one understands,

occasionally a Betazoid child
is born different.

How different?

Born with his telepathic abilities
switched on.

Most Betazoids born like that
never lead a normal life.

The noise of other people's thoughts
and feelings must be overwhelming.

especially to a child.

And painful.

Early diagnosis and special training
did help Tam adjust,

but he has some problems.

You mentioned a hospitalization.

For stress.
Repeatedly, throughout his life.

I always wonder,
what holds one person together

through that kind of struggle
while another goes under?

Yes, well, he's evidently done
more than hold together.

He's the indispensable man.

The Federation's finest specialist
in communication

with unknown life forms.

The more unusual the life form,
the better he likes it.

His personnel file shows
he's gravitated towards assignments

that isolate him
from other humanoids.


Commander Data,

I'm picking up an unusual echo
on my navigational sensors.

Something is out there, sir,

tracking us,
matching our speed and heading.

Something which does not
fully register on our instruments.

Since there is no known
natural phenomenon

capable of travel at warp velocity,
there are but two possibilities.

Either it is a sensor malfunction
or another ship is following us covertly.

It is not a sensor malfunction.


WESLEY: But, commander,
if it is a Romulan ship,

with their cloaking device,
we shouldn't pick them up at all.

Unless they're pulling
so much power

for something else
that they can't fully cloak.

Like what?

Ask the Romulans,
if it is the Romulans.

Lieutenant, continue monitoring
the precise position of the echo.

Any sudden change in its behavior,
initiate yellow alert.

Aye, sir.


Come in.

How are things in the land
of the living?

I thought you might be lonely.

- No one sees you except Data.
- Lonely?

I can hear everything that everyone
on this ship thinks.

And no one besides you seems
to be missing my charming--

You want them to dislike you. Why?

Because I'm not a nice man.

Okay, okay.

Because they scare me.

Too many minds.

I can't shut them out.
Never could learn.

All their loves, their hates,
their fears, their needs.

It's like a tide that never ebbs.

I could drown.

I remember.

You understood

at least a little how I felt.

I see you finally found a place
to fit in.


People to care about.

And you're still looking.

And then there's Ghorusda.

I have enough doubt in my reliability

without having to listen
to Riker's and Picard's.

What happened there?

I thought everyone knew.


What happened to you?

Maybe I got too involved
with the Ghorusdans,

with their point of view.

It happens to me.

I wanted everyone to get along.

I could have warned Darson
more forcefully.

So after that, you ran away?

The last I heard,

you were the only Federation delegate
assigned to Chandra V.

Oh, beautiful creatures,
the Chandrans.

Their minds are glacial.

They have a lovely three-day ritual
for saying hello.

Peaceful, untroubled people.

Unlike humanoids?

Well, except for your friend Data.

I like him.

He's restful.

I believe your impression of Data
is probably unique.



Well, having to get to know someone,
just once, has its appeal.

I mean, talking to them,

instead of getting it all at once
up here, whether I want it or not.

But you accepted this mission.

You could have stayed
on Chandra V.

You willingly came aboard a ship
with over a thousand people.

How could I not? Think of it, Dee.

This intelligence

that swims naked through space
like a fish in the sea,

totally alien. Mysterious.

Not like us at all.


And alone.

So lonely for so long.

How can you know that?


You're in contact with it.

- With Tin Man, aren't you?
- No.


Yes, a little.

But not quite on a conscious level.

We're light years away.

That's impossible, even for you.

Impossible for me.

Maybe not impossible for Tin Man.

Status report, Number One.

We've reached the outer regions
of the Beta Stromgren system,

on course for orbital intercept
of the Tin Man, ETA, 18 minutes.

- Grand.
RIKER: Not altogether.

Astrophysics reports that the rate
of the star's collapse has increased.

It could go supernova in a few days.

DATA: Captain, we are receiving
relayed sensor data

from the Vega Probe,
including visuals.




Computer, locate Tam Elbrun.

Tam Elbrun is in Turbolift 1,

en route to the Main Bridge.

Of course.


WORF: Captain, our sensors
are detecting a subspace wave front

of highly ionized particles preceding
the object which is tracking us.

Yellow alert. On-screen.

Romulan warbird closing.

They are arming main disruptors,

Go to Red Alert,
shields to maximum.

Arm photon torpedoes
and stand by, Mr. Worf.

Aye, sir.

I thought you said the Enterprise
was faster than this Romulan.

In fact, we are, commander.

Evasive, Mr. Crusher.
Hailing frequencies.

I guarantee that they don't
wanna talk to you, captain.

The Romulan has passed us.

Damage report.

Casualties reported.
Seventy percent loss to the shields.

Their attack on us was incidental,

- Incidental?
- Yes, to delay us.

Captain, it would appear
the Romulans' intent

is to contact Tin Man first
at any cost.

According to my sensor readings,

the warbird has exceeded
maximum engine output by 30 percent.

They seem to have irreparable damage
to their warp coils.

So they kept up with us
by sacrificing their ability

to reenter Romulan space.

One-way trip.

There is one more trailing us,

A day or two behind.

Data's right. This one's job is to
beat us to Tin Man at any cost.

You read all this telepathically?

In the mind
of the Romulan commander,

during the attack.

Very well, Mr. Crusher, all stop.

- Aye, sir.
- Commander La Forge.

La Forge here.

Geordi, how long
to full shield restoration?

I'm working on it.

reconfigure structural integrity power

to feed inner deflector grid.

Unable to comply.

Requested reroute

would compromise
operational safety limits.

To hell with the limits. Override.
Authorization La Forge Theta 2997.

COMPUTER: Rerouting structural
integrity power supply.

watch the lateral grid balance.

No, no, that's too much.
We'll have to do it manually.

- La Forge to Bridge.
PICARD [OVER COM]: Go ahead.

I'm trying to feed the inner grid

by stealing power
from the structural integrity field.

You should have partial shielding
in about 30 minutes.

You have ten. Picard out.


If the Romulans wish the honor
of first contact, let them have it.

You're out of your mind, Picard.

What if the Romulans find a way
to persuade Tin Man--?

I think the chance of that is remote.

And if you will be still, Mr. Elbrun,
you may learn--


That being first at any cost
is not always the point.

Mr. Data, while we await repairs,
I want Life Sciences and Engineering

to continue collecting information
on the alien.

And query the Vega IX probe,
long-range sensors.

Aye, sir.

- You do a lot of your work here?
- Yes.

I have configured these instruments
to display information

with greater speed and efficiency
than stations used by the others.


A little Spartan.


Lots of work space,
not much room to live.

I don't guess you sleep.

I have tried it from time to time,
but you are correct.

I do not require rest.

But you paint.

The creature's anatomy appears
most peculiar.

In what way?

It is indeed laid out as a vessel,

with what appear to be
chambers and corridors.

An internal environment suitable
for carbon-based life forms

is being maintained,

yet there is no evidence
of a crew aboard.

Tin Man is a living being,
which has been bred,

or has adapted itself,
to serve a purpose.

I find that interesting.


Must living beings have a purpose?

Or do we exist for no reason
but to exist?

I do not believe I am qualified
to express an opinion.

Oh, Data, you're uniquely qualified.

You think a great deal
about humanity.

And you're an honest researcher.

You don't treat anything
as trivial or irrelevant.

You wanna try it all.

You said in the transporter room
that you could not read my mind.

True enough.

But I think I understand you
pretty well.

It worries you
that I can't read your mind?

Perhaps there is nothing to read.

Nothing more than mechanisms
and algorithmic responses.

Perhaps you're just different.

It's not a sin, you know.

Though you may have heard

Captain, the Romulan ship
is hailing the alien

using their equivalent of lingua code.

- Response?
DATA: Nothing so far, commander.

Why should it answer?

What could it possibly
have in common with them?

But you're so sure it'll talk to you.

Captain, the Romulans
are arming all disruptors.

Yellow alert.
Prepare for evasive action

at the first change
in the Romulans' course.

RIKER: With shields in position, we--
- No! No!

We're not the target.

It's Tin Man.

What do you mean?

They intend to destroy it?

Those are their orders
if they can't secure the alien.

Increase speed to intercept
the Romulan vessel.

Their lead is too great, sir.

- Hail them. We cannot allow them to--
- They won't listen to you!

Danger. Gomtuu.

Do not allow.



Damage report.

Nothing available yet, sir.

We have partial failure
of the main computer.

It seems you woke your Tin Man.

We've got impulse power, but I've got
to take the warp engines off-line

while we recalibrate the regulators.

- How long?
- Everything or just warp engines?

All of it.

LA FORGE: We're looking
at 20 hours' work, double shifts.

We don't know that we have 20 hours.

That star could explode
at any moment.

I know.

Okay, first thing we need to do
is get the main computer working right.

No, we fix the shields first.

whatever Tin Man hit us with,

it fried circuits
I thought were unfryable.

I'm not worried about Tin Man,
it's more Romulans showing up.

Right. First priority,
get the shields up.

Only let's not have any more surprises
until I'm done, okay?

Don't ask me about surprises.
Ask Tam Elbrun.

Your brain activity suggests
you're coming out

of some sort of a fugue or seizure.

Your blood pressure and glucose

are indicative
of general systemic stress.

- But I'm gonna live?
- No doubt about it.


Because I want to know exactly
what you did.

I want to know how closely
you're in communication

with this alien and what you've learned
from it, and I want to know now.


I just warned it, that's all.

I've been in contact with it,
sensing impressions from it.

It calls itself Gomtuu.

It's old, captain.

It's roamed the universe
for many thousands of years.

- Where did it come from? How ma--?
- Far away.

Maybe beyond the galaxy.

Once, there were millions of them.


It hasn't seen another of its kind
for millennia.

It's alone.

It may be the last of its species.

Perhaps we can help it in some way.

Can you ask it to return with us
to Federation space?

At least persuade it to leave
the vicinity of Beta Stromgren

before the star explodes?

Captain, Gomtuu knows the star
will go nova soon.

That's why it's here.

It wants to die.

There was an expl*si*n in space.

Radiation penetrating
the outer layers.

The crew...


The crew died.

Such loss.

Empty pain, hollowness.

Tam! Stop this.

You're losing yourself
in this merging.

I know. I know.

Tin Man hurts and wants to die.

I can't do any more from out here.

If you want me to really reach Tin Man,
I have got to be in physical contact.

I have got to go aboard.

No, that is absolutely
out of the question.

You don't trust me.

No, Tam, I don't believe that I do.


when you reached out to the alien
to warn it,

did you give any thought
to this vessel?

To the danger, however inadvertent,
that creature might pose to our crew?

Or did you simply react
out of instinct?

- Captain--
- Deanna.

He's right.

I don't know.
I don't know what might happen.

But if you don't let me go,
we fail our mission.

Besides, at this point,
you need all the help you can get.

Even Tin Man's.

reactivate the sensor assemblies.

Okay, let's do a program reload,
port array only.

Good. That's good.

run a level-two diagnostic.

Port sensor array remains off-line.


Riker to La Forge. How's it coming?

Not good. I think
all the control processors are shot.

But maybe if I swap the chips
from the secondary array,

I can give you a minimum EM scan.

Do it.

Okay, Russell, we're gonna try starting
retro sensor element 32 only.

You in?



The good news is
we have partial long-range sensors.

- La Forge to Bridge.
RIKER: Riker here.

I'm picking up another echo
on the long-range sensor display.

- You reading that on your panel?
- Worf?

One moment, commander.


Sir, the other Romulan ship,
on an intercept course.

Are we gonna have
those shields any time soon?

I'm doing the best I can.

But shields won't help
if that star explodes.

Data, you seem to have developed
an affinity with Elbrun.

Troi, you've known him for years.

How far can he be trusted?

Captain, the issue isn't one of trust
in Tam's intentions

but in his judgment.

I would trust him to do
what he believes is right.

Yes, of course.

- But his judgment--
TROI: Is precarious.

The stress of exposure
to so many minds

on the ship is bad enough.

Now he's strongly drawn
to this creature.

I'm afraid for him.

Afraid of what?

I sense that the alien
is somehow calling him.

If we allow him to do as he insists,
to beam over,

I believe that we will lose him to it.

That he will lose himself.

Captain, I agree that Tam's motives
are trustworthy.

And I do not believe it is possible
that he will act against us

or will cause Tin Man to act
against us out of malice.

Captain, if Tam breaks down
over there,

we'll be no closer
to accomplishing our mission.

It would be a grave mistake.

Thank you both.


I am puzzled, sir.

We have come this far.

Are you not going to allow Tam
to fulfill his mission?

Tam Elbrun warned Tin Man.

The first thing it did
was to destroy a space vessel.

I believe I understand, sir.

If you feel the risk is too great
to send Tam Elbrun alone,

then send me with him.

Counselor Troi
understands him better.

But he is more comfortable
with me, sir.

It is humanity he is fleeing.

Sir, I could serve as an intermediary,
a bridge back,

a reminder of his obligation
both to us and to Tin Man.

Captain, the Romulan
has uncloaked.

- Status, Number One?
- Shields are at 40 percent.

We can maneuver on impulse, sir.

Phasers available on manual, sir.
Computer target lock not functioning.

Well, let's hope
they're in a mood to talk.

- Hailing frequency.
- Open.

Romulan vessel,

this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the USS Enterprise.

Enterprise, your presence here
is a violation of Romulan space.

You will leave immediately.

We are not familiar with the terms
of your claim on this sector.

We are here engaged
in scientific research.

Do you wish to participate?

We have monitored the destruction
of our sister ship by the star creature.

We claim right of vengeance.

We will destroy the alien.

If you interfere,
we will destroy you as well.

Captain's log, supplemental.

A confrontation
between the Romulan warbird

and Tin Man is imminent.

I have no alternative

but to rely on the telepathic abilities
of Tam Elbrun.

- Picard to Tam Elbrun.
TAM [OVER COM]: Captain?

Report to Transporter Room 6

Captain, I don't--

Commander Data
will meet you there.

Yes, captain.

we no longer have a choice.


No, no, too much.

- Too much.
- Tam?

I can't.

Data to Enterprise.
Enterprise, come in.

No, no, don't.

If it is harming you, we must return.

Enterprise, respond.

No, it's all right.
It's all right now, it's all right.

Gomtuu is trying to communicate
a lifetime of experiences to me

in a few seconds.

But I'm all right now.


- O'Brien to Bridge.
PICARD [OVER COM]: Go ahead.

I've lost the transporter lock
on them.

Some kind of force field went up.

The alien has thrown up a shield.

It is blocking all our sensors.



the Romulans' weapons systems
are now at full power.

Follow them in, Mr. Crusher.

Red alert.
Mr. Worf, arm photon torpedoes.

Aye, sir.



There is a large chamber
20 meters ahead.

I know.

I know everything now.

Come on.


This is the control center,

where Gomtuu's crew
guided their journeys.

The ship and the crew
existed symbiotically.

They needed one another.

When Gomtuu had no one left
to care for,

it no longer had a reason to exist.

Is that the purpose of existence?

To care for someone?

It is for me.

Deanna was right.

I'll lose myself here.


I must remind you that our objective
is to bring Tin Man out of danger

and report our findings to Starfleet.

I'm not going back, Data.

I'm staying here.


Sir, the Romulans are hailing us.

Captain Picard, if you interfere
with us, we will fire upon you as well.

Commander, we are prepared
to defend the life of the alien.

Screen off, shields up.

Power levels aboard the alien
are increasing, sir.

Captain, the diameter of the star
has been decreased

by 100,000 kilometers.

It's beginning.

Explain to them.
Make them understand.

- But our mission--
- Is to save Tin Man, and I will.

But he's going to save me as well.

All my life, I've waited for this.

A chance to find peace.

Finally, all the voices are silent.

Only Tin Man speaks to me now.

Don't you see, Data?

This is where I belong.

That star's gonna go any minute, sir.

The Romulans know that
as well as we do.

The power levels aboard Tin Man

are increasing
beyond our sensor range.

Conn, report.

Dead stop, captain.

Sir, we've been thrown clear
of Beta Stromgren.

A distance of 3.8 billion kilometers.

There is no sign of Tin Man
or the Romulans, sir.


Captain, on-screen.




Data, what happened over there?

Difficult to explain, sir.


I believe he found
what he was looking for, counselor.

Captain's log, supplemental.

With all main systems
at least temporarily restored,

we are proceeding to Starbase 152
for inspection and additional repairs.

We've had no further encounter
with the Romulans.

As for the whereabouts
of Tin Man and Tam Elbrun,

we can only speculate.

You sent for me?

Yes, counselor.

It was Tam's final request that I explain
his decision to the crew.

But I believe it was his hope
that you would understand.

What did happen?

I witnessed something remarkable.

Individually, they were both so...




But no longer.

Through joining,

they have been healed.

Grief has been transmuted to joy,

loneliness to belonging.


you do understand.

Yes, counselor.

When Tin Man returned me
to the Enterprise,

I realized this is where I belong.
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