03x15 - Yesterday's Enterprise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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03x15 - Yesterday's Enterprise

Post by bunniefuu »


All right, try this.

- What is it?
- Just try it.

You see?
It's an Earth drink, prune juice.

Warrior's drink.

You know, you always drink alone.

It wouldn't hurt you
to seek out a little...


I would require a Klingon woman
for companionship.

- Earth females are too fragile.
- Not all of them.

There are a few on this ship
that would find you...tame.


- Impossible.
- You never know till you try.

Then I will never know.


I was merely concerned
for the...

...safety of my crewmates.

Drink your prune juice.

Lieutenant Worf, report to the Bridge.

On my way.



Analysis, Mr. Data.


Sensors are reading
gravimetric fluctuations, captain.

- Most unusual ones.
- Unusual in what way? Specify.

Nothing I've seen before.


- Is it a wormhole?
DATA: Yes and no.

Like a time displacement.

But it does not have
a discernible event horizon.

Sir, navigational subsystems

are unable to give coordinates
on the object.

Confirmed. The phenomenon
does not have

a definable center or outer edge.

Are you saying it is,
and yet it isn't there?

I do not have sufficient information

to make an analysis as yet,

- Dynamics of the radiation pattern--
WORF: Captain.


Something's happening.

A new change in sensor readings.

- Mr. Data?
DATA: Scanning sensors.

Lieutenant, what are
their sensor readings?

Is that an enemy vessel?


I'm getting
too much interference, captain.

Now hear this:

Fleet-formation briefing
in main w*r Room at 1500 hours.


Dr. Joshua Kemp,
report to station Ops.

Ensign Thomas, please report
to Combat Information Center.

Ensign Thomas to CIC.

This isn't right.

It's changed.

It's clearing now, captain.

Definitely Federation starship.
Accessing registry.

Looks like they had a rough ride.


USS Enterprise.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Military log, combat date 43625. 2.

While investigating
an unusual radiation anomaly,

the Enterprise has encountered
what could almost be called

a ghost from its own past.

The Enterprise-C, the immediate
predecessor to this battleship.

Sensors confirm design
and specifications, captain.

Analysis of hull
and engine materials

conform to engineering patterns
and methods of that time period.

But that cruiser was destroyed
with all hands over 20 years ago.

Presumed destroyed.
The Enterprise-C was last seen

near the Klingon outpost
Narendra Ill.

Exactly 22 years, three months,
and four days ago.

And now they're here.

Has it been adrift for all those years?
Or has it traveled through time?

It is a possibility, captain.

If that hypothesis is correct,

the phenomenon
we have just encountered

would be a temporal rift in space.

A rift?

DATA: Possibly the formation of a Kerr
loop from superstring material.

It would require high-energy interaction
in the vicinity

for such a structure to be formed.

The rift is certainly not stable, captain.
It could collapse at any time.

TASHA: Captain, I'm able to scan
the interior of the ship now, sir.


Heavy damage to warp-field nacelles
and hull-bearing struts.

Internal space frame, it--
Lifesigns, captain.


Readings are sporadic.

It looks like they have massive
casualties, but some are still alive.

Bridge to Sickbay,
emergency teams.

- Stand by, transporter rooms.
CRUSHER: Understood.

Belay that order, doctor.

Respectfully, if I may suggest,

regardless of where
they came from,

they are here now
and they need our help.

Commander, if that ship
has traveled into the future,

we could be dealing with variables
that will alter the flow of our history.


The Enterprise-C is sending out
a distress call, sir. Audio only.


GARRETT: This is Captain Garrett
of the starship Enterprise.

To any Federation ship:

We have been att*cked
by Romulan warships

and require immediate assistance.

We've lost warp drive.
Life support is failing.

There's no record of the Romulans
ever assaulting the Enterprise-C.

Voice message has ended, captain.

I'm only receiving
their automated distress signal now.

Open a hailing frequency.

This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the Federation...

Of a Federation starship.

Stand by to receive
emergency teams.

Commander, we will handle this
one step at a time.

Stabilize their power systems,
attend to their injured,

and avoid all discussions
of where and when they are.

Aye, sir. Lieutenant.


Captain, message coming in
from Starfleet monitor stations.

Klingon battle cruisers
headed toward this sector.

Battle alert, Mr. Crusher.
Condition yellow.

Aye, sir.



- Captain Garrett?
- Yes.

I'm Commander William Riker.

Our emergency teams
are onboard your ship.


The rest of the Bridge crew is dead.

She has a bad fracture
and serious internal injuries.

I'm gonna have to get her back
to the Enterprise.

- To where?
- We'll explain that later.

- You'll explain now, commander.
- We're from a Federation starship.

We answered your distress call.

Your ship is in good hands,
but we need to get you to our Sickbay.

Very well.


Crusher to Transporter Room,
two to beam directly to Sickbay.

Stand by for transport.



It's pretty bad, commander.

Looks like they were
in a hell of a fight.

If you can't stabilize
the life support,

we're going to have to
evacuate the ship.

I think I can do it. I'll have to get
to Engineering, though.

La Forge to
Damage Control Team Alpha,

meet me on Engineering Level 3.




Thanks. Aah.


Commander William Riker.

Lieutenant Castillo, helmsman.

Away Team reporting in, captain.



Go ahead, commander.

We've stabilized life support.

Mr. La Forge is working on
restoring the main power couplings,

but that'll take time.

It's a real mess down here, sir.

- Survivors?
- One hundred twenty-five.

- Recommendations?
- I'd hate to have to scrap her.

Starfleet could certainly use
another ship.

- Even if she is old.
PICARD: Agreed.

But we can't stay
in this area too long.

You have nine hours.

If you can get her under way by then,
we'll escort her to Starbase 105.

If not, we'll evacuate the survivors
and destroy the ship.

- Understood, sir.
- Keep me posted. Picard out.



We need to talk.

Somehow, this...

This is all wrong.

This is not the way
it's supposed to be.

But you must have some idea
of how things have changed.

I look at things, I look at people,

and they just don't feel right.

What things? What people?

- You, your uniform, the Bridge.
- What's the matter with the Bridge?

It's not right.

It's the same Bridge.
Nothing has changed.

I know that.

I also know it's wrong.


- What else?
- Families.

- There should be children on this ship.
- What? Children on the Enterprise?

- Guinan, we're at w*r.
- No, we're not.

At least, we're not supposed to be.

This is not a ship of w*r.

This is a ship of peace.

- What you are suggesting--
- I'm not suggesting.

That ship from the past
is not supposed to be here.

It's got to go back.

Get a radiation...


Run a full electrolyte report.



Boost the level of tricordrazine.

Try to relax.

WOMAN [OVER P.A.]: Dr. Salar,
report to Null-G Ward, stat.

Dr. Salar, report
to Null-G Ward, stat.

I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Rachel Garrett. How's my ship?

The support systems
are being restored.

We're continuing repairs.

Where did you come from?

We weren't picking up any other
Federation ships in this sector.

What's the last thing
you remember?

We were answering
the distress signal.

- Distress signal?
- You must have heard it.

From the Klingon outpost,
Narendra Ill.

But you didn't, did you?

This Sickbay, I've never seen
anything like it, even on a starbase.

And your uniform...

What ship is this, captain?

Please try to be still.

I must insist, what ship?


You're aboard the Enterprise,
captain, 1701-D.


You have come
22 years into the future.

Twenty-two years?

- Does my crew know yet?
- No.

I must tell them. I owe them that.

If you wish, I can see
that they're informed.

Is there some reason
they should not be told?

I am concerned that if you return
to your own time

with knowledge of the future--

Return to the battle?
We barely escaped with our lives.

If we returned, we'd be destroyed.

Have you any idea
how this happened?

There were...

It was a fierce volley
of photon torpedoes.

We were hit.

A bright light, and then here.

It is possible that
this exchange of fire

was the catalyst
for the formation of a temporal rift.

History has no record
of your battle with the Romulans.

We were responding
to a distress call

from the Klingon outpost
on Narendra lll.

The Romulans were attacking it.
We engaged them.

But there were four warbirds.

The Narendra lll outpost
was destroyed.

It is regrettable
that you did not succeed.

A Federation starship
rescuing a Klingon outpost...

...might have averted
20 years of w*r.

I still can't quite make myself
believe it.

Twenty-two years.

I'm reading 40 percent
on forward shields.

What do you have on aft?

- Forty percent.
- That won't cut it.

advise Lieutenant La Forge

- that shields are below minimum.
- Acknowledged.


We'll never see our homes again,
our families.

How do you know
your family's not still alive?

You're right, I don't.

But imagine coming home
after 22 years.

Would I even recognize them?

What are the stats
on the main phaser banks?

Emitters available.
Sixty percent forward, 52 percent aft.

Good, let's take a look
at the torpedo launchers.

- I guess I'm lucky to be alive at all.
- You may not like the future.

It's been a long w*r.

The Federation has lost

more than half of Starfleet
to the Klingons.

We were negotiating
a peace treaty when I left.

A lot of changes, lieutenant.
A lot of changes.

When we get a break,
maybe you could

fill me in on some of them.


Photon banks are depleted.

Auxiliary fusion generators
are down.

There is a high degree
of probability

that the temporal rift
is symmetrical, captain.

PICARD: Then what would happen
if the Enterprise-C

were to fly back through it?

Back, sir?

The Enterprise-C
would emerge in her own time,

at almost the same instant she left.

Right in the middle of the battle
with the Romulans.

Yes, sir.

Is there any possibility
she could survive?

None, sir.

Then sending them back
would be a death sentence.

Lieutenant Barrett--

She was the first Galaxy-class warship
built by the Federation.

- Lieutenant Barrett--
- Forty-two decks.

Capable of transporting
over 6,000 troops.

- How long have you been onboard?
- Four years.

Straight out of the Academy.

- I was lucky to get the Enterprise.
- Yeah, me too. I mean, my Enterprise.

MAN: We're gonna have to alternate
the navigation.

Triage Team 2 to Main Shuttle Bay.

Triage Team 2...


Lieutenant, how's the ship?

We've restored minimal shields
and the forward phaser banks.

Still no photon launchers
or warp drive.

Concentrate on
the weapons system.

From what Captain Picard told me,

the Federation can use
all the help it can get.

And soon.
Our sensors have picked up

Klingon warships in this sector,

- Why wasn't I informed, Mr. Castillo?
- Captain, you shouldn't--

As senior officer, I want you to be
my liaison to the Enterprise-D.

- Coordinate with Tactical.
TASHA: That's me, captain.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm resuming my duties, doctor.

Captain, you need at least
another 24 hours.

Nonsense. Doctors always
overprotect their patients.

And captains always
push themselves too hard.

Doctor, my ship and my crew
need me now.

Twenty-four hours
might as well be 24 years.


- I need more.
- There is no more.

I wish there were.

I wish I could prove it, but I can't.

Then I can't ask them to go back.

You've got to.

Guinan, they will die
moments after they return.

How can I ask them
to sacrifice themselves

based solely on your intuition?

I don't know.

But I do know that this is a mistake.

Every fiber in my being says,
"This is a mistake."

I can't explain it to myself,
so I can't explain it to you.

I only know that I'm right.

Who is to say that this history
is any less proper than the other?

- I suppose I am.
- Not good enough, damn it!

Not good enough!

I will not ask them to die.

Forty billion people
have already died.

This w*r's not supposed
to be happening.

You've got to send those people back
to correct this.

And what is to guarantee
that if they go back they will succeed?

Every instinct is telling me
this is wrong.

It is dangerous, it is futile!

We've known each other
a long time.

You have never known me
to impose myself on anyone,

or take a stance based on
trivial or whimsical perceptions.

This time line
must not be allowed to continue.

Now, I've told you what you must do.

You have only your trust in me
to help you decide to do it.


I mean, deflector-shield technology

has advanced considerably
during the w*r.

Our heat-dissipation rates are probably
double those of the Enterprise-C,

which means we can hang
in a firefight a lot longer.


- Have you ordered yet, Tasha?
- No, not yet.

- Is anything wrong?
- Not a thing.

What can I get for you?

Just a couple of TKLs.
We're in a hurry.

Oh, this is Lieutenant Castillo.



- First time for everything.
- First time?

It's just that I've never seen anything
bother her before.

What's a TKL?

Standard rations.

Food replicators
are on minimum power.

So everything else is diverted
to the defensive systems.

So where was 1?

You've told me more
about Tactical in an hour

than I learned
in my last year at the Academy.

You're gonna need it, lieutenant.

Hey, I've known you
a whole day now, lieutenant.

I won't salute if you won't.

- What did she call you? Tasha?
- Yeah.

Most everyone calls me Castillo.
My mother calls me Richard.

Okay, Castillo.


No, I think maybe I'd like it better
if you called me Richard.


This is the captain.

Senior officers will report
to my Ready Room immediately.

So much for lunch.


Captain, are you suggesting
that we let them return

and attempt to complete
their mission?

I am, doctor.

- Based on Guinan's intuition?
- That won't accomplish anything, sir.

There's no way they can save
Narendra Ill.

Captain Garrett said
there were four Romulan warbirds.

The Enterprise-C would be
outmanned and outgunned.

Unless we were to rearm them
with modern--

We can't do that.
If we send that ship back

with new technology,
we'll be altering the past.

But that's what you're talking about
anyway, isn't it, altering the past?

We're talking about
restoring the past.

How could Guinan know
history's been altered,

if she's been altered
along with the rest of us?

Perhaps her species has a perception
that goes beyond linear time.

PICARD: There are many things about
her species we can't easily explain.

Yet it is very possible
that she is correct.

The ship from the past
has traveled through time.

How can we know what effect
those events will have on the present?

Indeed, we shall never know
for certain if Guinan is correct.

But I have decided
the consequences

of that possibility
are too grave to ignore.

- Dismissed.
RIKER: Sir? If you'd like my opinion...

I think I'm aware of your opinion,

This is a briefing.
I'm not seeking your consent.

With all due respect, sir,
you'd be asking 125 people

to die a meaningless death.

DATA: Not necessarily meaningless,

The Klingons regard honor
above all else.

If the crew of the Enterprise-C

had died fighting for the survival
of a Klingon outpost,

it would be considered
a meaningful act of honor

by the Klingon empire.

Even their deaths
could have prevented this w*r.

If the Enterprise-C
returns to the battle

and its mission is a success,

history will be irrevocably changed.

This time line will cease to exist,

and a new future
will have been created.

I've considered the alternatives.

I'll go with Guinan's


If she's right, we may not even be
in an alternate time line.

Who knows if we're even
dead or alive?



Is Engineering
your destination as well?

What? Oh, Deck 6.


If I interpret
your facial expressions correctly,

you are preoccupied
with something unpleasant.

No, I was just thinking
about a lot of things.


I've been working
with one of the officers

on the Enterprise-C.
He's nice. I like him.

I'm worried about
what's going to happen to him.

We may never know what happens.

If they succeed,
we will not even realize

that these events occurred.


Shields are up to 72 percent.

- That's better.
- Good.

Do you believe this Guinan?

I discovered long ago
that she has a special wisdom.

I've learned to trust it.

I could arrange for you
to speak with her if you wish.

Captain, I would be lying to you
if I told you

there was a chance in hell
of coming out of this alive.

Why doesn't your ship
come back with us?

The Romulans would be no match
for your weaponry.

I can't do that.

No, I suppose not.

You don't belong in our time
any more than we belong in yours.

To be honest with you, Picard,

a significant number
of my crew members

have expressed a desire to return,
even knowing the odds.

Some because they can't bear to live
without their loved ones.

Some because they don't like the idea
of slipping out in the middle of a fight.

But I have told them
that in the here and now,

the Federation needs another ship
against the Klingons.

And we'd better get used to being
in the here and now.

But if you go back,
it could be a great deal more helpful.


The w*r is going very badly
for the Federation.

Far worse than is generally known.

Starfleet Command believes
that defeat is inevitable.

Within six months, we may have
no choice but to surrender.

And you're saying that all this
may be a result of our arrival here?

One more ship will make no difference
in the here and now.

But 22 years ago,

one ship could have
stopped this w*r before it started.

Mr. Castillo.

Yes, captain?

- Inform the crew we're going back.
- Yes, captain.

The Romulans will get a good fight.

We'll make it one
for the history books.

I know you will, captain.

Lieutenant Yar?

- Permission to remain a moment, sir.
PICARD: Granted.

Transporter Room, Captain Picard

is ready to return to his ship.

Aye, captain.

I just wanted to say good luck.

I'll try to put
some of your tactical briefing

to good use when we get back.

Your ship has much more

than the Romulan counterparts
of that era.

Actually, if you could just isolate...

You'll do fine.


If you get back to Earth,
and you see a man

say, in his late 50s,
taking a hard, long look

across a crowded room...

Hey, you never know.

Goodbye, lieutenant.


Red alert. Full power to shields.


- Shields are up, functioning.
- Initiating evasive maneuvers,

gamma sequence.

Ready phasers.

has your captain returned safely?

RIKER: Acknowledged.
Captain Picard is safely aboard.

- Fire phasers.
DATA: Firing phasers.



One Klingon bird-of-prey
off the starboard bow.

Firing phasers.

Load torpedo bays.




The Klingon vessel has recloaked, sir.
I have no readings.

Captain Garrett, damage report.


PICARD: Captain Garrett?
- This is Lieutenant Yair, sir.

Captain Garrett is dead.

I'm prepared to lead the Enterprise
back myself, Captain Picard.

Sir, Lieutenant Castillo
is the last surviving senior officer.

He will have limited support
from Ops,

no Tactical,
reduced staff in Engineering--

I have good people
willing to do their best.

Certainly, history
never meant for this ship

to go into battle
without her captain.

I can't speak to that point, sir.

But I can get us back
to where we're supposed to be.

I believe that's what Captain Garrett
would want me to do.

Commander Data to Captain Picard.

Go ahead.

Sir, sensors are showing
additional instability in the time rift.

Possibly the result
of the battle with the Klingons.

- Any signs of other Klingon vessels?
- No, sir.

Our coordinates have been transmitted
to the Klingon Command, sir.

We mustn't remain here.

Sir, it is my intention to return.

Unless you order me not to.

How soon can your ship be ready?

We sustained moderate damage
in the attack.

I think we can get under way
in a few hours.

Make it so. We'll give you cover.



One to beam to the Enterprise-C.

We keep saying goodbye, don't we?


- I wish we had more time.
- More time.

I think we have all the time
we can handle as it is.





Can I get you something, Tasha?

Guinan, I have to know something.

What happens to me
in the other time line?

I don't have alternative biographies
of the crew.

As I said to the captain,

it's just a feeling.

But there's something more
when you look at me, isn't there?

I can see it in your eyes, Guinan.

We've known each other too long.

Weren't meant
to know each other at all.

At least, that's what I sense
when I look at you.

Tasha, you're not
supposed to be here.

Where am I supposed to be?


Do you know how?


But I do know
it was an empty death.

A death without purpose.



Yes, lieutenant?

Captain, I request a transfer
to the Enterprise-C.

- For what reason?
- They need someone at Tactical.

We need you here.

I'm not supposed to be here, sir.

Sit down, lieutenant.

What did she say to you?

I don't belong here, sir.

I'm supposed to be dead.

She felt it necessary
to reveal that to you?

I felt it was necessary.

I see.


You realize that it is very possible
the Enterprise-C will fail.

We will continue in this time line.

In which case,

your life, hopefully,
will continue for a long while.

I know how important it is
that they don't fail, captain.

That's why I'm requesting
this transfer.

You don't belong
on that ship, lieutenant.

No. Captain Garrett belongs
on that ship, but she's dead.

And I think there's a certain logic
in this request.

There's no logic in this at all,

whether they succeed or not.

The Enterprise-C will be destroyed.

But, captain, at least
with someone at Tactical,

they will have a chance
to defend themselves well.

It may be a matter
of seconds or minutes,

but those could be the minutes
that change history.

Guinan says I died a senseless death
in the other time line.

I didn't like
the sound of that, captain.

I've always known the risks
that come with a Starfleet uniform.

If I'm to die in one...

...I'd like my death
to count for something.


Permission granted.

Thank you, sir.


I'm showing phaser banks
up to 70 percent efficiency.

We've got an hour left.
Let's see if we can get them up to 90.

Aye, sir.

Parker, you've got Ops.
Fredericks, take the Conn.

I'll handle Tactical.

Lieutenant Tasha Yar
reporting for duty, sir.

- You're not part of my crew.
- I am now.

Captain Picard approved
my request for transfer.

This isn't a joke, Tasha.

We're going back into the rift,
into battle.

- We're not coming back.
- I know the mission.

These are my orders, lieutenant.

- But I don't want you here.
- You need me here.

Show me someone on your crew
who can do the job better than I can.


Welcome aboard.

- Take your station, lieutenant.
- Aye, sir.


Military log, supplemental.

Lieutenant Tasha Yar
has transferred to the Enterprise-C,

where she has taken over
tactical duties.

our long-range scanners

have picked up Klingon battle cruisers
on an intercept course.

Number and type of ships,
Mr. Crusher.

Three K'Vort-class
battle cruisers, sir.

They're not even troubling
to cloak themselves.

They shouldn't be so confident

after the pasting we gave them
on Archer IV.


Attention, all hands.

As you know, we could outrun
the Klingon vessels.

But we must protect the Enterprise-C
until she enters the temporal rift.

And we must succeed.

Let's make sure history
never forgets the name...


Picard out.


PICARD: Mr. Data?
- Shields are holding, sir.

Hold fire.

Mr. Crusher, come about
to course 148003.

- Aye, sir.
- Photon torpedoes ready.

Dispersal Pattern Sierra.

And fire.

One enemy target hit, sir.

Moderate damage
to their forward shields.


Our shields are still holding.
Minor damage to secondary hull.


Course 148.

Correction: Course 170 mark 014.

Sir, one of the ships is breaking off
and going towards the Enterprise-C.

Mr. Crusher, keep us within
200 kilometers of the Enterprise-C.

Coming to 217 mark 115.
Increasing to two-thirds impulse.


Damage control teams, Deck 14.

Engineering to Bridge.
Starboard power coupling is down.

Containment Field Generator 3
is damaged.

Attempting to bypass.


- If we lose antimatter containment--
- Acknowledged, La Forge.

Sir, the Klingons are flanking us,

attempting to draw us away
from the Enterprise-C.

Hold course, Mr. Crusher.
Continual fire, all phasers.

One enemy target destroyed, sir.




Damage report.

Heavy casualty
in the secondary hull.

Navigational sensor array


Antimatter containment fields
are failing.

If I can't stabilize them, I'll have to
dump the reactor core or she'll blow.


Shields buckling, captain.
They will not--


La Forge to Bridge.

I can't hold
the antimatter containment field.

Initiating emergency shutdown.




Coolant leak.

Bridge, we've got a coolant leak
in the engine core.

I can't shut it down. I estimate
two minutes to a warp core breach.


LA FORGE: Go. Come on, get out.
Go! Go! Go!


How long before the Enterprise-C
enters the rift?

Fifty-two seconds, sir.

All remaining power
to the defense systems.

Power couplings
severed in forward phaser banks.

Attempting to bypass.


Controls not responding.



Federation ship Enterprise,

surrender and prepare
to be boarded.

That will be the day.



- Report, lieutenant.
- Readings fluctuated momentarily.

It appeared to be a ship,
but then it vanished.

The phenomenon is closing in
on itself, captain.

Very well. Prepare
a class-1 sensor probe.

We'll leave it behind
to monitor the final closure.

Mr. Crusher,
lay in a course for Archer IV.

Captain, this is Guinan.

Is everything all right up there?


Yes, everything's fine.

Is something wrong?



No, everything's fine.
Sorry to bother you.

Geordi, tell me about...

...Tasha Yar.
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