03x04 - Who Watches The Watchers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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03x04 - Who Watches The Watchers

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 43173.5.

We're en route to Mintaka lll,

where a three-man Federation
anthropological field team

has been studying the inhabitants.

Our mission is to resupply the outpost
and repair their malfunctioning reactor.

Mr. La Forge, report.

Well, we've finished replicating
the parts they'll need,

but what I don't understand is why a
three-man station would need a reactor

capable of producing 4.2 gigawatts.

Enough to power a small phaser bank,
or a subspace relay station, or...?

Or a hologram generator.

Oh, a duck blind.

Right, they're anthropologists.

Who are studying

an extended family
of Mintakans at close range

from a camouflaged observation post.

According to Dr. Barron's
preliminary reports,

the Mintakans are proto-Vulcan
humanoids at the Bronze Age level.

Quite peaceful and highly rational.

Which is not surprising,

considering how closely
their evolution parallels Vulcan.

Captain, incoming transmission
from Mintaka Ill.

Thank you, lieutenant. On-screen.

Barron to Enterprise.
Our temporary repairs have failed.

The reactor is now inoperative.

Do you have battery backup?

Three hours at best.

Captain, if we increase to warp 7,
we can be there in 23 minutes.

Make it so.

We're on our way.






We've lost contact, sir.

Increase to warp 9.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Framework's still charged, so watch it.

Why did we have to come so early?

When the sun reaches its zenith,

I have to be ready
to take the measurements.

You'll be ready. You've read
the sundial hundreds of times.

Yes, Father, but never
as the appointed record keeper.

You're taking your duties
quite seriously.

Your mother would have been
very proud of you.

What is that?

Up there, Father. What is it?

I don't know.


Keep work-- Palmer?

It's all right. It's all right.

The holographic generator
is now functioning, sir.

- All we need now is power.
- Almost there.

You wait here, Oji.

Enterprise, beam Martinez
and his patient directly to Sickbay.






RIKER: Doctor, be careful.
CRUSHER: I've got to get down there.



Crusher to Enterprise.
Medical emergency.

Two to beam directly to Sickbay.

Aye, doctor.

That should do it.


MAN 1:
I need you over here immediately.

You increased the levels
of tricordrazine?


Let me see his chart, please.

MAN 2: Yes, doctor.
CRUSHER: Is Barron stabilized?

MAN 2:
His vital signs are fluctuating.

CRUSHER: He seems to be fine,
but his pulse is still weak.

Keep your eye on this.


- When was the last injection?
MAN 2: About six minutes ago.

Dr. Crusher.

Before you start quoting me
the Prime Directive,

he'd already seen us,
the damage was done.

It was either bring him aboard
or let him die.

Then why didn't you let him die?

Because we were responsible
for his injuries.

I'm not sure that I concur
with that reasoning, doctor.

But now that he's here,

you must remove all memory
of his encounter with the away team.

By erasing short-term recall.

It has been accomplished before.

I am familiar
with Dr. Pulaski's technique.

But I can't guarantee it'll be effective
on Mintakan brain chemistry.

Their lie-zone levels are much lower.

Wait. No, no, we must evacuate.

CRUSHER: Dr. Barron,
you're on the Enterprise. You're safe.

The others?

Dr. Warren is here.

- We're doing all we can.
BARRON: And Palmer?

- Where is Palmer?
PICARD: He's still on Mintaka III.

Picard, you have to find him.

PICARD: We will.
BARRON: He may be hurt.

Rest assured,
we shall not leave until he is located.

Thank you, Picard.



Picard to Bridge. Report.

WORF [OVER COM]: Scans of
the planet detect no humans, captain.

Very well. Put us in a close orbit.

WORF: Sir, a close orbit
will increase sensor efficiency

by only 4 percent.

- I want that 4 percent, lieutenant.
WORF: Aye, sir.

Picard out.




Well, doctor, your next task is clear.









- I thought I'd never see you again.
LIKO: Qiji.

When you and the woman vanished,
I was sure you were dead.

I think I was.

But I was brought back to life.


I awoke in an incredible place.

And my wounds were gone.

I had been healed.

How is that possible?

Long ago,

our people believed
in beings with great powers.

And those beings made
the rains come,

they told the sun when to rise,

they caused all life to be born,
to grow, to die.

But those are just tales, Father,
old superstitions.

But perhaps the beliefs
of our ancestors are true.

Nothing else can explain
what's happened.

Everything is changed now, Oiji.

We must tell the others.

Barron is stable,
but Warren is still critical.

Palmer is missing.

Scan of the planet shows Mintakan
life-forms only, no humans. However...

The area around the duck blind
exhibits karst topography.

Sinkholes, underground rivers
and caverns.

And the rock strata contains a high
concentration of thallium compound,

which may be obstructing
our sensor beams.

So if Palmer, in his delirium,
fled into a cave,

we may be unable to detect
his life signs.

Correct, sir.

Captain, if he is still alive,
he needs medical attention.

We must send an away team
to locate him.

But our presence must not interfere

with the cultural development
of the Mintakans.


Further contamination
must be prevented.

I have a suggestion.

First officer's log, stardate 43174.2.

Counselor Troi and I
are beaming down to Mintaka Ill

to locate Dr. Palmer,

and to determine the extent
of the cultural contamination.

Dr. Crusher has temporarily altered
our features and skin color.

She's also implanted
subcutaneous communicators,

So that any transmissions we receive
will be inaudible to the Mintakans.

Riker to Enterprise,
do you hear me?

Perfectly, commander.

I will be monitoring you

Mintakan emotions
are quite interesting.

Like the Vulcans,
they have highly ordered minds.

A very sensible people.

For example, Mintakan women
precede their mates.

It's a signal to other women.

"This man's taken, get your own"?

Not precisely.

More like, "If you want his services,
I'm the one you have to negotiate with."

- What kind of services?
- All kinds.

They are a sensible race.


I understand your skepticism.

If it hadn't happened to me,
I would find it difficult to accept as well.

But it did happen, just as we've said.

LIKO: Fento, you know the legends
better than anyone.

Do they not speak of beings
like the kind I've seen?

Who could vanish like smoke?

There are the stories of the Overseer

who could appear
and disappear at will.

And couldn't this Overseer
heal the dead?

FENTO: He had supreme power,
or so our ancestors believed.

I believe I have seen the Overseer.

- He is called the Picard.
RIKER: Uh-oh.

- His memory's intact.
- The procedure didn't work.

Liko, all this talk
of supernatural beings,

no one has believed that
for countless generations.

Just as we no longer believe
that the stars control our fates,

or the spirits of the dead
haunt the living.


Nuria, I'm not saying
that all the old beliefs are true,

but I did see the Picard,

and I was restored back to life.

We are visitors.

We've come to trade our cloth.

- May we speak?
NURIA: Please do.

We welcome outsiders.

I am Nuria.

I am Troi and this is Riker.

You had a very interesting dream.


It was real.

My father and I both witnessed
these beings.

Ah, if you are father and daughter,

you may well have shared
the same dream.

That is not reasonable.

Is that any less reasonable
than being magically transformed

to another place by the Picard?



It has to be Palmer.
The one the Picard wished to find.

You were speaking the truth.

The Picard will be pleased.


Riker to Picard.

Go ahead, Number One.

We have a problem.

With the contamination?

It's worse than we suspected.

The Mintakans are beginning
to believe in a god.

And the one they've chosen

is you.

Picard, you must beam Palmer
aboard immediately.

Without medical attention--

It's not as simple as that.
He is surrounded by Mintakans.

If he should dematerialize
before their eyes--

It will slightly increase the cultural
contamination which already exists.

A small price for saving Palmer's life.

Number One,
is there any chance of freeing Palmer

and transporting up unseen?

- We can try.
PICARD: Try hard.

- Picard out.
- Picard, I must protest.

You're endangering Palmer
with this delay.

I am aware of that.

But each of us, including Dr. Palmer,

took an oath that we would uphold
the Prime Directive.

If necessary, with our lives.

HALI: Rako and I were hunting
on the third ridge.

We followed a horn buck into a cave.
The stranger was there, asleep.

This Palmer is one
of the Overseer's servants?

Yes. The Picard has many servants.

- Isn't that true, Fento?
FENTO: Well, according to legend.

But if this Palmer is the servant
of the Overseer,

what was he doing in the cave?

Perhaps he ran away.

Or he failed the Picard somehow
and was hiding from him.

Then we should bind him
in case he wakes and tries to escape.

It's senseless for this stranger
to be held c*ptive.

All this talk of the Overseer,
it's old superstitions.

I disagree.

All the evidence indicates
that the Overseer exists.

And I heard the Picard say
he wanted to find Palmer.

MAN 1: We believe all of this.
MAN 2: Yes.

Then by keeping Palmer safe,
we will please the Picard.

And he will grant us favors in return.


It is said that the Overseer
is all-powerful.

He could provide gentle winters,

plentiful hunting, fertile crops,

He could even

bring back those who have died.

It's agreed.

We will save Palmer for the Picard.

MAN 3: Yes, yes.
- I've seen another one. Like Palmer.

Another servant of the Picard?

He's headed toward the caves.

- Fento, stay and bind Palmer.
MAN 4: Come quickly.

MAN 5: Quickly.
Bring your bow. Bring your bow.

Over there.

Well, that knot won't hold. If I may?

Please do.

You need a knot that'll tighten
under pressure.

Let me show you.


Watch the north side.

Father, the sun's reaching its zenith.
If I don't go to measure--


Forgive me, friend,

but the stranger must be set free.


Riker to Enterprise.

Lock on and prepare to beam us directly
to Sickbay, but hang on for my signal.

Acknowledged, commander.

Riker, stop.

- Riker.
- Qji?

It's Riker. He's taking Palmer.

Hali! Yuri, don't let her escape.



I'm clear. Energize.


Data, has Counselor Troi
beamed up?

Negative, commander.

Sensors show she is in the midst
of a group of Mintakans.


He is all right.

Hali, find Riker and Palmer.

LIKO: Why did you and Riker
take Palmer from us?

We did not take Palmer.

We set him free.

Riker and I do not believe
in these fables about an Overseer.

Don't you realize what you've done?

You've angered the Picard,
and we may all suffer for it.

I know, I've seen him.
He is all-powerful.

Fento, weren't there stories
about the Overseer

destroying those who offended him?

- Stories, nothing more.
NURIA: Liko.

We'll get Palmer back.

Riker was carrying him.
They can't have gone far.

Still, the Picard may blame us
for letting Palmer escape.



we should punish her.

Let the Overseer know
that she and Riker acted alone.

We will keep Troi c*ptive.

That's not enough.

You would have us harm her?

If it will hold off the Picard's anger,


I've seen how powerful he is.

I am unwilling to hurt her needlessly.

We will wait for Hali to return.

And if they don't find Palmer?

Then we may do as Liko suggests.

Doctor, you believe the Mintakans

are capable
of harming Counselor Troi?

Well, they are not normally
a violent people,

but these are extraordinary

They're trying to comprehend
what they believe to be a god.



The Mintakans wish to please
the Overseer,

but they can only guess
what he wants.

They need a sign.

- Are you suggesting--?
- You must go down to Mintaka III.

Masquerading as a god?

Absolutely out of the question.
The Prime Directive--

Has already been violated.
The damage is done.

All we can do now is minimize it.

By sanctioning their false beliefs?

By giving them guidelines.

Letting them know
what the Overseer expects of them.

Dr. Barron, I cannot--

I will not impose a set
of commandments on these people.

To do so violates the very essence
of the Prime Directive.

Like it or not, we have rekindled
the Mintakans' belief in the Overseer.

And are you saying that this belief
will eventually become a religion?

It's inevitable. And without guidance,

that religion could degenerate
into inquisitions, holy wars, chaos.


Dr. Barron,

your report describes
how rational these people are.

Millennia ago, they abandoned
their belief in the supernatural.

Now you are asking me
to sabotage that achievement?

To send them back
into the Dark Ages

of superstition and ignorance
and fear?


We will find some way to undo
the damage we've caused.

Number One,
tell me about this group's leader.


Exceptionally clear-minded, sensible.

The Mintakans trust her judgment.

If we could convince her
that you are not a god...

She might be able
to persuade the others.

And how do you propose
to convince her?

She believes the Picard

is a magical figure.

I'm going to show her
how the magic works.

I'm going to bring her aboard.

Counselor, sensors indicate

five Mintakans
in your immediate vicinity.

Four are motionless,

the fifth is eight meters away,
proceeding south.

Is Nuria one of these five?


- Was that intended as a affirmative?
- Yes, Data, it was.

- Is Nuria the closest of the five?
TROIl: Mm-mm.


Is Nuria the one in motion?

Ahem. Mm-hm.

Lock sensors on Nuria.

Locked on.

We can beam Nuria aboard at will.

Data, when sensors indicate
that she's alone,

beam her directly
to Transporter Room 1.

Aye, sir.

- Ensign Hoy.
DATA [OVER COM]: Captain,

- Nuria is alone.
- I'll handle this.


Don't be afraid.

No one is going to harm you.


I am Jean-Luc...



Please, get up.

Get up. You must not kneel to me.

- You do not wish it?
- I do not deserve it.

Look at me.

Look at me.


the warmth of my hand,

the rhythm of my pulse.

I'm not a supreme being.

I'm flesh and blood, like you.

- Not like me.
- Like you.

Different in appearance, yes.

But we are both living beings.

We are born, we grow, we live

and we die.

In all the ways that matter,
we are alike.

But you are the Picard.

There's something I want you to see.


Oh, what a wondrous place.

Even the walls obey your command.

Wondrous, yes, but not miraculous.

The doors merely work differently
from the ones you know.


That is my home?

Seen from far, far above.

Yet we do not fall.

I never imagined I would see
the clouds from the other side.

Your powers are truly boundless.


...your people live in huts.
Was it always so?


We have found remnants
of tools in caves.

Our ancestors must have lived there.

So why do you now live in huts?

Huts are better.

Caves are dark and wet.

So if huts are better,
why did you once live in caves?

The most reasonable explanation
would be that

at one time,
we did not know how to make huts.

Just as at one time you did not know
how to weave cloth,

how to make a bow.

That would be reasonable.

Someone invented a hut,
someone invented a bow,

who taught others,
who taught their children.

Who built a stronger hut, who built
a better bow, who taught their children.

Now, Nuria, suppose
one of your cave-dwelling ancestors

were to see you as you are today.

What would she think?

I don't know.

Well, put yourself in her place.

You see, she cannot k*ll a horn buck
at a great distance, you can.

You have a power she lacks.

- Only because I have a bow.
- She has never seen a bow.

It doesn't exist in her world.

To you, it's a simple tool. To her,

it's magic.

I suppose she might think so.

Now, how would she react to you?

I think she would fear me.

Just as you fear me.

I do not fear you any longer.

Good. That's good.

You see...

...my people once lived in caves,

and we then learned to build huts,

and in time,
to build ships like this one.


Perhaps one day my people
will travel above the skies.

Of that, I have absolutely no doubt.


It's not the season for lightning.

It must be a warning.

We've had storms like this before.

- Not like this one.
- It must mean something.

The Picard is angry with us.

He blames us
for letting Palmer escape.

Liko, we don't know that the Overseer
is responsible for this storm.

Will he also send floods?

My wife died in last year's floods.

Will we all die now?

We must find Nuria.

Picard, you've shown me wonders
I could never have imagined,

and I am grateful to you
beyond words.

Might I request something
for my people?

You are indeed a leader.

You've shown me such generosity.

I wish my people could share in it.

Six Mintakans died
in a flood last winter.

Four of them children.

Would you bring them back to life?

That is not in my power.


You restored Liko's life.

Did the six who were k*lled
offend you in some way?

Did I offend you?

Should I have ordered the death
of Troi?


You must tell me if there's anything
I can do to change your mind.

I have failed to get through to you,
haven't I?

Despite all my efforts.


Nuria can't be found.
No one knows where she's gone.

Hali, any sign of Palmer or Riker?

They have escaped us.
We searched everywhere.

What do we do now, Father?

We must do as the Picard wishes.

Punish those responsible.

- Nuria would not allow us to do that.
- Nuria isn't here.

We can't wait.



Crusher to Picard.

I think we're going to lose Warren.

On my way.

I'm here, Mary.


Prepare 2 cc's of norep.


I'm sorry.


Picard, you could not save her?


You do have limits.

You are not masters
of life and death.

No, we're not.

We can cure many diseases.

We can repair injuries,
we can even extend life.

But for all our knowledge,
all our advances,

we are just as mortal as you are.

We're just as powerless

to prevent the inevitable.

You are a remarkable people.

But you are not superior beings.

My people must be made
to understand that.

Liko, you don't want to k*ll me.

I have no choice.

I must do as the Picard wishes.

Are you sure
you know what he wants?

That's the problem with believing
in a supernatural being,

trying to determine what he wants.

We must do something.

But what if it's the wrong thing,

Picard, we need your guidance.

Is it your wish
that this woman should die?

Answer us.

- Speak.
- Liko.

The Picard.

The Overseer has come.

No. Liko.

Liko, I am a man.
I am not the Overseer.

I am a traveler from a faraway land.
Nothing more.

But you have restored my life.

I am your servant.
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