05x12 - Watch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x12 - Watch

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Come on, play the good stuff.

Ask me who I like.

The Monkees.

Ask me which song.

The one called, I need a ride to Jersey, but the tolls are 30 bucks for a real good time.

You know it?

It's a company picnic, but in a bowling alley, we can bring guests.

Some nice girls work at the store, Duane.

The meatloaf was awesome, aunt Charl.

I'll bet you miss it more than anything.

Duane does just fine on his own, ma.

Del, toast?

Don't sweat it, dad.

I'll toast.

Uncle Del, aunt Charl, cousin Art, when I see your happy faces around this table, it makes me wonder how many more years we'll have.

I mean like this.


I didn't mean to It's not bad.

But we don't do family friendly comics at Da b*mb.

These sweet drawings of yours, if only we could put you in a time machine.

Take you back to 1955.

That one shouldn't be there.

I'm sorry I wasted your time, all right?



Good looking sweatshirt goes with it.

You don't care.

Roller derby's cool.

Just ring it up.

Maybe these pants are $99.


Big letdown, man.

The water's dead out there.

Give it another 15 minutes.

Come on.

We just took the a train all the way out here.

Whoa, what is that?

A wave ski?

- I'm just gonna try it out.

- Come on, man.

Get on your board! What the hell was that?

Oh, man.


Law & Order CI Paul ran away like a little girl, I had to go in and pull the body out by myself.

Did you hear anything before the body hit?


Bill's got surfer's ear.

Did you hear anything before the body hit?

A plane, or Nah, nothing.

I got surfer's ear.

This is what happens when you jump out of a plane without a parachute.

Who wears a coat like this in a plane, huh?

I'm thinking maybe someone who hides in the wheel well of a jet, worried about freezing to death at high altitude.

So I figured a plane's coming in and approaching about 200 miles per hour, deploys the landing gear, around 1,700 feet.

Body drops and hits the water at about 110 miles per hour.

More or less.

If it's any consolation, she probably froze to death, or died of lack of oxygen before she dropped.

No consolation.

Well, you gotta be pretty desperate to stow away like that, huh?

Fulbe cloth.


I knew this exchange student in college who was from west Africa.

All her clothes were dyed indigo, and they had this pattern on it.

- She was Fulbe.

- What about this pattern here?

Does that bruise look like it comes from a fist?

I count three knuckle impressions.

The swelling looks pre-mortem.

A couple of teeth missing.


Cuts inside the mouth.

She really took a beating.

And gave some back.

Her knuckles are badly skinned.

Her fingernails look like they were clipped after she put on nail polish.

Hey, Rodgers, how far into rigor is she?

She's already coming out of it.

She's been dead for over 12 hours, right?

The flight from west Africa takes about nine to ten hours.

Or she was dead before the plane took off.

Someone stuffed her in the wheel well, and then clipped her nails, maybe to hide the evidence.

What's, what's that on her labia?

Looks like a piercing for a stud.

The Fulbe are Muslims.

The Fulbe women wouldn't have genital piercings.

Nice to know some parts of the world are still civilized.

Her k*ller might've dressed her in a Fulbe tunic to hide where she's from.

Well, we know when she landed.

Maybe JFK can match her to an incoming flight.

New York Tracon Office of Air Traffic Manager Westbury, New York Tuesday, December 5 Three international flights came in on that approach this morning in the time frame you specified.

From Chile, Russia, and France.

So where are those big boys now?

On their way back home.

We need you to alert the local airports to hold those planes until we can arrange a search of the wheel wells.

Hey, we give you a 15-minute time frame, and only three planes landed on that runway?

Stowaways in wheel wells?

You only see that on international flights.

Well, humor us.

What else landed?

Skyhawk airways cargo plane left JFK for Iceland at 3:10 a.


Had to turn back six minutes out.

Problem with a wing flap.

Which puts it coming in for final approach right over those surfers.

Where's Skyhawk now?

Um, runway H.

How do you know all that aeronautical lore?

Date a stewardess?

My old man.

Took me to the beach on the weekends to watch the planes take off and land.

He used to fly what they call Corsairs off the aircraft carrier Antietam during the Korean w*r.

So, of course, I wanted to be a fighter pilot.

I can see that.

Found five African-American hairs and a tooth.

Must've got shaken loose during take-off.

Wow, so this Fulbe tunic was a disguise, our Jane Doe is a local girl, beaten to death, stuffed into the belly of an outbound plane.

Somebody went to a lot of trouble for this.

Very unique, very organized MO.

The perp's probably not a first-timer.

One similar victim.

Four years ago.

Yup, a black woman.

Beaten to death.

Found under the wacky mouse ride in Palisades park.

Fingernails clipped, body scrubbed clean.

So where's the perp been the last four years?

- And don't say prison.

- Actually, that was gonna be my guess.

I cannot sell this upstairs as a potential serial k*lling.

Two separate incidents, that's how it gets written up.

Serial K*llers don't sprout up fully formed.

It takes years to develop their MO.

You know, this guy tried to send Jane Doe airmail to Iceland.

That's where we should start looking for his other victims.


You use sandblaster at 5 a.


That outside tool.

My wife no sleep.

Athens airport, November 2002.

Sao Paulo, July 2003.

Dublin, March 2004.

Lisbon, May 2005.

Four unidentified women of color found dead on the approach to these airports.

Last week intended for Keflavik airport, Iceland.

All these airports are near water.

That's probably where the bodies were supposed to end up, but if the wheel bay opens late, well, then the bodies end up in a field.

The bodies that were found were the mistakes.

The ones that dropped too late.

So there might be bodies nobody knows about.

Ones that hit the bull's eye.

You got enough to go upstairs?

Yeah, I can sell this.

Serial K*llers always have a favorite dump site.

This one's the whole world.

Anger Anger and depression.

Upstairs bought the serial k*ller angle.

- Where's your partner?

- Over at latent.

Interpol sent over the prints of the victims from Athens and Dublin, along with the autopsies.

None of them were sexually assaulted.

Just like our Jane Doe.

This perp gets stranger.

His victim in Sao Paulo was actually seen crashing into a boathouse.

That gave us a time frame to work back to a flight originating from JFK.

So check who had tarmac access on that flight and the flight to Iceland.

Upstairs bought it.

Great, because it's raining hookers.

The girls who dropped in on Dublin and Athens, both pros.

Cheryl Mantee from Manhattan, Lucinda Stiers from the Bronx.

Another wrinkle in our MO.

Except Jane Doe from the Rockaways.

Her prints didn't pop.

- Could be a hooker with no arrests.

- Yep.

And there's a heaven where we'll all be reunited with our childhood dogs.

Well, I bet somebody cared enough about her to call missing persons.

Yeah, that's Marcy.

She was always extra careful, you know, about who she went with, and arrests, with the three kids.

Well, it's good you called missing persons.

Yeah, "Missing whore, we'll get right on that.

" Monday night, the last time you saw Marcy, do you remember?

Well, real cold nights are bad for drive-ups.

Guys don't like to unzip.

Yeah, well.

I finally get a guy, and we drive off.

And then I looked back, and boom.

Another car pulls up to Marcy, and she got in.

Sounds like someone was waiting for you to leave to pick her up.

You get a look at her date?

It was dark.

Did you notice somebody watching you that day?

Or the day before?

There was a guy parked over there on Monday afternoon.

Same guy was here on Sunday night giving Marcy the wavy eye.

She tried to chat him up, but he went all a-scared-of-girls on her.

Investigations Unit JFK Airport Queens, New York Thursday, December 8 Personnel who have access to a plane on a ramp.

Well, we got mechanics, FAA, security, flight operations, baggage, caterers, fuelers.

Who doesn't have access?

So we've got racial incidents, and v*olence against women.

You know, you think about this guy, he's getting rid of bodies in the place that he works.

Gotta be an easier way.

Well, he's mocking his job.

Mocking authority.

Anytime I meet someone who hates his job, they usually hate themselves worse.

Yeah, I read the story.

Woman splats from a plane.

What's a police investigation want from me?

Well, as a mechanic, you have access to the wheel well that she went into.

And you don't like black people.

Oh, no, that still on my record?

You used a racial epithet on the job.

Was that a mistake?

I yelled "n*gga, yo!" to razor.

Gus Fucci, my pal.

We do rap.

Yo, what's up, my homies?

In the rap world, you gotta represent.

Well, the guy that reported you, was he African-American?

No, white.

Some FAA supervisor.

One of those check-off Charlies, prowls around.

Jumps on you for infractions.

But you explained to him about representing, right?

Guy says, "sorry, man.

I let this slide, I'm not doing my due diligence.

" "Bee-yatch.

" My movements the last week.

Who I was with, phone numbers.

I heard what was going on, so I'd thought I'd save you some time.

Very accommodating.

Thank you.

Yeah, not that we don't appreciate this, but we're gonna have to ask you about those threats you were overheard making on the phone to a woman.

Is your marriage perfect?

Let's talk about last week.

Monday night between 12 and 3.

I was hauling baggage between terminals.

You go near a Skyhawk hangar?

No, that is on the other side of where I was.

You can check my summary, that's what it's for.

I got written up on a violation.

Okay, "unsafe equipment operation.

" I was taking baggage from terminal six to terminal eight, a suitcase falls off.

So this FAA inspector rolls up, it was due-diligence duane, starts chewing me out for stopping my tug in a fire lane.

I didn't see frist in the cargo area.

I ticketed him over by terminal eight.

Yeah, we understand you hand out a lot of tickets, Mr.


I guess that's one way of getting your boss off your back.

Well, it's what they expect of me.

Yeah, but your boss must get a lot of complaints.

Must piss him off.

Yeah, it's not my problem.

What, you just starting your shift?

How's your girl feel about these hours?

I'm not with anybody.

I never worked a graveyard shift.

Must leave you, like, a lot of time during the day to get things done.

Oh, during the day, I just sleep.

Oh, sleep all day, work all night.

Aren't you afraid you're missing out?

On what?

Uh, I gotta work.

Whoa, is that a sketch book?

Can I see?

Where do you sketch around here?

Um, on break, I, uh, I go to the end of runway W, by the lights.

Wow, that's sweet.

What's her name, Junie?

It's June.

- Only Ted calls her Junie.

- Okay.

Look, I really gotta - get going.

- Okay, thanks for showing me.

Depressed, loner.


Uncomfortable with girls.

I don't know, Barek.

I think he liked you.

Okay, how long to Panama?

Okay, if I wanna get off there, and take another, can I do that?

Okay, I'll call back.

That's him.

That's the guy Marcy talked to Sunday.

It was his car she got in on Monday.

You told us it was too dark to see.

Trina, you don't have to lie to us.

We're gonna get him, okay?

This gentleman's gonna take you downstairs.

Thanks for your help.

Well, she made him.

For the wrong night.

If coincidence were evidence Does Winslow have a sheet?


Anyway, women getting clobbered, that's what Duane likes.

And that makes him a serial k*ller how?

Well, on the plus side, the sleeping, low affect, depression.

If being a timid loner was all it took What we haven't seen is the anger it takes to beat these women to a pulp.

Maybe we just haven't given him anything to be angry about.

Apartment of Duane Winslow Monday, December 12 I don't remember seeing him by the Skyhawk.

Well, it's just that they're not cooperating with us at all.

Especially this guy frist.

Yeah, we were over at his place, he didn't even let us in.

Which tells us he's hiding something.

You know, it's kinda cold out here.

Oh, yeah, I guess it is.

So you, uh, you hear anything about frist threatening his co-workers?

Um, no.

"Stop the v*olence.

" It's a group for battered women.

Yeah, I do volunteer work.

You ever go to the trials?

Just to support the victim?


At the trials you know, all that graphic testimony of women being beaten Does that ever make you sick?

Yeah, it's disgusting.

Because you know, some guys like all that testimony of women being r*ped.

They get off on it.

You're not one of those guys, are you, Duane?


No, I'm not.

I like your sketches.

Can I have one?

I guess.

How about this one?

You know it occurs to me that nothing gets you hot.

You're just one of those guys that run cold.

You know, like you didn't do well with the girls, so you just gave up on sex.

Like this drawing of Junie.

It's like a kid did it.

It lacks anatomy.

Is that what you lack, Duane?

You lack anatomy, Duane?

Look, I told you.

Her name's not Junie.

It's June.

Only Ted calls her Junie.

He's called her that since they met in high school.

I gotta, I gotta go to work.

He just took it.

No anger.

No highs, no lows.

He likes the idea of women being abused, but I don't think he can achieve that intensity of v*olence.

I think he likes to watch.

The other room?

The walls were sandblasted, the ceiling was soundproofed.

It's a boxing ring with a peephole between the two rooms.

Duane likes to watch someone else give the beating.

A partner.

An angry partner.

Anger and depression.

What a tag-team, huh?

We know Marcy landed some punches, but Duane didn't have a mark on him that we could see.

Probably because his partner's the one that's carrying all the bruises.

- Winslow's phone records?

- Yeah.

Uh, only personal calls were the weekend Marcy was k*lled.

To a Del and Charla Geddens in Jersey.

Del's 56, high school principal, Charla's 50, manages a gourmet nut shop.

Duane grew up in Tarrytown, so we know that they're probably an aunt or an uncle.

You talk to his neighbors?

Nobody's ever seen him with anybody.

The only complaint is, two or three times a year the super says he does a little late-night sandblasting.

Last time was Tuesday morning.

Probably wiping off Marcy's blood from the walls of his boxing ring.

Boy, I'd love to get a forensics team in there.

And I'd love probable cause.

You say he's got a partner he never calls, never been seen with.

You can't even tell me why they k*ll these women.

Whatever Duane feels, this other helps him to express it, which he definitely can't do on his own.

You can see it in his cartoon drawings.

Has these complicated ideas about how people relate and interact.

Then he draws them alone on a page, isolated, disconnected from everybody else.

He called Del and Charla in New Jersey in May of 2005.

Isn't that when that girl was found in Lisbon?

And then this last time.

Every time he calls Jersey, a girl dies.

Your partner in crime, you'd talk to him more than a couple times a year.

Unless he's somewhere you can't reach him.

Home of Del and Charla Geddens Kearny, New Jersey Thursday, December 15 We hardly see Duane.

He's my late sister's kid.

We feed him once in a while, that's about it.

When was the last time you did that?

- Two weeks ago, Sunday night.

- Any special occasion?

Our son was in town for a few days, they're good pals.

Your son?


Duane do something?

Probably not.

We're just talking to him.

NYPD drives out here for nothing?

Liquor cabinet's that way, detective.

We might need to talk to your son about Duane.

Hey, he shipped out last week.

Shipped out?

- What's he, in the navy?

- Huh, if only.

Art's a merchant seaman.

Not as glamorous a job as a high-paid cop.

- When do you expect him back?

- Who knows?

He's out of range.

We're not even sure where.

You said Art and Duane are pals.

So they hang out together when he's in town?

On the night that Duane comes over for dinner.

Art's barely here anyway.

He's just a few nights, then he jumps on another boat.

But he stays here?

Yes, until his last night.

Then he sleeps aboard his boat in the harbor.

He says to get back his sea legs.

Yeah, after a weekend, I need to get my cop legs back.

Well, that's interesting.

They both ended up in transportation.

Planes, boats.

They talk about that when they were kids?

They weren't so close growing up.

They were always fighting.

Maybe Art pushed Duane around a little?

Did he ever.

And Duane was a year older and taller.

Well, they seem to be pals now.

I guess everything got sorted out.

Yeah, don't ask me why.

When we hear from Art, we'll have him give you a call, officers.


Art got on a boat headed to the Panama canal.

We wanna get him extradited back here.

On what basis?

We checked his ports of call for the last four years.

He had two as*ault complaints filed against him.

One in Tokyo, one in Hamburg.

That's two unprovoked att*cks on prostitutes.

It fits the MO.

Except these women weren't m*rder*d.

I don't think he can k*ll unless Duane's there to watch.

- To enable him.

- Deplorable as these att*cks are, they aren't probable cause for arrest.


Taverna shipping company?

Yes, hello, this is detective Barek.

What day?

You're sure?

Okay, thank you.

Art quit his ship five days ago.

Just before they entered the canal.

They don't know where he is.

Duane must've tipped him off.

I wonder what Duane will think when he finds out that cousin Art's been moonlighting.

Hi, Duane.

What are you doing?

Sorry to interrupt your quiet time.

How did you Airport security drove us out.

That's new.

All right, Duane, look.

We need to talk about your cousin Art.


He's been getting into some pretty wild R&R while he's been cruising the seven seas.

This one's from Japan.

This one?

From Germany a year ago.

They got beat up pretty bad.

Did you know about this?

Your cousin's a dangerous man, Duane.

We gotta find him.

I don't know where he is.

Your aunt and uncle told us how it was between you and Art.

If he's bullying you into doing something you don't wanna do, - we can help you.

- But you gotta come clean with us.

You gotta help us catch him, Duane.

He's the bad guy here, not you.

We understand that.

Look, I don't know anything.

You, you guys can't be in my car.

I can't have unauthorized passengers.

You been to the airport pharmacy?

You got a cold pack.



You gonna be giving somebody first aid?

Look, you have to go.


First aid for a boxing match.

I guess cousin Art is coming to town.

Seaman's Union Office Brooklyn, New York Monday, December 19 He might've gotten right back on another boat out of Panama headed this way.

I heard you just fine the first time.

Geddens, Geddens, Arthur.

Caught a job on the Maria boricua six days ago.

Where's the ship now?

Dropped anchor in New York city harbor three hours ago.

Still awaiting customs and immigration clearance.

- The whole crew should still be on board.

- Thanks.

I'm sorry, able-bodied seaman geddens is off ship on a medical emergency.

- What's wrong with him?

- Not him.

Another sailor came down with a bad case of food poisoning.

Geddens went with him to a hospital.

Oh, great, I hope you weren't counting on him coming back.


Here's your food poisoning.

Art got himself off the boat.

Yeah, look at this.

These were peeled from a couple of passports.

Art's making himself and cousin Duane a couple of new IDs.

I guess they're taking their show on the road.

He's not here! We haven't heard from him.

Basement and garage are clear.

I could've told you that.

I wanna know what you want with my son.

- We just wanna talk to him.

- About what?

And you watch out you don't break anything.

Talk to him about what?

Tell me.

- Got a lot of wrestling trophies here.

- Don't touch those.

They stop in junior high school.

Did your son quit wrestling in high school?

Art couldn't go all the way.

He didn't have the heart of a fighter.

Now how long those patrol cars gonna be out there?

All right, look, before the neighbors start asking questions, we should tell you what we're looking at Art for, because it's gonna get out anyway.

We're investigating the beating deaths of five women.

We think Art and Duane are responsible.

You think my son k*lled these women?

And the neighbors are gonna wonder where he picked up this behavior from.

He didn't learn it from me.

Well, you being a high school principal, the story's gonna get a lot of ink.

Loyalty's fine.

But if you help us find Art, people are gonna understand that the apple fell a long way from the tree.

Your father would've come, but he had meetings at the school.

No, it's okay, ma, I understand.

I went to the bank.

Oh, okay.

No, this is good.

I'll pay you back.

Cash in your pocket now.

Art Geddens?

No! / You're under arrest.

No! Step back, ma'am.

I'm sure your father didn't mean it.

Where'd you get those scratches?

Bar girl in Marseilles.

She was going for my eyes.

Didn't like Americans.

Looks like you ran into a lot of America bashers.

Knuckles broken multiple times.

Scar tissue.

Must be quite the pugilist, Mr.


On ship, we fight over nothing.

Get dressed, Art.

Ratted out by your own father.

That's gotta be tough.

Oh, your mom can sugarcoat it all she wants.

But that man wants no part of you.

Bullied you all your life.

Now he's just gonna wash his hands of you.

In a little while, you're gonna get a chance to tell my partner and me what your old man drove you to do.

Then you can shove it in his face.

Think about it.

You don't owe anybody anything, not even Duane.

I ain't saying nothing against Duane.

What, the guy you used to push around?

Are you kidding?

You don't think he's gonna rat you out the first chance he gets?

The description in this passport's dead on for Duane.

Art could've run, but he came back to help his cousin.

Yeah, it'd be touching, if they weren't serial K*llers.

Well, that loyalty runs deep.

Art may never roll on Duane.

The bully and his victim.

They found an accommodation.

Art gets to vent his rage, and Duane gets to watch somebody else be victimized.

Show these to Carver, see if you can turn them into a search warrant for Duane's place.

Wake up a judge, and we can hit Duane's place while he's still at work.

Looks like tonight was gonna be fight night.



Look at this.

These two bricks come out.

There might be some blood spatter inside on the surface.

These were printed out of his computer.

This is Duane with a fly-boy hat and this would be Art.

Some kind of prep work for animation.


Suspect just pulled up in his car.

Let him come into the door.

Hit the lights.

Don't move! Don't move! - Stay there.

- This is my home.

Welcome home.

This is something I didn't expect from you, Duane.

He's encrypted his animation files.

I'm betting it's pretty sick stuff.

Don't worry, I'll cover your eyes when we play it.

Okay, CSU finished working Duane's place.

No fluids, no fibers, no prints.

If nothing else, Duane's earned himself a good housekeeping award.

Got it.

Play it.

Go ahead.

Brace yourselves.


What we need here is a private screening for the boys.

Hey, Art.

Give any thought to what we talked about?

About your father bullying you?

I'll settle with him on my own time.


I left you here all these hours, that's all you can come up with?

I paid a visit to your cousin Duane tonight.

He's got the place all ready for you.

Art, I think I got this figured out.

Duane scouts the girl, you hook up with her, you offer her a bonus for coming over to your house.

By the time she figures out what's going on time to rumble.

This stuff?

to mend your cuts and bruises.

Smelling salts.

Well, if she passes out after you bash her head in, you wake her up for more.

It's a nice touch.

Now, where's your corner-man, cousin Duane during all this mayhem?

He's hiding behind the wall.

And boy, is he catching an eyeful.

What I find interesting is that Duane never actually lays a hand on the girl.

Now that's gonna count for something when he rolls on you.

See, you're the bully, Art.

You're the one the jury's gonna hang this on.

Bunch of lies.

I'm not worried about Duane.

Yeah, but a good lawyer's gonna get Duane to say that you threatened him, that he was afraid of you, that he was afraid that you'd k*ll him if he didn't do what you said.

See, everybody knows how you treated him.

- No, that was in the past.

- Not for Duane, it's not.

Yes, it is.

He's over it, we're friends now.



Let's ask him.

Art was just telling me how he and Duane are best pals.

Yeah, is that true, Duane?


Because I've been telling my partner how you're two sides of the same coin.

How you complement each other.

Like the best sort of friends.

In that case, our little game's not gonna work.

We like to have a bake-off between two accomplices.

The first one to roll gets the best deal.

But you guys are so tight, we can't get any leverage.

You know, Duane, I gotta tell you, I admire you for letting bygones be bygones.

You know, the way he treated you when you were kids.

Beating you up.

Terrorizing you.

Making you feel helpless and weak.


We were kids.

We're friends now.

You telling me you didn't wanna get just a little bit of payback?


We're family.

It's amazing.

I'd never forgive it.

And you know, Art, kids who suffer long-term bullying, they never get off scot-free.

The effects are devastating.

Depression No, Duane's not like that.

Uncontrollable rage, that's another one.

Good thing for Duane, he learned a way to work out his feelings.

You know, with the sketches.

Yeah, but his self-confidence is still a little shaky.

Is that why you bought a g*n, Duane?

Feel more secure?

Forgot to show it to you, Art.

That's a Smith & Wesson nine-millimeter.

We found it on him when we arrested him.

He had a surprise party planned for you.

And a special girl.

No, you guys, you guys got all this is all wrong.

I mean, I was just teaching Duane some self-defense moves.

That's all.

Oh, no, Duane had a surprise for you.

Take a look at this.

I guess that's us, huh?

Who do you think that is, Art?

Duane was really looking forward to seeing you, Art.

You made this, Duane?

Hey, it's not that bad for a cartoon.

What do you know?

You're a cop.

That's not a cartoon, it's called animation.

I came back for you.

For you.

And you were gonna k*ll me?

No, it's a joke.

It's not a joke, Art.

Take a look at this.

We end Duane was dead serious, Art.

So here's the deal, Art.

The boxing ring and the girls were all part of his fantasy.

So he could watch you demolish another human being.

But it's really about k*lling you.

It's his revenge.

One last girl, then destroy you, and destroy himself.

I'll destroy you, you bastard.

It was all him! The first night that I shipped out, he brought the hooker to Palisades park! He dared me to hit her! You have no idea how hard it was to get him to actually do it.

He cried after we hit her.

- You coward.

- Oh, you're a wimp! You're the k*ller! You picked the girls! You're a wimp! He should've never have picked on me.

I didn't deserve it.

He thought he was so tough.

The last girl she almost knocked him out.

And you like that, huh?

Yeah, it was the best.

She really made him bleed.

If Art's dad knew what bullying his son would lead to, he might've thought twice about it.

If you every wonder why I don't have kids, now you know.

Let's get out of here.
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