05x10 - Dollhouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x10 - Dollhouse

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I really need these pictures back today.

/ No problem.

Careful, dear all.

Take this.

Take - Big smile.

- Here you go.

Big smile for mommy.

Big smile.

Come on.

Big smile.

Line two.

He wanted to hold.


I got it.

We're all set.

Yeah, one in a million.

When are you gonna build one of those mansions for me, huh?

Hey, you're next on my list.

You want a cashier's check?

Uh, no.

Sub-contractors gotta have cash.

I'm sorry.

A client showed up late.

Hi, baby.

He said pasta.

Danielle, listen.

Come on, Charlie, say pasta.

- You're taking him tomorrow?

- I said I would.

But I need the car seat.

That right there with the eyes?

That's my brother Tommy.

Oh, daddy, uncle Tommy is fat.


Why don't you take a little visit to auntie Claire while mommy makes a phone call?

Here you go.

You have to go back to work?

Ain't it a bitch?

I'll see you tomorrow.

Law & Order CI He took two in the chest.

My guess, an attempted carjacking.

His bad luck.

He picks quickdraw McGraw.

Where's quickdraw now?

I don't know.

He didn't wait around.

He got a shot off.

Check the hospitals.

Hey, we've got more glass over here.

What's the first sign of life in that direction?

Gas 'n' snak.

It's closed now.

Check it out.

Maybe he drove off the road.

And look for a BMW.

He's a got beemer.

Why's he jacking cars?

Maybe it was the driver he was looking for.

A woman driving alone.

Intersection with a blinking light.

Everybody's gotta stop.

Or he made them stop.

He switched the signal.

A man with a plan.

A quarter mile that way.

We found the beemer.

Joseph Sabo, Queens.

Hey, Sabo superior auto.

The guy owns a dealership.

No restraints.

No restraints.

No tape.

No way to control the person he grabs.

Well, if he's looking for r*pe targets, there's easier ways than reprogramming a signal.

Yeah, you choose the hard way because you have to.

Maybe Sabo was planning a hit.

Office of Joseph and Molly Sabo Sabo Superior Auto, Queens, New York Friday, January 14 I don't believe it.

What happened to him?

We're not sure yet.

Is there anybody that he was having a problem with?

A disgruntled partner?

No, we run the business mom and pop.

Only disgruntled partner was me.

We have to ask if we can see your last financial statement.

Do you have a firearm on the premises?

Yeah, in the safe.

Our fiscal year ends next week.

Uh, I'll have to give you only last year's statement.

All right.

I'm gonna take it from here, okay?

Thank you.

Well, there's no g*n here.

But this looks interesting.

That's probably just a down payment on a car.

- The paperwork's right here, I'm sure.

- We'll find it, ma'am.

We'll find it.

I know my husband's business.

- There are no secrets here.

- Of course.

You know what?

I'm gonna go, uh, kick some tires.

Boys love their toys.


Joe did.

Did Joe have any personal struggles with dr*gs, gambling?

Oh, no.


He quit smoking when we got married.


I should've let him smoke.

Well, it sounds like it was good marriage.

There was a rough patch three years ago.

We went to counseling.

We recommitted.

We've never been happier.

And now The glass on the road is standard auto glass.

But it was treated with this water repellant.

It's called stormshield.

Only been on the market for four months.

That narrows it down.

The slugs that k*lled Sabo were 22 caliber.

They entered at an angle consistent with being shot from a car.

Two g*ns.

Deserted road.

It's straight out of Jim Thompson.

Who's that?

New forensic accountant.

He's been going over Sabo's books.

He's a sweetheart.


Joshua Simmons.

It's an honor to meet you.

An honor to work on Major case.

At ease, soldier.

- What'd you find?

- Um, this guy Sabo.

He's dirty.

You can arrest him today.

Well, arresting him is gonna be tough, seeing as he's dead.

So, Josh, did you find evidence of a criminal act?


Um So, in the last year he wrote three $10,000 checks to cash.

Marked them as payments for used cars.

But the vin numbers he gave for the cars are bogus.

He's skimming from his own business.

From his own wife.

Their fiscal year ends this week.

She's about to find out that the books don't add up.

I'm thinking dr*gs.

We'll keep that in mind.

What else?

Um, well, three months ago he donated a car to a charity, Urban harvest.

A 2002 Lexus LS 430.

That's a pretty nice car for meals-on-wheels.

Well, it felt hinky to me too.

Maybe we rethink the drug angle.

Maybe we take it from here.


/ Let's say Sabo was in hock to a loan shark.

He couldn't handle the payments.

So he decides to retire the debt.

He might have used that car for one of those payments.

Find out where it really went.

Service Bay Sabo Superior Auto Queens, New York Tuesday, January 18 Joe took it as a trade-in and gave it to charity.

- Joe was a generous guy.

- Yeah, we heard.

You didn't happen to see who picked up the car?

He took it himself.

Everything to do with that car, he did himself.

Everything includes what?

Tuneup, new tires Only thing I did was disable the rear air bags.

Hey, this stormshield stuff.

- Does that really work?

- It's terrific.

But you don't want to know what it costs.


Did you happen to put it on that car that he donated?

Joe insisted on it.

Like I said.

Joe He's a real generous guy.


Well, whoever he took a shot at was driving that LS 430.

Well, they must've had a kid because that's the only reason they would disable the rear airbags.

Maybe his secret charity is a woman with a kid.

Gives her a car.

Three months later tries to sh**t her.

Sounds like love to me.

And that's why he skimmed the money.

Then he decided to end it.

Maybe she tried to shake him down.

Maybe she wouldn't end it.

Decides to keep his last ten grand and buy a 15 cent b*llet.

- Pennywise.

- Yeah.

This broad carries a g*n, and she's a better shot than a lot of cops I know.

Not the kind of woman a married guy should date.

It wasn't me! I didn't know the guy! I was where you told me to be.

I swear, I didn't Hello?


You're late.

The doctor's been waiting for him for 20 minutes.

- And you forgot something.

- Get off my back.

I had to make a phone call.

If you're not up to this, say so, Danielle.

But you can't be a mother halfway.

I know what I'm doing with my life.

I got a plan.

We got no leads off from Sabo's phone records.

But his secretary said she remembers a few private calls from a woman over the last year.

sh**ting happened just after 7.

So this woman was probably on her way home or to a job.

Well, if she makes a right turn here, she goes into this residential area.

We canvassed for a car with busted windows.

No luck.

She makes a left turn.

She goes into the business district.

I guess you know where you'll be for the next few days.



Looking for maybe a woman and maybe an LS 430 with or without a baby seat.

Should be a breeze.

Thursday night?


We're closed from 6:30 to 6:00.

What's with the security cameras?

Somebody got you spooked?

Friday morning I come in and find cigarette butts by the pumps.

And on the side here.

People try to steal my gas.

Someone dropped something here.

Tip-top toys.

Someone waits in the dark with a kid's toy while 300 yards away the mother of a child walks into a trap.


Well, maybe hockey bear's friend was the bait.

Office of Henry Vinson Staten Island, New York Friday, January 21 I buy lots of toys at Tip-top.

I was in the area bidding on a job, and I stopped for gas and they were closed.

You know they got a security camera on those pumps?


I didn't see.

Long as I was there, I had a cigarette.

My wife doesn't like me smoking in the car, so Do you have kids?

- Is that who the bear was for?

- Yes.

These little cutie pies with the pink skirts?

They hockey fans?

Oh, you meant that bear?

No, I bought that bear for toys for tots.

Henry, what were you really doing at the gas station?

I told you.

I got nothing more to say.


You didn't miss much.

Henry picked up his girls from ballet class, kissed the wife, and it's been quiet ever since.


No criminal beefs, no complaints against him or his business.

And no evidence he and Sabo ever met or even talked.

That doesn't sound promising.

Here comes hockey bear now.

There's a hockey rink nearby.

Rink's the other way.

The only thing that way is the mall.

Is that for me?

Something for the little guy too.

My wife thinks I'm playing hockey for like two more hours.

Not tonight.

We'll make a date soon.

Well, so much for being lovers.

Maybe ex-lovers.

Excuse me, miss.

Something wrong?

Yeah, the guy that you were just talking to, Henry Vinson, is the subject of an investigation.

We had a blind date.

But I got a bad vibe off him.


Do you mind if we see what's in the bag?

Yeah, I do mind.

I have to pick up my baby.

It's a rental car.

- Where's your car?

- I don't own a car.

I wait till I have a lot of errands and then I rent.

What happened to your ear?

- I burned myself with a curling iron.

- Really?

What did you use?

A hot g*n barrel?

Because that stippling on your ears is consistent with a g*n being fired next to it.

Are you calling me a liar?

I'm calling you under arrest.

Put your hands on the car.

Well, cash and a car.

Another generous guy.

What'll they find?

What do you mean, "what will they find?

" Don't play dumb.

How could you do this to Charlie?

I'm in trouble.

He's fine.

For now.

You get me out of this, or I will give him to his dad.

She screwed up, Declan.

I have to go.


I'll take care of her.

Just get dressed and go to your parents'.

Claire, from now on I'll handle this.

The swab on her face was positive for g*nsh*t residue.

I thought you were looking for a woman who drove an LS 430.

She ditched it.

Look, the stippling on the left ear fits.

If she's sitting in the car sh**ting a revolver over her left shoulder at some guy coming at her, - that's where the GSR'd be.

- Danielle Quinn.

Home address is a mile from the crime scene.

She mentioned she had a baby.

Where's the baby picture?

I don't think she's very sentimental.

I guess Annie Oakley left her g*n at home.


Well, diaper bag's all yours.

Hey, Barry.

You were worried she didn't have any pictures of her kid?

Baby Joe for Joseph Sabo.

Baby Henry for Henry Vinson.

She was blackmailing them with phony paternity claims.

She franchised her own kid.

No wonder Sabo wanted to k*ll her.

These photos don't mean anything.

My wife and I take pictures like this of our kids.

And you dedicate them to every Tom, d*ck, and Harry?

I can't account for my client's sense of humor.

All this pales in comparison to what Joseph Sabo did to you on Thursday night.

We believe that you shot at him in self-defense.

We also believe that he was working with somebody else.

Talk to me.

Not her.


Pace, there may still be somebody out there who is trying to k*ll her.

We need her help to find him.

She's facing 10 to 15 years on multiple counts of extortion.

She comes clean and cooperates with us, she does maybe a year.

Ten years.

That's your son's childhood.

You won't miss a second of your son's childhood.

These extortion charges will fall like Autumn leaves.

It's only extortion if the alleged victims say so.

Good luck with that.

I can't believe you people followed me.

Hey, forget about that.

Tell us what that money was about.

She gave me a deposit for work on her place.

She changed her mind.

I gave her back the deposit.

Well, maybe your daughters would like to meet their little brother, Henry Jr.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Just All right, listen.

I just strayed once.

I wound up with a one-year old son and I'm trying to do right by him.

One-year-old son.

Danielle has a two-and-a-half-year-old.

And look.

She's got three other guys paying support for this kid.

So Henry Jr.

is not my son?

You mean you really didn't know?


Oh, man! Now look, you want to get even?

Testify against her.

I can't.

I can't.

If my wife ever found out I cheated, I'd be dead meat.

I don't know anything.

I'm sorry.

Without a witness against her, our extortion case is dead in the water.

Meaning we can't force her to help us to find Mr.

Sabo's accomplice.

We are sure he had an accomplice?

Somebody tipped off Sabo that she was meeting with Henry.

And unless he has telepathic powers, it wasn't Henry.

It could've been one of the other daddies she's extorting.

All the more reason to search her home.

Quinn Home Brooklyn, New York Tuesday, January 25 Claire?

Danielle's sister is a lawyer.

I want her to see this.

They want to search Danny's room.

You have to let them in, mom.

I'll call Declan.

She's had the same room since she was a teenager.


Did somebody rob a toy store?


Charlie's a very active boy.

- Is he your only grandchild?

- Oh, yes.

And we thank god every day for him.

He was born very prematurely.

And these toys build up his strength.

Oh, this is terrible.

Danny values her privacy so much.

Well, do you know what she's in trouble for?


This always happens to Danny.

Even when she was a little girl the boys fought over her.

It makes life so hard for her.

Mom, Declan told me to observe the search.

- You can stay upstairs.

- But Declan?

You're on a first-name basis with your sister's lawyer?

He's my boss.

I work at his law firm.

First place marksmanship.

Camp rockaway.

Low morals, great aim, and looks to have expensive tastes.

Pay dirt.

The envelopes the valentines were mailed in.

Made out to men at their places of work in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey.


Looks like she over-fished the tri-state area.

She's going to Alaska.

Condos, day care centers.

She's not just going for a visit.

She's gonna live there.

Oh, that?

She's been talking about that since she was a kid.

I can't believe she'd actually move there.

Is this Charlie's father?

Danielle's ex.

Donny Craddock.

He's a convicted meth dealer.

He's been fighting her on alimony and child support.

Home of Don Craddock Nassau County, New York Wednesday, January 26 Cops.

Tell Danielle it's not payday yet.

I get once-a-month visitation.

That's when I write my check.

Once-a-month visitation.

Hey, good for you for staying in your son's life.

He's my little man.

We hear those payments are quite a burden.

Hey, I don't pay, I'm violating my parole.

Hey, it's getting cold out here.

How about we go inside for some coffee?

You know, it must be galling busting your butt while Danielle's just living with her parents, buying nice clothes.

Driving a new car.

Life would be a lot easier for you if you didn't have those payments.

What's that supposed to mean?

Come on.

You knew she was using your little man to shake down married men.

Like Joe Sabo, who gave her the car.

What are you saying?

Sabo tried to k*ll her.

We think he had help.

Someone who knew Danielle's comings and goings.

You think I Hey, that's nuts.

Danielle, she drives around with a g*n.

She knows how to use it.

I don't mess with her.

I'm going inside.

What's in here, your meth lab?

- What, are you kidding?

- No.

I don't kid with parolees.

What's in there?

It's Danielle's car.

She said she'd cut me a break on the support if I let her stash it here.

By the time I saw the b*llet hole, it was too late to say no.

b*llet hole in the dash.

That's the shot from Sabo.

Yeah, well, if all the sh**ting was up front, why is this back window broken?

There's some stippling here.

Somebody fired a g*n from back here.

Let me see something.

I'm just taking a guess here.

But she must've fired the g*n from this position.

Fired through the back window.

That's why Sabo didn't hit her.

She was lying down.

Danielle was waiting for him.

She knew he was coming.

Somebody tipped her off?

Maybe Sabo's accomplice had second thoughts.

However she got the tip is immaterial.

She knew Mr.

Sabo was lying in wait and she set a trap for him.

I don't know.

Getting a jump on a guy with a g*n?

That's risky stuff.

We know Danielle likes risks.

But still She probably figured she'd have to deal with Sabo sooner or later.

- This way she could claim self-defense.

- Whatever her reasons, this is convincing evidence of what she did.

You're crazy.

I didn't do this.

We don't concede she was even near that intersection that night.

We pulled a b*llet out of the dash.

It matched Sabo's g*n.

A definitive match on a slug that penetrated layers of metal and hard plastic.

I don't think so.


Pace, we now have enough to convince a jury she was extorting Mr.

Sabo and the other men.

It won't require much more of a leap for that jury to convict her of m*rder.

You better have a net ready when you ask them to make that leap.

We're not interested in any deal.

Arraignment Court Friday, January 28 - Not guilty.

- People on bail?

The people request remand, your honor.


Quinn is a flight risk.

She may have hidden money she extorted from her victims.

The police found evidence she's planning a move to Alaska.

There's no such plan and no such money, your honor.


Quinn is the mother of a child with special needs.

Whom she exploited in her blackmail scheme.

The child is being cared for by the defendant's parents.

If anything, your honor, he needs to be protected from his own mother.

Anything to say, Mr.


Then I order the defendant held without bail.

Next case.

Well, he didn't put up much of a fight for his client.

Any time your client wants to reconsider I'll you see at trial.

I don't know if it's arrogance or incompetence.

/ Excuse me.

How is she?

She's not happy.

But I calmed her down.

Your parents and Charlie need you.

I'll handle Danielle.

Get a load of that.

It's a funny way to console your client's sister.

You think he'd be more upset about Danielle going to jail.


A married man cheating on his wife.

Danielle's favorite kind of sucker.

Well, if she found out that Declan was sleeping with Claire, don't you think she'd put the squeeze on him?

Maybe jail wasn't Declan's first choice for Danielle.

Sabo's mystery accomplice.

Declan Pace's married.

He has his own law firm.

If Danielle found out he was cheating with Claire, why not blackmail him?

I have no problem grasping her cravenness.

But his?

That he would partner with Joseph Sabo to k*ll her and then sabotage her defense?

Well, not only that.

After Sabo botched the k*lling, Pace probably found out where Danielle stashed the car, broke in, and shot out the rear window.


He wanted to make sure no one thought Danielle was sh**ting Sabo in self-defense.

So he framed her for Sabo's m*rder after the fact.

Well, have you got a better explanation for how he's handling the case?

I mean, this guy's the prince of pleas.

He gets people good deals.

He keeps them out of court.

He's not doing that here.

So far.

We're a long way from a trial.

Hold on.

Listen to this.

Lucas Emmonds.

Six months ago, Pace got him off with community service for as*ault.

Now, Mr.

Emmonds is a city timing engineer.

Timing engineers time traffic lights.

What are you doing?

Executing a search warrant.

This is another warrant for your arrest for attempted m*rder.

Please step to the desk.

Put your hands on the desk, please.

Your client, the city timing engineer, admitted giving you the signal box key the police found on Joseph Sabo.

When Danielle started blackmailing you for cheating on wife with Claire, you should've called the police.

That's what we're here for.

Declan, what's It's gonna be fine, Claire.

Just go back to work.

Home of Declan and Marilyn Pace Brooklyn, New York Monday, January 31 "Charlie with mom.

" "Charlie with Claire.

Charlie with Claire.

" "Rosie's" on that Thursday.

My husband's secretary said he left with some police officers.

I checked with Dr.


He'll talk to the pharmacy.

And you have your Thank you, Loretta.

We won't be here much longer, Mrs.


Loretta's a visiting nurse?

I have ovarian cancer.

It's my third reoccurrence and my last.

I'm sorry.

Your nurse said that you have a visit at 10.

Is that because Declan's working late?

I've had three bouts of cancer over the last ten years, and Declan stood by me.

But it's taken its toll on him.

He deserves to be happy.

Claire Quinn makes him happy.

If his wife knows about his affair, there's nothing Danielle could blackmail him for.

Then Declan's gotta find another reason to get rid of her.

He was definitely keeping tabs on her.

He had these copies of her date book for the weeks before the sh**ting.

She probably gave them to him to help him plan her defense.

But he got them before the sh**ting.

The weeks prior is filled with reminders and appointments.

But the week of the sh**ting there's just one entry for something called Rosie's on the day Sabo was shot.

Danielle hadn't filled it out yet when these copies were made.

Look at this.

- That could be Rosie's.

- Danielle and her sister.

See that water tower in the background?

You can see it from Gas 'n' snak.

Which I'm gonna guess Rosie's.

This entry must be how Declan Pace knew Danielle was meeting Henry there.

Except he wouldn't know what Rosie's meant.

But his girlfriend would.

Claire Quinn helped him plan the m*rder.

Of her own sister.

Could she really hate her that much?

Of course.

Two sisters fighting over a doll.

The boy's fine.

You're so concerned about him, you locked up his mother.

Charlie has asthma?


That's his breather.

Oh, yeah.

My cousin had one of those things.

You gotta be putting medicine and water in it or something?

Danielle's always forgetting.

Claire takes care of it.

No kids for Claire?

She seems like a natural.

Oh, she's not.

Danny and I are mommies.

Claire's a career girl just like you.

Well, it's impressive how she dotes on Charlie with her demanding career.

Well, her career's not so demanding.

Her boss Declan gives her three half-days off a week.


Danny does her share too.

They have lots of fun.

Oh, I bet.

She's taking him to Alaska.

That's gotta be a big adventure for the kid.

It's a daydream.

Danny would never take Charlie away from his home.

She and Claire argue about that?

What's best for Charlie?

Everyone wants what's best for Charlie.

Danielle was gonna take that sick little boy to Alaska.

And there was nothing her family could do to stop it.

Except k*ll her.

Hard to know what was going through Claire's mind.

Claire Quinn's a lawyer.

She would've gone to court to get custody by proving her sister's an unfit mother.


By getting the guys Danielle blackmailed to testify?

We can't even get them to cooperate in a criminal investigation.

Claire wanted to save that kid, or keep him for herself.

Declan Pace is in love with her.

She got him to help her.

So she goes through Danielle's things.

Finds out about Sabo and the meeting with Henry.

Such wonderful speculation.

The only case is against Declan Pace.

If he loves her enough to commit m*rder, I doubt if he'll turn on her.

Yeah, well, I found something that's gonna make him love her a little less.

I found a letter addressed to her in her parents' kitchen from another law firm.

Riker's Island Correctional Facility Riker's Island, New York Thursday, February 3 We know this m*rder plot wasn't your idea.

It was Claire's to save little Charlie.

We're prepared to deal for your testimony against her.

Hey, before you throw yourself on a grenade, you better have a look at this.

Claire sent it to a headhunting company.

She's looking for a job with another law firm.

In fact, she's got an interview this Wednesday morning.

Now, they're offering her the same hours, the same salary.

Once she has that kid, she's kicking your ass to the curb, my friend.

I I have nothing more to say.

You stood by your wife through her illness.

When you love someone, you put their needs first.

Claire doesn't love you like that.

We have that office we never use.

We can make that a playroom so you can bring Charlie to work.

That'll be great.

They're sending forensic accountants to the office Wednesday morning.

I need you there.

Wednesday morning?

I can't.

Why not?

Well, I have to take Charlie to the doctor's.

I'm sorry.

This'll all be over soon.

I love you so much.

I know.

His cellmates found him this morning.

He suicided.

He loved her.

He put her first.

That's two deaths she's responsible for.

And without Mr.

Pace, we have no evidence against her for the attempt on Danielle.

Was a su1c1de note found?


Sure, there was.

Anybody asks, there was a note.

Did the note say anything about me?

Well, he said he loved you.

He took total responsibility for the attempt on Danielle's life.

He said she was blackmailing him over his affair with you.

We're aware that his wife knew about you and Declan.

But it's one thing to know about it.

It's another thing to have your face rubbed in it.

Well, especially in her condition.

So what happens now to Danielle?

Well, you're a lawyer.

You know nothing's gonna happen if, you know, we can't substantiate the extortion charges.

The su1c1de note's just not enough.

Unless Danielle makes a statement.

She'll never admit to anything.

Well, that's too bad.

Considering what she did to your boyfriend.

I'm going to talk to Danielle this afternoon at the prison.

You should meet me there when I'm done.

Now I don't have any lawyer?

I can't believe this.

Why did he k*ll himself?

His wife is dying, Danielle.

You're not the only one with problems.

I'm a jerk.

I'm sorry.


It's been so hard for me to keep you and Declan a secret from mom and dad.

Mom's always saying that a career girl can't catch a man.

I just wanted to scream, "Claire has a man.

" Hey, why can't you be my lawyer?

I can't.

I am not your lawyer, okay?

- Don't think of me that way.

- Okay.

Declan's best friend from law school is a well-known attorney.

Which one?

Is he on TV?

Never mind that.

He said he might take your case as favor to me, but I have to vouch for you.

That means no lies, Danielle.


No lies.

I think he can get you off with probation if all you did was thr*aten those men with exposure.

- Is that what you did?

- Yeah.

All I said was I'd call their wives.

I never held a g*n to anybody's head.

I mean, I shot Sabo, but that was self-defense.

I didn't know he'd be on that road.

You'll probably have to make full restitution.

You still have the money?

How much money from how many men?

From Jason, Lewis, Frank, Henry.

Oh, and 30 grand from Joe.

Jeez, Claire.

I almost have enough to buy a condo.

All right, I'll talk to him.

You know, you didn't ask about Charlie.

Oh, yeah.

Does he miss his mommy?

It makes you feel good, doesn't it?

Knowing he misses you.

It's all about you, Danielle.

- It's always been about you.

- You're just jealous.

What are you doing here?

She admitted what she did.

I recorded everything.


How could you?

How could I?

You look at that amazing boy, and all you see is money.

Oh, and what do you see?

You think mom's gonna love you now, huh?

Claire, please.

I'll take care of Charlie, I promise.

Oh, like you promised to always put a hat on him when you take him out?

A hat?

This is my life, and you still harping about the hat?

Damn hat?

I'm your sister.

I'm his mother, we're family! He's a sick kid.

The little things matter.

What he eats.

What he wears.

He's better off without her.

Well, I wouldn't count on that just yet.


You have everything you need to convict her on that tape.

Well, the funny thing about evidence is that it gets lost.

You know, sometimes it gets stolen.

- Or erased.

- What are you talking about?

We know why Declan tried to have Danielle k*lled.

He did it for you.

You talked him into it.

That's not true.

His note said There was no su1c1de note.

And there's no tape unless we hear the truth coming out of your mouth.

No tape means Danielle goes home to Charlie, and you will never get him back.

And she'll exploit him for as long as he's alive.

If you confess, Danielle stays in jail.

Charlie stays with his grandparents safe and sound.

It's all up to you.

Come on, Claire.

You were willing to give up Danielle's life and Declan's happiness, all for this kid.

Try giving up something of your own.

I'm gonna press this button, and then the whole thing's a memory.

No, don't.

I'll do it.

It was my idea.

I convinced Declan to call Sabo and tell him he'd get his money back.

But Danielle's neglect would've ended up k*lling Charlie.

My parents refuse to see what she's like.

I can't make them.

She's a bad person.

I just want her dead.

Well, consider yourself under arrest for attempted m*rder.

I'm waiving my rights.

I don't need a lawyer.

I want to give you a statement.

Let's wait till we get you downtown first.

Well, I guess with his mother and aunt in jail, little Charlie's gonna get to know these walls pretty well.
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