05x09 - Scared Crazy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x09 - Scared Crazy

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

What, you Tam?

- Welcome back, Robbie.

- Thanks.

Hey, the XPA project has a bug in it.

I need you to fix it.

No problem, Tucker.

Name on the door says "Ubicool.

" They're swimming in bucks.

They've got stealthwave PCs.

Those run, like, 7 grand each.

The system's set up so nothing can be saved on the desktop computers.

- Only on the server.

- Hey, I'm not getting any reception.

You're not supposed to.

We're in a different league now, Aidan.

Just be on board for once.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.

Um, but I'd like to reschedule.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Um, Friday at 7, yeah.

That's fine.

All right, I'll see you then.

What did I tell you about being in here?

There's all kinds of dangerous stuff / Got it.

A potato chip can?

It's freedom, Tony.

Forgot my permit for the tennis courts.

Anybody ever tell you we're off Saturdays?

Isn't that one of the Ubicool guys?

What's he up to?

I don't know.


Law & Order CI The vendor that owns the concession is sweating it out.

He wants it in triplicate that he's not at fault.

So is he at fault?

Not unless a 300-pound machine can hop 20 feet and throw itself down the stairs.

Found his ID in his wallet.

It's, uh, Aidan Grant.

Super said the kid lived alone.

If he was going up to catch a train, he should have seen the machine in time to get out of the way.

He was coming down.

Detective Khan, we need you over here.

Earbuds have been pulled off.

I need to know what kind of music was on this.


Wi-fi card.

A, um N-connector.

He was building something?

Got a cell phone number for Gisella.

Girls love a handyman.

I met him last night at a party where he works.


My friend's the receptionist.

Aidan what does he do there?


My friend said everything's hush-hush.

What time did you and Aidan get home?

Maybe 1.

He helped fix my internet connection.

I better call in.

So with fixing your connection he was here, what, a couple of hours?

You have a boyfriend?

A jealous ex?


I can't believe that Aidan was just so sweet.

- You moved this plant here?

- No, it's supposed to be over there.

- You see anybody out front last night?

- No.

Anyone you know do this?


Twenty knots.

That's an interesting habit.

Ubicool Wednesday, November 9 I can't imagine who'd want to hurt Aidan.

He was tremendously talented.

He ever mention any stalking incidents, letters / No.

- Hey, could you unlock this, please?

- Yeah.



Uh, you won't find anything saved on there.

We run everything off the server.

What, what is this, special paint?

Yes, to block wireless signals.

- Oh, just like the film on the windows.

- Yes.

So you're all all sealed up in here, nothing in or out.

Yeah, our clients demand security.

Well, who are you worried about, these people across here?

No, those guys are still using metascan software.

If you're blocking the signals, why was Aidan carrying a wi-fi card?

Well, not for this computer.

Oh, look.

A perfect fit.

Uh, he wouldn't have been able to use it.

Unless he had an external antenna.

A can-tenna.

For 50 cents he beat your security.

Oh, for god's sake.

I have to check the server.

Excuse me.

You know, it rained Friday night.

That can would have rust.

He must have set it up Saturday before the party.

Twenty knots.

Whoever left that those people might have seen him.

I was barely here five minutes on Saturday.

I forgot my tennis permits in my desk.


Kevin didn't stay very long.

Right, right.

But you came in early on Saturday morning, 8:30?

Yeah, I was catching up.

Yeah, Robert just got back from vacation.

You see anybody on the roof Saturday?

I didn't notice anyone out there.

You, Robbie?


No, I didn't see anyone.

Not even him?

Aidan Grant.

He works over at Ubicool.

- Nope, I've never seen him.

- Are you sure?

Because his desk is practically right across from you.

It's there, next to the window there.

They had tinted films.

Hard to see in.

You're saying you haven't even noticed they're using stealthwave computers?

They are?

And good for them.

We've got a project to finish.

Sorry I couldn't help you.

Any programmer worth his chips would be drooling over a stealthwave, but Kevin acts like he doesn't care.

But he cared too much about what Robbie had to say.

And across the street, we got Ubicool dissing the competition with one hand while building a security wall with the other.

Not to mention, a dead hacker building antennas out of potato chip cans.

Busy little block.

We don't need to get involved.

Let them sort it out for themselves.


Whatever you want to do, Kevin.

The threads are different.

But the knots are the same.

It's a figure-eight.

Twenty knots on each.

Our friend Kevin had a department of defense clearance three years ago at MIT.

He worked on facial recognition software.


There was something on Aidan's desk.

It was a a lip reading manual.

Facial recognition software that can also read lips.

That would be a potent surveillance tool.

Two guys from competing companies working together.

One person might know.

Okay if we join you?

Our patrolmen are always talking about this place.

You followed me.

We got the feeling yesterday you might have more to say if Kevin wasn't breathing down your neck.

I don't like lying.

I did see that guy on the roof Saturday.

The guy in the picture.

And so did Kevin.

I think Kevin's up to something.

So I'm over at Ubicool last week, at night.

He was with a tall thin guy.

I think he's the boss there.

Kevin used to work for the military, um, biometrics.

Do you know what that is?

- We do.

- And then Ubicool shows up.

And no one's ever heard of them, and they all have $7,000 computers.

I mean, where are they getting that money?

Where do you think?

I don't want to know.

I gotta get back.

People will notice if I'm gone too long.

Now he's got me nervous.

Not half as nervous as him.

Apartment of Kevin Lee Queens, New York Friday, November 11 I think I told you everything I know yesterday.

Except the part about visiting Ubicool last week.

Okay, sure.

I'm trying to get a job there.

But I have a contract with Revocomp.

So it could get ugly.

Those photos, those are from the surveillance tape?

I worked on facial recognition software for the DOD.

I just happened to like the faces.

Anything else you didn't tell us?

Um, I saw that guy Aidan on the roof.

I didn't say anything because then I would've had to tell you I spoke to Boaz at Ubicool about seeing his guy on the roof.

What did he say about it?

He said Aidan was brilliant, but a loose cannon.

Always making trouble.

Boaz go up on the roof to check things out?

I don't know.

I left before the party ended.

- Do you use this door much?

- Only in the Summer.

Do you notice anything missing in your place?


Are you trying to make me paranoid?

I think you should be.

Uh, it looks like you might have a regular visitor.

You know, they unscrew the hinges the door gets put on.

Take it off, they come in and out whenever they want.

This is messed up.

You should check your valuables and your computer for spyware.

I didn't tell you about Kevin because if Revocomp had found out I was even talking to him, they would have sued me and fired him.

Welcome, little ones, to 1984.

Aidan work on this?

We're designing a lip-reading program for deaf kids.

Wilder was free because he was never afraid.

The dialogue, Aidan wrote it?

Boy, Aidan liked to undermine your authority.

Aidan had an outlaw spirit, but he never did anything to hurt the company.

- And the can-tenna on the roof?

- Lian.

That's just his way of thumbing his nose at me.


You know, your computer's getting wi-fi reception.

No, that's impossible.

We have signal blocking paint on the wall.

There's film on the window.

The filaments embedded, that's copper and aluminum?


I don't know.

It looks like somebody replaced the filaments with thread.

Here we were, thinking you were spying on everybody.

Somebody's spying on you.

Hope your brother doesn't mind I'm taking the last beer.

Oh, hey, Robbie.

Siena told me to help myself, so Make yourself at home.


You, uh, use the fireplace this morning?

- You still feeling cold?

- Oh, um, I burned some junk mail.

All they need to steal your identity is your name and address.


Work was okay.

I saw them over there today.

It looked like they were searching.

Yes, yes, the mouth.

And then it's to the left?

Okay, I wasn't sure.

All right, I will.

Good night.

Lab finished checking Aidan's home computer.

No record he ever communicated with Kevin little, let alone conspired with him.

Uh, police work, look, we doubt people, we challenge them.

We assume the worst about them.

And somehow, it usually leads us to the truth.

But this time it walked us right into a paranoid fantasy.

Aidan and Kevin, biometrics, lip-reading, Ubicool, and the military.

But it wasn't just our fantasy.

Somebody else was happy to connect the dots for us.

Come on in, Robbie.

Have a seat.

You know, you can help us out.

We're in over our heads with all this high tech stuff.

He's not kidding.

Until six months ago, we had rotary phones.

Uh, could you leave the doory open, please?

Uh, sure.

It does get kind of stuffy in here.

Do you know what this is?

Yes, that's security film.

You put it over windows to block out radio signals.

Yeah, we took a piece of this, uh, from one of the windows at Ubicool.

You see, the metal filaments, they've been replaced with common sewing thread.

That's odd.

Ubicool, Aidan, Kevin, turns out they're not the bad guys.

No, they're the victims of a conspiracy.

The thread conspiracy.

We found this on the roof, next to the antenna.

I have another one just like it outside Hayden's girlfriend's place.

They both had 20 knots.

You ever seen anything like this?



Could you excuse us for a moment?


That looked to me like he was having trouble maintaining eye contact.

He was looking at our mouths.

When I scratched my eye, it forced him to look up.

- An experienced liar.

- Well, not quite.

When I talked about the thread, he tilted his head to the right.

That's the imaginative part of the brain, the one you use to lie.

Then he corrected and tilted his head to the left.

Like he's been coached?

Yeah, look at him.

He wants to touch that thread.

He wants to tie it into knots.

It's a mechanism to keep himself under control.

Now that button, that's substitute behavior.

He was taught that.

Someone must have told him that the knots were a dead giveaway.

For what?

A psychotic condition?

- I hear psychotic, I think m*rder.

- If he's a m*rder*r, somebody's teaching him how not to act like one.

Unusual behavior from a programmer?

Comes with the territory.

Well, maybe if you could narrow it down.

Trust issues.

If there's a meeting in the conference room Robbie's not invited to, he sneaks into the bathroom next door.

We caught him once with his ear pressed against the wall.

Paranoid, does he ever get violent?

No, no.

Robbie's not like that.

But the month before he took his vacation, he refused to do his work, claiming other people were rewriting his code.

You know, he came back more productive, agreeable.

Now, does he have any close friends here or, like, people that he looks up to or, you know.

No, there's that sister he lives with.

I don't think he has anybody else.

Please make sure you leave everything on Robbie's desk right where you found it?

Oh, thanks.

I found an email he sent at 2:30 A.


Saturday to a K.


Alibis him for the time of the m*rder.

"Working late, still catching up, but this week should be clear.

" He's trying to set up some kind of appointment.

Pynchon replied the same night at 3:46 A.


Early mornings are okay with me.

Well, it could be trainer, or a therapist, or something?

Or a magician.

According to the log file, Pynchon read Robbie's email at 11:35 Sunday morning.

Neat trick, answering your email eight hours before you read it.

Well, Robbie, he might've turned back his computer clock when he sent his email to set up an alibi.


Pynchon's email address is at newamc.


New Amsterdam college.

You read our emails?

Robbie's been my patient for two weeks.

Those were privileged communications.


Pynchon, all we need to know is when you answered his email.

It could have been early Sunday.

If I can't sleep, I get up in the middle of the night and cull all my e-mails.

Do you mind checking your computer?

No point, I clean it out after every session.

So, uh, Robbie doesn't go to school here.

- How did he find you?

- His sister's in one of my classes.

She introduced us.

Because we heard that he had trust issues.

You're trying to get me to offer a diagnosis of Robbie.

I'm not going there, detective.

You're a good doctor.

You got me beat.

Now you're being insincere.

I can tell.

Did Robbie mention the people in the office across the street from him?

A company called Ubicool, that maybe somebody from there was spying on him?

Whether he did or not, I'm prohibited from saying.

Unless he threatened to harm them.

If he had, I would have notified the police.

You have a picture of a pitcher plant.

They only grow in North Carolina, in a bog.

- Did you take this?

- Yes.

In Croatan national forest.

Do you spend a lot of time in the outerbanks?


On vacation.

You know the area?

Yeah, I had a girlfriend who worked on Cape Hatteras.

No, you didn't.

You're lying again.


Why do you think that?

You were making eye contact.

But when you brought up this girlfriend, you dropped you gaze to my mouth instead.

Is that what liars do?

I'm afraid it's about that time.

Now we know where Robbie learned his tricks.

She said that she's been seeing him for two weeks.

Since the m*rder, what timing.

I wonder what prompted his sister to get him help.

Apartment of Robbie & Siena Boatman Tuesday, November 15 There was no crisis.

My brother had been wanting to see someone for a long time.

It was always a question of who, and I got a good vibe from Dr.


Your super told us you and Robbie have been living here for four years.

Since our parents died.

You take care of him.

She schedules her classes around his What, his moods?

I'm just gonna go sit over here and shut up.

Having a boyfriend could really throw Robbie into panic.

I don't know where you get this idea about my brother.

Super smart people like Robbie are often insecure.

It's because they are so perceptive.

Saturday night, weekend before last, where you here?

We spent the night at Matt's.

And Sunday?

You see him?

In the afternoon, we came back here and he showed up.

- He was all - He was tired.

He was at his office all night.

Matt, if you need to swing by your place before class, you're gonna be late.

We'll let you kids do your thing.

Hey, Matt.

Oh, man, come on.

We didn't mean to get you thrown in the doghouse.

But you know she's always gonna put her brother first as long as he's around, right?

You said when he came home Sunday, he was all what?


No, he was super mellow.

I mean, he even sat next to me on the couch.

Super mellow.

And how did he look?

his clothes, you see any stains, anything that looked like blood?

Just this spot on his shirt-sleeve here.

It could've been blood.

If she sees me with you His boss told us that when he got back from vacation, he was a new man.

- Did you see that too?

- Yeah, he's been friendlier, except for complaining about my music, which he never used to do.

Your music, you mean, what you were listening to upstairs?

Do you know where he went on vacation?

Siena says Florida, but he must have spent all his time in the shade.

Look, this is I really got to loose you guys.

Hey sweetie, just about to get on the subway.

The blood on his shirt near his triceps.

That's where he'd get an injection.

There's no record that he got his injection at the hospital Sunday morning.

You know, I'm wondering about this vacation.

When Robbie got back he started to complain about house music.

Now that's the same kind of music that Aidan had on his music player.

- The one with the missing earphones.

- Robbie must've taken them.

There was something about it that bothered him.

Okay, thank you.

The mental health building is locked up on Sundays.

Pynchon doesn't have a key.

But she has a house on Long island.

Well, if Robbie went there after k*lling Aidan, he would have been agitated.

She would have given him something to calm him.

And if he washed his clothes, he might have left something behind.

You said after they talked to me, they'd stop.

We are going through this process together.

You remember you agreed.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I wanted the light.

When you trust me, Robbie, trust me without conditions you'll be free.

Home of Doctor Katrina Pynchon Long Island, New York Wednesday, November 16 Haloperidol.

Super-mellow in a bottle.

Washing machine.


It's coming from over here.

There was a lock on this door.

And there's a timer on the light.

Ah, the bracing smell of bleach and urine.

There used to be a light switch here.

It's a speaker wire.

All right, we got sound effects, house music.

He was here, in this room, this is where Robbie spent his vacation.

He's got one thing going for it.

It's secluded.

There's evidence he was in this room?

The place got hosed down with bleach.

No prints, no DNA.

The rest of the house?


I'll break the news to Carver.

It's one of Dr.

Pynchon's CDs.

To use for what, birth control?

To break someone down.

This is the music that Robbie started to complain about when he got back from his vacation.

Maybe it's because he was He'd been subjected to it for two weeks, hour after hour, same sound.

Chinese water t*rture in stereo.

Repetitive sounds, bright lights on a timer to interrupt sleep.

- These are interrogation techniques.

- She used them on this kid?

Some kind of experiment?

Saw the photo in the office, and uh, the pitcher plant Croatan national forest is not far from fort Bragg.

And the military conducts its SERE program there.

Survive, evade, resist, escape.

It's to train their soldiers to withstand severe interrogation.

As an instructor she would know these techniques.


Put him through.

Yes, Mr.

Carver, we're just When?


Pynchon lawyered up.

They're gonna be in Carver's office this afternoon.

The search was an end run around the doctor-patient privilege.


Pynchon sees clients at her home, she keeps confidential files there.

I'm filing a motion in replevin.

I want the items they took returned to her.

We found haloperiodal at your house.

It's an anti-psychotic.

You give it to Robbie?

People with paranoid personality disorder aren't psychotic.

You just sidestepped our question.

I thought it was more polite than saying it's none of your business.

You went to Croatan national forest when you were stationed in fort Bragg.

My military service is a matter of public record.

Now, fort Bragg, there's not a lot of use for someone with a psychology degree.

Unless you belong to the SERE program.

I am not at liberty to discuss my assignments.

We're finished here.



This came for you, detectives.

Well, she lied.

There's nothing classified about being a SERE officer.

Well, here it is, first page of her military record.

program supervisor, fort Bragg.

She left the service in '95, medical school.

She was in the reserves.

Called back to duty late 2003.

It doesn't say where she served.

Maybe that's what's classified.

Well, if it was in Iraq or Afghanistan, she would have received service bars.

She got a temporary duty travel authorization.

Special assignment.

Someone with her training in interrogation - Guantanamo.

- Interrogating t*rror1st suspects.

Yeah, not directly.

She would have been advising the interrogators.

Would've, could've I want to know what we're dealing with.

Well, the people who would know, they probably wouldn't talk to us.

How about someone she bunked with?

Maybe she kept in touch with them.

Baltimore Bayside Hospital Baltimore, Maryland Friday, November 18 When you shared quarters at Guantanamo, she talk about her work?

No, but I knew she was a BISCUIT.

Behavioral science consultation team.

She worked with the detainees.

She enjoy her work?

She seem motivated?

First few weeks, Katrina had a really great attitude.

But then What?

- She withdrew?

- And got cranky, sniping about little things.

I think she was mad even in her sleep.

She talked in her sleep?

More like moans than words.

Crying sometimes.

I figured she was homesick.

Did you ever see any detainees that showed signs of abuse?

I treated army personnel.

Anyway, you can't believe anything the detainees say.

Katrina tell you that?

I've got things to do.

Nice talking to you.

Well, something about her work was disturbing her.

At fort Bragg, she trained soldiers to withstand psychological t*rture.

Now, if she's expected to do the opposite at Gitmo Teaching them to dish it out.

She's a doctor, sworn to do no harm.

She had to feel guilty about it.

Whatever guilt she felt, it didn't stop her from building her own little shop of horrors.

And convinced Robbie to go in.

She couldn't have done it alone.

I told you, Robbie's just insecure.

You've lived with his behavior full-time for four years.

You've scheduled your entire life around it.

No resolution in sight.

Is that what Dr.

Pynchon offered you, resolution?


Did she tell you?

I'm not allowed to discuss his therapy.

Siena, can we show you something?

This is the room we found in Dr.

Pynchon's basement.

It reeked of urine.

These are the high intensity lights she had installed in the room.

The lights were hooked up to this timer.

This is where speakers were embedded in the ceiling.

And in this box we found CDs of babies crying, and house music, the same music Robbie can't listen to anymore.

You're a psychology major.

You know what this is for.

Well, I can't believe She couldn't have.

What did she tell you she was gonna do with Robbie?

She said he had paranoid personality disorder.

She had to start by breaking through his defenses.

- By locking him in a room for two weeks?

- She never said that.

She said it would be intensive.

She asked me about his phobias.

I told her he was afraid of the dark.

And Robbie didn't know what he was getting into?

/ No.

I told him he had to do what Dr.

Pynchon said, or I'd move out.

Oh, god.

What did I do to him?

Well, Dr.

Pynchon did it, not you.

Had he changed when he got back?

He was doing and saying the right things at first.

Then he started having headaches and nightmares.

- He was always cold.

- Did you tell Dr.


I told her I was worried the therapy had been too intense for him, and she said that good things can come from difficult experiences.

They know I saw him on the roof, they know about the threads.

Little pieces, Robbie, but they can't put them together.

They'll try to raise your anxiety high enough that you'll confess.

I can't do this, I can't.

Robbie, you can.

The process has given you the tools.

Focus in?

Trust my intellect?

Admit to trivial things?

They don't care about the truth, Robbie.

They only care about their egos.

They want to feel like they're right.

Give them enough of that, and they'll leave you alone.

Just don't tell them anything about our work.

She was just trying to rationalize what she did in Guantanamo.

Look, she was trying to find a therapeutic benefit to breaking down someone's personality.

Doing this to one of her patients is one thing, it's wrong.

But what she did at Guantanamo to t*rrorists, I don't know.

Sleep deprivation, noises, using their phobias to terrorize them.

- It's t*rture.

- Yeah, well, w*r is hell.

Don't you use psychological manipulation, detective?

Don't you deceive suspects and subject them to stress?

Except we respect their rights, we let them have lawyers present.

Yeah, we don't deny them their humanity.

After two weeks, Robbie was an open wound.

He was on the verge of a psychotic break.

All he needed was a trigger.

The music from the Ubicool party.

If we can prove it, but on the other point Counselor, we've got a bigger problem than parsing out Dr.

Pynchon's ethics.

We don't have anything on that kid for the m*rder.

You want us to break him, we can break him.

I mean, with the state that he's in, maybe for good.

Not to mention his confession might not even hold up.

These are the chances I'm willing to take.

Not me, not with Robbie.

There's a better target.

We need you to read this.

- What is it?

- Your rights.

You know, right to remain silent.

Right to a lawyer.

Look, read it.

If it's clear, sign it.

Am I being arrested?

No, we just want you to read it for your own protection.

And by the way, Robbie, we don't think that you're a violent person by nature.

He didn't ask for a lawyer.

But since you're his therapist I thought you should be here.

- Just in case.

- In case of what?

Once my detectives get going, they can really turn on the pressure.

- Can I hear?

- No.



Now you wait here.

We'll get you a lawyer.

Excuse me.

What are they doing?

I'm not sure.

Could you stand up please?


Uh, it's gonna be okay, Robbie.

This is not normal procedure.


I'll be right there.

Excuse me.

What is this?

Where's your captain?

I thought he was here.

He must have a meeting.

Focus in.

Focus in.

Focus in.

What's he doing?

It's a technique I taught him to cope with stress.

He's stressed.

That's good.

What are you doing?

I want to see in there.

We don't want light seeping in from here.

Yeah, his sister told us that he's afraid of the dark.

We'll see.

Don't do that.


He has a real phobia of the dark.

His sister also told us that he doesn't like certain kinds of music.

Especially house music.

We're piping it into his room.

- What are you people trying to do?

- Trying to raise his stress level until he tells us what he did to Aidan Grant.

You stop this right now.

It's coercive.

It's cruel.

Oh, it's not much worse than if you were at Rikers at night and somebody was blasting their radio.

You know whatever he says it'll be under duress.

It's meaningless.

He'll say whatever you want to hear just to make it stop.

Is that what you told the soldiers at fort Bragg?

To tell the interrogators what they want to hear?

I'm not here to talk about my work.

Robbie's a piece of your work.

You're only here because you're afraid of what he's gonna say.


I'm here to see no harm is done to him.

Oh, right.

No harm is done.

Your oath.

Hippocratic oath.

How did that square with what you did in Guantanamo?

- What do you know about that?

- We know about your nightmares.

Your guilt.

That you were torn between two loyalties.

Your oath and your country.

They expected you to do things there that were against your medical ethics.

- We are fighting t*rrorists.

- With terror.

"What does that make me?

" Is that what you ask yourself?

- I set limits on the interrogations.

- No, it was your limits, Your ethics that were being pushed back.

They were using you.

If I hadn't been there, it would've been much worse.

They were using the position you were in as a doctor.

The prisoners trusted you.

They trusted their doctor.

They told me what they were afraid of.

And then you told the interrogators.


I decided how much noise.

How much light and darkness to subject them to.

I monitored their stress levels.

To maximize their terror.

It was my job.

My job.


Don't leave Robbie in there.

The damage he'll suffer And good things come from difficult experiences.

Because good data comes from inhuman experiments?

You broke down his defenses.

You broke down his personality.

Was that to force him to trust you?

What, what, what was the idea?

Was it to extract something good from what you did?

To justify something that was beyond justification.

It was to forgive yourself.

Come on.

It was to forgive yourself.

I I came back.

I didn't recognize myself.

I didn't want to believe that what I took part in, what I did was evil.

- Now please, for god's sake.

- No.

Not until you tell us what you did.

You want me to stop what's going in there?

Tell us what you did.

Tell us the truth.

Tell us how you made Robbie into a k*ller.

No, I didn't mean it.

He called me.

He called me Sunday morning.

He was out of his mind.

He had a psychotic break.

He said he k*lled that man because of the music.

I, I I felt that I owed him.

To protect him.

At least that.



Turn the light on now.

Get him out of there.

Focus in.

Focus in.

Focus in.

Focus in.

Thank god.

Thank god.


Pynchon, you're under arrest for kidnapping, reckless endangerment, and obstruction.

Let's get him a lawyer.

I'll be offering a plea to involuntary manslaughter pending a psychiatric evaluation.

My guess is he'll end up in a hospital.

Everybody told us he'd never hurt a fly.

t*rture changed him.

Evil changes everybody.
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