05x06 & 05x07 - In the Wee Small Hours

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x06 & 05x07 - In the Wee Small Hours

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Stripping in the streets.

This is so phat.

- Shit, could it be 20 minutes?

- Bethany, we have to get back.

I didn't do anything to it, Mr.


I just wanted some cubes.

The lights out was three hours ago.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you girls doing?

Bethany was jonesing for ice cream, so me and Alexis went with her.

She's totally menstrual, Mr.


Oh, so that's why she's leaking.

Ice cream.

- Timmy, grow up.

- Just, just go.

Once we're inside, I want you all to note the two large paintings by the artist Marc Chagall.

Completed in 1966, they're titled 'Sources of Music' and 'The Triumph of Music'.

Ur a$$ luks gr8 in those jnz.

Bethany, if you don't turn that phone off, I'm confiscating it.

Now, go.

The New York Public library is considered one of the five greatest libraries in the world.

Built between 1902 and 1911, the library was dedicated by You have one hour to play and back hotel to pack.

What did I tell you?

- Bethany, we're going in.

- I need my phone.

- Ms.


- Yes, Liz.

- It's Bethany, she's not here.

- Yeah, I see that.

No, I mean she's not here.

She didn't sleep in her bed last night.

Law & Order CI When the teachers did another head count, they were short two more kids.

Two boys, Tim Stenton and Jesse Milton.

They never made it back to their room.

Three kids missing.

This is some field trip.

- We're getting photos out.

- As we speak.

The parents are on their way from Des Moines.

The girl Bethany Lunden, the missing kid, she's practically made to order.

Straight A's, loved animals, just had a sweet 16 last month.

Her roommates are over here.

We waited for her outside of Laser Tag, but we didn't find her, so we went back to the hotel.

We thought she was hanging out in one of the other rooms.

Now, Tim and Jesse, she have any kind of relationship with them?


They're not boys Bethany pays attention to.

Were they paying attention to her yesterday?

Maybe bothering her?

I don't know.

Did you try and call Bethany on her cell phone?

Yeah, I tried once, but it went right to her voice mail.

Try again.

That's Bethany's ring.

Excuse me, that's mine.

Is that your cell phone ringing?

Oh, for crying out loud I completely forgot.

That's Bethany's.

I confiscated it before we went into the Laser Arena.

She kept playing with it all day, not listening to instructions.

- Playing?

- Text messaging.

We'll need to speak with the missing boys's friends.

I haven't seen them after Laser Tag.

You ever hear them talking about Bethany?

Nice things, bad things?

Any of their belongings missing?

Their suitcases?

Oh, they're over here.

They were downstairs this morning.

Tim and Jesse packed them before we went out.

I just brought them down.

You know, as a favor.


She's got 8 text messages.

"Your ass looks great in those jeans.

" "Ur so hot.

Want 2 b hotr.

" Sounds like harassment.

And this one.

"Lionz got a surprize 4 sexy b.

" That could be a threat.

The boys might've had it in for her.

sh**ting her with laser g*ns wasn't real enough for them?

I've got three vests and three g*ns missing.

I don't know how those kids got out without turning them in.

Any other exits?

No, everyone has to go in and out through the pack room.

And this door here?

This is supply room.

It's always kept locked.

Well, sh**t.

I got two sets of laser gear.

Size medium, probably the boys.

I got another one.

Size small.


It's broken up, torn apart.

The lions moved in for the k*ll.

Tim's cut class a few times, but he's never ran away.

Chances are the three of them went out partying, now they're worried about being in trouble.

- Is there anyone they'd contact?

- I haven't heard from Jesse.

They know anybody local?

Tim doesn't.

We've never been to New York City.

Same with Jesse.

They told me to bring the most recent pictures I had of him.

Your sons mention going any place, maybe not on their itinerary?

Tim didn't say anything to us.

And the last time you talked to your kids was.



/ Tuesday.

Or maybe Monday.

I talked with her Wednesday night.

Just before 11, her time.

We spoke for ten minutes.

Okay, folks, we need to spend a couple minutes with Bethany's parents.

Do you remember what you talked with Bethany about?

She and her friends got ice cream from the store next to the hotel.

They were eating and looking out their window at Times Square.

She say anything about Tim and Jesse?

No, they're not part of her circle.

But if something did happen, she would've discussed it with you?

Yes, she knows she can tell me anything.

We don't have any secrets.

Oh, god.

Please, please bring her back.

- How come we get the dirty laundry?

- It's their case.

Are there any pants in there?

No, just shirts, socks, and underwear.

They're not here either.

What kind of mother sends her kid on a trip without change of pants?

Besides mine?

Look at this.

We got large boxers, medium briefs.

Who packed these?

/ Roommate said Tim and Jesse did.

And they put all their underwear in the same bag?

I didn't pack for them.

I don't know what happened to them, I swear.

AJ AJ, you thought that you were doing Tim and Jesse a favor, we understand that.

But lying to us now is gonna make you an accomplice to whatever bad thing that they might have done to Bethany.

Tim called this morning, early from a pay phone, said that they weren't gonna be back to the hotel before the bus left, said for me to pack their bags and bring them a change of clothes.

And meet them where?

The airport?

- Something happened, they're not coming.

- Don't freak out on me.

- This is really bad.

- Don't freak out on me.

Just tell me you're clear about what you're gonna say when they find us.

- I know what I'm gonna say.

- Hey, Tim Stenton?

This is Unit 4.

We got them.

We couldn't find anybody when we got out of the laser place.

Then these two guys, these two black guys, they came up to us and they threw us in a van, a blue van.

They jacked our money, our phones and they dumped us off in Brownsville.

Brownsville, huh?

Blue van, black guy, that's very colorful.

Guess what we found in a room off the laser arena has your fingerprints on it.

So you wanna tell us your story again, Tim?

Okay, it was Jesse.

It was all his idea.

Before the Laser Tag place, he met up with these guys.

They said they could score some weed.

After we snuck out, they said we had to go to Brownsville.

That's when they ripped us off.

We thought they were gonna k*ll us.

And Bethany, she a part of your little expedition?

Bethany Lunden?


So how did her vest get in the basement?

I don't know.

Ask her.

Well, you know, we can't do that.

She's missing.

The last place anybody saw her was the laser arena.

No, no.

No, no, I swear to god she was not with us.

No, not that stuck up bitch.

Our point, Tim, is that you decided to loosen her up.

- You sent her a text message.

- No! - Then you took her to that room.

- No, no way.

How about you ask her friends where she is, okay?

Everyone thinks they're so perfect.

They're the ones who broke curfew.

- When did they do that?

- Wednesday night.


Neuhauser caught all three of them sneaking back in the hotel at two a.


with ice cream.

- Ice cream?

- Yeah.

All bagged, but it was melting all over the place.

Swear to god, we just snuck out to buy weed and they left us all the way out there in Brownsville.

Hard to see how two bongheads from Iowa came up with Brownsville on their own.

Wednesday night at 11, Bethany told her mom she and her friends were having ice cream in their room.

At two, their teacher caught them sneaking in with more ice cream.

Which was melting.

Which wouldn't have been melting if they actually got it from where they said they did next door.


And those girls seemed so sweet and innocent.


Please don't tell our parents.

We went clubbing Wednesday night.

We just wanted to see what it's like.

You meet anybody there, any boys?

Bethany did.

She was dancing with him forever.

She made plans to meet him last night?

I don't know.

She wouldn't even tell us his name.

He was cute, with a retro suit.

When they were dancing together how did they act?

They were making out.

And then I saw her jump and hold her lip.

/ Yeah.

And after, she had this welt.

- So he bit her lip.

- I think so.

You girls being so tight, I'm surprised you didn't get any details out of her.

Well, last night at dinner, she showed me this thing he gave her.


She thought it was a necklace.

Beth acts so sophisticated.

What did you think it was?

A chain with two little clips.

It's for, you know, nipples.

She showed you at dinner.

And where were you before that?

At the public library.

Is it okay, I told my mom I'd call her.


So the text message, Lion's got a surprise for sexy B.

The lion's in front of the library.

Probably left the clips there for her.

A secret life of teenagers.

Of course they let those boys go.

go to New York to k*ll their classmates.

But what about this teacher, Matt Neuhauser?

He had Bethany's phone in his possession.

Smell the rotting meat in the air, that's the cultures gathering.

- You have a sketch?

- Kid she was dancing with.

Medium height, 17 to 20 years old.

We're assuming she set up to meet with him at the laser arena.

Well, if they had a date, she should've turned out by now.

Depends what this kid means by date.

Well, he bit her lip and laughed about it.

Sent her S&M toys, left her crude and suggestive messages.

A bad boy.

Or he plays at being one.

Go to the club, show the sketch around.

The girls don't remember anything about the place other than it's down a flight of stairs and it has a red bar.

Oh, the Shock and Awe club.

It's on Harrison between Greenwich and Hudson.

There's this DJ there that I know.

Hey, we're looking for this guy.

He was here Wednesday.

Medium height, dark suit.

Sorry, I don't pay attention to people with Y chromosomes.

Okay! All right, we're gonna pretend like we don't see any illegal substances in exchange for that very big favor.

- We need some information.

- We're looking for this boy.

He has a thing for biting girls, on the lip.

You don't have to raise your hand.


I don't know his name, but my friend Suzie hooked up with him a couple of weeks ago.

The way he bit her lip, I told her she should get a shot or something.

Is she here tonight?

- No, she got grounded.

- Lucky her.

I don't remember them.

Are they your grandkids or something?

Thank you.

We got a lead on the girl who knows the biter.


Another missing girl.

Tihanna went missing two months ago.

A week before she disappeared she was at that club with some friends.

The night she went missing, she went to a party at her school, Stuyvesant which is 4 blocks from the club.

Not much of a connection.

What did the Missing Persons say?

She's a runaway and the family moved here from North Carolina 4 months ago.

They think she got homesick.

Home of Eunice Peterson Bronx, New York Tuesday, September 7 My baby girl did not run away.

She's smart.

She's responsible.

She fit in at her new school?

She loves Stuyvesant.

It's why my husband and me moved back to the city so she could go there.

I have to ask.

Why are you here now?

Well, another girl's gone missing and.


You probably seen it on television.

Bethany Lunden.

We think it might be connected.

A white girl, you mean.

I called the papers, the radio, and TV.

They wouldn't give me one minute for Tihanna.

Well, you've got 100% of our time now, Mrs.



The Marquis de Sade collection.

They usually come in pairs.


Peterson, was there another one of this probably attached to a chain?

It's all right.

We know what it is.

When Tihanna didn't come home, we went through her things.

We found another one like that with chain like you said.

My husband's brother told us what it's for.

What'd you do with it?

We threw it away before the detectives came.

We didn't want them getting wrong idea about our daughter.

I don't know his name.

He forgot to tell me.

Suzie, the reason you were grounded is because you made that little visit to the club, right?

She engaged in reckless and inappropriate behavior.

I think we know what that means.

How do you do your homework with the computer in living room, you know, your whole family watching?

That must be difficult.

- That was dad's idea.

- It's a new idea, right?

Because this chair hasn't been here long enough to scratch the floor.

Your dad catch you looking at reckless and inappropriate emails maybe?

I caught her reading a blog written by a boy she had sex with and it was very graphic.

The boy you met at the club?

He texted me the address.

He said I was on it.

I tried to find out who this creep is, that's impossible.

I tried to get the blog closed down, you can't do that.

So now it's out there for the whole world to see forever.

No wonder her dad went nuts.

Hosted by the Chairman.

Age 17, location, the 5th circle of hell.

Interests, booze, game, and poker.

He's the only one fully clothed in the photos.

And the kids, he's displaying them like they're trophies.

Sexual predator at 17.

Already with a couple of notches on his belt.

Tihanna and Bethany share the same profile.

Young naive risktakers.

Chief of Ds wants all our resources concentrated on Bethany Lunden.

I guess he's getting all the press.

You noticed.

The kid was filling five blog pages a week until last week when Bethany disappeared, then nothing.

And no entries on Tihanna either.

He probably deleted them after he deleted her.

"Up till the wee small hours stacking chips with Dino and Sammy.

" Kid watches too many Sinatra movies.

He's adopted the Rat Pack as the mythology of his blog, you know, to create pseudonyms for everyone.

Even himself.

Chairman of the board.

"The dame was a lot of fun, but it was time to cut her loose.

" "The Chairman's Chairman would approve.

" Chairman's Chairman?

Captain, can we talk about Tihanna?

You want the chief to come around, hurry.

You got the rest of the day.

We'll take it.

Stuyvesant High School Chambers Street Wednesday, September 8 We already told some other cops everything we know about Tihanna.

You went with her at Shock and Awe club a week before she disappeared.

We want some details about that.

So you can say we corrupted her?

That's what the other cops thought.

Yeah, and we helped her run away.

Did we say that?

You know, I always thought that kids from Stuyvesant were smarter and more open minded.

Here you are judging us just cuz we're wearing badges.

All we're asking for is a little respect.

Did you see her dance with anybody at the club?

Lots of people.

She's been saving that up since North Carolina.

She save for anybody in particular?

What would a fine Nubian sister want with a skinny white boy?

How about the week after?

She mention anything or anybody unusual?

She asked me what it meant if a guy kept calling her Pearl.

I said it might mean something nasty.

You know, like Pearl in the oyster.

That is so Rita Mae Brown.

We gotta get to class.

You know what, Sinatra cut an album with Pearl Bailey.

Maybe our kid nicknamed the black girl Pearl seeing as he's a Sinatra buff.

Apparently not the only one.

He writes about doing a duet with a woman named Pearl.

- Now Sinatra recorded a song - What's it about Pearl?

Pearl Bailey.

The blog entries around the time of Tihanna's disappearance, they mention somebody by the name of Pearl.

Tihanna asked her friends about a boy calling her Pearl.

This is the guy.

There's got to be a way of finding him off his blog.

All right, well, he's very clever at covering his tracks.

But he did mention going to movie at a place called Ah, it's where the Rat Packs called Times Square.

Yeah, and he also talked about meeting college g*ng at Luchow's.

Yeah, a restaurant.

It was on East 13th.

It's an NYU dorm now.

His blog is filled with references, the places that don't exist any more.

Except in, you know, Rat Pack mythos.

Seems to be working very hard to be sophisticated beyond his years.

Well, he also talks about his regular after school poker game at Liederkranz Hall.

Sinatra recorded there when his career was on the skids.

It's on what, the Upper West Side?

It's Madison, the 20th.

Let's put them out of our misery.

Liederkranz with a Z?

East 58th Street between Park and Lex.

It's a men's athletic club now.

School's out.

Time to stack chips with Dino and Sammy.

Be our guest.

There they go.

Ocean's Two.

East Park Athletic Club Wednesday, September 8 Where I come from, friend, that's evidence.

Hey, Carlos, turn that off?

I can't hear myself think.

Like thinking's gonna help.

I see you 50, raise you 100.

What's the buy-in, guys?


Whoa, those are big stakes.

That's a nickel as in 500.

That's a mark of a watch strap.

Where's your watch?

It's being used to secure a poker loan, gentlemen.

- That makes you the bank.

- That's what it makes me.

Also makes you under arrest.

What part of indelible right to counsel do you just not understand, detective?

Come on, Ethan, we're tossing you a soft ball here.

Thursday night, did you play poker or not?

Well, I guess we go to the show part of show and tell.

Remember these girls, Ethan?

You danced with her last Wednesday.

You bit her lip.

This one, you met her a week before she disappeared.

You mentioned her in your blog.

You called her Pearl.

Your show violates my civil rights under both the federal and the state constitutions.

Or did you just cut the day class at the Academy, detective?

You know, if I were you, kid, I wouldn't be so happy to be here.

Who said I was happy?

I had a full house.

You know, the Chairman, you know, the Sinatra, they always associated the Rat Pack with 24 hour party, you know.

But in the 50's they did songs about lonely guys, you know, heart broken guys.

Is that what's up with you, Ethan?

Are you lonely?

You feel heart broken?

Is that why you talk about sex so much?

To cover it up?

You're done?

Kid's father's on his way up.

You won't believe who we've got here.



I had a call from my wife.

She said my son Ethan was here.

Yes, judge, I'm sorry.

If I had known he was your son, I would've called you myself.

He was arrested for a poker game?

Promoting gambling.

He was the bank.

Gambling is a serious matter.

You did the right thing.

He invoked?

Chapter and verse.

For the time being, consider him represented by me.

I presume you'll be issuing a desk appearance For the time being.


Thank you.

Four detectives on a Mickey Mouse gambling charge and he doesn't say boo?

Judge Garrett knows better than to let on what he's thinking.

Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves.

We're flying into the eye of the hurricane.

The detectives believe he's more than just a witness.

Can we compromise and refer to him as a material witness?

I'm not trying to be cute, Arthur.


Until there is direct evidence linking him to the disappearance of either girl, Ehtan Garrett is to be considered a witness.

So we let him hide under daddy's robes?

We're to accord Judge Garrett and his family the respect due his office.

You two need to put the kid together with Bethany on that Thursday.

Thursday was a school holiday.

I can't see him going anywhere without the other rats in his pack.

Just hurry up and turn this witness into a suspect.

Liberty Prep School Friday, September 10 Well, we're not allowed to discuss Ethan's situation.

That sounds like it came right out of Ethan's mouth.

So I bet you're the Sammy in Ethan's blog.

Am I right?

And that would make you Dino.

I never read his blog.

I don't have the patience.

- I'm an ADD kid.

- Oh, you're an ADD kid.

So you probably just look at the pictures.

Is that Who does that resemble?

The moles on the neck.

I think we found Ethan's little pet.

It's No, I'm not his pet.

I'm not I'm not into guys.

I did that We did that for that girls.

They get turned on by that stuff.

Not to mention that it drives our parents crazy.

Your parents read Ethan's blog?

Not his blog.

You have your own.

It's mostly just pictures we send to each other.

Ethan send you any pictures Thursday last week?

- Eunice Peterson?

- Yes.

- I'm Faith Yancy.

- I know who you are.

This is Lee Ann Lunden, Bethany's mother.

I'm very sorry about your daughter.

- I just learned about Tihanna.

- May we come inside, Mrs.


I'm told by my sources that the same young man may be responsible for both Tihanna and Bethany's disappearance.

I know who you are because 5 weeks ago, I sent you a letter asking you to do a story about Tihanna.

I never heard from you.

- I'm sure it was a mix up.

- I know how it is with your people.

If she's white, put her in the spotlight.

If she's black, put her in the back.

I'll take your interest now any way it comes, but do not confuse my desperation with gratitude.

All right.

He wrote about taking Pearl to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon near the R&L's Luncheonette.

Probably a code for a dance club?

And he wrote "I'm counting on Pearl to help me check off my remaining BTDT boxes.

" - BT what?

- Been There, Done That.

An inventory of sexual experiences, most of the boxes are checked off.


17, this kid doesn't have much to look forward to.

Probably an attaboy from his daddy.

Apple didn't fall very far from the tree.

Garrett gave me a look in the observation room.

It would've made a construction worker blush.



The boxes he didn't check off, sex in the elevator, sex outdoors.

Maybe he wasn't taking her to a club.

His frame of reference is New York in the 40's and 50's.

- They're back.

- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Looks like they got something.

- R&L's Luncheonette Any time you're ready.

There's an R&L Luncheonette on Gans.

Sinatra used to eat there.

As of 6 months ago, it's an empty building.


And they say a prep school education is a waste of money.

Looks like a 3 alarm hunch.


Yeah, there, that one.

Posted last Friday morning at 2:16 a.


What's in his hand?

- An empty condom wrapper.

- It's a trophy, he's showing it off.

DVD player, can you zoom in there?

Thursday 9:36 p.


Bethany disappeared between 7:30 and 8:30.

half an hour to get down to business.

The timeline's right.

Brought her home, he had sex with her over a period of an hour?

And k*lled her at home.

With mom and dad downstairs watching TV.

He was released, sent home to sleep in his own king size bed.

Lee Ann, Eunice, why do you think they did that when this kid probably knows what happened to your daughters?

I don't understand it.

Eunice, he was at the same club Tihanna visited.

Doesn't it make you angry he was let go?

I just want to tell this boy, if you know where Tihanna is, please will you tell me?

You're not dressed.

Car will be here in 15 minutes.

I'm not going.

Hide if you want, Elise, but I won't be run to ground by some botoxed TV shrew spouting rumors and innuendo.

I think it'd be better if I took Ethan to the house in the Berkshires for the next few weeks.

Ethan has school.

I remember a case a few years ago.

Man's wife went missing.

He had no alibi.

But smart man that he was, he invoked his right to counsel.

And he never said a word to the police.

Most important, the body was never recovered.

In time, the case was dismissed.

No body, no case.

That's what it came down to.

No body, no case.

Karkula Art Gallery Friday, September 10 I don't remember a box for sex in an art gallery.

For a boy who's trying to look sophisticated, taking a girl to an art gallery isn't so crazy.

Hey, Barek.

The High Line, what do you think?

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the outdoor sex place.

You know the city's turning this into a park.

The Rats will be thrilled.

We got something.

Black female.


Yeah, we got a DOA at Gansevoort up in the High Line.

Now we got a body.

Cause of death was cardiac arrest due to an overdose of ecstasy.

Well, that's not the girl her mother described.

The X had to be his idea to get her in the mood.

What'd the r*pe kit say?

Traces of preservatives consistent with sheep skin condoms and one lonesome pubic hair.

It matched Ethan's DNA from the soda can.


I almost gave up hope of finding her.

Thank you.

Miss Covy's from Victim's Services.

She'll help you with the forms.


Peterson, judge or no judge, we're gonna get him.

A fine sentiment, detective.

But not with this evidence.

He gave her ecstasy.

He had sex with her.

There's no evidence it was anything but consensual.

He took her head into a Guardrail and he left her to die.

More assumptions.

They're not the wrong ones.

Even if we step into him, he won't talk to us.

He knows better.

You think we could get a warrant for the house?

Only for his room and the common areas.

And only for evidence relating to Tihanna's death.

Well, we only need to be in house when Ethan's there.

Home of Harold Garrett Tuesday, September 14 Common areas?

For heaven's sakes, that's practically the whole house.

What's in this room, ma'am?

My husband's den, that's not a common area.

Ethan, we need to search your room.

They have a warrant.

- What does this lead to?

- The garage.

- Ethan drives?

- Only in the Berkshires.

We have a home there.

Which ones are Ethan's?

When we found Tihanna's body, there was evidence that your son had been intimate with her.

Now it's possible that Tihanna's death was accidental.

It's also possible that the same thing happened to Bethany.

An accident.

But until we hear it from Ethan himself.


As a judge's wife, you would appreciate he comes forward now instead waiting until we find her.

You're devoted to Ethan's welfare.

Without reservation.

I'll leave you two alone to do your job.


This one.

Sheep skin.

Interesting choice.

Tihanna get more excited with those?

You know, Ethan, most offenders, they can't sit still when we're searching their private space, you know.

But you, nothing gets under your skin.

Hey, these photos of your dad, I've noticed that he has the same smile on every photo.

You have any other photos, like Little League games or camping trips, stuff like that?

He's a judge.

He's very busy.

You know, he's not even looking at the camera here.

Who's he looking at, the waitress?

You know, he gave a look to my partner.

She thought he was gonna jump her bones right there in the squad room.

Well, his dad's a player.

- He cheats on your mom, doesn't he?

- You shut up.

You shut up about my dad.

I bet by the time this got back from the photo shop, he was throwing one into the waitress.

Bitch, give me that.

Give me.

Don't touch.

- You're under arrest for as*ault.

- Come on, fellas.

Don't touch me.

Do not.

I swear to you, you'll pay for this.

/ Let's go.

So he's in custody.

Now all we need to do is say the magic words to make him talk.

Well, we have a young friend that he might open up to.

Greenhaven Correctional Facility Greenhaven, New York Tuesday, September 14 I remember you.

/ Yeah, I haven't forgotten you either, Connie.

You don't want me sitting too close.

I might have to hit you again.

I'm kind of surprised that you say that, considering your good behavior since we sent you here.

We'd like to reward that good behavior with a change of scenery.

Riker's Island, just for a few weeks.

You'd get a view of your old haunts on Channel Island.

You could reminisce about all the people you poisoned and drowned there.

Have you heard from any of your disciples lately?

Carolyn, Tina, Claudia.

Oh, no, that's right.

You're not allowed to exchange mail with them.

You were right about them, you know.

They never turned on you.

You were still their only reality.

I bet they'd love to hear from you.

Mail privileges.

I get mail privileges if I agree to this transfer.

We expect you to be extra friendly to your new cellie.


I'm Connie.

I'm down here for an appearance.

What are you in for?

Assaulting a police officer.

What up?

I bitchslapped me a detective in his own squad room.

And you know what, it's not half what he deserved.

He tried to take my women from me.

Your women?

You're a pimp?


They're just for me.

I got three of them.

I'm Ethan.

You're right.

I never forced her to take the X.

It was her choice.

You tell them she asked to take it.

And you left before she got sick.

Don't even say that you saw her hit her head.

I won't.

I get it.

But dude, you should've seen her.

Her head bounced off that guardrail like a beachball.

Connie didn't know we were taping them.

We didn't brief him about Ethan.

We didn't give him any instructions at all.

We'll get an argument from Ethan's lawyer, but we can use this as leverage.

Anything about Bethany?

Officers monitoring the tape didn't hear her name mentioned.

You know, I think I'm gonna listen to this some more.

A beachball Judge Garrett?

I'm Lee Ann Lunden, Bethany's mother.

I have this for Ethan.

It's a Bible.


Lunden, our hearts go out to you.

I can forgive him.

I just want him to tell me where Bethany is.

- He doesn't know anything.

- You're a father.

You understand.

Judge Garrett, a moment please.

- A moment.

- Crying out loud! Judge Garrett, please, I know that he knows where she is.

- If I could just talk to him.


- I'm not commenting.

This is private property.

Elise! Elise! Open up! The shrew is at the door.

Oh, for god's Mrs.

Garrett, you're a mother.

Make Ethan tell me where my baby is.

I'm so sorry for you.

Ethan is a good boy.

He's not a m*rder*r.


His dog, he lost his dog.

Oops, sorry.

I tell you what, it's not that easy making a body disappear.

I had this dog Tucker and one summer he ran into salt marsh next to our house.

We looked for him for months.

Three years later, a fisherman found his collar in the marsh.

Nothing else.

Tucker was history.

And like my dad said, no body, no case.

He's talking about dropping a body in the marsh.

Yeah, salt marsh.

Next to their country house?

They have a house in the Berkshires.

There's no salt marshes up there.

He lost a dog when he was a kid.

They used to have a home in East Hampton.

There's a satellite picture.

Look at that, right there.

Alongside the road.

A salt marsh.

They're conducting a search in full view of the multimillion dollar beach front mansions here in celebrity studded East Hampton.

Charlie, what are you seeing?

Just a lot of people getting wet.

I'll let you know.

We've searched the four most accesible vehicle entry points.

He wouldn't have gotten far on foot.

Roger that.

All right, guys, let's go.

They found her! She was suffocated.

Probaby smothered.

Tox found ecstasy, cocaine, and enough scotch to flipping and flapping.

She had sex?

No semen, no DNA, but preseratives from sheep skin condoms.

Just like Tihanna.

This time our culprit mixed it up.

There was lubricant consistent with a latex condom in her vag*na and rectum.


You know, the key he wouldn't put it in my hand.

I was wearing latex gloves.

The ME found that both latex and sheep skin condoms were used on Bethany Lunden the night she was k*lled.

/ Okay.

What am I looking at here?

It's Ethan's intake report when he got processed into Riker's.

He resisted to cavity search.

I don't blame him.

- What's the reason he resisted?

- Latex gloves.

He told the medical officer that he was allergic to latex.

He wouldn't have used latex condom.

He wasn't the only one who had sex with Bethany that night.

There was a second sh**t.

No, I was at home on Thursday.

I didn't go to Ethan's.

Anybody with you?


No, my parents were out.

Look, it's a fact that Ethan and Bethany were not alone that night.

It's also a fact that you and Ethan liked to share the spoils of w*r.

So that's two facts and you have home alone alibi thing going on.

Who do you think wins?

Okay, my parents were home.

They had one of their fights.

You know, the knock-down drag-out.

And I was looking after my sister.

- We'll have to check with your mom.

- Just don't show her those.


This girl go to school with you?


No, she's an escort.

Hey, we don't need to pay for it.

Ethan's dad got her for him.

For his 16th birthday.

Judge Garrett?

Are you sure?

Or did Ethan just tell you that?

Judge Garrett was there at the house when she showed up.

How long did he stay?

The whole time.

He went upstairs.

After she did Ethan, she went up and did his old man.

How'd Ethan feel about that?

Well, I was grossed out, but he thought it was the coolest thing.

Geez, all I got for my birthday was a transistor radio.

A father and son tag team.

It may not stop with escorts.

Nail down where Judge Garrett was that Thurdsday night.

Criminal Courts Building Court Reporters' Office Wednesday, September 22 So who told you?

Another judge?

So much for judicial discretion.

From what we hear, your affair with Garrett isn't all that discrete.

Look, we don't need to know the details.

We just need to know if you saw the judge that Thursday.

We met for drinks at the St.


Then after?

You went upstairs?

That was Harold's plan.

- And what was yours?

- Harold is very retro.

As long as he's getting what he wants, you can be asleep for all he cares.

So after a few months of feeling like a hole in a matress, I had enough.

So you dumped him.

Oh, yeah.

You're smiling.

So before you dumped him, you let him know what he'd be missing?

Where we were sitting, the tablecloths were very generous.

You mean you got him all worked up and you just left him there?

D-10 seconds and holding.

I'll ask you again.

Who was in your house that night?

I got home around one.

Ethan was asleep in his room alone.

You were out with your husband?

No, I was at a fundraiser for a ballet company in the Bronx.

Hal was already home.

And was asleep when you got in?

I don't know.

I saw his briefcase in the foyer and the door to his den was closed, so I assumed he was in there.

In here?

He came up to bed later?

No, he falls asleep in there.

I don't know what, watching TV?

- TV's in here?

- What about the next morning?

I made breakfast for Ethan and then the two of us drove up to the Berkshires.

And the judge, he was asleep in here?

I didn't see him.

I don't think he'd want you in here.

Plays vinyls, huh?


Everything's in mint condition.

He's a collector, huh?

It was his father's.

Sinatra at the Sands with Count Basie.

Original pressing.

So he put the needle down, sits on here, puts the headphones on, lays back, listens to Frank.

Drinks himself to sleep.

Harold to a T.

You can leave now?

The Chairman's Chairman.

His girlfriend left him at 9:30 with his head ready to pop off.

Which put him home around 10 to find a half naked, drugged 16-year-old partying with his son.

Who would be only too happy to share.

It's a repulsive scenario, but it doesn't tell us who k*lled Bethany.


Garrett said Ethan was asleep when she got home.

She didn't see her husband.

Her husband was the one with the motive.

If he had sex with Bethany, it's statutory r*pe.

Except he's a judge.

He knows the system.

He wouldn't panic and k*ll her.

Well, he's a degenerate.

He's only concerned with his immediate needs.

So's his son and the kid's got a quick switch.

Flies off the handle, so the girl pisses him off and then And then he would walk away, like he walked away from Tihanna.

Because Ethan's a coward.

It's equally believable they did it together.

You're ready to make a deal with one of them?

Who's the lucky winner?

Ethan's the one we have most leverage on.

He have him on tape admitting he let Tihannna Peterson die.

So Mr.

Carver Tihanna becomes leverage to get a conviction for the m*rder of a white girl?

Dude, you should've seen her.

Her head bounced off that guardrail like a beachball.

This tape's a violation of my client's right to counsel.

The cellmate was acting as an agent for the police.

This is not time for posturing.

Not with my son's future.

We're listening, Mr.


We're offering your son 1 to 3 years on a plea of criminally negligent homicide for Tihanna's death.

In return, we want his testimony about the night he brought Bethany Lunden home.

- Ethan, tell them what happened.

- Don't.

Don't tell me what to do.

I didn't k*ll her.

Maybe we should just ask the other person who was with you.

He might decide to save his own skin and implicate you in the m*rder.

Are you worried?

Is that because you're not sure he wouldn't do it?

Because you never felt safe around him?

You know, that's what happens to kids, to sons whose parents, well, whose fathers don't give them love.

Unconditional love.

That they're entitled to.

- My father loves me.

- Oh, Ethan.

If you know your father loves you, then why do you debase yourself to get his attention?

You dedicated this to him.

Chairman's Chairman.

You emulate him.

You do that, what, to earn love of a man who is incapable of love.

- It's true, Ethan.

- If dad's so horrible, mom, then why don't you divorce him?

Because he's a judge.

And all of his friends are judges.

And if I left him, he'd make sure that we had nothing.

- Well, he'd take care of me.

- No, sweetheart.

I couldn't even get him to hold you as a baby.

And he won't hold you now.

He's gonna let you go.

And put Bethany's death on you.

Ethan, tell them what happened.

I was, uh I was in the kitchen with her banking something to drink and dad got home.

We were pretty messed up.

We went in the den, he started playing some records and mixing us some drinks.

They started making out.

And she was laughing.

I started feeling a little dizzy, queasy.

I thought I was gonna puke, so I went up to my room and passed out.

And what happened to your father and Bethany?

I left them in the den.

I don't know what happened to them.

I woke up the next morning, just mom was there.

So you're home.

Ethan's tired.

He needs to go to sleep.


Isn't there something you want to tell me, Ethan?

Leave him alone.

I heard a rumor of a deal with the DA.

- What did you tell them?


- Don't touch him.

- Don't touch him.

- Look at me when I speak to you.

I'm your father! Traitor! Iago! Iago! Iago Office of District Attorney Arthur Branch Thursday, September 23 An arrest warrant for Judge Harold Garrett.

Hot tub Harry.

The circumstantial evidence and a statement from his son.

This won't do, at all.


Arresting a judge for m*rder in election year is not peanuts.

If a District Attorney is going to arrest a sitting judge of the Supreme court of New York, the signature of the District Attorney damn well better be on the warrant.

Arthur Branch, Esquire.

That'll be worth two points on election day.

It's not enough to do good.

You gotta be seen doing good.

Sorry to pull you out of your hot tub, Your Honor.

Ethan's statement doesn't implicate Judge Garrett in either r*pe or m*rder.

He saw the judge groping the girl.

Have you seen the internet diary he keeps?

Heck of an imagination.

What you're saying is your son is a liar.

I'm saying he'd be very malleable in the hands of a skilled interrogator with a personal agenda.

Personal agenda, like what?

I presided over police brutality trials in the 90's.

Quite a feather in somebody's cap to knock me down.

Grandiosity, paranoid overtones, persecution complex.

Two can play that game, detective.

I'm putting you all on notice.

I will defend myself vigorously.

You're on a fool's errand.

And you can thank that man behind the glass.


Carver botched his last case in my court.

A r*pist went free because of his competence.

This is his pathetic attempt to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of his superiors.

My witness got arrested for an outstanding traffic ticket.

On the morning of his court day.

Garrett dismissed the case.

Still, sounds like he just drew his lines in the sand.

Let's make sure we draw ours with hard evidence.

I'm checking to see which ones are fresh.

They must love you in the produce section.



Excuse me.

Can you take a picture of this?

I found a seaside dragonlet.

They only live by salt marshes.

It was probably attracted to the light when the trunk was open.

My father used to use those for bait when he went fishing.

Look at this.

There was a tarp on the floor here.

Garrett probably used it to line the trunk to transport the body.

Yeah, Logan.

Say what?

You're kidding me.


It was filed this morning on behalf of 17 plaintiffs.

The suit alleges civil rights violations including the use of excessive force going back to 1993.

This is crap.

These were all invesigated and dismissed by the review board.

All except the last one.

Greg Sanchez.

He alleges you threatened him with a pool cue and tried to drag him into a bathroom.

Oh, yeah, him.

Defense and never actually threatened him.


Sanchez named Detective Barek as a witness.

Nobody talked to me about it.

If they had, I would've said I saw a smart detective use the power of suggestion to get lifesaving information from a known criminal.


You guys go back to work.

- Did you see this?

- Yes.

Timing's no coincidence.

Judge Garrett got a lawyer to put this together.

He's going after the cops investigating him.

Judge Garrett is setting the table for his trial.

I got an email from a friend in Washington.

Hey, thanks for saying that.

Don't thank me.

That's what I saw.

Well, hey, thanks for seeing what you saw.

I get word someone pulled your FBI personnel file.

What would they find?

The record of someone who was very unhappy.

I was on loan to them for two years after 9/11.

When I wanted to talk to somebody across the hall, I had to clear it with three supervisors.

Those people couldn't stop an asthma attack.

There's no evidence Bethany was in the car.

No fluids or hair.

But we got the dragonlet.

All that proves is that the car has been near the ocean.

We gotta do better.

What are you working on?

It's Garrett's sexual kinetics.

We haven't found evidence that he had intercourse with Bethany, but if we knew how he would've I'll guess hot tub Harry's got a hell of a repertoire.

His range of motion is very limited.

He's got a torn rotator cuff in one arm.

He's got tennis elbow in the other.

He'd have problems supporting his weight in the missionary position.

- If he was on the bottom?

- He's got a double scrotal hernia.

Supporting the girl's weight, that would be painful.

And then kneeling behind, it's out of the questions, because he's got rheumatoid arthritis in both knees.

He basically he had to stand up.

But she was too stoned to stay on her feet.


Well, then he'd knocked her over something I guess.

Like a chair or a desk.

This pattern looks familiar.

And look at the pattern on her arm.

They knocked over the ink bottle during sex, she put her arm in it.

One moment, please.

I'm here to see one of your residents.

Francis Goren.

Are you a family member?

I grew up with her son Bobby.

We went to the Academy together.

Our mothers were good friends.

Don't tell me she's fine.

Look, my You don't understand.

My mother doesn't have My mother's friend doesn't have a son.

No, I'll be there tonight.

I want to talk to Dr.

Shimo when I get there.

Your mom gonna be okay?

What's this?

It was ink on her arm.

It matched the ink blot.

Somebody got in to see my mother, okay?

He asked her a lot of questions.

She got agitated.

She had a psychotic break.

They restrained her and they sedated her for a long time.

- They know who it was?

- It's Garrett.

- Hired a private investigator or something.

- Bobby, let me get the captain.

This is my mom, okay?


Get me Ron Carver.

This is urgent.

What do you wanna know?

You send an ex-cop to terrorize an old woman.

Tell me what you wanna know.

You gotta ask her something, ask me! - Get out of here, detective.

- You know what they did to her?

They strapped her down to a bed, they pumped her full of dr*gs.

Get him out of here.

How could you do that?

By what right?

What, because you have one of these?

You think you can trick some helpless old woman?

Whether you can r*pe a young girl?

You think you can wage a w*r on me, my good name, turn my family against me, and I'll just take it?



Carver! You have any idea what kind of unbalanced personality you've entrusted your case to?

I have it right here.

From his own mother whom he keeps locked in a psych ward.

This is a man who is still full of spite for his dead father, a man who would not lift a hand to help his gambling addict brother! - Judge, this isn't necessary.

- It's all right.

Let him talk.

You go ahead, Mr.


You pursue your reckless prosecution.

You'll see what I'm capable of.

I'll show you.

What are you gonna show us?

That you're not a broken buffoon, that you're more than the sum of your infirmities?

Not with your bum knees and your herniated groin?

How dare you! Is that why your girlfriends don't have patience for you any more?

Is that why you bring hookers home, to flatter you?

And young girls like Bethany, because they don't know any better.

They won't laugh at you while you're fumbling around! / Stop it! Get them drunk, that's even better.

You can just flop them on your desk.

They won't remember anything.

They won't remember how young and strong Ethan felt, how he made them feel better.

I made her feel better.

She threw herself at me.

She didn't want a boy.

She wanted a man.

That's what she got and she loved it.

Oh, he heard, all right.

All the way from his room.

The old man showed him how it's done.

I did nothing to hurt her.

I did not hurt her! Now he's admitted raping her.

I think we're ready for trial.

Nice work, detective.

We still haven't received item 18 on the bill and demand.

I'm sure it was sent over.

Probably a clerical error.

We'll get you another copy.

Careful, Miss Butley.


Carver's prone to errors.

For a man who admitted having sex with a 16-year-old m*rder victim, arrogance isn't the best defence.

Are you the only one who doesn't get it?

This is a show trial for the voters.

If Arthur really wanted to convict me, he'd put a bureau chief in charge.

I am serious about convicting him.

And I'll promote you to bureau chief right now.

No need, Arthur.

I've never seen myself as management.

She's a bite.

Jury selection's starting tomorrow in the trial of hot tub Harry.

With a nickname like hot tub Harry, why did the prosecutors take so long to charge him with m*rder.

I keep thinking of Madame Lafarge.

"A Tale of Two Cities.

" She sat near the guillotine and knitted and mocked those poor souls as they were getting their heads chopped off.

As long as it's not my head on the block.

Oh, but it is, my friend.

It is.

Criminal Courts Building Trial Part 46 Monday, December 13 And then he said, "she didn't want a boy, she wanted a man" "and that's what she got and she loved it".

Thank you.

No more questions.

You tesified that you were present when Ethan Garrett was encouraged by your partner detective Goren to implicate his father.


Objection to the word encourage.

I'll rephrase.

When under questioning by Detective Goren, Ethan implicated his father?

Yes, I was there.

Didn't Detective Goren tell Ethan, "you never felt safe around your father," "your father is incapable of love"?

Yes, but And isn't it true that Detective Goren's own father abandoned his family - when he was a child?

- Objection.


Subject to connection, Your Honor.

I'll allow it.

Answer the question.

Yes, that happened.

And wouldn't you agree that detective Goren's experience with his father has let him to mistakes in judgement?

I'm not qualified to answer that.

Isn't it fair to say that Detective Goren has a special vendetta against imperfect fathers, that he'll bend the truth to implicate them in crimes they're innocent of?

No, that's not fair.

You're saying you trust his judgement.

/ Yes, I do.

Then you'd care to explain this.

Do you recognize it, Detective Eames?

Yes, it's a letter I wrote to my superior officer five years ago.

Please summarize the content.

It's a request for a new partner, but I withdrew my request.

Please, read the highlighted passage.

"Detective Goren's erratic and anti-social behavior," "his volatile and bizarre interrogation techinics" "lead me to have serious doubts about his judgement and mental stability.

" - I want to explain.

- Thank you.

No more questions.

Redirect, Your Honor.

Detective Eames, please explain why you withdrew your requests.

I was used to working with more conventional detectives.

Detective Goren's style is definitely unique and an acquired taste.

Over time, I came to see that his approach was based on deep understanding of humnan behavior.

I came to appreciate him as an ethical person and an effective police officer.

Thank you.

No further questions.

We mitigated the damage.

You did fine.

I'm sorry, Bobby.

I should've told you.

I am an acquired taste.

I'm lucky you withdrew your letter.

I'm a drunk.

I'm sickened by my behavior.

I took advantage of a defenseless girl.

I shamed my family.

I betrayed the public trust.

So I have resigned my office, surrendered my license to practice law.

I've entered a 12-step program.

But one thing I'm certain of, no matter how degenerate my actions, I did not k*ll Bethany Lunden.

The police say that the k*ller carried Bethany Lunden's body down to your garage, loaded her into the car and then carried her to Little Merrick pond.

You're saying you didn't do that?

No, how could I?

I'm a wreck.

Torn rotator cuff, rheumatoid arthritis, hernias I'd break out in a sweat just getting myself out of bed.

No further questions, Your Honor.

We heard forensic testimony Bethany was splayed out on your desk when you r*ped and sodomized her.

Is that how it happened?

Yes, I'm ashamed to say.

After you were done with her, you just left her passed out in the puddle of ink.

- No, I wouldn't do that.

- So you carried her to the couch - That is beyond my capability.

- Then how did she get off the desk?

She walked?

We heard testimony about her blood alcohol level.

Yes, and my son gave her dr*gs.

But with a little help, she was able to get to the couch.

With a little help.

Isn't it possible you gave her a little help down the stairs to the garage?


/ Isn't it possible you helped her to your car and suffocated her?

No, I did no such thing.

There'd be no reason to.

You just told us you resigned your office, surrendered your law license, your reputation's in ruins, all because you got caught having sex with an underage girl.

Now, wouldn't you have done anything to avoid that?

- I wouldn't have k*lled her! - This girl was a threat to you.

- No! / You panicked.

- No! / You had to get rid of her.

You told her you'd take her home, didn't you?

You coaxed her down the stairs.

No! Up the stairs.

She went up the stairs.

Up the stairs?

To your son's room?

Why didn't you mention that before?

My own son?

How could I?

I don't know what happened.

Maybe Ethan got jealous.


Of you?

/ Well, yeah.

She'd just been with me.

Maybe she's saying my praises to him.

Your praises.

As a lover?

Well, yes.

Ethan has a very sensitive ego.

Especially when it comes to his old man, you see.

He could've gone off on her.

I don't know.

I was in the den.

No more questions, Your Honor.

No redirect, Your Honor.

The defense rests.

Rebuttal, Mr.



The People recall Ethan Garrett.


"Your praises.

As a lover?

" Answer.

"Well, yes.

" "Ethan has a very sensitive ego.

" "Especially when it comes to his old man, you see.

" "He could've gone off on her.

" Thank you.

Now, Ethan Ethan?

Is it true?

Did Bethany come up to your room?

No, last time I saw her, she was in the den and dad was kissing her.

You weren't jealous?


I always looked up to my dad.

Thought he was the coolest guy.

I just wanted to be one of his friends.

- Someone he'd hang out with.

- So your father is wrong.

Even though, in his words, Bethany threw herself at him, - that didn't make you jealous?

- Of him?

There's nothing cool about him.

He hurts people.

He hurt Bethany.

He said he was giving her all that great sex.

He wasn't.

He was hurting her.

You could hear her from your room?

No, but he made her bleed from behind.

- When he sodomized her, you mean?

- Yes, he made her bleed.

He's a pig.

He's a freak pig.

No more questions, Your Honor.

The autopsy mentions the torn tissue from being sodomized, but it doesn't mention bleeding.

Somehow he knew she bled.

Maybe his father told him.

I can think of another reason the kid knows.

He saw it when he k*lled her.

m*rder case against Harold Garrett will go to the jury by the end of the afternoon.

That's how long you have to get to the bottom of this.

I don't know where I heard it.

I might've read it somewhere on the internet.

We googled and doodled.

It's nowhere.

It's not even in the autopsy report.

The only person who'd know is somebody who saw Bethany after your father had sex with her.

Meaning the person who k*lled her.

My dad k*lled her.

He told me about the bleeding when he was drunk.

Yeah, well, even if your father k*lled her, somebody had to help him carry the body.

And that's what you did.

You helped him.

Yeah, he had been drinkning.

Driving on those roads in salt marsh, he would've needed an extra pair of eyes.

No, see, he knows his way around pretty well.

I mean, he used to drive by Little Merrick Pond all the time on Pine Beach Road.

Um, Pine Beach Road goes to Big Merrick Pond.

Right, right.

You mean, Strathmore Lane, right?

Yeah, that's the one.

I get them confused some times.

I'm sorry.

Strathmore Lane goes to Thorncrisp Pond.

If this kid drove to the marsh by himself he'd be lost as a dog.

We're back to the dad.

With maybe the kid in the supporting role.

This dog he lost 6 years ago, he would've been heart broken.

The humane society in East Hampton.

I should call.

After closing arguments the judge called a recess, I expected to see Ethan waiting outside the courtroom, but they told me to come see you.

Ethan's fine.

He's here.

There's problem with his testimony.

I didn't hear anything wrong.

It's what he said about Bethany bleeding.

It's something only your husband and the k*ller would possibly know.

But my husband is the k*ller.

You know that.

I wanna see my son, please.

They keep asking how he knew about the bleeding.

He won't answer.

I wanna speak to him.

We can't allow that.

Look, I think that your husband was right.

I think that my feelings might have clouded my judgement.

Especially when it comes to Bethany's body being found in that remote part of the marsh.

I mean, Ethan obviously knows the marsh like the back of his hand.

- I don't know how you can say that.

- Tucker, his dog I mean, he was probably out there every morning looking for him.


We wouldn't allow him near the marsh.

He was a child.

Hal looked for the dog.

Every morning, for two weeks.

And in the evenings.


- With his busy schedule?

- Well, Ethan was very upset.

Even Hal was moved to do something.

And you stayed at home consoling Ethan.

/ Well, yes.

You're gonna think that we have nothing better to do with our time, but we called the humane society in East Hampton.

They sent us this lost dog report for Tucker from 6 years ago.

Now, the lady there, she remembered Ethan's mother coming in everyday sunburned from walking to marsh.

Every morning and afternoon looking for her little boy's dog.

There's even a notation here, you see.

You told her you heard barking around Little Merrick Pond.

You were gonna be damned if you'd let that dog get lost on him, I guess.

Is that because you couldn't give him a father who loved him?

And that's the least you could do.

What are you gonna do now?

What are you gonna do?

He has knowledge that implicates him in the m*rder.

But if he tells us how he came by that knowledge - well, that implicates you, doesn't it?

- It's not true.

You couldn't resist telling him how Harold brutalized Bethany.

You knew because you saw her.

Saw her in the den.

Hal was passed out.

She was ravaged and drugged.

That's when you saw how young she was.

You saw something else too, didn't you?

You saw piece of Ethan's clothing and you knew that he was involved, that he had been swept up in this scandal, burned up.

You needed to save him.

Save him for throwing himself on the bonfire of his father's degeneracies.


- It was Hal.

- No.

It was you.

You took Bethany away.

- You made her disappear.

- It was Harold's fault.

Look at him.

Look at him.

What's he gonna do?

He can rat out his mom or he can take the rap for her.

You know what he'll do.

You know he's just a kid who wants to be a man so much.

Save him.

Don't let him go.


Yes, I k*lled her.

I'd do anything to protect him.

I owe him that.

I knew Hal wouldn't be any kind of father, but I just wanted a child so much.

It's my fault.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry Elise Garrett.

I have to go back in there get the m*rder charge against her husband dismissed.

The judge's almost done instructing the jury.

- But the r*pe charge stays.

- Yes.

Justice is a jagged road.

It would be matching jumpsuits for the Garrets this Christmas.

Hair, make up.

Don't ask me.

I don't know what it means.

I don't know what any of it means.

Means his family took a b*llet that should've been his.

Let's get out of here before the dancing bear show.

See ya.

Try explaining to them how a mother could've done this to their daughter.

Well, they're parents.

They understand.

It's what makes it worse.
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