07x19 - Legacy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x19 - Legacy

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer)
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

Get this... Joe's trying
to get Tessa to strip.

Over her webcam?

She'll never do it.

She totally would.
Right, Nessing?

Yeah. You know,
she totally... would.

Buck says she doesn't.

Make it 2 bucks.

She'll do anything
for Joe.

2 bucks.
Thank you.

Thought Joe
could pull it off.

She's such a prude,

It's prom time.


You look beautiful,

You think he'll like me?

Of course he will.
He already does.

Turn around.
Turn around.

[Both giggling]

Oh, that must be Joe.

Tessa, what's wrong?


Paul, you sure you
don't wanna wear your tux?

I like wearing

Then wear it right.

Come on.

Doesn't he look
great, bill?

Just don't mess up
my tux.

You look great,

[Hip-hop music]


Bummer, Paul.

Kiana, have you
seen Tessa?

[Laughs] Back off, gump.
She's not here.

And if she was, would she
be looking for you?

Get real, Paul.

He ruined everything.

Paul told him we're
all a bunch of lesbos.

And that's why
Joe dumped you?

Paul is
so gonna regret that.

So regret it.

These b*tches are gonna pay.

(Woman) This is titian's
sacred and profane love.

Now, note that the...
[Cell phones ringing]

[More loudly]
Note the figure of Venus...

[More cell phones sounding off]

Okay, all right,
no cell phones in class.

[Kids laughing]

What is going on... Tessa!

Tell me where you are.


Oh... oh, my god.

Oh, no.

(Goren) Manor hill... looks
more like a college

than it does a high school.

(Eames) Cost more like one too.

The deceased is
Paul Phillips, 17.

Dad's a big ceo.

School's headmaster
has major case pulled in

for a hanging?

He thinks the local precinct
doesn't like his kids.

On that, he'd be right.

Anna nobeel found the body
around 4:00 P.M.

It's Nobile.

Paul was a student
of mine.

You notice anything?
Was he depressed?


But Paul lived
in his own world.

Not one of the popular kids.

(Eames) Was he new here?

(Anna) No, he was in
the 14-year club...

Kids who started
in pre-k.

But the longer he stayed,
the less he fit in.

Did he belong to any groups,
play sports?

Uh... just cross-country.

The loneliness
of the long distance runner.

Could you just
turn around for me,

spin around?

Just once. Just...


You have, uh,
paint flecks...

All over you, yeah.

Oh, um...
From the boiler room.

I tried to hold Paul's
body up while I called for help.

The boiler room?
What were you doing down there?

Well, the door
to the tunnels

is supposed to be

It was wide open.

uh... headmaster's waiting.

A real CYA.

(Eames) Let me guess...

Kids come down here
to hook up and get high.

Well, they call it
the tunnels.

In the '30s, the seniors
built a still down here.

Keifer Gates,

In hindsight,
Paul should have been

in a less
competitive school.

This was a tragedy
waiting to happen.

Rigor is just setting in.

This wound on his neck,
it's not very deep.

(Eames) There's some kind of

sailor's knot
tied at this end.

It's a bowline.

So he, uh, gets the noose
over the pipe,

kicks the chair out.

Should be more...
Paint chips.

I mean, even if someone
wants to k*ll himself,

you know, the body still
fights to survive.

Cell phone, backpack...


We're searching the grounds.

Mud on his sneakers
is still fresh.

So he hanged himself,

but decided to go
for a training run first?

Paul was doing better.

He was actually looking
forward to the prom.

He has a nice smile.

How'd prom go?

I don't know.

Bill had a sailing
regatta this weekend.

We got back today.

You sail, Mr. Phillips?


Paul sail?

He tried.
He'd get seasick.

(Eames) Neither of you

spoke to Paul
since Friday?

We were trying to foster

more independence.

Build his self-esteem.

(Goren) This tux here,

the one in the photo,

is this yours?

It just looks big on him.

He likes to borrow
my things.

Well, looks like
he spilled something on it

and then put the whole thing
in the wash.

How stupid can you be?

It's ruined!

My boy.

He just... you said
he'd been better lately.

Is he on medication?


[Clears throat]

Bill, they need
to know.

I'll get you a list.

So Paul's meds
are all for depression.

We were also on the lookout
for schizophrenia.

There's a history
in bill's family.

And he's
embarrassed by it.

He's private.

I didn't see any signs

that Paul was slipping.

Maybe... a year ago.

But recently...

It seemed like he was happy
for the first time.

Cause of death...

Asphyxiation from hanging.

But he didn't
do it himself?

Not unless he fractured
his own skull first.

His hair masked
the bruising,

but there was
extensive internal bleeding.

So he was out cold
when he was hanged.

(Goren) Any other bruises?

(Rodgers) Just gettin' to that.

There are more

around the kidneys,
groin, buttocks.

But these are from two
to three days before his death.

He literally
got his ass kicked.

(Goren) No hits to the
face, upper body.

We've seen this before.

In abused wives, children.

The abuser knows not to hit them
where it'll show.

(Ross) So Paul took a
beating on Saturday

and was hanged on Monday.

Poor kid.
His backpack turn up?

Not at his home,

and not in manor hill"
public spaces or classrooms.

What about student lockers?

His school's legal team's
getting back to us on that.

The problem may be
less in school than in house.

Tell me we're not talking
about bill Phillips.

The pit bull
in pinstripes.

Corporate raider.

Buys up companies, fires half
the staff, bullies the rest.

(Goren) Bullies are
disgusted by weakness.

His son Paul
was a disappointment.

A lot of dads are disappointed
by their kids.

Doesn't mean
they'd hang them.

Well, Phillips' family
has a history of schizophrenia.

I mean, he knows
the misery, the inevitability.

He could have seen
his son slipping and...

Cut his losses?

I hope you're wrong.


(Goren) We were surprised

when your wife said
that you were playing squash.

That's how I deal
with bad news...

Get out my anger.

I'm afraid we may
have more bad news.

We don't think Paul
committed su1c1de.

What are you saying?

You told us Paul
didn't have many friends.

Maybe he fell in
with a new crowd recently,

a tougher crowd?

He barely left
his damn room.

Here's what's troubling...

Paul was... he was beaten
badly sometime Saturday.

Bruises all over him
where you couldn't see them.

You said that you were
away sailing,

but the regatta
didn't start till Sunday.

We made a weekend of it.

What, you think I hit him?
Are you nuts?

Well, you do have
a temper.

And you have your nerve.

Any more questions?

Yeah. Where were ya
Monday afternoon?

Board meeting
in Virginia.

I took off in my gulfstream
from Teterboro at 10:00 A.M.

You know, they told me

that major case
was an elite unit.

I'm underwhelmed.

Thank you.

If he were my dad,
I'd hide in my room too.

So outcast at home,
outcast at school.

Paul had to have
someone, right?

(Kiana) Everyone is
gonna have to geek up

and wipe their
hard drives clean.

Deleting's not good enough.

I emailed you all the link.

Wait. Will this erase
my school notes?

No, boo, only the target file
gets snuffed.


Check it.

The grief counselor
gave you my name?

(Eames) She just told us

you and Paul
were friends.

She didn't tell us
what you two spoke about.

Well, not many students
spoke to her at all, Jack.

What are you
trying to say?

The officers aren't convinced
Paul k*lled himself.


If this isn't
a good place to talk...

I just don't wanna miss
any class work.

Yeah, I think
that we would rather

talk to you at your home.

All right.


This is a big year for us.

Jack's applying
to Harvard in the fall.

Dad, I wanna help.

This needs to stay
off the record.


So, uh...

Paul talk to you
about, uh,

who beat him up
over the weekend?

He got beat up?


Oh, what, Jack?

That's why he made the video.

Paul just said
he was fed up

and he wasn't gonna
take it anymore.

The photoshopped faces,

Of these girls...

They were
in your classroom today.

Yeah, Tess Nobile
and Kiana Richmond.

Nobile. Is she
related to the teacher?

Her daughter.

I told Paul not to send it.

But by noon on Monday,

he'd already v-cast it
to half the student body.

And four hours later,
he was dead.

You wanna invade
our privacy,

you're gonna have
to cut our lock.

We don't have Paul's backpack.
This is crazy.

Mom, they're searching
my locker.

You don't have the right to do this.
No, see, we do.

Private schools
act in loco parentis.

Your headmaster
gave us permission.

this isn't right!

Found two laptops.

This one
is my daughter's,

and you can't look at it
without a search warrant.

That much I know.
Well, we'll get one.

You already guantanamoed
my locker.

Y'all wanna bust
in my laptop, go ahead.

I got nothin' to hide.


(Ira) Kiana used data
utility wiping freeware,

but it performs
like malware.

In English, Ira.

She downloaded
a free program

to permanently delete
a video file,

but it just moved it to
another part of her hard drive.

Half the school saw
Paul's prank video.

Why go to all the trouble
to erase it?

Different video.
This one's of your Vic.

It was downloaded
to a computer Saturday night.

Now we know how Paul
got his bruises.

Did they post this
on the net?

I haven't found it

Could you, uh, roll it back
and slow it down?

(Goren) Wearing sports goggles.

(Eames) She runs with her left
hand low, her right high.

That's how you hold
a lacrosse stick.

My cousin
played girls' lacrosse.

Guess what they call
the three frontline players?

Attack men.

I don't need no daddy.

I can take care
of myself.

Really? That's not
what your daddy told us.

Kiana's father is here.

Father and lawyer.

Why is my daughter
in your custody?

[Paul grunting]

I don't know.
That sure seems to be you.

Racial profiling.
It's not me.

(Sutton) She says it's not her.

Let's move on.

When the man speaks,
the man listens.

You have any idea
who these girls are?


How 'bout Tessa Nobile?

Some people think
you and she

are more
than just friends.

What's that
supposed to mean?

That's offensive.
Turn it off.

(Ross) I'm very sorry.
We apologize.

(Goren) That video is...

for the beat down.

You misunderstand Kiana.

She grew up on park Avenue,
not the projects.

Oh, we get it,
her ghetto act

only fools
her private school pals.

Yo, I know more
about the projects than you.

(Goren) Do you?

Tell me, Kiana,

what would they do
in the projects

if someone
dissed 'em like that?

Make sure they didn't
never dis them again.

(Sutton) My daughter's
done posing.

Every girl
on that lacrosse team

is gonna be lawyered up
by the end of the day.

The ones
that can afford it.

Tessa's mom's
a teacher.

Which makes Tessa
the weak link.

Which girls on your team
did this?

You don't have to talk
to them.

The warrant is only
for your computer.

Should we start with
emails or ims?

Hey, those are private.


Try Luvforty.

There's a lot of...
That's before prom night.

So click on...

Don't, please.

I think I can help.

Those are my teammates,
but I wasn't there.

You weren't?

They did it
because Paul hurt me.

See, I was supposed to go
to the prom with Luvforty, Joe...

Luvforty, tennis player.

But Paul told him the lacrosse
team was all lesbians,

so Joe ditched me.

Paul had it in for you.
Any idea why?

That's the weird thing.
I asked Paul why he hated me.

After his tape went out.

He said he didn't.

That he loved me
way more than Joe.

Were you surprised?

We never even hung out.

I told him...

You're the last person
on earth I could ever love.

He started crying.

And then he ran off
into the tunnels.

If he k*lled himself
because of me...

Did you tell anyone
about what Paul said?

Before lacrosse practice.

How did she react?

Hey, you have to tell them
what you know.

Kiana told me not to worry.

She was gonna put
an end to it.

I was at lacrosse practice
when Paul died.

Ask my teammates.

We did.
They back you.

But your coach said
you were half an hour late.

He said, they said.

What was it about, Paul?

Was it that he was
a weird kid, you know,

awkward, always staring?

I had nothing
against Paul

until he started
dissing me.

Oh, no, you mean dissing
you and Tessa.

Now, were you mad at him
because he outed you?

Or maybe because
he had the guts to say something

that you never could,
that he had a crush on Tessa?

My daughter
is not a m*rder*r,

and she is not a lesbian.

Which of those scares you more,
Mr. Richmond?

You don't know
my daughter.

Neither do you.

Look Paul deserved
to be got...

But I didn't k*ll him.

My plan was to jam
his bike lock,

make him walk home.

Light punishment.
It wouldn't be.

Once we shoved him
in a car trunk,

stripped him, and dumped him
in the south Bronx.

What do you know
about the south Bronx?

I know things, dad.
Get used to it.

Messing with his bike

made me late for practice.

There were no signs
of tampering.

That's because
Ms. Nobile caught me.

Ms. Nobile.

You're sure.

She asked me
what I was doing.

I said getting back
at Paul.

For his video.
So she knew.

I showed it to her.

She needed to know what Paul did
to her daughter.

She said go back to practice,
forget about it.

She'd talk to Paul.

[Knock on door]

Can I talk to you about Paul?

Jerry, can we have
a minute?

I've known Paul...
Since we were four.

No one ever bullied him
while I was around.

Mm. Yeah. You were
a good friend to him.

I still am.

Look, Ms. Nobile...

I really hope Tess
wasn't involved in this.

But if she was...

She's gonna pay.

Anna Nobile

tells Kiana she's gonna have
a talk with Paul,

and then she discovers
his body.

She say anything when
her daughter implicated Kiana?

Not a word.

How did we miss her
on the first pass?

She's a renaissance art scholar
and a mom.

You arrested
a lot of those?

University of Florence

Associate curator
at the frick.

Then she goes from teaching
at risd to manor hill?

Turns out when mom
signed on to teach,

Tessa got
a full scholarship.

Anna put her career aside

to ensure the daughter
had the best shot possible.

If she ever thought
that Tessa's future

was being threatened...

Tell headmaster Gates
we wanna go ahead

to search
Anna's faculty office.

If he gives you any guff,

tell him we'll be by
with a warrant

and a dozen tabloid
photographers by lunch.

That would be
a bluff?

That would.

How well did you know
Paul Phillips?

He was in one
of my five classes.

Did he ever come
for office hours?

Never. He had a hard time
just making eye contact.

Really, Ms. Nobile?

Looks like I have
Paul Phillips' phone and...

Mr. Phillips' notebooks.

Monday afternoon,
right before Paul was k*lled,

Kiana showed you
the video he made.

You didn't tell us
about that.

I was protecting
my daughter.

I was afraid Tessa
was part of that pack

that beat up Paul.

They could expel her
for that.

But she said
she wasn't there.

I wasn't sure
she was telling the truth.

And we're not sure
if you're telling the truth.

Paul ruined Tessa's prom
and her first love.

And then you saw
the video he made...

And you ran off
in a rage to find him.

Which I did...
Hanging from a pipe.

Maybe you strung him up
over that pipe.



I could barely
hold up Paul's legs

when I tried to save him.

If there's anyone
I wanna k*ll, it's Joe.

You didn't like Joe?

I never met him.

Tessa only met him once
at a party.

They call it
a cyber relationship.

But I saw his web page,
I read his emails,

and I thought he was
the perfect boy for her.

She let you read
his emails.

In the beginning.

She wanted my approval,
and I gave it, freely.

He had such poetry.

So he was a...

Like a...
A sensitive soul.

What... what made you
change your mind about him?

After prom weekend,

there was an envelope
under my office door

from Joe

with photos of Paul
being beaten by the girls.

Joe's note said that
Tessa was one of them

and that he'd post
the video online

unless I resigned.

You were being blackmailed.


Did you tell anyone
at school?

At manor hill?



Those other girls would be
protected by their parents,

but if Tessa were involved,

she'd be the scapegoat,

kicked out right before
her senior year.

Anna's story checks out.

Here's a copy of
the blackmail letter from Joe,

and the photos.

Okay, so Joe's a blackmailer.

What does he have to say
about Paul's m*rder?

We're still trying
to find him.

Bristol academy
is not being cooperative.

Terrific. Track him
through his friendpost page?

He took it down.

But I'm using
the wayback machine.

The archive snapshots
of all websites.

There's your Joe cardinal.

(Ross) Handsome kid.

(Goren) The school
may not confirm

that he's there, but, I mean,
here he is on the campus.

(Ross) Likes tennis, camus,

hangin' wit da boyz'.

Not a lotta wall action.

Probably doesn't use
the site very much.

I have a couple
of teenage boys.

Well, his friends list,

the only kids
from manor hill on it

are Tessa and Paul.

(Eames) So why would a kid from
a Connecticut boarding school

with no connections
to manor hill

try to blackmail
one of their teachers?

Get up there and ask him.

(Ms. Bradley)
I can help you,

since this doesn't concern
our students' privacy.

No Joseph cardinal currently
or ever enrolled here.

You checked.

Don't need to.
Got 'em all up here.

You sure that you've
never seen this face?

Not a student here.

Our course catalogue
from last spring,

and those aren't students.

You use models.

We need this.

You're welcome.

this is the hiking picture

from Joe's page.

These photos
were cut and pasted

onto Joe's friendpost

Joe cardinal
doesn't exist.

"(Ross) " I dreamed of
your face last night,

the freckles on your cheek"?

One man's poetry...

(Goren) Bristol tennis team.

Summer house on the vineyard.

Tessa's on a scholarship,

This kind of boyfriend
was tailor-made

to give her status.

Could she have created him?

We checked.

Different ips,
different locations.

And then there's Joe's ims
to Tessa

from prom night.

"What's under your dress?"

"Webcam me,
and I'm smiling all night."


(Eames) Tessa said no.

Half an hour later,
Joe backs out of the prom

and uses Paul
as his excuse.

Inventing Joe,
asking for a strip video.

Lotta work
just to humiliate her.

What if humiliating Tessa
wasn't the goal,

but... a means to an end?

Anna Nobile
cares about her daughter

more than anything
on the earth.

And we know
whoever invented Joe

tried to blackmail Anna
into resigning.

(Ross) Starts with a hoax,

escalates to a beating,

ends with a m*rder.

Some kid or kids
at that school

put all this in motion
just to take down a teacher?

Lord of the flies up there.

I met Joe
at Nessing's party.

You were there?

Eric Nessing
is a senior.

Class clown.

His parents went out of town,

he sold his key
to some juniors.

It got out of hand.

Did you talk to Joe
at the party?

I must have.

I had a lot of punch,
so things got kind of fuzzy.

He friended me the next day,

he said he liked my dress.

The green one.

He said he liked
the way I danced

when I took off my shoes.

He liked the way
you danced

when you took off your...

Are... are you still
in touch with him?

I email him.
He never writes back.

Could we talk
to your mom alone?


That boy's no good.

Not only is he no good,
he's not real.

Someone made him up
so they could toy with Tessa.

Why would anyone
want to hurt my daughter?

Maybe to get at you.

Could Paul have pretended
to be Joe?

It's not possible.

For Paul to write poetry
would be like a...

Tone-deaf boy
singing nessun dorma.

Okay then.

Which students resent you?

who doesn't get an "a."

So you're a tough grader?

Yeah, I...

I also initiated
community service

as a requirement
for graduation.

That didn't go over
too well either.

[Hip-hop music]
Yeah, yeah!

(Ross) What are we lookin' at?

(Eames) Pictures of the
party where Tessa met Joe,

all posted online.

Kids these days
live their lives publicly.

They don't realize
once it's out there...

they nametag their photos.

40 of them go to manor hill...

Including Paul

on the outside looking in.

Assuming he's not Joe,

that still leaves
3 dozen other suspects.

If we cast that wide a net,

parents are gonna raise hell.

Well, then,
let's line catch 'em.

And whoever's behind Joe...

Is obsessed
with taking Anna down.

If he thought that he failed,

maybe he'd react.

What if instead of
Anna resigning,

she gets promoted?

(Girl) Oh, no.

(Boy) Yes, she is.


Hey. Can I help you?

I was just dropping off
a paper.


"You didn't resign
like you agreed.

Now what's more important,
your job or your daughter?"

What class would that be for?


(Eames) Anytime you wanna call
your dad about that lawyer...

After all, that's what
dads are for.

Maybe you don't wanna involve
your dad.

Maybe you'd just rather
tell us what you know.

I'm not a rat.

I'm just heeling
for scouts & scholars.


It's a future leaders club.

But you may be joining
a less prestigious one...

The "I could have been
an Ivy leaguer"

"if I hadn't gone
to juvie" club.

Someone from scouts
& scholars

ordered you
to drop this off.

So we need to know

I don't know.

But everyone knows
the Jack pack runs scouts.

Write down the names,

I'll never get in now.

Jeffy coughed up
ten names,

but Eric Nessing,
Brant Williams,

and Jack Walker
are the three

who brought
grading challenges

against Anna Nobile
this semester.

Any of them so desperate
for an "a" they'd k*ll?

Nessing's already
admitted to brown.

But the other two are juniors.

Brant's a legacy
at Yale.

And Walker's family
went to Harvard.

Bring 'em in.

One of 'em isn't going
Ivy league.


Oh, you're the kid who
sold your key to the juniors

so that they could have a party
at your house, right?

Dad told me
to be more industrious.

I tell you, that prank's become
pretty legendary. [Chuckles]

And what about
creating Joe?

Was that gonna be
your next legendary prank?

Look, if Tess thought
she could land a guy like that,

she deserved to get punked.

I'm just saying.

Paul liked Tess,

so we created Joe
as a cyrano thing.

And prom night was gonna be
bait and switch.


When Paul told her
he was Joe,

she'd fall for him.

Two last picks
finding true love together.

Except that was
never gonna happen

because this was never
about Tessa or Paul.

The real target was
Ms. Nobile.

Joe gets Tessa
to strip on camera,

and you guys blackmail
her mother to resign.

What's wrong with trying
to get rid of a teacher

who makes you do
community service

and gives out "c" s?

Is there a crime in that?

He's right,

We're talking about
harmless schoolboy pranks.

No, we're talking
about m*rder.

I had nothing to do
with m*rder.

One of you did.

Now, if it wasn't you,
who was it?

Nessing or Jack?

Loyalty or Yale?
Your call.

Nessing's the picador.

Jack's the matador.

What's this about,

Do you have a suspect
in Paul's m*rder?

Joe cardinal.

He goes
to another school,

and he was a friend
of Paul's.

Then what does this
have to do with Jack?

We need Jack to tell us
all he can about Joe.

Dad, I never even met
the guy.

Easy, we know
you ran errands for him.

(Stanford) These errands,

my client can't discuss them
if they might lead...

Mr. Walker,

the only person

we're interested
in prosecuting is Joe.

All right, then, son,
tell them what you know.


I'm not gonna rat
anybody out.

Do not be an idiot.

You're not gonna throw away
your future

protecting some sociopath.

(Stanford) Walker, it's
all going to work out.

Jack is an outstanding


His future is bright.

He means
I'm going to Harvard.

don't count on that, Jack.

Right now we have enough
to charge you with extortion.

A felony.

You just said you weren't
interested in prosecuting him.

Dad, hello?
They're bluffing.

Do you have any idea
how much it took

to get you this far?

Your grandfather and I donated
a computer room at manor hill

to keep you enrolled
after middle school.

That was in middle school, dad.

We've been endowing a chair
in Cambridge

for the last five years.
For the last five years.

Yeah, I know.

So tell me,
what is your problem?

[Jack strikes billiard ball]

Tell him.

Come on.
Go ahead, tell him.

Tell him how sick you are

of hearing that you'll
never make it on your own.

That's not what I'm saying.

Aren't you on the tennis team,
scouts and scholars?

And a 3.7129 gpa.

(Eames) Wow.

Four decimals.

So why does your dad think
you need to be carried?

What's wrong with a father
helping his son?

I don't need help.
Especially not from you.

(Goren) He's right.

I mean, he's
a successful young man,

and you think
he's a failure.

I mean, that's...

Okay, you are way
out of line here.

And you better start talking
to them

and tell them what you know.

I'm not gonna rat out Joe.

(Goren) Good for you.

That's what cops like.

They like people that won't turn
on their friends, you know?

(Walker) Okay, Jack,

now why are you doing this?

Why are you protecting
this moron?


You would like Joe.

How many times
have you bitched

about how the school
is going down the tubes,

and how teachers
like miss Nobile

were ruining manor hill?

Joe figured out
how to stop it.

true. Yeah.

He devised a plan

where only the...

Less desirable would suffer.

That's right.

How smart was that?

Like Paul.

A su1c1de
waiting to happen.

He wouldn't have survived
a semester at college.

Not even a chance.

and Tessa. [Scoffs]

A loser on scholarship,
freeloading off our tuition.

Just like you said, dad.

Jack, you cannot take things
like that out of context.

I feel it's in my client's
best interest to take a break.

(Eames) What about Kiana?

She's a star athlete.

If she wasn't black,

she'd be going to u of m
next year,

not Wellesley.

Just like he said.

Five years, the yearbook
was gonna look like the cover

of national geographic.

Joe orchestrated the things

better than
your father's friends

could ever have done.

He should be thanking Joe.

He should be thanking you.

There is no Joe.

Your son created him.


Tell her that she's wrong.


You see that?

Jack, he... he won't even
give you credit...

He... for creating Joe.

Creating Joe's
friendpost page,

his friends,

the perfect match
for Tessa Nobile.

Jackie couldn't have
done that.

He's not sm... he's not
creative enough.

Never finishes
what he starts.

Dad, shut up.

I did it, okay?
For you.

(Stanford) This is off the record.
None of this is admissible.

So the school could be
what it was when you went there.

That's enough. (Stanford) Jack.

Shut your mouth, Stanford.

Dad thinks
you're a tool too.

He would never let you take
anything to trial.

There is no Joe.

I did it all.

He's just saying this
to get attention.

Every step of the way.

I almost had Tess
stripping for Joe on webcam.

But she said no.

Yeah. At the very end.

that's when you told her

Joe was dumping her.

Well, it wasn't like
he was gonna show up

to the prom, now was it?

Paul was.
He was waiting for Tessa.

How did you handle that?

Yeah, well,
I had to scramble.

I knew Kiana had a crush
on Tess.

So I played her
against Paul.

And that worked too, dad.

Those girls...
This is so darwinian.

Those girls beat the crap
out of him

and videotaped it.

And then Paul struck back
with his video.

Dumb geek.

I told him not to.

I can't...
What I don't get,

I mean, you're so sm...
You're so smart.

You, uh, uh, you
didn't attack Paul, did you?

I didn't attack Paul.

He came at me.

Because he realized
you'd ruined things with Tessa

and got him beat up.

He was weak.

Just one little shove

and he went down.


H. Jack Walker the third,

you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Paul Phillips.

all right. It's all right.

I'll bail you out.
It'll be okay.

You still don't get it,
do you, dad?

You can't fix it
this time.
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