07x18 - Ten Count

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x18 - Ten Count

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer)
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

[Fans cheering]


[Bell clangs]


Listen to me.
You're ahead on points.

Just box.
Use the ring.

You're the boss, coach.

He's hurt.
Makes him dangerous.

Stay out of the corners.

[Cheers and whistles]

It's round seven.
Take the mook down!

Don't put on a show.
Just stick and move.

Look at Calvin's eye.


[Cheers and applause]

He can't see!

You all right, son?

His right eye.

Shut up!
What, are you...

That's it, son, that's it.
No more.

That's it. No more, son.

[Cheering, bell clanging]

What the hell is this?!

What the hell
is this?!


[Cheers and applause]

The title fight's next.
You did it.

Yeah, and no one
believed I could.

Hey, you're gonna be
the champion, bro.

And you're next.
You'll get your shot, Peter.

Come on.
I'm buying tonight.

Wow! You hear that,
little brother?

Gus is actually paying.

Yeah, 'cause he knows
we've already got plans.


So? She'll come along
like always.

Well, we're gonna,
you know.

We haven't seen each other
in a week.

Oh, what was I thinking?

Have your fun
without me.

You did great.
You were great.

Oh, my god,
are you okay?



See you later, champ.


Mr. Gold?

Nice moves.

Your left.

You been working on that?

You're full of surprises

I love boxing.

It's so... animal.

It's, uh,
it's nice to meet you too.

(Man) You like that, honey?

Leave me alone.

(Gus) Listen, I'm gonna hit it.

What? We just got here.

Now listen,
I'm an old man.

You're the hero tonight.

Gus, look, hey, you know
I couldn't have done it

without you, right?

So how many guys
you knocked out?

That's it, bitch.


Hey, easy with the girl!

[Hinges on door squeak]

[Woman screams]

Yeah, what!
What? What?


Leave the girl alone, boss.

What, are you gonna
hit me, dude?

Come on, tough guy.

No one has to get hurt,
guys, all right?

Just let the girl be.
Walk away.


[Tires screeching]

[Panting heavily]


Mike Logan?

Peter gardella asked me
to call you.

Says you know him.

Yeah, I worked with him
as a kid.

P.a.i., staten island.

Is he okay?

He is,
but his older brother...


Took a b*llet
to the leg.

Bled out
in the ambulance.

Bar altercation.

Slug hit
the femoral artery.

One shot k*lled him?

Anywhere else,
he would have taken the hit.

I mean,
he's a professional boxer.

He tkoed the number two-ranked
middleweight tonight.

His brother
see this go down?

No. Met us at the E.R.

He's waiting
in the hallway.



You all right?

The bouncer called me,

and Gabriel was just
trying to save this girl.

Just... just slow down here.

Where was Gabriel drinking?

Conlan's on grand Avenue.

All right,
I'm gonna call my partner

and we're gonna roll
on this right now.

I'm gonna go with you.

No, no, no, no, no.

You've got paperwork here.

You're better off here.

Now, you got a girlfriend
or something

that can be with you?

I don't want her here.

Gus, uh,
Gabriel and me,

our manager,
we live at his house.

You wait here
for Gus then, okay?

Don't you worry.

You find out who did this
to my brother, Mike.

Call your precinct.

Tell them major case
is taking this one, okay?

Thank you very much.

So you were a mentor
to this kid Peter?

His mother's dead,
his father's in sing-sing.

I introduced him to boxing

and took him out
for burgers after.

He's done all right.
He won the gloves.

The amateur championship?

Turned pro a year ago.

Was his brother
a boxer too?

A very talented one,

but it didn't do him
any good last night.

This hottie's boyfriend
was a d*ck.

They were both wasted.

Are they regulars?

I never seen them before.

So what do you think?

Did Gabriel put himself in
the middle of their drunken spat

and get himself shot?

I don't know.
I didn't see.

I was working the door.

I wish I took
the two steps.

My god,
I should have made him.

You on the job?

Brooklyn north.
I vested last year.

I did hear shouts.

The woman screamed.

Then a g*nsh*t.

Then a motorcycle revs up.

Two sets of tracks.

Yeah, it could have been
two bikes I heard.

By the time I got to the scene,
they were gone.

Did you make the girl
on her own bike?

Not in that skirt and heels.

The d*ck
could have had a buddy.

Was he carrying in the bar?

He looked sketchy
coming in.

I patted him down.
He was clean.

So the second guy
had the g*n.

I did a canvass.
Nobody knew these people.

Both white, early 30s.

Guy wore a cap.

She was a knockout
for a lush.

Detectives, a .22 beretta.

Esu fished it out
of a sewer two blocks away.

We might get lucky
with prints.

Do what you can.

We'll send over
a sketch artist.

How'd they pay
for their drinks?

They didn't.

It was the first thing
I asked the bartender.

Gabriel's manager Gus Kovak

was buying rounds
for the house.

You wanna go
with blue or white?

I don't know, Gus.

What'd the guy
at the funeral parlor say?

He said, "pick out a shirt
and suit",

something he liked."

Gabriel wore this the night
he knocked out Wilson.

Remember, I took you boys
to Peter luger's?


He had two orders
of chicken.


Who orders chicken
at Peter luger's?

He liked chicken.

[Doorbell rings]

There was a young lady
talking to Gabriel.

Long hair, nice looking.

(Logan) Do you recall any
of their conversation?

Well, she could smell
the victory on him.

And her boyfriend
didn't like that?

A big white guy,
had too many to drink.

Listen, Gabriel didn't
provoke this in any way.

He was a perfect gentleman.

How long did you
train Gabriel for?

Five years.
Peter too.

Did you ever
see Gabriel fight?


It's funny to get a champion
after all these years.

Mike, this is Christina.

Peter talks about you
all the time.

I made pirogis.

[Speaking Polish]

Listen, I'll get
out of your way.

If there's anything
I can do...

We'll be in touch.
[Pager beeping]

Uh, Pete, if you need me,
you got my number, okay?

And it's nice to meet you.

We got a hit
on the beretta.

A legal purchase
from a g*n shop

in Greenville,
south Carolina.

The buyer lives in Philly.

Yeah, so how'd the g*n
end up in New York?

A g*n? No way
would I buy a g*n.

I've never even been
to Greenville.

Looks like someone
used your I.D.

Was your wallet
stolen recently?

Uh, it's my daughter Callie.

She's got, uh...

She's got
substance abuse issues.

Well, we're gonna need to talk
to her.

No. We lost touch.

I can't enable anymore.

I haven't seen her
in over a year,

not since she left jakey
with me.

You know,
she's still a good mother.

She sent me 500 bucks
last week.

I bought him that...
That tricycle.

Which one do you want me
to pick out?

I want you to pick
the girl you saw.

Focus, Gus.

Listen, did you ask
the bartender?

Did you ask the bouncer?

All right, I think it's her.

Yeah, she's the one.
A sweet girl.

It turns out
she's not so sweet.

No, I don't understand.

We gave out five grand
for information.

Where is she?

Well, you hesitated before.

I mean, did you actually
recognize her?

Maybe you mistook her
for a groupie

hanging around
the boxing ring.


Gabriel wasn't like that.

He kept his eye
on the prize.

I never seen this girl
before in my life.

She got my brother k*lled.

[Door buzzes]
Yeah, that's Callie.

What's she
in trouble for now?

We just want to talk
to her.


Callie Johnson!




Oh, oh, oh!

(Logan) She's got no pulse.

Looks like an od, huh?

They cleaned her out.

Except for this.

Her son.

Callie Johnson did die
of an overdose.

And there's something else
interesting in the tox screen.

Besides the heroin, she had
fentanyl in her system.

It's 80 times more potent
than morphine.

She was trying
a new high.

Or someone gave her
a burn back,

wanted to make sure
she died.

You have any cluster ods
the last few days?

Nope. Nothing
from her neighborhood.

That means there wasn't
a bad batch on the streets.

Okay, so why was she k*lled?

Well, you can't trust
a junkie, right?

I mean,
she played her part.

She got Gabriel
to defend her.

So boom.

Callie was an addict,

but she doesn't
come forward

to collect
the $5,000 reward?

Could have been afraid.

She did have a record

and a nasty boyfriend.

You mean an accomplice?

Either way, any leads?

The super says a lot
of guys came and went.

No one special.

And her mobile records
only show calls

to no-name cells,
probably her dealers,

and her mother.

Her mother did tell us

that Callie sent her $500

for her little boy
a week ago.

Blood money for luring Gabriel
out of the bar

and to his death.

Someone knew Gabriel
was a soft touch.

Find out who.

I want to stay
with you, baby.

You don't need
to do that.

I'm just gonna go
hit the bags.

Okay. I love you.

Yeah. I love you too.





Come on, Peter.

What are you do...
Show me you're a puncher.

Show it to me!

Wake up!

And time! Time!

Come here.

What the hell are you doing?

You're embarrassing

Think Gabriel would want you to
run away like that in a fight?

Now get back in there
and show me the power.

Show it to me.
Show me what you got.

Show me what you got!

Show me what your brother
thought you had.

You're a puncher!

That's what I'm talking about.

That's what
I'm talking about.

Everybody loved Gabriel.
I don't understand.

Did your brother have a habit
of being a knight

in shining armor?

Like I told you,
he was a gentleman always.

And everyone
knew that about him?

When my mom
was still alive,

my dad used to pop her
pretty good.

Gabriel couldn't stand it.

He wouldn't even let anybody
swear around a woman.

Did Gabriel
owe anyone money?

These boys are taken care of.
They live with me rent-free.

(Logan) How about girlfriend troubles?
Anything like that?

(Peter) No.

What about another boxer?

Did he have a beef
with anybody?

No. My brother,
he didn't pick fights.

He didn't have
anything to prove.

Well, no offense, he did hit
people as hard as he could

for a living.

You don't get it,
do you, miss?

I mean, you don't
see the poetry.

Some people don't.
No offense.

All right, well, let's talk
about Gabriel's last fight.

So you were out celebrating?

Calvin's people thought
this was just a tune-up bout.

Calvin's next fight
was for the title.

Till Gabriel got in the way.

You got a tape
of that last fight?

Can't see.

(Peter) Yeah, my brother
called the fight.

He knew Calvin
was going blind.

After that punch
to the eye.

You can see his retina
is detaching.

First you see a lot of floaters
and then it's lights out.

Is that the poetry
you were talking about?

Hey, my brother
could have destroyed the guy.

He did the right thing.

What you taught me, Mike...
Control, use your head,

fight to win, not to k*ll.

That's it.
No more, no more, no more.

How big an upset
was Gabriel's win?

It was huge.
They underestimated him.

(Gus) They took
Gabriel for granted.

Pete, turn that up,
would you?

You f*g!
We're just fighting!

I'm gonna k*ll you,
you son of a bitch!

You're dead!
You're dead!

One more punch,
Calvin's blind in that eye.

My brother saved him.

Calvin didn't seem
too grateful.

He disrespected me.

How, by winning?

Who the hell
is he to stop the fight?

He saved your eye.

And took my title shot
'cause of a lucky punch.

Well, which one?

I mean, he hit you
a whole bunch.

You were there?

No, but we watched
the tape.

We also saw
how you were shouting

that you wanted
Gabriel dead.

I say that every fight.

I'm gonna eat your children,
I'm gonna "f" you up.

It's part of the game, man.
It's psych.

A little late. The fight
was already called.

I was pissed.

Later, my wife said
what you said.

She said he saved my eye.

She was right.

I owe Gabriel.

A shame,
what happened to him.

Where'd you go
after the fight?

I went straight
to the operating room

to reattach my retina.

I'll be champ
in eight months.

You seem pretty sure
about that.

What happened Saturday night
wasn't supposed to happen.

Gabriel should not be dead

because he should not
have been out celebrating.

Why not?

It should have been me
in the sixth round.

That was the deal.

Maybe if it was,
I'd have gotten shot.

The deal?

Gabriel was supposed
to take a dive?

for your title shot?

I'm done talking.

They got me doped up.
I gotta rest.

Well, if Calvin thought
the fix was in,

he might have dropped
his guard.

The fix? Maybe in Calvin's
doped-up mind.

No way Gabriel
threw the fight.

Or maybe
he changed his mind.

Wheeler, the boy
lives a simple life.

If he was getting paid,

where's the money?

Gabriel never spent a dime.

He opened his wallet,
moths flew out.

He didn't carry cash?

No. He said
he'd just spend it.

Okay. Well, what did he do
with his share of the purses?

Did he have a savings account?

Christina put it
in her account.

your girlfriend?

Yeah, she has us
on an allowance.

I mean, she did
when she lived here.

And all four of you
lived here together?

Yeah. It was great.

I mean, she cooked
and everything.

Why are you guys asking
about Gabriel's money?

It may be connected
to why he was k*lled.

No, I told you.
He didn't owe anybody.

Come on, Pete,
we're not saying that.

(Wheeler) Mind if I take
a look in his room?

Yeah, yeah.
Whatever you gotta do.

And why did
Christina move out?

Uh, her sister
has three kids,

and she needed
live-in help.

It's good practice for when
we have our own little rugrats.

Your own ru...

What, are you
getting married?

When I make it,
I'll get out of here,

get one of those condos
you see in the ads

with the playroom.

Gus will visit,
like a grandpa.

Good for you.

Hey, Logan.

I'll be right back.

The felt's been pulled away
and taped back over.

That's got to be,
I don't know, ten grand?

What's that?

Wait in the kitchen,

I want to know,
what is that?

Take it easy.

I trusted you!
You bitch, you planted that!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I did what?

You planted it!
There's no way!

No, I know
what you were asking me.

You were trying to say
my brother was taking money?

Hold off, Pete.

Hey, that is it! Outside!
Come on, outside! Outside!

He was clean, Mike.
He was clean.

He was a broken fighter.

How bad?

Broke, always broke.
He was honest.

Who told you
he wasn't, huh?

Who said that to you?

All right, now,
you're out of line.

I know my partner.
She did not plant that.

Now, what was Gabriel doing
with that money in his room?

I don't know!
I don't know!

It's not what
you think, though.

All right, take it easy.
'Cause it's not what you think.

All right,
take it easy!

What is it?

Just tell me
what's going on.

Look, I'll believe you.

He was my brother, Mike.

He was my big brother.



I handle their money,
Peter and Gabriel.

They don't even have
atm cards.

I mean, the only way
they get cash

is when I give it
to them.

Well, maybe Gabriel was getting
something extra on the side.

We didn't have secrets
between us.

They have no money.

I cook for them.

You should look
in the freezer, the meals.

I gave them an allowance
of $100 a week.

He could have saved up
the ten grand.


He couldn't make
his hundred last a week.

Boxers, they end up
with nothing.

They get old, hurt.

Peter's just starting out,

but Gabriel
had a winning record.

The purses add up.

Not like you think.

He makes $20,000
at the most,

and taxes, expenses.

His expenses.
What about Kovak?

What, he gets 10%, right?

That's the standard
trainer's fee.

Plus a third
for being the manager.

Who keeps the books?

Kovak used to.

I double-check
everything now.

Oh, you double-check, huh?

What's the matter,
you don't trust him?

That cash,

there is no way Gabriel
could have saved it on his own.

What are you insinuating?

(Wheeler) Calvin
thought he had a deal.

Gabriel was supposed to go down
in the sixth.

That's just Ziggy gold
playing mind games,

trying to make his kid
think he had an edge.

This promoter, Ziggy gold.

Calvin was one of his boxers?

Listen, I put five years
of blood,

sweat, and tears
into Gabriel.

Gold knows I wouldn't
throw that away.

would gold approach Gabriel?

We found ten grand in cash
in Gabriel's room, Mr. Kovak.


Gabriel would never take
a dive.

He didn't.

Any chance
he took the money?

I thought gold was just upset
about the loss,


About Calvin not getting
his shot.

What are you talking about?

Gold came into the dressing room
after the fight.

Apparently he had some business
with Gabriel.

Were you in the room?

No. He waited
for me to leave.

But I've been
in the boxing world 30 years.

I've got eyes and ears

So gold, was he mad?

I heard he was smiling.

That's when he's dangerous.

[Camera shutter snapping]

(Gold) You're watching
too many old movies.

It doesn't happen.

Well, right up to the bell,
the line kept moving.

The odds
were against Gabriel,

but by Friday,
forget about it.

And there was
a lot of side action

on that sixth round ko.

Boxing gamblers,
they make wild bets.

Did you lose big,
Mr. Gold?

You're a homicide detective?

I got a daughter your age.

Well, Gabriel was quicker
than we thought.

You mean, he took your payoff
and then backed out of the deal?

He got lucky
with his left hook.

It cost Calvin
his title shot.

That had to hurt you.

Word is, he was shot
by some thug.

And you've never had
a thug on your payroll?

17 indictments for extortion,
fraud, manslaughter.

No convictions.

17 and 0.

Besides, the king is dead.
Long live the king.

I lost Calvin, I gained
a great white hope.

You cut a deal
with Gabriel?

Gabriel and I shook hands.

I told him how much more
a white fighter was worth to me.

Too bad there's no way
to verify that.

He said he had to pass it
by his business manager.

(Wheeler) Who?

Gus or Christina?

I don't ask.

There would have been enough
for everyone.

When I heard Gabriel
had left this earth,

I cried like a baby.

Yeah. That's touching.

I didn't tell you

because I didn't want Gus
to find out.

was signing with gold?

He called that night.

He thought he'd finally get
his shot.

And Gabriel confided in you,
not in his brother?

He was afraid
Peter would tell Gus.

Why, because
Peter's loyal to Gus?

Gabriel was too.

He wanted to tell Gus

He said
Gus had to be protected.

Peter had you.

Gus was the only father
Gabriel could count on.

You and Gabriel were close.

Yes. We told each other

Living in that house
with three grown men.

That would drive me crazy.

Dirty dishes,

socks on the floor.

Well, I'm not a career woman
like you.

I like to take care
of my family.

So why'd you move out?

There's not a lot
of extra room in here.

Is that where you sleep?

Yeah. My sister, she needed me.
[Phone rings]

Excuse me.



[Speaking Polish]

She's on her way home.

I should finish
these clothes.

So Gabriel and Christina
kept the deal a secret.

I wonder what else
they kept from Peter?

Hey, detective Mike Logan.
Detective Wheeler.

Well, if you need Christina,
she's home.

Actually, we were
just inside.

It must be a real godsend
to have her here.

Oh, three kids?
The work never ends.

That's why you
asked her to come in?

Oh, no, I never asked.

I mean, we don't even have
a room for her.

She wanted to come,
I didn't ask questions.

So she came on her own.
Did she tell you why?

No. One day she just
called out of the blue.

Said she was coming.

Gabriel, he helped her
pack up and move in.

Gabriel? Not Peter?

Gabriel was such a sweetheart.

He came over a lot.

I think he had
a little crush.

Thank you.

We checked
Christina's phone records.

She and Gabriel
spoke every day.

And her sister said
that she and Gabriel

were very close,

physically affectionate,
even holding hands.

Look, it's his own brother.

He's not gonna cheat on him.

Keeping secrets,

he helped her move.

There was some kind
of relationship.

Peter the jealous type?

Well, I see
where this is going,

and I'm telling you,
no way.

(Wheeler) Well, Logan, we
know Peter has a temper.

Well, his brother
has just been m*rder*d.

You helped him
with impulse control.

Kid had a juvie record.
What's in it?

Uh, a couple of assaults.

Kid stuff.

He was a tough kid.
How bad?

Classmate ended up
in the hospital.

Everybody lived, okay?

Was it over a girl?

Gabriel was set up, okay?

In my opinion, this is a crime
of premeditation, not impulse.

Sexual jealousy
is a powerful emotion.

All right. Well, then,
let me talk to him.

Why don't you
sit this one out?

Gabriel had a deal with gold?

Nah. Christina
would have told me.

She and Gabriel
were keeping secrets.

Why did she move out,

Her sister asked her.

No, she didn't.

Christina lived with you
for four years.

It was her house too.

She suddenly moves out,
you don't wonder why?

I-I need to talk to her.

Sit down, sit down.

Now, what happened, Peter?

Something she couldn't
tell you about?

Was she upset?

Quiet with you?

I don't know.

(Ross) Sometimes things make
sense when you think back.

Looks between the two of them,

a touch on the hand,

a little jumpy
when you walk in the room.

(Wheeler) Your brother and your
girl were lying to you, Peter.


Your head
must have been exploding.

Mike told us
about that boy in school.

You beat him unconscious.

I'm not like that anymore.

(Ross) People don't change.

You think I did something
to Gabriel?

Why weren't you with him
that night?

You set him up. You didn't
want to be there to see him die.

We got a hotel room.


It was Christina's
and my anniversary.

We got a hotel r...

You know what?
Where's Mike?

Hey, if you acted in a rage,
we can help you.

No, no.
I want to talk to Mike.

You back there?

You don't think I did this,
do you, Mike?

(Ross) Your brother was lying
to you, your girlfriend lying.

Extenuating circumstances.

Mike, I didn't do this!

Okay, well,
help yourself out.

You don't know
the real story, okay?

So help us understand.

There is no way
Christina and Gabriel...

Gabriel betrayed you.
You snapped.

Mike, you gotta
believe me, okay?


Mike can't help you now,

so you've gotta tell us
the truth, Peter.

Christina and Gabriel,
no way.

Gabriel didn't date girls.

Gabriel didn't... like girls.

Not that way.

Your brother was gay?

Shut your mouth!

You don't understand.

There are no gay boxers.

You can't tell anybody.


You gotta believe me.

Mike, I didn't do this.

You gotta believe me.

(Ross) Peter's right.
There are no gay boxers.

Except maybe Emil Griffith
k*lled Benny paret in the ring.

Paret called him a "maricon"
at the weigh-in.

There's no way Peter's
making that story up.

Well, it doesn't mean
Gabriel and Christina

weren't having
an emotional affair.

And she moved out of the house
because of that?

No, I don't think so.

She's still hiding
something from us,

something she doesn't want Peter
to know about.

Then hold him.

Let Christina think
he's going down for the m*rder.

Wait. Where are they
taking Peter?

We're processing him
for Gabriel's m*rder.

No, no, you're wrong.


First of all,
we already know

you lied to Peter
about why you moved out.

I couldn't tell him.

So you're having
an affair with Gabriel.

Peter finds out
and kills him.

Is that what you think?

Gabriel was my friend.

Peter may have believed

Why'd you move out of Kovak's?

Your sister didn't ask you
to move in.

Hey, Peter
is on the hook for m*rder,

so you better stop lying
right now.

You can't tell Peter.

Tell Peter what?

You had a fight with Gus.

What'd you fight about?


He was drunk.

The boys were out.

He said he couldn't
stand it anymore,

me in my nightgown.

He r*ped you?

No. He tried.

He said if I told Peter,

he wouldn't train him

So you couldn't
say anything,

and you couldn't risk
living there.

I told Gabriel.

I had to.

He helped me move out.

He promised me

everything was going
to work out all right.

You can't tell Peter.

Please, you can't tell him.

Peter needs Gus.

He can't make it
without him.

She's lying.

Well, here's what
I'm thinking.

Gabriel found out
what you were doing,

and he was gonna
tell Peter.

Wait a minute.
They're like my sons.

Everything I did,
I did for them.

Molesting Christina?

You know, that's not
exactly how it happened.

Well, something happened.

Peter was
too attached to her.

He couldn't focus
when she was around.

So you drove her away.

She softened him up,
just like your partner did.

What? Wait, I did what?

You civilized him.

what do you mean?

He had what it took,

that's what I'm talking about,
and you sat on him.

That's the worst thing
that can happen to a boxer.

The kid was headed to jail,
not to a title shot.

Title shot.
That's a big word.

What the hell do you know
about boxing, huh?

You do that again,
you're going right to jail.

(Gus) What the hell do
you know about boxing?

(Logan) All right,
step back, step back.

What's the matter? You afraid
you ain't got what it takes?

If you touch me again,
I will put your ass in jail!

Do it! Do it!

Hey, backup's on the way.

It's all right,
it's all right.

Go ahead,
call for backup.

Scared to get your ass kicked
in front of your girlfriend?

(Logan) Let me tell
you about you, Kovak.

You're a bully.
You didn't train him.

You broke him down.

I broke him down
to build him back up.

You and Gabriel
took the fight out of him.

That's why
he couldn't close.

You are truly
out of your mind.

You took away
his k*ller instinct.

I gave it back to him.

You gotta live with that.

Now that Gabriel's dead,
Peter can go all the way.


Honey, take your partner
and get out of my gym.

Christina hired a lawyer
for Peter.

He was released
an hour ago.

Do you remember
Peter said

that he and Christina
stayed at a hotel

the night of the m*rder?

Well, she's got
the first nickel he ever made.

I wonder who paid
for that room?

That's good, but you gotta
keep your hands up, okay?

Boom, boom. Okay, two.

Yo, Pete.

What are you doing here?

What, you don't think
I remember this place?

Coached him here for two years
when he was younger.

Are you following me?

The lawyer said you didn't
have nothing on me.

How could you think
I k*lled my brother, Mike?

I don't think you k*lled
your brother, Peter.

You said the night
that Gabriel was k*lled,

you and Christina
stayed at a hotel.

Yeah. We needed
some time alone.

You pay for it?


Where'd you stay?

I don't know.
You know me with names.

Well, it was your anniversary.

Expensive place?

Yeah, it was real nice.
Uh, in Manhattan.

I gotta get back to the kids.

Christina's sister
was right.

The desk clerk confirms

Christina and Peter
stayed here

the night of the m*rder.

Who paid for the room?

Gus Kovak,
with a credit card.

Two weeks in advance.

Peter's still
not answering his phone.

I think he's on to us.

(Logan, voiceover)
I think he's on to us.

Yeah, it was real nice.
Uh, in Manhattan.

I gotta get back to the kids.

You helped him
with impulse control.

Your head must have
been exploding.

Mike told us
about that boy in school.

You beat him unconscious.

You and Gabriel
took the fight out of him.

That's why
he couldn't close.

Couldn't close.

Gabriel's manager Gus Kovak
was buying rounds for the house.

It's funny to get a champion
after all these years.

You took away
his k*ller instinct.

I gave it back to him.

Now that Gabriel's dead,
Peter can go all the way.

You're embarrassing yourself!

Think Gabriel would want you to
run away like that in a fight?

Now get back in there
and show me the power.

Show it to me.
Show me what you got.

Show me what you got!

You're a puncher!

Show me what your brother
thought you had!

That's what I'm talking about.

That's what
I'm talking about.

10-56. I need a bus.

Mike, I'm sorry.

Pete, my god,
what did you do?

I needed the names, Mike.

Of the guys he hired
to k*ll Gabriel.

I hit him.
He wouldn't answer.

I had to hit him again.

(Peter) I got the names.

I wrote 'em down.

You should have called me.
We had him.

My whole life, I've been looking
for my dad, you know?

Looking to come home.

You, Gus,
you did what you could,

but the one guy,

all along,
who looked out for me,

was my brother.

I didn't need a dad

'cause I had Gabriel.

Poor Gus.

You know the last thing
he said?

"You're gonna thank me."

I gotta put these on you.

I know, Mike.

[Handcuffs clicking]

I don't want you
to worry about me, Mike.

I'm okay now.
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