04x22 - My Good Name

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x22 - My Good Name

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Yes, Walt.

I'm still in the meeting.

Do you think I want to be here?

I got to go.



Is this the MSEU?

My name is Liana, and I'm calling from the City Council.

My boss is trying to return a call, but our temp garbled the message.

The name I have for sure is Anya.

Yes, at union headquarters.

Walt, I'm home.

You're late.


You know how it is.

Trying to get everything done before the long weekend.

Give them that "I'll protect you" smile.

It's not mine, Janice.


I'm tied up here.

This damn well better be an emergency.

Everything okay, Frank?

Something's come up.

I'll call you later.


Oh, man Geez, the stench off of this one.

Check his hand out, something's wrong with it.

It's all scarred up.

The union lady from the Missing Persons this morning, her husband's hand had burn scars.


Czabo was reported missing by his wife yesterday.

The last time she saw him was four days ago, Thursday night.

She spent the Easter weekend at her sister's.

It looks like he spent it at the bottom of a bottle.

There's no wounds, no visible cause of death.

And he came all the way from Queens because the Thunderbird's cheaper up here in Harlem?

Hey, you're the guys with the big ideas.

His wife's a union mucky-muck?

VP, Municipal Service Employees.

He's a maintenance engineer at Montebello Hospital.

He's all yours now.

He's been here a while.

Rigor's come and gone.

His arm was out like this when you found him?

Yes, sir.

Sticking out of the bushes.

They went to the trouble of stuffing him in here, why not tuck his arm in?

Look, it's efflorescence from the concrete.

His arm was up like this, already in rigor when they stuffed him in here.

Then the rigor passed, the arm dropped down.

So, he spent time somewhere else before they shoved him in here.

I'm feeling broken ribs.

He's been worked over, but there's not a mark on his face.

It's the work of a pro.

Yesterday morning, I drove straight to work from my sister's in Goshen.

I tried Walter at the hospital, but they said he hadn't come in.

You didn't speak all weekend?

I left messages.

He didn't call back.

You weren't worried?



Walt's like that.

But when I came home Monday night, his car was here, but he wasn't.

The left side of your face is puffed up.

Did someone hit you?

No, no.

I tripped on the stairs.


Czabo, the reason you went to your sister's on Thursday Your husband beat you, didn't he?

I just It's so embarrassing.

Walt, when he was drinking, he had a temper.

And what set him off on Thursday?

This time?

Because I got home late from work.

He feels bad after he hits me, so he went to his bar in Sunnyside.

I waited for him to leave and And you hid at your sister's all weekend.

And when he left for the bar, he took his car?


Did Missing Persons search it when they took your report?

Stub from a parking lot in Sunnyside.

Walter made it to the bar.

Maybe he brought home some trouble.

I got it.


10 milligrams.


No prescription label.

What do you think?

I'm thinking, not for nothing Walter worked in a hospital.

He was running a pharmacy out of his trunk.

Maybe he ran into a dissatisfied customer.

No one at his bar copped to knowing about Walter's sideline.

They said he came in Thursday around 9:00, alone, drank until 1:00, alone, left alone.

And the parking lot?

The lot attendant left at 11:00.

Maybe one of Walter's customers was waiting for him at home.

The ME counted over a dozen separate body blows, each one to a major organ.

Not a movement wasted.

Except the move to Harlem.

What did that buy them?


The lab found engine oil and transmission fluid on the back of his jacket.

Now, there was a vacant lot across the street.

Here, across on this corner.

There were a few abandoned cars.

This intersection.

The 35, the 29, and the 38 all butt up against each other right there.

Looks like Walter took a grand tour.

It was a holiday weekend, everybody wanted to get home.

Call the desk sergeants, see what sector crews were on patrol.

This one has the most authority.

Frank, it can't go on like this.

Frank Adair, good to see you again.

You, too, Ms.


I thank God every day we have people like Frank Adair on our side.

You're our man, Frank.

Thank you, Congressman.

He's sucking up.

That's a good sign.

You have to put an end to it.

Janice, it's over.

For you.

Not for her.

She has leverage now.

She's a cancer to you.


Czabo was last seen in Queens on Thursday night, so we need to nail down how he got where he was found.

Because his jacket was soaked in motor oil on the back.

His shoe, he was missing a shoe, turned up over there in that lot.

You know, we can't figure out how he got from your precinct, the 35, to the 29 over here.

Maybe the Easter Wino helped him across the street.

That's funny.

Your shift ended around midnight on Good Friday.


Czabo would've been in full rigor.

Before they shoved him into that wall there.

You know what I think?

I think that, you know, it was Easter, and it was the end of a long shift.


Czabo, for all appearances, was a wino who drank himself to death.

Who wants to spend five hours baby-sitting a stiff, filling out paper, when you can be home with your family?

You couldn't leave him on your turf, so you walked him over to the 29.

We get it.

But we're gonna need a timeline, gonna need a diagram, location of the body.

I might have that in my notes.

Whoever dumped Czabo here picked his spot.

Precinct boundaries, holiday weekend.

Bought himself a lot of time.

He might know something about police procedure.

He knows something about police culture.

Only one way to know that.

Drug dealing?


I It's possible.

He had keys to the whole hospital.

But I had no idea.


Can you think of any friends of his, people he brought to the house?

No one's been to the house since forever.

Do they have to This is all my union stuff.

Walter's area was basically the chair.

And the TV.

They'll be careful.

So, he was sitting here when you came home Thursday night?

I knew I was in trouble because he got up when I came in.

Walt wouldn't get up for the Queen of England.

He ever mention knowing anybody on the Force?

There are always cops in the E.


He might have talked about them?

No, he never said.

Fell between the cushions.

It's got your handwriting.

It's addressed to "Bear.

" Who's Bear?

God This'll seem pathetic.

I tried to leave Walter little notes in the morning.

I read where it would spice things up.

Well, don't believe everything you read.

Are you getting arrested in this photo?

At the Republican Convention.

That must've been an experience, huh?

They hold you in the pier?

No, just the local precinct.

If you show them where things are upstairs, might save you on the clean up.

Local precinct?

If you got arrested during the convention, you spent three days on the floor of the bus station.

Yeah, but we checked her record, she's clean.

Unless they pulled her before she was processed.

Sounds like she's the one with the friend on the Force.

Getting sprung during the convention would've taken a lot of juice.

We talked to the patrolman who released her.

He said some guy flashed a gold shield, said somebody made a mistake and to fix it.

The patrolman had to let her go.

I take it Anya didn't mention knowing any gold shields.

No, she didn't.

Walter was sitting in that chair, waiting for her, balling up that note, working himself up.

It wasn't for him.

"Bear" might be her gold shield.

So Walter beat her up over it.

Maybe her gold shield fixed that mistake, too?

Any prints on the note?

Three sets, Walter's, Anya's, and a third not yet identified.


Right now?

Okay, thanks.

Speaking of juice, brace yourselves.

Hey, nice to see you.

You, too.

How are you?

Hey, nice to see you.

Nice to see you, too.

Very nice.


Hey, Frank.

Looking good for a lifer.

What's with the pirate patch?

A long story about nothing.

You putting on some pounds?

Private sector pounds.

Hi, Frank Adair.

Detectives Eames and Goren.


You're not related to Johnny Eames from the 91?

My father.

Carrying on the tradition.

I like that.

Your office, Jimmy?

It's okay, this involves them, too.

You've been asking about a dropped arrest at the convention, Anya Czabo?

I don't want some patrolman taking the rap for doing his job.

I'm the one got her sprung.

She a family friend?

I want to clear the air, okay?

This doesn't leave the room, right?

Anya and I, we met a few years ago, some city ceremony.

Back when Marie and I were separated.

I remember that.

Anya was single, you fill in the blanks.

Long story short, last summer she called me, said she'd been arrested.

I knew nobody was getting released until the President left, so I pulled her out.

Me, alone.


Thanks for clearing that up, Frank.

After Anya's arrest Your phone's vibrating again.

After Anya's arrest, did you keep in touch with her?

Not till last week, when I heard about her husband.

I called to offer my condolences.

She tell you we think he might have been dealing dr*gs?

Hey, any questions, ask 'em.

Nothing would surprise me about that guy.

I still know some people from my buy-and-bust days.

I'll ask around.

Appreciate it.

Left jacket pocket, it's Anya, she tell you about a note that we found in her house, a love note?

It was addressed to someone nicknamed "Bear.

" I don't know who that is.

I have to take this.

One second.

Been too long, Jimmy.

Dinner on me.

You got it.

Yes, Your Honor, I'm looking forward That guy sure knows how to work a room.

Yeah, he likes the show, but he's the best street cop that never made commissioner.

Great instincts, that guy.

I'll say.

He knew just when to come in.

He told us he didn't know who Bear was without even being asked.

He looks like a bear to me.

If Anya told him Walter was beating her, he might've come running, k*lled Walter in a rage.

In a rage?

You saw him, sharp creases, that's how he lives his life.

He's straight-up, clean as a whistle.

He's got three cell phones, two pagers, not including the BlackBerry hooked to his belt.

He leads a complicated life.

If he says the affair was over, that's good enough for me.

The third set of prints on the love note?

They turned up on the immigration database.

They belong to a Fortunata Lelisa.

She's loyal.

It's a non-issue.

The issue is, how did that note get into their hands in the first place?

Ready for you in one, Mr.


We can read a clock, sweet pea.

Anya She wouldn't be so reckless.

Why not?

She set her own house on fire.

It's the same reason she married Walter.

She knew your good heart, she knew you wouldn't abandon her.

And now with Walter gone, she needs some other way to keep her hooks in you.

When we come back, my guest will be one of New York's most decorated police officers, the former Chief of Detectives, security adviser to two Mayors and one President, and now head of his own international security consulting firm, Frank Adair.

Save yourself, Frank, your family.

Save what you love.

I find the note, I put it on the table.

Have you ever seen these people here before?

No trace of human life.

Unless you count the clown art on the walls.

Fresh paint.

And the carpet new, too?

When did that happen?

Last weekend.

Building owner sent in a crew.

Probably looking to sell it.

Right now it's warehoused.

They sanitized the sugar shack.

Tying up loose ends.

It's what a guy like Frank Adair would do.

I'd like to hear Anya explain how her note to Walter ended up here.



There's a couple of days' worth of mail here.

Excuse me.

Have you seen Mrs.


She drove off in her car Saturday night.

I was walking slowpoke here.

She take anything with her?

Couple of suitcases.

Said she'd be back yesterday morning.

Two suitcases for a day trip.

There goes another loose end.

After 9l11, I donated the use of that apartment to the anti-t*rror1st task force.

A place to take a shower, catch a nap.

I hope the Department showed its appreciation.

They made me honorary Chief of Detectives.

Chief of Ds?


They give you a badge?

Let me see that thing.


Wow, this is nice.

The Chief of Detectives back then was Frank Adair, wasn't it?

He present this to you?


Does he get to use the apartment?


Leonidas loans the apartment to out-of-town clients, business partners.

Business partners?

Your résumé shows you're on the board of Frank's security company.

That makes him a business partner.

Now, has he ever brought this woman to the apartment?

We're though here.

Let me just say, I feel privileged a hero like Frank Adair considers me his friend.

Well, he counts on people like you, who like rubbing shoulders with big law-enforcement types.

Pretty soon they're covering up evidence, you know, painting, new carpeting.

This woman he was seeing.

Her husband was m*rder*d two weeks ago.

Frank gave him a badge, now he's a friend for life.

Frank buttered up a lot of big wigs with those.

Any word on Mrs.


No one's heard from her.

She hasn't used her phone or her credit cards.

I wouldn't count on her showing up anytime soon.

She's the only person that could tie Frank to her husband's death.

Whoa, whoa Hey, look, they were having an affair.

Her husband knew it.

If she left the note in the apartment, how did it end up in Walter's hands?

We can ask Frank, with the gloves off.

Keep your gloves on, Frank's a black belt.

I'll talk to him.

Marie, it's Jimmy.


Oh, I'm a mess.

Gee, Frank didn't tell me you were coming.

How are you?


You look great.

How come she doesn't age, and we do?

You're all liars.

Hey Can I get you anything?

No, I'm good.

What, you wear glasses now?

Ah They're not real.

I was on CNN.

My media advisor, she says they project depth.

Between you and me, I look like a sissy.

Media advisors, CNN.

You running for something?

Well, what are you gonna do?

Play the game.

Guess so.

Anya Czabo's been missing four days.

She has family in Delaware.

We're taking care of it.

This is the note, the one my detectives mentioned.

It was traced to an apartment owned by Marty Leonidas.

You ever used it?

Yes, for meetings with foreign clients.

They like the privacy.

But this note, anyone who's told you I've seen it is lying.

Any idea how something like this might end up in Walter Czabo's hands?


No idea.

Because on the outside it might look like he had evidence of an affair, and then him turning up dead.

If I'm gonna be out on a limb for you, Frank, I need to know about Anya and that apartment.

I'm a happily married man.

Look at me.

Nothing happened there.

That's all I need to know.

Marie, Jimmy's leaving.

Next time bring Angie, we'll have dinner.

That would be great.

Good to see you.

I hope she's not mad at Frank for keeping you out so late Friday.

Isn't the veal at Toniolo's to die for?

Oh, yeah.

Terrific grub.

Take care.

I'll see you.

Sorry about that.

About what?

If I make it to Albany, I'm gonna need good people.

Frank Adair's planning a run for governor.

You might be looking at his future Chief of Staff.

Uh Congratulations?

Yeah, it'll be great, as long as I don't mind being his beard.

He told his wife he was out late with me last Friday night.

The night before Anya disappeared.

He knew that she was on our radar.

He wouldn't risk being seen with her.

Assuming they were having an affair.

No assuming.

He was seeing her at the apartment.

Friday night, he was with somebody else.

He's juggling three women.

What a guy.

He did a news show Friday night.

His media advisor would've been holding his hand.

Maybe she knows where he went after.

You imbeciles.

You put the podium down here, when you have the entire museum to play with?

Start over.

Liana, make notes.

I don't usually talk to the police about my clients.

Your client happens to be a hero to us, Ms.


He even remembered what precinct my dad worked.

Oh, how sweet.

I'm surprised you wouldn't talk to us.

Given his history with this missing woman, it could get sticky for Frank.

Nothing sticks to Frank Adair.

He's a natural-born leader.

And that's what this event that you're planning is all about?

I mean, all this animal energy, leopards and elephants That's a lynx, isn't it?

I wouldn't know.

I'm not a cat person.

It is.

It's a caracal.

All these images of strength, compassion.

This would be a great place for Frank to announce his run for governor.

The public craves what Frank has to offer.

Last Friday, he did a news show.

We need his whereabouts later on.

Friday night, Frank was with me.

We brought a tape back to my office to review it.


That's funny, he told his wife he had dinner at Toniolo's.

She misunderstood.

We brought dinner in from Toniolo's.

We had a lot of work to do.

This is Carla.

Hold, please.

I have Ms.


I envy Frank, you know, having you by his side, you know, smoothing out all the rough edges.

The two of you make a great power couple.

He already has a wife.


Yes, you wanted to talk to me about Two stories about Friday.

His is a total lie.

Hers has enough truth in it to make it bulletproof.

It's the sign of a good liar, you know, a good manipulator.


Damn it, my water!

She calls you Liana?

I know.

I'm Carla.

Liana was let go two weeks ago.


Steiner has a lot of turnover.



Hell has no fury like an assistant scorned.

Oh, the stories I could tell.

I don't care if she sues me.

Tell us a story about Frank Adair.

Anything between them besides business?

You tell me.

She always shut the door when she talked to him on the phone.

Which was weird, because that woman's got, like, no boundaries.

When she had sinus surgery last Christmas, she made me cancel my vacation just to come stay with her and do her errands.

Sinus surgery.

That's painful.

She had me running to the pharmacy five times a day for painkillers.

She ever mention an Anya Czabo?


She had me track her down.

Track her down how?

She gave me a copy of a note, just the top part, with some city union logo.

She told me to find somebody named Anya who worked there.

Well, actually, what she screamed was, "Just do it, moron!

" Oh!

The next day, Wednesday, she fired me.

And Thursday, Walter was reading the note and blowing a gasket.

He was probably seeing Anya and Janice Steiner at the apartment on alternating days.

Now, Janice, she found the note.

She sent it to Walter, to maybe force Anya to break up with Frank.

She ended up making more trouble for Frank than she bargained for.

I wish my dad had Frank's retirement package.

Frank still has clearance to access NYPD records.

Departmental courtesy.

Week ago Wednesday, says here he accessed Walter's records showing his spousal abuse beefs.

Wednesday afternoon, Frank was in D.


At a Senate hearing.

Janice, she looked up Walter's sheet.

She found out Anya was married to a wife-beater, and sent him his wife's love note.

That's hardball.

Not to mention dangerous and stupid.

Well, this woman's not stupid.

If she provoked Walter into beating Anya, she knew that Frank would do something about it.

A crisis, you know?

Manipulators, they love a crisis.

That's where they do their best work.

Oh, God, you're too much!

Don't stop.


Oh, Janice, baby.

I said, don't stop.

It's her.

She knows we're here.


She can't give you what I can give you.

You know that, don't you?

Oh, God, yes.




Frank Adair is the cop who took our city back from the outlaws.

He's a dedicated career crime-fighter.

And a dedicated three-timing bastard.

I don't know what Frank's capable of anymore.

Maybe they're right.

Maybe this Steiner woman played him.

She provoked him to m*rder, and then helped him cover it up?

Her assistant said Janice stockpiled painkillers when she had sinus surgery.

That's probably where the dr*gs in Walter's trunk came from.


Czabo's wife, she's in hiding?

Or worse.

This idea that Frank Adair could be manipulated by this P.



Maybe she found a way into him?


How lonely it seems without evidence by its side.

Well, there's evidence that there was a security breach.

Someone stole Frank's access code to take a look at Walter's sheet.

That merits a visit to Frank's house.

A security breach?

Usually that's when people call Frank.

It's the barber's kid who always needs a haircut.

The breach happened sometime before Easter weekend.

He was in D.


On Wednesday, and in his office on Thursday.

Thursday night's a blank.

He was getting his portrait done for his campaign poster.

How did it turn out?

Well, it's not exactly the Frank I know.

That's nice.

This smiley face, is that the idea of the same person who suggested these?

That Janice Steiner.

We met her.

She believes that Frank has a big future, you know.

He trusts her.

He puts himself in her hands.

It must be tough sharing Frank with her.

Well, she's pushy.

But everything's been fine since I pushed back.

You two had a run-in?

What happened?

She wanted childhood pictures of Frank for a book.

And I told her that they were lost in a fire when Frank was young.

And then two months ago she was here working with Frank, and I caught her looking through my photo album.

I let her know she was not welcome here after that.

I didn't see any pictures with his family when he graduated from the academy.

Frank was estranged from his father.

And his mother died in an accident in Baltimore when Frank was nine.


Oh, that's the kids.

Excuse me.

He ever talk to you about his childhood?

He never brought it up.

Janice was interested.

Maybe it didn't stop with the photo albums.

Nine-year-old Frankie comes home from school, finds his mother in the kitchen beaten to a pulp with a hammer.

Who did it?

The old man?

No, he was alibied in Chicago.

These suspects, all boyfriends?

If you want.

Mostly junkies and dope dealers.


Adair's social circle.

This is her sad story.

Couple of dozen dope beefs, and everything else she had to do to support her habit.

That's the world her son grew up in.

A lot of material here.

You put this together since we called yesterday?

We got a request five years ago from the Commissioner's office to reopen the case as a courtesy to Mr.


How about the last couple of months, anyone try to get this information, maybe someone that worked for Frank Adair?

Yeah, matter of fact, someone did.

So, she had the Baltimore P.


Fax the m*rder report to her office.

It gave Janice a hot button to push.

She could've anticipated that he'd snap when Anya got beaten.

Frank Adair's a rock.

First man through a door, never lost his cool.

The lab confirms Walter's rap sheet wasn't accessed from Frank's home computer.

Is Frank into sport fishing?

He wears $600 shoes, I don't think he likes to get them wet.

Because the Saturday Anya disappeared, he checked the tide tables off of Rockaway Inlet.

His old beat.

When he first came out of the academy, Frank didn't have any hooks, so he ended up in Coney Island.

A lot of deep, murky waters off of those docks?

Frank would know.

This was Frank's beat when they found a Cadillac right here with two Mob guys in the trunk.

Car had been there 12 years.

Complete fluke they found it.

Frank remembered.

There's no trauma, no sign of strangling.

Pulmonary edema.

She drowned.

She was alive when she went in.

She could've done this to herself, a su1c1de.


It's Frank.

And Janice Steiner.

Frank was probably in Anya's car.

Janice followed.

He k*lled the man who beat Mrs.


Now you say he k*lled the very woman he wanted to protect?

Well, he's at w*r with himself.

With Janice egging him on.

We got to turn these two on each other.

We split them.

We make him choose.

Janice got rid of one rival.

Her next target would be Frank's wife.

What if she tried to convince us that Marie was behind Anya's death?

We might believe her.

It came up while we were looking into a security breach.

We found a cache of files, some from the NYPD database.

This stuff was on her computer?


It was saved on her Internet server, under her account.

What was in the files?


It's more serious than that.

She had Anya's personal info.

Her social, her car registration.

She even had the Liberty Street apartment address.

She got the information using your Departmental access code.

Marie had the goods on you, Frank.

She knew all about your affair with Anya.

All right, so you have a couple of security violations here.

You let her go home now, you have my word we'll show up for a hearing, pay a fine, whatever.

There's more, Frank.

This is a private matter, Jimmy, between Marie and me.

She had information from one of your old cases when you were a patrolman in Coney Island.

It was about a car that sat off a dock in Sheepshead Bay for 12 years.


Well, we thought it was odd that she would want that information, so We sent a diver off the dock to have a look.

The tox screen found that she'd been doped up with barbiturates.

She was strapped in the car and the car was rolled into the water.

Marie knew that you were having an affair.

She might have been worried that, with her husband dead, Anya would want to make trouble for you.

Your wife was protecting you.

You think Marie did this?

This guy's nuts.

It's not for nothing Marie's been a cop's wife for 23 years.

She knows people who can get things done.

You're both nuts.

Marie had nothing to do with this.

I want to talk to her.

She's suspected of k*lling your mistress.

You can't go in there.

You know better.

So do you.

For God's sake, she's a school librarian.

Who loves you very much, who stuck by you all these years.

Marie just wouldn't stand by and let some chippy destroy her man.

Can you at least tell her that I'm here, and I got a lawyer on the way?

Yeah, I can do that.

Frank sent word he'll be done soon.

I'm sorry you have to wait here.

I'm sorry that he made you send a car to pick me up.

If he'd called me, I would've driven myself.

Anything for you, Marie, you know that.

I don't understand how this ended up in her account.

It doesn't make sense.

Well, it wasn't magic, Frank.

I got here as soon as I could.

They kept me waiting downstairs.


Why is she in there?

Frank, is everything all right?

Uh, Ms.

Steiner, maybe you should wait No, that's okay.

They found Anya Czabo dead.

They think Marie had something to do with it.


Why would they think that?

Well, we found some computer files in an account under her name.

That's what led us to discover Mrs.


That's horrible.

Why would Marie want her dead?

To keep her away from Frank.

To defend the fortress of her marriage.


But the way it looks now, she might not be around for your silver anniversary, Mr.


Frank, we have to stand by her.

I know some people who Janice, don't.

I I have to get out of this room.

She's the mother of my children, Janice.

Frank, I know.

The mother of my children.

Frank, you okay?

What, you're leaving?

You're going to leave Marie here to fend for herself?

Frank, come on.

Frank, come on.

It's the mother of your children.

What, you don't know what to do?

I got to talk to her.

Frank, no.

You and I, we have to talk first.

Yeah, the little contradictions in life.

They can really drive you out of your mind.

But that comes with the territory, right?

I mean, a bigger-than-life guy like you.

Me, I just got a job, you know.

Just one job.

I get home, I can hardly, you know Even if I wanted to, man I'm wiped out, you know?

You, you got the corporation, you got politics, the family, you got two mistresses Well, you got one mistress.

After what Marie did.

Is that why you have so many cell phones, one for each compartment?

You, you show some respect.

You know, this machine that you call a life, it holds itself together as long as you hold yourself together.

Let me throw another complication at you.

Two days before Walter was beaten to death, someone used your access code to look at his sheet.


Somebody made Walter as a wife-beater.

And what do you know, two days later, somebody sent him that love note and he went after Anya.

We worked this through, Frank.

He got the note from Anya.

And she looked at his rap sheet?


She already knew he beat on her.

That had to be Marie.

Frank, of course, if she already knew about Anya Stop talking about Marie.


Does that make you uncomfortable?

I think this is when all the parts of life start smashing against each other.

You know, your pride, your shame.

Where did you get this?

Come on, you know where we got it.

We got it in Baltimore.

We read the whole file about your poor junkie mother.

She was beaten to death by one of her dealers.

You think she stiffed him?

You, I could take you down right here Hey, look, we're not the only ones interested in your childhood.

Baltimore P.


Said somebody from your office called them two months ago and asked for the m*rder report.

They had it faxed to this number.

Recognize it?

It's my job to know these things, Frank.

Yeah, it's her job to know his weaknesses, it's your job to know his flash points, to ride to rescue some bruised and beaten woman, to know what he'd do to Walter.

He didn't do anything to Walter.

Frank, everything I've done, it's been in service to you.

I'm loyal to you.

She's loyal, all right.

She didn't get rid of Anya to go from being number three to being number two.

She's going all the way.

So, now you know, Frank.

Now you know who put the files in Marie's account.

Now you know who made the hell you're in.

Why are you trying to do this to him?

He's one of your own.


The scissors.

Let go of me!

Let me go!

That bitch!

You malevolent, conniving bitch!

Look at you, on the floor, your mother's son.

He k*lled Walter Czabo, beat him with his bare hands.

He threatened me if I didn't help him cover it up.

Listen to her.

Even now, she spews her venom into your life, the life that you put in her hands, Frank.

She told me to k*ll Anya.

She told me and told me Liar!


She held the steering wheel and I pushed the car.

You street filth.

You're under arrest, Ms.


You went too far.

The mother of my children I didn't do anything to her.

Don't you get it?

It's your friends here.

They did it, your loyal friends!

Get your hands off me!

Marie Jimmy told me everything.

Please, Marie.

I can't lose you.

Jimmy Jimmy, don't I got any friends here?

Save it, Frank.

There goes the greatest cop I ever knew.
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