04x17 - Shibboleth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x17 - Shibboleth

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I had those two interviews, but I haven't heard back.

Well, in the meantime, we'll keep looking.

The meantime.

It's all the meantime.

Keith, I tell all my probationers, whatever's eating at you, talk it out.

Monsters only live in the dark.

phone calls, you don't make the appointments.

You don't get appointments, you don't make any money.

Be right there.

Service door, Frank.


No, I won't.

I promise.


Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Phoebe, don't do this.



Don't act familiar at work.

Don't get to the apartment before 9:00.

Don't let anybody see you.

Not this again.

I want things to change.

You're not being realistic.



She's not breathing.

What is your location, sir?

Send someone to 90 Wait, wait.


I can't Don't k*ll me.

I don't wanna die.

Now she's not breathing.

So that's 90 Rector Place in Battery Park City, Apartment 408.

Phoebe Morton is dead.

The 911 call was made from her cell.

Name's Phoebe Morton.

Whose name is on the lease?

A Mr.

Paul Riddick, with a business address over on East 15th.

Stove's never been used, fridge is empty.

I'm guessing hookups are the specialty of the house.

Any witnesses to the comings and goings tonight?

Not yet.

We're walking on eggshells.

Couple of biggies from City Hall have their girlfriends stashed here.

Well, break all the eggshells you want, that's why we're here.

Cheap business suit.

Her lingerie is more expensive.

She wanted to impress somebody.

Petechial hemorrhaging is severe.

What do you make of this?

I'm not sure.

Her arms were tied behind her back, at the elbows and the wrists.

And then there's this ligature mark.

It's on only one of her ankles.

He might've tied her leg to something to keep her in one place.

Yeah, but nothing is heavy enough.

It's bleach.

Someone cleaned off a stain.

He sat here.

He watched her tied up on the floor, and then when he decided it was time to k*ll her, he called 911.

Well, we should go wake up Mr.

Riddick, see if he enjoyed the floor show.

Go back to bed, honey.

I'll be up in a minute.

Okay, sweetie.

So you and Phoebe.

How long, how often?

Eight months, once, maybe twice a week.

You see her last night?


We ended up arguing.

I left.

I didn't k*ll her.

What'd you argue about?

She wanted to change the ground rules.

Was she threatening to tell your wife?


No, it hadn't come to that.

Anyone else know about the affair?

No, nobody knew, not even at work.

We were very, very discreet.

Phoebe'd leave first, then I'd drive over, and call her when I got there, to tell her to come up.

You made her wait out in the cold?

Well, get dressed, Galahad, we're taking you downtown, get some DNA samples.

She was choked within an inch of her life several times before she was finally choked to death.

We found a piece of blue nylon rope embedded in her neck.

Nylon makes for a good slipknot.


So he was behind her.


Now, he would have had to put a hand or a knee on her to keep her down.

No, but there would have been marks left on her.

Which aren't here.

Now, what about this ligature mark?

It pulls in a downward direction, toward the heel.

Well, now it pulls up.

Towards her neck.

He tied the rope to her ankle and looped it around her neck.

While she kept her leg tensed up, she'd be all right.

But if she relaxed it, the rope would tighten.

It would start choking her.

Till she brought it back up again.

Back and forth, until she couldn't hold her leg up anymore.

There's no evidence of sexual as*ault, there's no semen in or out.

On the other hand, forensics found seminal fluid in four places in the living room, including the couch.

Different individuals?

Well, the samples were extremely degraded by bleach.

The DNA lab could only develop But the samples are all from the same individual, and it's not your Mr.


Semen was found in each of these locations.

Each position offered the k*ller a clear sight line of Phoebe.

While she struggled to stay alive.

Her struggle excited him.

He masturbated to orgasm at each spot.

Then cleaned up with bleach.

He would've made his last stand here.

After he cleaned up, he called 911.

911, what is your emergency?

She's not breathing.

What is your location, sir?

Send someone to 90 Wait, wait.


I can't Don't k*ll me.

He revived her.

He wanted the operator to hear her beg.

Battery Park City, Apartment 408.

Phoebe Morton is dead.

No panic.

He was proud of himself.

He should be.

A five-loci DNA sample's not enough to convict anyone.

Well, he wanted us to know how good he is.

If he thinks that we're not paying attention, he'll contact us.

You suggesting a leak to the media?

And deprive him of credit for the k*ll.

He took the bait.

And that would be proof of authorship?

It's another girl.

New Jersey license for a Marcia Waverly.

Okay, DOB is 3l15l67.

"Marcia Waverly, found m*rder*d "in her apartment in Hoboken in June, 1996.

"No arrest made.

" There's a photo of the crime scene.

Same ligature marks.

It can't be.


Type in "Body By Jake.

" "Body By Jake, nickname adopted by unknown suspect "in strangulation murders of four women in New York City "between 1989 and 1992.

"The suspect sent a series of taunting letters to the police.

"His last communication was in November, 1992.

" His first victim was an aerobics instructor, that's where he got the name.

After the killings stopped, the investigators assumed it was because he either died or went to jail.

Wherever he was, he's back.

The MO matched Phoebe Morton's to a T, right down to the blue nylon rope.

The m*rder in New Jersey.

Why was it never ascribed to Body By Jake?

Jake didn't take credit for it at the time.

The folks in Hoboken never made the connection.

After the second victim was found, he sent the police a letter with the driver's license of the first victim, Kelly Erndale.

He also included a Polaroid of the second victim, Lisa Welsh, taken at the scene.

The only known photo of a Jake victim with gag and ligatures in place.

After each of the next two murders, he sent a letter with the victim's driver's license.

But not after the Hoboken m*rder.

Why wouldn't he want credit for it?

To keep it his secret.

It's his favorite k*ll.

So now we have six Jake victims.

Do we know why and how they were targeted?

They're all Caucasian, slender builds, long dark hair.

But they all lived, worked and died in different boroughs, different neighborhoods.

None of them knew each other or had people in common.

Any suggestions to find Jake?

Well, he likes to talk about himself.

"Can you stop me before I k*ll again?

"Are you enjoying this as much as I am?

" We keep him talking with another leak to the press.

He left ej*cul*te at the scene of the crimes.

He was flaunting his sexual power.

Now, if we suggest he kills because he can't get a woman to sleep with him, we'll provoke a response.


Oh, sorry, I had to stay late at work.

My boss spazzed on me.

Oh, wait, I think the super left a note.

Yeah, he was supposed to fix the sink.

Listen to what this creep wrote!

"Oh, Cassandra, why are you so late?

"Oh, Cassandra, why do you make me wait?

" I'm not I'm usually home by 7:00.

What if he'd still been here?

You don't want to think about that.

You notice anybody following you or watching your place?

No, no, nothing.

Excuse me, the bra and panties, are they yours?


I can't stay here.

Is there somebody you can call?

My friend in White Plains, I can go there.

That's good.

Call your friend.

Lucky girl.

"They spread lies.

They spread lies.

"Willing or not, Jake always has a mate.

" You provoked him all right.

That jab in The Ledger this morning did the trick.

Almost provoked him into another m*rder.

Jake doesn't need provocation for that.

"Willing or not, Jake always has a mate.

" I wonder if any of Jake's mates ever filed a complaint for sexual as*ault.

I told that doctor in the E.


That my boyfriend had nothing to do with it!

It was just an accident!

I see.

You accidentally dislocated your shoulder.

Same as you accidentally got ligature marks on your wrist, your left ankle and around your neck?

What does it matter?

It was over a year ago, and all Keith got was probation.

You didn't testify.

Were you too embarrassed?

The report said you were at his place, you'd both taken ecstasy, and This is what we think.

He asked you to pose for him, face down on the floor in your bra and underwear.

He put a gag in your mouth, tied your wrists behind your back, am I right so far?

Except for the bra.

I don't wear one.

He gave me one.

Then he tied your left ankle with the rope and he looped it around your neck.

There was a struggle, and you dislocated your shoulder, right?

He was begging me to let him finish.

He kept telling me he wasn't gonna hurt me, but he was just begging me.

Now you saw him last week, on a Tuesday.

Did he seem tense or distracted?

No more than usual.

Something's always eating at him.

He used to remind me of that guy in the space movie, where that thing came popping out of his chest?

Keith get himself in trouble?

This woman was found m*rder*d Tuesday night.

See the ligature marks?

Same as Keith's girlfriend.

She even looks like her.

He was in the service from '93 to '96.

That puts him in town for the Hoboken thing.

There's another one?

There are five other ones.

We wanna bring him in, search his place, anything you can violate him on?

He had a dirty urine sample six weeks ago for marijuana.

I cut him a break.

Well, his break's over.

We also want you to call him, check in with him.

We'll be recording you.

What do his activities from last Tuesday night have to do with a positive drug test?

Let's put the cards on the table, Detectives.


We can put cards on the table.

You remember these cards?

You gave them to your girlfriend.


Durbin no longer engages in this offense behavior.

Not just a little fantasizing?


It's not healthy.

But keeping these bras and panties in a box under your bed, that's healthy?

He's admitted all of this at his allocution.

But he left out the part about tying her left ankle to a rope around her neck.

Is this the effect that you were going for, something like this?

What is this?

It's what he finds exciting.

No, it's repulsive.

No, see, she's relaxing her leg, and the noose is tightening around her neck.


I don't like this at all.

I'm supposed to meet my family tonight.

I have to call them.

I noticed between the 911 caller and your voice sample of Mr.

Durbin, the most unique of which was the manner in which words with "T's" in the middle were pronounced.

"Battery, city"?

Yes, see, most speakers articulate the "T" as a "D" sound.

But in both samples, the speaker articulates the "T" sound.

"Battery, city.

" A shibboleth.

It's not a positive ID, but the 911 caller and Mr.

Durbin are a probable match.

You do like it.

You haven't taken your eyes off it since we left the room.

No, that's not true.

Are you cold?

Or are you hiding something?


You're aroused.

This picture, it arouses you.

That's what you're hiding.


Is it exciting for you to see women like this?

And like this, this, this, this, this No!

It's not me!

I can't I can't help the way I feel.

I can't stop it.

I can't stop it.

Keith, that's enough.

I'll say.

As of now, he's under arrest on five counts of m*rder.



It's just in my head.

I can't stop it.

I can't I can't stop it.

I We got a five-point match on Durbin's DNA.

One in a thousand chance it's him.

That and a probable voice match don't impress.

Here's one court-appointed psychologist whose contract should be re-examined.


Elliot Burnhardt told the court that, in his opinion, Mr.

Durbin presented no danger to the city's female population.

The court ordered Mr.

Durbin to undergo 12 sessions with Dr.


But last week, with three sessions to go, Burnhardt took Mr.

Durbin on as a private patient.

Meaning everything that Durbin tells him is covered by doctor-patient privilege.

Well, this started with the session Durbin had two days after Phoebe's m*rder.

He might've told the shrink something about the m*rder.

Something that contradicted his rosy psych evaluation.

Maybe Burnhardt turned Keith into a private patient to protect himself.

I'll ask him.

In front of the grand jury.

After Mr.

Durbin pled guilty to as*ault, I was asked to prepare a psychological evaluation.

I felt then that Mr.

Durbin posed no danger to women.

I still believe that.

Let's talk about your session two days after Phoebe Morton's m*rder.

I can't.


Durbin became my private patient that day.

Doctor-patient privilege attached, his sessions became confidential.

Only the patient can waive privilege, isn't that right?

If he chose to, Mr.

Durbin could tell us what he said to you that day.


Lf, in the future, Mr.

Durbin confesses he k*lled Ms.

Morton, he could reveal he made an admission to you, one that makes your evaluation of him as posing no danger to women seem incompetent.

Unless, of course, the information came from you before Mr.

Durbin confesses.

But I can't violate privilege.

An argument can be made that anything Mr.

Durbin told you is part of court-ordered therapy, not subject to confidentiality.

It could be viewed that way.

I'm asking you to view it that way.

During that session, two days after Ms.

Morton's m*rder, did Mr.

Durbin say anything about Ms.


He saw the newspaper on my desk with a photo of Ms.


He said, "That could be me.

" Did you think he meant he himself could be the m*rder victim?


I knew right away he meant the k*ller.

Keith has always been filled with foreboding that his sexual issues would inevitably lead to serious trouble.

At that moment, it occurred to me what he'd been trying to tell me during our sessions.

That he felt himself fated to k*ll.

I never forced Talia.

She freaked out and got caught in the rope, and wrenched her shoulder.

I never meant to hurt her.

I never hurt anyone.

You tried to put a slipknot around her neck, but not to choke her?

It's the idea of it.

The idea of choking a woman excites you.

No, it's just the way a woman looks like that.

On her stomach, bound and gagged, in her bra and panties?

White bra and panties, they should be white.

Right, with her right ankle tied to her neck No, it's her left ankle.

Yes, my mistake.

Your way of doing things is unique.


Burnhardt testified when you saw Ms.

Morton in the newspaper, you said, "That could be me.

" I wanted to explain that I meant, if I wasn't in therapy, if I didn't have self-control, bad things could happen.

You could be that k*ller.

That's what you meant, you could lose control.

I won't lose control.


Burnhardt testified you were filled with foreboding, you felt fated to k*ll someday.

I won't ever let that happen.

Where do you get that sense of yourself as a k*ller?

I don't know.

Do you have fantasies about k*lling?

No, no, I don't.

Then what is the source of your apprehension?


Durbin, it must come from somewhere.

I can't.

I don't know, I don't know.

You don't have to answer anymore.

I don't want to answer any more questions.

There's no need, Mr.


Thank you.

This, his testimony here, when he specified the bra and panties should be white, none of his victims wore white bra and panties.

Luck of the draw.

Except he's very rigid in his preferences.

He made his victims undress.

It wouldn't have required much more effort to ask them to put on a white bra and panties.

All the lingerie we found in his apartment was white.

And here, when you said right ankle, instead of left, you You made a mistake, and he let it pass.

No, he corrected me.

Without ridiculing you.

You know, the Jake in the letters, he would have berated you for incompetence.

Your sense of timing, Detective We might have made a mistake.

Grand jury disagrees.

Indicted Durbin on five counts of m*rder.

I just got the "proceed with caution" signal from the Captain.

Once the DA has a suspect in their mitts, they don't like giving him up.

Look, the third victim, Christina Paulen, she changed jobs three months before her m*rder.

She used to work on Spring.

She would take the D Train down to West 4th and change for the C to Spring.

She changed at the West 4th Street station.

The same as the first two victims.

But the fourth victim, Darlene Jorif, she drove to work.

She bought her car a month before she was k*lled.

Well, if she used to take the subway, she would have been transferring at West 4th to get to work.

Why Marcia Waverly?

She took the PATH train from New Jersey.

Now, she would have transferred at West 4th to get up to Lexington.

You see, that's where he picked up their scent, at West 4th.

He followed them, he learned their schedules, and when he was ready, he struck.

Another commuter or a Transit Authority worker.

Cassandra Darcy, our near miss, she transfers at the 14th Street station to get to work.

That leaves Phoebe out in the cold.

But the night she was k*lled, she filled her MetroCard at the 14th Street station, and that's how she got to Battery Park.

She took the subway.

West 4th Street, match up the dates to her work history, maybe we get a suspect.

Do you have any idea how many people pass through this station any given day?

It's a lot.

There was somebody else working with you that night, a Frank McNare, Frank McNare.


Now, there's one who might remember.

He notices things.

Hey, Frank, they're asking about a girl m*rder*d in Battery Park a couple of weeks ago.

She was in the station.

You remember seeing her?

I was wondering when you'd get around to talking with us.


I recognized her when I saw her picture in the newspaper.

You noticed her that night?

There's not much else to do down here but notice the pretty girls.

I saw her, I said to myself, "That is a pretty girl.

" Do you remember anybody talking to her or following her?


But she got a phone call just before she left.

Maybe we should be writing this down.

Good idea.

You said that she got a phone call just before she left.


And did you see anyone following her?

Your partner already asked me that.

You know, you should write down your questions and mark them off as you ask them.

That way you won't repeat yourself.

Good idea.

We gotta go.

Shift's changing.

Arrogant would be an understatement.

"Pretty girls.

" He articulates his "T's," just like the 911 caller.

It's a pronunciation idiosyncrasy.

It's picked up by children when they learn to talk.

Children like Keith.

Frank, he had red sideburns, got brown hair and a red beard, just like Keith.

It's unusual, and it's genetic.

It's passed on from father to son.

We just met Keith's dad.

Frank McNare divorced Keith's mother in 1978, when Keith was eight.

They were living up in New Rochelle.

McNare moved to Queens, he got a job at the Transit Authority.

Now, by 1988, he was working at the West 4th Street station.

So far, Mr.

McNare seems nothing more than a victim of coincidence.

We've tracked his history.

Not only was he around for the killings, we can even explain why he stopped in 1992.

He got married that year.

Now, if his wife was a true masochist, someone who would let him act out his sadistic fantasies, he wouldn't need unwilling partners.

But when his wife died last year of breast cancer, he would have started hunting for new partners.

And the '96 m*rder, if he was married His wife had her first bout of cancer back then.

She was sick for a year, she wouldn't have been up for his games.

But if, as you say, Mr.

McNare's a sexual sadist, that's something he and his son would have in common.

And sexual sadism is not an inherited trait, is it?


I don't know why Keith has the same sexual hard-wiring as his father.

You have no evidence what Mr.

McNare's sexual proclivities are.

His ex-wife would know.

Keith hasn't seen Frank since he was eight.

Why are you interested in him?

Frank's sexual interests when you were married, did they include bondage or pain, even in mild forms?

No, our sex life was very conventional.


Durbin, you know what Keith has admitted to.

Now, his behavior has a source.

Maybe it was something in his childhood.

You remember something.

It was such a childish thing.

And I yelled at him for it, I shouldn't have.

He was seven.

I came into my room and found that he'd dressed his teddy bear in my underthings.

It was on the floor on its stomach.

I know it's normal for children to be curious, but There's something else?

He had tied a string, a blue string, around the teddy bear's leg.

You remember where he'd been that day?

With Frank.

Frank was a claims adjuster.

Saturday afternoons he'd take photos of damaged cars and homes.

Sometimes he'd take Keith with him.

What kind of camera did he use?

A Polaroid.

And while Frank was with clients, Keith would wait in the car.


Keith might've found something in his father's car.

Say, a photo.

Something that made a deep impression, so deep that he recreated it with his teddy bear.

Photo of what?

We know Jake likes to take pictures of his victims bound and gagged.

But in 1977, 12 years before the first Body By Jake m*rder?

The first one that Jake took credit for.


"Kimberly Lange, "from a parking lot in New Rochelle in 1977.

" Her remains were identified in 1983.

She's slender, with long dark hair.

Jake's type.

ME found ligature marks on her left ankle and two strands of blue and white polyester embedded in her wrist.

Assuming that 7-year-old Keith did see a photo of the victim, from that one instance, he developed a full-blown sexual obsession?

Well, the image of a terrified, half-naked woman, it's shocking.

The boy, he would have known that it was secret and forbidden.

It would've imprinted itself on his psyche.

Somehow he figured out that the photo that he saw was of a woman about to be m*rder*d.

Well, it was front-page news when they ID'ed her.

And they describe her as having a birthmark over her right shoulder blade.

The photo that Keith would've seen, it would've been of her lying on her stomach, bound and gagged, birthmark would have been visible, he would have seen it.

He was 13 when she was found, he would've remembered the birthmark, he would've figured out his father k*lled her.

If he knows, why not say something?

Well, we'll ask him.

And let his lawyer know we're looking at other suspects?

Have you even collected DNA samples from Frank McNare yet?

Get us the paper, we'll get on it.

It's better to cast a wider net.

We might not want Frank knowing that he's a suspect.

They said they're gonna take about 10 minutes.



McNare, you here to volunteer your DNA?

This still about that girl?

We took samples from every guy at her work, now we're doing the same along the route she traveled.

No one's turned us down yet.

How about it?

The big DNA dragnet, huh?

This what you guys do when you run out of ideas?

Pretty much.

Now, there's a questionnaire to fill out for every sample.

You have any kids?

Why do you need to know that?

We don't, the lab does.


I got one son.

Date of birth?

City of residence?

I'm not sure.

He was my kid from my first wife.

Well, how about the last time you talked to him, where was he?

He was 13, he called me.

He was still in New Rochelle.

Kid's mother was getting remarried.

Her husband wanted to adopt him.

He had this crazy idea that I wouldn't be his dad anymore.

I hope you set him straight.

I told him that a piece of paper doesn't mean squat.

He was my flesh and blood, my DNA, can't run away from it.

He got the best of me the night I rolled off his mother.

Open wide.

I saw right through that DNA crap.

If I hadn't volunteered, they'd use it as an excuse to crawl right up my ass!

Frank, relax.

They've already indicted somebody.

Some guy named Keith Durbin.

McNare's DNA was a five-point match to the sample from the crime scene.

Same as his son.

What progress.

We now have two suspects, each of whom create reasonable doubt for the other.

If Durbin told us what he saw in that photo when he was 7, maybe we'd get somewhere with McNare.

What are the chances of that?

When he was 13, he realized that he was sexually aroused by the image of a woman being tortured and m*rder*d by his father.

Now, that's knowledge that I can't imagine living with.

He's not responsible for her death.

He believes that he inherited his father's evil.

And he believes that because his father told him as much.

He just thinks it's a matter of time until he becomes the k*ller that his father is.

It's irrational, but it's the one thing that he most deeply believes about himself.

He probably thinks if he tells anybody his father k*lled that girl in 1977, we'll lock him up along with his dad.

Well, how do we liberate Mr.

Durbin from that belief?

Well, his father may be the only one who can.

He said all he's gonna say about the charges.

Well, actually, we were hoping for information on another case.

If he gives us some help on this case, then the DA will give him some consideration on the other ones.

He's not a suspect in this new case?

He would have been 7 years old at the time, that's what I'm saying.

Kimberly Lange.

She's from your old stomping ground in New Rochelle.

She disappeared in 1977, her remains were found in 1983.

Is there anything you can tell me about this?

His flesh, his blood.

You're just like him.

That is what you believe, isn't it, Keith?

Who's he talking about?



If your family ever found out, your mother, your sister, your stepfather, they'd write you off, wouldn't they?

I don't know anything.

'Cause it's just a matter of time until you become him, until you do what he does.

Is that what you believe, Keith?

You need to see something.

There he is, Keith.

The man whose perversions have haunted you, overwhelmed you all these years.

My dad?

Came here to talk about you.

You wanna hear what he has to say?

What was that?

They're doing renovations next door.

Let's talk about your son, Keith.

After we got your DNA, we tracked down his whereabouts He's the guy you should be looking at for this.

Well, it's funny you should say that.

We talked to his mother.

She told us she remembered him dressing up his teddy bear in her bra and panties and tying a little string to the bear's foot.

Well, there you go.

Pantywaist little pervert.

His mother did it to him, all that mollycoddling.

How do you figure?

She would let little Keith sleep in the bed with us until he was 5.

That's not normal, not for a boy.

What I don't understand, Frank, didn't you tell him when he was 13 that everything he was he owed to you?

The flesh and blood speech, how he couldn't run away from the great genetic gift you gave him?

I just wanted to get him off the phone.

He was all upset about being adopted.

We heard you were in a hurry to sign off on that.

Was it because you'd be off the hook for child support?

These cops, they're geniuses.

You know, sometimes I'd look into that mewly little kid's face and wonder if he even was my flesh and blood.

That mother of his?

I wouldn't put it past her.

You still think that you're anything like him?

This cruel and uncaring man.

He has no guilt and no shame.

You're nothing like him.

Do you think that you're the first son that's afraid of becoming his imperfect father?


His flaws, his sins, they're his, they're not yours!

That image?

That image, the image that's dominated your thoughts, he created it!

Keith, it's time, man, it's time to spit it out.

Tell us what you saw.

Were you in your father's car?

You find something?

Did you find a photo?


What was in the photo?

There was a girl.

She was tied up, like the other girls.

She was afraid.

We're gonna need exact details.

She was wearing a white bra and white panties.

She had a mark on her right shoulder.

A birthmark.

What else?

She was tied with rope.

Around her hands.

And around her ankle.

And her neck.

A blue and white rope.

I didn't know why she was tied up like that.

Why Dad had her picture hidden in the glove box.

I knew I wasn't supposed to look at it, but I couldn't help it.

I couldn't I do have a Oh, well, look who's joining the party.

Have you got your list of questions?

Just answers, Jake.

What was all that racket out there?

That was the sound of the hammer coming down on you, Jake.

Stop calling me that.

Your son.

He gave you up.

Kimberly Lange.

He found your Polaroid of her in your car.

He hasn't been in my car since he was 8.

You're gonna believe what a kid saw?

He remembers everything.

Everything that excited his dad.

Right down to the color of the rope that you used on her, blue and white?

Same color of the fibers found embedded in Kimberly's wrist.

I gotta figure this out for you, huh?

The kid probably read about it in the papers.

That detail was never made public.

It was never in the papers.

That little bastard.

He's free of you now, Frank.

Cast you out of his head.

Out of his head.

Get up, big man, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Kimberly Lange.

Six counts of first-degree m*rder, and you'll be hearing from the authorities in New Jersey.

You nosy little deviant.

Your own father, how could you?

How could you, Dad?


You're no son of mine.

That's the nicest thing he could have said to him.
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