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01x02 - I'm a Pretty Observant Guy

Posted: 01/21/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Will Trent"...

- It's not her.
- Are you sure?

That's Kayla!

- Abigail! It's not Emma!
- What?

Put out an Amber Alert.

This is a kidnapping.

Agent Trent, this is
Detective Faith Mitchell.

No partners. That was our agreement.

You've never worked
an active kidnapping.

Let's be clear...

neither of us is thrilled
about this arrangement,

so let's just be polite
and get through this case.

Should Detective Polaski stay in vice,

with all her vices?

Well, maybe a change
of scene would be good.

I need someone to keep an eye on you,

and no one's tougher than Ormewood.

Ahh! I didn't mean to k*ll anybody, man!

Listen to me. Let's
just bring Emma home.

I don't know where she is!

- Then tell me who your partner is.
- I can't.

I really messed up. I need your help.

- What happened?
- [SIGHS] I shot him.

- Who?
- The man that took Emma.


MAN: Mr. Campano, it's
the middle of the night.

You've been drinking.
I need you to leave.

- Where is she?
- Huh?

- I don't know what you're talking about!
- Where is she?!

Don't tell me... Don't...

If you don't leave,
I'm gonna call the police.

- No, I know about you.
- I know about you!

- Where is my daughter?
- You are out of your mind!

- I'm going in my house!
- Hey, hey, hey!

Don't you... Don't
you walk away from me!

Don't you walk away from me!

- Aah!
- [g*nsh*t]




What the hell did you do, huh?

- It was an accident.

You need to tell me what
happened. Betty, shut up.

God, you smell like you
climbed out of a bottle of gin.

Yeah, you jealous?

You used to hit it pretty
hard back in the day.

Alright, take it easy, Paul.

I do have a badge and a g*n these days.

Both of you shut up.

Betty, I'm not gonna
say it again. I mean it.

- Hey, what happened?

- Where are my pants?
- Living room.

- I was... [SIGHS]
- Tell me.

Evan Bernard.

Emma's English teacher.

Emma and this... pervert

were working on a project together.

A lot of office hours
behind closed doors.

And then, out of the blue,

she just wanted to
transfer to another class.

And you think something
happened between them.

No. No, no. I don't think, I know, okay?

I know. I mean, she shut down.

She stopped caring about anything,

and I was just too busy

opening up new locations to notice.

But I... I just went there

to... to... to talk with him.

I didn't... I didn't
mean to hurt him, Trash.

ANGIE: That's hard to sell

considering you took the g*n over there.

Don't call him Trash, by the way.

Just listen to me!

You two of all people should understand.

Where we came from?

I think we all know
how to spot a predator.


- Is that your blood or his?
- His.

- You got a bag in there?
- Kitchen.

Middle drawer next to the sink.

Take off your shirt.

- Ang, you got handcuffs?
- Always.

- Give me the shirt.
- WILL: We need his DNA.

Now we're gonna have to arrest you

because you shot a man in his driveway.

And if you're right,

then everything else we do
needs to be by the book...

if he's still alive.

I can't believe you guys
are still hooking up.

You know, there's a
whole world out there

full of people, right?

Thank you for the life advice.

- You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be

- used against you in a court of law.


Ambulance is on the way.

He's still breathing.

His pulse is weak and thready.

Two pools of blood. He moved.

You've got a minute
before we get company.

- Emma!
- Hey!

Ask that pervert what
he did with my daughter!

Yeah, I'd love to, but you shot him,

so he's not taking questions
right now. Can you shut up?

Kick him in the nuts!
See if he wakes up.

Would you shut up, Paul?!

Is she here, you think?

No, curtains are open.

Neighbors are close.

No basement.




He got up with a g*nsh*t
wound to the abdomen

to lock the door,

then came back here and passed out. Why?

- So Will Trent can't get in his house.

There's something in there
he doesn't want us to see.



PAUL: How much detail am
I supposed to put in this?

ANGIE: As much detail as
you can possibly remember,

starting from the moment you
thought it was a good idea

to take a g*n to his house.

What are you doing to find my daughter?

Will is at the hospital.

He'll talk to Evan as
soon as he wakes up.

How are you feeling?
Are you still drunk?


- You keep in touch with anyone?

Mrs. Flanagan?

Uh, she passed away
years ago already.

May she rest in peace.

I still keep my hankie. You?

- Sure, I'm a lady.

You and Will, though.

Me and Will.

You guys always had each other.

Must've been nice.

Well, I guess you still do.

Honestly, I don't know
if that's romantic or sad.

Yeah, it's a little of both.

You think about that time much,

when we were kids?

You do any therapy?

Oh, thinking about the past

always gets me in trouble.

In general, I like to
keep it moving forward.

Hundred percent. [SIGHS]

You and I were never so different.

Yeah, except you seem
like kind of a douche

- and, uh, you're going to jail.
- True.

I also drive a much better
car than you because I'm rich,

which means I'll be out in two hours.

Yeah, well, you got me there.

- Mm-hmm.
- Wait.

Evan was on the phone
when he opened the door?



WOMAN: ... that we don't
know where she was.

What is everyone staring at?

Oh, well, everyone's very interested

in the fact that you were at
Will Trent's house at : a.m.

when Paul Campano showed up with
a bloody shirt, including me.

I'm your sponsor. I
got a lot of questions.

Everybody knows?

Does Heller know?

Oh, honey.

Even the cleaning lady knows.

- How long has this been going on for?
- years.

Excuse me?

You know how I said I
grew up in a group home?

Well, Will was there.

So he and I are... He's like my arm.

If I was in a lifelong,

on-and-off relationship with my arm.

Mm-hmm. We call that
co-dependent in the program.

Is being in a relationship with someone

that reminds you of the
worst time in your life

- good for your sobriety?
- No, no, no, no!

It's fine, because what we do is,

we don't talk about
anything that matters.

- Oh.

Um, okay, so, speaking of sobriety,

yesterday, when I was undercover,

I had to wear a fentanyl
patch for a half-hour.

But it... I took it off.

It's fine. No big deal.

Sounds like a very big deal to me.

Look, get a meeting today, okay?

Yes, yes, totally.

Hey! I got something for you.

What you got?

So, Paul said that when
Evan answered the door,

he was on a phone, a cheap black phone.

- A burner.

That's why he went back in.



- So, did you talk to him?
- Not awake.

I'll get him to tell me who he is,

if he ever wakes up.

Hey, um...

glad you came by last night. It was fun.

- Before Paul crashed the party.
- Uh, yeah.

Everyone at APD knows I was
at your house last night,

so that is awesome for me.

Well, my stock just went way up.

- Yeah, well, mine just went way down.
- Why?

Everyone at APD loves me. [CHUCKLES]

- Screw it. Cat's out the bag.

Let's go out to dinner.

Like a date.

We don't date.

We scurry around in the
shadows and wallow in shame.

I'm just saying, let's
try something new.

Come on. Let's go to dinner.

- We can still wallow in shame after.

Alright, you're on.

Find the girl so you can
take me out for a steak.

On it.

- Alright.
- Let's go, partner.

We caught a body in Grove Park.

Hey, does Trent keep
the vest on during sex?

- Yeah.

- What the hell are you doing here?

Will's at the hospital waiting
to interview Evan Bernard.


Paul Campano shot one of
Emma's teacher's last night.

He thinks he had his daughter kidnapped.

I should not have to
recap your case to you.

Well, I didn't know.

Well, why didn't you know?

Am I gonna regret
putting you on this case?

No, ma'am.


Agent Trent? He's awake.

Did you find a cellphone
on him when he arrived?

Not that I know of.

I'm gonna send someone
to look through the trash.

Will you make sure it
doesn't get collected?

MAN: [ON P.A.]
Dr. Caplan, extension .

Evan Bernard?

Special Agent Will Trent,
Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

You want to tell me what happened?

Sure. Uh, Paul Campano came to my house.

He was drunk and enraged

and accused me of
kidnapping his daughter.

I asked him to leave, and
he proceeded to sh**t me.

Mr. Campano says you were
on the phone when he arrived.

- No.
- Uh, he woke me from a dead sleep.

Did you happen to go back
into the house after he left?

After he shot me? No. I was unconscious.

I saw you started your career

at the university level.

Why the switch to high school?

I like to be the one
to open young minds.

Hmm. You do some tutoring, too.

Gotta make ends meet.

You having financial problems?

Oh, who doesn't?

Well, the Campanos
are doing pretty well.

Do you ever tutor any students

with learning disabilities, dyslexia?

Yes, I... I tutor some
students with dyslexia.

You ever tutor a young man
by the name of Warren Grier?

Never heard of him.

You sure? Take a second.

Slight build? Curly blond hair?

Committed su1c1de last night?

I'm positive.

- Are we through here?
- Not quite.

Did you know Kayla Alexander?

I don't know her personally,

but I understand she's quite a handful.

Not anymore, right?

She's dead.

What about Emma? You
were her teacher, right?

Then she transferred
out of your class. Why?

She took a less-challenging course.

Not everyone's ready for "Beowulf."

Did you ever make a
sexual advance on her?


I gotta piss like a racehorse.

Help me to the bathroom?

- Let me get some help...
- Uh, just...

Why don't you just get the door for me.

- Alright.

Sign says pull.

Yeah. I got it.

I noticed you don't
take notes, Agent Trent.

I have a good memory.

Plus, I'm a pretty observant guy.

I have never done anything
inappropriate with a student.

- Ever.

Any chance we could take
a look around your place?


I want to talk to my lawyer.

Oh, by all means.

- I'll be in touch.

Evan Bernard presents as
arrogant and intelligent.

He stated a preference
for softer targets

by switching from university
to high school teaching...

I need you to keep me in the loop.

He wanted to end the interview
when Warren's name came up,

and he denigrated both

Kayla Alexander and Emma Campano.

- The bathroom thing was a power move.

- He also doesn't miss a thing.

He's our guy. It's him.

- Oh, I'm sorry. I need to take this.
- [BEEP]

When? Okay, we'll be
right there. [SIGHS]

I don't see how it could be your guy.

Abigail Campano just got a ransom call

five minutes ago.

- They want $ million.


[WHIMPERING] Mommy, please.

Just pay them whatever
they want. [CRYING]

I just want to come home.

I'm so scared.

Stop the video.

Mrs. Campano, I need you
to focus on the background.

Do you recognize anything?

The wood paneling, the...
the blanket, the pillow?

Does anything look familiar?

I don't recognize any of it.

- My father has the money in cash.
- That's a bad idea.

We strongly recommend against

paying the ransom in every case.

No! That's how we get Emma back!

If they get the money,

there's nothing stopping
them from k*lling her.

Do you have a better idea?

Evan Bernard knows
more than he's saying.

Oh, you mean the reputable
teacher that my husband shot?

I think he was in the
hospital when the call came in.

He must be working with an accomplice.

Do you have evidence of that?

Not yet. Just give me six hours.

Let me go to the school
and talk to some people.

- We can stall the ransom until then.

Mrs. Campano.



I'll give you six hours.


You better be right about this.

The hospital found
this in a pillow case.

No prints.

You're going to the school
without me, aren't you?

- Yes.

You're welcome to come.

I'm "welcome to come"?

How wonderful.

Actually, you can drive.


Why Will Trent, of all people?

What floor is our body on?


Come on, tell me.

Well, his clearance rate puts yours

Is that a euphemism?

Yeah, maybe it is. We gotta stop.

- I'm having a cardiac event.
- It's not like she can get more dead.

[BREATHS DEEPLY] He's good police.

Okay? Competence, that's sexy.

And he's objectively hot.

And you know what else?

He listens, Ormewood.

Underrated quality in a man.

I'm sorry. Did you say something?

My mind just kind of wandered off there.

- I guess I'm just a simple man.
- Funny.

I'm kidding.


Only five more flights.

- OFFICER: Body's in there.

- Landlord's waiting inside.
- Okay.


LANDLORD: There she is.

She had a lot of visitors,
if you get my drift.

Uh, blunt-force trauma to the head.

How long has that elevator been out?

You investigating the
building or the m*rder?

The m*rder, for now.

Watch the tone.

Were you the one who found her?

Yeah. She was late for her rent,

- so I came up, door was wide open.
- Uh-huh.

Hey, Polaski, come here!

Yeah. What you got?


Ooh. What could this mean?

I mean, I'm no Will Trent,

but let me read this crime scene.

Thinking maybe somebody
else might've been here

at the time of the m*rder.

Dyeing their hair... blue?

Let's see where this trail takes us.


ORMEWOOD: Should we knock?

- What would Will Trent do?

Want to give him a call and ask?

Alright, I'm tired of this bit.

APD! Open up!

Open this door or I'll kick it in!

Would you calm down?

You can't act like this anymore.

I didn't k*ll her, I swear.
I know this looks bad.


YOUNG WOMAN: Hey, wait up!

We need to talk.

Hey, listen...

Do you think a dog can
get their feelings hurt?

I haven't given it much thought,

but I suppose it's a good idea

to treat all of God's creatures

with kindness and respect.

To that end, the next time
that you get a lead on our case

in the middle of the night, call me.

I don't care if Angie
Polaski is in your bed.

Wow. Everyone knows, huh? Amanda?

Amanda probably knew before it happened.

I heard what you were saying about Evan

in your little
tape-recorder diary thing.

- Those are my notes.
- Whatever.

Talk me through it.

Warren Grier was working with someone

who had a hold on him,

someone with so much
influence and control

that he convinced
Warren to k*ll himself.

Evan Bernard fits that profile to a "T."

He gets off on power.

Yeah, but what about the ransom?

- You think this is financially motivated?
- Sure.

Money is power.

Paul swears he made a move on Emma.

She rejected him by switching teachers,

so punishment for rejecting him

with the bonus of financial gain.

Works for me.

- We just need a second accomplice.
- Yeah.

- Feels like a student.
- Agree.

You see how easy that was?

Keep your partner looped in. It's fun.


Consider yourself especially
"looped in" for this next part.


I'm just gonna miss her so much! [SOBS]

You were close with Kayla?

Oh, God, no. No, Kayla was awful.

Emma was so sweet, though.

We want to ask you about Evan Bernard.

Did he do something?

He just wrote me a letter of
recommendation to Stanford.

Is this going to affect that?

Feels like we're focusing
on the wrong thing.

I heard he was shot last night.

Oh, my God! What is happening?

Is this a serial k*ller?

Is he hunting a certain type?

Just want to steer the
conversation back to Evan...

Emma and Kayla both
had long, blonde hair.

Do I need to cut my hair?

- We have no reason to think...
- Yes.

Can we get back to Mr. Bernard?

Which of the students were close to him?

Well... there are the Kayla rumors.

What Kayla rumors?


Kayla and Evan sleeping together!

Oh, my God.

What is going on here?

Special Agent Will Trent, GBI.

We're looking into the
kidnapping of Emma Campano.

I would appreciate it if
you went through my office.

Girls, get to class.

You two, come with me.

You said Kayla had consensual
sex yesterday morning.

Gotta be Evan.

- Get the DNA back on Paul's shirt.
- On it.

You guys want water or anything?

- I have tap or cold tap.
- No, Nico.

We want you to tell us what happened.

ANGIE: Alright, let's take Nico
here down to the police station.

She's either the witness or the do-er.


Okay, I wanted to dye my hair

because it looked like ass,

but my shower is broken.

Almost everybody's shower is broken.

Sasha said I could use hers.

And when I got out of the shower,

all I heard was screaming

and yelling and then fighting,

and then a terrible sound...

and then nothing.

Sasha was dead. [BREATHING SHAKILY]

And I thought...

That it looked bad for you.

It does look bad for you.

Found a blue handprint on the window.

Seems like you might
have seen something.

- No.
- Okay, well, did you recognize the voice?

- No!
- No?

Well, that's a lie.

And I've had about enough of you.

So, let's go!

Yo, calm down!

Can I get some ranch dressing

and some extra napkins, please?

This is me.

Hey, how old do you think Nico is?

- Not a day over .
- Maybe we should call her parents.

No! Don't call my parents! Please.

- Don't make me go back there.

- SERVER: There you go.

Hey, you left the door open!

She's eating your fries!

They/them. It's not that hard.

- You can cancel me from jail.
- Hey, you.

Hey, um... any chance you
could drop by my house

and check on Betty?

When did we get married?

- I feel terrible that I yelled at her.

- Yeah, I could do that.
- Thank you.

Um, can you also just

put a little bit of water in her food?

I think her teeth are bothering her.

And, you know, maybe put
a little bit of music on.

Um, something upbeat, like Outkast.

That'd be fun, right?

No, no, that might overstimulate her.

Let's... Maybe more like Sam Cooke?

Oh, my God. Who are you?

Just... I gotta go.

Okay, thank you, bye.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm Mary Clark, the guidance counselor.

I can take you two to
Evan Bernard's office.

Okay, great.

How long has Evan Bernard worked here?

- Uh, four or five years.
- There's a rumor that he and Kayla

were having sex.

I never heard or saw anything like that.

We take that very seriously here.

We'll have to open an investigation.

I know all the girls here pretty well.

If you have any questions,
please reach out.

We all want nothing
more than to find Emma.


The DNA from the shirt

won't be back for another hours.

No, we have three hours
until Abigail pays the ransom.

I need it now. Call the lab.

Okay. I'll just go...

yell at science. [SCOFFS]


The area is clean and orderly.


Who were you talking to

when Paul knocked on
the door, Evan, huh?

Grooming supplies in the top drawer.

- Everything in here says creep.

Can I help you find something?

I'm finding everything I need.

Nice tape recorder.

Is that how you take notes?

- Mind if I record this conversation?
- Sure.

A lot of my students use
recording devices to cope.

You know what? I'm
glad you're here, Evan.

Saves me a trip.

We pulled your DNA off
of Paul Campano's shirt,

and it's an exact match for the semen

found on Kayla Alexander.

We are in Georgia.

The age of consent is .

You're not gonna even bother to
at least look a little ashamed?

She was of age and she wasn't coerced,

so I haven't broken any laws.

Well, except you have.

You're a member of the
faculty at this school.

That makes you her guardian.

In loco parentis.


You're under arrest.

I'll be out on bail in hours.

Yeah, maybe by that time,

we'll find some other
stuff to charge you with

after we take a look around your house.

The lab says that the
DNA from the shirt's

not coming back until
tomorrow morning...


Played a hunch.


WILL: He's working with an
accomplice. They could be armed.

GBI AGENT: Go, go, go!



- Clear!
- Clear!

All clear!


Whew! Bleach.

You could do surgery in here.

Guys? You gotta see this.


Okay, but why clean the whole house

and keep this here?

He's showing off.

Yeah, but why?

He's having fun with us. Son of a bitch.



- Yeah.
- Hey! Look at you!

Weird little purse dog, huh?

Hello! Hi.

She's so cute! [CHUCKLES]

Whose house is this? It's nice.

It's my friend Will's house.

You know, when he was your age,

he had a rough go of things.

But turned it around,

made a nice life for himself.

- Anything's possible, huh?

Nico, in my line of work,

you tell yourself stories

when you're trying to figure things out.

And since you haven't been talking,

I've been making one up.

It has to do with

that awful landlord of yours...

and Sasha having the
only working shower.

I'm thinking maybe she was trading sex

for favors from him.

No judgment. Everybody's gotta survive.

But maybe she wanted to stop.

And guys like that can be scary

when they don't get what they want.

[INHALES DEEPLY] She was my friend.


Then let's do this
one last thing for her.

[INHALES SHAKILY] It was the landlord.

I saw him in the alley.

He threw something in the dumpster.

He threw something in the dumpster?


It... It looked like a hammer.


That's really good. Okay.

Let's go get this guy, Nico.

- MAN: Yes, sir, that is correct.

Demetrius is on the way up.

Well, I gotta get the
number of your cleaning lady.

- Your place is immaculate.

Especially that pedophile suite.

Is that where you brought Emma?

What, you think you're special?

You're just a garden-variety
abuser with a good education.

Do Paul and Abigail Campano
know that the lead investigator

on their daughter's
active kidnapping case

is functionally illiterate? [LAUGHS]

I'm a pretty observant guy, too.

You used the word "shame" earlier.

Is that a big theme in your life?

How old were you, huh,

when you realized you
weren't keeping up?

Where is Emma, Evan?

Is your whole life organized around

keeping your secret?

Where is she?

You really think that
that costume you wear

keeps people from seeing you?

I figured it out in two moves.

Not everybody is as perceptive as me,

but I bet most people get a whiff

that something is just off.

I'm gonna find Emma.

And I'm gonna put you away. Know that.



Who saw that?

What the hell happened in there?

I got made is what happened!

- Who else saw that?!
- Just me.

So that's it?

You let this guy get under your skin,

and we just sit there, chicken in hand?

Your six hours is up.

Abigail wants to pay.

That's a terrible idea! I know!

So what's your next play?

You've operated this
way your entire career,

and you're the best I have.

Maybe it's time to get over yourself

- and ask for some help.


- Caroline, get Faith in here.

Yes, ma'am.

Use Faith. She's smart.

And she can read.

Oh, that's low, even for you.

- What's up?


Go through everything we
found at the recording studio.

We must have missed something.

See if you can find
anything that connects

Warren Grier to Evan Bernard.

Yeah, the uniforms
are already doing that.

I don't know those uniforms.

I know you, and I'm asking you to do it.

Well, where are you going?

Tell the Campanos to pay the ransom.


If I get Hep "C" from a needle,
I'm suing the department.

You probably already have Hep "C."

Hey, listen, I wanted
to tell you that I...

I'm just gonna stop you right there.

What, we can't talk about it?

Why does everybody have
to talk about everything?

- Because I feel bad...
- It was one...

- ... and I'm sorry that it happened.
- ... gross night.

Just let me talk!

I should not have been
in that position, okay?

And, honestly,

I don't feel great about
how drunk we both were.

And I just... just
wanted to say that I'm...

sorry. It was my fault.

Also, if you were worried,

I never told anybody about it, so...

- You done?
- Yes.

Good, 'cause I found the m*rder w*apon.

So, should we go arrest this guy,

or do you want to keep being
vulnerable in a dumpster?

Yeah, no, let's go.


Where do I look?

AMANDA: Right into the camera.

Whenever you're ready.


This is for whoever is
holding my daughter, Emma.

We want you to know, as
far as we're concerned,

as soon as the ransom is paid

and Emma is returned safely,

that's the end.

- Okay, we got a location. Let's go!
- GBI AGENT: We'll tag, too.

We're not interested in
justice or retribution.

- No! No, please! [SCREAMING]
- We just want her to come home safely.

Please! Please don't!

Please don't put me in there! Please!

I beg you, please let her go.

Emma's our world.

She has her whole life ahead of her.

Just let our baby come home.


- GBI AGENT: Run point on back.
- WILL: Copy.


Checking back room!

- Emma!
- Over here!

- Emma Campano!
- It's clear.









This is my fault.

You told me not to pay,
and I didn't listen,

and now she could be dead,
or they might k*ll her.

I... I... No, hey.

We're gonna find her, alright?

- We will.


No connection between
Evan Bernard and Warren,

but Kayla and Emma were
part of a group of girls

- who recorded a song at Warren's studio.
- Really?

Yep, "We've Only Just
Begun" by The Carpenters.

For graduation. Mary Clark was
the chaperone.


Okay. Where are you going?

♪ We've only just begun ♪

♪ To live ♪

The girls were really proud of this.

- Yeah, um, sounds great.
- ♪ White lace and promises ♪

Do you remember anything,

anything at all, about Warren Grier?

- I don't. I was pretty focused on the girls.
- ♪ A kiss for luck and we're on our way ♪

We believe Evan Bernard's
working with an accomplice

and that person's connected to Warren.

♪ We've only begun ♪

Do you happen to have
a list of the girls

that were at the recording studio?

- ♪ We fly ♪
- I'm sure I do.

Uh, let me check.

♪ So many roads... ♪

- ♪ White lace and promises ♪

Could I use your bathroom?

Oh, sure. Down the
hall and to your right.

♪ A kiss for luck,
and we're on our way ♪

♪ We've only begun ♪

♪ Before the risin' sun ♪

- ♪ We fly ♪

- ♪ So many roads to choose ♪

[g*n COCKS]

♪ We'll start out
walkin' and learn to run ♪

Slide the g*n over here, please.

Mary, listen to me.
This isn't you, okay?

- Do it!
- Oh. Okay.

Alright. Easy. Alright?

- Easy.

There's still time to fix this, okay?



- ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

Mary, your hands are shaking.

I know you don't want
to hurt anybody, alright?

Me neither.

- Put the g*n down.


This... This is why
you keep me in the loop!

♪ We've only just begun ♪

Please! Please help me! [SCREAMS]

Mary, we're just sitting here.

Time is not our friend.

Your parents filed a r*pe charge

against Evan Bernard in ,

but you refused to testify? Why?

Her parents are going crazy.

Can't you empathize with that?

You're protecting a monster.

You're okay with that?

You don't know anything.




- Come on!



- Hey.
- Hey.

I just closed my first homicide.

- Coming for your clearance rate.

And this is how I
celebrate, which is very sad.

I need a favor.

Two? In a day?

This is a record for you.

I'm trying to get this woman to talk.

She's Evan Bernard's accomplice.

He r*ped her when she
was in high school.

She's not giving him up.

But I know she knows where Emma is.

Can you talk to her?

What do you want me to say?

- I want you to talk about your mom.

She in there?


ANGIE: My mother was
the most beautiful woman

I've ever seen.

Drug addicts can be so charming.

I was ...

... the first time she pimped me out.

She'd leave me with men for days.

She made some good money off me.


- Is this true?

- Yeah.
- I wanted her to love me.

Her attention was my first drug.

I loved her right up until I found her

OD'd in the bathroom when I was .


So I know what it's like

to want the love of a terrible person.

He did hideous things to me.

But then he looked at me like

I was the only woman in the world.

How about you break free?

I bet that would feel so good.


What did he ask you to do with Emma?

He wanted me to k*ll her.

But I couldn't do it.


I... I put her in the trunk,

and I drove her out to the
creek off Old Mill Road.


MAN: Pull up the file.
See who was first on scene.



- GBI AGENT: All yours! Go ahead!


Get a line down there!


Get a hook!


Go, get it open! Come on!

Open it, open it!

Come on!

- Emma!

It's okay, sweetheart!

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

You're safe now. You're safe.

You're safe. You're okay.

Come on. Come on.

You're safe, baby. Let's go. Let's go.

- Come on, baby. Come on. Come on.

- We've got you.
- Come on.

We've got you.

We got you.


- MAN: Yeah.

Right, he's already been processed.

Right, got it.

You know, growing up in the system...

I learned there are a
lot of adults out there

that are supposed to help kids.

And instead, they treat them like prey.

Kind of why I got
into this line of work.

So you can imagine

it's pretty satisfying to come in here

and tell you that we
found Emma... alive.

And we got a witness who's
gonna tell us everything you did.

You're going away, Evan.



We did it.

Okay, do we have anything
you want to say to me?

You did okay.

Will, get a chair in here.

If I get a chair,

then people are gonna come
into my office and sit in it.

Good job today, you two.

I think I'm gonna keep this
little experiment going.


And, Faith, we gotta get you a desk.


[SIGHS] I'll leave you to the paperwork.

See you tomorrow.

Amazing job today, Faith!

Thank you for saving my life

while a Carpenters
song was playing, Faith!

Whoo, girl, you are rockin'
that outfit today, Faith!

Thank you. I know.



Hey. We still on?

Yeah, I... I took another shift. Uh...

Okay, look, um...

that was a lot to ask. I know, okay?

- Yeah.
- But I needed to find that girl.

I knew it had to be real.

- We didn't have time...
- Yeah, yeah.

It... It was the right call.

It just made it clear
to me why we don't work.

All we do is remind each
other how broken we are.

Maybe that's how you
feel, but not for me.

I look at you, I see the
one person that saved me.

Come on.


That's your new dog walker.

- What?
- That is Nico.

Pronouns... they/them.

Sweet kid. Runaway.

I already gave them
my key to your place.





♪ Another Saturday night
and I ain't got nobody ♪

♪ I got some money
'cause I just got paid ♪


What do you think, Betty, huh?

- Lighter and brighter?

- ♪ I'm in an awful way ♪

Easy there, k*ller. Yeah, I get it.

You're a very scary watchdog.

Hey. Nice neighborhood.

If you want to buy some dr*gs.

What, you want a
hook-up? I can set you up.

I'd have to arrest you
right after, though.

[LAUGHS] Cop humor. Funny.

Oh, what's all this?

I thought a change would be good.

It's hard for me to sit still.

It's better when I
have a project going on.

- How's Emma?

Well, you know, she's
okay. Sleeps a lot.

I don't know. [INHALES DEEPLY]

I don't know how you come
back from something like that.

We did. Sort of.

[SIGHS] You have nightmares?

Four nights out of
seven. Could be worse.

Me, too.

♪ That's why I'm in the shape I'm in ♪

- Angie here?
- No.

She's... Well, whatever.

We're off-again, again.

♪ I ain't got nobody ♪

- What's up with that?

It's like we're... I don't know.

It's like ordering
from the same restaurant

over and over again

even though they get your order wrong.

And it's expensive and cold.

Sometimes it doesn't even show up.

♪ Another fella told me ♪

What's the upside?

♪ He had a sister who looked just fine ♪

I love the chef.

♪ She had a strange resemblance ♪

Well, I'm not one to talk, so...

Hey, your, uh... your car outside.

How you driving a thing like that, huh?

Come by the dealership.

We'll get it repainted for you.

How much is that gonna cost me?

Oh, I'll take % off. Kidding.


♪ How I wish I had
some chick to talk to ♪

♪ I'm in an awful way ♪

♪ Listen to me, huh ♪

♪ It's hard on a fella ♪

♪ When he don't know his way around ♪

Thanks for getting my
daughter back, Trash...

I mean Agent Trent.

♪ To help me spend my money ♪

- ♪ I'm gonna have to blow this town ♪

Happy to help.

♪ It's another Saturday night ♪

♪ And I ain't got nobody ♪

♪ I got some money
'cause I just got paid ♪

Alright, Betty, where were we?

♪ How I wish I had
some chick to talk to ♪

♪ I'm in an awful way ♪