02x12 - The Royale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x12 - The Royale

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 42625.4.

We are entering orbit
around the eighth planet

in this previously unmapped
Theta One-Sixteen solar system.

We diverted
from our scheduled course

when a passing Klingon cruiser

reported discovering pieces
of a strange vessel

in the upper atmosphere
of this planet.

We have come to investigate.


Nitrogen, methane, liquid neon.

Surface temperature
minus 291 degrees Celsius.

Winds up to 31 2 meters
per second.

Not exactly a vacation planet, huh?

Heh. Uh-uh. Not unless
you like ammonia tornadoes.

But I have found indications
of debris in an elliptical orbit.

You keep me informed.

The sooner we find out
what the Klingons think they saw

the sooner we can get
the hell out of here.

Sounds good to me.




Fermat's last theorem.
You're familiar with it?


I spent too many math classes

- about being on a starship.
- Mm.

When Pierre de Fermat died,

they found this equation scrawled
in the margin of his notes.

X to the nth plus Y to the nth equals Z
to the nth where N is greater than two,

which he said had no solution
in whole numbers.

But he also added this phrase,
"remarkable proof."

Yeah, that's starting to come back
to me. There was no proof included.

Mm-hm. And for 800 years,
people have been trying to solve it.

- Including you.
- I find it stimulating.

Also, it puts things into perspective.

In our arrogance,
we feel we are so advanced

and yet we cannot unravel
a simple knot

tied by a part-time
French mathematician,

working alone, without a computer.

Captain, we've detected
some sort of debris in a loose orbit.

- Can you identify it?
- No, sir.

I suggest we beam a section aboard
for analysis.

Make it so, Number One.

We've locked onto something
with markings on it.

- What sort of markings?
- Uncertain. Energize.

We've got ourselves a little puzzle,
Number One.

Yes, sir, I guess we have.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Analysis bears out that the object
was definitely terrestrial in origin,

- dated mid-21 st century.
- No, no.

No Earth ship of that time
could have traveled out this far.

that is what our tests indicate.

And the markings we discovered
are consistent with this hypothesis.

Any indication of what destroyed it,

That is even more significant
than the object itself, counselor.

On several of its surfaces,

the molecules seem
to have disintegrated.

Disintegrated? How?

Almost as if they were hit
by a w*apon from our time.

Curiouser and curiouser.


we've detected a large
structure on the planet.

It's a building of some sort.

Situated on a plane
of frozen methane,

smack in the middle
of a tremendous storm belt.

I don't believe this. That structure
is surrounded with breathable air.

Is there any connection
between that structure

and the ship fragment
that we found?

Unknown, sir.

- Suggestions?
- Just one, sir.

We could go down there
and have a look.

Breathable air, no life-forms.
That might be dangerous.

I think we could risk a minimal
away team, Number One.

Give me a moment, gents.

We're dealing
with an extremely narrow access point.

Phasers on stun.

Ready when you are.

I believe we've got it now.

- You have a green light, commander.
- Energize.

Those ammonia storms
are less than a kilometer away.

Yet they do not appear
to penetrate this breathable zone.

It's like the eye of a hurricane.

Commander, what is that?

A door.

The structure must be here,
yet we cannot see it.

this is Commander Riker.

As your readout shows,
this is an unusual place.

Completely calm, no sound,
no movement,

yet a few hundred meters away,
a storm is raging.

Any information about the structure?

Yes, sir.

There is an antique revolving door.
It could be an entrance.

Revolving door?

- Number One, proceed with caution.
RIKER: Yes, sir.

Well, this is what we came here for.

Captain, we're entering.


Enterprise to Away Team. Come in.

We're receiving no signal at all
from them, sir.

Transporter Room, lock on to
the landing party. Beam them up.

We've got nothing to lock on to, sir.

Riker to Enterprise.
We've entered the structure.

Riker to Enterprise, come in.

Come in, Enterprise.

When they went through
that antique doorway,

the signal just disappeared, sir.

What's causing the interference?


Are they receiving us?

No. We're going to have
to recalibrate all the frequencies

to find one that'll work.

Then do it.

Sir, without communication,
we should beam up immediately.

We're here. There's no danger.
We'll look around, then leave.

Checking in, gentlemen?
You'll have to go to the front desk.

Very good. We'll start with that.



Welcome, gentlemen.

Have a nice trip?

Do you know us?

We've been expecting you.

A trio of foreign gentlemen.

Yes, we're from
the United Federation of Planets.

Of course you are.
Welcome to the Hotel Royale.


Excuse me.

- Did Rita call?
- I'm busy.

You're busy?
This is my life I'm talking about here.

Now, did Rita call or not?

No. And for your own good,
you'd better quit thinking about Rita.

- I'm not afraid of Mickey D.
- Then you're a fool.

Anybody with any sense
is afraid of Mickey D.

If Rita calls, you let me know.

The kid's just asking for trouble.

Rita's too much for him to handle

and Mickey D's gonna
plant his face in the pavement.

Now, here are your room keys.

And some complimentary
casino chips.


What is this place?

How did a being like you get here?

Well, this is the Royale, of course.

And my personal life is really
none of your business, thank you.

What he means is,
what planet is this?

- I beg your pardon?
- This planet. What do you call it?


What do you call it?

We call it Theta VIII.

How charming.

- Commander.
- Yes, Data?

None of these people
are emitting life signs.

You mean, they're not alive?

Then what are they?

These beings, are they machines

or mere illusions
designed to deceive us?

Not illusion, lieutenant.
They do exist.

But they do not register
as either man or machine.

Take this creature, for example.

He does not exhibit
any DNA structure.

Excuse me, son. Look who's talking.

Man, you sound just like my ex-wife.

All right,
time to get down to business.

What sort of business
do you suppose he is getting down to?

Status report?

We're attempting
to employ alternate encoding schemes.

Yeah, there could be hundreds
of possible combinations.

Is there an intelligence
causing this interference?

That's impossible to tell, captain.

It's unlike Commander Riker
not to follow procedure.

When he lost contact
with the Enterprise,

he should have returned immediately
to the beam-down coordinates.

I don't feel he's in any danger.

In fact, if I could choose one word
to assess his mood,

it would be amused.



We want some chips here, mister.
Yes, sirree. Ha, ha.

- You're new around here, aren't you?
- Yes, sir.

Sit down. I'm gonna teach you
how this game is played, boy.


Go ahead, ante up.

Oh, me.

He wants you to cut the cards.

- Ah. Is this poker?
- No, no. Blackjack.

Blackjack? Accessing.

Ah. Also known as Twenty-one.

The number which defines
the object of the game.

Picture cards are worth ten,
aces one or eleven,

all other cards face value.

Boy, you're right. You are right.


Pretty smooth.

Run them, boy.

Make them nice
because there's no bread in the house.

- Twenty-one, twenty-one, twenty-one.
- Look at your hand, honey.

That gal has got to win.

Now, honey, you got 1 5
and the dealer's showing ten.

Do I hit, Texas, or do I stand?

If you've got to win, you've got to hit.

Hit me.

- Oh. Damn.
- Aw. sh**t.

Hit me.

Twenty-one. And a winner.
Yes, sirree. Ha, ha.

Hit me.

Another, please.

Don't you think you've had
about enough?

If the objective of the game
is to approach a total of 21 points,

I will definitely need another card.

- Yeah.
- Boy, you have got the brass.

Do you know what the odds
are on a five-card Charlie?

Hell, you're just throwing
your money away.

Hit me.

TEXAS: How'd you...?

Shut my mouth.

Hey, you're not one of them
card-counting fellas, are you?

The number of the cards
and their values remain quite constant.

What would be the purpose
in counting them?

- Yeah.
RIKER: You having fun, Data?

Fun, sir?

While there is a certain amount
of enjoyment involved,

I am mainly conducting research
into the--

- Save it. We're getting out of here.
- Understood, sir.

You guys are holding up the game.

Our apologies, sir.

I'll watch your chips.

- Ah. Thank you, sir.

The hat.

Sorry, sir.

Deal them up.


We've accessed the range
of encoding scheme alternates.

The difficulty is in the frequency range.
And interference is highly variable.

See, the problem may be

with the envelope
covering the structure.

There are hydrogen carbon helix
patterns throughout.

Any transmissions
are simply scattered

and refracted at random.

- No wonder you can't get through.
- Exactly.

PICARD: Those are some fairly
aggressive computations, lieutenant.

I'm comparing the molecular integrity
of that bubble against our phasers.

- Is penetration possible?
- I don't know just yet.

It may be an option.

- I'd like to run this test.
- Make it so.

Try that again.

Let's find another way out of here.

Excuse me.

Aside from the main door,
is there another exit I might use?



Excuse me.

Say, I was wondering
if you could tell me...


That's a good deal
of structural integrity, Worf.

- Permission to use phaser, sir.
- Granted.

Sir, I can find no other exits.
I believe we are trapped here.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We remain in orbit
around Theta VIII,

still out of contact
with the away team.

We're almost there, captain.

We'll be able to attempt contact
in a few minutes.

Captain, the situation down there
has changed.

In what way?

Commander Riker
has become tense,

closed in.

He's feeling trapped.

Phasers are totally ineffective
on all surfaces.

- Sir, our options appear quite limited.
- We don't have any.

If we're going to get out of here, we're
going to have to do it on our own.

I'm gonna get some answers
out of that desk clerk.

- Are you crazy?
- Wrong.

I'm finally getting some smarts.

Do you think you're gonna scare
Mickey D with that g*n?

I'm gonna make him leave
Rita alone.

Kid, she's a big girl.
And she's Mickey D's girl.

Not anymore. Not after tonight.

Look, kid, I like you.
I don't wanna see you get hurt.

- Especially over some dame.
- Don't call her that.

You'll see.

You'll see how tough Mickey D is.
He's nothing.


- I want some answers.
- I'm sure the concierge will be glad--

We would like
to get out of here now.

The Royale's exits
are clearly marked.

That's not good enough.

If you have a complaint
about the service you've received

during your stay here, you can always
take it up with the manager.

I'd like to see him immediately.

I'm afraid the manager
is very busy.

Riker, can you read?


There's a good deal of interference,
captain, but you are getting through.

Number One,
why haven't you left that building?

We tried, sir.
It seems like we're trapped in here.

We're in no immediate danger.
But I am concerned.

Something about your location
is interfering with communication.

- We are working on the problem.
RIKER: Standing by, sir.

Captain, these frequencies
are unstable.

- Then find others.
- Yes, sir.

What is going on down there?


I am picking up
something most unusual

in another section of this structure.

- It appears to be human DNA.
- Where?

Thirty-one-point-nine meters above
and to the right of us.

Perhaps those turbolifts
could take us there.

Seems to be malfunctioning.


The reading I received
is from behind this door, sir.

My reading is intensifying, sir.

Are you getting any life signs?

None, sir.

Definitely human. Male.

Looks like the poor devil
died in his sleep.

What a terrible way to die.

He has been dead for 283 years, sir.

The lack
of any advanced decomposition

is due to the sterile environment.

Why would anyone go
to all this trouble?

It's just window dressing
for a dead man.


Is this significant, sir?


Fifty-two stars, sir.

Places it
between 2033 and 2079 AD.

Correlates with the debris we found.

Colonel S. Richey.

Rest in peace, colonel.

Picard to Riker.


Riker. Go ahead.
You're coming through clearly now.

What's your situation?

Well, this structure was apparently
made to resemble 20th century Earth.

All attempts to exit have failed.

PICARD: We haven't found a way
to transport you back yet.

I assumed as much, sir.

We've also located the remains
of a human.

Request identity scan.

Colonel Richey, American,
first initial S,

roughly the same time period.

Do it.

Commander, some curiosities.


A novel.

Hotel Royale? Summarize, please.

Information retrieved, captain.

- Number One?
RIKER: Go ahead, captain.

We have the information
you requested.

Colonel Stephen Richey
was the commanding officer

of the explorer ship Charybdis,

which had a terrestrial launch date
of July 23rd, 2037.

It was the third manned attempt

to travel beyond the confines
of Earth's solar system.

Its telemetry failed.
It was never heard from again.

Do you believe that you've discovered
the remains of Colonel Richey?

Yes. And, captain,
we found something else.

A novel by Todd Matthews

entitled Hotel Royale,
which is the name of this structure.


Captain, this is the story of a group
of compulsive gamblers

caught up in a web of crime,
corruption and deceit.

It is told by a nefarious lothario,
Mickey D,

who appears only at the climax
of the story

to carry out the cold-blooded m*rder
of the hotel bellboy.

There is also a sub-plot
about an older man

conspiring with a younger woman
to m*rder her husband.

She is squandering her inheritance.

Captain, this novel
and everything Data just described

seems to be exactly
what's happening at this hotel.


RIKER: There's also one other thing,
a diary, with only one entry.

Obviously made by Colonel Richey.

PICARD: Can you read it?
- Yes.

"l write this in the hope

that it will someday be read
by human eyes.

I can only surmise at this point,
but apparently our exploratory shuttle

was contaminated
by an alien life-form

which infected and k*lled all personnel
except myself.

I awakened to find myself
here in the Royale Hotel,

precisely as described
in the novel I found in my room.

And for the last 38 years
I have survived here.

I have come to understand

that the alien contaminators
created this place for me

out of some sense of guilt.

Presuming that the novel
we had onboard the shuttle

about the Hotel Royale
was in fact a guide

to our preferred lifestyle
and social habits.

Obviously, they thought
this was the world from which I came.

I hold no malice
toward my benefactors.

They could not possibly know the hell
that they have put me through.

For it was such a badly
written book,

filled with endless cliché
and shallow characters.

I shall welcome death
when it comes."

I understand, Number One.

Now we know why all that is there.

Why can't you get out?

- Number One?
RIKER [OVER COM]: Yes, sir?

Lieutenant La Forge has a thought.

He believes we can phaser a slice
in the field surrounding the structure.

That means the atmosphere
of the planet would instantly rush in.

Our projected survival
would be approximately 12 seconds.

Correct. The cryogenic process
would be nearly instantaneous.

But I assume you could revive us.

Yes. In theory.

You must understand, Number One.

We'll wait here for months
if necessary.

We're just considering options.

If you're trying to motivate us
to find our own way out of here,

you've succeeded, captain.



There is a female voice asking
if we want room service.

I believe she is asking
if we want the room cleaned.

Tell her no.


What did she say?

She said the kitchen will be open
24 hours if we change our minds.

We're going to explore the rest
of the hotel.

We'll keep a com line open.
You go down to the lobby.

See if there's anything we've missed.
Talk to guests.

Try to find out who or what they are.
I'll check out the rest of the floors.

Computer, locate and display,

the text of the novel entitled
Hotel Royale by Todd Matthews.


If the cause of the difficulties
is in the novel,

we may find the solution
within its pages.

Ah. "It was a dark and stormy night."


It's not a promising beginning.

May get better.

I suggest we separate
and blend in with these beings.

Casual queries
offered inconspicuously

might prove fruitful.

I need a four. Give me a four.

Oh, sh**t. Heh.

How much do I have left here?

Honey, now, you know it's bad luck
to count your chips at the table.

- Yeah?
- Excuse me, sir.

Might I inquire, where are you from?

Lubbock, Texas.

And how did you get here?

To Vegas? Drove my car.

I got a '91 Caddy
with only 80,000 miles on her.

- Where is your automobile now?
- Out front, I suppose.

What the hell difference
does it make?

- Could you take me there?
VANESSA: Hit me.

I'm losing my shirt.

Son, why would I want to do that?

Can't you see I'm trying
to help this little lady?

I believe you are trapped
inside the Royale, just as I am.

Sure does seem that way
when you're losing, don't it?

We're just trying
to turn this lady's wagon around

and win back some lost change.

she's in a desperate situation

and she's got nowhere to turn.

Well, almost nowhere.

- I stay, right?
- I wouldn't.

The odds favor standing pat.

What do I do?

Do you want a card or not?

Hit me.

Oh, too many.


I've almost lost it all.

- What am I gonna do?
- There, there, there, there.

- What did you find?
- Nothing.

SUPERVISOR: Kid, Rita just called.
- She did? What did she say?

It was kind of hard to tell.
She was crying.

Crying? Damn.

Mickey D thinks he can treat people
any way he wants.

Well, that's all over now.

You were told.

It's not for you to make the call.
It's for Rita.

Well, she sent me to tell you.

Okay, boys, look, we can't afford
to have any trouble in here.

Why don't you
just take this outside?

Yeah. I like that.

Come on, baggage man.

Let's you and me take it outside.

BELLBOY: When I was a kid,
I used to look up to you guys.

The suit, the fancy shoes.

I really thought
that made you somebody.

But you're nobody.

make something out of her life.

I don't believe this dialogue.
Did humans really talk like that?

Not in real life.

Remember, everything
that's going on down there

is taken from what Colonel Richey
calls a second-rate novel.

She could do something with her life.

- If she only had the chance.
- With your permission, sir.

She's somebody. She's my girl.

You got her on the stuff.

The only reason she stays with you
is because you feed her sickness.

You gotta let me help her.

Well, why don't we just go outside
and talk about it?

- Just watch yourself.
- Don't worry.

It's all part of the novel.
Don't interfere.


You should have listened to me, kid.

No woman's worth dying for.

k*lling for,

not dying for.

- Riker to Enterprise.
- Yes, Number One?

A bizarre incident just took place.

The sh**t-out between the bellboy
and Mickey D.

Yes, and Mickey D just walked
out the door. How did he do that?

It's on page 244.

The novel, right. How does it end?

A bad love affair
ends in a bloody sh**t-out,

the hotel gets bought out
and life goes on.

Such as it is.

The hotel gets bought? By whom?

Isn't specific.

Simply refers to foreign investors.

Sale price, 1 2.5 million
United States dollars.

They return home,

leaving the assistant manager
in charge.


That's how we're getting out.

We're buying this place.

It is all a question of probabilities.

Quite simple, really, if one bets
with any sequential consistency.


The combinations totaling
seven or 1 1

have considerable value
when achieved on the primary attempt.

With eight variations possible
to create those totals,

the likelihood of those totals occurring
is not significant.

- However--
- Okay, okay. Can you do it?

I believe so, sir.

Eight's the point.

Eighter from Decatur,
County Seat of Wise. Do it, do it.

Aw, snake eyes.

Single digits on each cube
are not at all desirable.

- You're almost broke.
- Relax, honey, it's only money.

Yeah, but if you lose it all,
I won't even have a place to sleep.

Don't you worry your little head,

I'd never let that happen.

Go, baby, let's go. Here they come,
here they come, baby.


- Your turn, slick.
- Go to work.

Maybe this turkey
will bring us some luck.

Six. Six is your number.

Hell, my blind grandma
can make a six, boy.

Come on, roll them.

I thought seven and 1 1 had value.

Actually, six is a valid point.

Of course now the objective

is to roll a duplicate six
before hitting seven.

But the probability of making a six is
no greater than that of rolling a seven.

There is a certain degree
of random fortune involved.

I believe that is why
they call it gambling.


Seven. Seven away. Next sh**t.

- So much for your new turkey.
- Give Slick another shot.

I got a feeling about you, boy.

Commander, these cubes
are improperly balanced.

I believe their final resting
position would be--

Can you repair them?

I believe so.

I will make another attempt.

Baby needs a new pair of shoes.

Eleven! Atta boy!

Do that a few more times,
we're all gonna get well. Ha, ha.

- Seven and winner.
- And another one! Ha-ha-ha.

Keep going, boy.
We've got him hot now. Let's go.

RIKER: Double them up. Here we go.
- Keep rolling, boy, keep rolling.

Seven, a winner!

Status, Number One?

We're having a nice run of luck,

PICARD: Don't get out of character,


The foreign investors in the book are
described as flamboyantly generous.

Yes, sir. I understand.

One more time. One more time.

VANESSA: Whoo-hoo!

Seven. Look at that. Ha, ha.

Tex, darling.

- You're brilliant.
- Yeah.

And I'm good-looking too.


- Isn't that enough?
- No. Don't wanna come up short.

- You are keeping count?
- Yes, sir. 1 2.3 million.

Perhaps I will bet 700,000.

No, bet it all.

But, sir, the sale price of this edifice
is 1 2.5 million.

We need some spreading
around money, Data.

- Sir?
- Bet it all.

Here you go.
A little something for you, Ziggy.

A little something
for those cocktail waitresses.

You run this outside
and give it to the parking lot attendant.

You're very kind, sir.

Here you go, Vanessa.
A little something for you too.

Thank you.

When the train comes in,
everybody rides.

Yeah, and I'm getting off
at this station.

After 1 8 passes, air gets a little too thin
for this country boy.

- I'm betting against you, fella.
- Are you nuts?

I do not believe
that is a prudent choice, sir.

Hey, that's what horse racing's about.
Roll them, boy.

Seven. Seven a winner.


The man has the touch.

You knew you were gonna throw
that seven, didn't you?

You just let me go down the tubes.

I tried to caution you, sir.

What was it?
I mean, was it personal, or what?

Because I didn't show you my car?


I wish to cash in, sir.

I'm afraid you've broken the bank.

Just take 1 2.5 million,
the purchase price of this hotel.

Spread the rest around.

- You're the foreign investors.
- That's right.

We just bought this place lock,
stock and barrel.

Consider it a done deal.

I like you fellas. You got style.

Let me buy you guys a drink.

Just enjoy the game.

Don't let them change the dice
on you.

You got it.

Enterprise, this is the away team.
We're clear of the structure.

Three to beam up.

Time to come home now,
Number One.

Transporter Room, we have a fix
on the away team. Beam them up.



- Sir.
- Welcome back, Number One.

Very strange experience. Puzzling.

I still can't comprehend
how Colonel Richey's vessel

could have traveled out that far.

Not on its own, at any rate.

Perhaps they were brought here
by whoever created

that make-believe world down there.

It's possible they didn't know
how fragile

the humans aboard actually were.

Only one of them survived.

None of it makes any sense.

Like Fermat's theorem,
it's a puzzle we may never solve.
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