02x06 - The Schizoid Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x06 - The Schizoid Man

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 42477.2.

The Enterprise has been diverted
to the Ramatis star system.

Both sides of a bitter planetary
conflict have petitioned Starfleet

to transport to their world a
mediator they have mutually selected.

Our orders are transportation only.
No interference.

Reduce to half impulse.

Reducing velocity
to one half impulse.


Number One. Look at this.

Since we left Lima Sierra,
I've wondered how the third planet

could maintain an orbit
that is theoretically impossible.

But consider this...

- No degeneration.
- Exactly.

- Why?
- Why? I haven't a clue.

Perhaps this facsimile
lacks the proper mass.

Perhaps, but if this is
an accurate representation,

it could explain
what happened there.


Well, it's not a matter of any great
moment, just a knot I had to untie.

- What do you want?
- We've arrived at Ramatis III.

Oh, well.

Time to leave.

Standard orbit, Mr Crusher.

Mr Data, you have the bridge.

Transporter room five.

I'm still uncomfortable
with you leading this away team.

This is not an away team, Commander.
I consider it a ceremonial function.

For me not to go could be construed
as lack of interest.

- You will be careful, sir?
- Cluck, cluck, Number One.

- Sir?
- You're being a mother hen.

I appreciate your concern.

Actually, I look forward
to meeting this mediator.

- We came a long way.
- They wanted the best.

That, according to all reports,
is Riva.

If he can put an end
to all the years of blood-letting,

- we must do everything to help him.
- Our job isn't to police the galaxy.

Isn't that my speech? But you're
right. We must not get involved.

Coordinates input, sir.

Have your sensors indicated
any problem down there?


But you're feeling a certain
confusion about this mission.


Yes. I've never known you
to have such strong emotions,

except when you expect battle.

- I am not expecting battle.
- Then what is bothering you?

Riva negotiated many treaties between
the Klingons and the Federation.

Before him, there was
no Klingon word for "peacemaker".

I see why you feel uneasy.

Now, look, this is a simple
ceremonial greeting, nothing more.


Aye, sir.


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,...

..to seek out new life
and new civilizations,...

..to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain, this is the Enterprise.

We've arrived safely, Number One,
but so far we've been ignored.

- I'll keep you informed.
- I would appreciate it.

Please, come closer.

Before I start, is there anything
you need? Food, refreshments?

Thank you, no.

Then, proceed.

Greetings from
the United Federation of Planets.

I am Capt Jean-Luc Picard
of the USS Enterprise.

This is Counsellor Troi. Lt Worf.


Welcome to Ramatis.

I have been expecting you.

- You are empathic?
- Yes.

Then you know my feelings towards
you. Let me put them into words.

I am looking forward
to this journey now more than ever

because it gives me a chance
to be in your company.

I am flattered. I too am looking
forward to learning more about you.

There are aspects to Riva
we are ignorant of.


Our way of communicating
has developed over the centuries,

and it's one that I find
quite harmonious.

Then, Riva the mediator...

Is deaf.


Born and hope to die.

- And you three speak for him?
- Yes.

We serve as translators. We convey
his thoughts and emotional intent.

I am the scholar.

I represent the intellect,
and speak in matters of judgement,

philosophy, logic.

Also, I am the dreamer, the part that
longs to see beauty beyond the truth,

which is the first duty of art.
I am the poet who...

Artists, they tend to ramble,
neglect the moment.

I am passion, the libido,

I am the anarchy of lust,
the romantic, and the lover.

I am also the warrior,
the perfect line which never wavers.

I am that which binds
all the others together.

I am harmony, wisdom, balance.

Remarkable. And so these...

- Speak to me!
- What?

Speak directly to me.

Your unique presentation provoked
this inadvertent breach in protocol.

- No insult was intended.
- Then none is perceived.

I'm curious how this rare form
of communication came about.

The hearing gene is not present
in my planet's ruling line.

Not that unusual. It is similar to
the house of Hanover on your Earth,

who all had haemophilia.

Or to the leaders of Fendaus V,
who had no limbs.

Many of our galaxy's greatest
contributors have been special.

My chorus is so attuned, they hear
my thoughts and translate to you.

It is a relationship
that goes back centuries.

Their ancestors provided
the same service to my ancestors.

Your method of communication
is elegant and quite beautiful.

It takes a fine mind
to realise that, Counsellor Troi.

This part of you
doesn't speak very often.

Only when the spirit moves me.

Riva, if you're ready, the situation
on Solais V is critical.

Very well.

- With your permission, Captain.
- Make it so.

Enterprise, this is the away team.
Seven to beam up.

- Cmdr Riker, they're on board.
- Acknowledged.

set your course for Solais V.

- Course is set.
- Velocity, warp eight.

- Warp eight, aye.
- Engage, Ensign.

What is this?

Riva is deaf.
These three speak for him.

Treat them as interpreters.
Address yourselves directly to Riva.

- May I present my First Officer?
- First, Captain,

may I say it is an honour to be
on board such a fine vessel.

Now, please,
continue with the introductions.

My First Officer, Cmdr Riker.

It is an honour to meet you.

It is a pleasure to meet such a...
unique individual.

Thank you.

It is my pleasure to meet you, sir.

What is that you're wearing?

A visor. It interprets
the electromagnetic spectrum

and carries readings to my brain.

Without it, can you see?

No, I'm as blind as a stump.

Then your visor serves
the same function as my chorus,

which interprets my thoughts
and translates them into sound?

- Yes.
- And you don't resent it?

- The visor or being blind?
- Either.

No, they're part of me
and I like who I am,

so I have no reason to resent either.

- What is your position on the ship?
- I am the Chief Engineer, sir.

It's a blessing to understand that
we are special, each in his own way.

Yes, that's the way I feel exactly.

I offer
the hospitality of my vessel.

At your convenience, there is
a briefing on the Solari wars.

I'll have you
conducted to your quarters.

Thank you.

Perhaps, if it is not inconvenient,
Counsellor Troi could escort me,

with your permission.

This way.

What about you?

At times like this,
we become an encumbrance.

So, if you have rooms for us...?

Lt Worf will escort you.

Riva's not what I expected.

- Much of what we do is similar.
- Yes, in a way it is.

We have learnt how to allow people
to examine feelings

hidden deep within their psyche.

In fact, being with you here now is
provoking an emotional revelation.

You mean some emotion
buried deep within your psyche?

Well, not that deep.

Exactly what are you feeling?

- Can't you tell?
- Some of it.

Well, I feel that soon, perhaps
after your Captain's briefing,

that you will be hungry, and that
perhaps we could dine together,

and compare experiences.

- I'd like that.
- As will I.

Will he be with us?

Well, until we find
our own method of communication.

- I look forward to that time.
- As do I.

I'm sorry, Data. Begin the briefing.

The factions on Solais V
are historical enemies.

So many have died that both societies
are nearly extinct.

Enough. Thank you, Captain,
there is no need to continue.

The specific issues of the conflict
have no relevance.

So, none of the background

would be helpful in understanding
why they continue to fight?

The conflict will be over
some land, or wealth,

or some other tangible asset.

But we both know
that is not the case.

They've been at w*r for so long,
it has become personal.


The basis for peace
must also be personal.

This is an historic confrontation,

The factions have been at w*r
for 15 centuries.

What's changed?

I do not understand.

They have fought for a long time.
Now they want peace.

So something about the situation
has recently changed.

What's the new piece to the puzzle?

Unknown, sir.

Perhaps they've run out
of people to k*ll.

Whatever the reason,
peace is now preferred,

which should make your job easier.

Well, if not easier, at least
possible, for now they are motivated.

It doesn't matter,
I'll find something. I always have.


To date, I have never failed. Now,
unless there is something else...

No. This is entirely
for your benefit.

Then thank you
for your time and effort.

I have to get ready
for a dinner appointment.

If you will excuse me.

Yes, of course...

The meeting is adjourned.

Our mediator is very self-assured.
We'll know soon if he can deliver.

- We're now approaching Solais V.
- Half impulse.

Slowing to one half impulse.

The sound of this ship
is quite remarkable.

Can't you feel it?

It moves through my body
like a great pulse.

- I forget it's there.
- It's easy to let that happen.

Sometimes we must allow
the surroundings to flow over us,

to dwell on each separate part, how
it feels, to allow it to fill you.

How do we communicate? You can
read lips, but I need your words.


..are... here on top.

What's under them, ...

..their meaning...

..is what's important.

Yes, that's true.

We both know...

..how to express...

..important words, like...


Being here with you...

Yes. Being here with you now
is very special to me, too.

Standard orbit.

Captain, I'm reading laser activity
on Solais V.

- How concentrated is the activity?
- It is localized, but very intense.

So much for the ceasefire.

Hailing frequencies.

I'm receiving one side only.

This is Capt Jean-Luc Picard,

Commander of the Federation Starship
USS Enterprise.

If you continue to violate the
ceasefire, I will abort this mission.

You have no jurisdiction here,
Picard. Where is Riva?

Riva is in charge of the summit.
I command the ship that brings him.

I will not endanger this ship
under any circumstances.

The other faction
is breaking through, sir.

Riva gave his word
we would speak to no one else.

Now who breaks the rules?
Where is Riva?

I shall summon him.

Get Riva here.

Counsellor Troi,
have Riva report to the bridge.

They need you on the bridge, now.

The ceasefire has been broken.

I'm sure I can resolve that.
Put them on the view screen.

Viewer on.

The quality of transmission
is very poor.

It is sufficient.

your bravery as fighters is known.

Now you must demonstrate courage
in a new way.

Cease hostilities. Allow us to meet.

The laser fire has ceased.

For how long? These Solari don't
seem likely candidates for peace.

I need to see a topographical
overlay of the battle area

to pick a site for the meetings.

Then I will need your help
in creating the proper setting.

- Worf, prepare your security team.
- Yes, sir.

- That's not necessary.
- But it is prudent.

I prefer to arrive with
the smallest possible complement.

We must not add
to an already tense situation.

If that is your judgement, so be it.
We will provide whatever you require.

Thank you, Captain.

There. Beam us down to that hilltop
and inform the factions to join us.

The time for k*lling
has come to an end.

- Phasers on stun.
- You won't need those.

I'm sure we won't. Energize.

Yes, this will do.

We must set this up properly.

Commander, if it is possible,

I would like torches here, ...
and here.

Engineering, this is the away team.

- Yes, Commander?
- We need your help.

I thought you might.

We would like two torches. Head high?

- And what else?
- A table, here.

Describe it.

Three-sided and, if possible,
made to resemble indigenous rock.

- Did you read that?
- Yes. That's no problem.

- When will the emissaries arrive?
- It shouldn't be too long.

- How long will negotiations take?
- They won't go quickly.

They're coming, Commander.

The first few minutes will be tense.
Stay calm.

Do not respond,
even if you are provoked.

We'll do our best.

Who is Riva?

I am Riva.

Be at ease. I commend you both.

To come here proves not only
your courage, but your wisdom.

Please, give this conference
a chance.

I have no magic.

You have fought all your lives.
You have known only...

No! Never! Death first!

Don't! Traitor!

No, wait.

Away team to Enterprise,
beam us up now!

His words are not mine.

Please, Riva...

We need you.

- How did this happen?
- A surprise.

A member of one faction
didn't like the idea of peace.

I don't understand
what you're saying. Counsellor?

Riva, ... go slowly.

Can you write it out?

I am so sorry
that your friends were k*lled.

I'm sorry, I don't know
what you are trying to tell me.

We have to find some way
to communicate.

Data, he knows a gestural language.
Find out which one and learn it.

Counsellor, try sickbay.
Maybe Pulaski can help.

Listen to me. You are not alone!
Do you understand?

We are all in this together now.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We are monitoring increased
military activity on Solais V.

I fear that without Riva,
we cannot keep the Solari

from destroying themselves.

How's it going?

I have eliminated all
but five distinct forms of signing.

I will learn them all.

Computer, show me gestural language
designation M-9.

Very interesting.

A technique of communication
that is both silent and covert.

It could be very useful.

Gestures and hand signals predate
the spoken word in most cultures.

Only the Leyrons of Malkus IX
developed a written language first.

Computer, continue presentation.



How's our mediator?

The same. He's withdrawn.
He's very frightened.

All his life he's been in control,
but now he doesn't have any answers.

The doctor gave him
a complete medical examination.

His condition is hereditary.

His brain can't receive
auditory information.

So all the prosthetics and surgical
techniques I can use wouldn't work.

- I don't know how we can help him.
- I can't do anything.

It's up to him
and he's stopped cooperating.

Counsellor, couldn't you...?

Confidence is faith in oneself.
It can't easily be given by another.

You're right, of course.


Captain, I have reviewed and stored
five distinct signing languages.

Here is an example.

This is blue.
This is the blue ocean.

This is the blue ocean at sunset.

This is two people walking on the
beach by the blue ocean at sunset.

This is two people in love on the
beach by the blue ocean at sunset.

- This is...
- Enough.

Let's talk to Riva.

Riva, Cmdr Data has learned
your sign language. Talk to us.

It was my fault.
I am responsible for their deaths.

In my arrogance I thought no one
could harm the great Riva.

- I am such a fool.
- You are not to blame.

What happened appears to be
the work of one desperate man.

It may not reflect
the feelings of others.

They were more than my interpreters.

They were also my friends.

They were a part of me.

I did not realise
how much a part... until now.

We have been contacted
by the factions on Solais.

They want to renew negotiations.

I cannot. I will not.

Don't turn away. You have a chance
to make some good come out of this.

This could be the catalyst
which binds them together.

Someone else must speak
with them, not me,

not after what I allowed to happen.

How could I?

But Data understands you. Use him.
Let him explain your words.

When Data speaks for me,
can you hear my anguish, my despair?

Data is a fine machine,
but he cannot replace my chorus.

It took years
to develop a communication.

That cannot be easily replaced.

The Solari need you.

I cannot help them.

please take me back to Ramatis.

That is regrettable.
A lot more people are going to die.

It's possible to install optical
devices which look like normal eyes.

They'd still give you about the same
visual range as the visor.


You say almost.

- How much reduction?
- 20 percent.

There is another option.

I can attempt
to regenerate your optic nerve

and, with the aid of the replicator,
fashion normal eyes.

- You would see.
- I thought that was impossible.

I've done it twice, in situations
somewhat similar to yours.

Geordi, it would eliminate
the constant pain you are under.

Why are you hesitating?

When I came here,
it was to talk about modifying this.

And now you're saying
I could have normal vision?

I don't know. I'd be giving up a lot.

There's something else you must know.
This is a one-shot.

You can't change your mind,
or go back.

And there are risks.

I can offer choices, not guarantees.

This is a lot to think about.

I'll get back to you, Doctor.

The Captain will take you home.

But first, he's given me permission
to attempt to settle the conflict.

Yes. We've come so far, and paid
such a terrible price, I must try.

Help me.

You would be better off
without my help.

I have never attempted
anything like this before.

When dealing with two factions
so diametrically opposed,

so entrenched in their positions,
where do you start?

You want to know
if I had some special technique?

I want to know anything
that could help.

There is no trick. I had no magic.

What about your chorus?

Yes, my chorus was special.

They allowed me to combine
different perceptions.

- So there was a trick?
- Not really.

My technique was to look for
something, no matter how small,

that was common to both groups,

and then to begin a process
where one person or group

expresses themselves to each other.

- That's very hard to accomplish.
- Yes.

But what is even more difficult
is to get each side to listen,

really listen, to each other.

And to understand.

This isn't going to be easy for me.

You are very good with people.

But what I do is different.

The real secret is
turning disadvantage into advantage.

Why can't you do that?

Why can't you turn your disadvantage
into an advantage?

That is interesting.

That would give them
something in common.

I do not understand, Counsellor.
To what is he referring?

Thank you... Thank me? Ah.

I will have the Captain
contact them on the planet

and tell them to prepare
for your return.

No life signs in the immediate area.

Alright, but stay sharp.

Set phasers on stun.


The area is clear, Commander.

Put the table over there.

- Engineering, this is Riker.
- Sir?

You can beam everything down now.

Light the torches,
to let them know that I am back.

It may be a while before they arrive.

They'll be more cautious
after the last incident.

You may leave whenever you choose. I
will send a message when I am ready.

I don't understand. How can he
mediate without his interpreters?

- He can't even talk to them.
- He's going to teach them to sign.

Yes. It is turning
a disadvantage into an advantage.

Learning sign
will be a part of their process

of learning how to live in peace.

While they are learning
how to communicate with Riva,

they'll learn
to communicate with each other.

And that is the most important aspect
of any relationship.

Counsellor, it took me only moments
to learn sign language.

It will take them months.

Time well spent.

These people have been fighting
all their lives.

They know only hatred,
suspicion and fear.

Even with my chorus, I couldn't have
changed their attitudes in a day.

We have a chance.

They want these talks
to be successful.

I'm still not comfortable
leaving you here alone.

Thank you for your concern.
I will be fine.

And thank you... for everything.

Enterprise, four to beam up.
Good luck.

First Officer's log, stardate
42479.3. We leave the Solais system,

confident that Riva will help
the Solari achieve a lasting peace.

- Coordinates set.
- Take us out of orbit.


- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

You read me well enough

to sense how I feel about you...
and what you do on this ship.

But I wanted to say the words.

Thank you. Well done.
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