02x04 - The Outrageous Okona

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x04 - The Outrageous Okona

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 42402.7

We are traveling
in the Omega Sagitta System

traversing between twin planets
that form the coalition of Madena.

Both worlds are populated
by a humanoid race

which colonized the planets
two centuries ago

and which now coexist under
a precarious but successful treaty.


Unidentified vessel approaching.


Sensor readings show it to be
a small Class Nine vessel.

Probably an interplanetary
cargo ship.

One life sign aboard, sir.

It appears to be humanoid.

- I have its call sign now, sir.
WORF: Confirmed.

Armed with lasers only.

Its cargo holds are empty.

The readout shows
its guidance system is malfunctioning.

The pilot is attempting to hold course

I recommend we set the Enterprise
on an intercept course

in case he needs
emergency assistance.

Make it so, Mr. Crusher.


We are in position now, captain.

Open hailing frequencies.

- Hailing frequencies open.
- On viewer.

This is the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

OKONA: And this is
the cargo carrier Erstwhile.

Captain Okona at your service, sir.

There's no need for your phasers,

I'm harmless and not quite yet ready
for a mercy k*lling.

You were never considered
a danger, captain.

Oh, that's a shame. I can remember
when I was at least considered a risk.

I'm the owner
and operator of this craft,

and since we both know
that you've already scanned it,

you know I'm alone and empty.

Which is truly a rare occasion
for a man of my charm and talent.

Mute main viewer.

- Counselor?
TROI: His emotions suggest

he's mischievous, irreverent,
and somewhat brazen.

The word that seems to best describe
him is rogue.


Ah. Cad, knave, rake, rascal, villain,
wild elephant--

Yes, Data, but there is
no malevolence or ill will.

Audio on. Do you have a burnout
in your guidance system, captain?

Whoa. Since you're able to diagnose
my problems,

how about helping me fix them?

Captain, we can easily repair
the type of system he uses.

We can accommodate you, captain.

This is the First Officer. If you
prepare to shut down your engines,

we can lock on the tractor
and beam you here.

Sir, recommend limited access
to our ship.

PICARD: Agreed.
- Data, lock on the tractor beam.

Transporter Chief,
prepare to beam him aboard.

Ready on your command, sir.

Excuse me, commander,
is that a woman's voice I hear?

Yes. Now please follow
Commander Riker's instructions

so our ship can get back
to its normal routine.

Whatever you say, captain.

Something funny?

Well, the unexpected
is our normal routine.


The final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission
to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations.

To boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Hold it steady, Wesley.

- Ready to link up on my command.
- Aye, sir.

Easy, easy.


Captain Okona,
shut down your engines.

OKONA: Understood.
- Transporter Room,

prepare for the beaming.
We're on our way.

Wesley, Data, let's go.

Your weapons, please.

A Klingon security officer?


No wars available, eh?

It's more a piece of jewelry
than a w*apon. A remembrance.

Welcome aboard, Captain Okona.
I'm Commander Riker.

If you'll turn over the inoperative part
to Commander Data,

we can begin repairs.

I'd be most happy to do
the work myself, commander.

I'm sort of the hands-on type.

I think you'd find the tools we use
rather unusual, sir.

I can believe that.
May I at least watch?

- That can be arranged.
- Good, then.

Commander, I leave this
in your capable hands.

Sir, this is Commander Data.
I'm just an Acting Ensign.

Well, Acting Ensigns have names,
don't they?

Wesley. Wesley Crusher.

Nice to meet you, Acting Ensign,
Wesley, Wesley Crusher.

And thank you

for beaming me here and enabling me
to see a truly beautiful woman.

You have the majestic carriage
and loveliness

that could surely be traced
back to the noblest families.

Well, I'm sure you've said that
to many ladies before

and it was no more true then
than it is now.

But it's how I say
it that's really important.

The warmth,

the attraction that I have for you.

The attraction that we share.

Mr. Okona appears to have
excellent vision,

as well as a healthy libido.


Captain Okona,

if you follow Commander Data,
you can get started right away.


Now, that's sex appeal.

Sexual attraction in this context
is not a part of my programming.

I am an android.

Well, then, have you seen
any good-looking computers lately?

That's a joke. It's funny.

Oh. Of course it is.


- Will that do what the original did?
- It sure will. And better.

Let me show you.

On your old one here, the Zelebium
contacts wore down and then fused.

Now what I've done
is replace them with Tricellite.

Tricellite isn't available in this system
if I ever had to replace it.

Don't worry, you won't.
Your ship will never outlast this part.

Because of the part
or the way I fly my ship?


Well, this part.
But the stress test did show

that you tend to push your ship
a little beyond its designed capabilities.

Blame the pattern of my life,
Lieutenant La Forge.

Because it relegates me
to cargo carrying

rather than the grand explorations
you enjoy,

I am forced to add a measure
of flamboyancy and zest

to the doldrums of my existence.

- Have you ever been cold?
- No.

- Warm then?
- No.

- What about drunk, ever do that?
- From alcohol?

- That is not possible for me, sir.
- Pity.

What about love?

- The act or the emotion?
- They're both the same.

I believe that statement
to be inaccurate, sir.



is like loading twice your cargo
weight onto your spacecraft.

If it's canaries,

and you can keep
half of them flying all the time.

You're all right.

I doubt that statement
is entirely accurate either, sir.

Accurate? That was a joke
I just told you.

I do not understand.

- You don't know what a joke is?
- Of course I do.

It is a witticism, a gag, a bon mot,

a fluctuation of words
concluding with a trick ending.

That's the dictionary meaning.
I'm talking about humor, fun.

Do you know what funny is?

Where is 806?

Right over there, sir. Why?

You probably wouldn't
understand that either.

Hello, there.

- Status on the repair?
- Working on it.

Commander, what do you think
of Captain Okona?

Well, Okona is an interesting man

We've seen how he handles
his ship.

Apparently he knows how to handle
people as well.

Then why does he work alone?

He's a man who lives his life
by his own rules.

He does what he does by choice,
by his choice.

Someday you'll make yours.

I already have.

So you agree with Okona that I am
missing a very important human factor.

I never said that. I simply said
that I've never seen you laugh.

I am capable of that function,
when it is expected of me.

Data, do you even know
what a joke is?

Of course I do.
It is a witticism, a gag, a bon mot,

- a fluctuation--
- Stop.

Look, there's just you and I here.

We're talking, we're having
an intimate conversation.

Why? Because you're a droid
and I'm a noid.

- But why?
- Because that's what I am.

- Have I said something to offend you?
- No.

Then why are you annoyed?

Because you're a droid
and I'm a noid.

- Humanoid.
- Yes.

- You told a joke?
- Yes.

- I am not laughing.
- Yes.

- Perhaps the joke was not funny.
- No. The joke was funny.

It's you, Data.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

I agree. What do I do?

Well, under normal circumstances,
I'd say seek a higher power.

But in your case, probably
a smarter computer is in order.

Computer, I wish to know
more about humor.

Why certain combinations of words
and actions make humans laugh.

COMPUTER: Source material
on that subject is extensive.

Please specify.

Animated presentation, humanoid,
interaction required.

Physical humor, cerebral
or general raconteur?

Of all performers available,
who's considered the funniest?

Twenty third century, Stan Orega,

specialized in jokes
about quantum mathematics.

No. Too esoteric.

- More generic.
- Accessing.

That one.

- RW96321 , 20th century.
- Program complete. You may enter.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,
thank you very much.

You've been great.
I'd like to take you all home with me.

Unfortunately, I took the last audience
home and there's no more room.

Heh. Buh-bum.
But thank you, really, thank you.

And thank you for bringing me here.
What's up?

Mr. Comic, I wish to know
what is funny.

Funny? I don't know.
It's a matter of opinion, I guess.

Tip O'Neill in a dress.

Some people say words
that end with a K are funny.

A briefcase that looks like a fish.
Personally, I find that hysterical.

Tip O'Neill. Accessing.

Twentieth century male, politician,
overweight, wearing female clothing.

Carrying a valise that
looks like a fish.

So the juxtaposition of gender
and an amphibian briefcase is funny.

Well, I think whatever
makes you laugh is funny.

Nothing makes me laugh.
I wish to learn.

Well, how much time
do we have here?

- Unlimited.
- We're gonna need it.

- Because you, pal, are a tough room.
- Tough room?

Ah. A colloquialism meaning a severe,
rigid, close-minded audience.

I understand. I will attempt
to be an easy room.

- Show me what is funny.
- All right, you're on. Uh...

Jerry Lewis. Jerry Lewis.



Ooh. Ooh, ah.

Mr. Robot, would you
like to come up--

- I'm an android.
- Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Mr. Android, here, teeth.
Put them in your mouth.

Come, come up, Mr...
Where did he go?

Where, where did...
Mr. What, Mr. And--

Here, try if you would.
We go... We do... Hah.

- Ha.
- No.

- Hai-ee.
- Ha-hai.

- Ahh! Ahh!
- Hai! Hai!



That is considered to...

That is considered to be funny?

Actually it brought the house down
in Teaneck.

Ah. A word that ends in K.

So if you put funny teeth
in your mouth

and jump around like an idiot,
that is considered funny.

- I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
- Data.

Data, look,
did you ever consider juggling,

- weird bird calls, something like that?
- That does not apply.

I simply want to know what is funny.

I want to involve myself
in other peoples' laughter.

I wish to join in.

Well, I think that's nice.

Let's put the physical
stuff aside for a while.

And we'll do some jokes.

Not my forte, but I think
that would work for you.

If you would just have a seat and we'll
try some jokes like, I don't know,

we'll start with the classics.

there's a traveling salesman,

he's going down the road,
his car breaks down.

Access faster.

[SPEAKING RAPIDLY] It's probably
best when you do something like this,

you need a little cigar.
Because it's, kind of, a prop,

kind of thing,
you got to go like this...

Faster. Move to maximum speed.


A guy walks into the doctor's office.

The doctor tells him,
"You need an operation."

The guy says,
"l want a second opinion".

The doctor says, "Okay,
you're ugly too." Buh-dum-boom.

- Wasn't that funny?
- No.

Data, you spoiled the joke.

I mean, it could have been
your timing.

My timing is digital.



- That's funny.
- Why?

It would take too long to explain.
Tell me another joke.

A monk, a clone and a Ferengi
decided to go bowling together--

PICARD: Commander Data, report
to the Main Bridge immediately.

I will be back.

Bring new jokes.

We have an unidentified at

No response to our inquiries.

Extend hailing frequencies,
all languages, all channels.


DATA: Sensors show it
to be an interplanetary vessel, sir.

- Class Seven. Crew complement, 26.
WORF: Still no response.


Captain, they are now
locking lasers on us.

- Lasers?
WORF: Yes, sir.

Lasers can't even penetrate
our navigation shields.

Don't they know that?

Regulations do call
for a Yellow Alert.

Hmm. Very old regulation.

Well, make it so, Number One.
And reduce speed.

Drop main shields as well.

May I ask why, sir?

In case we decide to surrender
to them, Number One.


Still no response to our hail, sir.

It is slowing and holding its position,

Sir, we are now being hailed.

Viewer on.


Federation vessel, you have no rights
in this solar system.

I am Debin of Planet Atlec,

ordering you to heave to
and prepare to be boarded.

Shades of Gulliver's Travels.
He actually meant it.

But he is right.
We are in their solar system.

- Open a channel.
- Open, sir.

I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

For what reason have you locked
your weapons on us?

Enterprise, you are towing
the spacecraft of a known criminal.

He was in need of emergency repair.
It was our obligation to assist.

You have a man aboard
by the name of Okona. I want him.

On what authority?

He is guilty of crimes
committed on the Planet Atlec.

I expect him to be turned over
to my authority immediately.


- What do you think, counselor?
- He believes what he's saying.

His anger is genuine.


What crimes are you referring to?

Neither important nor necessary.
I want Okona now!

Captain, we have another
Class Seven armed spacecraft

from the opposite sector.

Another ship from Atlec?

Similar in specifications
and capabilities,

but a variation in markings
and hailing language.

Debin, hold this position. Viewer off.

Data, identify.

Sensors indicate it's a security vessel
from the Planet Straleb.

Another glob fly.

Glob fly?

A Klingon fly,
half the size of an Earth mosquito,

with no sting and buzzing sound
like this, mm--

Data, viewer on. Hailing frequencies.

Open, sir.

I am Secretary Kushell

from the Legation of Unity
of the Planet Straleb.

I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

We know who you are,
Captain Picard.

We've been monitoring
your communications

and we know of the demands
made by Debin of the Planet Atlec.

Then you're aware
that we have no hostile intentions.

You only have to concede
to one demand.

That word demand
has a tone of finality.

It is a word I have chosen.

We demand that you turn Okona
over to us immediately.


Mr. Okona,
to the bridge immediately.


The same demand has been made
by the Atlec legation.

I have no interest in their request.

But we intend to back up our
legal rights to Okona.

I would rather not escalate
this situation any further.

Our honor and prestige are at stake.

We are prepared to take Okona
by force

and die in the doing of it,
if necessary.

I trust that that can be avoided.

I will respond to your request shortly.
Viewer off.

Captain Okona
has not responded, sir.

He's been reported in three different
crew quarters.

Find him. Get him up here.

Yes, sir.

You will come with me to the
Main Bridge.

I'm sure it can wait a few minutes.


I'd like that

but I have my orders.

Some other time.

Remember what it took to drag
me from your arms.

Am I going to meet Captain Picard?


- Definitely.
- I say something funny?

Captain Picard,
this is Thadiun Okona.

Mr. Okona,
you were welcomed aboard

without any undue investigation.

In turn, it was assumed that you did
not come under false pretenses.

It now seems that
you may have done

Heh. Captain,

if you mean my "socializing"
with the members of the crew.

Mr. Okona,

you are free to socialize with
the members of my crew.

I'm talking about a man
named Debin.

He's from Atlec. I've had dealings
with some of his family.

Then perhaps you can explain
why his craft is threatening

to attack us unless
I give him custody of you.

I can't.

Then tell me why Kushell
of the Planet Straleb

- is demanding the same thing.
- He's here also?

Mm-hm. And quite adamant.

Mr. Okona, what crimes
are you accused of?

I am not a criminal.

Why do these men want you?


I can't say.

They are threatening to attack
the Enterprise.

They'd be crazy.
They wouldn't stand a chance.


So you can offer no reason,
why they are

set on this provocative course?

I can't think of one right now.

On viewer.

- Which ship?
- What? Uh...

The first one. Captain Debin.

Captain, let me ask you again.
What are Okona's crimes?

That is not your concern.

It is if you wish me
to release him to you.

All right.
You want to know what he did?

You want to know why I have
chased him across this system?

All right, here. This is his crime.

He dishonored my daughter.
He took advantage of her.

Then he ran off
and left her carrying his bastard child.

He'll return.
And he'll do the right thing

or I'll hunt him
to the ends of the galaxy.

Captain's log supplemental.

Some of the mystery surrounding
this ancient morality play

we've been dragged into
has been revealed.

One of Captain Okona's pursuers is
an outraged father with a heartfelt,

if arcane, sense of righteousness.

Your advice, Counselor.

We are dealing with ancient codes
involving procreation.

While they may appear
meaningless to us,

to Debin they represent his honor.

He will fight,
risking himself, his crew,

his daughter, and her unborn child.

You know, Captain, your Counselor
is right. He will fight.

The Captain of the other ship
is demanding to be heard.

I don't suppose you can give me any
indication why this man wants you.


Let's put all this together.

Lieutenant Worf, multiple image,
full conference mode.

- Let them all see each other.
- Yes, sir.

Here you are, Debin
trying to save this criminal.

My purpose is not your concern.

- It is if it involves Okona.
PICARD: Gentlemen.

Please, let's try
and resolve this matter.

Captain Kushell,

what crime has Okona allegedly
committed against you?

He is a thief.
He stole the Jewel of Thesia.

- A national heritage.
- A thing. An item.

My case involves the victimization
of my daughter.

And my honor.

- I'll have Okona now.
- He is mine.

One at a time.
Who accuses me of stealing?

- I do. My son, Benzan and l.
- Father, please.

- He used you to become my friend.
- He used my daughter.

He used my son to plunder
a national treasure!



Terminate communications.
Come with me.

Captain, you can't be afraid of what
those two can do to your ship.


They can fire until their lasers run dry
and they wouldn't hurt the Enterprise.

My predicament is what to do
with you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry my ship broke down.
I'm sorry you stopped to help.

I'm sorry you're involved.

But you're right. Whatever happens,
however it goes, someone gets hurt.

Hand me over to Kushell,
and Debin goes to w*r.

And if I hand you over to Debin,
it's the same thing.

I wish I could...

I wish I could make it easier.

I'm sure you do.

I'm not going to apologize for the
way I am or how I live my life.

But, just for the record, I did not
steal the Jewel of Thesia.

I am not a criminal, Captain,
and as to the other business,

that's between me
and Yanar, no one else.

In truth, I

simply do not have authority
in this matter. I'm not your judge,

nor is it my duty to arbitrate.

But you are in my custody
and that creates the dilemma.

How about this?

Do what you said. Fix my guidance
system and let me leave.

According to Starfleet regulations,
that would be my only course of action.

But their ships are faster than yours.
I'm not doing you a favor.

Captain, with all due respect,
that's not your concern.

Besides I can take care of myself.

Let's have a look at that.

You're quite a craftsman,
Lieutenant La Forge.

- How soon?
- What's the rush?

- I thought you liked it here.
- I did. It stopped liking me.

Time to disappear.

- Where will you go?
- What?

I said, where will you go?

A new place, if I make it.

- Don't you ever stay anywhere?
- Not for long.

- I couldn't be like that.
- Oh?

I mean, always being alone.

Commander Riker says you choose
to live the way you do, and like it.

Is that what he says?


It would be difficult for me to be
leaving all the time.

I'd miss my friends, the people I love.

I guess leaving's gotten easy for you.

I seem to have a way of using up
a place.

I wasn't talking about a place.

I know. I know
what you were talking about.

It's ready.

You should be able to install this
in roughly five minutes.


Like you said, Geordi,
what's the rush?

I have some friends around here.
I think it's time to make a stand.

Mr. Okona.

Captain, I've decided not to leave.

- Oh.
- Don't worry. I'm not staying either.

PICARD: Just what are your plans,
Mr. Okona?

I've decided to surrender myself.

To which one?

There's really only one option.

Viewer on.


Gentlemen, communicating
like this is very distracting.

I suggest that we beam you up to
the Enterprise

and we'll resolve this face-to-face.



Leave your weapons behind.
Let's keep this civilized.

Number One, you have the bridge.
Counselor Troi,

would you accompany me to
Deck 14 conference room?

- Worf, see to our guests.
WORF: Aye, sir.

They have no weapons.

This way.

- Okona, you are without shame.
- For once I agree with Debin.

You are without shame.

I trusted you.
My son treated you like a brother.

And then, to steal from us.
I want him now.

No, He's coming with me.

Captain, my complaint
was registered first.

Now, please, please be calm.
Lieutenant, thank you.

Everyone is talking about me,
and no one's talking to me.

You all believe I stole the jewel.

And it was I who fathered the child.

You dare call my daughter a liar?

And now I'm offered these
two choices

and given these two options

condemnation as a thief or,
marriage to the beautiful Yanar.

I will take the
more pleasant sentence.

I will take Yanar as my wife.

- No, you can't.
- My son is right.

- You can't escape that way.
- That's not what I mean.

It's not up to you nor to Okona.

I've been dishonored.
I will decide.


Since all of you believe Okona is
the father of this child, then so be it.

- I'll marry you.
- No, you can't.

- Yes, I can.
- Okona is still a thief.

No, he's not.
Nothing has been stolen.

The Jewel of Thesia has been taken
into custody by its rightful heir.


I was to give it to Yanar as our
pledge of marriage.


Yanar is carrying my child.

Oh. You said it was Okona's.

If I told you it was Benzan, you
would have gone to w*r with his father.

So I let you believe it was Okona.

See how a man gets a reputation?

If I had told you that I was giving
the jewel to Debin's daughter,

you'd have disowned me.

Now we're hearing some truth.

So you let me chase Okona

- when you knew he was innocent--
- Yes.

Because I didn't believe for one
moment that you could catch him.

Well said. He never would have.

Then once Yanar
accepted the Jewel,

- the marriage would have been made.
- Well, I never got it.

Then Okona does have the Jewel.

I never had the chance to deliver it.

Anyway, it's too late.
I won't marry Benzan.

Then you'll marry Okona.

I won't marry anyone.

I have reinstated the same program.

Along with some new jokes, I hope.

COMPUTER: Program complete.
Enter when ready.

Comic, continue.

More freebies, huh?
No cover, no minimum.

Just, "Comic, continue"?

So tell me, Data, what happened?

- I told a joke.
- And?

No one laughed.

No one?
Nobody in the whole room?

I was the whole room.

She said I spoiled the joke.

Actually, k*lled would have been
a better word.

I think I know
what your problem is.

You should always try out new
material on an audience.

He could be right. Perhaps
an audience is what you need.


Program an audience
appropriate to this venue.



You're angry at the
embarrassment of all this,

and maybe the timing and the
approach is not the most romantic,

but I know you love Benzan,

and I don't want to see you
throw away that feeling

because your parents
have been quarreling for years

and don't know
how to behave properly.

I've carried your messages back
and forth for almost six months.

Smuggled each of you into
the other's homeland.

You feel for him
the same way he feels for you.

I do love you.

It is your child. It's our child.

Marry me.



We'll find a new planet to live on.


You'll live on Straleb.

No, no, no, no, no.
You'll live on Atlec.

I will not have this man
raising my grandson.

The rest of this

is an issue, gentlemen,
to be settled between yourselves.

Now if you'll excuse us,
we have business.

Thank you, Captain.

- Your grandson?
KUSHELL: My grandson.

Thank you.


Thank you.
Thanks for coming, folks.

We've got a great show
for you tonight.

I'm so excited this evening.

Tonight I have for you
the funny man of the stars,

the Android of Antics,
that Lieutenant Commander of Mirth,

give him a welcome,
ladies and gentlemen

none other than,
he's just the best. Data.


Good evening, ladies and germs.




I come from a town so small,
we had a fraction for a zip code.


- You made a living doing this?
- Yes, I did.

It was so small, in fact,
we didn't have a godfather of crime,

we had a nephew.


I was so ugly as a child,
they hung a pork chop around my neck


so the dog would play with me.


And then there was the
human cannonball

that was hired and fired
in the same night.



Audience program, off.


Discontinue Comic.

It was a Holodeck audience.

They were programmed
to laugh at everything.

Perhaps I should reprogram
the audience

to display a more accurate

Data, let me give you one.

Being able to make people laugh,

or being able to laugh, is not the
end-all and be-all of being human.

No, but there is nothing more
uniquely human.

Hold your speed, Captain Okona.



I'm under my own power now.
Thank you, Enterprise.

- Thank you, Captain Picard.
- Good-bye, Captain Okona.

Bye, Captain Okona.

Say good-bye, Data.

Goodbye Data.


Was that funny?



Huh. Burns and Allen, Roxy Theatre,
New York City, 1 932.

It still works.

Then there was the one about
the girl in the nudist colony

that nothing looked good on.

We're ready to get underway, sir.

Take my Worf, please.

- Warp speed, sir?
- Please.
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