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04x28 - Looperheroes

Posted: 01/20/23 16:43
by bunniefuu


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!

Not today, weirdo.

[knocking on door]

Eggs 'n bakey!

Not today,
other weirdo.

Max, this just
got delivered.

it's a gift card

for you to get
a new outfit.

That one is
so last... never!

Attention, candidates.

Tomorrow you
will find out

if you've made
the Z Force Championships.

never get days off,

but, today,
you have earned one.

So, have fun
and enjoy yourselves.

That's an order!

Wow, Max,
we finally find out

if we get into the Z Force
Championships tomorrow.

And we get a day off.

Which leaves
you plenty of time

to change outta that
sleeveless garbage bag.

Phoebe, what if we don't
get chosen for the Z Force?

We'll lose our one
shot at greatness.

Dad needs to know
we're better than him.

[laughs] Come on,
Max, look at us.

We're an
unstoppable team.

Now let's go
have some fun.

All right.

We're off duty,
so, that means no saves.

Not even kittens
in trees?

kittens in trees.

You two are
just in time

to witness
a breakfast miracle.

Behold! The thing
I'm most proud of

in the entire world!

Besides my
wonderful children.

- [whooshing] Pancake!
- HANK: [gasps]

- Here, let me help you.
- Uh-uh-uh!

Leave that kitten
in the tree, Phoebe.

Sorry, guys, Z Force ordered
us to take a day off.


NORA: So, is anyone
gonna save us?

Thunder Man
to the rescue!


I'm saving their lives.


I don't wanna be at school
on my day off, Phoebe.

- [sharp thwack]
- Ow!

Okay, I'll give
it five more minutes.

[mixed comments]

Whoa, the Green Teens
are facing off

against the Marine Teens.

You guys had
it last week.

No. Listen, Bradford
promised us the cafeteria,

and we need to get
our lobster bros

into some salty HO.

[claws snapping]

Ja, backoffsen.

But Principal Bradford

we could use
the cafeteria.

So, you Marine Teens,

make like a rubber
tree and bounce.

- How dare you!
- CROWD: [mixed comments]

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Let me guess,
Principal Bradford.

You double-booked
the cafeteria.

I triple-booked it.

Isn't that right,
Tambourine Teens?

[tambourines jingling]


That's right,
I'm a bad boy.

Tell your moms.


Ah! Ah! Ah!


[claws snapping]



Don't tell
your moms about this!

Oh, no!

Wow, who knew
not saving people

could be so

- It's packed.
- We might not get a table.

Oh, this one's leaving.

don't leave yet.

The dessert
just got here.


Me. I'm the dessert.

Beat it, loser.


It's funny
'cause you failed.

Oh, look, my two
favorite people.

What do you want, Wong?

Oh, the local restaurant
blogger is here.

I'm way understaffed
and if his service stinks,

he'll give me
a bad review.

I'll be ruined.

Sorry, we'd love
to help you,

but we've been forced
to take the day off.

By who?

- Uhhh, by our doctors.
- Yes.

We're very sick.

You might want
to keep your distance...


Hmph! After all
I haven't done for you!


You know what's good
about this restaurant?


She just put the splat
in Splatburger.


Oh, no, come back.

You know, I'm actually kinda
bummed our day off is over.

Me, too.

Although I could
have done without

your snorty laughs
and pointy elbow jabs.

All right.

Well, let's get some
sleep, wake up,

and see if we
made the Championships.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!

Uh, Colosso, I think
that was yesterday.

Uh, Max, um,
for some reason,

I'm wearing the same
clothes as yesterday,

and I'm holding
this envelope again.

it's a gift card

for you to get
a new outfit.

That one is so
last... never!

I'm having a serious
case of deja vu.

Me, too.

Maybe this one
is telling us

if we got into
the Championships or not.

Attention, candidates.

Tomorrow you
will find out

if you've made
the Z Force Championships.

Superheroes never
get days off.

But today,
you've earned one.

So, have fun
and enjoy yourselves.

That's an order!

Okay, this has
to be a mistake.

I mean, we got this
message yesterday.

Here's a message.

Stop coming down here!

You two are
just in time

to witness
a breakfast miracle.

Phoebe, I think
it's still yesterday.

Behold! The thing
I'm most proud of

in the entire world!

Besides my wonderful

- [whooshing] Pancake!
- HANK: [gasps]

Yep, definitely

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

How is it yesterday again?
This is so freaky.

NORA: So, is anyone
gonna save us?

Thunder Man
to the rescue!


No less freaky

than Dad eating breakfast
off his children.

Okay, what about this?

Maybe our family was just
playing a practical joke on us.

- [sharp thwack]
- Ow!

I guess he's
in on it, too?

And all them.

[mixed comments]

No, listen,
listen, listen.

Bradford promised
us the cafeteria

and we need to get
our lobster bros

into some salty HO.

[claws snapping]

Ja, backoffsen.

But Principal Bradford

If Molly says "Make like a
rubber tree and bounce" again,

I am gonna lose it.

Make like a rubber
tree and bounce.

Max, what is

I don't know.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

I'm so scared
right now,

I'm barely gonna
enjoy this.

That's right,
I'm a bad boy.

Tell your moms.


Ah! Ah! Ah!


[claws snapping]

Nope, still enjoyed it.

[claws snapping]



Don't tell
your moms about this!

Oh, no!

Okay, here's an idea.

I'm having a bad dream

because I'm anxious about
the Z Force Championships.

Wait, how do we know
this isn't my dream?

My dreams are way
better than yours.

You two tired?

'Cause you've been runnin'
through my mind all day.


Beat it, loser.

Told you it
was my dream.

Oh, look,
my favorite people.

We're not helping you

so you can get a good
review from that blogger.

- How did you...
- We just know things.


You know what's good
about this restaurant?


Let's just enjoy
this train wreck,

and when I wake up,
it'll be tomorrow.

Come back!


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!

It's still
yesterday, Max.

I know, but when we get
to tomorrow, it'll be tomorrow.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!

Still yesterday, Max.

I know, but tomorrow
will definitely be tomorrow.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke.

Why is it
still yesterday?!

I don't know!


I have no idea what either
of you are talking about.

But Phoebe's outfit
is dumb.

You know, maybe
it's not a coincidence

that we're stuck
reliving the same day,

the day before
the Z Force Championships.

Why this day, though?

Why can't it be the day

you got your braces
caught in that fence?

Hey, that is not funny.

It took them three hours
to cut me loose.

Z Force must be doing
this for a reason.

Maybe we should call
President Kickbutt for help.

Well, why would
the Z Force mess with us,

unless it was some
kind of test?

Ooh, I like tests.

I know you do.

But if it was a test,

then asking for help
would be like cheating,

and you don't cheat.

Do you, Phoebe?
No way.

I'd rather practice
kissing that fence again.

I knew that's
what you were doing!

Yeah, yeah, okay,
let's stay on track here.

If this is a Z Force test,
how do we pass it?

Well... they said to
enjoy your day off.

Maybe they just want us to
have the most fun day ever.

Max, it's called
the Z Force,

not the Whee Force!

Well, it was
a direct order,

and the only thing you
like more than a test

is a direct order.

All right, fine.

If having fun
will end this day,

then fun we shall have!

- Pancake!
- HANK: [gasps]

- Hey!
- Ahhhh!

Oh! Oh!


[claws snapping]


- What is up, Splatburger?
- [dance music playing]

Who's ready for
a dance party?

I am not!

Come on, everybody,
get up! Let's go!

Yeah, off your butts!

♪ Everybody say hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Everybody say ho ♪

♪ Ho ♪

Everybody say get out

before I hit you
with this broom!

♪ Get out before
I hit you with... ♪

Oh, wait,
she's serious. Run!


Now that was a day off.

Getting hit with that
broom was so worth it.

Don't forget about
riding an elephant at the zoo,

riding a rhino
at the zoo...

[laughs] getting
kicked out of the zoo.

Good times.

We've achieved
maximum fun,

and now that we've
aced the Z Force test,

when we wake up, tomorrow
will finally be tomorrow.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!


Why isn't this
day over?

Why don't I hit
you with a lasso,



I don't get it.

We had the most fun a person
could possibly have

in one day
and it didn't help.

We must be interpreting the
Z Force message the wrong way.

Well, it's pretty
clear, Phoebe.

It said, go have fun
and enjoy yourself.

Let's go back
to that zoo,

and this time, we both get
in the kangaroo's pouch.

Wait, that
message also said

superheroes never
take days off.

Oh, no!

What if we've been following
the wrong direct order?


Just breathe, nerd.

No, Max, I think the Z Force
wants us to prove to them

that we know a true superhero
never takes a vacation day.

I think we're supposed
to be saving people.

Mmmm. My plan
is kangaroos.

Fine, we'll do
your thing.

You two are
just in time

to witness
a breakfast miracle.

Behold! The thing
I'm most proud of

in the entire world!

Besides my
wonderful children.

- [whooshing] Pancake!
- HANK: [gasps]

Cool! Flying breakfast.

Yeah, it'd be even cooler
if we could eat it.

Whoa, that was close.

Yeah, it's almost
like you two

knew that was
gonna happen.

Yeah, it's
'cause we did.

Yeah, you see, we're
caught in a time loop,

and we keep repeating the same
day over and over again.

Oh, you kids.
So creative.

[mixed comments]

Okay, first, we're
gonna make peace

between these
two angry clubs.

And then,
if they don't fight,

Bradford won't do his
weird bad boy dance

into the lobsters
and everybody's saved.

That's too bad.

I do enjoy watching Bradford
become lobster food.

Yeah, that's
gonna be a tough one.

Anyway, showtime.

[mixed comments]


Listen, there has to be
a more calm way to resolve this.

It's too late, Phoebe.

The Wolfgang
is out of the cage.

[speaking German]

- What?
- Hey.

Okay, I guess the only
way to resolve this mess

is for one of us to spend the
next few weeks learning German.

Not it!

It's too late, Phoebe.
The Wolfgang's out of the cage.

[speaking German]

[speaking German]

You speak German then?

[speaking German]
Green Teens.

[speaking German]

Also, Bradford.


Also, Bradford.

Bradford what?

What did you say
about me?

I will expel

Hey, man, what did Phoebe
say about the Green Teens?


Oh, dude, she's right.

The Marine Teens,
the Green Teens,

and the Tambourine Teens

should just share
the cafeteria.

[laughing, chattering]


You take the fun out of
everything, Phoebe Thunderman.

And don't you
forget it!

Do you realize
what you just said?

Yes, and I immediately
regret it.

Party of two,
right this way.

Uh, the special today
is the tube tartare.

Thank you and have
a splatacular day.

Here, Mrs. Wong,
let me take that for you.


If you want a good review,
give this to the blogger,

and for once in
your life, be nice.


I am nice.

Brava, Lady Wong.

Your restaurant
is quite impressive.

Expect a glowing review
and my phone number.



Well, we made every
possible save we could.

Yeah, it was
a good day's work...

A day that is
about to end.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!

[stamping feet]

I really thought making
all those saves would work.

Are we just gonna
relive this horrible day

for the rest
of our lives?

what a drama queen.

You know what?
I'm calling the Hero League.

It's time to get help.

Max, give me my phone back.
Let me put an end to this.

- I can't, Phoebe.
- Why not?

Because, I want us to
figure this out ourselves.

We're superheroes.
We should be able to fix this.

- But...
- No buts.

Buts are for quitters
and sitters.

Okay, now you're
just being weird.

But if this is what
you really want, then fine.

It is.

Now go upstairs and have some
of dad's freakish pancake

that he loves
more than us.

I'll be up there
in a minute.

Oh, it's
getting harder

to keep you a secret,
repeat clock.

Repeat clock?

It's not the Z Force

making us live
this day over and over.

It's you!

♪ Drama-a-a-a! ♪

A repeat clock, Max?

Why would you
invent something

that makes us repeat the same
day over and over again?

Wait, how long have
I been in this cowboy outfit?

You shouldn't ask me.
You don't wanna know.

You couldn't use that thing
when I was dressed up

for National
Ellen DeGeneres Day?

Okay, hello? We have
a bigger problem here.

Max, explain yourself.

Yes, I have been
making us repeat today.

But I have
a good reason.

Let's hear it.

It's kind
of a big deal.

You might wanna
sit down for this.

Better be good.


Here goes.

Max, get back here!


Max, you're
just in time...


Oh, no, my pancake!

- My breakfast!
- My turn to yell something!

So, you Marine Teens,

make like a rubber
tree and bounce.

Hey, everybody,
Phoebe's right behind me

and she's giving
away $ bills.

[mixed comments]

We want our $.

What? I don't
have your $.

Where's Max?


[speaking German]


[speaking German]

Also, Bradford.

Also, Bradford.


Put a schnitzel in it!


Ladies, are you
from Tennessee?

'Cause you're
the only tens I see.

I thought the th
time would be the charm.

[powers whooshing]

Oh, look, my two
favorite people.

Can it, Wong!

Give me that clock.

Oh, you wanna
fight, Max?

I'll give you a fight.

[dramatic music]

[grunts of combat]

Give it up, Max!
It's over!

I'll never give up!


[dishes & objects

Time to go!

- Hi, Max.
- [gasps]

How'd you get
here before me?

While I was learning German
at the community college,

I also got certified
in speed walking.

It's over, Max.
[powers whooshing]


Phoebe, don't, please!

Why not?

Why won't you let
tomorrow happen?

I want the truth
this time.


I'm scared. Okay?

I'm not ready for
tomorrow to be here yet.

What if we don't make it
to the Z Force Championships?

We'll figure it out.
[powers whooshing]

It's not that
easy for me.

I've never worked this
hard at anything in my life,

including being evil.

If I fail, what then?

- We're not gonna fail.
- You don't know that.

Max, look at everything
you've already done,

and how much you've
already accomplished.


We're a great
team, okay?

We can't let the fear
of getting bad news

keep us from
moving forward.

I guess you're right.

I am pretty great.

Do what you
have to do.

[powers whooshing]

[breathing fiery air]
[clock sizzling]

What you doin'?

Oh, hi.

Um, messing with
the time/space continuum,

could have ended
the world, but, uh, hey...

dodged that b*llet.


Happy National
Cowboy Day, cowpoke!


Just kidding.

Happy Ellen DeGeneres Day!

Max! Max, it's
finally tomorrow!

It sure is.

Which means it's time
to Ellen dance.

[lively dance music]

Yeah! Hello! Nya!

Stop it!

- [music stops]
- Okay.

Even I feel

Thanks for
yesterday, Phoebs.

I mean, the last one.
PHOEBE: [laughs]

I'm ready for whatever
the Z Force has to tell us.

Oh, yeah, the Z Force.

Well, now I'm freaking out.
I mean, you were right.

This is the biggest
day of our lives.

Everything we've ever
done is riding on this.

I can't be down here.

What if
President Kickbutt calls?

What if we missed her call?
We can't miss her call!

All our hard work gone,
vanished...[speaking German]

Ugh! This already feels
like the longest day ever.

[laughs] Trust me,
I've had longer.