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04x15 - Save the Past Dance

Posted: 01/20/23 16:43
by bunniefuu

You can't make us go to
school in this windstorm.

You have to let us skip.

We'll let you skip
school when pigs fly.

[pig squealing]

- Flying pig!
- No school!

You still have to go.

Guys, it's only
a bit of wind.

You just have to
dress for it.

Wow, you found a helmet
that fits your pointy head.

Yeah, and it also
does this...


All right, Chloe,

we need you to teleport
us to school again.

You still owe me candy
for the last time I took you.

Well, let me grab
you a piece from my...

Grab her, Billy!


Got her.

Guess I should have
been more specific.

Kids, quit messin' around
and get to school.

Yeah. Do we have
to tell you the story

about Heinrich
Hiddenville III again?


- Our mayor...
- KIDS: [groaning]

Hiddenville III,

grandson of our
our town's founder,

always went to school
no matter what.

Even on
November th, ,

when young Heinrich
was att*cked by a bear.

HANK: [screams]

He used his trusty pencil
to scare the bear away!

Oh, I'm bear-y frightened.

Yeah, we all
are, guys.

Not only did he
make it to school,

but he won a dance
contest that night.

And he became so popular that
he was voted class president.

Which made him want
to be mayor one day.

Blah, blah, lies.

No, it's true.

Oh, sweet, sweet Mother,

you don't need to trick me
with some fake mayor story.

I'd go to school on Saturdays,
if it weren't trespassing.

Yeah, and if you're
gonna make up stories,

at least throw in
some mermaids.

People like mermaids.

I don't like mermaids.

- Yoo-hoo!
- Who is that?

You'd better hope
it's not a mermaid.

- BLOBBIN: [screaming]
- [wind howling]



Cousin Blobbin,
are you okay?

Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!

[chair clatters]

A simple, "I'm fine"
would've been cool.

COLOSSO: Is that
my breakfast burrito?

Oh, hi, Blobbin.

Hi, ThunderCousos.

I've got good news.

I'm treating you to
an all-expense-paid vacation...

Yay! my cozy timeshare.

[wind howling]


Oh, come on,
it'll be fun.

Uh, I wish we could,
but we have school.

School. Yes.

I knew it'd come
in handy one day.

How about you two?

Who needs a...
♪ Vacay ♪

Well, we have to...

Uh, give Colosso a bath.

A bath? Never!

Viva la stink!

See what we're
dealing with?

Sorry, but we're
a no-go.

Okay, but if you
change your mind...

Oh, we won't.
Bye, Blobbin.

[wind howling]

And bye, kids.

Have fun at school!
We will!

[wind howling]

Should we give
them a ride?

In this wind?
[laughing] No, thank you.

[wind howling]

Oh, that was the worst
walk to school ever.

How is your hair
still so perfect?

Please, Phoebe.

Nothing's takin' down
my swoosh.

Hey, guys.

Your parents tell you
that bogus story, too?

Yeah. They tricked me
by making it a puppet show.

And you know me... I am
not easily tricked.

Wolfgang's lucky.

I bet his host family
didn't make him come in.

[thuds, groans]

[wind howling]

Hey! Doors
closed, maggots.

You're lettin' in
all the riffraff.

Principal Bradford, how come
you look so put together?

Yeah, why don't you look
all messed up from the wind?

[laughs] It's probably
because he lives here.


I say now. Oh, come on.
I don't live here.

I live at one, two, uh,
three school street.


Phoebe has tree hair!


[school bell rings]

Right. I look ridiculous.

I should have just
stayed home.

We all should have.

And it's supposed
to be windy all week.

We're gonna have to
keep coming back here

because of
Heinrich Stupidville.

Unless we can find proof
that story's fake.

Follow me to
the library.

Yeah, right, I'll go to
the library when pigs fly.

[pig squealing]

Okay, whose pig is that?

Let's go!

All these books on
the history of Hiddenville

and they all tell the same
ridiculous Heinrich story.

At least we got
to hang at the libe.

Never ever call
a library "the libe."

[wind howling]


That was crazy.

The wind tossed
Billy into a tree.

[laughs] Phoebe
got tossed in a tree, too.


♪ Ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah ♪

It sounds like
Blobbin's back.

[wind howling]

Hi-ya, ThunderMateys.

Going on a big trip...

To a pirate convention?


I went back to the s,

and sailed the high
seas with Captain Blackbeard.

The s?

Is that oversized refrigerator
in the driveway a time machine?

Indeedy, doozers.

But I call it a timeshare
because I share it

with a certain billionaire
whose name rhymes with...

Poprah Shwinfrey.

He's talking about
Taylor Swift.


Arrrrg your
parents home?

Oh, probably still trying
to give Colosso a bath.


I could probably
use one, too.

Oh, Hank!

Guys, this is perfect.
We have a time machine.

We can go back to
and ride dinosaurs.

No. We can go
back in time

and prove that that
Heinrich story's a lie.

Then no parent
could ever use it

to make a kid go
to school again.

Are you crazy, Max?

Time travel isn't something
you just toy with.

We're not gonna
toy with it.

We're just gonna...
fuss with it a little.

But, hey, you do
what you want.

[wind howling]

Oh, Phoebe.


What Would
Albert Einstein Do?

Wait up!

[wind howling]

- MAX: To the s!
- [electrical zapping]

Here we go-o-o-o-o-o!

[door creaking]

Did it work?
Are we in ?

It smells like hair
grease and milkshakes,

so, I'm gonna say yes.

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪♪

['s rock 'n roll]

I can't believe
we traveled back in time.

- [lasers zapping]
- Ow!

What'd you do that for?

I just wanted to make sure
my lasers still work in .

We have to hide
the timeshare

before we start
looking for Heinrich.

There's a button here
that says "camouflage."

[presses button]

Hey, where did it go?


Found it.

Way to go, SuperZero!

what are you doing here?

I jumped in your camper
before you went back in time.

I do not like baths.

Stay here until
we're ready to go.

Will do...

something different!

See ya, suckers!

Well, that's not good.

We'll deal with
him later.

I think that's Heinrich.

He looks just like
the kid in the picture.

Gosh, that's
a pretty flower.

I shall smell it, then record
it in my flower journal.


Okay, there's no way that
kid fights off a bear.

Well, we're about
to find out.

[bear growling]


Okay, the big, scary
bear part checked out,

But there's no way he's gonna
fight it off with a pencil.

[bear growling]

Listen here, Mr. Bear,

you can't stand in
the way of my education.

[bear growling]

[quiet growl]

What the what?

The story's true.

I wonder what else Mom
and Dad were right about?

Should I be wearing

Wait, it's not too late
to make them wrong about this.

What if we...

stop Heinrich from
getting to school?

Whoa, whoa, Max.

It's one thing
to toy with time.

Now you wanna
toy with attendance?

Phoebe, if we stop him
from going to school,

parents won't be able to
tell the story anymore.

We freeze him and when
he thaws out later,

he'll have missed
the whole day.

How hard could it be?

I hate it when you say
"how hard could it be?"

- Yeah, how hard could it be?
- How hard could it be?

Everyone, stop it!

Come on, before
he gets away.

[frosty air gusting]

Great Scott!
What was that?

sh**t, missed!
Billy, block him!


I'm being accosted
by supervillains.


We're not supervillains.
We're superheroes.

I'm being accosted
by superheroes.

We're just trying
to skip school

on a windy day
years from now.

Stand still!
[lasers zapping]

You... you stay
away from me,

you no-goodnicks!

Ow! My leg!

Because of you monsters,
I'm gonna miss school.

Well, you heard him.
Our work here is done.

I'm gonna miss
the sock hop.

What will I write
in my dance journal?

We can't just leave
him here, guys.


Wait up!

[electrical zapping]

Hey, the wind is gone.

Even better...

Mom and Dad will never tell
us that annoying story again.

Something's different.

It's the lamp,
isn't it?

Where are
Mom and Dad?

Are we in the wrong house?

Are you part of the Puking
Scorpions Biker g*ng?


Then you are definitely
in the wrong house.

Let me smack
'em, Daddy!

Whoa, there's a mistake.
We live here.

Look at our
family portrait.

Which is now you
guys getting arrested.

He's making fun of
our vacation picture!

Get 'em!

PHOEBE: It's clear
what's happening here!

MAX: When we went back
in time, we changed history?

Yes, and they're gonna
hurt us, so go right now!

All right, Billy and Nora
are safe in the timeshare.

Let's find out exactly
how we changed things.

Wow, look at our school.

This place is a dump.

Evil Max would
have loved it.

Hey, you!

Give up the lunch money
and nobody gets hurt.

She's lying!

Either way, we're gonna
pound you into next week.

Uh, Gideon, Cherry,
it's me, Phoebe.

We don't know you.

Yeah, gimme your
lunch money!

And your number.


I'm sorry, he's just so
adorable when he's being tough.

- Is this adorable?
- Oh!

Yeah. A little.

[shrill whistle]

Wolfen Pack!


We'd better go.

You got off easy
this time, losers!

[stamps foot]

Why aren't they
hurting you?

Hey, Bradford.

The name's Bad Chad.

What the heck
do you want?

We're just trying to know
what happened to Hiddenville.

Yeah, didn't Heinrich
Hiddenville III

become mayor and make
the town awesome?

Heinrich Hiddenville III?

You mean King Heinie,
the crime boss?

He's a crime boss?

Named King Heinie?

Everyone knows
the story of King Heinie.

Four superheroes att*cked him
and he missed his dance contest.

His hatred of superheroes

drove him to
an amazing life of crime.

Been there.

Heinrich grew up to
become a powerful crime boss

and took over Hiddenville.

He banished all

And bears.

He is one angry Heinie.

That's why the town
filled up with criminals.

It sure did.

Including me.
My purse!

My purse now. Hee-hee.

Oh, now I see why Mom
and Dad weren't in the house.

They never moved here.

This is all our fault.

I just wanted Mom and Dad
to stop telling that story.

We have to go back in time

and stop ourselves
from hurting Heinrich.

Phoebe, we can't do that.

If we see ourselves
in the past,

the whole universe
could close in on itself.

Watch a movie,
ya bookworm!

Okay, then, let's go
back later in the day

and talk to King Heinie.

That name is so fun to say.

Maybe if we can help
him win the dance contest,

he won't hate superheroes

and everything
will go back to normal.

Okay, great.
Let's do that.

And find some shoes.

Someone stole ours.

So nice!

[electrical zapping]

[door creaking]

Okay, we're back
in the 's.

NORA: First step,
find Heinrich.

There he is.

Well, that first
step was easy.

Now all we have to do is get
him to win a dance contest.

How hard could it be?

[bicycle bell ringing]

Stop saying
"How hard could it be?"

If the dweeb's
leg is broken,

how are we gonna
fix the future?

We'll figure
something out.

Now Heinrich is probably
gonna be scared

when he sees us,
so nobody...

Where's Billy?

Yo, Heinrich.
Remember me?


MAX: Hey, buddy!
Chill out!

We're here to help.

Chill out?

Is that superhero wordplay

because of your
ice mouth powers?

We came back
to say sorry.

You're not
gonna hurt me?

Not that you could
do any more damage.

You've already ruined
my perfect attendance.

Whew. Been there.

And then my partner
for the dance contest

dropped me like
a hot potato.

It's just
a dance contest.

What matters is that
you're a winner...


He doesn't speak
for all of us.

I wanted to win that contest
so I could become popular.

In fact, who knows? Maybe
I could become class president.

You could be mayor.

That'll never happen now,
thanks to you guys.

What did we do?

I'm gonna talk to
you three from now on.

Look, Heinrich,
let us use our powers

to help you win
the dance contest.

Yeah, I could be
your partner.

Do you even
know how to dance?

Do I know how to dance?

They don't call me "Crazy Legs"
Thunderman for nothing.

♪ Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ And how about this? ♪

♪ Ah poot doo hoo hoo ♪

And finish it off
with a little Phoebe flavor.

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh! ♪


Huh? Huh?

Great. So we all agree
we're gonna hire a stranger

to be Heinrich's
dance partner.

No, I wanna dance
with Crazy Legs.

She's the bee's knees.

Hear that? So, are you
on the boogie bus or not?

Do I have to say...

Yes, you have to
say "boogie bus."

- I'm on the boogie bus!
- Woohoo!

[''s boogie
woogie music]

Whoa, look at
this place.

Wait, if there are no tubes,
why's it called Splatburger?


Oh, the people go splat.

Hey, that must be
Mrs. Wong's grandmother.

I wonder if she's
nicer than our Wong?

You're fired,
you rollerdummy!

Nope, same genes.

Move aside, maggots!

Whoa, that guy
looks like Bradford.

It is Bradford.

Colonel Chad Bradford,
our principal.

Looks like jerk
runs in the family.

Listen up.

The dance contest
is about to commence.

Miss Wong will judge
all who participate

because she
is my best gal.

Oooh, hoo, hoo.

Thank you,
Colonel Cutie-Patootie.


- Mmmmmm...
- Mmmmmm...

Someone remind me
to throw up later.

Miss Wong,
the floor is yours.


Pay attention!

If I tap your shoulder,
you lose, losers.

Now dance!

[''s boogie
woogie music]

All right,
Phoebe, Heinrich,

take your places
on the dance floor.

Okay, Max, what
can I do to help?

Uh, you can deal
with that.


I never get
the good stuff.

You can drop
the crutches, Heinrich.

Max'll take care of you.

Yeah, but how's he gonna
make me da-a-a-ance?

Hey, Daddio!


You came back for me.

Yeah, that's definitely
what happened.

Sit down. This is a sock hop,
not a suck hop.


Three couples left.

Hey, twitchy kid.

What is with the moptop?

You need to grease that hair
down like a gentleman.

Now fall in, son.


Oh! Max!

Pardon my language,

but this is a real
party pooper.

- No slow dancing.
- Sorry.

Where is Max?

Phoebe, Bradford's trying to
take out my swoosh, my swoosh!

Max, you need
to decide...

Your hair
or Hiddenville's future.

Am I a jerk for
thinking about this?


Hey, you looking for me?

Yes, I was.

Sit down, Private!


- [grease splooshing]
- [groaning]

Hot diggity-dog,
we're back in business.

Uh, excuse me,
can I interest you in...

getting lost!

That last couple's
gonna be tough to beat.

We've gotta get on
board the boogie bus.

Buckle up, Heinie,

Max, turn up
all the way.


I have seen enough!

Your moves are so
new and different.

I hate them!
You lose! They win!


[flashbulb pops]

I'm back with Billy.

I got hit by
a milk truck.

- So, did we win?
- No, we lost.

Does that mean we have
to go back to Crimeville?

I let this happen
to my hair for nothing?

Heinrich is gonna
be devastated.

This is the best
night ever.

How oddly cheery.

Thanks, guys.
Everyone loved our dance.

Look, they're all doing
"The Heinrich."

Heinrich, this new
dance is a gas.

You should run
for class president.

You'd have my vote.

I'm sorry, did she just
hit on my dance partner

like I wasn't even here?

Phoebe, let it go.

We fixed the future.
Now let's go home.

Wait, before you go.

It would be swell if you

took a picture with me
to remember you by.

[flashbulb pops]

- Later, 'gators.
- Bye.

Guys, can we please
leave now?

Grandma Wong and Colonel
Bradford are slow dancing.

- Mmmmmm...
- Mmmmmm...

Remember when I said
to remind me to barf?

You don't need to.

[electrical zapping]

[wind howling]

Did it work?
Is everything fixed?

[pig squealing]

Well, that's
a good sign.

- Mom!
- Mom!

- Mom!
- BARB: Oh!

Why are you guys
all dressed up?

Oh? Um, we are becoming
an old-time family band.

Oh, can I join?

We just broke up.

You kids went to
school in this wind?

They did and I'll
tell you why.

Our mayor,
Heinrich Hiddenville III

never missed
a day of school.

Oh, except for that one
time he fought a bear

and tripped over a rock.

Even then, he competed
in a dance contest

and won over
the whole town.

Now he lost because
of his partner,

who history has
since forgotten.

I heard she was
the bee's knees.

CHLOE: Those guys
look like you guys.

Did you kids
use my timeshare?

- No.
- No.

Oh, really?

You left me in .

I knew we forgot