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04x01 - Happy Heroween

Posted: 01/20/23 16:34
by bunniefuu
It's time
for trick or treating.

Let's go.

This tooth wants
to chew on some candy.

We can't leave Phoebe and Max,

we need them for our
dental themed costumes.

Dental themed?
I thought I was zit cream.

It says "Tooth paste."

Sure it does, Nora.

Hey, why aren't you
wearing your costumes?

If you could see yourselves,
you wouldn't ask that question.

Plus we're going
to a party with our friends

at the pumpkin patch.

Yeah but trick
or treating together

is a Thunderman tradition.

Yeah but so is me
and Phoebe ditching you guys.

Not this year.

I am putting my foot down!

Let them go, Dad.
It's more candy for us.

Foot's back up, see ya.

Oh no, a storm.

Sorry, guys, it doesn't
sound safe out there.

Speak for yourselves,
slow pokes.

I'm faster than lightning.

Nope, lightning's faster.

Man up, Billy,
we need that candy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Nobody is going
trick or treating.

How about we make popcorn
and watch a scary movie?

Oh no, looks like the storm
knocked the power out.

Halloween is ruined.

Or, has it just begun?

Welcome to the scariest night
of your lives, boys and ghouls.

Okay, what and why
is this happening?

I knew a storm was coming,
so I prepared

a night of scary stories.

And if it's candy you're after,
I have plenty of chocolates.

Oh, cause you're
scared, right?

No, Colosso,
we're superheroes, okay?

There's no story you could
tell that would frighten us.

Challenge accepted!

Nobody challenged...

I said challenge accepted!

Fine, we'll stay.

But only 'cause
lightning's bad for my hair.

Now prepare yourselves
for the scare-raising tale

of The Troll In The Bowl.

What is it?

Did you walk in
on dad in the bathroom?


Well nothing's worse than that.

But look, all our
Halloween candy's gone.


Relax, we got your
candy right here.

- Thank goodness.
- Come to mama.

Oh no, not so fast.

Haven't you ever heard
of the troll in the bowl?

The what in the where?

If you eat more than
one piece of candy a day...

A mean, ugly troll
will come out of the bowl...

And get you.

Just don't eat too much candy.

our parents have spoken,

so I guess we better
listen to them!

Then, why are you

taking the candy?
Just grab your bucket.

Can you believe mom and dad
thought they could trick us?

Yeah, like there's such
thing as the troll in the bowl.

I think I just saw something.

It's called coconut,
eat around it.

Just one piece.

Did you hear that?

It's just dad.

You caught us!

If you don't tell mom,
then we'll share our candy!

Just one piece.

That was close.

Why did you knock me over?

One of us had to live
to tell the story.

Good thinking.

Maybe if we don't eat any
more candy, we'll be safe.

What are you doing?

Sorry, turns out
I like coconut.


What? It's not like
the troll can get inside.

Just one piece.

He got inside!

Let's go hide in the bathroom.

I'm in here.

Just one piece.


Just one piece.

Just one piece.

Just. One. Piece.

What happened?

The troll turned
us into candy.

And we look delicious.

Ooh hmm, mmm.

Don't mind if I do.

And they all lived
happily ever after.

Except for the kids, who's
father ate them, bones and all.

Colosso, that story
is not gonna scare anyone.

- Right, guys?
- Get out of my way!

I'm more scared than you!

Two down.

Looks like I'm
winning the challenge.

Again, nobody challenged you.

I said I'm winning!

Now scare were we?

Well you were trying
to frighten us

with your stories,
but what's really frightening

are your stupid jokes.

That reminds me, I was
just about to serve you

some fettuccine afraid-o,

with some extra
scream sauce.

Oh just get to the next story.

This one's about a family

known as the Monstermans.

Quiet, Max, it's
just our pizza.

I'll put on my human disguise.

Just open the door.

the one day a year

we can be our true
monster selves.

Hmm. For someone who chases

you make a good point.

I'm gonna get 'em
one of these days.

Okay, here goes nothing.

Hi, thanks for the pizza.

I'll enjoy eating it
in my Halloween costume.

I'm not a real witch, bye.

Well, it worked.

Hey we should go
to Spot Burger's

Halloween party as ourselves.

Great idea.

No one will know
we're really monsters.

And if they find out,
we can just eat them.

You're not eating anyone
because you're not going.

- Come on, Dad.
- What?!

We know it's been hard since
the monster league

moved us to Humanville,
but we have to be careful.

No going out without
your disguises.

Come on, we promise
we won't let anyone

discover our family secret.

Yeah, or let anyone
use Nora's toilet paper.

Sorry, but we can't
trust Chloe

and her little zombie appetite.

She ate the brains of half

the original cast of Hamilton.

Mmm, brains.

What if we got
Chloe a babysitter?

Could work,
but we'd have to find someone

without any brains.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Chloe and I are
gonna have so much fun.

How could you leave
me home, you monsters?

You remember the rules, right?

If you sprinkle
when you tinkle,

be a sweetie
and wipe the seatie.

She means about
watching Chloe.


If Chloe's out of sight,

then things are not alright.

I feel good about
this, let's go.

So, Chloe, what do
you wanna play first?

Oh, brain freeze.

You have a brain?

Of course, why?

I'm just asking for a friend.

Remember, no howling,
no spell casting,

no weird bug stuff,

and no whatever
it is mummies do.

Yeah, that, don't do that.

Happy Halloween, losers.

Why aren't you wearing
a costume, Mrs. Wong?

I am, I'm dressed
as an over-worked restauranteur

who knows there's something
weird about your family.

I'm not a real witch!

What she means is we're
all wearing costumes.

You look like an actual bug.

If I was, would I be able to
resist flying into that light?

That warm, beautiful,
let me at it!

Every family has a weird one.

Your family has a lot of them.

I'll be watching you.

Maybe this wasn't
such a good idea.

Hey don't worry,
just act natural

and everything will be fine.

Stop that.
Down, boy, down, down.

Wong saw that.

One more slip-up
and we are going home.

And you are going to the kennel.

- Ow!
- Excuse you, broccoli face.

How dare you?

Jerkus broccoletus.

I was right!

Somebody order broccoli?

You weirdos are real monsters.

Get them!

Where did you even get those?

Bed, Bath and Pitch Forks.

What do we do?

Win them over, with dance.

Humans love when
monsters dance.

You can't hypnotize us
with your funky moves.

Get them!

Oh no, we're doomed.

Leave my family alone.


Out of my way, Halloweenies.

I'm not scared
of no mini monster,

what are you gonna do?

Eat your brains, baby.

Well looks like
we're moving again.

I don't wanna
be a scary monster.

Oh, honey, there's
nothing to be scared of.

Now let's go upstairs
and lock your door.

Can't believe
that scared them.

Zombies are about
as real as...

Colosso's fur extensions.

Oh, I knew it.

You must feel like a big bunny
scaring a poor little girl.

You're talking about
Chloe, or yourself?

Oh, I am not scared,
I am a Thunderman.

Thunderman, away.

Looks like someone
booked a flight

on American Scare-lines.

Which means you're
the last two standing.

And I've saved
the scariest story for you.

What? No.

Wrong button.

Curse these paws.

It's time
for the last story ♪

Why didn't we just take
our chances with the lightning?

Just face it, Colosso,
you're never gonna scare us.

Yeah and is this
gonna last much longer?

I'm starving.
Survive this last story,

and I'll give you chicken

They're terri-frying.

the final spook-tacular tale

is called
Phoebe The Vampire Slayer.

Hurry up, Cherry,
we're running late.

- For school?
- No, for our morning selife.


Come on, you ruined our selfie.

Did Max just hiss at us?

Yeah that was weird.

And has he stopped
wearing his retainer?

Because his teeth
looked all jacked up.

He's been acting
strange lately.

Sleeps all day,
stays up all night.

He even started
a blood drive at school.

Max is doing charity?

Maybe he's turning
into a nice person.

Or a vampire.

Wait a second, can I see
that selfie we just took?

Vampires don't
show up in photos.

He's not there.

I'm sure there's
a perfectly good explanation

for all of this.

The explanation
is he's a vampire.

Let's get out
of here, quietly.


Sleep tight, Max.

What are you guys
doing in my lair?

Just wanted to see
if you were a vampire.

And you are,
please don't bite us.


Me, a vampire? What?

Max, you were
hanging upside down.

Maybe you were
the ones hanging upside down.

Ever think of that?

I didn't.

Phoebe, are we vampires?

No, Cherry, Max is
lying through his fangs.

He's the vampire.

Ladies, let's talk
about this over breakfast.

By the way,
you're the breakfast.

Hurry up, he's coming.

Ah, stupid sun.

That's right,
sunlight burns vampires.

Let's get to school.

Wait, wait, wait,
I forgot my homework.

You mean this?

Stay strong, Phoebe,
it's just homework.

I'm writing a fart joke
in your history essay.

But I stayed up all night
writing that essay

about the founding fathers.

You mean founding farters?


Your homework's gone, Phoebe.

It's gone.

Okay, we should be safe here.

Max can't follow us.

Phoebe, I have a feeling that
Max isn't the only vampire.

If they can't go
out in daylight,

how'd they all get to school?


Smart and stylish.

I don't wanna be a vampire.

Let's hide in the bathroom.

I'm in here.

Wait a minute, we know
how to defeat vampires.

Remember our favorite
teen vamp romance novel?

"The Fault in Our Neck Scars"?

Team Dimitri
'til the day I die,

which might be today.

In the book they used
garlic to turn the head vampire

back to human,
then all the other vampires

turned back, too.

Dimitri is so cute.

- Focus!
- Right.

Max organized the blood
drive, so he must be the leader,

but... where are we
gonna get garlic?

Look, it's Italian
Tuesday in the cafeteria.

I'll go load up.

I'll stay here and pretend
like I don't have a neck.

No neck Cherry,
nothing to bite here.

I better hurry up.

Hey, Cherry.

Uh, how'd you get here
without an umbrella?


Have I told you
about my blood drive?

Cause you're about to donate.

Hey, Count Dork-ula.

Do you like garlic?


It's Italian Tuesday?

Did nobody bite the lunch lady?

Bite this.

Oww, oww.

Oww, oww.

Phoebe, I'm not the vampire.

You're about to be.


Join us, Phoebe.

We can be best friends forever.

Literally forever.

Cherry you'll be back
to normal

as soon as I take care of Max.

Good luck with that.

She's mine.

Time for a second course.

Garlic bread swords.

They're no match
for my real swords.

An umbrella, really?

Did nobody bite
the fencing club?

Looks like you're
all out of garlic.

Five-second rule.

My fangs are gone.

And my cool sunglasses.

You're welcome.

For what?
I liked being a vampire.

I was this close to learning
how to become a bat.

I don't get it.

You're the head vampire,
they should all be human by now.

But I'm not the head vampire.

Then who is?

I am.

Told you I'd scare you all.

Yeah the only thing scary
is the bunny spit on my neck.


And why was dad in
our school's bathroom?


It was a horror story.

Sorry, Colosso, you lose.

Let me try again,

I have one more thing that
will definitely scare you.

It's me without
my fur extensions.

Ah, it's too easy.

Ha, looks like I scared
an entire family

of super heroes.

This is the greatest
fright of my life.



It's locked.

And it's dark in here.

I'm scared.

Relax, Colosso.

Monsters aren't real.

Ghost Chloe!

No wait, that's my ball.

Maybe some music
will soothe my nerves.

Oh come on.

Now I'm
scared and annoyed.

Hello? Anyone?

Oh ho, ho.