02x07 - Tomorrow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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02x07 - Tomorrow

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Put the heaviest bags on the bottom.

Not the biggest, but the heaviest.

And don't forget the balloons and the sundae cart.

Sarah, please.

Look at what Lucy's wearing.

- Put her in the toggle coat.

- Toggle coat? The one with buckles.

So you're off to Montauk.

And Lucy's off to her nana's house.

Tina, I can't thank you enough for loaning me Sarah for our slumber party.

It's my pleasure.

Everything is self-explanatory.

Hannah should be back to help you about 5:00.

Right, Hannah? Look, Amanda, the stepmonster's trying to convince Dad not to pay for my trip to Italy.

Dad will pay for it.

Well, what do you want me to do about it? I'm gonna go chill at Dad's while they're gone.

How? You're still banned from there.

And besides, they changed the locks.

Which is why I need to borrow your keys.


You're gonna help us out, right? You're going with him? No booze, no dope.

Just the Knicks and that amazing flat-screen TV.

I guarantee it.

Come on.

Come on, Amanda.

Do not blow it.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, man.

Oh, yeah.

Let the games begin.

Amanda's not ratting you out, she's just being responsible.

It's Well, I'm not hurting anybody.

But, you know, if my own father doesn't want me here then, uh Rick, that's not what I'm saying.

You guys just watching the Knicks? Yeah, and we might go to Shadow Valley.

- What? - Nothing.

It's a computer game.

We'll be back Monday night.

Just don't leave a mess.

We agreed he wasn't allowed there.

I divorced my wife, not my kids.

Come on.

How much longer is it going to be? Dude, you will not be disappointed.

Hey, Sarah.

Pull up a bottle.

I just came to get another ice cream scooper.

The girls are still up at the Whilden's.

She's quite the little hottie.

I have to get back.

I am so not into sitting for the LSAT.

And like the world needs more lawyers.

Well, I gotta go.

It's my idiot brother.

You've gotta stop babying him.

Okay, Lucy.

I told you he shouldn't be here alone.

- Look at this mess! - Oh, boy.

Mommy, something's wrong with Amanda.

Oh, God.


Lucy, don't look.

Is it Rick? It's his roommate.

Call the police.

Rick? Rick? Rick's not here.

Law & Order CI Missing kid's Rick Davenport.

That's his sister Amanda.

She showed up Sunday.

That's his roommate, Josh Phillips.

He came up with Davenport late Saturday.

We figure there was something going on between these two here, brother didn't much like it.

I saw cameras on the way up.

In the elevator.

None in the stairs.

We bagged everything in the trashcans here.

Wasn't much in the dumpster downstairs.

Check when they were last emptied.


I was told that there's a nanny.

Sarah Eldon.

She spent the weekend across the hall working her neighbor's slumber party.

Watch out.

You're gonna step on something.


He had peas for dinner.

Rick and Amanda were very close.

Especially after the divorce.

If your son were in trouble, where would he go? Well, he'd come to me, of course, or his mother.

What are you suggesting? Bill, she's trying to help.


She just woke up and wanted a hug.

- You're Sarah, right? - Yes.

Did you see Rick and his friend this weekend? Just Saturday night for a little bit.

They were drinking.

They made you uncomfortable? Is that why you spent the weekend with the neighbors? Their nanny's a friend of mine.

It was just easier for me.

Amanda, did you see her? Sarah, Lucy wants a juice.

I did not see Amanda.

I was hoping Rick would leave early so I could go back upstairs, but the music was on all weekend.

Sarah, she's thirsty.

And all Rick said was they were going to watch the Knicks and play some computer games.

You have to understand Rick wouldn't do a thing like this.

- Not to his sister.

- Of course not.

Was Rick ever institutionalized? And what is that supposed to mean? Bill.

He had, uh, been in rehab for drinking.

For how long? Once for six weeks, and then eight weeks.


Thank you.

Don't tell me you found his diploma from Betty Ford.

These peas, they came out of the roommate's gut.

The way that they're lined up, that's something that an institutionalized personality does.

It's an attempt to exert control in a regimented environment.

All that from a few months in rehab? No.

That's the point.

The person who did this spent several years confined in a prison or a clinic.

And this.

The bloodstain across the front of the blouse.

Looks like two separate stains, one on either side.

Her blouse was closed when she bled on it.

It was unbuttoned after she was k*lled.

But there's no sign of sexual contact.

Some clever person's trying to gaslight us.

Into believing that Rick Davenport k*lled his sister and his friend in a - A jealous rage.

- This was all staged.

Everything except this.

That was a reflex.

Peas? You got to be kidding.

You have to admit, it's spooky.

What's spooky is the Davenport kid disappearing into thin air.

Or down the garbage chute into the dumpster which was emptied Monday morning.

Whoa, whoa.

Well, if he's alive, he's been on the run for over 48 hours.

Hasn't used his credit cards, bank account, hasn't contacted anyone.

All right.

If he's dead, if he was dropped down the chute, the k*ller would have to know the dumpster would be emptied before the bodies upstairs were discovered.

An inside job.

Bill Davenport made a k*lling with discount airlines back in the '80s.

Now that his two kids from his first marriage are dead Wife number two's kid becomes the sole heir.

The evil stepmother had the kids whacked.

By who? The big bad wolf? Well, do priors for as*ault qualify? Tina Davenport had charges filed against her nine months ago by somebody named Jinny Canto.

Central Park Tuesday, October 9 No, no, Ma'am.

Tina never hit me.

I work for a nice family now.

I don't want any trouble.

She didn't slap you? That's what it said in your complaint, before you dropped it.

It was all a confusion, Ma'am.

Just Well, okay.

You're working for a nice family now, right? It takes a special person to raise somebody else's children.

Do you have your own children back in the Philippines? Yes.

A boy and a girl.

They live with my sister.

You send them money every month? So when the Davenports offered you extra money to forget about the complaint, you took it.

Hmm? For your kids, right? How did Mrs.

Davenport get along with Rick and Amanda? She pretends she likes them, and then she screams when Mr.

William gives them money.

Especially Mr.


She didn't let him come home anymore.

How do you know this? All the nannies here, they talk.

Ma'am Tina says Rick tried to k*ll little Lucy.

I'd never hit a servant.

Jinny filed that ridiculous complaint because we fired her.

She was stealing.

My husband's diamond cufflinks, his gold watch.

Sounds like you could've filed a complaint against her.

Yes, well, we never actually caught her red-handed.

What? You just fired her without any proof? Was there something else? Something that she knew? Something that she saw? Don't be sordid.

She tried to hold us up for a raise.

And if we didn't pay, she threatened to have us arrested, because she was made to sleep in Lucy's room.

Which could be construed as forcing her to work around the clock.

A violation of labor laws.

Which is pretty smart for a country girl from the Philippines.

I don't understand where you're going with this.

There's a rumor going around about your stepson.

You banned him from your home? There was a good reason for that.

Rick tried to k*ll your daughter Lucy? I never said he tried to k*ll her.

What exactly did he do? I was away for the weekend.

Rick was staying with his father.

He'd left his anxiety pills all over the guestroom and Lucy got hold of them.

If Bill hadn't found Of course Rick denied he even took medication.

Maybe you were afraid that next time it wouldn't be an accident.

What are you talking about? We don't think Rick committed these murders.

In fact, he may be a victim.

Now that he and Amanda are gone, you don't have to be afraid for Lucy.

You can devote all your husband's considerable resources into safeguarding her future.

They found the Davenport kid at a garbage transfer station in New Jersey.

Office of Medical Examiner Thursday, October 11 Cause of death was asphyxiation.

This mark, it's a belt buckle.


I was getting to that.

It's consistent with a belt buckle.

The bruises overlap.

The belt was tightened more than once.

- Erotic asphyxiation.

- He was k*lled during sex.

Which is why there was lip balm on his genitals.

Lip balm that neither of the other victims was wearing.

Did you do a tox scan? Yeah.

Anything in particular? Anti-anxiety medication.



If he'd taken it in the last month? No, there'd be trace amounts in his liver.

Which there wasn't.

And there's no record it was ever prescribed to him.

So who left the pills the little girl found? Well, we're not the only ones being gaslighted.

I never steal anything from Ma'am Tina.


She just makes me so mad.

She made you sleep in Lucy's room on top of taking care of Lucy all day.

Did you know that was a violation of labor laws? Yes.

And how did you know that? One of the nannies at the park told you? No.


Whilden's nanny.

The neighbor across the hall? Her name is Hannah Price.

She's very nice to me.

She helped me learn about American things.

Like standing up for your rights.


Was it her idea to tell the Davenports they couldn't make you sleep in Lucy's room? She told me it was not legal.

She didn't tell you that you might get fired if you made trouble, did she? No, she said Ma'am Tina would just give me more money, no problem.

One more thing.

Did Hannah ever talk to you about Rick Davenport? She said he was handsome.

Of course Tina got rid of Jinny.

She was a thief and a troublemaker.

How did your nanny react? Hannah? I'm sure she didn't care one way or the other.

Did she mention working for the Davenports? What Hannah said was, since my daughters were getting older, she was feeling a little overwhelmed.

In any event, the co-op has an understanding, we can't have nannies pitting one family against another.

I told Hannah.

That was the end of it.

I bet she was disappointed after all the trouble she went to.

All what trouble? Getting Jinny Canto fired so she could be closer to Rick Davenport.

Oh, come off it.

No, Hannah's just not that kind of girl.

She knows her place.

Especially when there was an opening across the hall.

She was just, you know That was Hannah's way of telling me she wanted a raise.

And once we settled that, she even helped Tina find a new nanny.

Sarah Eldon.

Hannah knows her from the park.

- Hi, Mommy.

- Hey, sweetie.

Go get changed.

Here, let me help you.

Oh, she can manage.

- Can't you, Hannah? - Yes, ma'am.

You see? She knows her place.

You know, I meant to ask, do you or your husband take anti-anxiety pills? In the first place, I am divorced.

And in the second, that is none of your business.

Sounds like a yes on the pills.

She treats him so bad.

She's such a meanie.

She doesn't deserve him.

None of them do.

- Did he ask about me? - I don't think so.

Lucy, don't go down there, okay? Never mind Lucy.

Did he ask about me? Ouch.

Every day, Hannah.

You can see how much he cares.

And what else? Tell me.

And he's going to Paris next month.

I think he might ask us to go.

I knew it! Oh, God! Sarah, let's go.

Lucy! Daddy's here.

Hey, kiddo.

How you doing? Mr.

Davenport, I'm really sorry about Rick and Amanda.



Whilden isn't in.


We've been ringing the bell.

The doorman thought that she was home.

Hey, is it okay if we, you know, wait inside? She said she was having lunch with some of her lady friends.


I almost forgot about lunch.

Is that your tummy I hear growling? Mmm-hmm.

I'll get you lunch in a minute, sweetie.

Are we keeping you from something? Mrs.

Whilden asked me to tape a show for her on TV.

Oh, hey, go ahead.

We'll get lunch started.

There's some tofu bologna on the bottom shelf.

How about veggies? Do you like veggies? All right.

Let's see what we have.

Corn nibblets.

You want to nibble on some nibblets? Yes.

All right.

This is gonna be an excellent lunch.


Whilden told us that you helped your friend Sarah get a job with the Davenports.

Just lucky I knew someone.

And lucky there was a job opening.

You met Sarah at the park? That's right.

Isn't that a risk, recommending somebody you just met? Sometimes you just get a good feeling about people.

Well, Sarah's a very sweet girl.

The Davenports are very lucky to have her.

Especially at a time like this, huh? I'm sorry, I made a mess.

It's no bother.

One thing about Sarah, she's very shy.

Yeah, she's not very sophisticated.

Did you notice that? Well, she's from a small town.

Oh, that's what we thought.

Where? Upstate? I don't know.

She never talks about where she's from? Uh Well, I just don't remember the name of it.

What else do you guys talk about? You tell stories about your bosses? No.

Oh, come on, I bet you have some juicy ones.

Especially about Rick Davenport.

We have other things to talk about.

I saw a picture of him.

He was handsome.

I'm sorry, I have work to get on with.

I have to change Abby and redd up her room before Mrs.

Whilden comes home.

You're from Pennsylvania.

No, because you just said you need to "redd up" her room.

That's what people say in Western Pennsylvania.

I don't know.

I'm from somewhere else.

I think I just heard the videotape go off.

Well, I better check it.

Our virtual tour of Western Pennsylvania turned up a five-year-old arrest for Hannah Price in Meadville.

It's a juvenile record, it's sealed.

Could be for shoplifting.

It's meaningless.

The meaning is, there's a residential treatment center for children in Meadville.

Where she was institutionalized? Probably.

Her records are sealed.

I can't help you unseal them.

All you have is peas and corn kernels.

You're a few lima beans short of succotash, Detectives.

Succotash? Your evidence is anecdotal.

I line up my shoes at night.

Why am I not surprised? Idiosyncrasies won't sway the Pennsylvania attorney general.

I can't even explain to him why these girls committed these murders.

The answers are in those records.

You'll have to find another way.

Juvenile Treatment Center Meadville, Pennsylvania Monday, October 15 The rules on privacy are pretty clear.

We're kind of at a dead end.

See, my kid brother got engaged to this girl Her brother isn't the best judge of character.

This girl had been very sketchy about her past.

You know for a fact she was a resident here? She had this box of letters and some of them were addressed to her here.

We didn't read the letters, of course.

Why don't you just ask her? No.

Her brother wouldn't like that.

We need to know why Hannah was living here.


Hannah Price.

Hannah lost her mother when she was six.

Her father was unable to care for her, so she lived here.

- For how long? - Till she was 16.

Don't kids go to foster homes, normally? Yes, normally Look, if something's wrong with her and somebody gets hurt All I can tell you is that I just remember Hannah as a bright little girl who loved having her ears tickled.

Is that both ears together? Yeah.

It was something her mother used to do.

A family thing.

Didn't your brother say that Hannah had a sister? Oh Sandra.



She had a different last name.


Now, is that because she was adopted? Yes.

By a family in the area? Sarah just loved it.

And it always had to be both ears at the same time.

Something her mother did when Sarah was little.

What happened to the mother? Lori died in prison of AIDS.

And the father? He ran out on them after Sarah was born.

You did say Sarah was okay.

She's not in any trouble? She's fine.

It's Hannah we're interested in.

You're not surprised.

She's had a difficult life growing up with no family.

We're curious about that.

Don't they try to have siblings adopted together? That was our idea at first.

But Hannah was a handful.

She was always breaking things.

She'd lied about everything.

She was distant? You'd try to give her affection and she'd pull back.

We tried so hard.

But they told us she was pretty much a done deal.

She probably didn't want to be adopted.

That's what she said.

She had this notion that one day her father was gonna come back for her.

She told the caseworkers she didn't care if they were split up.

She wanted Sarah to have a family.

- She cared about her little sister.

- Yes.

When Sarah told us that Hannah had found her a job in New York City, we weren't so worried.

Have you talked to her since? Not for a while.

But she did send George a card on his birthday.

Could we see it? "Dear Daddy, happy birthday from the Big Apple.

" "I miss you both so much.

" "Oh, Mommy, can you believe Madelyn's baby is Lance's?" Who are Madelyn and Lance? That's just our soap opera.

We used to watch it together.

"Daddy, I'm kind of on a tight budget, but I want you to have these.

" "They were my father's.

" "You were there when he wasn't and I want you to have them.

" What did she give you? Cufflinks.

Diamond cufflinks.

She won't ever go back to him, even if he gets his memory back.

But when she thought he was dead, she said she'd always love him.

You are so naive.

Where's Lucy? Hannah told me she was with you.

We already looked through Sarah's room.

Well, I can assure you that I look through Hannah's room on a regular basis and I have never found anything wrong.

Stupid us, going to the trouble to get search warrants.

In the Shadow of Tomorrow.

That's a soap opera that she tapes.

It's a little low-brow, but hardly criminal.

Guess you didn't look in here.




" "W.



" William Davenport.

Every night I went to sleep dreaming of the day my real father would come for me.

And the man I dreamed about looked exactly like you.

What is this? In the Shadow of Tomorrow, airdate June 5, 1997.

This lovely couple in bed over here.

That's Lance and Keri.

Keri was "Miss Shadow Valley 1996.

" And she's wearing a scarf around her neck because they're experimenting in erotic asphyxia.

March 1998.

Angela's two-year-old daughter went into a coma when she accidentally ate Angela's tranquilizers.

And this one.

November of last year.

It's Eden Montgomery and her stepfather on the eve of her wedding.

They belonged to my father.

You were there for me when he wasn't, and I want you to have them, Daddy.

Let me guess, cufflinks.

This soap opera for these girls, this is their playbook.

Their whole life is a play.

This is real.

I had no idea.

I mean In hindsight it makes sense.

Hannah always made a special effort to make me notice her.

Rick or Amanda ever let on they knew about this fixation on you? No, of course they didn't know.

They No hint your son was having sex with Hannah that night? No.

I told you, he said they were going to watch basketball and play some computer games.

What computer games? Do you remember? Because we didn't find any games.

He called it Shadow something.

Shadow Shadow Valley? Yes.

Shadow Valley.

What? Shadow Valley is the place where the soap opera was set.

The fact that your son knew about the girls' fantasy might have triggered the murders.

I can't believe we allowed these monsters into our home.

What I'm interested in, is how these monsters interacted.

It was clear who was the boss.


How could you tell? Bill and I gave Sarah a cashmere sweater for her birthday.

She was practically in tears, she was so appreciative.

She wore the sweater all weekend long, and then she never wore it again.

Hannah took it.

I saw her wearing it.

We took Lucy to her grandmother's this morning, after you called us.

We need to get back to her.


Davenport, we may need your help later on today.

Who's the worst pro bono lawyer you know? The worst? That's easy.

Stan Shatenstein.

You know, hypothetically, how would we get Stan Shatenstein assigned to two defendants? What would we do? What would you do, hypothetically? Since Mr.

Shatenstein covers night court, you'd make sure your defendants were arrested after 7:00 p.


Well, m*rder one.

So the death penalty's on the table here? Yes, it is, Mr.


What's your thinking here? We're thinking this one was taking orders from her big sister.

Oh, yeah? Sarah, we know you and Hannah k*lled those people.

We know it for a fact.

We're offering you the chance to save not only your own life, but your sister's as well.

We didn't hurt anyone.

We didn't.

There's something else that we know.

We know why you did it.

That Rick found out something that he wasn't supposed to.

Something about Hannah.

And then he used that knowledge to force Hannah to have sex with him and to have sex with his buddy Josh.

Don't bother denying it.

Here's another thing we know for a fact.

Hannah stole these things from the Davenports.

That's what Rick found out.

That Hannah was a thief.

That's what he had on her and he threatened to call the police, right? Sarah, we talked to the Eldon's in Pennsylvania.

We know you're a good person.

And the Davenports, they think the world of you.

They want to help you.

We told them whatever you did that night, it was because Hannah made you do it.

You're nothing like her at all.

You have people who raised you.

Who love you.

But Hannah I mean, she's She's like a paper cup in the breeze.

She's not like that.

You don't even know her.

It's okay if you feel sorry for her.

It's okay.

But right now you have to think of yourself.

You have to think of yourself.

I don't know anything.

I don't know anything.

Well, when you're ready to talk to us, give Mr.

Shatenstein a call.

The DA said he'd be sending you the SVDF by tomorrow morning.


Uh, what's that? It's a special form for capital cases.

You haven't done a lot of capital cases, have you? I don't think he knows what he's doing.

What did you say to those cops? Nothing, Hannah.

I would never.

Do they know? About that? No, they don't know about that.

I thought they did, but they don't.

They wanted me to say that you were the bad one.

Because I got adopted and you didn't.

But I didn't say that, Hannah.

I swear.

What's gonna happen to us? What's gonna happen to us, Hannah? Remember when Eden was in that prison in South America? How she was saved in the nick of time? We don't have anything to worry about.

We just stick together, like always.

Supreme Court Arraignment Tuesday, October 23 "Case number 163-3202.

"People v.

Hannah Price and Sarah Eldon, "m*rder in the first degree, three counts.

" Your honor, if I may.

I'm Elizabeth Carr from Eddington and Taft.

I've been retained on behalf of the defendant.

Are you here for both? No, just Sarah Eldon.



Shatenstein, you're relieved from representing Miss Eldon.

You'll be Miss Price's attorney.

How does your client plead, Ms.

Carr? Not guilty.

Not guilty.

And your client, Mr.

Shatenstein? Not guilty.

Your honor, at this time, I'm serving the people with a motion to sever.

Have you anything to say about this here, Mr.

Shatenstein? Uh, nothing right now, Judge.

All right.

People avail? No bail, Your Honor.

The defendants have no jobs, no home, no ties to the community.

Your honor, Miss Eldon is employed by Mr.

William Davenport, the father of two of the victims.

It's Mr.

Davenport who retained me to represent her because he believes in her innocence.

He's prepared to post any amount of bail to ensure her appearance.

I hope be brought his checkbook.

Bail is set at $2 million.

My client also has significant ties to the community.

She has no reason to flee.

No reason to flee? She's facing the death penalty.

With all due respect to Mr.

Shatenstein, bail as to defendant Price is denied.

Wait! Wait! - Where are you taking me? - Come on! I have to stay with my sister! - Come on, now.

- Wait! What are you doing? Get off of me! Don't worry about Sarah.

She's in good hands.

That lawyer she's got there is pretty sharp.

Hey, Mr.

Shatenstein explain to you what happened back there in the courtroom? The motion to sever? No.

What does that mean? It means that you and Sarah are gonna be tried separately.

That'll be easier for Sarah's lawyer to, you know, blame you for the murders.

Sarah would never do that to me.

Maybe not.

What I'm trying to say is, that at some point, Sarah is just gonna have to do what her lawyer tells her to do.

Is that what happened with the adoptions? Because it never really made sense to us.

Adoption agencies, they keep siblings together.

I didn't want to be adopted.

You stayed behind in that warehouse for kids because you wanted your little sister to have a better life.

Does she know what you did for her? Does she know how lucky she is to have you watching out for her? We're lucky to have each other.

Well, right now she's the lucky one.

With Bill Davenport.


Well, look at the way he behaves towards her.

You know, the way he tells her things.

He's very He's very fatherly.

Well, it must be fate how their paths crossed.

- I got her that job.

- I know.

You know, it's really unfair.

Considering that you're the one that did all the work to get close to him.

When you first saw him, Hannah,did he look like the man that you dreamed about when you dreamed about your real father coming for you? - What did you say to me? - That's what Sarah told us.

No, she didn't! Yes.

She told us all about you You are lying! There they go.

She's going home.

Next time you see her it'll be in the courtroom when she testifies against you.

No! That'll be the last time, because Bill Davenport won't allow her to see you in jail.

Sarah will take the place of his dead daughter.

She's gonna become Lucy's big sister.

It'll be like you never existed.

No! Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! They were pigs! They laughed at us! I'll tell you everything! She helped me k*ll Rick in the bed.

She helped me.

And Amanda, it was her idea to call Amanda.

She knew her number.

I didn't! She k*lled Amanda! Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! I want my sister! I want Sarah! Well, our little ploy worked.

She gave up her sister.

Gave up.

Yes, and no.
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