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03x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 01/19/23 18:05
by bunniefuu

- Where are we going?

- Up to the house.

We stay there tonight, and then we'll see.

We have it all, except Annika Melander.

Annika Melander, born 1985. Came to the foster home as a nine



Don't look so sad, like I'm leaving you for them.

Your mother breaks in and programs your computer to send an email to you

- so that you are alone at the time she takes her life

- but makes it look like she's been m*rder*d.

- Down on the ground!

- Drop the w*apon!

Call an ambulance!

- I should have acted earlier.

- I must solve the case. I promised Hans.

- Now you have time off.

- You said that everyone deserves another chance.

This is your other chance.

- Jeanette!

- Freddie!

Jesus ...


Where are you taking him?

Where are you taking him?


Hey. How are you doing?

I'm not so good with the time off, but your case is keeping me busy.

- Do you have any ideas?

- I've only just started.

- Thanks.

- I have nothing else to do.

- Where did you go earlier?

- Why do you ask?

- Because I'm a little worried about you.

- I was by the railroad crossing at Arrievägen.

- Why?

- My sister k*lled herself there.

- You had a sister who k*lled herself?

- Yes. Jennifer.

- And you went there?

- Yes.


It felt good to be there.

- Should I stay here?

- No.

I want you to find the one who k*lled Hans.



Henrik. This is Rasmus Larsson. He'll be working with you until further notice.

Rasmus, Henrik Sabroe, Copenhagen Police.

Introduce him to the case, focusing on the primary suspect.

Rasmus Larsson ... Yeah.

I don't know what Saga's said about me, but I'm damn good police.

- Are you?

- Mm.

I didn't think that damn good police needed to say that they were damn good.

Here's Annika Melander. She's our primary suspect.

She's in there.


Jeanette! Jeanette! Hello! Hello?

- Freddie!

- Jeanette, can you hear me?


- She's given birth.

- Stop the bleeding, dammit!

Jeanette! Hello? Hello? Jeanette.

What happened here? What are you doing here?

That's our surrogate. She was kidnapped, and we tracked her here.

He took the child. He took my son.

- You need to follow us.

- We'll drive behind you.

No, you should stay here and tell me everything the technicians discover.


Wait a sec.

Linn. Annika Melander has Freddie's child.

She kidnapped the surrogate


-who gave birth


-and now the boy is gone.

- What's the mother's condition?

- Critical. She lost a lot of blood.

Linn, it's a little newborn boy.

- We bring in all the resources we have.

- All?

Yes. All.


- Jeanette what?

- Jeanette Nielsen.

- How did you find her?

- I put a transmitter in her phone.

It couldn't be detected.

- Did you not trust her?

- I don't trust many people.

So what are you doing now? How are we going to find him?

- Was that how you found her? The tracker?

- Yeah. No, not right away.

- They have a house together in Sweden.

- Who are 'they'?

Her and her boyfriend, Marc. But he was dead, and she was gone ...

- Stop. What? He was dead?

- Shot.

Who's Marc? Marc what?

- Skouv.

- Marc Skouv.

- Did you call the police?

- We needed to find Jeanette.

Oh, come on, man.

Here. Give me the address to the house. Come on.

Annika Melander. Have you thought of anything?


You know that I know what you're going through, eh?

And we will do everything we can to find your son for you.

He's coming now.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- It's good to see you again.

- Yeah.

- We can go now.

- Wait. Just a minute.

I think it's Claes who has our baby.

Claes Sandberg?

- He said he wanted to destroy Freddie.

- When did he say that?

When they met some days ago. And when he revealed that I wasn't pregnant.

- How did he find out about that?

- I told him.

I thought that he ...

What I mean is, Claes can be very manipulative and


- all that with the surrogate was so hard on us. I needed someone to talk to.

- And so you chose your ex


- I didn't know that he hated us.

Did he say that?

He said that he wanted to hurt us as much as he could.

Did we let Sandberg go too soon?

He has no connection to the victims, and he has alibis for several of the murders.

Yeah, but he'd like to hurt Holst.

She was obsessed with Sandberg, and he wasn't exactly sweet on Holst.

If Claes Sandberg is as manipulative as Åsa Holst said, he could have gotten


- Annika Melander to help with the murders and have them point to Freddie Holst's art.

- Especially if she was obsessed with him.

- Art that was once his own.

Two K*llers. He sh**t. She makes the art installations.

Okay. Claes Sandberg must be questioned again.

Understood. We'll wait.

- Have you ever wanted children?

- Why do you ask?

Just asking.

There are many things I don't have. Why are you asking about children?

I just thought of it. You don't have to answer.

I'm not interested in childbirth, it would interfere with my work too much


- and I doubt that I could handle it.

What couldn't you handle?

That kind of interaction with other people isn't my strong side.

Yeah, it's clear.

Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

Yes, we're here now. Claes Sandberg isn't here.


Yeah. Now we know.

Jeanette Nielsen woke up. The police found the boyfriend with three sh*ts in the chest.

Why didn't they find that when they searched the house?

Maybe it wasn't there.

The caliber fits.

We put out an APB on Claes Sandberg.

Have you seen this person?

I heard sh*ts, but no one is telling me anything.

Do you recognize him?

I don't know.

- Look at the photo.

- What happened to Marc?

- What about her?

- I can't remember anything.

- Someone delivered the baby. Tell me ...

- What happened to Marc?

He's dead.

- What about the baby?

- We don't know.

We don't know yet.

Yeah. We're both very sorry for what you've been subjected to.

Yes, we are.

What the hell ...


What happened?

You're not thinking of meeting him?

Love, he's k*lled everyone. He'll k*ll you, too. He's crazy.

- He has our son.

- You can't go. You have to call the police.

Then he'll k*ll him.

- No! You can't go. You can't go there.

- Move.

- Hey.

- Hi.

What are you doing here?

I jumped in for you. I'm part of the investigation now.

- Until we find the child.

- You replaced me?


Come. The investigation of the basement is finished.

This was found in the room where Holst found Jeanette.

Seven rooms are furnished. You can surely recognize them.

One m*rder for each room.

There was also blood found in the basement. It will be analyzed, of course


- but it was in various places, so it's probably from different people.

This one is new.

The next m*rder. Freddie and the child.

- Who is the third, then?

- Åsa Holst, maybe.

Or someone completely different who's already dead.

We just haven't found them yet.

Henrik Sabroe.

- Anything else?

- My report.

What? Where are they going to meet?

Okay. Thanks.

Hello? I'm here!


No! No!


Get away!

- My son!

- It's empty.

- My son!

- It's empty! The stroller is empty!

It's empty!

He saw that we came.

- He wrote that I should come alone.

- Yeah, but it was stupid to do that.

- Otherwise he would have k*lled my son.

- This was in the tower up there.

So the stroller caught fire when we came. Freddie would only have gotten closer.

Why? So he could sh**t me?

No, you wouldn't have died. He would have abducted you.

Where? Why?

Because it seems like he thought of another way to k*ll you. At another place.

What? I ...

How would I die?

He's going to try again. Now we'll take over surveillance.

And my son? If he gets a hold of me, will he let my son go?

- Probably not.

- But it's possible?

Experience shows that in these situations the k*ller would probably k*ll you both.

Yeah. She says things directly, but she's right.

We'll drive you home. Stay there and call us if he contacts you again.

Freddie. This is the best chance you have to save your son.

What happened there?

The k*ller used the child to get closer to Freddie Holst.

We need to increase surveillance. Can you bring it up with Lillian?

I want one of us over there. Can you go assist the Danish police?

Claes Sandberg's agent doesn't know where he is.

He canceled a talk with one day's notice.

- Did he say why? Claes.

- Personal reasons.

- Anything new with Annika Melander?

- I have no idea where any of them are.

- Hi, John. Welcome back.

- Thanks.

- How is it going with Julia?

- Much better.

She needs to stay another couple of days at the hospital before she comes home.

I can't find any connection between Claes Sandberg and Morten Anker.

Ah. Did we think there was one?

No, I thought there might be a reason why he called him his brother.

We think the reason was that it was dark, and Morten was a little ...

I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter.

- It wasn't your fault.

- It was. It was a serious error.

- She's okay, Saga. That's what's important.

- Good. Here you go. For Julia.

'Crisis Counseling for Handling Disasters. To Strengthen Human Resilience.'

Thanks, but this might be a little heavy.

She's still struggling with My Little Pony.

- You can read it aloud to her.

- Yeah, maybe I can. Thanks.

You're welcome.

We think that it was Annika Melander and Claes Sandberg who took Freddie's child.

To hurt Freddie.

But why the child? She could have sent a photo of Jeanette


- but she waited until the child was born to make contact.

Kidnapping of children is usually about inheritance or envy.

Inheritance? What do we know about their parents?

- Both of Sandberg's parents are dead.

- The father died recently in hospice here in Malmo.

What do we know about Annika Melander's father?

Bror Holmberg. But he gave up custody when she was five.

- Why?

- It wasn't in there. But he gave up custody.

- Find his number.

- Okay.

- You called the police.

- Yeah.

It could have cost our son's life.

But otherwise you might have died. That's what the police said.

You can't be angry with me for not wanting to lose you.

Why do you show so little interest in our son?

I care. I yearn. I truly hope nothing's happened to him and that he comes home to us


- but if I have to choose between him or you


I'm sorry. I can't help it.


What if we hadn't set all this in motion.

It wouldn't have made any difference.

The threat has nothing to do with our son.

Someone wants to hurt us.

- Annika wasn't my daughter.

- How did you find that out?

Renate, her mother, told me during a doctor's visit ...

... where it became clear that Annika couldn't be mine.

Did she say who her biological father was?

- No.

- Never?


- And when Renate died?

- We had been divorced for three years.

- But Annika didn't end up with you.

- I had a new family.

My own children.

I saw no reason to take a girl who wasn't mine.

Would she have wanted you to take care of her?

- Do you need to know that?

- Yes.

We think that Annika is taking revenge on people whom she thinks failed her.

So would she have wanted you to take care of her?


But ...

I said no.

Bror Holmberg and his family should have personal protection.

It could be Holmberg who's hanging in the doll house with Freddie Holst.

We must ask Holst if he can remember Renate Melander.

- Why would he remember her?

- He could've had sex with her.

Yeah, but this was in the 80s.

You don't remember everyone you've had sex with?

I don't remember.

- Do you?

- Yes.

Are you wondering if you were the best?

- The best what?

- That I've had sex with.


Men usually like to confirm that they are the best sex partner a woman had.

That's not anything I think about.

- But if I had thought about it?

- You're not the best.

- So who is that?

- Her name is Renate Melander. Annika Melander's mother.

- Do you recognize her?

- No.

- Did you sleep with her in 1984?

- What?

- Did you have sex with her in 1984?

- I was only 17 years old.

One can be sexually active as a 17


-old. I was at 15.

I can't remember who I was in bed with 30 years ago.

We're considering the possibility that you are Annika Melander's father.

I'm not her father.

Did you have sex with Renate Melander in 1984 or not?

You're asking a bunch of idiotic questions instead of finding my son.

Do you have a piece of art with the title 'Father', 'Son', or anything like that?

- No!

- Anything with a couple being hanged?

- Is that how he wants to k*ll me?

- Just answer the question.

Is there anything in your art that could tell us where they are?


- Yeah, this is Claes.

- Det er Suss. Why weren't you answering?

I've been a little bit busy.

Claes, the police have been looking for you all day.

Hello? Claes?

- Hello?

- Suss, I can't hear you.

The police have been looking for you all day.

Suss, if you can hear me, I'll call you back later. Bye.

Claes Sandberg's agent called.

She spoke to Claes, but he hung up when she said the police were looking for him.

Oh, f*ck. If he hadn't already gone to ground, he'll certainly do that now.

Sorry. I know you're busy, but may I borrow Saga for a couple minutes?

- Not really.

- I won't take long.

My investigation is complete. I'll deliver the material to the prosecutor.

I'll ask you to read through your testimony and sign.

I heard there were sh*ts on your floor.

It's not me you'll talk to about that. A colleague is coming to look at it.

You can take that with you.

- Wait here.

- Yeah.

Are you sleeping? It's me.

- Have you found him?

- No.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Marc is dead and my baby is gone, and it's my fault for running away.

No, you mustn't think like that.

Nothing happens because of a single thing.

Do you have anyone who can take care of you when you come out of here?

I can stay at my mother's a while.

You're welcome to stay at our place for as long as you want.

You should see him.

Here he is. Jan Frederik Holst.

- Jan?

- Yeah.

You don't like it?

Sure. He could be a Jan.

Why did you turn on the tv?

I did it because my girls are back again.

- And Alice?

- No. Only the girls.

I think it's all this with Holst and his child


- that's raking up all sorts of old shit inside me.

That's the way it is.

- Can I do anything?

- What would you like to do?

Saga, come on. Wake up.

Come on. Wake up. They got Claes Sandberg last night. He's in Malmo.

Come on. We need to go.

- Hi, good morning.

- Good morning.

Have you found her?

- Who?

- Annika.

- What did she say, exactly?

- What do you think she said?

So you haven't found her, then.

- Where is she?

- I don't know.

Why am I here again?

Why do you have a g*n?

After I was here, I purchased it.

You said that she's a m*rder*r, and she is totally obsessed with me.

- Where exactly have you been?

- In Växjö.

- Why?

- I had to bury my father.

- Alone?

- Yes.

All that that happened with Freddie Holst. He sold your business.

He stole your art and married your wife.

You told us that it was the best thing that could have happened to you.

But that wasn't completely true, was it?

- I had to put my life back together.

- So you could destroy his empire and hurt him as much as possible.

- Who said that?

- Isn't that correct?

I wanted to destroy things for Freddie, but I would never hurt him physically.

It was me who revealed


- that they used a surrogate mother, and that Åsa wasn't pregnant. But that's all.

- Where is Annika?

- I don't know. I don't know.

She went to Göteborg, and she didn't come back. I don't know where Annika is.

- Can I go now?

- What do you think?

Claes has an alibi for the m*rder of Marc Skouv and for Jeanette's abduction.

f*ck, man.

I've ruled out texts and the like from his phone. Nothing to Annika Melander.

He could have an extra phone.

I checked the master lists in the area. He had no contact with Annika Melander from them.

So we think Claes Sandberg may not have been involved?

- Are we letting him go?

- Not yet.

- But Annika Melander ...

- She could be Holst's daughter.

That would explain everything with Holst.

We've talked to him and his wife. None of them know anything about anyone in the investigation.

Ask everyone. Think big. We must find her and the child.

Him there.

He was here a few months ago.

He seemed confused, almost under the influence


- so I sent him away.

- Yeah?

- Yeah ...

- Is that you?

- Who are you looking for?

I need to see my father. Or not my father, but the real one.

We should have both been here.

You need to leave the grounds.

I thought he was someone else.

I'm not the only one.

Is he in there? My father?

No, he's not. You need to get away from here now.

- He stayed a little, and then he left.

- Who is that?

Morten Anker. "We should have both been here," he said.

Another, who? His brother?

- Do you remember us?

- Yeah, you stopped my wife's funeral. What do you want?

- We want to talk to you about Morten.

- I have to pick up Elias, so hurry up.

That night Morten was at your house, did he talk about his father?

- Yes.

- What did he say?

He asked if Villy knew that Helle was dead.

He was talking like Villy was still alive.

- He was confused.

- Did he say 'Villy' or 'father'?

I think he said 'father'.

How long did Villy and Helle try to have children before Morten?

I don't know how long. A few years.

But when she first started the insemination clinic, she was pregnant.

- What do you mean?

- That Morten maybe wasn't Villy's.

He was. Helle kept no secrets from me.

Only four percent of people are 100% honest with their partners.

- Was that all?

- That was good. Thanks.

- Good day.

- Jürgen Drachmann, clinic manager.

- Henrik Sabroe.

- Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

So this concerns an insemination that may have been done here. In the 80s.


It's a bit of a tricky situation. We can't open our register to just anyone. Not even the police.

- It's a m*rder investigation.

- I know that, and we would like to help.

But we work with sensitive information, and we cannot risk a summons.

- What if we have a warrant?

- That's another story.

So we'll do that. We'll be back.

Yeah. That's super. That's good. Bye.

Good. Lillian's getting us a warrant. What should we do while we wait?

- We go to the place Jeanette was found.

- Rasmus already examined it.

- Uhhuh.

- Yeah, okay. We'll go there.

What do we have here?


-Ove Abrahamsson probably died here.

He was buckled. The loop was pulled over the genitalia and tightened by a winch.

Thanks, I understood that.

But Annika Melander ... There's nothing here that tells us where she is.


According to John, the business area has been closed since 2007.



Tire tracks.

Goodyear Vector 4, 195/65 R15.

- Worn out on the inside there.

- How can you see that?

I can't. I'm just kidding.

But one thing is certain. Something came from there or was driven to there.

Shall we take a look?

- That looks new.

- The padlock?


Looks like drag marks.

It's Annika Melander!

Is she alive?

Yes. Annika!

Annika! Annika Melander, do you hear me?

John, it's Henrik. We need an ambulance. We're where Jeanette Nielsen was found.

- Exactly.

- Annika!


- Do you hear me?

- Saga ...

Look at this room.

- The basement at the Johanssons'.

- Yeah.

What do you think?

Claes Sandberg was the last to see her. Maybe he didn't need her anymore.

- Sandberg hasn't been to the foster home.

- That we know of.

We need to contact all the foster children and find out what they know about that room.

I'll start with Emil Larsson.

- This is Emil.

- Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

There was a room in the basement of your foster parents' home. Did anyone live there?


A room in the basement with a bed and a bucket. Who lived there?

No idea. We weren't allowed down there. It was forbidden. Filip forbid us.

Do you know who Claes Sandberg is? You've never heard that name?

- He was never at your house?

- Not as far as I know.


I don't know anything about the room in the basement. We couldn't go there.

- Never?

- When I was there, the basement was locked.

- Did Annika Melander talk about her dad?

- Yeah.

- What did she say?

- She didn't like him. She felt betrayed.

Did she say why?

When her father died, her Dad wouldn't take care of her.

Bror Holmberg? He wasn't her real dad. Did she talk about her biological dad?

- Was he not her dad?

- No, I said that. Did she talk about anyone else?

- No. Never.

- This is Henrik. Yeah.

- What were you doing the night before last?

- I was working.

- Can anyone confirm that?

- Yes, my colleagues.

What are their names? We want to talk to them.


That was John. We've contacted all five of the foster children. They don't know anything about the room.


Can you get there? 10

-15 minutes, maybe.

Good. Don't turn it off.

- It must be quick.

- Sorry, where are you going? Hello?

Freddie? Fr


We stay on him.

Wait! Freddie! I just want to talk to you.

Find out where it's going.

It's Linn.

- Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

- Holst slipped away from the guards.

- Oh, for f*ck's sake, man.

- How could he do that?

- He took a helicopter.

- Why didn't they stop him?

They had no reason to. He's not a suspect.

If the transponder is on, Kastrup should be able to track it.

- John has just made contact with them.

- The transponder is on.

Good. Do the Danes have a helicopter nearby?

We don't have one. We usually use yours, from Göteborg.

It's on the way there. Rasmus is following as best as he can. He's in contact with John.

Just drive. I'll take care of this.

- Rasmus, where are you now?

- Strandlodsvej.

Good. Head to the left, going north.

- Where is the helicopter now?

- It's going southeast towards an industrial area.


- John, where should I go?

- I don't know. Kastrup's not seeing anything.

They must have landed. I don't know where exactly. Where are you?

In an industrial area. Yderlandsvej.

Good. Continue north. Reinforcements are on the way. They should be there soon.


I'm here now!

I came alone, just like you said!

Yeah. It seems to be in order.


- So what do you want to know?

- We might have a name of a donor.

This piece of junk. Everything is archived in the mothers' names.

Good. Renate Melander.

Hello! Show yourself, dammit!

No, there's no match for her.

- There's really no match?

- No.

Okay. If we don't know the mother, how can we find what we're looking for?

You can't, unfortunately. Unless you have a code, of course.

A code?

All the mothers get a personal code connected to their file. But it's possible ...



What do you want to know?

I need to know everything.

Donor was a Freddie Holst.

There's a confirmed fertilization and pregnancy.

- And the mother?

- The mother ...

An Anna Maria Larsson.

Hi, Dad.