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11x12 - How Does It End?

Posted: 01/19/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
Cover him!

She took the brunt of the blast.



Is this ever gonna end?

What we have here is lung cancer.

Are you sure about this?

I mean, that can't be right.

What do we do next?

I'd like to schedule surgery
for as soon as possible.

Dylan, hey.

I wanted to ask,
do you wanna grab lunch?

Is this outfit way too much
for a coffee date?

No, it's perfect.
Seriously, you look beautiful.


And now with the help
of my lovely assistant,

I will perform my final trick.

[KIDS CHEER] But first...

Some flowers for the lady.

- Oh.
- Voilà.

Thank you.

No applause on that one.

Just get to the grand finale.

So for my last trick,

I will pull a rabbit out
of my magic hat.

Thank you.

As you can see, nothing up my sleeve.

Nothing in the hat.

But with a wave of my wand
and a tap on the hat,

out of nowhere appears a rabbit.

ALL: Boo!


You wanted a live rabbit?

ALL: Yes!


I don't know if I have
a live rabbit on me.

Uh, do you?


Oh, you know what?

There he is.


This is Thumper.

Everybody say hello.

ALL: Hi, Thumper.

Thanks so much
for coming out this morning.

I know it's barely daylight.

Well, this isn't even early for me.

Plus, it's fun to watch you work.

Well, you might think differently

after next month's sing-along hour.

Setting the bar low, smart move.

- Herrmann.
- Hey, Chief.

Just putting in some paperwork.

I need to request off next shift.

What, you getting away for the weekend?

Uh, no.

Cindy, she's...
she's got a scheduled surgery

at Med on Thursday.

Everything all right?

Yeah, no, everything's fine.
Just routine.


I'll file the paperwork today,
put in for a relief officer

this afternoon.

Okay, thanks, Chief.

' Cubs.

Best team of all time.


Banks, Williams, Jenkins, oh, Ron Santo?

- Mm.
- All Hall of Famers.


They didn't even make the postseason.

, hands down.

wins and the World Series.

[SCOFFS] It's not about wins.

- It's about excitement.
- Mm-hmm.

It's about team unity.

The bunker gear
is back from the cleaners,

so come and get 'em.

If it needs to be replaced
or repaired, let me know,

and I'll put a request
into the commissary.

ALL: Thank you, Kylie.

Last time I got a new jacket,
Clinton was still in office.

[LAUGHS] Well, they are
designed to be indestructible.


Here you go.

It's a candidate for a replacement.

Might be time to put in
for a new coat, Lieutenant.

Not a chance. This is my lucky jacket.


Ambulance , Truck , wellness check,

Lime Oak Drive.



Lime Oak.

Fire department!


Fire department!

Call out!

Fire department!

Upstairs is clear.

All right, let's check the backyard.

I don't like the look of that.

Me neither.

Stay alert.

Fire department!

Anybody here?





Hey, can you hear me in there?

Squad's here.

Hey, what are we looking at?

We got an unconscious victim
trapped in some kind

of homemade fallout shelter.

The door's made out of steel.

Bulletproof glass.

It's locked from the inside.

It seems like the ventilation
system isn't up to snuff,

so trying to get an air reading now.

Capp, Tony, grab the tanks.

Cruz, let's get ready
to spark up the arc air torch.


Truck, get ready.

Have your irons to pull the door off.

- Copy.
- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.

- Did you find Kevin?
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Who are you?
- I'm his sister.

I'm the one that made the call.

Okay, hey, when was the
last time you talked to him?

Two days ago.

He was going on and on about
the collapse of society.

G, Russian bots.
Oh, my God, he's obsessed.

He thinks the world is ending.

Hey, I'm seeing something
around the frame of this door.

Could be a tripwire.

- Okay, hey.
- Move.

We saw some incendiary
ingredients in the kitchen.

So maybe we should find another way in.

We could crack the
base plate of that air vent,

extricate the victim
from the inside out.

% oxygen, lieutenant.

Hey, listen, we don't have
time to get through the vent.

Squad, get ready to hit the door.

Hold on. Hey.

Hold on.

Listen, what if this guy
is on a su1c1de mission?

I doubt he'd wanna
blow up his own bunker.

It's probably just a scare tactic.

Squad, get in position.

Truck, get ready with your Halligans.

Kelly, if something explodes,
we are all toast here.

Stella, we don't have time
to debate this, okay?

Cover your unit.



All right, clear!

All right, me and you, Carver.

Right here.


I got it.

Right here.

All right.

On three.

One, two, three.

[expl*si*n, AIR RUSHING]

- Lieutenant!
- All good, just a flash bang.

I got it.

- Hey, Cruz!
- Yeah?

Grab the skid. Tony, Capp, man the rope.

All right, let's go.

- Skid.
- Coming down.

Got it.

[GROANS] Okay.

Tony, on you.

Last one. Here we go.


Pulse is faint.

All right, breathing's agonal.

Let's tube him and get a monitor on him.

You got it.

Ambu bag.

Got it.

Tube is good.

Okay, he's bradycardia,
but pulse is still good.

Oh, thank God.


He's not out of the woods.
Let's get him to Med.

Everybody, load up.

Nurse said our victim's
oxygen is already up.

It's a good sign.

Also, I just got a call

from the financial oversight office.

The audit on the paramedicine
program is officially closed.

Oh, that's great!

Yeah, CFD brass is pretty eager

to wipe their hands clean
of Emma Jacobs.

Me too.

Are you wearing glitter?

Oh, Dylan needed an assistant

for his magic act this morning.

- Oh. How's it going?
- Good. Really good.

Pretty good.



Get ready to have your mind blown.

- Oh.
- Hey, fam.

Hoping to be reunited
with a firefighter I met

a few weeks ago when the showroom

at the Home Trader I work at

caught fire for, like,
the third time this month.

She's cute.

I couldn't see his face
clearly through the mask,

but I could tell he's
around my age and handsome.

So I'm putting this out to you, TikTok.

Help me find my knight in shining armor.

Well, didn't you guys respond to a fire

at Home Trader a few weeks ago?

Yeah, we did.

She is talking about you, man.

Yeah, I don't know.

Well, it isn't Kidd or Mouch.

Maybe Carver.

He was out that day.
We had a floater, Jim Lotta.

And that dude's, like, .

Ah, see?

You should DM her.

I wouldn't. Thirst trap.

[SCOFFS] Capp.

Hey, I met Chloe at a fire,

and that worked out great for me.

Modern day message in a bottle.

Reminds me of those Missed Connections

they used to run in the "Reader."

You remember that, Herrmann?



Oh, yeah.


What do you have to lose?

Okay, why not?


Hey, you got a second?

Of course.

Do you want to talk
about what you were seeing

on that call that I wasn't?

What do you mean?

It was a good team effort.

There's no point in post-gaming it.

I just feel like you steamrolled me.

You didn't respect

my assessment of the risks or the fact

that I was the first officer
on the scene.

It was a Special Operations incident,

which is why we were called by dispatch.

That makes it the squad officer's call.

Okay, but you could have
been wrong about the door.

I wasn't. I wasn't.

And you kept pushing twice.

Had that been
any other squad lieutenant,

- you wouldn't have done that.
- That is not true.

- Stella.
- You...

Stella, I'm done talking about it.


And that, my friends, is why
you never bet against a Cruz.

I still think you were cheating.

Yeah, there's no such thing
as a reverse float.

- Everybody up, we're drilling.

We just got back from a call,
and I haven't finished

taking all your money yet.

North apron, dummy drags.

Let's go, now.

Ah. Hey, Chief.

Got that list of relief
officers for next shift.

Just wanna get your preferences
before making the call.

Okay, great.

I'll look it... I'll look it over.


Everything okay?

Cindy's surgery is...


It's cancer.



Just saying it out loud
makes it too real.

I haven't... I haven't
mentioned it to anybody yet.

What did the doctors say?

Uh, that...


They won't know how serious it is

until after the procedure.

Look, if there is anything
you and Cindy need...

I'm here for you, brother.

I know.

Thanks, Chief.

Um, I'll look this over now.


- Ooh, TikTok girl hit me up.

Her name's Kayla.

And she wants to meet up tonight.

Oh, that's great. What's the plan?

I'm thinking something fun, casual.

What about that indoor mini golf course?


Or you could do
trivia night at Walter's.

I suck at trivia.

And first dates are all
about showing off.

Are they?

Ooh, there's that bar in
Streeterville that does ax throwing.

I would rock that.

Drinking and throwing sharp
tools, what could go wrong?

You know, you need to open your mind.

I wish I could have
that attitude about dating.

What do you mean?

Mm, just everything fun and casual.

Is it not that with Dylan?

Well, after his magic act, he texted me

and invited me to dinner tonight.

That's nice, right?

It's just, we were taking
things slow for a while,

but now it feels like
he wants to speed things up.

Well, just come clean with him.

Tell him you're not looking
for anything serious,

and that way,
there's no misunderstandings.

I'm on at Molly's tonight.

I'm gonna head straight to the bar,

so I'll be home late.

I'm gonna stay in. I have paperwork.

Good thing we brought both cars.

Trouble in paradise?

Looks like it.

Mom, Skyler doesn't wanna come over,

and I swear it's
because Max talks to her

every time she's here.

That is such a lie.

I have a girlfriend.

Yeah, we know.

It's all you ever talk about.

What's this?

Thai food.

Max, don't put your hands all over it.

No offense, but this looks disgusting.

Hey, knock it off.

Help your mom with the bowls.

Why do they call it Thai food?

Can I make mac and cheese?

No, you're eating this.

Lee Henry, Luke!

Everybody get in here.

Sit down.


Sit down.

All right.

We got some stuff to talk about.

Um, you know, your mom is going in

for a procedure tomorrow
at the hospital.

And we didn't wanna tell you what for

because we did not want you to worry.

But we wanted you to know why
I'm a little extra stressed.

I have a tumor in my lung.

And the doctors need to remove it

to keep it from spreading
to other parts of my body.

Tumor? Like cancer?


It is cancer.

But hopefully,
they've caught it early enough,

and it's nothing serious.

What if they didn't?

Jake Logan's dad got pancreatic cancer,

and a month later...


Mom's gonna be okay.

All right?

Us Herrmanns, we're tough.


We always pull through, right?




Hey, I'm going to be okay, sweet boy.

Just like Dad said.

I promise.


- [GROANS] Here you go, Capp.
- Thanks.

Oh, man, those drills
did a number on my legs.

My arms are k*lling me too.

Severide really put you guys
through the wringer.

He was in a mood.

Yeah, because of that call last shift.

The one where my lieutenant had a plan

for saving the victim without
blowing us all to pieces?

Severide knew what he was doing.

We made the save scratch free,
and in record time.


Not sure what the point
of setting a record is

if no one's alive to see it.

Uh, I think in this case,
the victim would disagree.

Victim or nut job?
Kidd made the right call.

They'll tell him what he was capable of.

Doesn't matter, Carver.

It was a Squad scene.

Uh, what's going on with them?

Oh, every years or so,

Squad and Truck have it out
with each other.

It's the natural order of things,

like a pride of lions vying to be king.

How does it end?

Well, last time,

Casey cooked us corned beef.

Like I said, he was right.

Yeah, but he couldn't know for sure.

That's the point.

Hey, knock it off!

All right?

This is between lieutenants.


The rest of you, just stay out of it.

So did I tell you that
the guy who lent me the rabbit

is moving away?

One trick I had down cold.

Oh, no.

[LAUGHS] What are you gonna do?

You're laughing at my tragedy.

Oh, no, it's a crisis.

I get it.

Thing is,

I have a neighbor who has chickens
in his backyard.

Oh, so you're gonna pull
a chicken out of the hat.

When you say it like that,
it sounds ridiculous.


No rush.

I'll take this when you're ready.

Hmm, hold on.

- Let's split it.
- No way.

I owe you one for your help
at the hospital yesterday.

No, no, you don't.

But thank you.


I really like hanging out with you.


No, no, it's... it's not uh-oh.

Um, you're a lot of fun
and a really great guy.

But the thing is, I'm...

right now, I'm not looking
for anything super serious.

If it's okay, I'd like
to keep things casual.


Yeah, sure.

Phew, I thought you were
breaking up with me.

Oh, no. No.

We're casual, just having fun.


I'm cool with that.


Great, cool.

You know, a firefighter actually

has a lot of tools at his disposal,

not just axes and fire hoses.

There's the jaws, there's the chainsaw,

the pry bars, Halligans,
ropes, and the ladders.

And that's just on the truck.

- Amazing.
- Yeah, I guess.

I don't think a lot about it,
but that's the point.

Everything's a*t*matic
when you're on call.


I've had some practice
with the real thing.

I am so glad that you DM'd me.

I put it out into the universe,
and the universe answered.

Totally. Another pilsner?

- Yes, please.
- Give me two more.

Uh, before we get any further, though,

I have an important question to ask you.


Cubs or a Sox fan?


Cubs all the way.

Oh, that is such a relief.

My dad works in the front office,

so he would absolutely k*ll me
if I dated a Sox fan.

- Your dad works for the Cubs?
- Yeah.

Oh, I almost forgot.

You left this at the scene of the fire.


I'm so glad I get to return
it to its rightful owner.

Right, my glove. [CHUCKLES]


You're home early.

Yeah, it was a pretty slow night.

Game's on.
Second period's about to start.

I cannot stop thinking
about what you said

last shift at the firehouse.

- Oh, come on, look.
- Let me finish.

You were right.

I acted the way that I did on the call

because you are my husband.

You are not any other
lieutenant or firefighter,

and only you know what I went
through at that RPG incident

and how it affected me.

And that still didn't seem to matter.

So I can't compartmentalize like you do.

I can't act like a robot
and turn off my emotions

and treat you like you were anyone else

because you are not anyone else to me.

And if that is a problem,

then maybe we shouldn't work together.

Maybe we should put in
for different shifts.



Once we get in there,
check out the margins,

see what we're dealing with,

we'll be able to tell
what kind of cancer we have

and if it has spread.

Then we'll do our best to remove it.

How long is it gonna take?

Well, we really won't know
until we get a good look.

It could be several hours.

They're ready for you
in the OR, Dr. Elliman.

Thank you.

- Shall we?
- Yeah.

Hey. I'll help pull my girl.

Don't forget, Annabelle has
her piano lesson tomorrow,

and the kids will need money for lunch.

I know, I got Lee Henry
on it, all right?

Everything in the house
is taken care of.

I promise you.

I will be waiting right here
the whole time.

Try not to worry too much.

Me? No, never.



The glove was Mizgorski's
from first shift.

He probably responded to one
of the fires at Kayla's store.

Why does this place have so many calls?

They were having electrical issues.

They figured it out now.

Well, no harm, no foul.
Mizgorski's married,

and you and Kayla have a connection.
That's what counts.

- Yes, that's what I thought.
- Yeah.

I don't know, after everything

that went down between
Herrmann's niece and you,

do you really wanna start
another relationship with a lie?

I mean, more of a funny
misunderstanding, right?

You should come clean.

I took Violet's advice and laid it out

honestly for Dylan last night.

It actually went really well.

Okay, I'll tell her.

Don't overthink it.
Just give her the truth.

Hey, I have an idea
I wanted to run by you.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, come on.

Say what you will about
summers in San Francisco,

but the coldest winter I ever spent

was right here in Chicago, .

I wasn't even born yet.

Temperatures dropped to below.

At that degree, it's not
the cold that kills you.

It's the wind.

Hey, I'm using that.


We're almost done topping off our truck.

- Can't you wait?
- Sure.

- Once Truck gets its pike poles

off of our side of the ap floor.

We have sides of the ap floor now?

Come on, come on, it's too
early to get into that again.

Hey, hey, look, no one is
getting into anything, okay?

It's just a little respect for the space

would be appreciated.

We're just trying to work here.

And we're not?

Oh, has always been
the most raggedy rig.

Trust me, I know. I used to drive it.



Get back to work.

Morning briefing is in minutes.

Get your attitudes in order.

Kylie, please find
Lieutenants Kidd and Severide,

have them report
to my office immediately.

On it, Chief.

It doesn't give me great pleasure

to have the two of you
in front of me right now.

I have looked the other way
as you have worked together

while carrying on a relationship

in the same firehouse.

I'm afraid that whatever's
going on between you

in your home life has now spilled over

into my firehouse.

Your units,

they're at each other's throats.

You need to fix it.

I can't and I won't let issues
from outside of

jeopardize the successful
operation of the team

that's inside of it.

So figure it out!

Make it right by the end of shift.

Yes, Chief.

Yes, Chief.

We have to talk this out.

You're right. Let me start.

I'm not a robot.

I shouldn't have said that.

Stella, if I drop my guard
and let myself worry

every time you're
in harm's way, I'd fall apart.

If you'd seen me at the RPG scene,

you'd know I can unravel
when it comes to you.

That's never happened to me before.



And if I let my emotions
get the best of me

when we're on a call together,

I'm no good to anybody.


Same shift or not,

the reality is, we are married.

So we are always gonna take
a little bit of work home

with us and a little bit
of home to work.

We just have to be better
about keeping it between us.


Truck , Squad ,

Ambo , person injured, West...

, that's the marina.
That's Bob and Cheryl's place.



Lieutenant, what is this? Boat storage?

Yeah, Severide knows the owners.

He's done a lot of work
for them over the years.

Tony, it's right here.


Let's go! Let's go!

- All right, Gallo, with me.
- Copy.

- Bob, where are you?
- Over here!

Help! Kelly, hurry!

- It's Cheryl!
- Easy, easy. Easy.

Easy. Stay still.

Hey, Cheryl.

Cheryl, hey.

Hey. Hey, Cheryl.

Hey, Cheryl. It's Kelly.

Look at me. Can you breathe?

It's my fault.

There was a noise like a creaking.

I told her to check it out.

- And the jack, it just gave way.
- It's all right, Bob.

Hey, Bob, we're here. We got her.

We're gonna get her. Come on.

- Hey, Cheryl.
- Come on.

Cheryl, let's get you out.


I got it. All right.

This is a tricky one.

The shape of it,
overhead anchor would be best,

but I don't wanna put
too much stress on the trusses.

What if we use air bags and cribbing?

So we lift, we wedge on the right side,

see-saw it up until we can pull her out.

Yeah, I like it.

But she's leaning too far
on the port side.

- We need to stabilize it.
- Okay.

Hey, Cruz, can you secure
an anchor point

- on the stern side?
- I'll take care of the bow.

Capp, Tony, bring in
two rope bags, stat.

Mouch, Carver, I need
air bags and cribbing.

Tony, you're with Cruz.

Secure an anchor point.
Capp, you're with me.

Help me secure an anchor point here.

All right.

- All right. Cribbing.
- Grab a handful.


Throw the cribbings on either side.

Reel it up. All right.

Capp, Tony, we wanna
rope through the bite loop,

secure it, anchor it,
stabilize it as we lift.

- Make sure it doesn't shift.
- Copy.

- Yeah.

Mouch, I'm gonna have you on controller.

Gallo, Carver, you stay on the left side

for wedges and cribbing.

We're almost set here.

- Cruz, short this side?
- Yeah.

Cheryl, we got you.

Okay, set?

Up on blue.




Up on red.


Little more.

Hey, hold, hold.

Okay, up on blue.

- We're clear!
- All right, back board.


Give me that C-collar.

We're gonna put this
C-collar on you, okay?


One, two, three.


We got you.

Cheryl, I'm right here, honey.


And lift on three. One, two, three.

Are you okay?

Is she gonna be okay?

No visible contusions.

She has a crush injury.


Blood pressure's low.
Let's get her to Med.

You can ride with us.

Hey, you did good.

You got her out fast.

That was solid teamwork.

Nice work.

All right, guys.

Squad, Truck, let's gather up our stuff.

- Let's go.
- Great work, .

Let's move out. Nice work.

- Do I smell...
- Corned beef.

- Yup, Casey's recipe.
- Oh!

Ritter promised to keep
an eye on it while we were out.


To be honest, it was
his idea to make it.

Is there something I'm missing?

It's a gesture.

When Truck screws up, they apologize.

Capp! Nope.

It was a joke.

It is a meal to be shared by everybody.

That's all.

- Good one too.
- It's the best.

I gotta say, Gallo, it smells like

you nailed Casey's recipe.

Yeah, let's hope it tastes like it.

Passing up the rotation,
you know what I'm saying?

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Cheers.

Oh, of course. Eat, guys, eat.

I want you eating while it's hot.

Try some of them taters.

Now, you know I need extra, right?


Told you I'd be here for you
if you needed anything.

I figured

you'd want some company while you wait.


I appreciate it.

I don't know what kind
of company I'm gonna be.

I've been going out of my mind
the last three hours,

just the stress of it.

I... I guess I'm good when I'm
doing something, you know,

when there's a crisis, you know?

You are doing something.

You're here with your family.

I mean, just think about
all the times you have

been in this waiting room.

- Five baby deliveries.
- Yeah.

Countless close calls on the job.

And you

are always the last man
to leave your post.

I mean, hell, I'm surprised there isn't

a section in this area
with your damn name on it.



Annabelle's, you know, her delivery,

Cindy was in labor for hours.

I survived on nothing but

vending machine Sno Balls and Sanka.


I don't know.

But, man. Thank you.

Is there a job for giving out
amazing dating advice?

Because I'm good at it.

I can make a fortune.

It does seem like you've
outdone yourself this time.

It's so cool to hang out
at a firefighter bar.

I've never dated
a real-life hero before.

Yeah, about that, um,

I wanna be truthful with you

because I recently got out of a thing

with my lieutenant's niece,
which, initially,

I didn't know she was his niece, but...

Neon Trees is in town
in a couple of weeks.

You wanna go?


No pressure.

Sylvie, I wasn't honest with you

the other night when I said I was fine

with just casual dating.

- Oh.
- Uh-oh.

And it made things
really weird for me at work

because Herrmann's
basically one of my bosses,

and he needs to trust me.

So I want you to know that even
though we really hit it off

and the actual firefighter
that saved you was married,

um, that I'm not the owner of the glove

you found on the scene.

You slept with your lieutenant's niece?


Problem is...

I really like you.

And I was hoping that
this was going somewhere.

No, no, no, no.

- Why is he...
- No. [GROANS]

She's going too.

Why is she going?

What just happened?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- No, please stay.
- Ugh.

Oh, that was a disaster, Violet.

So that went straight to hell.

I just blew a lifetime
of free Cubs tickets.

Everything was going fine.

Why did I have to make
a big deal about casual?

Cubs tickets for life.

Oh, I love you, but you didn't...





Remember how I said we'd always bring

a little bit of work home?

Well, tonight, it's this.

Your lucky coat.

Hey, this is him.

How... how'd it go?
Is everything... everything okay?

Cindy's doing well.

It'll be a little while before
she's out of the sedation.

Then you can see her.

Thank God.

Why don't you walk with me?
We can talk more.



Unfortunately, we weren't
able to get the margins clean.

What do you mean?
But you said Cindy's good.

She made it through the surgery well,

but we weren't able
to get all the cancer out.

We removed what we could,
but we found some

in the lymph nodes, too,

which means we have a fight ahead of us.

Next step, chemotherapy and radiation.

But, um, we promised our kids.

Hey, we got a great team here.

And we're gonna do everything we can

to help Cindy in this fight.

Let's stay hopeful, okay?