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04x17 - Bound

Posted: 01/19/23 12:32
by bunniefuu
ARCHER: Captain's starlog,
December 27th, 2154.

We're on course
for the Berengarius system,

a potential site for the first in a series
of proposed starbases.

A Vulcan science vessel surveyed
the seventh planet over 50 years ago.

The file states it's an M-Class world
with a flourishing ecosystem,

no intelligent life.

Sounds promising.

They did report one distinctive feature
which bears mentioning.

- And that is?
- A species of flying reptile.

Some reportedly over 200 meters long.

They're also said to breathe fire.

There's been lingering questions
over the accuracy of this report.

Can't wait to find out.


There's a ship.

It's on an intercept course.

I don't recognize the configuration.

Let's see it.

- Doesn't look very friendly.
- Tactical alert.

Let's see what they want, Hoshi.

They're responding.

- Captain Archer.
- And you are?


your w*apon systems immediately,

or I'll be forced to open fire.

You're still targeting my ship.

And you're targeting mine.

It seems we're at an impasse.

Not for long.

Instead of sitting here
pointing g*ns at each other,

why don't we deactivate
our weapons together?

Very well.

Now, what can we do for you?

I have a proposal to make.

I'm listening.

I prefer to discuss business in person.

You're invited aboard my ship.

We've dealt with your people before.

The experience wasn't one
I care to repeat.

If you can give me some idea
what this is about...

What I have to say
could smooth relations

between your Starfleet
and the Orion Syndicate.

My hospitality is renowned, captain.

I don't offer it to everyone.

And once I've been refused,

I never offer it again.

The last Orions we ran into

almost turned nine of our crew members
into slaves.

Let's at least ask him to come here.

I have a feeling he'd see it as an insult.

I can live with that.

Any chance to improve relations
with the Syndicate,

I'm willing to take that risk.

Anything to have one less
hostile species out there.

Seven of the transfer conduits
are back on-line.

Eighth is still giving us some trouble.

- Did you run a phase diagnostic?
- It came back negative.

Better work up a bypass.

Already underway.



We have a problem?

I'm not sure what you mean, sir.

Look, the captain asked me
to stick around.

As soon as the repairs are done,
I'm back on Columbia.

And it's no reflection on me

that the captain wants you
to oversee the work?

That's right.

I was his chief engineer for four years.

Well, it doesn't look
like he's ready to let you go.

I'd better get on it.

He thinks he's gonna lose his promotion.

Is there anything I can do to help?

- With Kelby?
- With the engine.

I could use a second pair of eyes
on the field matrix.

The pattern's bothering me
and I can't figure out why.

- I'll take a look at it.
- Thanks.

Commander, have you been experiencing
any unusual daydreams?

- Daydreams?
- Accompanied by intense auditory

and visual sensations.
They would involve me.

You're wondering
if I've been daydreaming about you?


Well, let me think.

- No, nothing comes to mind.
- Forget I mentioned it.

Have you been daydreaming
about me?

It's not important.

Are you going to tell me
what this is about?


I am a privateer.

My allegiance is to myself alone.

I earn my living
in various ways, buying, selling.

- Plundering?
- When the situation calls for it.

Piracy is a risky business.
I prefer commerce.

This is from a planet
in the Gorn Hegemony.

- The Gorn?
- The less said about them, the better.

However, they brew the finest of Meridor
in the five systems.

- Delicious.
- Oh, I'm pleased.

You have acquired something of
a reputation, captain.

Favorable, I hope.

Well, you're wanted in the Klingon Empire
and the Orion Syndicate.

I don't know,
I would have imagined such a man

would have a more robust appetite.

With all those people after me,
I need to stay quick on my feet.

Ha, ha. Yes.

You said you had something important
to discuss with us.

It's poor custom to discuss business
before the entertainment.

If the food didn't arouse your hunger,

this should.

What do you think?

I can't think.


I'd have to agree with my tactical officer.

I think she likes you.

Her name is Navaar.
She's the most experienced of the three.

They're sisters.

I purchased them
at a trading post you once visited.

Incredible, aren't they?

They can make you forget
most of your troubles.

Of course, creatures such as these
come with troubles of their own.


But women are the same
throughout the galaxy, aren't they?


Now we can talk business.

He claims he's discovered a planet
with large deposits of magnesite.

Enough to build
a thousand warp reactors.

And that's just
what his scanners could detect.

He's offering to give us the coordinates.

Why would he divulge his information?

He doesn't have the infrastructure
to get the magnesite out of the ground.

So he wants Starfleet
to construct mining facilities.

And he'll get a 10 percent share.

He's also promised
to help establish a dialogue

between Starfleet
and the Orion Syndicate.

- Are you going to accept his offer?
- I already have.

I thought you were here
seeking my advice.

Harrad-Sar insisted that I accept a gift,
to celebrate the transaction.

Given the situation,
I, uh, couldn't refuse.

Uh, we're on D-deck now,

where most of the crew quarters
are located.

Where does Captain Archer stay?

On E.
That's, uh, one deck below us.

- How many levels are there?
- Um...

A total Seven decks.

We've arranged these for you.

Do you need something to do?

Uh, the other two rooms
are right next door.

I'll show you in a moment.

Captain Archer has a very large ship.

It's roomy.

But everything's so functional.

There's no color.

I hadn't really thought about it,
to tell you the truth.

At least it's private.

What's your name?

Uh, Lieutenant Reed. Malcolm.

Pleased to meet you,
Lieutenant Reed Malcolm.

Malcolm's fine.

Well, um, someone will be by shortly
to show you how everything works.

In the meantime,
just try to make yourself at home.


This way, ladies.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

Harrad-Sar has turned over
the coordinates

of the planet he described.

We're en route to verify his claims.

I've been hearing some concerns
from the crew.

- Concerns?
- The Orion women.

- Their presence is becoming disruptive.
- You're telling me.

The crew isn't used
to having Orions on board.

It's more than that.

Our guests visited
the mess hall this morning.

As a result, 12 crewmen reported late
for their shifts.

- I get the picture.
- It's primarily their attire.

Or lack of it.

I'll see about assigning them clothes.

It might also be a good idea
if you had a word with them.

They're still under the impression
they belong to you.

Unless a new policy has been instated,

I believe Starfleet
doesn't condone sl*very.


- I'll speak to them first chance I get.
- Thank you.



Have you seen them yet?

I ran into one of them in the corridor.

They're really... Heh.

Yeah, I know.

I know.


What are you trying to do?

Get them out of my head.

The pain helps.

You should try it.

Yeah, okay.

When I was on my parents' ship,
we picked up some Deltans once.

Their ship was having engine trouble.

I don't know that species.

The females are unbelievably attractive.

Very open about...


I was 15.

I couldn't think straight.

I could barely breathe.

Only thing that got me through it
was weight training with my dad.

He said if I was exhausted,
idle hands and all that.

Well, did it help?

Helped my biceps.

I'd go heavier.

I'm sorry. Just a second.

- What are you doing here?
- I wanted to thank you.

You were very kind this morning,
helping me find the mess hall.

Oh, it was no problem. Look, I, uh...

Wow. Is that the engine?

It's the warp reactor.

You can feel the power.

You promised you'd show me

KELBY: I know. Uh--
- Harrad-Sar never let us leave our rooms.

I've never seen anything like this place.

I could show you around.

If it won't get you into trouble.

Come on.

What have you got for a headache?

That depends on what's causing it.

How long have you been
experiencing this?

A few hours. What is it?

Ensign Keely was here with a headache
several minutes ago.

Is she all right?

Oh, perfectly.

Just as you are.

It's probably just stress.

Plenty of that going around.

Or it could be our new passengers.

The Orion females?
Why should they give you a headache?

I'm just not used to seeing guys
trip over themselves like that.

Oh, just a little healthy sexual energy,
helps keep the blood pumping.

If you ask me,
it's pumping a little too hard.

- I'm surprised at you, ensign.
- Why?

You never struck me
as being prone to jealousy.

This should do very nicely.


It's all right.

Well, I must be nearing a sleep cycle.

I thought you just had one.

You're right, I did.

A week ago.

Yeah, it's a good bet
the problem's right there.

Take it apart.


The injectors feed
into the dilithium chamber.

That's where the matter
and antimatter mix.

That's right.

The crystals let you control the reaction.

That's right.

Lieutenant, talk to you a second?



- What's going on?
- Sir?

You're supposed to be recalibrating
the EPS taps, not giving a tour.

She's only been here
a couple of minutes.

She doesn't have clearance.
You should have checked with me first.

Well, I guess I can't do anything right.

Just ask her to leave.

No, sir.

I'm not through talking to her.

- That was an order.
- And I'm refusing.

What's the matter with you?

You've been on my case
since the second you got back.

That's what the hell's the matter with me.
And I'm telling you, it stops here.

- Kelby, you're walking a fine line.
- So are you, commander.

- You're confined to quarters.
- And what if I don't want to go?

It's either your quarters or the brig.

Get out of here now.


Come in.


I was wondering
when you were going to come see me.

After all,
I've been your property for two days.


you and your sisters don't belong to me

or anyone else.

I don't understand.

On my world, sl*very's been illegal
for hundreds of years.

Are you saying that you don't want us?

I'm saying that you're here as our guests,
not our property.

I've been a sl*ve my entire life

on different worlds for different owners.

What's going to happen to me?

You're free to start a new life.

In the meantime,
I've asked my protocol officer,

Hoshi Sato,
to brief you on ship's operations.

There are certain areas
that are reserved for Starfleet personnel.

I know what happened in Engineering.

I've already spoken to D'Nesh. I'm sorry.

There's no reason to apologize.

It's a big adjustment for the three of you.

May I ask you something?

Do you find me attractive?

I'd be lying if I said no.

I've known so few honest men

and even though you don't wish to own me
I still wish to please you.

If I choose to do this,

would that violate your ship's protocol?

Not necessarily.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Archer here.

We're coming up on the planet.

I'll be right there.

I recommend we go to tactical alert, sir.

We can't be certain
this isn't some kind of a trap.

- Go ahead.
- We're already picking up

large deposits of magnesite.

- Harrad-Sar was telling the truth.
T'POL: It would seem so.

Keep scanning.

I want to know how much is down there.

Are you feeling all right?

I'm fine.


A power reading.

Not on the surface,
in the upper atmosphere.

- A ship?
- Uncertain.

Try hailing them.

The cloud layer is highly ionized.

It's obscuring our scanners.

Get us closer, within 10 kilometers.

They're not responding.

There it is.

It's an unknown configuration.

They're locking weapons.

Extremely low yield,
barely scratched us.

It's equipped with numerous sensors,
most likely a science vessel.

Its presence here could
simply be a coincidence.

They're firing again.


No damage.

They could sh**t at us all day.

- Phase-cannons.
- Sir?

A phase-cannon hit will destroy them.

Which means they won't be sh**ting
at us anymore.

If we simply withdraw, they'll most likely
cease their attack and move on.

And maybe they won't.

Target them.



Lock phase-cannons.


Sir, they're moving off.

I have just as much experience.

I'm smarter, younger.

You're better than him.

We're the only ones who think that.

Tucker's going to take back
his position?

He denies it,
but I know he's planning on staying.

That doesn't seem fair.

It isn't.

Let's not talk about it anymore.

- What?
- I'm used to being with men

who take what they want.

- What are you talking about?
- You can't let him treat you like this.

He's my superior officer.


Where are you going?

- I thought you were different.
- Stay.

Wait, don't leave.

What would you do to keep me forever?


What would you do?


Anything you want.




What the hell are you doing?

Blow the dampeners!


He blew out every junction
in the EPS system.

If we hadn't gotten to him,
we might not have a ship.

- When can we get underway?
- I'm not sure we can get underway.

He did a pretty thorough job.

- Kelby.
- I didn't do anything.

- Tell me what happened.
- Whatever he told you, it's a lie!

Three other people saw you.

- Tell me why you did this.
- He's trying to get rid of me.

- Don't listen to him!
- Kelby.

Captain, his adrenaline levels
are dangerously high.

- I need to administer a sedative.
- Didn't have anything to do with this.

- Not until I get some answers.
- In his state,

- he can't give you coherent answers.
- I just want to go back to Engineering.

- All right.
- I just want to go back to Engineering!

Be quiet!

What's wrong with him?

It's the same thing
that's affecting everyone on this ship.

It's a highly potent pheromone.

When exposed to human males,
it accelerates the metabolism,

causing aggression,
and ultimately, a form of delusion.

The Orions?

Women have also been affected.

I've received a number of complaints
about headaches and listlessness.

I suspect the pheromone acts as a
defense mechanism against competition.


You okay?

Mm. It's impacted my sleep cycle.

I'm having to rely on stimulants
to stay awake.

Doesn't seem to be affecting you.

I've scanned a good number of the crew.

The only people
who haven't been affected

are T'Pol and Commander Tucker.

- Why me?
- I would have to run some more tests.

But for the rest of us,
the effect seems to be cumulative.

The longer we're exposed,
the more pronounced the results are.

So this is what you meant when you said
we were free to start new lives?

We found this in your quarters.

Seems we have no privacy either.

It's a communication device.

You've been in contact with Harrad-Sar
as recently as two hours ago.

And if I have?

You were sent here to disable my ship.

That was his plan from the start,
wasn't it?

Harrad-Sar contacted me
to see if we'd been treated well.

Doctor Phlox believes that prolonged
exposure to your pheromones

makes men delusional

and extremely vulnerable to suggestion.

That's how you convinced Kelby
to sabotage our engines.

Your crewman acted alone.

I had nothing to do with it.

It seems the only delusion here
is your own.

Damn it!
It's time to start telling me the truth!

I'm worried about you, captain.

You don't seem well.

I'm not the one
you should be worried about.

I can see you're not very experienced
at making threats.

I'm a lot better at carrying them out.

We were a gift, nothing more.

A true commander would know
how to appreciate such a gesture.

Tell me,

when's he going to attack us?

No one is coming to attack your ship.

Please, release us.


I'm obviously not the only woman
with power over you.

Get down to Engineering.
Do what you can to help Trip.

It's better if I stay on the Bridge.

- I don't need you to look after me.
- You're not immune to pheromones.

- Your judgment is impaired.
- I can handle it.

We need to get the engines
back on-line.

I don't want to be a sitting duck
when Harrad-Sar gets here.

You have your orders.

The captain asked me
to offer my assistance.

You can run through these diagnostics.

See if you can find anything
that isn't fried.

- Do you think they're coming after us?
- It's likely.

The transmissions sent
by the Orion females

suggest that Harrad-Sar's ship
is getting closer.


I keep thinking back to our
first mission, when we met the Suliban.

I was so damn naive.

I thought it was the last time
we'd have to fight someone.

- I said leave it alone!
- Get your hands off me!

Knock it off! That's an order!

Start up again, you'll both end up
in the brig, understand?

Now, go help Masaro with the injectors.


Get back to work.

That's the third one in the last hour.

There have been altercations
throughout the ship.

The captain's been affected.
I'm concerned about him.

The thing I can't figure out
is why I'm immune.

That might have something
to do with me.

- You?
- There's a long-held belief

that when a Vulcan mates,
there's a shared psychic bond.

We didn't mate.


Okay, what do you mean
by psychic bond?

It's difficult to explain.

Feelings, thoughts,
even images can be shared.

- Those daydreams.
- What?

When I said before that I wasn't having
any daydreams about you,

it wasn't actually true.

So if we're bonded,

what does this have to do with me
not being affected by the Orions?

I'm immune to the pheromones
because of my Vulcan physiology.

And you're making me immune?


Oh. I don't know whether
to be relieved, or...

really worried.


Tactical alert.


Four hundred kilometers.

- He's hailing us.
ARCHER: Put him up.

Can I be of help, captain?
Do you need a tow?

We still have weapons.

You're not going to get this ship
without one hell of a fight.

I'd rather I didn't have to k*ll you,
but if that's what it takes.

The Syndicate wants your head,

And they don't really care whether or not
it's attached to your body.

- He's trying to knock out our weapons!
- Then take out his.

Forward phase-cannons are down.

Protect our aft cannons.

He's moving too fast.

Archer to Engineering.

- Trip!
- Can we get more power to the thrusters?

I'll see what I can do!

We just lost aft cannons.

Try to divert some of the power
from the grav plating.

We're gonna be a little lighter
on our feet!

What the hell,
been meaning to lose a few pounds.

Reducing gravity plating to 90 percent.

Thrusters are back to full.

Hard to starboard.

- We're still too slow!
- Torpedoes!

That last hit just took them out.

He's powering down his weapons.

He's coming about.

Thrusters, full astern.

It's not enough!


He's hailing.

Relax, captain. Enjoy the ride.

We're not going anywhere.

I'm afraid you have an appointment
with a pair of Orion marauders.

I don't intend to keep them waiting.

Release my ship.

I can see you're upset,
and I sympathize,

but it's truly out of my hands.

We're both slaves to the situation.

They control you?

You finally realized that.

Yes, captain, you've been operating
under a misconception.

It is the men who are the slaves,
not the women.

You seeing what I'm seeing?

His grappler is directly above
our main deflector beam.

Get up to the Bridge.
I'll be right behind you.

The deflector?

We can use it to send a positron burst
through the towing cable.

If we're lucky,
it'll trigger an energy cascade.

And disable his power systems. Do it.

T'Pol to Engineering.

I've almost got it.

You'll have to reroute
the main EPS conduit.



- Captain.
- Decon chamber, come in.

- There's no one there.
- What did you do to my men?

We asked them to leave
after they released us.

They were very accommodating.

Get off my Bridge.

Is that what you really want?

Because if it is,
I'll gladly do as you say.

I only want to make you happy.

I didn't think you wanted me to go.

- Captain.
- She's jealous.

She'll try anything to keep us apart,
she'll even destroy your ship.

Her presence is affecting
your judgment.

- Arrest her.
- Don't listen!

- Do it.
- Captain!

- Lieutenant Reed.
- Yes?

Take T'Pol to the Brig.

You heard your captain.

Aye, sir.

Stop him.

We're ready.

His engines are down, weapons as well.
It worked.

Commander Tucker,

I'm impressed.

I'm beginning to see
who's the true master of this vessel.

Oh, save it.

Captain Archer runs this ship.
You're sweet-talking the wrong guy.

Let's go.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

The Orion women have been returned
to Harrad-Sar,

who's headed home,
at very low impulse.

- Okay. Unh.
TRIP: Whoa.

The dizziness should fade
in a couple of hours.

Glad to hear that.

At least the pheromones are wearing off.

I haven't thought about the Orions
for what, a whole 10 minutes.

The entire crew's been bumping
into walls,

like someone spiked the water supply.

The aftereffects will be around
for at least a few days.

- Well done.
- Thank you, captain.

You'll be glad to know my log won't
mention your firing on a fellow officer.

I appreciate that.

A court martial would hardly be
a fitting ending to this incident.

At least we've learned something
about the Orions.

Yeah, the women are in charge.

It proves that even the most disagreeable
species have some positive attributes.

Was that my imagination?

I don't think so.

It almost sounded
like you were making a joke.

- At least trying to make one.
- I assure you, if I ever decide

to make a joke, you'll know about it.

There it is again.

T'Pol, if I didn't know better,

I'd think you were picking up some
of Trip's bad habits.


I guess we proved it again.

Proved what?

That you and I make a hell of a team.

We do seem to work well together.

Even more,
now that we're in each other's heads.

You're returning to Columbia?

I imagine Captain Hernandez
is getting pretty antsy

to have her chief engineer back.

There are still numerous repairs
to be carried out here.

I think Kelby can handle them.

He'd been observing
my work pretty carefully.

When he wasn't trying
to blow up the ship.

Kelby is a fine engineer,
but he lacks experience.

Why don't you just say it?

Say what?

That you want me to come back.

I believe I did.

I think your presence here

would be extremely beneficial
to our operations.


That you want me back.

I don't know what you mean.

My mistake.

See you around.

Wait. Trip.

I want you to come back.

Then I'll think about it.


Three days ago,

I told Captain Hernandez
I wanted a transfer back to Enterprise.

Three days ago.

I realized this is where
I was meant to be,

and that, uh, this thing between us...

isn't that big of a deal.


Guess we got a lot of work to do.