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04x15 - Affliction

Posted: 01/19/23 12:27
by bunniefuu




ARCHER: Captain's starlog,
November 27th, 2154.

We've returned home for the official
launch of our sister ship, Columbia.

On a personal note,

I'll also be saying goodbye
to one hell of a chief engineer.



She's a thing of beauty.

Columbia's virtually identical
to Enterprise.

Well, a good engineer
can see the differences.

You coming to the mess hall later?
My going-away party?

I don't understand the logic
behind this transfer.

- You're not being promoted.
- I'm doing this to advance my career?

You wouldn't leave Archer
without sufficient reason.

Well, for one thing,
this is a new challenge.

It took me a year
to fine tune Enterprise,

I can do the same for Captain Hernandez
in half the time.

She needs a chief engineer
who's been out there...

...has the experience.

Are you leaving because of me?

Look, Starfleet's approved the transfer.

You didn't answer my question.

This may come as a shock,

but not everything in my life
revolves around you.

- I'm glad we got here early.
- There never used to be a wait to get in.

You didn't think Madame Chang's
was gonna be your little secret forever?

- There are a lot of Starfleet people here.
- That's probably my fault.

- I told a few friends about the place.
- A few?

I'm a com officer.

If there's one thing I know how to do,
it's disseminate information.

You didn't tell me how your meeting
went at the I.M.E.

They asked if I was interested in
becoming Director of Xenobiology.

That's great. Are you gonna accept?

I'm considering it.
I've grown rather fond of my shipmates.

I'm not ready to leave them just yet.
What would you suggest?

I'm the wrong person to ask.

I've got a vested interest
in keeping you around.

You, Denobulan, come with us.

- What do you want?
- Maybe you didn't hear me.





- I'm all right, sir.
- Who did this?

That's what I'm trying to determine.
Commander Collins, Starfleet Security.

Jonathan Archer. This is Lt. Reed.

There were three men.
They were in the shadows.

- I didn't get a good look at them.
- One said something to the others?

Right before I passed out.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't English.

Do you remember what he said?

I'm sorry, sir.

The only DNA we've recovered belongs
to Ensign Sato and to your doctor.

We did find
some residual ionization traces here.

A transporter signature?

Very few people have access
to that kind of technology.

Still, it's a likely explanation.

Dr. Phlox was involved in an altercation
the last time he was in San Francisco.

You think this is related?

Assaults against aliens are still pretty rare.
If the man was holding a grudge--

He was a loudmouth in a bar.

I doubt he could find his head,
never mind organize a kidnapping.

We're pursuing all avenues.

Excuse me, captain, lieutenant.

Check with Starfleet Operations.

See if their satellites picked up
any transporter activity this evening.

The dilithium matrix has gotta be
aligned within 0.3 microns.

The specs say 0.5.

Who do you think wrote those specs?

- A warp field specialist?
- Exactly.

Some guy who's probably never been
outside the solar system.

I've spent the last three and a half years
crawling inside one of these engines.

I know what I'm talking about.

Aye, sir.

Biggs, Pierce, I want you to
recalibrate the field stabilizers.

Rivers and Strong,
start with the injector assembly.

This bucket of bolts was supposed
to leave dry dock six months ago.

I guarantee you,

Columbia's gonna warp out of orbit
before the end of the week.

Let's get to work.

Customary to report
to the captain after a transfer.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

I wanted to see what the situation was like
before we spoke.

Commander Charles Tucker,
reporting for duty.

Welcome aboard.

- Trip, is it?
- That's right.

So, what do you think?
Can she be salvaged?

I think there's a good chance.

Any news on Dr. Phlox?

Not so far.
If I hear anything, I'll let you know.

Certainly know
how to motivate the troops.

We'll be pulling triple shifts if
we wanna meet this new launch date.

You still need to eat.

Captain's mess, tomorrow, 18:00?

We can trade stories
about your former CO.

I'll be there.

Commander, drop by the quartermaster's
at the end of your shift.

- Ma'am?
- Might wanna... update your uniform.

Aye, captain.


Come in.

We've heard nothing from the kidnappers.
Not even a ransom demand.

I've spoken
with the Denobulan ambassador.

He's notified the doctor's wives.

Hoshi overheard one of the kidnappers
say something in another language,

but she was semi-conscious
at the time.

Maybe you could help her remember.

A mind meld?

I've never initiated a meld before.
I don't have the proper training.

I know it's dangerous,

- but I can walk you through it.
- You?

I had Surak's katra in my head
for four days.

I picked up a few tricks.

Computer, access satellite logs 137.

Time parameters 19:00 and 19:45 today.


Starfleet Operations, this is
Lt. Malcolm Reed aboard Enterprise.

Please acknowledge.

Burning the midnight oil, lieutenant?


I thought I was calling Starfleet Ops.

Let me guess.

You wanna know why the grid covering
San Francisco was down tonight.

Something like that.

Meet me at this address.

In one hour.

My mind to your mind.

Our minds are merging.

Our minds are one.

Nothing's happening.

T'Pol, try to relax
your emotional suppression just a little.

I feel what you feel.

I know what you know.

Can you hear me?

Yes, perfectly.

You and the doctor
have just left the restaurant.

- I'm glad we got here early.
- There never used to be a wait to get in.


They asked if I was interested in
becoming Director of Xenobiology.

T'POL: Where were you att*cked?
HOSHI: There.

PHLOX: The truth is, I've grown rather
fond of my shipmates...

Do you see them?

PHLOX: What would you suggest?
- Yes.

You, Denobulan, come with us.

- What do you want?
MAN: Maybe you didn't hear me.


Focus on the moment.

Put aside any pain.



"Bring him with us." It's Rigelian.

A Rigelian freighter left orbit
two hours after Phlox's abduction.

According to their flight plan,
they were headed for Proxima colony.

This trajectory won't take them
anywhere near Proxima colony.

- Ensign.

Put Admiral Gardner through
to my Ready Room.

Shore leaves are canceled.

Get everyone back onboard.

Am I to understand you are responsible
for taking that satellite grid off-line?

Not me personally.

But you're involved.

Phlox is my friend.

Do you know where he is?

We have an assignment for you.

I wasn't aware that I was still
a part of your section.

There's a job that needs doing,

It may be the only way
to save your friend's life.

Welcome to Qu'Vat colony, doctor.

You will work with Dr. Antaak.

I will do nothing of the kind.

Then you will die.

There are easier ways for you
to recruit a new lab assistant.

You misunderstand me, doctor.

Antaak will be assisting you.

It's good to see you again, doctor.

- I beg your pardon?
- I wouldn't expect you to remember,

but we met briefly five years ago
at the I.M.E. conference on Tiburon.

I don't recall meeting a Klingon
at that conference.

I was disguised
as a member of the Mazarite delegation.

My people weren't invited.

I will let you two get reacquainted.

I suggest you work quickly, doctor.

I expect a progress report by sunrise.

You must forgive the general's conduct.

The warrior caste has little use
for social protocols.

What do you want with me?

The empire is facing its greatest thr*at
since the Hur'q invasion.

A virus is spreading from planet to planet.
Millions are already infected.

If this continues,
the Klingon species will cease to exist.

Why didn't you simply ask for our help?

Starfleet and Denobula would have
provided the specialists you'd need.

You don't understand the Klingon way,

To ask for assistance would make us
look weak in the eyes of our enemies.

It could even incite rebellion.

Why me?

I was impressed by your lecture
at the conference.

Your paper on viral propagation
was very insightful.

What field of study are you in,

Metagenic research.

I've already isolated the virus.

I assume you'll want to start
by mapping the nucleotides?

It wasn't my idea to abduct you.

Nevertheless you are here.

Millions of lives are at risk.

- The freighter's warp trail has terminated.
- They may have dropped to impulse.

How long to intercept?

At our current speed, 8.2 hours.

Archer to Engineering.

Commander Kelby, respond.

Kelby here, sir.

We could use a little more speed.

The injectors are running
at 105 percent.

Tucker has pushed them
higher than that before.

I'll see what I can do, captain.

I don't know who's in charge
of your mess hall,

but he could give the chef
on Enterprise a run for his money.

I stole him from the Republic.

Captain Jennings said
I could have anything I wanted when I left,

so I took his cook.


I've gotten two transfer requests
from crewmen in your department.


It's probably better
if I didn't mention names.

I denied them,
you're already short-handed.

Quite an impression you've made,

You've been aboard less than two days,

already some of your team
wanna jump ship.

I've knocked a few heads together,
but we're getting the job done.

We'll be ready for warp trials
by Thursday.

I was surprised
you accepted this transfer.

I saw an interview with you
after the Xindi mission.

Said you couldn't see yourself
serving on any other starship.

You've got a good memory, captain.

It comes in handy.

I was getting a little too comfortable
on Enterprise.

Got a lot of friends over there, but...

...sometimes it's easier to work
with people who are just colleagues.

Why are you here?

I was about to ask you the same thing.

- Is this a daydream?
- I'm meditating.

This is where I go in my mind.

Well, I would've thought you'd
pick a more interesting place.

Like the beach, or one of those
Fire Plains you showed me.

Please leave.

Exactly where am I supposed to go?


- This is my daydream, you go away.
RIVERS: Excuse me, commander.

- Is everything all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

- The diagnostic you asked for.
- Thanks.

Bridge to T'Pol.

We're approaching the coordinates.

On my way.

No bio-signs.

I'm reading several bodies aboard.

Is one of them Denobulan?

They're all Rigelian.

Can you tell who did this?

No, sir.

I'll have to bring aboard
some of the debris and analyze it.

Scan for their data recorder.

It might tell us something.

Unless I'm mistaken, this virus
is a mutated form of the Levodian flu.

It's immune
to whatever anti-viral we've tried.

We should contact the I.M.E.
They may have seen this mutation before.

I'm certain they'll be willing to
share their database with us.

I know of a few indirect channels.

No one would have to know.

There's no reason to contact them.

We've acquired their entire database.

You stole it.

Medical research isn't a priority
for the High Council.

I am forced to obtain information
however I can.

That doesn't sound very honorable.

Given the choice between honor
and saving lives, I choose the latter.

Perhaps you should ask your superiors
to steal a genome sequencer.

We're not going to be able to map
the virus without the proper technology.

- This man's been infected.
- Very observant.

We're being exposed!

This patient is at stage one.

The virus doesn't become contagious
until stage three.

When I asked you to bring me a subject
for dissection, I assumed he'd be dead.

He won't be alive much longer.

- What do you think you're doing?
- Euthanizing him.

Out of the question.

I thought you were committed
to saving lives.

It is more honorable to give one's life
to medical research

than to die for no purpose.

That choice is not ours to make.


Computer, establish
an encrypted com-link.

Starfleet frequency seven-nine-baker.

- Lieutenant.
- You told me the Klingons

were going to rendezvous
with that freighter, not destroy it.

I regret what happened.

But they had to cover their tracks.

How many were onboard that ship?

That's not your concern.

Have you analyzed
the w*apon signatures yet?


You haven't told Archer?

I'm not certain how much longer
I can keep this from him.

Orion raiders have been known
to operate in this area.

You want me to lie again?

I could explain the situation
to the captain.

You have a peculiar sense of humor,

I've worked closely with the man.
You can trust him.

Archer is a Starfleet captain.

His duty would be to report everything
you tell him to Admiral Gardner.

They would launch an investigation.

I'm being compromised, sir,
and I don't like it.

Then I suggest you adjust
your comfort level, lieutenant.

You made a commitment to us
long before you joined the Enterprise.

Tactical alert. All hands to battle stations.

- What was that?
- I believe we're under att*ck.

Hull plating's holding.

Still no response.

Target their weapons.

We've been boarded,
D-deck, starboard side.

Access Tube 7.

Seal it off. Get the MACOs down there.



Disable that ship.
I don't want them getting away.



They've activated their transporter.

They're going to warp.

Pursuit course!

The helm's not responding.

Wake him up.


Why did you att*ck us?


"I have nothing to say to you, human."

- That sounds like--
- Klingon.

- There must be some kind of mistake.
- What is it?

According to his bio-signature,
he is Klingon.

He must have been surgically altered
to look human.

- Any theories?
- I need to run further tests.

Their boarding party
disabled our antimatter flow regulators.

Warp drive should be repaired
in six hours.

Give our new chief engineer a hand.

Tell him to dig a little deeper

to see if these Klingons
damaged any other systems.

The Rigelian freighter,
did you get anything out of the black box?

It's been erased.

It might have been a safeguard,
in case it fell into the wrong hands.

Work with Hoshi.
See if you can reconstruct any data.

There is something familiar
about these base-pair sequences.




Feeding time is over.

Go back.

Do you think it's wise
to keep wild animals in here?

There are dozens of creatures
in your Sickbay.

I don't let them roam free.

I could never keep Boshar locked up.

He was my first patient.

He tore his side open
when I was a child.

I stitched the wound myself.

I've seen these sequences before.

Six months ago, to be precise.
This is Augment DNA!

How did modified human genes
find their way into this virus?

Is that really such a surprise, doctor?

It only took two human Augments
to commandeer a bird-of-prey

and m*rder its entire crew.

The empire could not allow
an inferior species

to gain an advantage on us.

Imagine, every Starfleet vessel manned
with genetically-engineered humans.

Earth banned genetic engineering
decades ago.

The Augments who att*cked
you were relics of another era.

The Vulcans told that
to the High Council.

They weren't very persuasive.

We were simply responding to a thr*at.

You were trying
to create Klingon Augments.

Soong's experiments were k*lled.
Where did you get the genetic material?

Several embryos were found
in the wreckage of the bird-of-prey.

We used them to re-sequence a number
of test subjects.

There were some unanticipated
side effects.

Their cranial ridges started to dissolve.

Augment DNA was more aggressive
than you realized.

For a time,
it appeared we were quite successful.

Our Augments might have looked human,
but they were Klingon.

Stronger, more intelligent.

Then, their neural pathways
started to degrade, they d*ed in agony.

One of the test subjects
was suffering from the Levodian flu.

The Augment genes modified the virus.

It became airborne.

You should have told me this earlier!

If you hope to ever leave this place,

I suggest you stop asking questions
and resume work!

What do you think?

We may be able to reconstruct
the directory with a recursive algorithm.

Is it unusual to have weird dreams
after a mind meld?

Subconscious thoughts
are often exchanged.

They sometimes surface during sleep.

I had a bizarre dream last night.

Commander Tucker was in it.

We were in a strange place,
it was all white.

There was almost
a romantic quality to it.

I don't ever remember dreaming
about Commander Tucker before.

Most unusual.

The recorder was erased deliberately.

Malcolm said there might have been
a safeguard.

The memory core was wiped
by that microdyne coupler.

- You're sure?
- It left a unique magnetic signature.

We found it in storage locker C-14.

The last person to access that locker
was Lieutenant Reed.

I'm not quite sure
what you're getting at, sir.

Only someone
with security clearance Alpha-4 or higher

had access to the black box.

That's just T'Pol, you and me.

I agree. It is a bit of a mystery.

You're sure that freighter was destroyed
by Orion weapons?

There's no doubt.

I asked T'Pol to double-check
your analysis.

The freighter was fired on
by Klingon disruptors.

With all due respect, sir,
it must have been a mistake.

I've seen the sensor logs.

Someone could have
tampered with them.

I want to know what the hell is going on.

Answer me, lieutenant.

Respectfully, sir,
I refuse to answer any more questions.


I never would have believed that you,
of all people.


Lieutenant Reed's been relieved of duty.
Escort him to the Brig and confine him.

We've set course for Klingon territory.

We haven't picked up
any warp signatures yet.

I may have to take this ship
into their space.

I don't have to tell you
how dangerous that is.

If you know where they've taken Phlox...

I have no idea where the doctor is,

On that, you have my word.

Your word isn't worth a lot
at the moment.

The Malcolm Reed I know
would give his life

before committing treason.

I'm not working for the Klingons.

Who, then?

You've betrayed everything
that uniform stands for.


there are some obligations

that go beyond my loyalty to you
and this crew.

What the hell does that mean?

I can't say any more.

You haven't said much of anything.

You've told me a lot about your father.

His years in the Royal Navy,
their tradition of honor and service.

How do you think he'll react

when he learns
you're facing court-martial?

I wouldn't know, sir.

We're running out of time.

I can't sequence these nucleotides
any faster.

Perhaps you should have
abducted Doctor Soong.

He could have mapped this genome
more efficiently than I can.

We tried.
Soong was under heavy guard.

If you don't accelerate your efforts,
there will be no one left to cure.

The High Council
has dispatched a fleet.

They have annihilated N'Vak Colony.

N'Vak was one of the first planets
affected by the plague.

They're massacring the victims?

The council will do whatever is required
to contain this outbreak.

General, we are making progress,

but I'll need a few weeks
to develop an antiviral agent.

It will have to be tested.

Millions will be infected by then.

The council will not wait!

How long until the fleet reaches us?

- Five days.
- I can't cure this in five days!

They wouldn't destroy us if they knew
we had created Klingon Augments.

The experiment failed.

It succeeded for a brief period.

If Phlox and I can find a way
to stabilize the human DNA

prior to the onset of stage three,
our Augments would survive.

If we're successful,
you could use them as leverage,

force the High Council
to give us more time to find a cure.

You don't seriously expect me
to help you create Klingon Augments?

You could save the inhabitants
of this planet.

I won't assist you.

k*ll me if you must.

I refuse to cooperate.

Take him.

Hail the dock master.

This is Captain Hernandez,
request permission to depart.

You're cleared for departure.

Smooth sailing, Columbia.

Thank you.

Bridge to Engineering.

Are we ready, Mr. Tucker?

Just a few more seconds. I hope.

- Ensign.
- Dilithium matrix is stable.

Driver coils
are configured for warp speed.

Nice work.

Engineering to Bridge.

We're ready whenever you are, captain.

Time to weigh anchor.

Lieutenant, aft thrusters at one-half
until we clear space dock.

Then take us to warp.


So, what are you in for?

Is your captain hoping
you'll obtain information from me?

I shouldn't think so.

Why are you here?

That's a long story.

Entertain me.

I lied to him.

You're fortunate to be alive.

A Klingon who betrays his captain
would be immediately ex*cuted.



Why did you
and your men board Enterprise?

You know,
you may find this hard to believe,

but you and I
actually want the same thing.

And what is that?

A cure.

There's no reason for you
or any more of your people to die.

There's a malfunction
in the intermix chamber.

Plasma pressure's rising.

The antimatter flow regulators
are locked open.

- Did the Klingons damage them?
- Uncertain.

Pressure's approaching critical.

Can we drop to impulse?

The reactor would breach but we can
reduce pressure by increasing speed.

Go to maximum warp.

Get down to Engineering.

See what you can do.

You sabotaged us.

How do we repair the damage?

If our reactor breaches,
you're going to die with us.

I'm a soldier of the empire.

I'm prepared to die.


You need your tactical officer.

Please, sir!

I can be useful!

Commander, did you see that?

Please be more specific.

On the monitor.

T'Pol to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

The warp matrix
has been compromised

by a Klingon subroutine.

- Can you remove it?
T'POL: I'm not certain.

It's infiltrated our command protocols.

Do what you can.

MAYWEATHER: Bridge to Captain Archer.
Pressure's increasing again.

Take us to warp 5.2.

Sir, we can't hold that speed for long.

We're out of options, Travis, 5.2.
