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04x09 - Kir'Shara

Posted: 01/19/23 12:21
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Enterprise:

Admiral Forrest has been k*lled.

Syrrannites were responsible,
and they'll be dealt with accordingly.

Your position is terminated

ARCHER: Surak.
- You're seeing the past

through my eyes.

The culture you've come to know
isn't the one I helped create.

ARCHER: Syrran did something to me
before he died.

He chose you.


He has Surak's katra.

We can't reach them,
and they can't reach us.

They may be in grave danger.

Find what my people have lost.

Find the Kir'Shara.

Blanket the area.

Use all necessary force.

Make sure there are no survivors.

You're presiding over a m*ssacre.

The High Command
is planning to attack Andoria.

He's gonna start an interstellar w*r.

Set a course for Andoria.
Maximum warp.

And now the conclusion.

V'LAS: The Andorians have deployed
most of their fleet

in defensive positions
around Paan Mokar.

We gave them that planet
when we signed the treaty.

Why would they
move their forces there?

They believe we're preparing
to retake it.

We've been using
unmanned probes

to generate false warp signatures
in that system.

Why weren't we informed of this?

It's possible that Andorian agents
have penetrated the High Command.

It's necessary to limit access
to this information.

Our forces
are actually stationed here,

preparing to launch
an invasion of Andoria.

There are members of the Council
who are not convinced

an invasion is necessary
at this time.

We know they have
the Xindi technology.

You've all seen the data.

Data can be falsified.

V'LAS: We received this sensor
telemetry two days ago.

It was recorded by the Andorian ship
that stole the Xindi prototype.

Our operatives tell us the prototype
was taken back to Andoria

where it was disassembled.

We have reason to believe
the Imperial Guard

plans to equip their vessels
with similar weaponry.

Do you have evidence of this?

They didn't steal the prototype
because they were merely curious.

I'm certain of one thing:

Sooner or later, the Andorians
will make use of this technology.

Is it logical
for us to wait for that day?

We've sent word to the Syrrannites
in the mountains.

They'll care for the wounded.

- How far to the capital?
- Two days.

We need to get back to Enterprise,
tell Starfleet what we've learned

- about the embassy bombing.
- We have a more important mission.

We've got to get this to the capital.

I don't understand.

The Kir'Shara contains
Surak's original writings.

It's the only surviving record
of his true teachings.

It would have an enormous impact
on the High Command

and all of Vulcan.

I've got two teams working on it.

Both launchers should be online
in a few hours.

Anything else?

Permission to speak freely.

Admiral Gardner ordered us
to return to Earth.

Yet we've set a course
for Andorian territory.

We are going back.
We're just taking a small detour first.

Have you told Starfleet
you're planning to warn the Andorians?


Have you any idea what the admiral
will do when he finds out?

I'll save you a seat at my court martial.
Is there anything else?

The Vulcans have legitimate reasons
for launching this strike.

If we alert the Andorians,
we will be betraying our closest ally.

I'm trying to prevent a w*r, Malcolm,
a w*r that Earth could get drawn into.

With all due respect, sir,
we shouldn't get involved.

We're already involved.


Come in.

That'll be all, lieutenant.

- Sir.
- Dismissed.

You asked for me, commander?

I've been thinking.

There's no guarantee
the Imperial Guard's gonna believe us.

We've got no evidence
your people are planning this attack.

But there is one Andorian
who might trust us.

At least he does some of the time.

Commander Shran.

Problem is,
I have no idea how to find him.

I may be able to help.


Lieutenant Reed
appeared unsettled.

Some of the crew are wondering
if I'm doing the right thing.

Can't say I blame them.

I'm not so sure myself.

I have no doubt Captain Archer would
pursue the same course of action.

That's what I keep telling myself.

Enterprise will be scanning for us
at the transport coordinates.

One of us should go there.

It's too dangerous.
We're staying together.

Taking the artifact to the High
Command will accomplish nothing.

It might be the only thing
that can stop the w*r.

- What w*r?
- Between Vulcan and Andoria.

We settled our dispute with the
Andorians nearly two years ago.

V'Las was just stalling for time.

He's been preparing
a large-scale attack ever since.

Where did you get this information?

Where do you think?

Assuming for the moment
you possess Surak's katra,

he's been dead for centuries.

How could he be aware
of plans for a w*r?

Some of Syrran's memories must have
been transferred in the meld.


You think I've lost my mind?

I'm not certain your mind
is the one making these decisions.

We should return to the ship.

T'Pau can take the artifact
to the capital.

I was chosen for this.


Interesting choice of words.

If I were in your shoes,
I'd be just as skeptical.

I'm not possessed,
and I'm not delusional.

There are forces at work
on your world right now

trying to undo everything
Surak taught your people.

If we fail,
Vulcan will be consumed by them.

That's why we have to get this thing
to the capital.

And I'm gonna need all three of us
to try and find--

Archer. Don't move.

Gallicite deposits.

Are you in possession
of anything metallic?

Just this.

Thanks for the warning.

Our patrol has returned.

They captured eight Syrrannites
from the sanctuary.

Was Syrran among them?

No. He is dead.

The Syrrannites say
that there were three other survivors,

including a human.


They say that he is carrying
the Kir'Shara.

The Kir'Shara never existed.

There are scholars
who believe it does

and that it was hidden in the Forge.

The Syrrannites claim that they
are following the true path of Surak.

If the Kir'Shara is real,
it could prove them right.

It doesn't exist!

You've been listening
to Syrrannite propaganda.

That will be all, minister.

Sub-lieutenant, order Major Talok
to find the remaining Syrrannites.

We're dealing with
radical insurgents.

They're to be eradicated.

Do I make myself clear?

Open a channel.

- To who?
- The nebula.

This is Ambassador Soval.

I've come on an urgent mission.

I must speak with
Commander Shran.

The High Command has decrypted
your security protocols.

We're well aware that your task force
has been hiding in this nebula.

Maybe your information's
out of date.

He's in there.

This is Commander Tucker
of Enterprise.

We've got some information
you're gonna want to hear.



We're being hailed.

Commander Tucker.

You have a poor choice of friends.

An invasion?

That's correct.

We keep a very close eye
on your fleet.

We'd know if the High Command
were preparing to attack.

V'Las has been assembling ships
near Regulus,

beyond the range
of your listening stations.

Your leaders may be fools,
but they're not suicidal.

They know we will respond.

They were told
you're adapting Xindi weaponry,

and that you're planning to use it
against Vulcan.

That's absurd.

Captain Archer destroyed the Xindi
prototype before we could examine it.

That fact was conveniently omitted.

You people are so used to lying,

you don't even tell the truth
to each other.

How do I know you weren't
sent here as a diversion?

You don't.

Do you have
any idea what will happen

when the Imperial Guard retaliates?

It will be a disaster
for both our worlds.

Which is why you must convince them
to intercept our fleet.

You're betraying your own people
by telling me this.

- I'm aware of that.
- Why are you doing it?

The High Command is counting on
the element of surprise.

If they meet resistance, I believe V'Las
will be forced to call off the invasion.

When does this invasion begin?


That's the best you can give me,


And you believe him, pink skin?

I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

I'll need to consult
with my superiors.

I suggest you do it fast.

That's the fourth patrol today.

There's an extensive security grid
around the capital.

It's unlikely we'll get past it.

We'll find a way.

Surak will help us.

You don't believe in the katra.

It's irrelevant what I believe.

The captain could be
permanently injured

if we don't get him to a doctor soon.

He doesn't need a physician,
he needs a priest.

One experienced with katras.

It's irrational that we're following
someone in his state of mind.

What if he dies
before we can get help?

I apologize.

My mother's death has affected me
more than I realized.

It was a great loss.

We disagreed frequently,
but I valued her counsel.

I could allow you to experience
what she shared with me.

You melded with her?

I cannot meld.

I would initiate it.

That's not what I mean.

I was forced

to participate in a meld
several years ago.

I was infected with a neural disease.

Pa'nar Syndrome.

Do you still suffer from it?

There's no cure.

Another lie perpetrated
by the High Command.

Pa'nar has been known
since Surak's time.

It's caused by melders
who have been improperly trained.

One with great experience can
correct the neurological imbalance.

Is there something you can do?

My mind to your mind.

My thoughts to your thoughts.

Our minds are merging.

Our minds are one.

Bridge to Commander Shran.

This is Shran.

OFFICER: We've isolated
the Vulcan's bio-signature. He's alone.

You're certain Enterprise
won't detect the transport?

All they'll see is a brief energy surge.

They'll think
it came from the nebula.


- Energize when ready.
- Yes, sir.

Welcome aboard, ambassador.

If you're expecting me to plead
for mercy, you'll be waiting a long time.

I simply want to know
your fleet's actual location.

I've already given it to you.

Then consider this our way
of confirming what you've told us.

You didn't expect the Imperial Guard
to mobilize its entire fleet

based on nothing more than the word
of one loyal Vulcan diplomat?

We spent weeks arguing over details
in our treaty negotiations.

Did I ever mislead you?


You must know that t*rture
is rarely effective against Vulcans.

Our mental disciplines
allow us to suppress pain.

Our security division has had
a great deal of experience

extracting information
from Vulcan operatives.

This machine doesn't cause
physical discomfort.

It uses a neuro-synaptic field
to lower your emotional threshold.


How do you feel?


I've seen Vulcans
who were broken by this device.

They were never the same again.

I have no desire
to see that happen to you.

Where is your fleet?

I told you, our ships
are assembling near Regulus.

- Release me!
- I can't.

Not until I'm certain
you've told us the truth.

Then I suggest you increase
the setting and get this over with!


What is it?

The ambassador
seems to be missing.

He's not in his quarters
or anywhere on D-Deck.

Tucker to Soval.

Ambassador, please respond.

Internal sensors,
scan for his bio-signs.

He's not onboard.

Scan the Andorian ships.

There's a Vulcan signature
on their lead ship.

Go to tactical alert. Open a channel.

This is Commander Tucker.

We know Ambassador Soval's
aboard your ship.

I wanna speak with him now.

Sir, the Andorians
are moving toward the nebula.

Target Shran's ship.
Disable the engines.

Navigation just went off-line.

It's the particle flux in the nebula.
It's overloading the sensors.

- I've lost them.
- Can we compensate for the flux?

It'll take a few hours.

You have the Bridge.

Captain, you need to rest.

Thanks, but I'll be fine.

The atmosphere is thinner
than you're used to.

If you don't stop soon,
you'll collapse.

If you need a break, T'Pol,
you should say so.

I'm going to scout ahead.

Have you had any more
conversations with Surak?

Not in a couple of hours.


Something's amusing?

Of all the people
who could have carried this katra...

I doubt you were
Syrran's first choice.

Ever since the meld,

I've felt more centered.

It's hard to explain.

My whole life,

I've never really
understood Vulcans,

why they work so hard
to suppress their emotions.

Now it all seems to make sense.

Next thing you know,
I'll be taking up meditation.

You might find it beneficial.


After we get back,

maybe you'll wanna take a closer look
at the Syrrannites' philosophy.


It was important to your mother.

There might be something to it.

There are many groups who claim
to follow the true path of Surak.

I find no evidence
that this one's any different.

I would've thought you'd be
more sympathetic to their cause.

You never seemed too happy
with the status quo around here.

I may have had disagreements
with the High Command,

but that doesn't mean
I'm going to join a radical faction.

You signed up with Starfleet.

A lot of Vulcans I've met
consider us a radical faction.

As a scientist, I just thought
you might wanna keep an open mind.

- This has nothing to do with science.
T'PAU: Am I interrupting?


- Let me out of here!
- I can't. I'm sorry. Not yet.

I'll tear the antenna from your skull!

If this interrogation continues,

your suppression system
could be permanently damaged.

Tell me what I wanna know!

Aren't you enjoying this,

Have you imagined having me
in this chair many times?

That's not far from the truth.

But after our rather lengthy
peace talks,

I came to trust you.

Then trust me now.

You would never betray your people.

I'm trying to save them!


Where is your fleet?

Do you know the story of Nirak?


He was a soldier
who lived a long time ago.

He was standing watch over the gates
of the city of Gol,

and he saw a cloud on the horizon
moving toward him.

He thought it was a sandstorm,
so he told no one.

It was an army.

They destroyed the city,
but they let Nirak live.

His name now means fool
in our language,

just as yours will in Andorian!


Give the Kir'Shara to us.

You won't be injured.

This isn't your world, human.


Surrender and you won't be harmed.

I'm not leaving her.

- What the hell were you doing?
- Protecting the Kir'Shara.

Where are they taking
the Kir'Shara?

Mount Seleya.


Because the artifact contains
Surak's original writings.

Only the priests on Seleya
can translate them.

If you are deceiving me...

I am a Syrrannite, we don't lie.

I need to rest.

If you're attempting to delay us,
it won't work. We'll find your friends.

You've changed.

I served under you
during the Tomet Mission.

- You don't remember me.
- That's a very long time ago.

You were a fine officer then.

Why did you betray us?

They must have
offered you something.

Or perhaps you enjoy
hiding bombs in embassies.

We weren't responsible.

Two of my men were k*lled
in the embassy expl*si*n.

You have been misled.

Syrrannites are peaceful.

I have spared your life
because you were once my superior.

Your companions
won't be so fortunate.

Bridge to Commander Shran.

What is it?

The general is asking
for an update on the interrogation.

Tell him I'll contact him
when I'm ready.



You find this amusing?

Ordinarily I wouldn't,
but because of this device...

There are three higher settings
on that panel.

If I use them...

You're afraid to injure me.

If I were you, I'd leave that detail
out of your report to the general.

Where is your fleet?

I was a fool to think you'd listen.

Perhaps the High Command was right.
We'll be better off when Andoria falls.



It's the Starfleet ship.

- Direct hit to their shield generator.
- See if you can get a lock on Soval.

Should we return fire?

Are you going to make enemies
of the humans as well?

Lieutenant, order our ships
out of the nebula.


And tell Enterprise we'll be
returning the ambassador shortly.


Get that thing off of him.

They're heading east,
away from the capital.

She's with them.

- Where are you going?
- To find my science officer.

I don't wanna hear any lectures
about the needs of the many.

I get enough of that crap from--

From T'Pol.

There's no logic to your plan.

We have no weapons.

If they take the Kir'Shara from you,
they'll destroy it.

I'm gonna find her.

How is he?

You've got a lot of nerve
pretending you give a damn.

I did what was necessary.

Soval would understand.

He should be fine
in another day or so.

He risked his life coming here.

You paid him back
by scrambling his neurons.

He is not the only one taking a risk.

I just spoke with the Imperial Guard.

They're redeploying our forces.

Now you believe him.

What changed your mind?

A lesser man would have told me what
I wanted to hear, even if it wasn't true.

There's been too much suspicion,

too many lies on both sides.

Our fleet will intercept the Vulcans
at these coordinates.

My superiors believe it may be

helpful if Enterprise were to join us.




My first officer, where is she?

What have you done with her?

She's been taken
to the High Command.

Your technique has improved.

Welcome home, sub-commander.

I no longer hold that rank.

Well, you may have joined Starfleet,
but you're still Vulcan.

And subject to our laws.

There are few crimes
still punishable by execution,

but treason is one of them.


What is it?

Seven alien ships have taken position
outside the Andorian system.

They're directly in the path
of our fleet.

Are you sure this is wise?

If the Vulcans find us, they might think
we're siding with the Andorians.

There's no guarantee
they won't fire on us.

Sir, I'm reading
a massive subspace distortion.

TRIP: Hoshi?
- It's the Vulcans.

They'll be here in two hours.


- He's hailing us again.
- On-screen.

Our sensors show
12 Vulcan cruisers approaching.

When will the rest
of your fleet get here?

They won't arrive in time.

We're on our own.

I'm still not clear
how the Kir'Shara is gonna stop a w*r.

V'Las can't govern
without approval from the Council.

The existence of the Kir'Shara
will persuade them

to reconsider their support.

I don't suppose they'll let us
just walk into the High Command.

We can transport in,
but we'll need access codes.

I know someone
who might have them.

Vulcans are powering weapons.
The Andorians are doing the same.

Travis, put us between both fleets.
If the Vulcans wanna start a w*r,

they're gonna have to
get through us first.


It's Shran.

Commander, what are you doing?

In case you hadn't noticed,
they outnumber us two to one.

SHRAN: Get back in formation.
- I'm trying to buy us some time!

The Andorians have more ships
on the way.

They won't arrive for several hours.

KUVAK: You told us
this strike would be a surprise,

that there would be
minimal casualties on both sides.

The Andorians are armed
with standard particle cannons.

There is no evidence
of Xindi technology.


we have to call off this attack.

Our forces are committed.

We can't turn back.

VULCAN [OVER COM]: We're being
hailed by the Starfleet ship.

This is Commander Tucker.

Sorry to spoil your surprise, but the
Andorians know what you're planning.

I suggest
you turn your ships around now.

This doesn't concern Starfleet.

Leave the area immediately.

I can't do that.

The Andorians helped us
when Earth was under attack.

We're just here to return the favor.

If you side with the Andorians,
you'll be fired upon.

TRIP: I've already sent word
to Admiral Gardner.

If Enterprise is destroyed, Starfleet's
gonna know who was responsible.

Order our ships

to engage the enemy fleet.

Administrator, I can't allow this.


If you attempt to interfere again,

I'll have you arrested.

The Vulcans,
they're locking weapons.

On us?

- No. Just the Andorians.
- Stand by phase cannons.

Don't fire until I give the order.

We're in the crossfire.

Hard about.
Get us out of their weapons range.

One of the Andorian ships is in trouble.
Their reactor's been hit.

- A Vulcan cruiser's heading for them.
- See if you can get their attention.

VULCAN: The Earth vessel's
opened fire on one of our ships.

Destroy them.

The cruiser's breaking off its attack.

We're being targeted.

Evasive starboard, full impulse.

We're not making a dent
in their shields.

Shran's hailing.

Tell Archer that's two he owes me.

- Contact security.
- Stay where you are.

We need to have a talk.

it is agreeable to see you again.

This woman
is an anarchist, captain.

Whatever she's told you
isn't the truth.

T'Pau didn't b*mb our embassy.

You did.

The evidence is conclusive.

Evidence your people gave us.

The bombing

was an excuse
to round up the Syrrannites,

make certain they'd never find this.

Is that...?

The Kir'Shara is a myth.

- Hull plating's gone.
TRIP: Torpedoes.

The launchers aren't responding.

Where the hell is Shran?

The Vulcans are keeping him busy.

Looks like we really are on our own.

Holographic trickery.

This proves nothing.

The artifact must be examined
in detail.


Quantum dating will confirm
that it's from the time of Surak.

You can't trust her!

She'd do anything
to spread her deviant beliefs.

You've spent years
trying to subvert me.

The Kir'Shara will show us
our true path.

They'd k*ll us all
if they had the chance!

It must be destroyed.

This is Minister Kuvak.

Get me the fleet commander


I've lost helm control.

Hull breach on G-Deck.
We're venting atmosphere.

The Vulcan ships,
they're withdrawing.


We're being hailed.

It's the High Command.

Trip, is everything all right?

More or less.

What's going on, captain?

There have been a few changes here.

Get back to Vulcan
as soon as you can.

Captain's starlog, supplemental.

Administrator V'Las
has been relieved of his position.

His role in the embassy bombing
is being investigated.

For the moment, the conflict
between Vulcan and Andoria

appears to have been averted.


Captain Archer asked me
to express his gratitude.

He wouldn't have succeeded
without your transporter codes.

The captain told me
you were in danger.

I wouldn't have been
a very good husband if I didn't help.

I'm not certain
when I'll be able to return.

I'm aware that I promised your family
that we would eventually live together.

That's not why I've come.

I'm releasing you from our marriage.

I know you only bonded with me
to help your mother.

She's gone now,
there's no reason for us to continue.

You don't have to do this.

I know.


Goodbye, T'Pol.

The katra is with me now.

How do you feel, captain?

Like a giant weight's been lifted.

Word has already spread
of the discovery.

It may take years
to translate all of the writings.

The people of Vulcan
are in your debt.


and long life.

You may be witnessing
the start of a new era.

Not only for Vulcan,
but for Earth as well.

The minister intends to pursue a less
aggressive policy toward your people.

The High Command
will be dissolved.

You'll no longer have us
looking over your shoulder.

It's time for Earth
to stand on its own.

We're ready.

You've failed.

Decades of work have been lost.

MAN: Am I to be blamed
for your incompetence?

Archer should have been k*lled.

You brought the humans into this.

I must leave Vulcan. My position here
has been compromised.

- What about me?
- Not now.

Your disappearance
would cause suspicion.

This is simply a minor delay.

The reunification of our people
is only a matter of time.