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04x05 - Cold Station 12

Posted: 01/19/23 12:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Enterprise:

Jonathan Archer.

What brings you here?

Someone att*cked
a Klingon bird-of-prey.

The entire crew was massacred.
The ship's missing.

They were Augments.

When you rejected our father's wishes,
you stopped being one of us, Raakin.

- They're dangerous.
- They're the future.


Thousands of your brothers
and sisters are waiting to be born.

Let's go get them.

Some claim humanity
rose up against the Augments.

Others say the Augments began
fighting among themselves.

Whoever started it,

the w*r devastated Earth.

Millions perished.

And when it was over,

people like you

were feared.

Humans will always fear you.

They fear your power, your intellect.

They fear you because
you're everything they want to be

but can't be.

Which is why I brought you here,
where it's safe.

I've raised you like my own.

You call me Father.

But I'm only watching over you.

You belong to the future.

And someday,

you will fulfill humanity's promise.

- Malik.
- Are there others like us?

Many others.

Waiting, asleep.

And someday,
it will be your duty to wake them.

Set them free.

We'll have to reach this sub-level.

Security personnel
are located here and here.

A direct hit to this power conduit

would demolish
their life-support systems.

All we'd have to do
is wait a couple of hours.

- No.
- But we could walk in unopposed.

We're not going there to take lives.

What if they don't give us a choice?

No one is to be k*lled.

Is that understood?

- Malik?
- Yes. Understood, Father.


Captain's starlog, supplemental.

Dr. Soong and his Augments

have escaped
on a Klingon bird-of-prey.

Without any other leads,

we've proceeded
to the coordinates Soong gave us

when we began this mission.

Protein resequencer.

Water purifier.

ARCHER: Everything you'd need to
keep a small colony of humans alive.

Looks like this place
doubled as a classroom.

Heh. Imagine having Soong
as your teacher.

With that
and their screwed-up genes,

it's no wonder they turned out
the way they did.



They look a lot like the ones we have
in our Sickbay.

I'd say they took medical equipment
with them.

I need to know exactly what kind.
It's important.

I'll see what I can find out.

We'll check out the rest of this place.


I'll be damned.

Hold it!


Leave me alone.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Get out of my way.

We just want to talk.



We're friends.

- Who are you?
- I'm Captain Jonathan Archer.

We're from Earth.

This was Raakin's.

I gave it to him when he was 5.

He was a good student.

He loved astronomy.

We'd sit at night
and I'd point out the stars.

He could name every one.

Where's your brother, Malik?

- I don't know what you've been told.
- No one will say anything.

I only know he's not here.

He's dead.

- Tell me what happened.
- He turned his back on your word.

He didn't want to liberate the others.

What happened to him?

I k*lled him.

We were arguing.

He pulled out a knife.

I drew mine. He came at me.

The next thing I remember,
there was blood everywhere.

It was an accident.

I tried to save him.

- I tried.
- He was your brother!

I'm sorry.

Father, I didn't mean to hurt him.
I'm sorry.


It's my fault.

- I left you alone.
- No.

I should have stayed with you.

You were just children.

No, Father.

Shh. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Malik.

I'm sorry.

He's dehydrated,
suffering from slight malnutrition,

but otherwise,
he's in good condition.

For an Augment,
he didn't put up much of a fight.

He isn't an Augment.

He's an anomaly.

His DNA is similar to the others,
but not identical.

He was born with none
of their enhanced abilities.

How's the jaw?

It hurts.

I'm sorry about that.

But you didn't give me much choice.

I told you my name.

My real name's Udar.

But my brothers and sisters
call me Smike.

That's an unusual nickname.

It's from Nicholas Nickleby.

His handicapped friend.

Is that why you were left behind?

Because you're different?

I would have slowed them down.

- Udar.
- Smike.

I need to find out where they went,
the others.

- I'm not telling you anything.
- I'm trying to help them.

You're from Earth. You don't want
to help them, you want to k*ll them.

That's not true.

I won't betray
my brothers and sisters.

Your brothers and sisters
are in danger.

They att*cked a Klingon ship.

If the Klingons find them
before we do--

Then more Klingons will die.

You'll never stop them, captain.

No one will.

Tucker to Captain Archer.

Go ahead, Trip.

The missing equipment,

they were incubators,

artificial wombs.

He's different than I remember.


The man who raised us
would never risk our lives

to protect humans.

He knows the station.

He used to work there.
He knows what he's doing.

We'll find out.

- You shouldn't doubt him.
- Why not?

- He's our father.
- He's human.

He's not like other humans.

I used to believe that.

You were leading us before.

And now he is.

- You can't accept that.
- Why shouldn't I lead?

Augments should be led
by Augments.

I won't listen to this.

- Let me go.
- Don't be angry with me.

I'm just thinking out loud.

- I don't like what you're thinking.
- Then I'll stop.

Stay with me.

I think Soong is headed
to Cold Station 12.

Isn't that where he used to work?

It's a medical facility run by Starfleet
and the Denobulans.

Highly-virulent diseases
are stockpiled there

for our research purposes.

It's the embryos from the
Eugenics Wars that Soong's after.

I thought Soong stole the embryos.

He took 19.

But there are over 1,800 more.

That's why he took
the incubators with him.

Why weren't these embryos
destroyed after the w*r?

At the time, it was too controversial.

Earth's governments couldn't decide
how to handle the issue,

so they put them into cold storage.

I just got off with Admiral Forrest.

We've been authorized
to use whatever force necessary

to stop Soong.

- I need all the speed you can give me.
- You'll have it.

This is cargo ship Corsair. Repeat.

Medical emergency.
Situation is critical.

Corsair, this is Barzai,
a Denobulan medical ship.

What's the nature
of your emergency?

MAN: Reactor leak. Ten crewmen
exposed to delta radiation.

I have a fix.
I'm about six minutes away from you.

Barzai, stand down
and prepare to be boarded.

- How's the patient?
- Doing fine.

- Ready to be discharged.
- Good.

I just reviewed
the crew manifest for C-12.

One of the names
is Dr. Jeremy Lucas.

He's Senior Medical Director.

In his last correspondence, he
mentioned he was being transferred.

He didn't say where.

I thought you should know.

I appreciate it.

Captain, I spent a few months
at C-12 myself.

I know the security protocols.
I'm familiar with the technology.

I'd like to be included
in the landing party.

Consider it done.

Thank you.

Phlox tells me he's ready
to free up this bio-bed.

So I've been told.

If you've had enough Sickbay food,

I'd like you to join me
in the captain's mess.

Do I have a choice?


See you in an hour.

PERSIS: Cold Station 12,
this is Medical Ship Barzai,

transmitting security code.

MAN [OVER COM]: Barzai,
we are currently on heightened alert.

Slow to one-quarter impulse
and transmit security code.


MAN: Code confirmed.
You're clear to proceed.

Why are you flying
a Denobulan shuttle?

- Why not?
- You aren't Denobulan.



That's true.

We don't have enough masks.

You don't need masks.

- Dr. Lucas.
- Eh.

I asked you never to bother me

when I'm watching
a viropathic cytolysis.

- Defense protocols just came on.
- Did you contact Security?

I can't reach them.
The comm's down.

The system's been taken off-line.


What the hell?



Phlox tells me you'd been living
on your own for quite a while.

I left the camp about a year ago.

You must be pretty resourceful
to survive by yourself out there.

It wasn't that hard.

Didn't look like a very friendly planet.

When you get back to Earth,
you should consider going to school.


You've got a lot of catching up to do.

How can I go to school
if I'm in prison?

What makes you think
you're going to prison?

I'm an Augment.

I don't know
what you've been told about Earth.

You're not gonna be punished.

That's not what my father said.

Soong is not your father.

What do you mean?

Your biological father was
Miklos Karlovassi.

He was a geophysicist.

How do you know that?

We got the information
from Soong's computer.

Your mother's name was Irina.

She was an athlete. Decathlon.

Won a silver medal in the Olympics.

We've got a lot of historical data
on both your parents.

You're welcome to look at it.


I'm approaching a new sleep cycle.

When does your hibernation begin?

Oh, not for another few weeks.

But I would like
to increase my body mass

by at least 10 percent.

To tell you the truth,
I'm not very hungry.

You're worried about Dr. Lucas?

We've been friends a very long time.

We're getting there
as fast as we can, Phlox.

You might be interested to know,

Smike's become quite the student
of Earth history.

He's been reading up
on the Eugenics Wars.

I doubt Soong gave him
the whole story.


I'm quite familiar
with the subject myself.

Human intellect and human instinct
were out of synch.

So many people were k*lled.

The official number was 30 million.

Some historians
say it was closer to 35.

I can understand
why Earth banned genetic engineering.

What do you know
about Clarke's Syndrome?

Oh, it's a degenerative brain disorder
that afflicts humans.

My father died of it when was 12.

I'm sorry.

He had frequent pain, hallucinations.
He talked to people who weren't there.

Often couldn't recognize me
or my mother.

The last two years of his life...

Ah. You were thinking if genetic
engineering had been permitted...

Maybe Soong has a point.

I've had time to examine
his work more closely.

I'm forced to admit
some of it is extremely inventive.

He's really quite brilliant.

It's a shame such a man
has to remain incarcerated.

He broke the law.

That's why he was in prison.

And that's why
I'm gonna make sure he goes back.

Denobula perfected genetic
engineering a long time ago.

But you never came close
to destroying yourselves.

Perhaps we were simply fortunate.

Or maybe your instincts
had caught up with your intellect.

Food's getting cold.

I don't have the code.

When I was Senior Medical Director,
I had access to those embryos.

They changed the policy
after what you did.

The access code can only be obtained
through Starfleet Command.

- He's lying.
- I'm telling the truth.

Do the lights

in your office
flicker every now and then?

Every two hours.

Drives me crazy.

Faulty power relay.

You wouldn't believe
how many times I asked them to fix it.

Ten years later, they still haven't done
a thing. Put him with the others.

- Father--
- I believe him.

- Tell me.
- It's a hexadecimal password.

I'm creating an algorithm
to compute the possible combinations.

A few hundred thousand of them.

It may take a few minutes.

I can't believe
I held you back in math.


A ship's entering the system.

Range, 20 million kilometers.

Any sign of the bird-of-prey?


It could be hiding behind
any one of the larger asteroids.


We're being hailed.

Put it up.


I wish I could say
it's been a long time.

This only ends one way, doctor.

I think you've
underestimated the variables.

About 1 1 of them.

No one will be harmed
if you leave this system immediately.

I'm betting
you're not a cold-blooded k*ller.

Turn your ship around now.

I want proof
that the hostages are unharmed.

Let me speak to Lucas.

Go ahead.

We're all right.

No one's been hurt.

That's about to change.

You're still approaching this station.

Do you have any idea
what a Klingon disruptor

will do to a human skull
at this range?

You're going to leave me
with an awful mess to clean up.

- Doctor--
- Conversation's over.

- He dies.
- All stop.

Now, turn around.

Bring us about.

That's good, captain.

There's another layer of encryption.
It appears to be on a quantum level.

- How long?
- Longer than I thought.

Maybe a lot longer.

Keep working.

He lied.

Dr. Lucas, about the embryos.

Station access log.

Get him in here.

I modulated the transporter frequency
to match station's containment fields.

If you register at all on their sensors,
it'll look like a field echo.

Do you really think I can help?

If I didn't, I wouldn't have
asked you to come along.


We're nearly out of
transporter range.



Malik. Malik.

I want to put an end to this, doctor.

- So do I.
- We know you can get to the embryos.

You accessed the stasis chamber
just last week.

That's a mistake in the log.

I implore you.

Give us what we came for,
and we'll leave you in peace.


What's that?


That language
is unbecoming of a man of science.


Some men are braver
with their own lives

than they are
with the lives of others.

- Bring in one of his colleagues.
- No, not here.

In there.

Thousands of pathogens stored here.
Some k*ll within minutes.

- No.
- The longer we're in this facility

the greater the chance
more ships will come.

They might not
back down like Enterprise.

It isn't necessary.

It's the only way to make him talk.

Is one human being
worth all our lives

and everything you've worked for?

If that's what it takes to stun them,
what have you got to do to k*ll them?

Are you familiar
with Symbalene blood burn?

The vascular lining
literally boils away.

You son of a bitch.

Actually, Mother was a chemist.

You can't do this.

Believe me, I don't want to,
but I'm out of options, doctor.

The code.

This is on your conscience then,
not mine.


Life support runs through this relay.

How long before they run out of air
in the control hub?

Half an hour. They should start feeling
the effects within ten-, 15 minutes.

We're not talking about
normal human beings here.

Even an Augment needs oxygen.


His temperature's rising quickly.

Blood pressure's
approaching critical.

There's still time, doctor. Just say
the word, I'll release the anti-pathogen.

There's a fluctuation
in the life-support relay on level four.



Right about now,
his extremities feel like they're on fire

- but it's the capillaries starting to burst.
- Watch.


Let me out.

I'm asking you,
one doctor to another,

- stop this.
- I can't.

Is it worth this man's life?

I have orders.

I can save him.

How can you let this happen?

How can you?

Tell me the code.

- The code.
- Go to hell!

Release the anti-pathogen.

- Father?
- Do it!


That should do it.


Dr. Phlox missed something
when he examined me, captain.

I do have one enhanced ability.
I can hear like they do.

They're coming.

He's wrong, captain.

We're already here.

There was a spike.
Then the signal was gone.

Sounds like what happens
when a communicator goes down.

To prevent us
from getting a transporter fix.

They've been captured.

It's a logical conclusion.

We have to make sure.




What are you doing here?

Don't move.

It's good to see you again.

Am I going to spend the rest of my life
trying to get rid of you?

You're gonna spend
the rest of your life in prison.



How is this--? How is this--?

They told me you were dead,

- that you were sick.
- They lied to you.

It was Raakin's order.

- What was?
- Banishment.

- Why?
- He wasn't strong enough.

You all went along with this?

Why are you so surprised?

Whenever a group of people
start believing

they're better than everyone else,
the results are always the same.

- I don't need a history lesson from you.
- You need it from someone.


It's Enterprise.

We have your people.
I asked you not to interfere.

- Now--
- T'Pol, execute your orders!

End transmission.

Bring up the data file.


Enterprise, come in.

They cut us off.

What are these orders?

To initiate the station's
self-destruct sequence.

- A few seconds, this place will be dust.
- You'd k*ll us all

rather than let the embryos be born.

It wasn't my idea.

The orders came from Starfleet,
but after seeing this

I can't say I disagree.

We were defending
our right to exist.

You already k*lled over 25 people.
Your existence has a pretty high price.

It could get higher.

Sequence is coming up.




Ten seconds to auto-destruct.


It's some kind of feedback pulse.

It's the signal we sent.

It's being amplified
a thousand percent.

Comm's dead.

The station's still there. It's safe
to say we're gonna need another plan.

We'll destroy it ourselves.

- That thing's buried inside an asteroid.
- It's not the preferred solution

but it's all we have.

Load photonic torpedoes.

- Mr. Mayweather?
- Course set.

Take us in.

Looks like this place
isn't turning to dust.

Sorry to disappoint you.

They're friends.

I heard them talking.

Is this true, doctor?

Let's find out.

- No.
- Leave him alone.


You'll tell us what we want to hear
or you'll watch him die too.

- Five thousand kilometers.
- Lock weapons.

- Starboard nacelle.
- Return fire.

Stop. Stop.

No. No. I'll give it to you.

Don't k*ll him.

I'll give it to you.

Input the code.

The stasis chamber is opening.
It worked.

Get him out of there.

You come with us.

I'm gonna stay.

I understand.

I hope you have a long, happy life.

You too, Father.

They fire, then move off.

They're trying to draw us away
from the station.

A few more,
we'll be part of the asteroid field.

Hold your course.

Target the facility.

They're beautiful.

I came here so many times...

...just to look at them.

I remember
where each of you was kept.

You were there, right next to Saul.



It was so hard to choose
19 out of so many.


I never thought
I'd see this sight again.

- We have to hurry.
- "Telurian plague."

- I like the sound of that.
- What are you doing?

the most dangerous pathogens.

You're taking them with us?

Can't hurt to have a little insurance.

They've been transferred
to the stasis modules.

Take two people with you,
load them onto the shuttle.

Get them in the containment cell.




I wasn't sure
how I'd justify k*lling you.

Now you've given me
the perfect excuse.


Whatever I can do to help.

Hold on to that.

You're a competent fighter.

But that isn't good enough.

I wish I had time
to continue our little match.

I'm enjoying it,

but this will be almost as satisfying.

Five minutes after we leave,

every stasis field in this station
will shut down

releasing hundreds of pathogens.

I wonder which one will k*ll you first.

Stick around and find out.


I like you, captain.

I can't allow my brother
to die in such a way.

This will be much less painful.


They're launching a shuttle.


The bird-of-prey's
moving to intercept.

- Who's on the shuttle?
- Augments and one human.

Soong. Fire torpedoes.


- They've launched a torpedo.
- Maximum thrusters.


Four minutes
to containment breach.

There's no way to stop it from here.

Somewhere else.

Uh, the primary junction.

Where is it?