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04x03 - Home

Posted: 01/19/23 12:09
by bunniefuu

- Well done, Jonathan.
ARCHER: Thank you, admiral.

I've been told
that people are calling us heroes.

When it comes to my crew,

you won't get any argument from me.

But I think it's important

that we remember

the heroes who aren't with us,

the 27 crewmen
who didn't make it back.

Without their sacrifice,

I wouldn't be standing here right now.

None of us would.

But I'm sure I speak on behalf
of my entire crew when I say

it's good to be home.



Excuse me.


The bar's reserved
for regular customers.

Galactic heroes have to sit at a table.

I heard about your promotion.

Congratulations, captain.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

So, what was it like in the Expanse?

You'll be at the debriefing tomorrow,
won't you?


I wouldn't wanna spoil any surprises.

I've got more important questions.

Seen any good movies
while I was gone?

Another World w*r Ill epic.

It swept all the awards.

But you haven't missed much.

Earth's been holding its breath
for the past year,

wondering if the Xindi were gonna
come back and finish the job.

On the bright side, there've been more
weddings and births than ever before.

I don't see a ring.

I'm married to Starfleet,

just like you.


Come in.

It looks like you're taking enough clothes
to last a year.

You wanted something?

I told the captain I wanted to stay aboard
and supervise the refit,

but he suggested I take a break.

More like an order, actually.

Problem is, I'm not sure where to go.

Lizzie's gone.
My hometown doesn't exist anymore.


Guess this is my home now.

You could come with me.

To Vulcan?

The transport leaves at 1100 hours.

Where would I stay?

There's a guest room
in my mother's home.

Oh, your mom's house, huh?

What, uh--?
What does she know about me?

About us?

I've never mentioned you.

So you'd introduce me as...?

Commander Charles Tucker Ill.

You've told the captain that you don't get to
see as many alien cultures as you'd like.

Never been to Vulcan.

1100 hours, huh?

I'd better start packing.

We've tied these stations directly
into the primary EPS junction.

ARCHER: I hope you don't mind
if I steal some of these improvements.

Heh. I won't say anything
if you do me a small favor.

My senior officer candidates.
I'd like to get your opinion.

You served with a few of them.

You might wanna talk to someone
about installing a lumbar support.

You're gonna spend
a lot of hours in that chair.

We've improved hull polarization
by 12 percent.

We'll be able to hang
in a firefight longer.

Ventral and dorsal torpedo launchers,

pulsed phase cannons.

Upgrades you recommended.

What is it?

I had an argument once
with Captain Jefferies.

He was one of the designers
of the NX-Class.

I'm aware of that.

I told him I didn't wanna be in command
of a warship

trying to make first contact
with new species.


Jefferies was right.

We needed those weapons.

And a hell of a lot more.

The asteroids were loaded
with trellium ore.

We think the Vulcans entered the field
in order to mine it.


It's an alloy that protects
against spatial anomalies.

Ships in the Expanse used it
to insulate their hulls.

Your log reflects that
when you boarded the Seleya,

that you found the crew
in a delusional, violent state.

They att*cked us the minute we docked.

The trellium had a toxic effect
on the Vulcans,

damaged their neural pathways.

They lost the ability
to suppress their emotions.

According to your log,

the entire crew of the Seleya was k*lled
when you triggered a reactor breach.

The breach was an accident.
We were trying to disable their power grid.

As far as I can determine,

you didn't try to save
a single Vulcan crewman.

There was no point.
They were too far gone.

Is that your medical opinion, captain?

Phlox made that determination.

Our specialists have examined
the data you sent back.

It's far from certain that
the neurological damage was irreversible.

There was nothing we could do
for them.

T'Pol was exposed to the trellium.
She recovered.

I couldn't help them.

There's no need to get emotional,

You spent several hours
in the ship's auxiliary control room.

In that time, did you try to access
the internal sensors

or download the computer database?

- No.
- So in effect,

we don't know what really happened
aboard the Seleya.

- What the hell does that mean?
SOVAL: Because of this oversight,

we'll never have a complete picture of the
events that led to the ship's destruction.

I just told you exactly
what led to the ship's destruction.


I'm not gonna be accused
of murdering those people.

No one is accusing you
of anything, captain.

Maybe that crew'd still be alive
if you'd been more helpful.

I beg your pardon?

You did everything you could
to sabotage our mission.

I got more help from the Andorians
than I ever got from the High Command!

That's enough, captain.

This planet would be a cloud of dust now
if we'd listened to you!

That's enough!

How can you be taking his side?

I am not taking anyone's side.
You were out of line.

They don't lift a finger to help us,

and now I have to justify myself
to that son of a bitch?

The debriefing's on hold indefinitely.

I want you to take some time off
to clear your head.

With all due respect, admiral,
I don't need a vacation.

That's an order, captain!


Um, if you wouldn't mind.

Uh, ah.

Not exactly traveling light, are you?

Ha, ha. Thank you.

Why leave the comforts of home
when you can take it all with you, hmm?


I trust you'll be taking
the proper precautions on the surface.

What do you mean?

Oh, I'm surprised you haven't heard.

An Andorian and two Rigelians
were att*cked.

att*cked? Why?

Apparently the Xindi incident
has caused a degree of xenophobia.

It's hard to believe in this day and age.

I'm told the Vulcans are staying
behind the walls of their compound.

I'm not going to let a few isolated incidents
disrupt my vacation plans.

I lived on Earth for many years
before coming aboard Enterprise.

I don't think this is the same planet
you remember, doctor.

People are looking for someone to blame,
and they don't care who it is.

I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine.
Would you?


Mind if I ask what you're doing here?

You know better than to go climbing
without a partner.

How about that volcano we saw
on the way down, Mount Tar'ana?


Is it still active?

- There are frequent eruptions.
- Ah.

We can schedule a tour of the crater,
if you're interested.


Volcanoes, ancient ruins, fire plains.

I'm not sure where to start.

So this is where you grew up.

It's not like I imagined.


Well, it's beautiful.

Vulcans appreciate beauty.

Well, I had no doubt about that.
You always were a snazzy dresser.

Commander Tucker, I suggest...

You didn't tell me
you were bringing a guest.

Mother, you're home.


It's agreeable to see you.

You appear well.

I'm Charles Tucker.

Pleased to meet you, ma'am.



[IN ENGLISH] You both must be very tired
after your journey.

The guest room
is on the south end of the house.

T'POL [IN ENGLISH]: It's not yet midday.
Why aren't you at the science academy?

I'm no longer an instructor there.

I wrote you a letter.
Didn't Starfleet transmit it to your ship?

We had communication difficulties
in the Expanse.

I don't know why you're surprised.

This was planned years ago.

There's more to life
than one's profession.

Perhaps you'll learn that one day.

It seems that I'm not the only one
who knew you were coming.

You received this yesterday.

It's from Koss.

Did you believe he had forgotten you?

You're going to respond.

I have nothing to say to Koss.

He's your fiancé.

Former fiancé.

That is a matter for debate.

It would be wise for you
to speak with him.

You probably don't wanna hear this,
but I got a call from my brother yesterday.

They renamed my old high school
after you.

- How many is that, two, three dozen?
- I'm not counting.

That's just North America.

I don't think Zefram Cochrane has
that many schools named after him.

So did you get a chance
to look them over?

Look what over?

My senior-officer candidates.

Any suggestions for Tactical?

You may wanna find someone

with more field experience. A MACO.

I'm not sure how I feel
about a military officer on the Bridge.

If I were you,

I'd talk to General Casey
about assigning an entire squad.

ARCHER: Things have changed
since Enterprise left spacedock.

You'll spend a lot of your time
boldly going into battle.

Don't you think
you're being a little cynical?

Did you read my reports?

Yes, captain, I did.



Mountain lion.

Tracks are a few days old.

Ooh. Good thing I have you
to protect me.



Come in.

Good morning.

- What time is it?
- 0400.

You're kidding.

We have to prepare the morning meal.

As guests, it's expected of us.


The nah'ru vines
have bloomed early this year.

I've had ample time to attend to them.

It sounds as if
you're not enjoying retirement.

You still haven't told me the reason
for your visit.

I didn't know one was necessary.

I thought perhaps you'd decided
to rejoin the High Command.

I've been offered a commission
with Starfleet.

If I accept, it could be several years
before I'm able to return home.

The gespar isn't fresh.

My stasis unit needs to be replaced.

Hmm. Well, I'd be happy
to take a look at it.

If I can recalibrate a warp reactor, I ought
to be able to handle a kitchen appliance.

My daughter's always been fascinated
by alien worlds.

She was all too eager
to finish her schooling and leave Vulcan.

As I recall,
you encouraged me to leave.

A mother is expected
to push her young out of the nest.

At some point,
they're supposed to return.

I'm told that on Earth, a human child
chooses their own path in life.

They put their own wishes
ahead of their families'.

That's true for the most part.

You've learned much from them,
haven't you?

A Starfleet posting is no less important
than one with the High Command.

I'm sure Father would have approved.

Your father believed that
our work should enrich Vulcan society.

Earth is supposed to be our ally.

What's happened to you?

We shouldn't argue in front of a guest.

Thank you. That is kind of you to say.

Unfortunately, we don't actually give tours
of the ship.

If that policy ever changes,
you two will be the first to know.

You had to wear that jacket.

Do you think I wear this jacket
to attract attention?

How's your drink?

Uh, delicious, thank you.

Because I had heard someplace
your people didn't like alcohol.

Heh. You may be thinking of Vulcans.

You know, you're right.

I get your species mixed up all the time.

Is there something
we can help you with?

I'm just trying to make sure
your friend here is comfortable.

Sitting in a bar full of so many
strange-looking aliens like us.

I'm quite comfortable.

Because if you weren't,

if humans make you nervous
for some reason,

the Vulcan consulate's
on the other side of the bridge.

I'll bet there's someplace there

where someone like yourself
could get a nice refreshing beverage.

Well, perhaps we should be
on our way, hmm?

We're not going anywhere, doctor.

If your friend wants to go, let him go.

You're not chasing anyone out of here.

You Starfleet people
are the real problem.

You fly all around space,

telling every species you meet
where to find Earth.

Did it ever occur to you that might not be
the smartest thing to do?

Sir, why don't you just go back
to the bar?

Excuse me, admiral.

I don't take orders from you.

You heard him.

Step away from the table.

Gentlemen, please!



I just wanna thank you
for letting me stay here.

Expressing gratitude
is an Earth custom.

T'Pol says thank you all the time.

I've noticed.

T'Pol's lucky.

It's nice to have a place to go home to.

I know that you're romantically
involved with my daughter.

There's no logic in denying it.

How long have you been attracted
to her?


I knew we had some kind of chemistry
the first time we got into an argument.

I never had fun arguing
with anyone before.

I got the impression
T'Pol wasn't gonna say anything to you.

She didn't.

I'm her mother.


You've repaired it?

The field generator
just needed a little adjustment.

It's good as new.

If you have the time, perhaps you could
repair my food synthesizer?


Would you mind?


I need to speak with T'Pol.

I wanna hear about your life
aboard the human ship.

You must have
many fascinating stories.

Why are you here?

The answer should be obvious.

You've received my letters.

You know I'm not interested
in marriage.

The decision isn't ours alone.

My parents believe in the old traditions.

For them,
a betrothal cannot simply be dismissed.

You have the option
of choosing another mate.

I don't want another mate.

You should be aware
I've been ill recently.


It could take some time
for me to recover,

assuming it's even possible.

I can help.

My father's a man of influence.

He knows the finest doctors
in the province.

I intend to go through with this.

What if I declared the kal-if-fee?

Is that what you want?

A fight to the death?

Perhaps your human friend
would make a suitable challenger.

You find this amusing?


Call a challenger if you wish.

I'll do whatever is necessary.

It's best if you leave.

I may be able to help your mother.

What do you mean?

My father could have her reinstated.

She retired.

She was asked to resign.


I've said more than I should.

If we were to marry,

you'd only have to live on Vulcan
for one year.

You could resume your career
with Starfleet after that.

Is that what you want? An absent wife?

I'd want you to be happy.

You should go.

How about that?


Just to the left of Polaris.

We found our first M-class planet
around that star.

Maybe humans will go back someday,
build a colony.

I doubt it.

The air was filled
with a psychotropic compound.

After breathing it for a few hours,
my senior officers nearly k*lled each other.

Maybe the Vulcans were right.

Maybe we weren't ready.

Not ready?

How long were we supposed to wait?

Look what it's gotten us.
We almost lost Earth.

Enterprise saved Earth.

If we weren't out there stirring up trouble,
7 million people might still be alive.

You weren't stirring up trouble.
You were exploring.

I'm not sure
there's much of a difference.

So, what do you suggest?

Put our starships in mothballs?

No. We need them.

But look at the Vulcans.

They're not explorers.

They keep their ships close to home.

You never know
who's gonna come calling.

That's not the mission
either one of us signed up for.

Maybe you'll feel differently after
you've delivered a few dozen eulogies.

It's difficult to meditate
with you standing there.

This retirement wasn't your choice.

That's not entirely accurate.

I chose to retire
rather than face dismissal.

I was under investigation
by the Security Ministry.

They claimed I had taken restricted data
from the academy archives.

- Did you?
- No.

I don't understand.

Their accusations were fabricated.

I was told that if I left the academy,
they would end the inquiry.

Why would the Ministry do this?

Because of me?

They blamed me
for the incident at P'Jem.

After the monastery was destroyed,
the first minister was dismissed.

You've made many enemies here.

They couldn't reach me on Enterprise,
so they punished you.

It's criminal.

How could you let them do this?

You've changed.

Your emotions were always
close to the surface,

but you managed to suppress them.

It's because of this
Commander Tucker, isn't it?

He's the reason why you refuse
to bond with Koss.

Do you really believe that a human
and a Vulcan can have a future together?

Imagine the shame
your children would endure,

assuming that the two of you
could have children.

That wouldn't be your concern.





You all right?

I'm not even sure
what all right means anymore.

Wanna talk about it?

There's an old code among climbers.

Anything that happens on the mountain
stays there.

You wanna know why I'm out here?

I figured this was the last place
I'd run into anyone

who'd wanna shake my hand
or take my picture

or tell me I'm an inspiration
to their children.

If they knew what I'd done...

ERIKA: You did what any captain
would have done.

Does that include t*rture?

Or marooning a ship
full of innocent people?

Because I don't remember reading
those chapters in the handbook.

Where are you going, Jon?

Going climbing
in the middle of the night?

Why not?

It'd be a shame if you lost your footing.
It's a long way down.

But at least you wouldn't have to deal
with these feelings anymore.

Are you telling me I have a death wish?

You tell me.

All I'm trying to do is get away from you.

I look at you

and I see the person I was
three years ago.

The explorer
that my father wanted me to be.

I lost something out there.

And I don't know how to get it back.

What was that?

Something I haven't done in a while.

Whatever you lost,

maybe I can help you find it.

If we have time when we get back to Earth,
I'd like to show you some sights,

return the favor.

Everything okay?

There's something I need to tell you.

I've decided to marry Koss.

Marry him?

If I join his family,

my mother will regain her position
at the academy.

His father is a senior minister
with a great deal of influence.

I don't get it.
Are they forcing you to do this?

The decision was mine.

My mother resigned
because of my actions.

What? You told me three years ago
you didn't even love this guy.

So you're just gonna leave Starfleet
and move back to Vulcan?

I've been negotiating with Koss' family.


They've agreed.

We won't have to reside together.

Not right away.

I'll remain on Enterprise
for the time being.

That's real generous of them.

Trip, I have to do this.

For many reasons.

And how am I supposed to take this?

I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

You brought me 16 light years
just to watch you get married

to someone you barely know.


We should have brought a camera.

You remember that planet
I told you about?

There was a mountain range
on the southern continent.

The view was almost
as amazing as this.

ERIKA: That's a good day's climb
we've got ahead of us.

We can reach the summit by nightfall,

but we should get moving.

I think the view's fine from here.

I'm glad you tagged along.

You know,

there's still something
I'm not quite clear about.

What's that?

Why did we stop seeing each other?

Oh. I was your superior officer.

It wasn't appropriate.

You're not my superior anymore.

I wonder if Starfleet would approve.

The captains of the only two
Warp Five ships.

You're forgetting the climbers' code.

So, what's the verdict?

Am I gonna live?

Your parasite count
is almost negligible.

This should dispose of the rest of them.

- I hope you're gonna make it tonight.
- Huh?

Madame Chang's.

Don't tell me that you forgot.

Ah. Um...

My osmotic eel is under the weather.

I should stay aboard
until she's feeling better.

Wait, you've been talking about
the egg-drop soup at this place

for as long as I've known you.

I'm sure you and Ensign Mayweather
will enjoy it.

I spoke with Travis.

What happened to you the other night?

Oh, you must mean the, uh:

Heh. Nothing more than
an instinctive defensive response.

So you're gonna stay aboard the ship

because of some loudmouth in a bar?

My presence could provoke
another incident. Someone could get hurt.

This isn't the way to deal with prejudice.

The best thing is to show your face
and remind people

that there are aliens
who don't wanna blow up the planet.

I can't blame those men
for the way they reacted.

Earth has survived a horrific attack.

It will take time for the trauma to heal.

Besides, I have friends, hmm,
to keep me company.

Now, if it's not too much trouble...

I'll bring you some takeout.

The details of this debriefing
will remain classified,

as ordered by the Command Council.

If there are no further questions...


I want to apologize for what I said to you
the other day. I was out of line.

Yes, you were.

I'm glad we can finally agree
on something.


Your actions,
while being morally questionable,

were necessary.

I opposed your appointment
as captain of Enterprise,

but it's obvious now that I was wrong.

T'Pol has told me that the Expanse
would have someday encompassed

hundreds of systems, including Vulcan.

You've done a great service
for both our worlds.

Thank you.


Come in.

Koss and his family are waiting.

I'll be there as soon as I can.


Know any good tailors?

These clothes belonged to my husband.

They fit you well.

Aren't you bothered by the fact
that T'Pol doesn't even care for this guy?

She's fulfilling her family obligation.

I met my husband only once
before we were joined.

In time, we developed
a deep connection to each other.


Well, maybe she'd rather make
a connection with someone else.

Have you informed T'Pol?

- Informed her of what?
- You're in love with her.

Vulcans may not express their emotions,
but we are sensitive to them.

I don't think I knew it
until we were standing over that lava field,

and she told me
she was gonna marry Koss.

That's when it hit me.

I was gonna lose her.

I wanted to tell her right there,

but I couldn't.

There's still time.

I thought you didn't approve.

I may not condone your relationship,

but it's important for her
to have all the facts.

If I say anything,
T'Pol might call off the wedding.

Or worse, not call it off.

She's got enough pressure on her
as it is.

I don't wanna make things
any more complicated.

You look amazing.

I'm grateful that you're here.

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

It's time.

What ye are about to witness

comes down from the time
of the beginning without change.

This is the Vulcan heart.

This is the Vulcan soul.

This is our way.