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04x01 - Storm Front: Part 1

Posted: 01/19/23 12:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Enterprise:

This species has technology

which allows them
to examine alternate timelines.

They've seen this future
and they wanna change the outcome.

REED: We've got less than ten hours
before this w*apon reaches Earth.

The captain wants to take a team
aboard to destroy it.


Give me the charges.

- I'll take care of it, sir.
- Don't worry. I'll be right behind you.

REED: Captain Archer
destroyed the w*apon.

- Where is he? Is he okay?
- Captain didn't make it, Trip.

Prepare a shuttlepod.
I want you and Ensign Mayweather

to get down to San Francisco.
Find out what's wrong.




This is Commander Charles Tucker
of the starship Enterprise.


What the hell are you people doing?

Those are P-51s.
I've seen them at air shows.

I don't think this is an air show.

Are they breaking off?

Maybe we should follow them.

Try to find a landing port,
set us down.


Starboard injector.

Get us out of here.

Rita Hayworth.

Veronica Lake.

Betty Grable. Ha, ha.

Americans are good
at making movies.

They're not so good at fighting.

Someday I will go to Hollywood,
and I will meet Betty Grable.

Maybe you'll introduce me, huh?
What do you think?

- She's not your type.
- Ha-ha-ha.

You know, in Hollywood movies,
Americans always win.

Too bad for you,
you're not in a movie.




Keep driving. Move! Move!




--as to the youth of all the Britons,

I say, you cannot stop.

There's no halting place
at this point.

We have now reached a point
in the journey

where there can be no pause.

We must go on.

It must be world anarchy
or world order.

That was Winston Churchill.

I picked that up half an hour ago.

Well, it's true, then.

We're over 200 years in the past.

I've also intercepted
several military dispatches

and a radio program,
something called The Shadow.

We should run
a complete diagnostic.

Start with the sensor array.

This isn't a damn sensor glitch.

We just pulled three.50-caliber b*ll*ts
from the shuttlepod hull.

And spare us the official
Vulcan position about time travel.

We are 200 years in the past.
Face it.

The first step to getting back
is ascertaining how we got here.

As soon as the diagnostic
is complete,

run a scan for any anomalies
in the area.

Right away.

Maybe we're here for a reason.

Maybe this wasn't an accident.

For the moment,
we can't rule out any possibilities.

GHRATH: The Germans believe
there are 5,000 resistance fighters

operating throughout the region.

They're becoming better organized,

increasing their att*cks.

We lost four men in the as*ault.

You should have chosen
a safer route.

And you should have personally
overseen the transfer.

We were in the midst
of a crucial weapons test.

He was just an American prisoner.

He was more than that.

This communication device
he was carrying,

it's from the future.

A temporal agent?

Double the security details
at all the entrances to the compound.

If they have located us,

it won't be long before they strike.

How could they have
possibly found us?

If the prisoner hadn't escaped,

we might know the answer
to that question.

You know what I expect of you.

The prisoner will be recovered.


Come in.

You got a second?

I wanted to say
I was way out of line earlier.

You have enough to worry about
without me flying off the handle.

Your reaction was understandable.

I was just all set to get home.

I wasn't expecting to be in the middle
of another situation.

None of us were.

I was also looking forward
to going home.

I thought perhaps
I would return to Vulcan.

It's been some time
since I was there.

Sounds nice.

I was gonna lay on a different beach
every week for two months.

The only thing to figure out was
whether to start in Tahiti or in Cancun.

The captain would always try to put
the best light on the worst situation.

I wonder what he'd say to this one.

I think he'd be hard-pressed
to find any positive aspects.

But he would try nevertheless.


Come in.

I've been going over those military
dispatches that Hoshi picked up.

Some of them don't make sense.

They mention recent battles
in Virginia and Ohio.

There weren't any battles fought there
in World w*r Il.

The Nazis never got
to North America.

Something's very wrong down there.

It's chicken liver, your favorite,
with grated cheddar.


Oh, I can't say I blame you.

I don't have much
of an appetite myself.

Perhaps a Denobulan lullaby, hmm,
will improve your mood?


Eh. On the other hand, my singing
would often drive my children to tears.

Maybe what you need
is a nice thick steak.

I'll, uh, see what chef has on the menu.
Be right back.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, it's okay. It's all right.

I'm a friend.

I'm just cleaning you up a little.

w*r's a dirty business.

But you're lucky.
b*llet just missed the bone.

Where am I?

You're in my apartment,
what's left of it.

I'm Alicia Travers.

Jonathan Archer.

Pleased to meet you.

What's the last thing you remember?

I was in a truck
with a couple of German soldiers.


There was an expl*si*n,
and someone started sh**ting at us.

- I got away.
- You sure did.

And your SS friends,

they're dead,
which is how I like them.

You're my first bona fide POW.

I usually fix up guys
in the resistance.

Easy, easy, easy. Easy, sailor.

- You don't wanna start bleeding again.
- Sailor?

Yeah, that patch on your shirt says

You must have made if off
before it sank.

How'd you wind up
all the way over here?

I've been asking myself
the same question.


What year is this?

It's 1944.

World w*r Il.

I haven't heard it called that before,
but that's as good a description as any.

Used to be a pretty nice neighborhood,
even for coloreds.

As you can see, it's gone downhill.

Where are we?

We're in Brooklyn.

New York City.

The w*apon fires
a modulating plasma pulse

equivalent to the energy produced
by three 88-millimeter shells.

Each pulse can destroy a t*nk.

Very impressive.

When can we expect deployment?

I can't give you a specific timetable.

There are still some problems
to be addressed.

- Such as?
- Portability.

The weapons require
considerable power.

In my century, there are energy cells
the size of a coin.

In this century,

it's somewhat more difficult.

What are these?

Requisition forms.

I require additional supplies.

"Eighty-six metric tons
of aluminum plating,

170 tons of carbon steel."

We can't keep diverting vital materials
from w*r production.

We are inside the home
of a former American president.

It seems to me your w*r effort
is going well enough.

That could change very quickly.

Intelligence suggests the Americans
are preparing a counterattack.

Our front lines are dangerously thin,

supply routes are under constant attack
from resistance fighters.

A forceful enemy thrust could stand
a good chance of breaking through.

On top of this,
there have been setbacks in Africa,

and the Russians are attempting
to retake Moscow.

While no one has expressed this
to the Führer,

there is widespread belief

that Germany has advanced
too far too quickly.

All the more reason
to accede to my request.

The weapons I'm preparing
will make you immune

from any counterattack
anywhere in the world.

And I'm not just referring
to plasma-r*fles.

Imagine a plague

targeting non-Aryans.

No need for extermination camps,

just a few grams of a pathogen
introduced into the water supply.

You make promises.
All we ever see are films.

There is far too much at stake
for us to argue.

We have far too much in common.

We both embrace the ideals of purity
and perfection,

and we both face enemies
that would destroy us.

Now is not the time
to end an association

that is vital to our mutual survival.

No one has proposed
ending anything.

Then I'll expect delivery
by the end of the week.


PHLOX: Portions of Daniels' body
have aged at a dramatic rate.

In some areas,
the tissue is over 100 years old.

Yet other sections have been reduced
to an almost fetal stage.

Do you have any theories
as to what caused this?

It's not any kind
of infectious organism,

at least, nothing that shows up
on my medical scanner.

Will he survive?

Frankly, with this amount of cellular
chaos, I'm surprised he's still alive.

I doubt he'll live more than 24 hours.

He very well could be responsible
for our being here.

He could also be the only hope
of getting back to our own time.

It is imperative that I speak with him.



MAN 2:
No. No!



Vic's been arrested.

- When?
- A few hours ago.

The Gestapo's clearing out
entire buildings,

sh**ting people in the street.

They're looking for you.

The Germans are offering $10,000

for information leading
to your capture. Why?

I can't tell you.

Look, you son of a bitch, my friend
is probably being tortured right now.

I wanna know why.

It's classified.

- I won't tell anyone.

Shut up.

You got three seconds.



- three.
- Come on, Sal, take it easy.

Take it easy. Come on, now.

Easy, easy.

All I can tell you
is we're on the same side.

Damn military.

You cut and run.

You leave us at the mercy
of these n*zi bastards.

I didn't cut and run.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot.
It was an orderly retreat.


Vic might break.
If he talks, it won't be safe here.

- We've been through this.
- Alicia--

This is my home.

I'm not leaving.

We're gonna see if we can find out
any more information about Vic.

PHLOX: He's conscious,
but I don't know for how long.

Where's Captain Archer?

Captain Archer is dead.

He was on the Xindi w*apon
when it exploded.

Are you responsible
for sending us back in time?


The Temporal Cold w*r
has become an all-out conflict.

Temporal agents, dozens of them
stationed throughout the timeline,

they've been given orders
to change history.

For what purpose?

Each faction is trying
to wipe the others out.

It's a fight for dominance.


the events of this period
don't correspond with recorded history.

Germany has launched a successful
invasion of the United States.

DANIELS: Different incursions
are causing paradoxes,

turbulence in the time stream.

I almost didn't make it back.



- How do we return to our century?
- You can't.

It doesn't exist,
not the way you know it.

Neither does mine. It's all gone.

You have to stop him.

Stop who?



Stop who?

We're conducting extensive sweeps
within a 15-mile radius of the ambush.

We haven't found the prisoner,

but we have taken in several members
of the resistance.

They're being interrogated.

There's one that I suspect
took part in the ambush.

VOSK: We're picking up scans
from a ship in orbit.

It's from the same time period
as the device

we found on the escaped prisoner.

This resistance member
you're interrogating...


Bring him to me.

Not bad.

Where's your husband now?

He's in the Pacific, on a destroyer.

I hear the w*r isn't going any better
over there.

Don't be expecting a second course.

It's not bad.

You're a rotten liar.

All the good stuff goes
to the Germans.

I still can't believe it.

You know, that they're actually here.

I'll never forget the...

The day I saw that first German t*nk
rolling up Flatbush.

All the people streaming across
the Brooklyn Bridge

trying to get out of Manhattan.

The president on the radio
vowing to persevere,

right before the government
evacuated Washington.


Right on time.

Billie Holiday.

Ah. Good to know there's something
that you remember.

Germans outlawed colored music.

Some of the neighbors
pass a phonograph

from house to house every night

so the Germans can't find it.

Just another way of telling them off.


I'm gonna ask you something.
It's gonna sound a little strange.

What else is new?

When I was in
a German medical tent,

one of the soldiers
who came in to see me

wasn't like the other ones.

He had gray skin,

red eyes.

He wasn't human.

This isn't the first time
you've heard something like this.

Sal mentioned some stories once,
but I didn't believe him.

They may be more than stories.

I need to track down
this soldier I saw.

It's very important.

Would you contact Sal?

EPS conduit's fried.

Get to Engineering and pull a fresh one
out of the injector assembly.

Yes, commander.





- Son of a bitch.
- Climb in.

- You brought us here.
- No.

Then who did?

What's happening is beyond
your comprehension.

Get in the shuttlepod.

I would rather not have
to discharge this w*apon.



Bay 1 is depressurizing.

Someone's launching a shuttlepod.

Hail them.

I'm picking up one life sign aboard.

It's Suliban.

Phase cannons.

CARMINE: If this n*zi
wasn't a human, what was he, then?

- I don't know.
- Just tell Sal I wanna talk to him.

All right.

Here. It's hamburger.

Germans are cutting
the meat ration again.

It's gonna be worth its weight in gold.

Thanks, Carmine.

Watch yourselves.

ALICIA: Used to be we'd get meat
on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Then it was just Wednesdays.

Nazis blame the resistance.

Say we're disrupting
the food shipments.

- Makes the Germans look like heroes.
- Yeah.

Fighting to feed the people.



No eye contact.

Why do you walk with her?

- Why not?
- Do you like Negroes?

We don't want any trouble.

Shut up, bitch.

Do we make you angry?

You could say that.

When we send her back to Africa,
you can go along.

You can run
through the jungles together.

Like I said,
neighborhood's gone downhill.

Before he lost consciousness,

Daniels told me there was someone
we had to stop.

At least now we know
who he was talking about.

Can you get a fix on the shuttlepod?

He disabled the transponder.

However, we are picking up
trace plasma signatures,

probably from the damage.

And I think I can get us
within three kilometers

of where it went down.

That will have to suffice.

Thing I can't understand:

Why'd he go to the trouble
of saving my life?

He pulled me out of the launch bay
before he depressurized it.

Another item on our list
of things to ponder.

Curfew starts in an hour.
We gotta move fast.


Yeah, well, sometimes
the Germans don't wait for curfew.

Can't get used
to all this skulking around.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

We used to own this neighborhood.

Yeah, well, tell him what you guys did
before the w*r.

Nothing to tell.

We were delegates
for the Construction Workers Union.

Right. The loan-sharking
was just a part-time job.

Hey, we helped people
get out of financial difficulty.

Since when is that a crime?

When they didn't pay you back on time.
That's where the crime part came in.

Come on, let's go.

This guy's a welsher and a drunk.

I wouldn't put too much stock
into what comes out of his mouth.

I'll keep that in mind.

I'm only doing this because
Alicia asked. Don't forget that.

What's this all about?

I want you to tell him
what you told me about your customer.

- Who are you?
- Just shut up and tell him.

I can't talk and shut up
at the same time.


The man comes to me
for information.

Sometimes he asks
about the resistance,

sometimes he asks
about the Gestapo.

He's keeping tabs on both sides.

Me? Heh. I don't know squat,
so, uh, I make stuff up.

- He pays good.
- What's he look like?

He always wears a hat.

Stays in the shadows.

I caught a glimpse of him once.

He ain't like nobody I ever seen,
that's for sure.

It's the red eyes I can't forget.

- I wanna talk to him.
- Forget it. That ain't part of the deal.


What you owe me,
take 20 percent off.

- Damn, Sal.
- What? I'm a generous guy.

I don't know--

Hey, you think the Germans
are tough?

Get me in a bad mood.



Hard to believe we're only
a few kilometers from New York City.

It's hard to believe this is Earth.


Plasma signature.

That way.

We're keeping the Germans busy.

More and more of us every day.

Irish gangs, dock workers,
coloreds, even broads.

Some of these women,

- they could sh**t the fleas off a tick.
- Heh.

When the w*r's over, I got half a mind
to put them on the payroll.



It's loaded.



Throw the g*n down.

CARMINE: You're not following
directions. That's how people get hurt.

You'd better take her advice.

What do you want?

Holy mother of...

Tucker to Enterprise.

- T'Pol.
TUCKER [OVER COM]: We found it.

- No sign of Silik.
- What's the shuttlepod's condition?

I'll need some more time
before I know if it'll fly.

You ever see anything
like that before?

Maybe he's wearing
some kind of mask.

That's no mask.

Who are you?

Answer me.

I have nothing to say to you.

How about if we pulled out
your tongue?

You're not what I expected.

Temporal agents
are usually more informed.

What the hell is a temporal agent?

You wouldn't understand.

- Listen, you freak--
- Why are you changing history?

You're helping the Germans
win the w*r. Why?

Because it suits us.

How does this suit you?

ARCHER: Sal, no.

- Damn it.
- It's better than he deserves.

CARMINE: Get your hands off him.
- You want answers, don't you?

- But not like that.
- Just say the word, Sal.

I'll take him out right here.

The hell with it.

ARCHER: I don't know
how long I can hold them off.

You'd better talk to me.

Now, who are you?
What are you doing here?

We're trapped. The Germans are
helping us construct a conduit

so we can find our way home.

You said I was a temporal agent.

We know you're from the future.

We detected your ship in orbit.

My ship?

It has the same markings
that were on your uniform.

I need to contact them.
Can I do it with this?


We better get out of here.

The conduit, where's it being built?

You find it.

Come on.

Come on.

You won't stop us.

When we get back,
you'll never have existed.

EPS system's completely fused.
It could take a week.

I'm picking up movement in the area.
Looks like several vehicles.

- Commander--
- I heard.

Moving to plan B.

What about Silik? We gotta find him.

We will.

One problem at a time.

SAL: Jeez, he looked
like some kind of demon.

His blood wasn't even red.

Was that my imagination,

or did he say something
about being from the future?

- He meant him.
- Archer to Enterprise.

You want any more of our help,
you're gonna tell us what's going on.

What was that back there?

That was an extraterrestrial.

A Martian?

I don't know
what planet he was from.

- Where are you from?
- Upstate New York.



a lot of people out past curfew.

I don't like the looks of this.

We gotta get out of here.





Get out of here!




Enterprise, come in.



What are you doing?



Whoever you're calling,
they're not gonna get here in time.

Charges are set.


Come out.




- It's done.
- I've lost them.

The expl*si*n may have disrupted
their com signal.

I'm picking up another signal.

It's faint.

Let's hear it.

Archer to Enterprise. Come in.

Enterprise, come in.




Your transmission is very weak.

Do you read me?

T'Pol. Two to transport.

Leave your weapons on the ground.
And stand up slowly.


We have a great deal to talk about.

It'll have to wait.

You're all right. You're on my ship.

How'd we get here?

It's kind of complicated.

- Promise you won't do that again.
- I promise.


Welcome home.

We're not quite home yet,
but it's good to be back.

I guess I have
some catching up to do.


Several vehicles converged
on the area

moments before the shuttlepod

Keep searching.

This is one of the aliens'

Take it apart.

Figure out how to monitor
their transmissions.


It's nice to see you again, captain.

I hope it's the last time
you'll have to look after Porthos.

It was a pleasure, as always.

- Is he awake?
- He doesn't have much time.


Who are they?

The most dangerous faction
of the cold w*r.

They're led by Vosk, a fanatic

violently opposed
to the Temporal Accords.


Stay with me. Stay with me.

We almost captured him,

but he developed a form
of stealth time travel.

He escaped into the past.

We eventually located him,
but it was too late.

He returned to my century.

He and his people defeated us

and launched this w*r
that's destroying all of time.

I've sent you to this point because
it's here that Vosk can be stopped.

If you succeed,
the w*r will never happen.

The timeline will be restored.

One of his people told me
they were building a conduit.

Vosk's time-travel device
had a drawback.

It was a one-way trip.

He needed to construct the conduit
to get home,

but he was forced to use technology
from this time period.

The machine would have
to be enormous.

Find it. Destroy it.

He must not succeed.

Stop him.



Your colleague has managed
to evade us.

I assure you,

whatever I want to know,
you'll tell me gratefully.

I'll be supervising another test.

Notify me when they're ready
for questioning.