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05x18 - Identity

Posted: 01/19/23 09:16
by bunniefuu
That sounds perfect.

I didn't know anybody was in here.

Are you looking for Rodney ?
'Cause I saw him in the mess hall.

- Rodney ?
- Yeah.

- Are you all right ?
- Yeah.

You just seem a little confused.

- Are you ill ?
- No.

No, no, no, I just... I don't...

Where am I ?

You're in one of our auxiliary labs,
east pier, level four.

- Here, why don't you sit down ?
- It's okay.

No, really.
I mean, I'll radio Rodney, and I'll just...

No, no, you don't need to do that.

Better yet, let... Why don't you lie down ?

Walk with me to the infirmary,
and they'll examine you.

They'll just see if there's anything...

There you are!
I've been looking all over for you.

Is your radio not working ?
I called, like, 1,000 times.

All right. Here.

I just want to check your earwig.
Here we go.

There we go.
It's probably just a dead battery.

Come on, schnitzel day.
We've got to hurry, though,

'cause it's going fast.

So, what happened ?

- What do you mean ?
- Well, hello, our lunch date ?

You were supposed to meet me,
like, half an hour ago.

I must have forgotten.

Hey. What's wrong ?

You seem distracted.
Is something bothering you ?

Did I do something ?

I did, didn't I ? What'd I do ?

Nothing, I just... I'm not...

Dr. Keller ?

Dr. Keller, please respond!

Just a second. It's for you.
Working fine, apparently.

- Hello ?
- Dr. Keller, we have an emergency.

Dr. Zelenka has been seriously injured.

Dr. Zelenka ?

What's wrong with Zelenka ?

Is he complaining about
another one of his so-called migraines ?

'Cause if he is, you can just
send him right down to...

He's been stabbed!

Stabbed ? What do you mean, stabbed ?

Like, with a knife, stabbed ? By who ?

I don't know. An SO just radioed us.
They found him on the floor of his lab.

He's unconscious, losing a lot of blood.
They're rushing him to the infirmary.

All right, we're on our way.

His pressure's dropping. 60 over 40.
Pulse rapid, skin diaphoretic.

The scan shows internal bleeding,
laceration of the liver.

So, what ? Is he going to die ?

He needs immediate surgery.
He's in hypovolemic shock.

Doctor ?

Yes. Yes, he needs surgery.

We're prepping the OR.
Dr. McBride will assist you.

He's already scrubbing.

We'll be all set to go
as soon as you're ready.

Jennifer! Jennifer!

You're acting weird.
What's wrong with you ?

Nothing. Nothing. I need to get ready.

Doctor ?

I'm not feeling very well.

Take over for me.
I'm going to go lay down.

- How'd it go ?
- They've managed to stop the bleeding,

but he's lost a lot of blood.

- Is he awake yet ?
- No, he's in a coma.

It's a light coma.

They figure he should recover,
barring any, you know, complications.

I hear Dr. Keller
didn't perform the surgery.

No. No, she excused herself.
She said she wasn't feeling well.

- What's wrong with her ?
- You got me.

I mean, she's been acting strange all day.
She's acting aloof, distracted.

I found her wandering Atlantis,
looking lost.

I got her to the infirmary,
but she just stood there

like she'd never held a scalpel before.

- Where is she now ?
- She's in her quarters, resting.

Dr. Beckett is due back soon.

I'll have him examine her
for any possible contagion,

or, God forbid, another one
of those parasitic organisms.

Better safe than sorry.

Any leads yet as to who might have
done this to Dr. Zelenka ?

No witnesses, no sign of struggle.

I want a full investigation.
Use every resource, no stone unturned.

One of our people is lying in a coma...

Light coma.

...and I want to know who's responsible.

What the hell's going on here ?


- Heard you weren't feeling well.
- No.

Can I come in ?

All right.

So, what's wrong with you ?

I don't know. I'm just tired.

Been pushing yourself real hard lately.

Yes. Well, I mean, you know me,
I'm always pushing myself real hard.

What ?


Anyway, I'll be fine. I just need to...


- Am I interrupting ?
- No.

Good. I mean...

I just dropped by to let you know that
Beckett is on his way back.

He'll be able to fill in for you while you're

- ill.
- Great.

Yeah, we've sent a Puddle Jumper for him.

A Puddle Jumper ?

Well, he's in some remote desert village.

It'll take too long to walk back to the gate,

so it's easier just to,
you know, hitch a ride.

A ride on a Puddle Jumper.


Maybe we should leave,

you know, let her get some rest.


Call me if you need anything.

I will.

Nothing out of the usual.

No sign of trauma or any kind of organism.

What about her blood work ?

The same.

How long have you been feeling like this ?

A day or so.

- Have you been sleeping all right ?
- No.

I've been pushing myself real hard.

Aye, well, I'd like to keep you overnight
for observation.

I'll give you something to help you sleep,
and we'll monitor your condition.

Then, hopefully,
you'll wake up in the morning refreshed,

back to your old self. Okay ?

You're certain you saw nothing at all ?

She's fine,

physically speaking.

If there's something wrong with her,

I'm afraid it's most likely
psychological in nature.


All these corridors,
I keep getting turned around.

The Puddle Jumper is where ?

- The Jumper Bay ?
- Yes.

Top of the central tower.

Right, yeah, I know that.
I just need to... How do I...

The transporter's at
the end of the corridor.

- It'll take you there.
- Transporter. Of course. Thank you.

You're welcome.


Come on, come on. Come on.

What are you doing ?

I couldn't sleep.

What, so you came up to the Jumper Bay ?

Yeah, I thought I'd go for a ride.

In a Puddle Jumper ?

- Is there a problem with that ?
- A few.

For starters, you don't have
the Ancient gene, so you can't fly one.

- But you already know that.
- Can you fly it ?

Of course I can. That's not the point.

Look, you should be back in the infirmary.

But you can take me for a ride.

- What, now ?
- Yeah.

It would really help me relax.

Well, I thought Beckett
gave you pills for that.

They didn't work.

Yeah. Come on. Please ?

Just you and me.


You could take me somewhere secluded.

And we could...
We could make love underneath the stars.

Really ?

Would you like that ?

Well, yeah! I mean,
I'd have to get a blanket, though,

because the mainland's groundcover
is loaded with allergens.

Let's just go now.

Wait. Wait. No, no, no, no. Look, look.

You should go back to the infirmary.

Forget about the infirmary.
I need to be with you.

Jennifer, please.

Come on. I mean, just a quick ride.

- Don't you want to be with me ?
- No. No, I just...

Yes! I just... Will you stop ?

Look, I don't know what's wrong with you,
but you are clearly not yourself.

- I'm taking you back to the infirmary.
- No.

Well, you can argue all you want,
I'm not letting you...

You're not taking me anywhere.

Jennifer, now, I need you to listen to me.

As soon as you are cured
of whatever it is that is affecting you,

you're going to thank me for this,
so let's go.

No! Don't you...

What are you doing ?

You should've taken me on that ride.

I don't care what the scans say.

Either she's suffered
a serious mind-altering brain trauma,

or some kind of entity
has taken control of her.

- Has she been injured recently ?
- Not that I know of.

I mean, she was perfectly fine
up until yesterday.

I'm telling you,
her brain scan would have revealed

any kind of physical trauma,
as well as any foreign organism.

Unless the organism's good at hiding.

Yeah, wouldn't be the first time.

It took days to figure out
Rodney was infected.

I still don't think that we should rule out
the possibility of a psychological event.

We sometimes forget that
working in this environment,

in a whole other galaxy,
can be emotionally overwhelming.

Such acute stress has often been linked
to various dissociative disorders.

Disorder ? She tried to k*ll me.

Look, Rodney, I don't think
she would have pulled the trigger.

Hey, I saw the look in her eyes. She...

Wait a second. What if she had
something to do with Zelenka ?

- What if she's the one who stabbed him ?
- Dr. Keller ?

That woman down there
is not Jennifer Keller.

I think Woolsey's right.

Something has taken control of her.

How can we be sure of this ?

Well, we can start by asking her.

Let's make this simple.

Who the hell are you ?

- What ?
- Lf you are, in fact, Jennifer Keller,

you would know what town you're from,
what your father's name is.

So go ahead, tell us.

All right, look,
I know I've been acting strange...

Strange ?

Dr. Keller wouldn't point a g*n at me,

and she certainly wouldn't s*ab Zelenka.

Well ?

You did it, didn't you ?

You stabbed him.

It was self-defense.

I didn't want to hurt anybody,
but he att*cked me.

- Zelenka att*cked you ?
- He couldn't harm a fly.

He tried to grab me.

I thought he was gonna turn me in,
and I was afraid of being caught.

The fact of the matter is,
you have been caught.

So I would advise you
to tell us exactly who or what you are.

My name is Neeva Casol.

I have no idea what I'm doing here
or how I came to be in this person's body.

- In her body ?
- Yes.

One moment I was myself,

searching through
some artifacts in a village,

the next moment,
I'm stuck in some strange woman's body,

standing in the middle of this city.

Every time I look at my reflection,
I see her staring back at me.

How is that even possible ?

I wish I knew.

What artifacts ?

Me and my associates,
we travel around, planet to planet,

searching for valuables to acquire.

You mean steal.

We heard about a planet

that supposedly held
a trove of Ancestral artifacts,

so we made our way there
and broke into the vault.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

You see ? I told you.
There is all kinds of treasure in here.

Okay, well, move fast.
Take only what we can carry.

What is that ?

I don't know.

It's too big to haul out of here.

I have no idea how this happened or why.

Believe me,
I'm just as confused by it as you are,

but I am telling you the truth.

Look, I'm sorry for hurting
one of your people,

but I felt threatened,

and I only know of one way
to deal with a threat.

I don't want to hurt anybody else. I just...

I just want to get back into my own body.

What have you got ?

Well, I think I've figured out
what happened.

The artifact that woman described,
it rang a bell, so I did a little research.

Turns out, a few years ago,

SG-1 encountered a similar device
in the Glastonbury cavern.

- The Ancient communication terminal ?
- Exactly.

Of course. The stones, the psychic link...

What terminal ? What stones ?

Okay, look,
SG-1 discovered an Ancient device.

There are these stones
and if you place them

in one of several recesses around
the outside of the device, it activates it

and allows you to connect
to someone far, far away,

across the galaxy, intergalactically, even,

as was the case
with Daniel Jackson and Vala.

So this woman activated
one of these devices ?

I think so, yes.

Why'd she connect with Keller ?

My first question, as well.
Then I remembered Janus' lab.

We have recovered tons
of Ancient technology from there.

We're still in the process
of cataloging it all.

Anyways, a few weeks ago,

Jennifer visited me
while I was working there.

Rodney, if we don't leave soon,
we're not going to get a good seat.

Yeah, almost, almost there.

Come on, it's Dr. No. The first Bond movie.

You don't want to get stuck
sitting behind Ronon again, like last week.

I know, I know, I know.

Not to mention,
all the popcorn's going to be gone.

God! This is amazing!

These are the initial design concepts
for a personal cloaking device.

Janus never actually got around
to making it,

but I think, given enough time,
I might be able to actually... Hey!

We haven't cataloged those yet!

- Sorry.
- What did we say about that ?

These stones must
somehow be connected

to the Ancient terminal
that woman Neeva found.

But how could Jennifer
activate one of these stones ?

He's right, it's Ancient technology.
Don't you need to have the ATA gene ?

Well, it must've been initialized already.

Maybe Janus did it
thousands of years ago,

or maybe a tech initialized it
after we discovered the lab.

Look, the point is that Jennifer was
obviously the last person to touch this,

which is why it connected to her.

If I remember the case report correctly,
disconnecting the device proved difficult.

Yes. I've been going over
the SGC files on that,

and there's still a lot of unanswered
questions about how it works.

Hold on.
If this woman's mind is in Keller's body,

does that mean Keller's mind
is in her body ?

I don't know. Maybe. I mean, probably.

Then the question is

where is Dr. Keller ?

What happened ? Did you contact Atlantis ?


Why not ?

I chose to first contact a few
of my trading partners on other planets.

It appears you and your accomplices
have made quite the name for yourselves.

I already told you,
I am not who you think I am.

I suppose I should feel fortunate.

I mean, your crimes elsewhere far exceed

the mere robbery charges
you've been accused of here.

I've counted no less than five murders

committed on other planets
by your hand alone.

Several more with the aid
of your two accomplices.

Well, they may have eluded capture so far,
but mark my words, we will find them.

Listen to me.
My name is Dr. Jennifer Keller.

I am the chief medical officer
from Atlantis.

I don't know what's going on

or how my mind ended up
in this woman's body,

but if you contact them,
ask for Dr. Rodney McKay...

You are also said to be
a highly effective liar,

willing to fabricate any story,

broker any kind of deal,
to get yourself free.

Rest assured, I will not fall for your tricks.

As magistrate of this village,

I hereby pronounce sentence upon you

for the crimes you've committed,
not only on this planet,

but on all the other planets
in the coalition.

Tomorrow, you shall be taken
from this cell and ex*cuted.

- What are the options ?
- There's only one option.

We have to go to the planet, find
the communications terminal, shut it off.

It was activated on that end.
It's the initial transmitter.

The only way to sever the connection
is to shut it down at the source.

And have you figured out
how to safely do that ?

No, not yet.

We're not going to know
until we get a good look at this thing.

Well, the sooner, the better.
I've been studying the SG-1 report.

This device connects
beyond merely psychological.

There's also a physiological connection,
as well.

What does that mean ?

It means, should Neeva's body be k*lled,

Jennifer's mind would perish
along with her.

And we'll be stuck with this other woman
in Keller's body ?

- We need to get moving.
- Agreed.

Do we know which planet
this device is on ?

We will.

I would be happy to take you to the planet.
I'll lead you straight to the device,

- on one condition.
- You're in no position

- to make any demands...
- What is it ?

When you sever that connection,

you have to agree
not to pursue me or my accomplices.


And I want you to give me
one of those Puddle Jumpers.

- What ? Forget it!
- Why not ?

I've been out there.
I know how many you have.

- You have more than enough.
- You're not getting anything.

Weapons, then.

You take us to the planet,
we agree not to pursue you.

That's it. Take it or leave it.

All right, all right. Let's go.

Which way ?

This way. It's not far, a few hours' walk.

A few hours ?
You could have told us that before!

Wouldn't have made
any difference, Rodney.

We can't get a Jumper into this forest.

And the Daedalus is back on Earth.

Yeah, but I could've packed
some extra power bars, some water,

not to mention proper insoles.

- He complains a lot.
- Only when he's awake.

Is it true that Dr. Keller and he are...

Hard to believe, huh ?

Yeah, keep walking.

It's time.

That's it.

The vault containing the artifacts
is near the center of the village,

so we'll have to be quiet.

Maybe only a few of us should go in.

And I'm going to need a w*apon,
in case we run into some...

No. We're not breaking into the room.

What ?

We're just going to go talk
to these people and ask them for help.

They're not going to help us.
I tried to rob them.

They won't know you. You're in
Jennifer Keller's body, remember ?

If you do not say anything,
it should not be a problem.

Okay, but what if
they've captured her... Me ?

Once we sever the connection,

what's to stop them
from keeping me locked up ?

- Nothing.
- Nothing.

You said we couldn't pursue you.
You didn't say anything about them.

- So, you tricked me.
- Hey, just take it easy.

Listen, I am not going
to let you disarm this device

without first knowing where my body is.

You don't have a choice.

We're wasting valuable time here, people.

Maybe she should stay here.

No. I'll go.

- Ronon ?
- Yeah, I got her.

Let's go.

Hi. It's okay, we're friends.
We're from Atlantis.

I'm Colonel John Sheppard.

What is it you want ?

Well, we have a problem,
and we need some help.

We hear that this village holds
a number of Ancient artifacts,

most notably a communication terminal

about yea-big, round-ish,
grooves along the outside. Yes ?

Why do you ask about this device ?

So you have it ? Where is it ?

It's hidden and well-protected,

so if you have any designs
on removing it...

No, no, no. Look.
We just want to take a look at it.

This may sound strange,

but we think it may have
been inadvertently activated, and it's...

Well, it's causing some problems
for us on Atlantis.

Long story short,
we're just going to shut it off,

and, well, we'll be on our way.

We're not here to cause any trouble.
We'd just like some assistance.

I do not have the authority
to grant such assistance.

For that, you will need to speak
to the village magistrate.

All right. Let's talk to him.

- He's not here.
- For God's sake.

How long's he going to be gone ?
This is urgent.

He will return
when the execution is completed.

Oh, my God!

Neeva Casol,

you have been found guilty
of the crime of m*rder,

and so you shall be put to death.

I am not Neeva Casol!

Don't worry.

The executioner is strong, his blade sharp.

Your death will be far less painful
than those of your victims.

Please. Please! Don't do this!


What ?

No thank you for the rescue ?

Let's go.

She went that way! Find her!

Go back to the village, gather more men.

I want that Ancestral ring guarded!

No one leaves this planet!

We're too late.

I don't believe this. How did she escape ?

My accomplices no doubt intervened.

This is not the first time
we've been in this situation.

How many accomplices do you have ?

- Two.
- That's all ?

It's more than enough. Trust me.
You don't want to challenge them.

Yeah ? We'll see about that.

Where would they have gone ?

I have no idea.

All right, Chewie. Start tracking.

Yeah. I'm on it.

You looked frightened out there.

What, you didn't think we'd save you ?

No, I just...

After how many times
you saved our hides ?

We weren't going to let you down.

You all right ? You look confused.

No, I'm just,
you know, happy to be out of there.

So, what's the plan ?

- Plan ?
- Yeah.

What do we do now ?

I don't know.

Yet. Yet. I don't know yet. I just need

more time to think.

Well, think faster.

Because, sooner or later,
those villagers are going to find this cave,

and I don't want to be here when they do.


Good point.

This way.

That's the third patrol
in the last 10 minutes.

It seems as if the entire village
is out looking for her.

Let's hope we find her before they do.


What the hell happened ?

I lost her.

- Are there no tracks ?
- There's nothing.

She's good.

Listen, I think the best plan of action
is to leave this planet.

Now, I know of another planet.
We'll be safe there.

They'll be guarding the ring.

I know.

Maybe we could create
some kind of diversion.

Well, how do we do that ?

I don't know.


Maybe we can set an expl*si*n.

And why would they run
towards an expl*si*n ?

Or something else.

I say we wait till nightfall,

then we'll launch an attack on the ring.

- Catch them by surprise.
- An attack ?

We'll k*ll the guards, activate the ring,
and we make our escape.

I agree.


But if I think of something else
before then, maybe we could...

All right, don't sh**t.

Who are you ?

I'm Neeva Casol.

All right, let me explain.

Back at the artifact vault,
I accidentally activated

some kind of Ancestral
communications device

that caused my mind
to transfer into this woman's body

and hers into mine.

You expect us to believe that ?

Yeah, Jannick, I do.
I expect you to believe that,

just as you did on Vara Sol,
when I brokered that deal

with the fish merchant to save your life.

And you, Bordal.

If you didn't trust me
back when you got caught at that brothel,

those women would've made sure

the thought of procreating
never again entered your mind.

- How do you know about that ?
- Because I'm Neeva.

There's a link between
this woman and me.

Her mind is in my body
and mine is in hers.

Look, whatever's happening here,
I had nothing to do with it.

No, she didn't,
but if we're going to fix this,

we need to move fast.

We need to go back to the village,

break into the vault
and turn off that device.

We need to be really careful,

because not only are
the villagers out looking for us,

but so are the people from Atlantis.

Wait a second. They're here ?
Who, Colonel Sheppard ?

Among others, but they're going to
turn us in to the villagers

if they catch us,
so we need no problems from you.

Do you understand me ?

All right, we need to find this device...


I don't know what's going on here.

I just told you, all right ?

- I am Neeva.
- I've never seen you before!

Jannick, listen to me.
This is not the time to be stupid.

I wouldn't make him angry...

You're going to put down the g*n,
and you're going to listen

- to what I'm saying.
- No. I'm not.

I'm going to take the both of you with me.

We're going to attack the ring now.

And we'll sort out who's really who
on another planet.

And if you're lying to me,
you're as good as dead.

This Dr. McKay...

- What about him ?
- You can do better.

Be quiet.

Jannick, I know
this is difficult to understand.

I mean, I was equally confused by it
in the beginning, but you have to...

- How many ?
- I don't know!

I count four.

We'd be a lot better off
if you'd give us weapons.

He's dead.

Hey! Come back here!


Jannick, don't! Don't!

Is she going to be all right ?

Aye, for now,
but I need to stop the bleeding.

Here, hold her steady, Rodney.

You two, give us a hand here, please.

On the table, Rodney.

These are the people from Atlantis
I was telling you about.

- What happened ?
- She was shot by one of your men.

I warned you it was dangerous
to venture out there.

- Well, is she dead ?
- No, but she's badly wounded.

Teyla, I'm going to need your hand here.

I need to remove the b*llet
and then stop the bleeding.

And we need access
to that communication terminal.

- We need to shut it down right now!
- Why ? What's it doing ?

Look, simply put, it creates
a psychic link between two people.

So Dr. Keller and this Neeva Casol
have switched places.

They're in each other's bodies.

- You know about Atlantis, right ?
- Yes.

Then you know you're better off
being our friend than our enemy.

So why don't you be our friend
and show us where that terminal is ?

- This way.
- All right.

It's still on!

Obviously. So turn it off.

Well, there's no switches,

but it looks almost identical
to the one SG-1 found.

There's the b*llet.

Now stem the bleeding.

I don't know who you are,

but you are definitely not Neeva.

No, I'm not.

But I'm not your enemy, either,

and if you'd just let me, I think I can help...

You're not helping anyone.

- Come on! Hurry up!
- Believe me, I'm trying!

Look, there's no way
to access the control crystal.

There doesn't seem to be
a way to shut this thing off!

All right. What if... What if we blow it up ?

Well, I don't know. I mean, maybe. I just...

I'm not sure if the expl*si*n could
cause a sudden power surge...

What the hell did the other guys do ?

Well, SG-1 dialed the gate
and tossed the device into the vortex

of a forming wormhole.
It disintegrated instantly.

But, you know,
it's too far to carry it back to the gate.

You got Bordal k*lled.

You've almost got me k*lled.

I'm going to return the favor.

All right, well,
we may not have much of a choice,

so give me a hand with this.

- I'm not sure we've got the time...
- Hold up.


- Dr. Keller ?
- Teyla.

- You're back.
- I'm back.

You've been shot, love.
Don't worry, we removed the b*llet.

You'll be just fine.

Wait, Jannick. It's me, Neeva.

They must've turned off the device.

Nice try.

Jannick, no!

I appreciate that, Dana. Say hello for me.

Well, well, well! What's the occasion ?

Just visiting a friend in the infirmary.

That's very thoughtful of you, Rodney.

I know.

Major Lorne and his team just returned.
They did a full sweep of the planet.

No sign of Neeva Casol.
She must've managed to escape.

I don't know about that.

According to Jennifer,
her accomplice was just about to k*ll her

when we shut down
the communication terminal.

Well, either he did k*ll her
and disposed of the body

before escaping himself,

or she got away from him somehow.

Well, I guess we'll never know.

Well, we may.

Word has gone out
to several planets in the coalition.

If Neeva is alive and roaming free,
she won't be for long.

Now, promise you'll take it easy.

Yes, Doctor.

Don't worry. I will make sure of it.

- Hey, you.
- Hey, you.

Thank you, Rodney.
Flowers and chocolates ? I'm impressed.

Right. No.

She's all alone in the infirmary.
I just thought I would,

you know, brighten the room up a bit.

Hey, Radek. How you doing ?

Better. Thanks.

Again, Radek,
I am so sorry for what happened.

It's not your fault. I told you, don't worry.

I'm fine.

Yeah, yeah, of course he's fine.
He's all perky and rosy-cheeked

and ready to go back to work.

I don't know about that.

He needs to get rest, too, Rodney.

I agree. His wound was
much more serious than mine.

Really ? I mean, you were shot.
He was just stabbed.

Perhaps I should wheel you
to another room.

Just until he's gone, please. Thank you.

Aye. Right.


I completely agree.

- Chocolates ?
- Thank you.

So I was thinking that

when you're feeling better,
we could maybe,

you know, go for a ride.

- A ride ?
- Yeah, you know,

take the Puddle Jumper,
go to the mainland,

maybe have a picnic,
maybe lay out under the stars.

What ?

You did turn off
that communication terminal, right ?

There's no one else in there ?

No, it's really me.

'Cause a Puddle Jumper ride

and the picnic under the stars,

- I mean, that's just so...
- So not me. Right, okay.

- No, bad idea.
- No.

I think it's a great idea.