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05x10 - First Contact

Posted: 01/19/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis So, I understand you have a proposal.

We've come up with a gene therapy that alters Wraith DNA.

We think we can make it so that you will never need to feed on humans again.


Try this.

His name was Janus.

Causality is not to be treated so lightly.

- No one's treating it lightly.

- You are, with your insistence on continuing these experiments.

We ordered you to cease these activities I don't know what all the fuss is about.

If we do this every time someone comes for a visit, we'll never get any work done.

- We're just meeting him at the Gate.

- We're not just meeting him at the Gate.

I've been pulled from my regular duties to help him with his database research.

I've got stuff on the go, you know.

Important, vital projects for the betterment of the human race.

Apparently there are other people doing equally important work, Rodney, as hard as that is to believe.

- An exciting day.

- Absolutely.

- He's ready to beam.

- Very well.


Jackson, welcome to Atlantis.

Thank you, Mr.


It's great to be back.

Season 5 Episode 10 First Contact (v.


00) I'll have Rodney here show you to your quarters Actually, I'd like to get started right away, if that's okay with you, Rodney? Sure, sure.

What have you got planned? An exciting exploration of insignificant Ancient historical events? - No, not quite.

I'm sure you're both familiar with the Ancient named Janus? - The inventor? Yes, he was the lead scientist and apparently a bit of a renegade.

Yeah, and I've been over all his logs.

Look, this is work we've done already.

I'm pretty sure I have information that could lead us to his secret lab.

Secret lab? Yes, a place where he conducted and subsequently hid a significant portion of his unauthorized research.

And if I'm correct, it's right here On Atlantis.

I've been over Janus' database entries with a fine-tooth comb.

- I never saw any mention of a secret lab.

- Janus was doing a lot of work that wasn't exactly approved by the Ancient council, so it's not hard to imagine he wouldn't include a full accounting in this very public database.

Do you include all of your research in your official reports? Just get to the point.

He never talked about it in his entries, but several of Janus' peers suspected he had a "bastion of unfettered thought and experimentation," - or as one of his lovers put it - He had lovers? "An isle of solitude within the City walls.

" Could just mean he was hard to talk to.

People say things like that about me all the time.

None of these writers had any idea where the lab could be, but one of his young assistants recalls a day where Janus - turned a corner down a hallway.

- "Today I saw Janus in the hallway " - there's a real page-turner.

- He chased after him with a question, but when he rounded the corner, Janus was gone.

The hallway was a dead end.

He had seemingly disappeared, I think, into his secret lab.

- Well, did this assistant happen to mention - Which hallway? Yes.

He does.

As soon as the Daedalus unloads its supplies, we'll be heading off to meet up with Todd and one of his hives.

You really think he's going to show up? And let you guys try out Dr.

Keller's gene therapy on a few of his guys? Well, we held up our end of the deal.

We let him use Teyla to take control of an alliance of Wraith hives.

That's what I'm saying, he's got what he wants.

I should go with you, because I have a relationship with Todd That is precisely why I don't want you there.

This mission is basically going to be a negotiation, and Todd has less baggage with me than he does with you.

I'm not saying you shouldn't take the lead on this, I'm just You're second in command here, Colonel.

I know my predecessors played fast and loose with many of the rules set forth by the IOA, but protocol plainly states that in the rare instance where I am required to leave Atlantis, you stay put.

You're in command here until I get back.

Understood? - Try not to blow her up while I'm gone.

- No promises.

Yeah, I think this should be the last of it.

I was just leaving.

Yeah, I know.

- Here, let me get that.

- Thanks.

So you're going on this Daedalus thing? Thank you.

I kind of have to.

I'm the one that's gonna be administering the treatment.

If, you know, we ever get to that point.


I think I should come with you on this.

Really? Why? I don't really trust these guys.

You don't trust Todd and his Wraith or the entire crew of the Daedalus to protect me if something goes wrong? I don't know.

Both, I guess.

- What? - Nothing.

- What? - Nothing, nothing.

It'd be great to have the company.

- Bye, Rodney.

Wish us luck.

- Good luck.

What do you mean, "us"? Is that a water line up there? Yeah, this section of the City flooded the first year we were here.

Anything salvageable got moved to the main tower.

It's remote.

That's promising.

He wouldn't want anyone around when he came in and out of his lab.

Like the bat cave.

Yes Just like the bat cave.

I'm not picking up anything unusual Something used to be attached here.

And here And another one.

Any idea what they are? - Looks like a run-of-the-mill sconce interface.

- Right.

Well, - where are the sconces? - I don't know.

Maybe the decorator changed his mind.

You said after the flood, anything worth salvaging was moved to the main tower.

Now, please tell me you kept detailed records of what was found and where.

Did we keep detailed records? Who are you talking to here? There.

That's the hallway.

Can you zoom in there? There.

There are your light fixtures.

- Must have been knocked loose during the flood.

- Possibly.

- But you salvaged them, right? - They're lights that fell during a flood Just humor me, okay? I think we're onto something.

All right.

Here they are.

I've got'em.

That's odd.

Each of these three lights made a different tone when I plugged them in.

Does that usually happen around here? Not usually, no.

They've been banged around a lot, underwater a few days.

Maybe they're just broken.

No, it's a puzzle.

I think we need to activate these in a specific order.

A 3-digit code? You know how easy that would be to break? There's only 6 variations.

Maybe activate them a number of times in a specific order.

I don't suppose you recognize any of these three notes? Does it remind me of Janus' favorite Brian Eno track? No.

No such luck.

Janus' assistant said he disappeared pretty quickly down the hallway, so it can't be a long code.

Maybe it's as simple as 3 tones in a row.

Go for it.

- Hold on for a second.

- What is it? - Come here and push against this wall.

- Why? Please.

Just humor me.

I think I'm on to something.

Okay, on the count of three, push against the wall as hard as you can, okay? Okay.

One Two Three Son of a bitch.

Controlled magnetic harmonic resonance.

What? Apparently Tesla was close to something like this before Edison trashed his lab.

- What are you talking about? - That wall was specially designed to de-stabliize when bombarded with a very specific harmonic resonance.

That's what the tones were.

And the strong magnetic property of the particles is what keeps the door from just crumbling into dust.

It's a great way to hide a door, because if you're looking for a door to open, it's never going to be found.

It's like a hologram, only better, because it's solid mass until the tones are playing.

So you could have just told me to walk through the door when you did.

- I could have, yes.

- Yes, yes.

Where the hell are we? Janus' secret lab.

Alert the others.

The device has been activated.

Where is your burly protector? It's odd to see you without him nowadays.

He's in the lab.

What are you working on? - A speech.

- What for? Well, this is a fairly momentous occasion.

The Wraith will take a step forward, not only for their own benefit, but for that of the entire galaxy.

It's a historic day.

I just think it deserves some recognition.

What have you got so far? "Today is an historic day.

" It's a good place to start.

Well, it's a work in progress.

That's pretty cool.

- Harmonic resonance.

- Yeah, I was told.

But what happens if the sound goes off - and you're in the middle of the wall? - The wall would break apart your body.

Maybe we should I've set up a sub-sonic tone generator outside.

The wall is now permanently open.

Don't worry.


So, what have we got? The good news is it's definitely Janus' secret lab.

The bad news is getting in was the easy part.

There are levels of encryption on all data here that even the most paranoid NSA agent wouldn't use.

I mean, it is deep.

Some of them are straight-up math ciphers, while others are Ancient knowledge puzzles.

And until we start deciphering, there's no way to tell what any of this stuff does.

Sounds like you guys make a good team, though.

Well, I guess I'll go back to being the boss.

- How's that going? - Pretty boring, actually.

You're more than welcome to help us crack this first stream cipher.

You know, he could have been in Mensa.

Why don't you contact me when you two geniuses have a breakthrough.

Will do.

Sir, we're being hailed.

Open a channel.

This is Colonel Caldwell of the Earth ship Daedalus.

We're ready to receive your delegation.

The delegation is on their way.

Marks, you have the bridge.

I'm going to meet our guests.

- Thank you for coming.

- Thank you for having us.

Today is an historic day.

Robert Grosseteste once said I would like to get started as soon as possible.

Yes, of course.

But I wanted to recognize I have my doubts that your plan will be effective.

So shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? Very well.


Keller, lead the way.

Please, come with me.

- Robert who? - Never mind.

You know, it's almost dawn.

If you want to call it a night What? No, no, no, I'm fine, fine.

But if you need to rest, I'll completely understand.

Seriously, is everything a competition with you? I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I just found you a secret lab full of really cool Ancient stuff.

I kind of think that should score me some points here.

Okay, I will admit that I may have been a little brusque with you up until now.

- Just a little.

- But the truth is, I really didn't think you would have found anything.

Well, that much I actually understand.

- You do? - Yeah.

I've spent the majority of my professional life being ridiculed for my theories, most of which turned out to be correct, by the way.

I'm kind of used to it, Rodney.

Doesn't that bother you? I mean, no vindication, no recognition, no credit I could say the same thing about you.

The discoveries you've made, you probably could've won the Nobel Prize five times over by now.

Too true.

So, I guess none of us signed up to get famous, huh? No, we did it for the money.

Good one.

Wait a minute You don't get paid more than I do, do you? Do you? Hyperspace window just opened.

Daedalus isn't due back yet.

Get Sheppard.

Colonel Sheppard, sir? Yeah, just resting my eyes.

Who said that? I patched into the PA in your room, sir.

You're gonna want to get up here.

What's going on? We're tracking a small ship, in atmosphere.

It's coming right for us.

- Get the Jumpers in the air.

- It's closing fast, sir.

It'll be here in less than 10 seconds.

Shields up.

I still want the Jumpers ready.

Here it comes That's impossible.

- What did it just do? - It passed through the shield.

Yeah, but how did it do that? I'm not sure, sir.

Ancient ships can do it.

All right, tell Teyla and a team of marines to meet me at that pier.

They should be right in front of you.

Don't move! - What's at the bottom of this tower? - Rodney.

Rodney, this is Sheppard.

Come in.

- Rodney! - What's up? Get out of there right now.

Why? Control room, what's the status of that ship? I'm sorry, Colonel.

They're gone.

- Is it alive? - You tell me.

I'm not getting any coherent readings.

Perhaps we should put it under a medical scanner.

- Okay, do it.

- Go get a gurney.

So is it true they took Rodney and Dr.

Jackson? Yeah.

- What the hell happened? - We were att*cked.

That much I got, thanks.

- By who? - I was kind of hoping you could tell me.

Okay, there is no way this is a coincidence.

We discover Janus' super-secret lab, and less than 24 hours later, a bunch of aliens show up, all g*ns blazing? Don't think that's a little odd? Now that you mention it They knew exactly what they were looking for.

Didn't waste any time, went straight for the lab.

When they came out, one of them was carrying a device.

Unfortunately, we haven't had nearly enough time to go through everything we found in here, so there's no way of knowing exactly what they took.

All this stuff came on when Rodney and Dr.

Jackson came in here.

Pretty much.

It activated probably in response to Rodney's ATA gene.

Why? What if something in here has been broadcasting? A subspace signal It's the only possible answer.

- What are you talking about? - We've come across them before.

They're a real-time, practically instantaneous link between two Ancient devices.

They can be separated by half a galaxy.

There's a bunch of aliens out there.

They stumble upon an Ancient lab, probably built by Janus himself.

It's dormant.

It's not working.

Then one day, out of the blue, it activates.

So they're standing around, scratching they're heads.

They have no idea what's going on.

Then they discover the subspace link.

They decide to follow it, they trace it back to us.

And then attack us and take two of our people hostage? Rodney and Dr.

Jackson were not the targets.

They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Whatever that device was, that's what they were after.

All right, good theory.

So what do we do? Well, we've gotta get out of here.

We're probably on a ship traveling through hyperspace.

Where are we gonna go? - I'll think of something.

- Really? Always do.

Yeah, I tried that.

They zap you when you touch them.

You could told me that before I touched it.

I could have, yes.

Look, they stripped us of everything but the clothing on our backs and surrounded us with laser walls - I'm not sure how much play we have here.

- We've got one thing going for us, at least.

- What's that? - We're not dead yet.

Good point.

It's no good.

I'm still not getting any useful readings.

The suit is emitting some sort of EM field that's disrupting the scanner.

I have no idea how to shut it off.

There's no way to penetrate the shield and see what's under there? I'm afraid not.

Do you think there's a human underneath all that armor? Impossible to say.

Could be a robot.

One thing's for sure It's not like anything we've ever seen before.


Weir did say that there were other technologically advanced societies - that we have yet to encounter.

- We've just made first contact.

What do you want me to do? Cut it open.

Ah, it's no good.

I just dulled the blade.

The neck.

- What? - Looks like the softest part.

Try the neck.

- It's already dead, Radek.

- We think.

Just do it.

It's working! Get out.

Everyone, get out! Everyone okay? Yes.

Somebody really wants to keep secret whatever's inside that suit.

We've run close to a hundred simulations based on full medical scans of the Wraith we've had in captivity.

- They've all been successful.

- We both know very well that computer simulations and live trials are very different.

I don't think we're doing this cavalierly.

I stand by the data.

It will work.

Perhaps it will.

The question is, do you want it to? I do see the benefits.

Even if we only used the therapy on some of my troops Say, those whose lives, thanks to this w*r, are expected to be short.

Why waste perfectly good resources on them, yes? But it will be very difficult for me to ask those around me to give themselves over for the good of the human race.

But it's for your benefit too.

If you don't have to rely on human feeding, the w*r would be over.

Perhaps But then what would we do? Who would we be? Can we talk to somebody in charge? I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding.

There's no need to treat us this way - Get the device operational.

- I don't even know what it is! Oh, great.

It's sealed shut, and they've removed the door controls from this side.

Where they hell are we? I'd say judging by the lantian architecture, I'd guess, you know, secret Janus facility.

Which is, you know, probably bad for us, because it probably means it's hard to find.

So I guess that means no rescue any time soon.

Does that look familiar to you? Yeah, it's the device from the Atlantis lab.

At least we know why they brought us with them.

They need us to get the device operational.

I caught Caught that.

Right, and I don't think we'll get any more info from talky McSays-a-lot out there, so fire up these consoles, see what we're dealing with.

Not like that.

Let's see.

Yeah, like that.

And then I need to be right there, yep.



We've got five Jumpers in the air flying a defensive formation around the City and have the Chair fired up and ready for you at a moment's notice.

I want marine details every five levels, locked and loaded, - ready for my go-ahead, just in case.

- Absolutely.

Colonel, I think I may have something.

I've been working under the assumption that, as you suggested, that the device they took must have been broadcasting some sort of subspace communication.

You can trace it? Yeah, if it was broadcasting from Atlantis, yes.

But obviously it's not doing that anymore.

- So - So I'm using the work of Laszlo Babai as a stepping stone.

You know, combinatorics and No offense, but the math I'm using is so complicated that I don't know if I can dumb it down enough for it to make sense.


All right, well, okay, I've been going over our recorded subspace logs and I'm trying to extrapolate the single thread that will lead us to the area of space associated with the device.

- Well, I understand that.

- It doesn't accurately represent what I'm doing, but I get it.

What you're doing is difficult.

Just tell me when you get a hit.

This facility is tapped into some pretty serious power generation.

- I've never seen anything like it before.

- You'd need a lot of power What? I think I know what this thing does.

- What? - It's an endgame machine.

- How so? - If it works the way I think it does, it would mean the end of the Wraith once and for all.

So how do you destroy the Wraith once and for all? Well, I never said "destroy.

" I mean, it would lead to that, I suppose, but this device would stop them dead in their tracks.

How? It creates a very specific subspace static Turbulence is a better way of looking at it.

- Which - Okay, look.

Although they're all based on a fairly similar technological premise, each race has a slightly different type of hyperdrive.

Ours are based on the Asgard drives with our own little twist.

The Ancients had their own particular system, and the Wraith , again, have their own separate hyperdrive technology.

- All right.

- So at its base level, a hyperdrive allows you to travel great distances by entering and exiting subspace.

- Okay, this much I already know, yes.

- Okay, so, if this machine is capable of actually functioning safely, it disrupts the very specific subspace frequencies the Wraith use.

So they wouldn't be able to engage their hyperdrives.

That's the genius They would be able to engage their hyperdrive.

It's just that their particular channel of subspace would be destabilized and the ship would be ripped into a million pieces.

When this device is turned on, every time a Wraith ship enters hyperspace, it self-destructs? - Yeah.

- That's a pretty effective idea.

Because even if word got back to the other Wraith that the ships should stop using their hyperdrives, they'd be stuck where they were.

They could only travel using sublight engines.

Because Ancient ships' hyperdrives operated on a different frequency of subspace, the Ancients could fly around and pick them off one by one.

Yeah, or just leave them to die in the vastness of space.

So, what's the catch? The catch is that Janus ran a three-day test about 10,000 years ago and then shut the whole project down because of "unforeseen side effects".

Right, which were? Well, it's not clear.

But that's the key to the whole shebang.

Janus brought that back to Atlantis but kept it connected to the main system here.

- One won't work without the other.

- They seem pretty convinced we can make it operational.

Because we probably can.

We have everything we need here.

The question is whether we should.

The last time I went down this road, I kinda destroyed a solar system.

Yeah, and I'm not too keen about experiencing those "unforeseen side effects".

- So what do we do? - It's simple.

We reason with them? Now, obviously you're as excited about the possibility of ending the Wraith's reign over this galaxy once and for all.

But the reality is this device and this facility were abandoned by their creator for a very good reason.

See it doesn't work At least not safely.

That's from what my friend can tell.

Look, we share the same goal.

Perhaps we have many things in common.

Look, given the right amount of time, it's possible we could get the device to function safely, but we'd have to contact our people and bring in a much larger science team.

See, I'm not that kinda scientist, and my friend here Get the device operational within one hour or I will k*ll him.

Do you understand? I understand.


Great plan, Danny.

Great plan.

Why the suits? Well, they're not in battle anymore.

Originally I thought it was just their version of SWAT gear, but they still have it on.

Maybe they're more than just armor.

Maybe they're some sort of protective suit.

Maybe they can't function in our livable atmosphere.

Maybe we should just add it to the list of things that have nothing to do with the task at hand.

Those suits might be the key to figuring out who these guys really are.

Well, you work on understanding them.

I'll work on trying not to get us k*lled.

- You got something for me? - Yes.



That's my best guess.

- Are you sure? - Well, about 80% sure.

All right, it's our only lead.

I'll have to do.

- Doesn't happen to have a Gate on it, does it? - No.

Of course not.

- Daedalus still out of communications range? - Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Their rendezvous point with Todd isn't even near a Stargate.

Get to the Jumper bay, boost its subspace communications range as much as you can.

- What are you planning? - We've got to get to that planet as soon as possible.

We'll gate as near as we can to the Daedalus with a Jumper, have them pick us up en route to the planet.

- Give me half an hour.

- I'm gonna get the team ready.

That main chamber houses the subspace antenna.

- It harnesses the static into subspace.

- It will once I light it up.

- What? You're already ready? - Well, it wasn't broken.

He just shut it down.

All you need is that, a basic understanding of Janus' coding style, and here's where I come in again, the Ancient gene.

We're ready to roll.

Rodney, you don't have to do this.

What? If turning this thing on means a solar system is gonna explode, then let's not.

- They're gonna k*ll you.

We don't have a choice.

- Yes, we do.

Okay, so I do nothing, they come in here, they k*ll you.

Who gets k*lled next ? Me.

To tell you the truth here, I'm quite fond of me, so might as well do it, you know, now while you're still alive as opposed to, you know, then.

All right.

All right.

You still alive? I think so.

I'd hate to think Heaven looks like this.

Who says we went to Heaven? It's operational.

Anything out of the ordinary? No.

Everything is in the green.

I mean, it's working great.

What about those "unforeseen side effects"? They're still unforeseen.

For now, it's working, and we're still alive.

Okay, so, what now? Maybe a nice pat on the back and an all-expense-paid trip back to Atlantis? You have an urgent message from your hive.

I assumed you'd want to take it privately.

Go ahead.

Very well.

Permission granted.

I shall remain here.

Is everything okay? One of our facilities is under attack by a rival hive.

Our two support ships must depart for battle.

My hive will remain here, continue the work with Dr.


I'm glad to hear that.

Oh, not the under attack part, that's unfortunate, of course.

I just meant Never mind.

- Marks, what the hell just happened? - How did you do that? How did we Surely you don't think we had anything to do with that.

- You've tricked me.

- What? This was your plan all along.

Somehow, you've found the attero device.

The what? We have no idea what you Commander, we've been trying to contact you.

- The other cruisers were destroyed.

- I know.

We've been betrayed.

What should we do? I have control of the humans' transport system.

I'll begin beaming in our troops immediately.

We're taking this ship.

Come on.

- What's going on? - We're under attack.

We got to get to the armory and get you a g*n.

Come on.


Ronon! We're locked in.

That should limit their movements.

Continue beaming in our troops.

Still no problem.

- Oh, boy - What? What is it? I think I just found a log entry that tells what the side effect is.

It's not harmful radiation, is it? No.

No, no, no.

You and I are safe.

It's just the rest of the galaxy that's gonna have problems, including Atlantis.

I've got to shut this thing down.

Step away from the device.

Okay, wait.

There's a very dangerous, very serious problem with the device, and we need to talk to your boss Okay, all set.

I'll have Chuck dial M5R-179.

You should be able to contact the Daedalus via subspace once you get there.

- Nice work.

- Thanks.

Good luck.

Thanks, we're gonna need it.

All right, dial up.

What's that? We've got a power spike at the event horizon.

What? Power is building within the Gate? No, no, no.

That can't happen.

Colonel, do not lower the Jumper into the Gate room.

- Why not? - For some reason, there's an unprecedented power build-up within the Gate.

Power build-up from where? It's coming from within the event horizon.

Oh, no.

- This is very, very bad for us.

- Just shut it down.

It's probably a faulty Gate at the other end.

I'm I'm trying.

It won't let me.

All right, I'm coming down.

What do we do, wait 38 minutes and ride the puddle out? I wish.

If the power continues to build like this, the Gate will reach critical overload and most certainly explode.

- Explode?! - Yes, I told you it was very, very bad for us.

- How does something like this happen? - I don't know.

It's never happened before.

- How long do we have? - Not very long at all.

About 90 seconds.

- 90 seconds?! - I would say closer to 60.

We've got to evacuate everyone in the tower.

The Gate exploding is equivalent to a dozen nuclear explosions.

There's nowhere we could evacuate quickly enough to a safe distance.

- The shield.

- What? Collapse the City's shield around the Gate, contain the expl*si*n.

Yes, yes, that might just work.

The Gate will reach a critical limit in five Four Three Two one.

- Don't look at the blast! - Might have mentioned that before! I'll see if I can divert more power to the shield, see if I can block more of the radiation And now what? The shield continues to diffuse the energy of the blast.

Every second it's contained within the shield, the expl*si*n gets weaker.

How long does it take? - Oh, no.

- What? The shield needs at least another minute to contain the full brunt of the blast, but we're frying out the emitters.

I don't know how much longer I can hold this.

- Shut down the City, transfer all the power.

- Yes, I'm trying.

Everyone that doesn't need to be here, get to the edge of the City.

Move! Everybody! You're gonna want to get out of here.

Teyla, please.

Come on, you can do it, Radek.

It's going down.

We're gonna make it.

No It's not enough.