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05x08 - The Queen

Posted: 01/19/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
previously on stargate atlantis...

You have some wraith dna.

My father told people that it was a gift.

Ah, they've picked up my signal.

A subspace tracking device.

I had it implanted.

The hives are firing on each other.

- Are you sure?
- Definitely.

They're not pulling any punches either.

So all it took was the destruction of my ship for you to finally trust me.

Oh, not true, I still don't trust you.

I've refined the retrovirus to create the perfect balance--

ability well beyond any normal human,

but without the one weakness that will be the downfall of the wraith...

the need to feed.

I still say we should've brought backup.

Another jumper, or a marine unit, something.

This is intended to be a diplomatic mission, rodney.

What kind of message would that send?

Well, a strong one, hopefully.

Everybody's going to be fine if they don't panic.

Easier said than done.

There they are.

My god, how big is that thing?

Never seen a hive in space, huh?

I've never seen one period.

I mean, I've seen video logs, but never in person.

Well, you never forget your first.

They know we're here.

Apparently. We're receiving a transmission.

Docking instructions.

What, no, "hello. Greetings, weary travelers?"

Guess not. So much for the red carpet.

So, what happens now?

Well, if history has taught us anything, this is the part where we get double-crossed and taken prisoner.

That will not happen this time, rodney.

We were invited, remember?

And that makes a difference?

Right on cue.

This looks a little familiar.

lower your weapons.

My apologies.

You understand.

You can't be too careful.

Welcome to my ship.

The Queen

This is my second-in-command.

I've asked him to be a part of these discussions.

Please, sit.

Fruit bowl, nice touch.

Well, we picked them up on our travels.

I thought it would make our discussions more comfortable.

I hope they prove as delicious as the farmers who grew them.

All right, let's just get this over with.

So, I understand you have a proposal,

a breakthrough of some kind?

This is dr.Keller. She's our chief medical officer, and she's going to explain everything to you.

Well, um...

uh, as you may already know,

we recently stumbled across a lab belonging to michael,

- the wraith that we--
- I know who he is.

Of course you do.

Word of your success against him spread rapidly among my kind.

We are very grateful.

Trust me, we didn't do it for you.

Anyway, we recovered a database from his lab that allowed us to continue his research into--

for what purpose?

We've come up with a gene therapy

that alters wraith dna in a small but significant way.

In a nutshell-- we think we can make it so that you, and any other wraith we treat,

will never need to feed on humans again.

This is absurd.

Well, actually, it's not as big of a change as you might think.

Your bodies already contain all the organs necessary to digest food.


Try this.

If I consume this,

it may give me a moment's pleasure,

but it will not sustain me.

But that can change, at least in theory.

Why would we want this?

Of what benefit is it?

Well, think about it.

If you put yourself on regular food, you could give up all those tiresome cullings.

It would give you a significant advantage over other hives.

Not to mention I could stop waiting for the chance to k*ll you, in theory.

Our current feeding process gives us strength,

our ability to heal, our longevity.

Well, um, we're not entirely sure how this change would affect your, um... gifts.

They may continue, although possibly in a diminished form.


It's difficult to know from lab tests.

We can't be sure until we administer it to, um, live subjects.

Well, let's not forget that michael spread the modified hoffan drug to dozens of worlds, possibly more.

I mean, no one knows for sure, right?

Which means that every time you feed, you're taking a risk.

Bottom line is, there's not enough food to go around.

That's why you wraith are at each other's throats. So...

here's your chance.

This is wrong.

We shouldn't be here.

I don't know, from where I was sitting, things seemed to go pretty well.


You don't seem too happy about it.

I was just expecting a little more resistance.

Well, he hasn't said yes yet.

Yeah, but something makes me think he wants to.

And why not? It is a reasonable offer.

Why are we thinking of ways to fix them

when we should be thinking of ways to k*ll them?

We've been trying to do that for four years.
They're still here.

The wraith may not deserve our consideration, but as john pointed out, we're not doing this for them.

There's something going on here, something he's not telling us.

What a surprise.

I'm sorry.

Am I disturbing you?

Come in.

I have...

considered your offer.

That was fast.

I believe your idea has merit,

if you can make the treatment to work.

It'll work.

Of course, converting a single hive would be pointless.

It would make little difference to the humans of this galaxy and would make us pariahs amongst are own kind.

Wait a minute, I thought you worked with a whole group of hives.

I do, but I may have...

exaggerated my position within the alliance.

He doesn't have the clout.

Then he's no good to us.

There's only one you need to convince.

Among all the queens in the alliance, one sits above the rest.

We call her the primary.

The uber-queen?

Convince her, and the rest will fall into line.

Then convince her.

She will only speak with another queen.

And your queen was k*lled last year in the skies above atlantis.

Regrettably, yes,

but the primary does not know this.


you bluffed your way into the alliance and convinced them you still have a queen?

They would not have accepted me otherwise.

Up to now, I've been able to maintain this subterfuge,

but a face-to-face meeting,

that would be difficult.

In fact,

there is only one person who could help me.

This is crazy.

Believe me, this is not a decision I am taking lightly.

Do you realize what he's asking you to do?

Well, dr.Keller assures me that the procedure is completely reversible and will have no lasting ill-effects.

I'm not talking about the procedure.

I know.

Look, even if this works, even if all the wraith stop feeding, you think they're going to become nice and friendly overnight?


They're going to have a massive technological advantage.

You're suggesting they will enslave the people of this galaxy rather than feed on them.

We've seen the same thing happen in our galaxy.

You didn't voice this objection before.

Nobody was asking you to risk your life.

My wraith dna makes me the only possible candidate.

Anyone else would be detected by the queen immediately.

Well, that's fine, by my question is, why now?

The wraith are busy k*lling each other.
Why don't we just sit back and watch?

Eventually, one faction will emerge victorious,

and then everything will go back to the way it was.

But maybe not for a while, so we can afford to wait.

And if todd's alliance is destroyed?

We may never have another opportunity like this again.

I admit, this may not solve the wraith problem once and for all,

but there are people alive today who will be culled in the coming weeks and months,

and if I can save even some of them, I have to try.

If not for myself, then for my son.

Colonel sheppard, come in.

This is sheppard, go ahead.

Mr. Woolsey wanted me to inform you, sir, he's here.

You sure you're ready for this?

As ready as I'll ever be.

I'm sorry. I...

I feel like you're being pressured into this because of my research.

I am not being pressured into anything,

and your research may save thousands, even millions of lives.

Remember that.


Can I help you?

Just remember,

if anything happens to her,

there won't be anywhere in the galaxy you can hide.

Is that all?


How is my patient?

She's fine.

Very well, let's get started.

Don't worry, he's just here as a technical advisor.

I'm going to be performing the surgery.

All right, we're ready.

When are we going to get to see her?

Give it some time, just relax.

I can'T. I had, like, three cups of coffee. I'm completely wired.

Really? I hadn't noticed.

All right, you can see her now.

How do I look?

Now, assume your throne.

Are you trying to get us both k*lled?

I do not understand.

At the first sign of deception, the primary will not hesitate to slit our throats!

You said she would sense my wraith dna.

It is not your dna that concerns me.

It is your manner, your bearing.

You project apprehension.

Well, given the circumstances--

it may be understandable, but it is not acceptable!

Above all,

you must never show weakness.

Now... again!

How long is this going to take, anyway?

Until todd's satisfied she can pass as a wraith queen.

You know, personally, I'm not inclined to rush this thing.

She's already too convincing if you ask me.

Creeps me out.

She's still teyla, underneath all that.

Maybe that's the problem.

Look, I'm not any crazier about this than you guys,

but the fact is, todd's putting his life on the line, too.

I don't think he'd go in there with her if he didn't think she could pull this off.

Where's teyla?


You'll be pleased to know we've received word back from the primary's hive.

We've been instructed to meet them at their current location.

So, what's the plan?

Once we arrive, we make contact with the ship and make our way over.

Then teyla will put forward my proposal.

Oh, your proposal?

Believe me, the less the primary knows about my dealings with the humans of atlantis, the better.

If she doesn't know it's coming from us, what are the chances she's going to buy it?

Our alliance has recently been dealt a number of setbacks.

You're getting your asses kicked.


Although the primary would never admit it out loud,

but the one thing stronger than her pride

is her instinct for survival.

Don't be nervous.

I am not.


at long last we meet.


Many among my crew were beginning to think you didn't exist.

You must point them out to me,

so that I may remove all doubt from their minds.

That will no longer be necessary.

Make your way to my ship,

and do not keep me waiting again.

She likes you.

You think so?

It was as warm a reception as we could expect.

How'd it go?

Apparently, quite well.

They're preparing a shuttle to take me over to the other hive.

You know we can pull the plug anytime you want, you just give us the word.


We've come this far. I intend to go through with this.

Well, we'll be right here.

If anything goes wrong, we'll get you out.

But nothing's going to.

- Well, no, of course not, but I'm just saying, if it does--
- rodney...

which it won'T.


just be careful over there.

Welcome to my ship.

Where is your queen?

You will meet her in time.

Inform the bridge they're onboard.

Take us to hyperspace.

This was not part of the agreement.

You did not expect us to conduct this meeting here,

within weapons range of your hive?

We are part of the same alliance.

Unless you do not trust us?

I make it a practice to trust no one I do not know.

It is how the queen wishes it.

Follow me.


What's going on?

The primary's hive just went into hyperspace.


That wasn't part of the deal.

No, it was not.

Where'd they go?

I do not know.

- There is no way to track them.
- He's lying.

Uh, ronon?

I assure you, I know nothing of this.


it appears we have no choice but to trust each other.

The queen shall see you shortly.

What have you done?

I swear I did not expect this to happen.

We're in no danger.

If the queen did not believe us, we'd be dead already.

And if she begins to suspect?

We are trapped on this ship.

Everything will be fine, provided you continue to play your part.

We must proceed as planned.

What is he doing here?

I thought his presence would be useful,

as he is the one you've been dealing with up until now.

I do not like surprises.

Nor do I,

and yet you are the one who took your ship to hyperspace the moment we stepped aboard.

If you were in my position,

you might understand the need for such precautions.

Very well.


Let's sit.

What are you doing?

What is the meaning of this?

Forgive me,

but this is the way it must be.

You must say that you k*lled her.

Are you insane?

This is how it is done with our kind.

This is how power changes hands.

- But I do not want--
- listen to me!

The crew will not be happy, but nor will they wish to be without a queen.

You caught her off-guard.

Many will perceive that to mean that she was growing weak.

All you need to do is convince them that you are a capable replacement, and they will accept you.

And if I can't?

Then we're both dead.

What is this?

I have taken what is rightfully mine.

You k*lled her!


and you are the better for it.

You will die for this.

How dare you point a w*apon at your queen!

This was my queen!

Not anymore.

She was growing weak.

She no longer had full control over the alliance.

If you can't see that, you're a fool.

Did I ask you to speak for me?

No, my queen.

Wag your tongue like that again, and I will remove it.

Is that understood?

Yes, my queen!

Now, drop us out of hyperspace and run a full diagnostic.

I wish to know the state of my new flagship.

And have this... thing removed from my sight.

Yes, my queen.

I have surveyed the crew.

You'll be pleased to know they were entirely fooled.

What were you thinking?

You put both our lives at terrible risk.

I know.

- If you'll allow me to explain--
- how could you do this?

It was necessary. The former queen was never going to accept your proposal.

And so you k*lled her and forced me to take the blame?

If I had taken the blame, I would have been k*lled, and you would have been held c*ptive.

That was not the desired outcome.

You must understand, our culture is different from your own.

We govern ourselves by different rules.

It was important for you to claim ownership of the act of k*lling the queen.

You should have informed me of your intention to make me queen of this hive.


but I doubt you would have gone through with it had you known.

You're right. It was a foolish, reckless plan.

Most wraith seek to be ruled.

They fear being without a queen.

I knew that if you presented yourself as a viable substitute, most of them would just fall in line.

Most of them?

The point is, we have achieved what we set out to do.

You are now effectively in control of the alliance.

We may now implement dr. Keller's plan without hindrance.

Then there is no further need for us to continue this charade.

Take me back to your ship.

Soon, but first,

you must allow some time for order to be restored,

for things to return to normal.

Once they do, you may take your leave,

and no one on this crew will be the wiser.

I still say this was a setup.

I don't know, kenny seemed pretty surprised when that ship disappeared.


Kenny, the second-in-command.

Well, since when did we start calling him that?

Maybe he wasn't in on it.

I don't know, if todd wanted to kidnap teyla, he would've done it the second we arrived.

It doesn't add up.

Seriously, the next time we have to name one of these guys, we should take a vote.

So, what are we going to do?

We can't stay here. We're stuck on a hive surrounded by wraith.

Not exactly our strongest position.

All I've got is a jumper. Where do you want to go?

Well, we get to a gate, we gate back to atlantis,

and then we figure out where they took teyla.

How, exactly?

Okay, so I haven't quite worked out the details yet, but...

we have something.

The primary's hive has dropped out of hyperspace.

How do you know?

We're receiving a signal.

It's todd's subspace transmitter.

They're in empty space, on the edge of a large nebula.

What are they doing out there?

Who cares? This is our chance. Let's go after them.

I've already plotted the course,

but you should know that it will arouse suspicion for us to arrive unannounced.

Well, let's worry about that later.

For now, this is the closest thing they've got to a distress signal.

I'm sorry to disturb you, my queen.

We've received an urgent report.

You intend to make her read it?

A hive belonging to another alliance has been detected above one of our feeding grounds not far from here.

Have you tried to contact them?

They are not responding.

Dispatch the closest hive to investigate.

We are the closest hive.

It falls upon us to intercept.

We must remain here.

My queen,

perhaps we should discuss this in private.

Leave us.

We must respond to this.

To do otherwise will read as weakness.

The crew will not understand.

Then let them be confused.

Spoken like a true queen,

but you risk breeding suspicion.

For the moment, they believe you, and are prepared to serve you

but if you break that trust by making irrational decisions,

they will quickly fall away from you.

What about your ship?

It is probably already on its way.

They will pick up on our new location as soon as they arrive.

Inform the bridge to set a course.

Now, kenny's right about one thing--

the second we drop out of hyperspace, the primary's hive ship's going to know something's up.

We drop out early, go the rest of the way by jumper.

That's going to take too long. We need a diversion.

So, what... what kind of a diversion?

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah, but I don't think we can rely on kenny to give the order, though.

We don't give him a choice.

What are you talking about? What order?

Oh, no, wait a minute. You're not thinking about attacking the other ship?

Look, it's the only way to keep them occupied long enough to get on board, get teyla, and get back.

But it's also incredibly risky. I mean, either of the ships could be destroyed.

Well, we'll just make sure we get her out of there before that happens.

Look, I realize the odds aren't exactly in our favor, rodney,

but the longer we wait to get teyla, the more likely it is we never will.

We just have to keep all of our options open.

We have reached the feeding ground.

They will attempt to negotiate a concession,

but you must stand firm.

They may even thr*aten to attack,

but they will not want to fight any more than we do.

The other hive is trying to contact us.

Ignore them. Charge weapons.

You wish to attack unprovoked?

We were provoked.

They have encroached upon our territory.

I want them destroyed.


What are you doing?

What does it look like?

I told you to talk to them.

You also told me to show no weakness.

They're returning fire.

We're taking hull damage.

Deploy the darts.

Under these conditions, they will suffer heavy losses.

I'm fully aware of the costs,

but we must take a firm stance against intrusions such as this.

You're doing this on purpose,

to k*ll wraith.

Half the first wave has been destroyed.

But the survivors are now too close to be affected by the ship's weapons, and they can attack at will.

Until the enemy launches their own darts to intercept.

That will take time.

With any luck, we've caught them off guard.

They're not here.

Where the hell are they?

They've moved,

to one of our more populated feeding grounds.

What for?

I do not know.

I'm not on the ship.

But if I had to guess, I would say they've gone to cull.

What now?

What else can we do? We go after them.

If they jump into hyperspace, we're going to lose them again, right?

Pretty much. Todd's locator beacon doesn't work in hyperspace.

We got to stop playing catch-up.

Is there a stargate on that planet?

Of course.

Then drop us off. We can get there faster in the jumper.

How do you intend to get on board their ship?

Don't worry about it. Just get us to the nearest stargate.

My queen,

our darts are outnumbered two to one.

If we do not recall them now, they will be wiped out.

And their sacrifice will be remembered when this alliance rules the galaxy.

What was that?

We just lost the medial weapons array.

Keep firing all other batteries.

All right, we should be coming up on them now.

Wait a minute, there's two of them.


And they're fighting.

They're not pulling any punches, either.

Still picking up that signal?


All right, it's that one.

They're not doing so good.

What do you mean?

They must've lost some of their weapons.

I mean, they're seriously outgunned.

We got to do something.

You know, just last week I was talking to zelenka about trying to reverse-engineer a daedalus beaming system for the jumpers.


Oh, well, no, we're nowhere near close.

I mean, the asgard technology's incredibly complicated--

what the hell are you bringing this up for now?

I'm just saying that this would be the perfect situation for something like...

All right, everybody hold on. We're going in.

What are you doing?

Trying to tip the scales a little.

Are you nuts? They can see us!

Think that did it?

We're about to find out.

That's impossible.

The enemy hive just exploded.

Well done, my queen.

Perhaps next time, you will not be so quick to question my tactics.

Recall the darts.

Darts are heading back. Bay doors are open.

All right, that's our cue. I'm going in.

Where do we go?

I don't know.

- What do you mean, you don't know?
- It's hard to tell.

I think we're on the wrong level.

Plus, the signal keeps moving around.

That's a good sign todd's alive.

Still doesn't tell us anything about teyla.

All right.

Tit'shis way. I think.

We're going to have to circle back.

Oh, great, I got to figure this out all over again?

- Another patrol coming this way.
- So, what are we going to do?

We got no choice.

- Let's move.
- Which way?

I guess that answers that.

Inform the queen.

We have intruders.

Now what?

Well, if i had to guess,

I'd say we'll be taken in front of the queen, who will demand answers and thr*aten to feed on us.

At which time, I hope to have plan to get us out of here.

Very reassuring.

it's teyla. She's alive.

Rodney, quiet.

Leave us.

John, ronon, rodney, it is good to see you,

but you should not have come for me.

Why? What's going on?

I'll explain later,

but you must not attempt to escape.

You're in no danger.

I'm now queen of this hive.

Wait, what?

It is a long story.

No, we got a jumper here, we can leave right now.

No, I must solidify my position first.

It is the only chance we have to ensure the alliance will accept the treatment.

Otherwise, this will all have been for nothing.

All right.

We'll let it play out. For now.

My queen...

what are you doing here?

Who authorized you to wait in my quarters?

I let myself in.

I needed to see you in private.

I do not wish to speak right now. Come back later.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

- I am your queen. I command you--
- you are not my queen.

How dare you speak to me like this.

Remove yourself from my sight immediately.

I saw you talking with the prisoners from atlantis.


I may not interrogate prisoners on my own ship?

Oh, you may,

though it is odd that you refer to them as prisoners.

I overheard what you said to them.

You knew them, and they knew you,

and I asked myself

"how is such a thing possible?"

I suspected you right from the moment you set foot upon my ship,

and against my better judgment

I allowed you to remain onboard

while you committed treachery after treachery.

It was my duty to defend the ship, and I failed.

I'm afraid your reign is over, my queen.

He'll not be bothering you any further.

Thank you.

My hive arrived moments ago.

I've arranged for colonel sheppard, ronon, and dr. Mckay to be transferred there immediately.

Good. When do I join them?

As soon as this is all over.

...And thus, I will be taking my leave of you, and returning to my former hive.

I am leaving behind my trusted commander.

Let me be clear,

you will still fall under my protection,

but in my absence, you will heed his every order as if it were my own.

When he speaks, it is as though I am speaking through him.

Is that understood?

Yes, my queen.


Then it is time.

Escort me to my transport.

The queen departs.

Well done.

I believe you've managed to allay all suspicions.

Just remember why we did this,

to disseminate dr. Keller's treatment to as many wraith as possible.

Of course.

Although I think it might be wise to let matters settle for a time first.

How much time?

Not long.

You're not planning on going back on our agreement, are you?

No, no.

I'm just saying that to press such a radical agenda so soon after the change in leadership...

well, it may invite unwelcome questions.


Very well--

but bear in mind that as far as this crew is concerned,

I am still their queen.

Oh, yes.

I will be watching you,

and should you step out of line, I will not hesitate to make a reappearance

and have you removed.

Very well.


What have you done to her, doc?

Very funny.

How you feeling?


Still some soreness, but for the most part, it's gone.


Well, I have rounds, but I'll come and check on you later.

Make sure he doesn't give you a hard time.

Sure you're feeling okay?

Yes. Thank you.

No lingering desires to feed on anything?

Only on solid food.

The blended concoctions given to me by dr. Keller are not very satisfying.

Well, it's only been two weeks.
Give it some time.

Look, um...

I haven't had the chance to tell you that what you did, uh, took...

you know, a lot of guts.

I'm just glad it worked out for the best.

Has there been any further word from todd?

Not really. We're supposed to meet with him in a few weeks about this whole gene therapy thing.

Word has it he's solidified his position as, uh, "leader" of the alliance.


Do you not find it strange that as a result of all of this, todd now personally has control of that entire alliance?

You think that was his plan all along, huh?

The thought had crossed my mind.


Regardless, I think we're better off than we were before.


I suppose you're right.

Get some rest.

I'll come back and check on you.