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05x05 - Ghost in the Machine

Posted: 01/19/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
- What the hell was that thing?
- It just appeared out of nowhere.

- And that shriek scared the crap out of me.
- Some kind of a flying monkey?

Flying monkeys?
What is this, the planet of Oz?

To me, it appeared to be leaping
rather than flying.

- That was one hell of a leap.
- Well, I said it looked like a monkey,

- you know, hair, arms, legs...
- And a beak.

- It didn't have a beak.
- Here, I uploaded it. There.

You know, that really clears things up.

Well, what do you expect?
It was trying to k*ll me.

What the hell is that thing?

Let's send a team of biologists down there
and let them figure it out.

- It might be a good place for an Alpha Site.
- The planet did seem suitable.

Good climate, abundant food and water.
Excellent choice for an offworld base.

Aside from the flying monkeys.

All right, we're coming into range, Rodney.


- Rodney?
- Serious power spike.

- That's strange.
- What's wrong?

I don't know.
These readings are all screwy.

- I just lost steering.
- Really?

- The drive pods won't retract.
- Do something.

I could if I knew what the problem was.

- SHEPPARD: Rodney...
- Just hang on. Hang on.

Yeah, but if those pods don't retract...

- I know, I know. Just give me a second.
- We don't have a second.

What the hell?

- We just lost power.
- All right, you better hold on.

Okay, good. Good. I was wrong.

We still have power. It's just not getting
to any of the primary systems.

- Or the secondary systems, either.
- Why not?

I don't know.
It's some kind of interference.

I'm getting spikes all over the place.
I mean, it's completely haywire.

Thank God the inertial dampeners
weren't affected.

Well, not yet.

- Jeez!
- What the hell is that?

There's displacement current.
High voltage.

- Do not let it hit you.
- Oh, you think?

Perhaps it's something
we picked up on the planet.

That is doubtful, okay?
There was nothing technological,

I mean, Ancient or other, on that planet.

It was totally primordial.

I didn't detect anything unusual
in the planet's magnetosphere.

Look, it's got to be some kind of a glitch
in the Jumper's capacitors.

Just give me a second.
I'll figure out how to...

- Oh, no.
- What?

Hitting the gate decreased our speed,
which means we're in decaying orbit.

Look, if we don't get power back,

we're gonna burn up in the atmosphere.

All right, try to get the DHD working.
We can dial the gate and radio for help.

Well, I'll try, but the radio communications
were affected, as well.


The drive pods are powering up.

Yeah, but only one of them,
and it wasn't anything I did.

I mean, it just came back online.

- By itself?
- It doesn't make any difference.

Keep working on that DHD.
I'm gonna try to get us back in range.

Okay, I got bad news and I got good news.

What is it?

Slim to no chance
of getting the DHD working.

That system is completely out of whack.

It's gonna take some incredibly intricate
rerouting of the power to...

What's the good news?

That was the good news.
The bad news is, we lost life support.

- So, no air?
- Right. That's why it's bad.

All right, we're back in range.

Just keep working on the DHD.
This may be our last shot.

- What just happened?
- I don't know, but we're back online.

- DHD?
- Everything!

We got propulsion, life support,
you name it.

Atlantis, this is Sheppard.
Coming in for approach,

but our systems are a little whacked.
If we're not there in about 10 seconds,

- send a Jumper for us.
- MAN ON RADIO: Copy that, Colonel.

You need to brace yourself again.

WOOLSEY: Any of the other Jumpers
reporting trouble?

No. Probably an isolated incident,

but McKay and Zelenka
are checking into it.

We should probably ground the Jumpers
till we know what the problem is, though.

All right. But the planet,
suitable for an Alpha Site?

Yeah, perfect. Well, except for
the monkey-like creature flying around,

- but I think we can handle that.
- Monkey?

Yeah, McKay's got some photos.
He'll show them to you.

Did you say "flying"?

- So, how's it going, boys? Get it fixed?
- There's nothing to fix.

- What?
- We ran a battery of tests.

The Jumper's in perfect condition.

How come the systems went all screwy?

You got me.

We couldn't recreate
any of the so-called anomalies.

Hey, Sammy Skeptic, he saw it, too,
as did Ronon and Teyla.

All of our primary systems went down.

- That's okay, I believe you.
- I don't think you do.

It's just that I think that
maybe the problem might've been caused

- by something that you unwittingly...
- I didn't do anything, wittingly or un.

Okay, okay.
There's nothing wrong with the Jumper?

Well, not anymore.

Well, I don't think there ever was
anything wrong

- with the Jumper.
- Okay, enough.


Oh, please.

(SIGHING) Control Room,
this is Richard Woolsey.

I took a wrong turn in a transporter
and ended up...

I have no idea where I am.
But now the transporter door won't open.

Can you locate me and open it, please?


- Rodney?
- McKA Y: Go ahead.

Are you messing around
with the power again?

The lights are flickering.

Yeah, I'm getting reports
from all over the place. Hello?


- Have you noticed the...
- Yes.

- Well, do you have any...
- Not yet.

- Is it localized?
- No.

Got power disruptions all over the city.

- ZPM?
- Still online, plenty of power.

It's just suddenly become unstable.

Sounds not unlike what you said
happened in the Puddle Jumper.

Yes, remarkably not unlike it.

Well, perhaps the anomaly has spread
to the city's systems?

That's impossible.
I disabled the network connection

between the Jumper and Atlantis
before we even came through the gate.

Oh. So, coincidence then?

- There you are! I tried to radio you.
- Yeah, well, communications are down.

- Yeah, obviously. What's up?
- We're working on it.

Well, I just almost got zapped
by a bolt of lightning.

- What? Displacement current here?
- Yeah, right there in the corridor.

- Just like the one we had in the Jumper.
- So, not a coincidence.


We just lost power to the stargate!


Well, maybe a virus
uploaded itself or something.

No, no, I disabled the Jumper's
network connection for this very reason.

There is no way the anomaly jumped
to the city's systems.

You better figure it out

because whatever was in that Jumper
is now in the city.

- SHEPPARD: Where have you been?
- On the other side of the city.

Transporter malfunctioned
and sent me to the east pier.

I had to walk all the way back.

We've got power disruptions
all over the city.

Look, nearly every system's affected.

We think whatever was wrong
with the Jumper has infected Atlantis.

It's one of several possibilities
we're looking into.

- Several?
- It's a possibility, all right?

The point is,
we have no idea what's going on here.

- I was almost hit by a bolt of lightning.
- Yeah, join the club.

The energy builds up in one area
and then discharges

in a high-voltage displacement current.
Very erratic and very lethal.

I tried to radio you.

Yeah, well,
communications are also down.

So is the stargate.

- We can't dial Earth?
- Don't worry, all right? I will figure it out.

I just gotta run a few diagnostics,
narrow down...

Well, that can't be good.

Okay. Okay,

we need to organize some teams,
fan out through the city,

keep everyone calm
until we figure out exactly what the...



- The laptop just booted up.
- It's probably just the battery.

No, no, no.
It's drawing power from the system.

So everything's out
except your computer?

I'm as confused as you are.

- What is that?
- Looks like some kind of a code.

- Maybe.
- Could be a message.


Dr. Weir?

But she's dead.

So we've been told.

Perhaps you should answer her.


In the computer?
How can she be in the computer?

All right. Rodney?

Rodney, come in.

- Rodney, can you hear me?
- McKA Y: Go ahead.

I've completed the patch.

Go ahead and try it.
Whenever you're ready.

- Okay, fingers crossed.
- What are you doing?

Well, whatever this entity is,

it's completely overwhelming
the city's systems.

It's spread out.

It's like dozens of fragmented programs
that are fouling up power management,

communications, you name it.
Now, I've managed to merge them,

to patch them together into
one incredibly large program that will,

A, hopefully render our systems
slightly more stable,

and B, allow us to better communicate
with whoever or whatever it is

that's claiming to be Dr. Weir.

Isn't merging all these programs
potentially dangerous?

Well, hell yeah, but it's no more dangerous
than allowing this thing

to continue wreaking havoc
on the city's systems.

Or getting zapped by bolts of lightning.

Okay, so, I'm gonna see if I can synthesize
a voice to communicate with Elizabeth.

If I make the proper calibrations,
she should be able to hear us, too.


- Elizabeth?

Is it just me,
or does Elizabeth sound a little different?

I'm on it. I'm on it.


McKAY: Are you Elizabeth Weir?

Yes, Rodney. It's me.

That's the best I can do.

I'm sorry to cause all this trouble.

Who's there with you?
Is John Sheppard there?

- Hi.
- It's so good to hear your voice again.

We thought you were dead.

I suppose I am. My physical body, anyway,
but my consciousness is still intact.

Right. So what happened?

Do you remember the day
I ordered you to lea ve me behind?

- John!
- Elizabeth!


Yeah. Yeah, I remember.

Well, after that,
the Replicators took me to a lab.

The nanites in my body were unleashed
and allowed to replicate.

I joined the population,
but even in my new form,

my original consciousness was still there.

I was still me.

I tried to hide it,
but a few of the others could sense it.

They were remnants of Niam's old group.

I believe you encountered
some of their handiwork.

Replicator-built human versions
of me and your team.

M cKAY: Hmm.

- You heard about that, did you?
- Only after they were k*lled.

Now, the other you, the human one,
she thought you'd been destroyed.

That's what the leaders of our group
wanted her to believe.

They kept us apart deliberately
for security reasons.

This is all very interesting, I'm sure,
but none of it explains

how you've come to be a disembodied
voice in our computer system.

Is that Richard Woolsey?

Yes. It is.

I'm the new...

- The new you.
- I see.

(STAMMERING) So what happened?
How did you end up in there?

We were on the run.

Oberoth and the others
were hunting us down

for our heretical beliefs.

It was only a matter of time
before we'd be captured and destroyed,

unless something miraculous happened.

And something did.

Our intel was correct.
The planet has been completely destroyed.

Can you detect any trace Replicator cells?

Negative. They've been
completely wiped out.


We can finally get to work without having
to look over our shoulders.

It's time to begin.

Well, that wasn't a miracle. That was us.
We destroyed the Replicator homeworld.

and we owe you a debt of gratitude,

because it allowed us
to pursue our goal in peace.

- You mean Ascension?
- EXactly, Teyla.

We found a suitable planet
and began our work.

I did what I could to help them.

I tried to lead them in meditation,
to teach them how to release their burden,

but it was difficult.

Let m e guess, you ran into a small hiccup
with the fact that you're all machines?


Well, much as I'd like to say
we didn't see that coming,

we, you know, did.

One of our group, Koracen,

argued that it was a mistake
to try and run away

from our technological origin,

that we should embrace it
and find a technological solution.

We know that a Replicator mind
can be digitized and transferred

from one body to another,

but I've discovered a way
that will allow us to exist indefinitely

as fields of energy,

effectively uploading ourselves
into subspace,

where we'll be free
to move about the galaxy

unencumbered by physical existence.

What would happen to our bodies?

The nanite bonds holding them together
would be severed.

- You mean they'll be destroyed?
- Yes, but we'll no longer need them.

- Koracen, if this doesn't work...
- It will work.

You told us that Ascension is achieved

when the physical body
is transformed into pure energy.

I can make that happen for us.
Once in subspace,

nothing can prevent us from continuing on
to the next plane of existence.

Are you ready?

KORACEN: It's done.

Machine Ascension?

EXcept it didn't work.

There was no neXt step, no Ascension,
in any meaningful sense of the word.

We've been stuck in subspace ever since.

What is it like?

Constant motion and deafening noise.

It's like the worst migraine
you could possibly imagine.

I don't know. I've had some
pretty horrendous migraines in my time.

We started searching the galaXy,

looking for a way to regain
any kind ofphysical form.

We came across a few other
technologically-advanced societies.

Really? In this galaxy?

You'd be surprised
how many more are out there,

keeping themselves hidden
from the Wraith.

We occupied various computer systems,
even Wraith tech for a short while.

- Wraith tech? Really?
- It was eXtremely unpleasant.

In fact, no matter where we looked,

we couldn't find any technology
that would allow us to eXist

as anything even remotely
like what we were before.

Which is why you came here.

You knew that Atlantis's computers
were big enough and powerful enough

to house your entire program.

The others were growing
increasingly frustrated and bitter.

I broke away from them
and started looking for you on my own.

I searched the galaXy for months.

Then I detected your Puddle Jumper
and connected with it.

- Nearly k*lling us in the process.
- I'm sorry for that.

My current condition is eXtremely volatile,
difficult to control,

especially during the initial moments
trying to interface with new tech,

but I didn't know where else to turn.
You 're the only friends I ha ve.

If you a sk m e, it's a trick.
Som eone just pretending to be Dr. Weir.

But what if it is her?

Look, we still have the Ancient machine
I used to build Fran.

I could easily build another Replicator
to house...

- No!
- I'd put in fail-safes, a k*ll switch.

Look, what I'm saying
is that with all of the advancements

- I've been able to make...
- With all due respect

to the advancements you've made,
one thing remains constant.

Replicators are far too powerful
to even think about trusting them.

They've been the scourge of two galaxies.

You know better than anyone
how difficult it was to get rid of them.

- Then what should we do with her?
- Well, she can't stay where she is.

I mean, she's frying the city's computers.

Well, maybe we can upload her or it
or whatever this thing is

into a virtual reality, like we did with Ava?

That could work, but it wouldn't be easy,
especially if she doesn't want to go.

We'll talk to her.

Rodney, we've just detected
anomalous energy levels

- in the south pier lab.
- What, the Replicator machine.

- She's building herself a body.
- She must've found it in the database.

Shut down power to that room.

I tried. I've also tried to radio down there,

but communications are still offline.

- SHEPPARD: What's going on?
- Door slammed shut. Can't get it open.

Okay, move.

Go get some backup, some heavy arms,
and cover every corridor out of here.

Get some C4.
We're gonna have to blast this door.

Nope, the panel is toast.

Is there another door we can access?


- Listen to me. I'm Elizabeth Weir.
- Obviously she was in a hurry.

She just used the previous Replicator
template that was already in the machine,

- which was Fran.
- John, I'm not a threat to you.

Well, whatever you are,

I'd say building a Replicator body
is a pretty big threat.

Elizabeth Weir would never
do such a thing.

Okay, the machine is deactivated.
I removed the control crystal,

which means no one will be building
any more Replicators.

Believe me, I was just as concerned
about doing this as you,

but the adjustments Rodney's made
to this technology eliminate any danger.

I can't replicate,

and since my consciousness
is controlling this body,

- I truly...
- Your consciousness?

No offense, but I'm not completely sold
on your being who you say you are.

That makes two of us.

I understand your skepticism,
but I am Elizabeth Weir.

I wish there was some way
I could prove it to you.

WOOLSEY: That'll be difficult.

Any personal information or memories
could have easily been mined

from Dr. Weir's consciousness
when the Replicators captured her.

I know.

At least let me start
by offering something of value.

Let's hear it.

The technical specs
of several of the systems we've inhabited

since our transformation,
including Wraith tech.

I've already uploaded them
to your computer.

Really? Well, that's great.

All I ask is that you give me a chance
to earn your trust.

I would never, ever do anything
to harm any of you or Atlantis.

Well, the good news is
that now that she's downloaded herself

into the Replicator's body,
she's not screwing up Atlantis' computers.

The power's stable, the gate's working,
and communications are back online.

SHEPPARD: Are you sure she can't replicate
on her own?

Positive. I mean,
she instituted every safeguard.

We move her to a secure location,
and I think we'll be able...

WOOLSEY: Wait a minute!

You're not suggesting
I entertain the notion of keeping her here?

I'm just saying that
if we keep her under constant guard,

it'll minimize any threat she poses,
if she even poses a threat,

and it'll give us more time to study her.

That thing in there is a Replicator.

There are far too many ways
this can go wrong,

even if she's kept under constant guard.

Everyone doubted the first Fran I built,

and she turned out to be perfectly safe
and perfectly reliable.

That's right. You built Fran.
You created her consciousness.

Now, as much as you want to believe
that this new Fran is indeed Dr. Weir,

we cannot be certain of that.

For all we know,
it could be Oberoth inside that body.

That's creepy.

What if it is Dr. Weir?

Look, this is my fault.

I'm the one who reactivated
the nanites in Elizabeth.

True, to save her, but...

Look, I'm the one who created this mess.

I think I should be the one
to, you know, fix it.

I owe it to Elizabeth.

I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous.

I say we stick with our original plan,

upload her consciousness
into a virtual reality.

Let her prove herself there,
where she can't do any damage.

A child? Oh, Teyla.

(g*ns COCKING)

I'm so happy for you.

- Is it a boy or...
- Boy.

What's his name?

Torren John Emmagan.

Torren, for your father. And, John...

- Colonel Sheppard?
- Yes.

Wait, you're not saying John Sheppard is...

No, no.

The father is Athosian.

Let me guess. Kanaan?

Yes. How did you...

Every time you spoke of him, this "friend,"
there was always a sparkle in your eyes.

So, is the baby here with you in Atlantis?


He is with his father, offworld.

- Sorry to interrupt.
- No, it's all right. We were just finishing.


- Sorry about all this.
- It's okay. I understand.

Amazing news about Teyla.




we all want to believe
you are who you say you are.

I understand. You have to be cautious.

But it really is me, John.

You just have to give me time.
You'll see that...

- Oh, no.
- What's wrong?

They've found me.


The other Replicators.
They're on their way to Atlantis.

- WOOLSEY: How many are coming?
- Eight of them.

And we saw what kind of damage
one could do.

- Should we pull the ZPM?
- That's a last resort. We're not there yet.

Meanwhile, I'll need it to effect

any potential counter-measures
I can come up with.

- How soon will they get here?
- Well, minutes, if that.

WOOLSEY: Is there anything we can do
to protect the city?

Can you put up some kind of firewall?

A firewall won't work.
You can't block them.

They just pop in and out of subspace.

They're here, they're there,
it's impossible to predict.

I could write a program
that immediately quarantines

any anomalous behavior in the system,
like an anti-virus software.

- It's gonna take some time, though.
- WOOLSEY: Do what you can.

Keep Fran, Dr. Weir,
whoever she is, under guard.

We won't upload her to the VR just yet.
We may need her help dealing with them.

- You set us up.
- No!

I honestly believed I had broken away
without them being able to track me.

Tell them to stay away from Atlantis.

I'll try, but it'll get easier
as they get closer.

Look, I'm sure they don't intend
to hurt anyone.

You tell them to keep moving,
go someplace else. It might go...


McKA Y ON RADIO: Sheppard!

- Go ahead, Rodney.
- (IN DISRUPTED VOICE)... arrived.

- Wasn't able... program the system...
- Rodney?

Their combined force is completely
overwhelming the main power grid!

- Sheppard!
- They're here.

McKAY: All eight of them,
slamming the city's computer.

What about the anti-virus program?

I didn't have time to finish it!

Look, it probably
wouldn't have worked, anyway.

Radek, I need you to pull the ZPM,

power down
all essential naquadah generators.


Communications are down again.


Rodney, I'm trying to divert power,
but it's become far too unstable.

Perhaps now we should pull the ZPM?


Let's go. Pull the ZPM.

Shut down all the power
except for the main power.


Oh, God. He's dead.

We've established contact
with the Replicator known as Koracen.

He claims to speak on the others' behalf.

Koracen? It's Elizabeth Weir.

KORACEN: Elizabeth?
We were worried about you.

Listen to me. You need to leave this place.

- You're causing a lot of harm.
- We will leave,

but first we wish to be given bodies,
as you have.

We've already told you
that's out of the question.

And yet Elizabeth has been given one.

It wasn't our choice,

and we're not planning
on letting her keep it.

We do not wish to harm anyone.

One of our guys is already dead,

so you can save
your "we come in peace" crap.

Koracen, please.

Just leave the city
and let me negotiate with them.

I'm sure we can figure out
some way to help you.

The way to help us
is by replacing the control crystal

in the Ancient machine,
so that we may build Replicator bodies.

- That is what you will do.
- And if we don't?



Not good. Not good!

- Gate's down again.
- We're losing control of the city.

- They just shut the Jumper Bay doors.
- They're trying to keep us from leaving.

- WOOLSEY: Can't you override it?
- I'm locked out.

Oh, no. They just engaged the ZPM.

- Energy levels are rising rapidly.
- Why? What are they doing?

They're sinking the city.

- Raise the shield.
- They've disabled it.


- Any ideas?
- No, we're going down.

Water's already cresting
the lower decks of the outer piers.

It's gonna breach the city quarters
any second now.

I want you to send them
a message for me.

I've been trying to communicate
with them, telling them to stop.

- They won't listen to me.
- That's not what I want to tell them.

It's not?

Tell them to go ahead. Sink the city.

WOOLSEY: Destroy their only chance of
ever regaining any kind of physical form.

You've searched the entire galaxy.

You know the Replicator homeworld
was destroyed.

The only place remaining

with the technology you need
to achieve your goals is right here.

So go ahead, destroy it.

Stay trapped in limbo forever.

Level one of the south pier
is completely underwater.

They won't stop.


Then we'll all die together.


McKAY: They're powering down the ZPM.

The city's stabilizing.

All right. Now we can negotiate.

I have a proposal.

I've already communicated it to the others
and convinced them to agree to it.

Let's hear it.

Human bodies, nanite-manufactured,
but consisting of flesh and blood,

like the other Elizabeth Weir
you once encountered.

We don't have
that kind of technology here.

But we do.

If you give us temporary Replicator bodies
and a lab to work in,

we can assemble them ourselves.

What, you'll transfer your consciousness

from the Replicator body
to the human body?


As human beings, we would be every bit
as vulnerable as anyone else.

We would eat, sleep, get sick and die,

preferably of old age.

What about Ascension?
I'm assuming that's still on the agenda?

- It is.
- McKAY: Wait a second.

Building humans,
that's gonna take time, isn't it?

I mean, first you have to create
the technology to do it.

We're talking nanites,
I mean, organically assembling each body,

inside out, starting at the molecular level.

Well, then you have to create the machine
to transfer the consciousness.

I mean, that's gonna take
God knows how long?

Replicators, as you know, work very fast.
No need for breaks or food or sleep.

- It's worth thinking about.
- He may be right,

I mean, if only to regain control of the city.

While they're in our computer systems,
Atlantis is in serious trouble.

If we do this,

I want severe restrictions
placed on their capabilities.

No replicating, no shape-shifting...

The basic model, you got it.
I mean, no bells, no whistles.

They'll be able to effect
some minor repairs, but that's about it.

Seal off the lab, put a force field around it,
do whatever you need to do to feel safe,

but I've already convinced the others
that this is their only option.

WEIR: They won't give you any trouble.

You have my word.

Do it.

Okay, initializing force field.

WOOLSEY: Are your teams in place?

- Around-the-clock watch.
- Good.

Once these human bodies are made
and they're downloaded into them,

what happens then?

Well, seeing as they'll be just like
any other human beings,

I see no reason not to let them go.
They could become valuable allies.

Well, what if one of them decides to stay?

Let's cross one bridge at a time, all right?

- How's it going?
- McKAY: Almost done.

Just finishing up the last one.

That was fast.

Well, actually,
creating Replicators is fairly simple,

comparatively speaking.
Humans, not so much.

Well, the sooner they get it done,
the better.

And once the last transfer is complete,
I want those Replicator bodies destroyed.

They certainly don't waste any time,
do they?

No, they don't.

McKAY: There's no breaks, no chitchat,
no social interaction whatsoever.

Just the perfect working environment.

Ronon, you don't have to stay there
the whole time, you know.

I'm good.

Talk, talk, talk, that's all he does.
You can't shut him up.

Keep me apprised.

- McKay! Power's out!
- What the...

Force field.


SHEPPARD: What happened?
McKAY: One of the Replicators escaped.

Koracen, the leader, he must've written
some kind of hidden program

that was timed to k*ll power

as soon as they were downloaded
into the Replicator bodies.

It disabled the force field.
They were able to pry open the doors.

- Where is she?
- She went after Koracen.

Three teams are in pursuit.
We've lost all radio contact.

Go join them. Go up to the Control Room
and try to get the power restored.

- What do we do with them?
- sh**t them.

Keep sh**ting. They'll go down eventually.


We knew nothing of Koracen's plan.

If we were a part of it,
we would not be standing here right now.

Please. We're complying with your wishes.

Nothing gets through that door.
If they move an inch,

sh**t them.

SHEPPARD: Hold on!

You just couldn't wait
for those human bodies, could you?

The human body is frail and weak,

every second that much closer to dying.

Yeah, and this whole Ascension thing,
you're just giving up on that, huh?

Not at all. I'm certain there's another way,

and with this body,
I'll have plenty of time to discover it.

ZELENKA: Any luck?

McKAY: They've shut just about
everything down.

Power's cut
to most of the critical systems...

Except for the DHD and the gate.

They're obviously going to try to dial out.

Now, I've managed to gain remote access
to the mainframe.

I'm creating a workaround to allow
the resumption of naquadah power

to the central tower's primary systems.

It's minimal, to be sure,
but from there at least we'll be able to...

You're gonna overwrite
the Replicator program

- and restart the remaining systems.
- Exactly.

Just hurry. We need power back now.

Okay, is there anything
you want me to do?

Yes, well, for starters,
you could stay out of my way.

Yes, okay. All right.


And be quiet.


John, stay back. Let me handle this.

- Haven't you done enough already?
- I'm trying to help you.

By what? Escaping?

I didn't know that Koracen would do this.

Of course she knew.

Elizabeth has been a willing participant
in our goals from the very beginning.

It was her idea to come here
in the first place.

You said you broke off from them,
that they couldn't track you.

KORACEN: Track her?

She was the one who alerted us
when the time was right to come.

We were only following her commands.

John, listen to me.
I had to bring them here.

It was our only chance, our only way out.

I didn't know that Koracen
would cause this kind of trouble.

- I didn't think that anyone would get hurt.
- What did you think we were gonna do?

Just give you a bunch of Replicator bodies
and send you on your way?

I truly believed
that we were no threat to you.

You may still think you're Elizabeth,
but you're not.


If you'd like to resume your work,
I've decided to allow it.

We would reengage
the force field, of course.

Beef up security.

It's too risky.

WEIR: I thought that bringing
the others here would be safe.

I was wrong. I can no longer guarantee

there won't be any more trouble
from them, or even myself.

All right.

What do you want to do?

I remember after you reactivated
the nanite cells inside me,

I said this was a bad idea.
So much has gone wrong since then.

But I think I know
how I can finally set things right.

Go ahead.



If you need anything else for your work,
let us know.

Thanks, Rodney.

Once again,
you have to promise to stay put

until you're finished constructing
the human bodies.

No leaving your homeworld,

no communication
with any other civilization except Atlantis.

You have my word.
Good luck with your command, Richard.

It's comforting to know
Atlantis is in capable hands.

- Thank you.
- Shall we?

It's okay. I'll go first.

It's safe.

You're sure
the DHD reconfiguration worked?

Yes. They were sent to a spacegate.

I guess that answers the question
as to whether it was really Elizabeth.