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05x03 - Broken Ties

Posted: 01/19/23 08:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Stargate Atlantis...

Ara, Rakai.

Me, Rakai, Ara, we're your friends.

- You belong with us.
- You want to hit a Wraith lab?

Having a ship would make things
a whole lot easier getting us in and out

before any reinforcements arrive.

We'll go this way. You go that way.

Contact us if you find anything.

Thank God it's you three.

The Wraith worshipers...
They did you.

They rewarded us
with the gift of everlasting life.

- Rakai, no!
- No weapons.

Rodney, get away while you can,
because the next time we meet,

it will not be as friends.

- You getting any sleep these days?
- Not much, I'm afraid.

Although things are a little easier

now that Kanaan's request has been granted
and he's been allowed to return from the mainland.

How's he liking life
in the big city?

He's happy to be reunited
with Torren and I,

but he's having difficulty
adjusting to life on Atlantis.

Yeah, I hear the shower scared him.

And you once stunned Dr. Gero
at your own surprise birthday party.

He spooked me.

It's difficult for Kanaan.

He has Torren and me, of course, but

I still think he feels isolated.

He just needs
to make some new friends.

You should get him to come by the gym sometime.

- We could spar.
- Thank you.

That's very kind of you, but I need him in one piece
in one piece for the foreseeable future.

You're no fun.

The Daedalus confirms the results
of your preliminary search.

There's no sign
of Ronon's subcutaneous transmitter

anywhere on that planet.

That means he's still alive.

If Tyre wanted him dead,
we would have found the body.

Unless he just took him somewhere
to exact a slow revenge.

I don't mean to sound overly negative,
but from what I've heard,

- his mind is seriously warped.
- And yet he didn't k*ll me.

It would have been safer for him
to leave no witnesses.

So perhaps,
despite what the Wraith did to him,

Tyre still possesses
his Satedan sense of honor.

It didn't stop him from ambushing you.

Maybe we can use
that Satedan sense of honor

to help us find Ronon.

- How do you propose we do that?
- We get a Satedan to help us.

You happen to have one handy,
do you?

Teyla knows where one is.

- Solen Sincha.
- Who?

He is a survivor
of the Wraith attack on Sateda.

Ronon and I encountered him on a trade mission
to Belkan two years ago.

Judging by your description, he isn't exactly
the settle-down kind of guy.

I mean, what are the chances he's still there?

There's only one way to find out.

Mr. Woolsey,
permission to go off-world?

- You have a go.
- Great.

Will you be accompanying
Col. Sheppard and Dr. McKay?

I only ask because I've yet to receive
your formal request

to return to active duty.

Of course she'll be returning.

I have yet to make a decision
about my future with the team.


However, I would still like
to accompany Colonel Sheppard and Dr. McKay to Belkan.

Of course.

Where's Teyla?

I left her back on the planet.

Don't worry. She's fine.

You know I wouldn't hurt her.

Do I?

I accept the fact
that you no longer trust me,

but I'm hoping
that will change in time.

Sateda is gone.

We're the last of our kind, Ronon.

We're brothers, not enemies.

We're brothers?

So I should just forgive you
for setting me up last year?

If you had just listened to reason,
things could have been different.

Ara and Rakai would still be alive,

and we'd all be working together again.

As Wraith worshipers and traitors
to the memory of Sateda?

Hell, no.

Of course not.

I see that now.

You're blinded by the past,

lied to by your so-called friends
on Atlantis.

But I still have faith in you,
old friend.

You just need to open your eyes
to the truth.

All right.

Just untie me and I'll listen
to what you have to say.

Would that be before

or after you try to beat me

I don't know.

You choose.

Or I could just surprise you.

I don't doubt it.

What's wrong with you?

I'm not well.

But I've been worse.

You know where we are?

You remember Sarif Sur, don't you?

Yeah. You almost died on that run.

We both nearly died because you refused
to leave me behind.

You risked your life to save me.


I return the favor.

Solen Sincha?

Go away.

Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?

- We need your help.
- Ronon Dex is in trouble.

- Ronon Dex is always in trouble.
- Well, his life is in danger.

Again. What else is new?

What kind of trouble
has he gotten himself into this time?

He was abducted by a fellow Satedan,

a Wraith worshiper by the name of Tyre.

You mean former Wraith worshiper.

Word is the dog disappointed his masters,
so they turned him loose.

Well, that's uncharacteristically{\n:}That's uncharacteristically
kind of them.

Not exactly.

So long as he's on the run,
he's a living, breathing example

of what happens
to humans who disappoint them.

Tyre's a marked man now.

Most anyone I know would k*ll him on sight.
It's just a matter of time.

He was once a proud Satedan,
not unlike yourself.

He was subjected to unimaginable t*rture.

- Perhaps he had no choice.
- There's always a choice.

He could have chosen death
like a true Satedan.

Any idea where we can find him?

If I knew that,
he'd already be dead.

All right.

Tyre's not thinking straight, right?

- Sure.
- So it's probably just a matter of time

before he slips up.
And when he does,

I'm assuming your leads
will hear about it.

- Probably.
- So what do you say,

you contact us
when you hear something.

We'll deal with Tyre
and save you the trip.

All right.

To Ronon.

Look at you.

You can barely walk.

Let me get you some help.

I'm beyond your help.

It's the Wraith, isn't it?

What did they do to you?

At this point,

it's not so much what they did to me
as what they aren't doing to me.

Giving you life?

Reverse-feeding or whatever the hell it's called?

It's hard to describe.

The sense of euphoria
it offers is...

- You became addicted to it.
- You can't understand

unless you've
experienced it yourself.

It was a gift,

one that was denied me
after I allowed you

and your friends to escape us.

Free me, and I'll get you some help.

I promise.

Help is already on the way.

For both of us.

What does that mean?

What the hell did you do?

I've saved us.

I looked forward to the day
when you would finally serve me.

Well, then, I'm going to feel real bad
disappointing you.

I'm sure you'll try.
But, in the end,

you'll come around.

Any news on Ronon?

- Not yet.
- I'm sorry.

I suppose we can draw comfort

from the fact
that he is a proven survivor.

He defied the odds
for many years as a runner.

Yes, he did.

How can I help you?

I wanted to apologize
for not having come to you sooner

with a decision regarding my position
on the Colonel's team.

Take whatever time you need.

If necessary,

I can assign someone
to fill in for you.

Do you have children?


But I did have a Yorkie
for many years.

It's a small dog.

But my wife got him in the divorce.

I loved that dog.

I never really had the chance
to say goodbye.

So, no. No children.

Then, with all due respect,

you may not understand
how difficult this is for me.

For most of my life,

I never imagined the possibility
of leaving my people,

not even for a moment...

And then circumstances changed.

And after realizing a far more important role
on Colonel Sheppard's team,

I never imagined the day would come
when I would have to let it go.

And now here that day is.

Five years ago,
if anyone had asked me if I

ever planned on taking a job
outside of the Milky Way,

my answer would have been
a definite no.

And now...

Look at me.


While I can't empathize,

I certainly do sympathize.

Believe me, I know...

Priorities change.

And sometimes they don't.

Teyla, I'm sure
Kanaan will support you

whatever decision you make.


Of course he will.

Thank you, Mr. Woolsey.

How does it feel
to have your life stolen?

To be pushed so close
to the darkness,

only to be pulled back
from the brink?

From what I understand,

it's a magnificent sensation.

To be honest,

I've felt better.

Defy me all you want.

Your fellow Satedans were no different.

Like them,

you'll eventually submit.

I'll die before I submit.


You won't.


- You're up early.
- It's 10:00 AM.

It is?

Oh, God.
I didn't sleep at all.

I was up all night
thinking about this Ronon situation.

- Got anything?
- Nothing. I tried everything...

Pacing, snacking, bathing...

- Bathing.
- Yeah.

Like Archimedes.

You mean that greek scientist
who had a crush on Teyla?

No, like the greek mathematician who
came up with the Archimedes principle,

the physical laws of buoyancy.
According to legend,

the idea came to him
when he was sitting in the bath, so...

Look, the point is
that the revelation occurred

while he was, you know, relaxing.
He was not thinking about the problem.

And the solution, as it turns out,
was right in front of him all along.

- You think we've overlooked something?
- I don't know. Maybe.

Look, all I know is I was up all night
going over it and I'm drawing a blank,

so I could use a fresh perspective.

I'm not taking a bath with you.

Let's just go over what we know.

According to Solen, Tyre's on the run.

And we can assume he's operating alone

because if he had backup,
they would have been in on the ambush.

Right. He's alone, with Ronon,
on the run.

So where would someone like that go?

Well, I can think of something like 200 uninhabited
planets that would be perfect.

- Where do you want to start?
- How about Sarif Sur?

- What?
- We just got a message from Ronon's buddy, Solen.

He hears that Tyre and Ronon are
holed up on a planet called Sarif Sur.

Thank you, Archimedes.

- Major, get your team and gear up.
- Yes, sir.

There's just no point in holding on.

You're just putting off the inevitable.

It's better

if you just accept it.

You mean better for you, don't you?

The Wraith cut you off

and this is your way back in,

by offering me up as a sacrifice.


You're not the man I risked my life for.

You're a traitor
to the memory of our people.

You have no honor.

Things are progressing too slowly.
I have other matters to attend to.

We can continue this process
back at the lab.

And when will I receive my reward?

Your reward?

I brought him here as we agreed.
In exchange,

you promised to restore
our previous arrangement.

Did I?

You promised!

I'm afraid
I'm going to have to disappoint,

since your usefulness
has come to an end.

We'll get him.

See that you do, Colonel.


So we were wrong.

It has been known to happen.

Hey, I always said this was a longshot.

Colonel, this is Lorne.
We've got something.

I knew it.

Over here.

We checked his pulse. It's barely there.
We've got to move him or we lose him.

- Where's Ronon?
- Good question.

His injuries are minor,

but both his heartrate
and blood pressure are elevated.

He woke up about an hour
after you brought him in.

He was delirious, he was sweating,



I sedated him

and ran some tests.

After giving him a drug
that blocks opioid receptors,

I noticed a drop
in dopamine levels here...

A central link
in the brain's reward circuit.


Meaning this type
of neurochemical activity

is identical to that
of reforming substance-users.

He's going through withdrawal.

I need you to save him, Doc.
Right now, he's our only lead.

If he dies, our chances
of finding Ronon go with him.

Of course. But it could be days
before he's coherent enough

to tell us anything.


Why wasn't informed
about the mission to rescue Ronon?

We were playing on a hunch.
We had to act fast.

I'm going go...
see if they're still serving lunch.

- It's taquito tuesday.
- I think I'll join you.

I'm surprised that you would be so quick
to move forward without me.

Don't put this on me.

You're the one having second thoughts
about returning to the team.

I cannot give you the option

every time we're going off-world.

This is not an easy decision for me.

You think you're the only one
feeling pressure?

I've got Woolsey pushing me hard
to find a replacement for you.

- What did you tell him?
- I told him that I wasn't going

until I talked to you.
Now, if you want to join the team,

great. I'll call Woolsey.
I'll make it happen.

But if you want to spend time
with your son, I understand. I do.

I really do.

You've got to make a decision.

You are finally awake.

The procedure can be very taxing.

You've been unconscious
for the better part of a day.

You're wasting your time.

I'll die before I turn.

Just like Marika and Hemi.

I'm afraid you're mistaken.

Your friends didn't die
because they were strong.

They died because they were too weak
to withstand the process.

Their minds and bodies
eventually shut down under the strain.

But you...

You're stronger.

And it is your strength

that will prove your undoing.

He broke through his restraints
this morning and injured two guards,

so I thought it would be best
to put him in isolation.

At least this way,
if he breaks free again,

he won't be an immediate danger
to anyone.

How long is it going
to take him to go through this?

To be honest, I'm not even sure he will.


You're k*lling me!


Can't you give him
something for the pain?

Sedatives will make him
more comfortable,

but they'll also slow down his recovery.

I want this to go as quick as possible.
No sedatives.

He's already sleeping?

Why does it take so much longer
when I try to put him down?

You worry too much.

Perhaps he senses your anxiety.

Maybe he prefers the comfort
of his mother's presence.

Well, there may be times when he will
have to learn to do without.

Does that mean you've decided?

I thought so...

How can I return to the team
with the knowledge

that every time I step through the Gate,
there is a chance that I might not come back?

That, given the dangers,

there's a possibility that our son
will grow up without a mother?

You have a responsibility to him.

But you also have a responsibility
to the people of this galaxy.

Follow your heart without remorse.

And take comfort in knowing
that you'll be doing so

to safeguard the future of many,

including your son.

Just promise me
you'll be careful out there.

He's been awake and lucid
for about 10 minutes now.

What did he say?

Only that he wanted to talk to you.

I know where they've taken Ronon.

- You can give us a Gate address?
- Better.

I'll lead you right
into the heart of the facility.

Well, you're still recovering.

Dr. Keller told me
there were no longer any traces

of the Wraith enzyme in my system.

- That's not the point.
- Colonel, please.

Let me help you get Ronon back.

No retreat in the face of battle.

No sympathy for the fallen.

No mercy for our enemies.

No retreat in the face of battle.

No sympathy for the fallen.

And no mercy to your enemies.

Our enemies.



No mercy.

He seems rational,
says he wants to help us.

I say we trust him
only as much as we have to.

Use his intel,
but he stays here, under guard.

Well, if you want to hit that Wraith facility,
we're gonna need all the help we can get,

and apparently he knows that place
inside and out.

Yes, and is thus in the perfect position
to lead you right into a trap.

All right, look, I think,
as much as he'd like us to believe it,

this is not about regaining
some lost honor,

or some Satedan revenge thing.

Pure and simple... This is about a desperate guy
who's willing to do anything to help his buddy.

And how can you be so certain of that?

Because I've been there.

Now, we have a chance to get Ronon,
and I'm going to take it,

and you're going to need
to trust me on this.

All right.

Major Lorne's team
will be accompanying you.

- What is it? What's happening?
- We know where Ronon is.

- I'm coming with you.
- Gear up.

Teyla, this is exactly
the kind of decision we were...

I was about to meet Kanaan
in the cafeteria.

Would you please explain to him
the situation?

It's all right.


All right.

Well, well, well,

who have we here?



This way.

What is this place?

You were looking for a target area
that'd maximize

the effects of your expl*sives.

Well, this is it,
the facility's power relay chamber.

Hide your charges to avoid discovery.

Let's go.

I assume you have a means
to remote-detonate from a safe distance?


just flip...


This way.

It's about time.

What's going on, buddy?

We were beginning to wonder
if you'd ever show up.

You're at a disadvantage.

You could attempt an escape,

but you'll have to sacrifice
your friend's life to do so.

Ronon, get out of the way.

I can't do that.

Ronon, step aside.

His life wouldn't be
the only one forfeit.


Lower your weapons.

Take them away.

Ronon, what's happening here?

I assume this is a prize
worthy of reward?

Welcome back.

Well, you know, on the bright side,
at least we'll never have to go back to Atlantis

and hear Woolsey say
"I told you so."

- We're gonna get outta here.
- Sure.

All we have to do
is escape from this cell, right?

I mean, get past
all of the armed Wraith

that are guarding the facility
and free Lorne and his team

from wherever they're being held,
to get back to the Jumper,

which is probably
being disassembled as we speak,

and of course,
we've got to rescue Ronon who,

I don't know if you happened to notice or not,
isn't quite himself.

We're gonna get Ronon
and we're gonna go back to Atlantis.

And even if we do, then what, huh?

Tyre's recovery hasn't exactly been
the rousing success we were hoping for.

We're going to get

Ronon back.

Yeah. Of course.

We're gonna get him back.

You waste a huge opportunity
by k*lling them.

They have no use to me beyond
the information they can provide.

You underestimate their value.

Is it their value I underestimate,

- or your loyalty I overestimate?
- Ronon's right.

They're much more useful to you alive
and cooperative.

They just need some convincing.

All right, I've got it.

We tell them we have some vital information
that we're willing to give up,

but we will only share it with Ronon.
So they send Ronon,

he shows up, we appeal to him...

I mean, the part of him
that's still him.

Well, I can only think of
three things wrong with that plan,

but go on.

He hasn't been brainwashed
as long as Tyre,

which means he might be
more susceptible to our influence.

We convince him to let us out
or lead us outta here,

and then, worst-case scenario,
he's not entirely convinced...

That's your worst-case scenario?

Hey, I'm just spinning here, but

you know, we could take advantage
of that moment of uncertainty and...

You've been summoned.

Do you want to,
go over the plan one more time?

No. No, I think I'm good.

I guess it's my turn
for the sales pitch, huh?


We need to get something.


You know what would be really creepy
and unexpected, is if you knelt instead.


I guess not.

All right,
I'll try and make it work.

I appreciate your defiance.

Ronon, I really need you
to snap out of it about now.

It will make turning you

all the more enjoyable.

- How'd you get out?
- Tyre freed us. Let's go.

Okay, come on, guys.

Go, go, go!

- How's it going?
- Not so good!

My guys are holding them off,
but not for much longer.

Give me that.

Tell them to back off.

My life will be a small price to pay

for the lives of you

and your team.

Then how about the destruction
of this facility?

Is that a small enough price
as well?

You lie.

I told them where to hide the charges
for maximum effect,

enough expl*sives to destroy this place
and all of its research.

Any advantage your hive may hold
over its rivals

will be gone
with the push of a button.


Tell them to let us through.

What's to stop you
from triggering the expl*sives

- from a safe distance?
- My presence here.

You let them go. I'll remain behind.

Once they've reached the Gate,

I'll trade you this device
for my freedom.

Or we all die together.

Let them go.

I'll be right behind you.

Let's go.

You turn your back
on an incredible gift.

Actually, you turned your back
on me first.

And I thank you for it.

We're clear.

You're not beyond forgiveness.

It's not too late for you.

Yes, it is...

For both of us.

What kind of a timeframe for recovery
are we looking at?

It's impossible to predict.

He has so much of the enzyme
running through him

that his body can hardly process it.

When it eventually does,

that's when he'll come down,

and he'll come down hard.

I'm gonna talk to him.

Open it.

There he is.

Hey, buddy.


So, how long are you planning
on keeping me prisoner?

As long as it takes
to clear your head.

My head is clear.

Well, you may be feeling fine
right now,

but things are going
to get pretty rough for you.

We're gonna get you through this.

Whatever you've got planned,
it's not gonna work.

You've got a choice...

You'd better k*ll me or you let me go.

And if you let me go,

I promise I won't
come after you or Atlantis.

- Tell Tyre I won't come after him either.
- Tyre's dead.

He sacrificed himself
taking out the Wraith lab.

- Yeah, well, he was a traitor.
- No, he was a good friend.

We all are.

You're going to realize that
pretty soon.

Hey, will you just k*ll me
or set me free.

You k*ll me or set me free!

k*ll me please!

Please k*ll me!


I had what they called piano fingers...
Slim, nimble.

It's really no surprise
that my parents signed me up for lessons.

My first teacher, of course,
hailed me as a natural.

Big russian woman,
Polanskii or Baranski or...

Oh, no, definitely a "ski".

How do you feel?

Like hitting someone.

Anyone in particular?

You, if you don't loosen these straps
and get me something to eat.

That is a good sign.

That's a good sign!

He's back! He's back!

So he's fully recovered?

Well, physically he's still weak,

but his bloodwork shows
no traces of the enzyme in his system,

so he should be back
to his old self in no time.

Good to hear.

Well, it's late.
I think I'll head back to my quarters

and change into
something a little more relaxed.

Good night.

John, may I have a word?

Yeah. Sure.

Teyla. Come in.

I thought you said you were changing
into something more relaxed.

For me, this is more relaxed.

- Can I offer you a drink?
- No, thank you.

I just spoke with John,

and now I would like
to make it official.

I'm requesting a return
to active duty.

I would like to resume my position
on Colonel Sheppard's team.

You're sure this is what you want?

Very much so.

Well, then, welcome back.

Thank you, Mr. Woolsey.

- Good night.
- Good night.