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05x01 - Search and Rescue

Posted: 01/19/23 08:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Stargate Atlantis...

I believe I had a vision last night.

I saw Kanaan, the father of my son.

- Save us.
- Where are you?


I came for you, just like you asked.

Like I asked.

- Michael.
- I was the one in your visions.

- I was sent back in time?
- No, in fact, you were sent forward.

I've loaded all the intel we got
on Michael after your disappearance,

including the address
where we found Teyla.


- You must release me.
- Teyla.

- John.
- I know where Teyla is.

My child is of no concern to you.

I have great plans for him.

I think we're too early, but
he'll bring her here to have the baby.

Colonel, it's a boobytrap.
We must get outta here, now!

This is perfect.

Just what I needed.

To the has been hectic several weeks.

Try four years.

Very true.

You know what, it makes
these common moments even more special.

I cherish these times,
when it's just you and me.

Me too.

you've got an early morning.

I never got to properly thank you.

For what?

For what?

For rescuing me.

From Michael.

I never gave up hope because I knew...

I knew that you would come for me, John.

I know this sounds crazy, but...

I don't remember...

rescuing you.

You don't remember rescuing her
because you didn't.

Just like you never rescued me.


Hey, buddy.

- What happened?
- Michael's compound collapsed on us.

I got to move.

I think I... I...

Yeah, hold on. Let me take a look.

What the hell was that?

Just old scrap, no big deal.

What about the others?

I don't know. We got separated.

Try them on the radio.

Still no signal.
There's too much interference.

Pretty sure my leg is broken.

I think I'm remarkably fine.

Isn't that wonderful?

That brings me great comfort, thank you.

I don't think we're that deep.
I can see daylight.

If I can just...

- Sorry.
- I posted Edison at the entrance.

He'll get help.

That is assuming
he wasn't hit by falling debris.


The Dedalus left Atlantis when we were
still confirming Sheppard's story.

With that kind of a headstart,
they should be here in less than

three hours.
So one way or the other,

help is on the way.

I'm sorry.
It's just I'm not good in tight spaces.

Look, there's no bad guys around, okay?

No bad guys, just a lot of debris. So...

if you could please just sit tight

and try not to make the ceiling
collapse, that would be great.

Okay. No bad guys.

Just... just sit tight.

- When did you get this?
- Moments ago.

Change of plans.

We're setting a new course.

Our compound has been compromised.

Unscheduled off-world activation.

It's lieutenant Edison's IDC.

- What happened? Where's your team?
- There was a massive expl*si*n.

Everyone was in the main compound,
the whole building imploded on itself.

- Were there any survivors?
- Radios are down.

I don't know.
I just thought I should get back here.

No, you did the right thing.
Get him to the infirmary.

- How far away is the Dedalus?
- Still two hours out.

We can't wait that long.

Have the combat engineers gear up
and Doctor Keller ready her away team.

Yes, ma'am.

- What are you doing?
- I'm claustrophobic.

I'm trying to keep my mind busy,
which is hard, because you know, it's...

my mind.

Well, there's no way
anything useful survived that implosion.

Speak for yourself.

You know what I mean, Doc.

I found a bunch of computer parts.

The mother boards
are all fried or snapped.

But these hard drives
might still be intact.

If I can just get the power to...

Hello hello.

- What is it? Something good?
- I don't know, a lot of information.

Hold on.

I think I just hit the jackpot.

Some way to broadcast a signal?

Let people know our location,
speed up the rescue? What?

No, although in hindsight, you're right,
that should be considered the jackpot.

But, no, this is a hardrive,
I can only access what's on it.

Which is?

It's Michael's wiki.
It survived the expl*si*n.

- The what?
- Michael's database.

A large chunk,
maybe the whole thing.

I mean we've got base schematics,

medical research information,
list of planets...

- I mean, you know what this means?
- Yeah.

It means we're still stuck here
and I still have a broken leg.

In the short term.
But if we get out of here...


We'd have him on the run,
he'd be finished. Look, if Michael...

Oh no.


I don't want to concern you any more
than you actually already are,

but if I'm reading this correctly,
then Michael is...

- Shut up.
- You shut up. This is important.

- If Michael is...
- Quit making noise.

It's footsteps.

Okay, revise that. Start making noise.

Down here!

- We're down here!
- Help!

All right, we've got four life signs
in two different locations.

First two should be right beneath us.

- Listen!
- We're down here!

McKay, is that you?

Oh, thank God. Yes!

- I'm trapped down here with Lorne.
- Are you okay?

- Were fine!
- Hey Doc!

Right, right, right.
Okay, Lorne's got a broken leg.

Stay put. We've got combat engineers
here. We're going to dig you out.

Hurry up!

We work as fast as is safe, Rodney.

No, you don't understand. I found out
that when the selfdestruct is initiated,

it's automatically programmed
to send a subspace burst.

Michael's probably already on his way.

It doesn't look like
they're too far down.

We should be able to get them out
inside of an hour.

But what about the other two?

They're a lot deeper.

Well, the Daedalus will be here soon,
so we can just beam them out, right?

As long as Michael
doesn't get here first.

All right, let's get started.

Rivers, take a Jumper into orbit
and keep a look out for Michael's ship.

Let me know the second he gets here.





This thing ain't moving.

What happened to the others?

I don't know.

It happened pretty quickly,
not that many people made it out.

I'm so stupid.

Of course
the building was booby trapped.

- I should have seen that coming.
- Yeah, well none of us did.

- Yeah, but...
- What?

I'm the guy, you know...

like "the guy".

Everyone knew what we were getting into.

We all knew how dangerous it was
so don't beat yourself up about it.

You need to start thinking
about how to crawl your way outta here.

No way.

Serious, you just keep moving up,
keep moving the debris.

Work your way up.

I'm not leaving you behind, Sheppard.

I'm not trying to be a hero here.

It's a selfish thing.

I need you to dig a hole

so that the rescuers can come down
and get me.

It's the wrong way, chief.

If we get this beam out of you,
we get you free.

We'll dig ourselves out together.

You're not gonna listen to me
one way or the other, are you?

Great deal.


This is all very good.

Your son should be making an appearance
any day now.

I thought that would make you happy.

I can't imagine carrying a child
inside of you is very comfortable.

I will not harm him.

- Why can't you just accept that?
- Because I know you.

All these worlds filled with people

busying themselves
with their pathetic lives.

They come and they go,
they live and they die,

and the galaxy is no better for it,
but your son...

your son will be
an instrument of change.

He will be remembered for the ages.

And what of his mother?

You speak often of his future,
but never of mine, why is that?

I'd hoped that you would...

- I had hoped that you would understand.
- It's time.

Very well.

Remove the restraints
and post a guard outside this door.

I must escape before our child is born.

He will k*ll me
once I'm of no use to him.

- I can't.
- Kanaan, why?

- It is too dangerous.
- For who?

He will k*ll us.

k*ll us all.

Yes, he will.

Whether you help me or not,

you are disposable to him,
can you not see that?

Listen to me.




Come over here.

I'm fine, it's just a couple scratches.

Rodney McKay refusing medical help, now
I really know there's something wrong.

Seriously, I'm okay,
just you should look after Lorne.

Any survivors?

We found two other life signs but
they're burried under a lot more debris.

So it's going to take a little longer.
I've got people working on it.

We know who it is?

Not yet.

- Did you find Teyla?
- No.

But I think Sheppard was right.

He was gonna bring her here.
We just came to soon.

- Colonel Carter.
- Go ahead.

Ma'am, a Wraith cruiser
just came out of hyperspace.

Michael's here.

Multiple life signs.

It must be the Atlantians.

They're combing the debris.

But they must know
it's too dangerous to stay here.

They're searching for survivors.

This might not be a total loss,
after all.

Everyone, fall back to your Jumpers!

We got incoming!

Good shot!

Let's fall back to our Jumpers.

We still got men trapped down here.

They'll have to wait.
We're no good to them out.

Let's go! Fall back!

- Cloak the ship.
- Got it!

We're getting a reading.
The Gate's been activated.

Wraith battle technique:

dial the Gate, lock everyone out,
make sure they can't escape.

- Well it's a good one.
- Well, they're not idiots.

We got more darts on the way
and they got troups on the debris field.

Must know we got people there.

- How many Jumpers do we have?
- Three including this one.

I'm reading over twenty darts!

- But they can't see us though, right?
- We can't fire while we're cloaked.

Look, it's gonna take them time
to dig them out. The same as us.

We wait for the Daedalus.
Rodney, take us into orbit.

Darts reporting minimal resistance.

They've started searching the debris.

We must work fast.
I need them alive.

Here it is.

- Is that Michael's cruiser?
- Well, it looks like it.

Does that mean
that Teyla's on that ship?

It's possible.

Well, that's great, though, right?

When the Daedalus shows up
we can just beam her up too, no?

It's not as easy as that.

Chances are Michael has
already removed her transmitter.

And even if he hasn't,

Wraith cruisers surround themselves
with an electromagnetic jamming field.

No beaming in, no beaming out.

We're so close.

How about one more try?

- I feel pretty weak, buddy.
- You're not quiting on me yet, are you?


I was thinking about it.

You know this is part of our deal?

You keep adding things
to this deal of ours.





I need you to get outta here.

Would you leave me
if I was stuck under there?


You hear that?


It sounds like digging.


They're here.

They're here.

We're down here!

We're coming for you, just stay calm!

And you were gonna quit.


Reading another ship in orbit.
It's a Wraith cruiser.

Shields up.
Ready forward beam weapons.

Sir, I'm receiving a coded transmission
from Colonel Carter.

- Sam, what's going on?
- Long story short:

that's Michael's cruiser
and he likely has Teyla onboard.

- So I can't blow him out of the sky.
- No, I'm afraid not.

We're taking fire, sir.
Shields are holding.

They managed to get the shields up
before we hit them.

That's unfortunate.

Transfer power to the hyperdrive.

What about the Darts?

Acceptable losses.

He's running.

Not if I can help it.
Target his hyperdrive.

Yes, sir.

We've lost hyperdrive!

I guess we're fighting, after all.

Shields are down to 80%.

Daedalus, we still have two people
on the planet.

And it's just a matter of time
before the hybrids reach them.

Can you scan for transmitter signals?

Stay calm. We're almost there.

I'm gonna stop making fun
of combat engineers.

As of today, I promise.

Is Herrish up there with you?

Yeah, he's here!
Don't worry, we'll have you out soon.

Don Herrish is on leave
until next month.

If we get outta here,

beer is on me, boys.

What do you like?

Duff beer?

Or Oprah Ale?


Well, they don't watch The Simpsons,

or drink beer.

Michael's hybrids.

Maybe he was tipped off
when the builing blew up.

You totally should
have gotten out of here.

Yeah, whatever.

I can't reach my g*n.


All right.

How do you wanna play this?

sh**t until we can't sh**t anymore.

All right.

Been a pleasure.


We got 'em.
It's Colonel Sheppard and Ronon.

- Can you beam them up?
- We'd have to drop our shields,

I kind of think
that'd be a bad idea right now.

If Michael gets his hands on them,
he'll k*ll them.

We don't have a choice.

Be ready to drop the shields.
As soon as they're down,

- beam them directly to the infirmary.
- Yes, sir.

Sam, you should bring your Jumpers
onboard at the same time.

Understood, we're in position.

All right.

Do it.

We got 'em.
Jumpers are in the bay.

Shields up!

Enemy vessel's raised shields again.

- We scored several direct hits.
- Keep firing.

How are we doing?

Not so good. Lost sublight,
hyperdrive, and Asgard weapons.

- Life support's down at 55%.
- What about the shields?

They're holding for now
but we're basically dead in the water.

Don't touch me.

Thought we'd lost you there.

Yeah, well, for a second,
I thought we lost me.

It's gonna be okay though, right?


You need some serious work
but you should...

you know, live to fight
another day and all that.


what's going on?
I guess

Michael showed up before the Daedalus.

Yeah, we had to lower the shields
to beam you up here.

Sorry about that.

I'm sure McKay and Colonel Carter
will be able to fix it.

McKay is alive?


Yeah, he and Lorne were the only two
to make it out of the rumble.

- I need to get back out there.
- No, no, look,

you will be fine,
but you're far from it now.

You've lost a lot of blood.
You need surgery

and a transfusion.
I mean, this can't wait.

Look, Doc, Michael's here.

That means Teyla's probably on the ship.

I'm too close to sit here
and do nothing.

You're not gonna be doing nothing,
you're gonna be laying here in surgery.

That's gotta be like...
It's gotta be a quick fix, just...

- No.
- I need a few hours.

I'm sorry, I can't.

I have had the chance

to rescue a teammate before.

And it slipped through my hands.

I am not letting that happen again.

- Nice one.
- Of course.

Life support's still not working
at full power but

at least we won't freeze to death.

I've almost got sublight back online,

but the way these guys
are taxing our shields,

we won't have any power to spare anyway.

We need to take out
the cruiser's main weapons.

Yeah, with what?

We can launch a 302 attack.

That's what I was thinking.

Colonel. Dr. Keller said
you were out of commission.

She revised her diagnosis.

Look, we may have an idea.

Maybe a way to get Teyla back.

We need to take out
the cruiser's main weapons.

The easiest way to do that right now
is to launch an attack with 302s.

Well, I wouldn't exactly call that easy.
They'll send Darts to intercept them.

- That's what we're counting on.
- To launch them, they'll open the bay.

If we have a cloaked Jumper in place,

a team should be able to sneak
onto the cruiser undetected.

Find Teyla, bust her out
and blast our way home.

As a rule, I like to keep
daring rescues down to one a day.

Look, shields are already down to 20%,

it's just a matter of time
before they fail completely.

She's over there, Steven,
counting on us.

I won't take "no" for an answer.

All right, take a cloaked Jumper.
Radio us when you're in position.

- What really happened in the infirmary?
- Nothing.

You're telling me, if I go down there
and talk to Jennifer,

she'll tell me that you're fit for duty.

- I'm just trying to do a job.
- So am I.

And part of my job
is determining whether or not

you're gonna be a liability
on this mission.

I have more respect for you than any
commanding officer I've ever had but,

I'm getting on that Jumper,
end of story.

I'll surrender for court martial
when I'm done.

You know, Ronon and I
could probably handle this.

Maybe you should stay with the Jumper.

Or not.

- Daedalus, we're in position.
- Confirmed.

Launch 302s.

302s are approaching.

Give me the Darts.

- It's closing.
- I see that.

- It's closing quickly.
- I got it.

Daedalus, we're in.

It worked.
Cruiser just lost main weapons.

Let's hope
that Sheppard has the same luck.

All right, this won't take more
than a couple of seconds.

That's troubling.


Michael's a lot further ahead with
the repairs than I would have thought.

Hyperdrive's almost back online.
We got to make this quick.

- What do you mean quick?
- 15 minutes. It's not a lot of time.

No, it's not a lot of time. So...

why don't you tell us
where Teyla is, already?

All right, all right, all right.

Got it! Okay.

Follow me.

Or... you...

- John?
- We're going to get down here.

Not a moment too soon.

We got to get you back to the Jumper.

You okay?

- It's my baby.
- What? Is something wrong?

No. I have been having contractions
for over an hour now.

They're very close.

My baby's coming.


I'm sorry.

I just need a moment.

I'd carry her buddy but...
I'm not really up to it.

- Yeah. Okay, you're ready?
- No. I can walk.

I just need a moment.

Say, friends,
we have a small issue, here.

Oh, what now?

Looks like Michael got his hyperdrive
back online. It's powering up.

- Can you shut it down?
- Not from this little thing.

The drive room is down the corridor.

You slap a C-4 charge on that thing,
it should certainly shut it down.

- Where?
- Here. I've a map.

All right. Ronon, you're with me.

I'll be right back.
Everything is gonna be fine.

You take care of her.


how are you doing?

The pain is very great.

Oh yeah.

Yeah I had a kidney stone once.
Incredibly painful.

Same kind of thing from what I'm told.
So I hear you.

Actually, my cat and I had one
at the same time.

We were not fun to be around,

He, 'cause he was eating the dry food,
I wasn't drinking enough liquids.

That's why you always see me hydrating.
I've no desire to experience that again.

- It's just...
- Fascinating story.

Yes, no problem.

Okay just, just breathe?
Breathe, okay?

- What you doing?
- It's Lamaze. It's supposed to...

I don't know what I'm doing.
What do you need me to do?

Okay, there it is, there they are.

- The baby is coming!
- You just...

Hang on. We'll get back on the Deadelus,
Keller can pull it out.

The baby is coming now!

- It's almost powered up.
- Give me your C-4.

- Give it to me.
- I got it.

Give it to me.
You don't have to do everything.

All right. You're ready?

Let's go.

All right.
Let's hope we're far enough away.

Yeah, we'll see.

Fire in the hole.

- What happenend?
- Hyperdrive just exploded.

No. That's impossible.

Main power is out
across most of the ship.

- An accidental overload?
- Doesn't appear that way.

How did they do that?

I will look into it.

They're onboard.

How did they get onboard?

- Well, can't you just hold it in?
- No, Rodney!

This doesn't happen this quick!
No one has babies this quick!

My water broke quite a while ago.

I've been trying to...

Oh, I can see its head.

That's good.
That's a good thing, Rodney.

Yeah but am I supposed to touch it?
Am I allowed? I don't know what to do!


calm down.
I need you to be calm.

But I'm not an MD.
I've never been an MD!

People have been having babies
for thousands of years.

Most without doctors.

But before doctors the infantile
mortality rate was very high.

Something like one in three.

No, a doctor is a very important part
of this process, trust me.

There are no doctors around.
You have to do this.

We don't have a choice.

Okay, okay.


you need to catch him.

- Catch him?
- Yes. You need to catch him,

- while I push him out.
- Oh, God!

OK, well, just...

Underhand him, all right.
I've never been good at baseball.


Okay, I can do this!

All right, I may have panicked a little
back there but we're gonna do this!

I am great with kids.

The little ones.
The ones who don't talk back.

Here he comes!

Okay. Almost there, almost there!

I got him!

I got him!

It's a boy.

- Watch his head.
- Right, right. OK.

Oh, God!

Do I get to cut the cord?
I can cut the cord now, right?

Here you go.

Yeah. OK. So...

Right, Teyla,

I'd like to introduce you to your son.

I got it!
Didn't let it fall or anything.

You did a wonderful job.

That's good, that's...

You're good, Rodney.

We got to get you out of here.

Ronon, you may need to help me.


- Why isn't it decloaking?
- Let me see, did you break it?

No, no...
We parked the Jumper right here.

- Yes.
- One hundred percent.

Someone stole the Jumper.

This is not good.

I told you you should have stayed here.

How the hell are we supposed
to get off this ship, now?

I just delivered a baby.
That's not enough for today?

Don't they have escape pods
or things like that on the cruiser?

No, they...


I know...

We need to get back to a terminal.
A lot of their internal power is down.

Maybe I can short out the jamming code,
we can get the Daedalus to beam us out.

Great. Lead the way.

Don't sh**t! Put me down.

It's all right, John.

This is Kanaan.

He is the father.

This is our chance.

These are the friends I told you of.

They can help you.
Get back to your old self.

But first you have to help us.

We must get off this ship.

Do you know a way?


- Follow me.
- No offence, Teyla.

I don't trust this guy.

He has tried to save me before.

I trust him.

Give me your w*apon.

What's your plan?

We've got a Dart trying to hail us.


Let me hear it.

This is Colonel John Sheppard.
Authentication code:

bravo, delta, charlie, alpha, niner.

Daedalus, please come in.

Authenticated, Colonel Sheppard.
What the hell happened to your Jumper?

I got all turned around in the garage.
I was in a rush, I borrowed this Dart.

I've got the team beamed
into the storage device.

- Do you have Teyla?
- Yes, and the baby.

You beamed a baby into Wraith storage?


I got it right here.


Feel free to do whatever
you want to that cruiser.

Copy that.

Major Marks?

Please make that ship go away.

Yes, sir.

Colonel, head down to the planet,
beam your crew out and land that Dart.

I'm sure
you can dial up that Stargate now.

Copy that.

- What's with the bags?
- What's with the flowers?

I'm going to see Teyla.
You heard I delivered her baby?

I did.

And they tell me
she's going to name him Rodney.

Yes! Really?

No. Not really.

- That's funny. Where are you going?
- Back to Earth.

- What? Why?
- They caught the last Ba'al clone.

The Tok'ra gonna extract the symbiote.
They want SG-1 to put in an appearance.


the IOA wants to do an exhaustive review

of my first year in command, so...

- That can't be good.
- Are you crazy?

They probably want to give you a medal.
You had a great year.

I know my opinion
doesn't mean much to those folks, but...

I think you've done an excellent job.
I'm glad you took the post.

Thanks Rodney, that means a lot.

Tell Sheppard the court martial
will have to wait.

Sure. See you soon.

I hope so.

How long will the surgery take?

The Doc says a few hours.

I'll be off my feet for a week or so.

I cannot believe you attempted
to mount a rescue in your condition.


The last time I checked, I succeeded.

How's the kid?

Doctor Keller says
he's perfectly healthy.

I say he's perfectly everything.

It's great.

It's great.

I want to thank you.

There's no need.

I never gave up hope, because I knew...

I knew that you would come for me, John.

You would have done the same for me.


All right.

You're ready, Colonel?


From my understanding,
I'm... not doing anything.

Yeah, that's right.
You'll just have to lay still and...

let me play with your insides.


Let's go.

What are you going to name the kid?

Well, if it's all right with you,
I was thinking of Tughan John.

After my father and after you.



McKay is gonna hate that.

I will be very honoured.

Very well.




Colonel Carter.

Mr Woolsey, how are you?

Very well, thank you for asking.

So, is this whole evaluation process
gonna take very long?

There's a lot of work on Atlantis.
And I'm kind of anxious to get back.

I'm sure you are.


the IOA has decided that perhaps
someone with a different skill set

would be more suited to lead
the Atlantis expedition now.

Excuse me?

I'm here to inform you
that effective immediately,

you are being removed from command.

Who's replacing me?

As a matter of fact,

I am.