01x03 - Smothered

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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01x03 - Smothered

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In New York
City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Come on, it's
just for one night.

It's $1,000 and no sex.

You just take him to the
club, show him the town.

I've never done this.

And Dale and I are
starting a new life.

We're getting married.

So use the money
for your honeymoon.

What do you think?

Two big sh*ts... two men of means
want you to show you them the town?

They're really nice
guys. I promise.

Okay? Tomorrow we meet here,

and then we hook up
with the guys at the hotel.


Okay, I'll see you.

- I don't like her.
- She's doing us a favor.

Yeah, but we don't need
to get married right now.

We can wait till
we're totally clean

and we got jobs.

People who feel the way
we feel about each other

should be married, you know?

I'm going to go do
this thing with Becky.

It'll be fine.

Lois, why don't you
have something?

She's not drinking, Billy.

What, she's on the wagon?

No, I've just never
been much of a drinker.

Mmm, stupid me.

I know what she needs.

No, no, I don't.

Not anymore.

We're going out
anyways to dinner, right?

- (cell phone rings)
- Oh, sorry.

I forgot to turn it off.


Oh. Here, it's Dale.

Hi, baby.

They're creepy.

Like a couple of ex-cons...

in brand new suits.

One of them's still got a tag

from the designer warehouse
still stuck on his sleeve.

I don't have a good feeling about
this. Can you come and get me?

With what? I spent it.

I tried. She won't
even answer the phone.

Can't you just walk out?

All right, I'll be there.

Just don't leave, okay?

I really need to
borrow this money.

I loan you money,
your mother'll k*ll me.

She won't even know.

Cab fare, 20 bucks. Please.

- Cab fare?
- I swear to God.

Come on, they want
to go to dinner already.

I wanted to fix my hair.

- You look good.
- (screaming)

Man: Grab her
feet! Grab her feet!


(theme music playing)

Last guest was a Belgian
diplomat, four days ago.

Jibes with the decomposition.

Jacket button.

Strangulation marks... big ones.

Belt probably.

They stuffed her
in the box spring

and put the mattress over her.

Defensive wounds on the hands.

Looks like she
fought the good fight.

Track marks. She might be
in the system for a dope pop.

Check out her fingers. Her
prints were burned off with acid.

Poor woman.

A broken toe.

Maybe from kicking the perp.

What is that?

- Fish scale.
- Great, she was att*cked
by a shark.

Sharks don't have scales.


This is ridiculous. I've
never seen this woman.

Your consulate said you have an apartment
in town, so why rent a hotel room?

My wife and I have
an arrangement.

In any event, I left
the hotel at 11:00.

What kind of an
arrangement with your wife?

None of your business.

- What happened in Bangkok?
- Bangkok?

That's another thing
your consulate told us.

You were transferred after
spending nine months in Bangkok?

I'm a Belgian citizen, employed
by the Belgian consulate.

I have diplomatic status. You
can talk to our lawyers. Goodbye.

The arrangement
he has with his wife is

he gets to be a bad
boy once a month,

but then he has to
tell her what he did.

Oh, those wacky Belgians.

- She confirm what time
he got home?
- 11:00.

We faxed the police in
Bangkok to get a line on his twist.

Any luck getting a
line on the Jane Doe?

Her bridgework has serial
numbers meaning prison issue,

but it doesn't match
anything in our system.

So she was in a
facility out of state.

Start sending the
serial numbers around.

What else?

Sawdust and fish
scales in her stockings.

Might've been in a fish market.

You want to canvass
fish markets, be my guest.

You get a tox report?

Track marks on
her arms were old,

but she tested positive for
crack... Very small concentration.

ME thinks she hadn't used
in at least a couple weeks.

She also tested
positive for lithium.

It might've been for depression.

What's so depressing
about being a crack whore?

Pregnant crack
whore... Eight weeks.

Could be why she went
off the dope... To clean up.

This diplomat, any idea where
he hooked up with our victim?

We're checking his
credit card receipts.

Good, put him together with
her Thursday night, we got him.

Man: I don't know
her. But this guy,

he was here Thursday
night. Big mouthed Belgian...

Comes in once a month.

Gets a snootful, starts bragging
about how many women he's had.

He leave with anybody?

Brunette named Becky.

A pro. Comes in a couple times
a month. They left around 8:00.

How do we find Becky?

I'm sorry, I'm not a
close personal friend.

But try him.

How you doing?

We're looking for
a girl named Becky.

I'm just here to meet
a business associate.

- That your money?
- Yes.

Paying cash so the wife doesn't
catch it on the credit card bill?


The one that gave you the ring

that left a tan
line on your finger.

We're not here to bust you.

We just need to find Becky.

I haven't seen her
for a couple of months.

- I don't have her number,
- She have a favorite hotel?

No, we go in my car. I
find a spot, drop her off.

- Where?
- Near the seaport.

There's some bars.

Thank you. Enjoy your evening.

The sawdust and fish
scales on that girl's feet?

Shannon's Bar. The guys from the
Fulton Fish Market go there after work.

Becky? She was
here last Thursday.

With a little girl named Lois.


Yeah. Jeez, mate.

- What'd they do to her?
- That's what we want to talk
to Becky about.

Oh, Becky's Jack Daniels straight up and
a good time. That's all I know about her.

- And Lois?
- She was just here
twice with Becky...

On that Thursday... and the night
before. She had a fellow with her.

- A Belgian guy?
- No. Not him.

Somebody more like
her. You know, scruffy sort.

So Thursday,

what time were Becky
and Lois in here?

First Lois was here for a bit.

Then Becky dropped by

and they left together
around midnight.

An hour after Mr. Belgium
went home to his missus.

You could've made it 21 grand.

20 grand's going to be
hard splitting three ways.

- Are you complaining?
- No.

- Sorry.
- This concludes our business.

You're not going to come
watch me dance no more?

No, I don't know you.

You don't know me.

Remind your friends.

You do remember
everything I told you?

Anywhere, anytime.

Our Belgian friend
picks up Becky at 8:00,

takes her to the hotel
at 11:00, he goes home.

Becky keeps the hotel room,

she picks up Lois at
Shannon's Bar at 12:00.

They head back to the hotel to
turn over some extra business.

One of the johns
gets too frisky.

Or Becky and Lois got
in a fight over money.

We got an answer back from
Florida on Lois' dental work.

She's one of
theirs. Lois Romney.

36, two years for possession,

went to beauty school in prison.

Here she did 90 days at
Rikers last year for shoplifting.

You got a "last known" in there?

Not your usual junkie hell-hole.

She was making an effort.

Someone's been through
here... Took down some photos.

A pair of men's shoes.

Paycheck stubs
from a beauty salon.

The last one's from
six months ago.

Look at these.

Sterling silver.

"Lance Van Acker,

first place Westfield Horse
Show, June 20th, 1960."

Van Ackers. Shipping, airlines.

Oh, those Van Ackers.

Oh, Mrs. Van Acker, these detectives
have been waiting to talk to you.

Yes, about what?

- I'm Detective Eames,
this is Detective Goren.
- Yes?

During the course
of an investigation,

we found what seem to be some
pieces of silver belonging to your family.

This plate has
an inscription on it.

Yes, to my father.

Good Lord, I didn't
know they were missing.

They were in the summerhouse.
Where did you find these?

In the home of a woman
who was m*rder*d.

Has this woman ever worked for
you? Her name was Lois Romney.

Dear God!

It looks like...

Yes, it's her.

It's my son's fiancée.

She was pregnant? I didn't know.

I haven't talked to
my son in months.

God, I hope he's all right.

Not talking...
Your choice or his?

Dale knew he had to
meet certain conditions

before I had any
contact with him.

What conditions?

His involvement with
dr*gs had to stop.

What about his involvement
with Lois Romney?

He knew I didn't approve.

As long as he was with
her, he'd get nothing from me.

- Nothing as in money?
- I had to be strict.

It was all her fault, really.

Dale spent 15 years
in and out of rehab.

He'd been off
dr*gs for six months.

I really thought he
was going to make it.

Then that woman came along
and he "picked up," as they say.

- Is this him?
- Yes.

He was very athletic
when he was young.

Priscilla, we
should... Oh, I'm sorry.

- I didn't realize we had guests.
- They're detectives.

Dale's friend Lois
has been found dead.

m*rder*d... in a hotel room.

Oh, God.

- How's Dale taking it?
- We won't know until we find him.

My husband still speaks
to him from time to time.

But it's been a few weeks.

He ever mention a
woman named Becky?

No. No, our conversations
weren't about his friends.

He'd be your
stepson, is that right?

Does it show?


Would you mind if
we borrowed a photo?

No. You can take that one
if you like. But I want it back.

- We should dress. We'll be late.
- Oh, yes.

It's my husband's Andover
reunion at the Yale Club.

He thinks George W.'s coming.

You wouldn't want
to get stuck in traffic.

If sonny gets rid
of the girlfriend,

he can get back
on the gravy train.

Being pregnant, she
wouldn't want to go easy.

Excuse me,

have you seen Mrs. Van
Acker's son lately... Dale?

Last Thursday night around 1:30.

- Did he go upstairs?
- No. He knows better.

I let him use the phone
here to talk to his girlfriend.

Then he needed money for a cab.

You're a nice guy.
You helped him out.

I slipped him a 20. I'm not
supposed to because of his dr*gs.

But I made sure
he really took a cab.

Becky: I got a
ride. Billy's coming.

Woman: Okay, see you tomorrow.

Too late. Show's over.


You and the other two,

I want you out of town.


These detectives showed me a
picture of a man in the neighborhood.

I thought he looked like the guy you
had a problem with a few days ago.

That's him... the bum.

He has no money for his laundry,

so he goes out and comes
back with a steel pipe.

He starts whacking my change
machines. So I chased him away.

He ran off toward Coleman
Park near the bridge.

- He leave his clothes behind?
- Yeah, I keep them
for the Goodwill.


- Should I ask?
- It's sewer grease.

Looks like our boy's been
climbing down manholes.

He likes caves, along
with all the other rats.

Tunnels under the bridge.

You can get to them through
the manholes near the park.

It took you long enough.
I'm catching a cold out here.

I had to take the
train from Brooklyn.

I'm living in a motel, you know.

Janice won't take me back.

W... where's Billy?

He got a job cooking on a yacht.

We're getting out of town.


Six grand.

What happened to your face?

Are you listening to me?
We all got to get out of town.

W-what do you
mean? The cops know?

It ain't the cops you
ought to be worrying about.

Then I'm going to need
more money than this.

- Call your friend.
- Ain't going to happen, moron.

If the cops know, than
we got a real problem.

Okay, there ain't no
"we" anymore, Larry.

There is me and
Billy, and there is you.

So if you are smart, you're
gonna listen to what I said.

No, too short.

Surveillance is my strong suit.


Goren: That's the
nicest lamp we've seen.

You ever think what it's
like living down there?

With what one bedrooms
are going for, I've considered it.

My butt is getting cold.

That's him.

A water run.

Suspect approaching
with two water bottles.


Get off me! I
didn't do anything.

Sure you did. You're
under arrest for littering.

I called Becky the next day

and she said she sent Lois
home with a lot of money,

but she never showed up.

Why didn't you wait for
her instead of running away?

I didn't like being in the
apartment without Lois.

You could've
reported her missing.

Cops don't care about junkies.

They do when your
name's Van Acker.

And get my mother involved?

Did you try and find Becky?

I don't know very
much about her.

She just came up to us at a bar
one day and started talking to us.

It's not making sense, Dale.

Please, I don't know
what happened to Lois.

Oh... oh, God.

Bunny... my bunny.

This is a picture of
two dead people, Dale.

Lois, and the baby inside her.

Is it your baby?


We think Becky and the two
guys that you mentioned...

The ones with the
store tags on their suits...

We think they k*lled Lois,

but we can't figure out why.

Maybe someone put 'em up to it.

No, there was no reason.

Your mother gave us a good one.

She wouldn't give you any
money unless you got rid of Lois.

Maybe Lois wouldn't
go easy. Why would she?

She's carrying a Van
Acker. That's worth what,

50, 60 million?

Money wasn't important to Lois.

It's important to you.
You got a habit to feed.

I... I didn't k*ll Lois.

I loved her.

We were going to get
clean and get married.

And raise a family
on a junkie's salary?

I thought Mom would
come around in time.

Right. So you told her
you were coming to get her.

- That's why you
borrowed the cab fare.
- Yes.

So you went to the hotel and you
found out what room she was in...


I forgot the name.

What, of the hotel?

So what'd you do if you
didn't go to the hotel?

You bought some
dope and you got high.

- Is that what you did?
- Yes.

- Because you felt bad
about having Lois k*lled?
- No!

You had feelings for her,

maybe you wanted to go on seeing
her on the side without Mom knowing.

But she went and got pregnant.

And you had to do

what you had to do.

(door opens)

Well, isn't this cozy?

Dale, your mother hired me

to represent you on
this "littering" charge.

If we can get a little privacy?

All those in favor of he's
our guy, raise your hand.

Oh, that's good.

Well, I'm voting he did it.

Pile whatever you need
on top of the littering.

He's not getting out
without some serious bail.

Eames: If you could
tell us if it's one of yours?

Well, it sure looks like it.

This is worsted wool, and
that would be over here.

Was the m*rder*d
body wearing the jacket?

Are you looking for
a promotional angle?

- Why? Was it
somebody famous?
- No.

Janice, these detectives are
working a big m*rder case.

They're asking if this
is off one of our jackets.

I'm thinking worsted
wool with checks.

We had one of those
left a couple of weeks ago.

Well, I don't recognize it.

Do you mind looking
it up in your records?

I don't know what
good that would do.

- Is it in here?
- Yeah, I'll look.

- What about these tags?
- I'm getting there.

Salesman: Are you getting any
closer to catching the m*rder*r?

- Getting closer by the minute.
- I don't see anything in here.

What about this batch?

I don't have to look.
It's my husband.

Housekeeping, ready or not.

Larry: Hey, hey, what are
you doing? What's going on?

I didn't do anything.

Shut up, Larry. You're
under arrest for m*rder.

- But... but...
- Let's go settle your bill.

I'm innocent of
everything. Oww! Oww!

- What's wrong with your leg?
- Nothing. It's fine.

- Where'd you get this?
- Oww!

Over Lois Romney's big toe?

No, I don't know what
you're talking about.

This is... ahh...
It's a big mistake.

The mistake was pissing
off your wife. We talked to her.

My wife? Oh. Oww!

Listen, all I did
was hold her feet.

- Billy and Becky did the m*rder.
- Last names, Larry.

Ahhh! Becky Stark.
She's a stripper.

- Billy's just Billy.
- Where are they?

They're on a yacht. Owww!

No, Billy got a good job
cooking. He's a pretty good chef.

They said they
were going to Tortola.

I can't sleep, it's so noisy.

I can't eat the food. Why
haven't you paid the bail?

- I'm not ready to have you home.
- I don't want to go home.

I don't want to be in the
same house with you.

I want to get back into rehab.

I've been clean two
days on my own now.

Please, Mother,
I hate this place.

I know, but...

I've put some money
in your account here.

- Don't give me money.
- You can use it to put
your mind at ease.

This is no place to detox.

When you do get home,
Mother will help you get clean.

Becky knows the guy
who hired us. I don't.

I swear, she met
him at the strip club.

Look, I've got to
get some sleep.

He hasn't slept since you flew him
and his girlfriend back from Tortola.

Just a few more minutes.

Becky must have said
something about him.

She said he was hooked
up to the government,

some kind of
badass secret agent.

She was scared
to tell me anything.

That's all I know.

It was Larry.

It was at a party
and we were all high.

Lois mouthed off
and Larry went nuts.

He said that you
all got 20 grand.

You and Billy had about 12
on you when you were busted.

- Larry's lying. We saved that money.
- You saved the money.

Yeah, we work, pay taxes.


She's hilarious.

What's that on your
face near your eye?


It's a shiner, isn't it?

I ran into a door.

Someone slapped
you around pretty good.

I'm betting it wasn't Billy.

It was the guy that hired you.

You're scared of him.

You're facing the death penalty.

That means you die.

Yeah, right.

Guys like him push a button
and you're dead no matter what.

Badass secret agent or
not, she's afraid of him.

We're not going to budge her.

You looked at her sheet? Maybe
your secret agent man's in there.

- Little girl's been busy.
- Been hustling since
she was 15.

Billy's no slouch either.
He learned to cook

while doing three years
for attempted robbery.

You gotta wonder, why would
anyone with a yacht hire him?

Well, you're going
to find out, aren't you?

Man: Unbelievable chaos.

Cops running all over the
ship at the crack of dawn.

And worst of all, now I
have to find a new cook.

How'd you end up with a
four-star weasel like Bill Coffey?

On a recommendation.

- From whom?
- A classmate.

A floor mate, actually,
from my prep school.

Jameson is the last person I would
expect to actually know somebody.

- How's that?
- He's a jarhead.

A real G. Gordon Liddy type.

Always bragging
about covert operations.

I tried my best to
avoid him at the reunion.

Obviously I didn't
try hard enough.

Class reunion.

George W. show up?

Yeah, as a matter
of fact, he did.

Mr. Jameson, Carl
Ralston sends his regards.

- What's this?
- You're under arrest

for the m*rder of Lois Romney.

What, you're serious?

You don't see us wearing
clown shoes, do you?

Anderson, call my wife.

On the one hand, you told the
detectives you didn't know Becky.

On the other, you recommended
her boyfriend for a job.

You're operating under a
misapprehension of the facts.

- Roger.
- Holden, I've been
interrogated by experts

and I've got the scars
on my genitals to prove it.

They asked me if Dale had
ever mentioned Becky to me.

He hadn't. I didn't know
they'd become friends.

Now you're saying you know her?

In my former profession,
I developed contacts

across all stratas
of society. I still do.

Becky might've sought
Dale out after meeting me.

Maybe she had her
eye on his trust fund.

Maybe she decided to get Lois
out of the way. You'd have to ask her.

We asked her accomplice.

He said, and I quote,

"Some badass secret
agent was behind this."

And so far, Mr. Jameson,
you are talking the talk.

My client is a
career military man.

He has no money of his
own... No discretionary income...

So the idea that he gave
anyone $20,000 is ridiculous.

Other than that, he's invoking
his right to remain silent.

It's incredible. First my
son and now my husband.

You people are all over the map.

We're pretty good at
reading maps, Mrs. Van Acker.

I checked your son's status.

His bail hasn't been paid.

- Do you have children,
- No.

When you do, you'll understand

that a mother's love
isn't all about cookies

and kissing their boo-boos.

- Priscilla Van Acker.
- Assistant District
Attorney Carver.

- Thank you so much for coming.
- I didn't have much choice.

You stripped me of my family.

I can't believe Roger had
anything to do with k*lling that girl.

Doesn't seem to have a motive.

Maybe to help your son.

And why would he do that?

Never occurred to me.

What's that, Mrs. Van Acker?

If Roger knew the
girl was pregnant...

There's a codicil in
my late husband's will

that excludes Roger
from any part of my estate

if Dale has an heir.

It cuts him off entirely.

I'm older than my husband
and not in the best of health.

I hate to say this but...

maybe he was thinking ahead.

Bailiff: Docket number 396015.

People versus Dale Van Acker.

Is there an application
from the People?

Yes, Your Honor, the
People move to withdraw

all charges against
Mr. Van Acker.

So ordered. Next up.

Bailiff: Docket number 396151.

People versus Roger
Lucas Jameson.

m*rder in the first degree.

Conspiracy in the first degree.

- How do you plead?
- Not guilty.

- People on bail?
- Remand, Your Honor.

Your Honor, my client
was a military officer.

- He has ties to the community.
- To many communities.

Mr. Jameson has
homes in four countries.

One of which has no
extradition treaty with us.

He is a flight risk.

I agree. Bail is denied.

Docket number 396016...

It's heartwarming, isn't it?

You gave her a choice and
she chose to send hubby to jail.

Well, she got what
she wanted all along.

Are you suggesting
what I think you are?

If you want to get to her,

first close the
noose on Jameson.

Prove the $20,000
payoff came from him.

Caldicott says they
found out about the codicil.

How in God's name do they know?

I'd even forgotten about it.

Every day they show
up with a new warrant.

They've taken
every scrap of paper.

They were bound to find out.

- But it doesn't matter.
- Priscilla,

they now have a motive
they can only ascribe to me!

There's nothing to worry about

as long as that stripper of
yours keeps her mouth shut.

I told you, Roger,

I've forgiven you
your little indiscretion.

Now I know you're going
to get out of here soon.

In the meantime,
make the best of it.

And remember, I do love you.

These people were living off
the interest on their tax-free munis.

2 million a year net.

Practically hand-to-mouth.

It wasn't all caviar
and champagne.

They put half a mil a
year into their charity,

"The Equine Rights Foundation."

Let me guess, they find
homes for retired polo ponies.

I can't see where Jameson
came up with the 20 grand.

He's got no money of his own,

and Mrs. Van Acker was giving him
an allowance of 10 grand a month,

all of which is accounted for.

Here's where he
might've gotten it.

It's a letter to Jameson
dated last month

asking for the breeding
registration on a

four-year old quarter-horse
named Mr. Lincoln.

- He sold a horse.
- To the Burgman Stables.

We'd been after Priscilla
to sell us Mr. Lincoln

since we first saw him
workout as a two-year-old.

Then Roger called and said

she'd decided to sell Mr. Lincoln
for $25,000... which was a steal.

We said, "Hooray," and wrote
a check and got our horse.

So Mrs. Van Acker knew
her husband sold the horse?

I thought so, but I
ran into her at Payard.

I thanked her for Mr. Lincoln.

She said she had no
idea Roger had sold him.

- What'd she do?
- She wanted Mr. Lincoln back.

So they sold a horse.
They sell a few horses...

Except this time the check was
cashed at the Burgman's bank,

and there's no record that the
cash was deposited anywhere.

Another "so what?"
Is this all you've got?

We traced the $100 bills that were found
on Becky Stark to the Burgman's bank.

In the trade we call
that conclusive evidence.

Now the DA and I hold
a dim view of people

who hire other people
to k*ll pregnant women.

So we've already agreed amongst
ourselves to seek the death penalty.

So you might start thinking
about cooperating with us.

You have your
story, we have ours.

The money was
given to Dale to get...

Lois Romney an abortion,
to pay her to go away.

If Dale used that money
to have Ms. Romney k*lled,

that's his responsibility.

Can anybody verify that
you gave the money to Dale?

Ask my wife, it was her horse.

We asked Mrs. Burgman.

Your wife told her she
never agreed to sell.

In fact, she said she
asked for the horse back.

So you see, Mr. Jameson,

the only fingers in
the pie are yours.

One more thing...

Did we mention it was your
wife that told us about the codicil?

The one about your being
cut out of the inheritance.



vindictive stupid bitch.

We are all ears.

It was her idea.

She was afraid that
if Dale had a child,

she'd lose him forever.

I said we should just pay
the girl off, but she said no.

She wanted her out of
the picture permanently,

and she told me what to do.

And you did it?

For her.

She was beside herself.

You have no idea...

the effect that boy had on her.

Carver: Does he know
what his mother did?

He must by now. He's the one
who told her the girl was pregnant.

Of course, if you want my client
to repeat any of this on the stand,

m*rder one is off the table.

Your client's testimony
against Mrs. Van Acker

is of no value to us unless
we can corroborate it.

If your stepson knows
anything, would he talk with us?

Jameson: And send
his mommy to jail?

He's an only child.

He may hate her with
every bone in his body,

but he can't live without her.

Mr. Jameson...

would you like to help
me with a covert operation?

How's it going?

This is good.

I'll tell you, it ain't easy
copying off a grocery list.

What a horrid place. I can't
believe you've lived here.

Was it absolutely
necessary to bring us here?

We only need Dale's help,
you're welcome to wait downstairs.

That's all right.

I've mucked out stables. It
can't be any worse than that.

Dale, please open a window.

Now what is it you
want Dale's help with?

We need you to show us where
Lois kept her important papers...

Birth certificate, bank
book, things like that?

How about it, Dale?

She had a shoebox...

in the drawer in
the kitchen table.

What are you
looking for precisely?

We found evidence your husband

might've given Lois money.

- We're trying to confirm it.
- Really? How much?

- $100,000.
- That's impossible.

Roger doesn't have
that kind of money.

We'll see.

Goren: Have a seat.

The Medical Examiner
said that Lois stopped using

a couple weeks
before she was k*lled.

She was getting
ready for the baby.


She was a strong person.

Yes, stronger than me.

Weren't you trying
to get clean, too?


Sounds like she brought
out the better part of you.

- Yes.
- How much longer is
this going to take?

"Returned due to
insufficient postage."

Somebody must've
missed the last rate hike.

It's addressed to
you, Mrs. Van Acker.

- Is this your handwriting?
- No, it's Lois'.

- Can I open it?
- Go ahead, it's of
no consequence now.

What is it?

It's a check.

For $100,000, made
out to Lois Romney,

signed Roger Jameson.

- That's impossible.
- Is that your husband's

Yes, but I can assure you I
did not authorize this check.

Lois wrote you a note.

"Dear. Mrs. Van Acker,

thank you for the... check,

but Dale is more important to me

than all the money
you could give me."

We're going to get married
and have a beautiful baby.

All I want to do is help Dale
become the man he was meant to be.

And just because he loves me,

doesn't mean he'll
stop loving you."

You should read this yourself.

This woman loved you.

You know who k*lled her.

That's why you didn't
go home after she died.

You... you couldn't...

You couldn't face the person
that took Lois away from you.

Dale, let's go.

- Don't let your mother
get away with this.
- Leave my son alone.

You don't owe her anything.

That's not true. He
owes me everything.

That's why you destroyed
the person he loved?

- She was destroying him.
- That's what they all say.

My mother didn't like my girlfriends
either, even if she pretended to,

but she didn't
k*ll any of them...

because she wanted
me to be happy.

- Your mother doesn't
want that for you.
- Don't listen to this.

No, listen to her.

What did she just
say about Lois?

"She's of no consequence"?

Come on, Dale!

Be the man that
Lois wanted you to be,

the man that Lois
knew that you could be.

Dale, if you think I
will ever forgive you...

How could you have
done that to her?!

You had no right.

Dale, be quiet.

What did she do, Dale? What
did your mother do to Lois?

I told her Lois was pregnant,

because I didn't want
her to feel left out.

She said, "I'll take
care of everything."

I thought she meant Lois
and me and the baby...

That she'd help us.

After Lois was missing,
I called her and she said,

"Didn't I tell you I'd
take care of everything?"

(handcuffs click)

She took 25 to life,
same as the other four.

I've got to meet with
Penzarella, thank him for his work.

- You'd find this guy interesting.
- I would?

He's a forger. Specializes
in letters from famous people.

Sometimes not so famous.

(theme music playing)
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