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03x06 - Sang d'or

Posted: 01/18/23 11:26
by bunniefuu
So you decided to still pass the exam?
You're not giving up the Police Academy?

Anne Langlais offered me
to search for a Modus Operandi together

to help me overcome the obstacles
and pass the exam with flying colors.

They didn't kiss. I have an eagle
eye for this kind of thing.

Captain Perran did not kiss who?

- Hi!
- Hey!

- Who did you not kiss?
- Ready? Let's go! Astrid?

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hiiiii.

- What's this?
- The m*rder w*apon.

A wooden piece seemingly sharpened on
one end that penetrated the thoracic zone.

It's a stake.

- Yeah.
- The guy has a stake stuck in his heart?

Gotta have crazy strength to get
something like this in the ribcage, right?

Indeed yeah. You have to break the ribs.
It demands phenomenal strength...

I would even say superhuman strength.

It's not right! I mean, who does this?

You s*ab with a knife or a shard of glass
but why do things the hard way?

There is one particular case where you
s*ab a stake into someone's heart.

You done?

Raph! A stake in the heart!

The windows are covered up
to not let the light in.

- It's a photo workshop! It's normal.
- Okay.

But, I'm under the impression…
There's no mirror in the room…

- And, uh? It smells like garlic.
- Yes.

- It does. It looks a lot like-
- A homicide.

It's a homicide.
There must be a rational explanation.

Something is wrong.
The victim is overly pale.

And there are tissue hypoperfusion signs,
typical of hemorrhagic shock.

The victim must have lost a lot of blood
yet, around the body, there is none.

Yeah, well… Maybe the body was moved.

I'll still add to my observations

the presence of
this weird incision, there...

on the neck, on the carotid.

Ah yeah.

Like teeth marks.

Will you stop f*cking with me Fournier?

You take him home
and find the cause of death.

And the first one to tell me a tall story,
I'll kick his ass, is that understood?

- What is a tall story?
- Something that doesn't exist.

The victim has a mark around his wrist,
as if he had been tied up.

It is a forensic element.

Not a tall story.

A real nightmare.

- May I ask how you knew the victim?
- I was his artistic agent.

Jonathan was really a great photographer.

And you came in the dead
of the night to talk about his career?

Let's say our professional relationship
had brought us closer.

And that…we… you see what I mean.

Absolutely not.

We used to sleep together.

Nothing serious.

It's all my fault.

- Sorry?
- She said “It's all my fault.”

What do you mean it's all your fault?

- I didn't believe him.
- Didn't believe what?

He was staying indoors, he didn't
go out anymore, he was terrorized.

He was terrorized by what?

A monster.


Commander Coste has strictly forbidden
to talk about things that do not exist.

- No!
- Yes.

You said not to tell you tall stories.

Yes, I said that. But wait, Astrid...

When you say monster...

what kind of monster exactly?

Vory V Zakone.

Thieves in law. Russian Mafia?

I would rather say Eastern Mafia.

This organization
was born in ex-USSR gulags.

Nowadays, it is very present
in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

But in ,
the anti-Mafia laws voted in Georgia

pushed them to export
their activities in France.

So there are plenty of files
at the Criminal Documentation

concerning their activities since .

I found the files.

According to his agent,
Jonathan bought a flat

by borrowing a lot of money from a Vor.

A Vor is a ranked member
of the Organization.

His agent couldn't identify them.

But he told her
he was scared of retaliation.

And you think
it could justify such a twisted MO?

Well, to make an impression,

telling the other borrowers that
if they don't pay off the debts, it's...

Yeah, it's part of their methods, yes.

No, no, and the transaction
registered by the notary

when the victim brought his flat
is way below the market price.

It wouldn't surprise me if a big part
of it had been paid in cash.

We found something else
that matches with this lead.

The victim received a phone call

moments before
his time of death estimated by Fournier.

And the number is from a burner,
a prepaid phone.

Ah, there! This, this is rational.

This means it exist, this Vory V Zakone.
Unlike, uh...

Suddenly, we're landing.
We have our feet firmly on the ground.

Because at some point, I thought I was...

Wait, Astrid, I have Fournier
waiting in-call. Yes, Fournier?


- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

Fournier, if it's a joke, it's not funny.

I'm very serious, Commander.

This guy doesn't have one
drop of blood left in his body.

Couldn't it be linked to the stake?

He could have bled out where he was k*lled
and then someone moved the body?

Very unlikely. An external hemorrhage
never totally empties the body.

We have more or less
liters of blood in the body.

No, Miss Nielsen was right.
Look at the marks.

They look like bruises left by ties.

Electrical cords, I would say.

And the lesions seem to indicate
they were done ante-mortem.

And the neck wound?

The jugular wound, the one through which

the victim's blood was
most likely emptied, was done post-mortem.


if the wound was done post-mortem,

it means
the heart was no longer beating, right?

So… uh...

So one had to suck the blood
out of the body.

Unless they trusted gravity.
Look at his ankles.

Forensics picked up traces on the ropes
and the pulley on the ceiling.

They hung him upside down to empty him?
Like a…

A piggy.

I get that gangsters

k*ll in a spectacular way
to make an impression,

but why so much effort
to take someone's blood?

To drink it.

I'm kidding. I'll rush my tests
and I'll keep you updated.


Astrid, I have something to confess.

I'm not scared by much
but I have to say that-


You have already confessed
to not being scared by much.

Apart from haunted houses,
witches, ghosts, UFOs-

- Yes.
- Owls.

- Got it. I got it!
- Okay.

- Well.
- Yes.

- There.
- There.

months ago,
our victim had a scooter accident.

The car driver involved in the accident
did a hit and run.

But, a witness got the license plate.

It was a stolen vehicle.

And of course we don't have
the driver's identity, do we?

The driver, no.
But the suspect who had stolen it, yes.

A body of consistent evidence led me
towards another file. I know the file.

An investigation
about a stolen-car network.

A car, of the same make,

having collision traces compatible
with the victim's scooter accident

was found in a garage
of the Parisian region.


A garage belonging to
a certain Zakhar Voronov.


Suspected to be a part
of the Vory V Zakone clan.


- Bravo Astrid.
- Thanks.

Careful, the file.


Is everything alright with Emma?

Yeah, why?

No, no. You were late this morning.
I'm just saying.

- So?
- You're never late.

Raph, I'd like to talk to you
about something.

I'm listening.

Not here.
Tonight, can I come over for dinner?

- Yes! No. No, it's Monday.
- Astrid. Forget it...

No, no. Tomorrow, you can!
Théo'll be at his friend's, okay?

- We're here.
- Yeah.

- Hello?
- Anybody here?

- Zakhar Voronov?
- Police.


He couldn't have disappeared.

- Up there?
- Yeah, I'll go.

Your hands! On the desk.

- Astrid?
- Yes?

I have something for you, Astrid.

I know you don't like surprises
so I haven't done anything yet.


I think it's something you'll enjoy.

Do you know Atsuko Kando?

I do not know her personally
but I know who she is.

She is one the most famous
Japanese violinists.

Soon, she'll play a recital

of Johann Sebastian Bach's
Part it as for Violin in Paris.

I really like Johann Sebastian Bach's
Part it as for Violin.

I know.


Attending a recital is impossible for me.

Being in the crowd, only hearing
the hubbub from the people surrounding me…

That I know too.

This is why I got the authorization
to see her rehearse.

We'd be alone.


I do not understand.
She will not be there?

Yes, but for us only.

I managed to contact Ms Kando's team.

It wasn't simple
but I explained the situation to them.

She's allowing us to be there
while she rehearses her recital.

If you wish to, of course.
Only if you wish to.

Something's wrong, Astrid?

I do not know.

I have to work.

Bye Tetsuo.

I have to work.

See you soon then, Astrid.

Very nice tats.

So, you're Mr. Zakhar Voronov.

You're Georgian.

In France since

and arrested for act of barbarism
in ' for having, I quote:

“Torn a man's tongue out
and tortured him before k*lling him."

We had a professional disagreement.

He wasn't in the same
Vory V Zakone clan you were, right?

Vory V Zakone.

I went to prison for that.

This case was settled

and I left the organization afterwards.


why am I here exactly?

- You know Jonathan Fisher?
- No. Doesn't ring a bell.

He was hit by a car you stole.


Allegedly stole.

It's like in this case,
this case it was dismissed.

What were you doing last night,
Mr. Voronov?

I was at the desk.

Where you arrested me earlier.

- With clients.
- Players?

- You're hosting an illegal gambling den.
- A gambling circle.

Very much official.

You can check.

My permit is valid.

And now, if you don't have
better arguments to keep me here,

I'll have to leave Ma'am.



I've been looking for you everywhere.

You're smoking again?

No, I came here to get some air.

Yeah, right. And you're hiding.

Gimme one.

Mina Biglo identified Zakhar in a photo.

She saw him pressuring Jonathan
multiple times.

I can see the type.

He goes to prison,

becomes too conspicuous,
steps away from the organization,

becomes some kind of loan shark
who lends dirty money to launder it.

So he must have borrowed money from him.

But it's impossible to prove
and he knows that all too well.

Come on,

we'll go through the victim's schedule
from the last few weeks,

and if he went to Zakhar's gambling club,
we'll know eventually.

- You're not with Astrid?
- No, she's at the Doc.

She took a copy of the case
and she's working on an enigma.

You can imagine how obsessed she is
by this story about the stake.


Rh null.

Our victim has a Rh null phenotype.
Know what that means?

- No.
- No.

You know the major blood types?
A, B, AB, O.

And the subtypes with
positive or negative rhesus markers.

But there's actually hundreds of markers,
so hundreds of different phenotypes.

So, Jonathan had rare blood, is that it?

The rarest of them all, yes.

How many people have it?

- ., at the most.
- In France?

No, in the entire world!
It's called the golden blood.

Its carriers are the true
universal donors.

Their blood is compatible
with every other phenotype.

they can only receive golden blood.

So it's a gift
and a curse at the same time.

Nico, can you identify
all the possible distribution channels?

We need a list of potential
clients ASAP.


- Clients for what?
- Rare blood trafficking.

Blood isn't merchandise.

We're in France,
there's a legal framework.

In the blood bank I manage,
all the blood transfusions are done

via a donation system
protected by anonymity.

There's no trafficking. It's impossible.

What can you tell us
about Jonathan Fisher?

He came about months ago.

He found out his phenotype
after a scooter accident.

He had golden blood, the Holy Grail.

He was the ultimate universal donor.

He could have saved lives,

but he didn't want it
to help anyone else.

Well, not for free anyway.

- He wanted money?
- Right.

But as I told you…

Blood is not merchandise.


Any news on the blood trafficking?

It's really hard to get information.
A lot harder than with organ trafficking.

There's a lot of supervision
over blood donations in France.

But I found this.

- That's in Russia.
- Saint-Petersburg.

A private clinic is offering
blood transfusions with Rh null blood.

They're targeting billionaires,
rock stars.

A kind of miraculous cure.

Look, transfusing a half-liter bag
is €,.

If we don't count their margin,
that's €, for a liter

of Rh null blood.

That's huge!

Yeah, and we know that Jonathan
went to Saint-Petersburg.

I found his tickets and a reservation
in a hotel with his card.

He could pay off his debts like that.

Okay, Arthur,

find out if some clients of the clinic
came to France recently.

And we'll check if Jonathan
went over there on his own.

You got it.

Hey, Raphaëlle.
You're working late tonight.

Everything alright?

- Hi Sylvie.
- Hey Astrid.


You have paper clips left.

Something is wrong
with that stake.

I agree.

No need for a MO this twisted
to steal his blood.


I am not talking about the reason why

the stake was buried in
the victim's heart.

I am talking about the way the stake
was buried in the victim's heart.

Dr. Fournier's report is clear.

The stake went through the sternum.

However, piercing this bone
needs massive strength.

Maybe they used a hammer
and held the victim in place.

The top of the stake
would have been damaged.

But it is not the case.

It is as if it was buried
in one blow.

If we cannot understand

how this stake
was buried in the victim's heart,

it may be because this stake
was not buried in the victim.

What do you mean?

Maybe it is the victim
that was buried in the stake.

- Do you know where the trash disposal is?
- What?

The trash disposal.

We need to go to
the trash disposal center, now.

You're sure it's here?


That's from yesterday morning.
The truck goes through Léonie Street.

Commander Coste, here.

There is a passive bloodstain
on the leg

and projected bloodstains
on the stool.

Yes, here.

The victim was impaled on the leg
when he fell.

And the leg snapped from the impact.

According to Fournier,
Jonathan didn't die immediately.

The trash must have broken his fall.

He found the strength to get up,

and passed out in front of his door.

I think I know
where the primary crime scene is.


- Not afraid of heights anymore?
- Yes! I still am.

But if we listen to all our fears,
we won't get very far.

Well, it looks like this
was his squat.

We still need to figure out
if it was a crime or an accident.

- It is a crime.
- What?

It is a crime.

There was a TV antenna
at the trash disposal.

Maybe the mark on the victim's wrist

did not mean the victim had been tied up.

Fournier mentioned
an electrical cord, right?

- Yes.
- Exactly.

Except it's an antenna cord.

I think when Jonathan fell,

he held onto whatever he could,
this cord.

And it didn't bear his weight.

This cord was not ripped.

This cord was severed.

I've known Nicolas for years,
I never saw him like this.

This year, he's more confident,
he's bolder,

he's more-
- He is in a relationship.


Well Astrid, I'm not the type
to steal someone's boyfriend.

And don't imply-
- Raphaëlle.


I do not imply anything.
I do not know how to imply.

It is a social subtlety
that I struggle with.

You were making a list of facts
about Captain Perran.

I only wanted to help you

when I said “He is in a relationship”.

It is a fact.

It's a fact, come on…

He wants to talk anyway.

He's coming to dinner
tomorrow night.

I'm sure he's gonna say
it's not going well with Emma.

That his relationship…

You seem very interested
in what I'm saying.

It does not interest me at all.

Thanks for that.

You are welcome.

Honesty is one
of the qualities inseparable

from a relationship
between friends.

I am preoccupied with an enigma.

And as long as it is not solved,

I cannot think about anything else.


you did solve the enigma.

The mystery of the stake.

It is not the stake.


why do people kiss?

Oh, this again.

As I've told you,

people kiss because it's one
of the signs of a relationship.

I mean

beyond the social convention.

Why kiss?

How do you feel when you kiss someone?

When I kiss someone,

I know how I feel,

and how the other is feeling too.

You can watch someone,

you can talk,

you can be attracted
to someone, but...

when you're kissing, you can't lie.

Why are you asking me this?

Tetsuo's pressuring you?

It would not

be an enigma otherwise.


I wanted it.

- On the mouth.
- How about that!


Info on the Russian clinic.

Well, then.

Guess who went there with Jonathan.

This time, I suggest
you start talking.


I'll do the talking then.

Jonathan Fisher borrowed money from you.

Since he couldn't pay you back,

you caused the scooter accident
months ago.

Thanks to that accident,
he found out he was Rh null.

He managed to convince you
his blood is worth a lot,

that he could pay you back with it

by selling it to a clinic in Russia.

We know you were there.

We have your plane tickets,

phone calls proving it.

This rejuvenation treatment
with rare blood,

it's a scam.


It's fake.

Jonathan wanted to sell them his blood
but they weren't answering.

So he came to me. I looked into it.

The blood they transfuse is O-.

It's cheap and they overcharge idiots.

His blood was worthless.

It was unsaleable.

There's no black market.

And not for lack of looking for it.

Jonathan paid off
a part of his debt, right?

- Yes.
- With what money?

I would love to know.

This little shit borrowed €,
and only paid off half.

I need to answer to Moscow.

I'm sorry.

There's no insurance in your line of work.

Audrey Lempal was right.

Blood is not merchandise.

Jonathan found the money somewhere.
Question is where.


We received the list of rare phenotypes
registered at the blood bank.

There's another carrier
of Rh null blood in France.

- We have their name?
- Chloé Brame. She's .

She just got out of the hospital.

A surgical procedure
just saved her life.

A surgery of this kind

must have needed
a very big amount of Rh null blood.

The Bram family.

This picture was posted a few hours
after the discovery of Jonathan's body.

I managed to contact
Chloé's general practitioner,

and he told me he had diagnosed her
at birth with a hereditary illness

that weakens the red cells.


- Drepanocytosis and Rhnull.
- Yep.

They can live with it well
thanks to regular blood transfusions.

But since Chloé's blood
was one in a million,

things were complicated.

There was no transfusion
and she was getting weaker.

This bone marrow transplant
was a matter of life and death for her.

Visibly, the surgery was a success.

And as Astrid said, it's a major surgery.
It demands a lot of blood.

So what? The parents k*lled Jonathan
to save their daughter?

The blood must pass through
a rare blood bank.

The hospital followed the procedure.

Hey made a request to the blood bank
but there was a mistake.

What mistake?

Chloé was admitted to the hospital
the day before the surgery.

The bags arrived only on D-day,
in the morning, at the last minute.

The surgery almost didn't happen.


there is
a body of consistent evidence indicating

that the rare blood bank director
knowingly hid information from us.

I can assure you that it's true.

Look, you're not going to make me believe

that someone left golden blood bags
in front of your door

you took it
without asking yourself any questions.

- What else could I do?
- Telling us for one!

That cooler probably
held the blood of a homicide victim.

Obstruction of justice,
you know what that is?

I had a big hunch the hospital's
anonymous request was for Chloé Bram.

She's the only Rhnull registered.
She's only , I wasn't gonna let her down.

- Why not follow the procedure?
- I did!

No screaming. No screaming.

- You don't understand how it works.
- Yes.

There is a procedure.

France is the world's biggest consumer
of golden blood because of Chloé.

She needed transfusions all the time
otherwise she'd get weaker.

I could barely get bag a month.
And even then, I had to fight for it.

So you can imagine

that when I asked for the double,
it didn't work out.

If I hadn't taken this blood in,

the request
wouldn't have been honored in time.

- As simple as that.
- OK.

And the sanitary guidelines?

I would have never taken the blood without
checking beforehand that it was healthy.

I ran the tests.
I have the documentation to prove it.


Let's ask Chloé's parents.

How? How can you say such a thing?

- Calm down.
- Me? Calm down?

Get in. Get in there.

You know what we went through?

We've been waiting years for Chloé to be
strong enough to handle this surgery.

And now that she's healed, now that
we can finally have a normal life,

you accuse us of doing God-knows-what
with a guy we never even saw?

The blood in the cooler
is from a man who has been m*rder*d.

If you think we'll just
sit around and forget...

Where were you the night he was m*rder*d?

At the hospital.

Chloé was already scheduled
for the surgery.

My wife works there
so we were allowed to spend the night.

Do your job, f*ck!

Yeah, Arthur?

Family's bank accounts are in the red,
some big withdrawals in cash.

I would bet Jonathan
was blackmailing the Brams.

We knew he was
being threatened by Zakhar.

He was trying to sell
his golden blood by any means.

And the only ones
with a reason to buy it were the Brams.


Because Chloé
was too weak to have the surgery.

Not enough transfusions.

And the rare blood bank
only had bag per month.

So if she had more…

Her state would get better
and she'd have the surgery.

So Jonathan was selling her
his blood on the side.

And in exchange,
he took all of their money.

This explains the m*rder.

The surgery is rescheduled,
the parents can't pay Jonathan anymore.

No more blood,
no more Chloé getting better,

no more surgery.

It was now or never.

Only they have an alibi.
They were at the hospital all night.

There are cameras all over the st floor.

Though the father asked to make a call
with the reception phone at : AM.

The nurse found that suspicious
so I checked the number.

He called the same prepaid phone
that called Jonathan a few minutes later.



That'd mean
Chloé's father knew the k*ller.

Or he ordered the m*rder.

Something is wrong.

The cooler only had
blood bags of ml each.

Which makes up a total of ml volume.

But an adult of the victim's build
has to liters.

It's true.

- Where's the rest of the blood?
- There.

Yeah, Arthur. I'll put you on speaker.

Yes Commander.

I just arrested Chloé's father.
He's heading to the station now.

And? What's happening?

You guessed right.
I was staking them out like you asked.

They left home,
a few minutes later they came back

and the father came out
with a weird cargo

- I'll forward it to you.
- Thanks Arthur.

What's this box?

Helsing and Co.
It's a Dutch medical company.

Specialized in
blood cells division separators.

that's what's used for transfusions

for drepanocytosis people at the hospital.

He gave his blood times.

Camille is a nurse,
so she'd take care of the manipulations.

He'd always ask for more, each time.

What could we do?

Go to the police? It's extortion.

No. That's not what's important.

It was for Chloé.

So she could have a normal life.

Had we gone to the police,
he'd have no longer given us blood.

And we wouldn't have been able
to force him.

It wasn't possible.

You managed to get by
until Chloé was better.

She was operable.


But the day before the transplant,
the blood didn't come through.

There was a problem.

And Chloé was in danger.

Who did you call?

Mr. Bram, the person who called Jonathan
probably k*lled him,

do you understand?

- Read this. It's a letter rogatory.
- How dare you enter my home like this?

You're the one who gave
Chloé's parents' information to Jonathan.

It's because of you he blackmailed them.

You broke donor's anonymity, Dr.

It's true but I thought
I was doing some good.

He didn't want to give his blood.
It was to save the kid.

I was sure that by showing Chloé,
he'd change his mind.

You're in very deep.

That's why you ran the tests.
To check if Jonathan's blood was healthy.

It almost worked.

Everything was getting better.
You could fix your mistake.

But on the day of the surgery,
they needed blood.

Always more.

And you're the one Chloé's father called
to talk to Jonathan.

You don't get it.

Jonathan wanted you to pay.

But blood isn't merchandise.

Commander Coste.

Look, there.

There, there and there.

I found it.

The door on the right.


It was infuriating.

We had finally found
another Rhnull in France

and he was refusing to give his blood.

I appealed to his conscience,
I told him about Chloé to move him,

without realizing I was giving him means
to make them pay him for his blood.

What happened the night of the m*rder?

There was this supply problem.

The surgery was to be canceled.
I had to do something.

I called Jonathan.

He agreed to let me come at night.

I arrived there at around AM.

With the transfusion equipment.
I found him in front of his door.

- A stake in his heart.
- Dead.

You found him...

You have nothing to do with his death?

Why would I s*ab him
with something like this in the chest?

- You tell me.
- I don't even know how someone did this.

To get something like this
inside a ribcage,

you need a kg strength at least!



- Why not call the police?
- Shit! Try to understand.

No screaming.

If Chloé didn't have the surgery that day,
she'd have never had it.

I had to save the kid.

What would you have done
if you had been me?

How did it happen?

I wasn't going to do it
in front of his house.

His door was opened.

I pulled the body inside.

I didn't touch the stake.
It stopped the blood from coming out.

I needed to tie him by his feet.
I found a rope and a pulley.

I had to get him upside down
and get a needle in his neck.

The heart wasn't beating anymore.
It was the only way to…

To drain him.

Drain him of his blood.

So she lied

she was at the rare blood bank
at the approximate time of the m*rder.

She badged, the watchman saw her.

It's not % solid evidence
but that's all we have for now.

Who was with him on this roof?

Someone had to cut the cable.

- Zakhar?
- No.

Jonathan owed him money.
It'd have been stupid to k*ll him.

Wait, when did he tell us
he took out his debt?

months ago.

And Zakhar also told us
he provoked the scooter accident

because he had stopped repaying.

How was he paying before?

Finally, it's thanks to the aptitude group
that I understood that.

Thank you William.

Yes, thank you William.

Me too, the social aptitude group
helped me understand plenty of things.

This is very kind.

But the group is above all, yours.

You're the one making it,
I'm a mere passer-by.

A very happy passer-by.

On this high note,
we're going to finish the session.

You can keep on talking
around the buffet.

Max, today,
I'm the one cleaning up the chairs.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- William.
- Yes.

I need your help solving an enigma.

Wow, an enigma.
An enigma once again!

You know I love helping you solve enigmas.

Can you follow me
to the Criminal Documentation?

Of course.

An obscure m*rder
to solve yet again, I presume?

Absolutely not.

And ask Max to clean the chairs up,
you won't have time.



- Here we are.
- Here we are.

Those are kisses.

Yes, yes, I can see that.
I can clearly see that.

Only, look:

tongues are touching.

So you need my help to...


Did you know that kissing with tongue
mobilizes no less than facial muscles.

It's amazing!

It's only for a kiss
on the cheek.

That was not the answer
you expected, right?

- William.
- Yes.

I am hypersensitive to sensory stimuli.

I know.

Even if someone simply touches my arm.

My brain is overflowing with information.

So the lips…

The nerve endings of the lips

are times more sensitive
than those of the rest of the body.

As for the tongue...

What will happen

if Tetsuo kisses me?

What's the matter?

You told me Tetsuo was fine
with not kissing you.


Only, I do not know why,

I really do not know but I...

Tell me.

I wanted to.

You wanted to.

- Yes.
- Because...

Because you know each other better.
Because now, you trust him.

And more importantly,

because you cherish Tetsuo.

"I was his artistic agent.

Our professional relationship
had brought us closer."

Mina isn't home and we found her phone
in a bin on her street.

Arthur, did you check what I asked for?

Yes, you were right.

Up until the scooter accident,

there have been huge withdrawals
on Mina's bank account

and they stopped right after the accident.

No way!

When he didn't need her anymore.

Why, can you explain?

- Do you know what those withdrawals mean?
- No.

It was Mina paying Jonathan's debts.

Then, he found a new income on his own:
his blood.

He didn't need her anymore.

She told us she was sleeping with him.

I bet it ended at the same time.

He was using her.

Wait, what tipped you off?

- Astrid.
- Of course.

By looking at Jonathan's pictures,

she found out that Mina was a model
for some of his kissing pictures.

And these are at least months old.

It was hard as it was a close-up shot
but Astrid recognized her lips.

Her lips?

Did you know that lip prints

are as unique as fingerprints?

No, no, I didn't know that.

Neither did I.


If Mina was paying off Jonathan's debts...

Zakhar still expects €,.

She's not on the run, she's in danger.
We need to go.

We're closed!


Come on, come on!

Drop your w*apon!

This is not a w*apon.

You seem stressed, Commander.

Where are you going?

Don't make me a fool, Zakhar.
The neighborhood is sealed.

Where is Mina?!

She's quite solidary, you know?
Like at the bank.

When Jonathan contracted his debt,
she was there, she stood as a collateral.

It is what it is, it's the law.

She's now the one who owes me money.

The law?

Your dirty money?
You call that the law?

Our law.

If she ends up in prison...


I'll be in trouble with Moscow.

What do I care?

Tell us where she is before it gets dirty.

Where is she, dammit?!

Step away!
Step away!


It's over.

We're here.

I was f*cking crazy about him.

Crazy about him!

I've done everything for him.

When he started to pull away,
I forgave him.

I thought it was a phase.


what happened up there, on the roof

He told me

he didn't want me as his agent anymore
and he fired me like that, like a dog!


Right before becoming famous, right?

He would be nothing without me.

I've done everything for him.

I helped him find his workshop.
I guided him in his work.

When I met him,
he was just a little art student.

And I made him into a well-known artist.

Do you know what I did

when he fired me?

I begged him.

I begged him. How stupid of me!

He even laughed at me.

What happened?

I think I had enough,
I endured so much all this time

so this laugh, it was the last straw.

Say it to me, Mina.

Say it.

I pushed him.

I pushed him with all my strength.

He hung on an antenna but it broke.

You could still save him.

- It wasn't too late.
- Oh no!

In that moment, there was no way
I'd save him, quite the opposite.

It all became clear.


I cut the cable.

He didn't scream when he fell.

I just heard the noise
of his body hitting the ground.

I left.

I quickly got back
to the party I came from.

As an alibi?

Not even that.

I just wanted to feel my life
without his hold,

you see?

But slowly, during the night,

I feared I had forgotten things.

So I went back.
I had a knot in my stomach.

That's guilt.

I have never listened to the violin

but through recordings.

I now realize

I have never

listened to the true sound of a violin.

Kando-san, a rig a to.

You should thank this young man instead.

He had to move mountains
to make his demand heard.

And you were right,
this room's acoustics are amazing.

Arigato gozaimashita.

The guy wore her down.

Not excusing her but I kinda understand.

Right, right.

A narcissist pervert.

The word is trending nowadays.


I have another word
for this kind of person.

People who suck on others' energy, I mean.

Wait, do you mean...

A vampire.

I figure you didn't come here
to talk about the case?

- No.
- What did you want to talk about?

It's about Emma.


I think I'm in love,

like I haven't felt in a while.

I'd like to ask her to live with me.

But I'm afraid I'll screw it all up.

And since you're my best friend,

I thought
you could give me some advice,

you see, to...

Not a problem.


You know I do not like to be touched.

I know, Astrid.

You already told me.

Because it overloads my nervous system.

I can not anticipate

the movements of the fingers or hands
that are touching me.

I understand.


my reaction totally differs

when I am the one initiating it.

Would you close your eyes?