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03x05 - Témoin

Posted: 01/18/23 11:26
by bunniefuu




To Strasbourg. Departure from
Paris at :.

Épernay :. Saint-Dizier not serviced.

Bar le Duc not serviced.

Commercy :.

Luneville :.

- Strasbourg :.
- Jules!

God honey,

you scared me.
Come, come,

come, put on your headphones,

put on your headphones.



What the hell are you
doing here?

It's not even time to ─
- Stop the theatrics.

I know why you're here.

I don't want him to hear us.

Wait for me here, sweetie.

Mommy has to talk with Daddy.
I'll come back.

Everything's okay, Jules.
Don't worry.

- What are you doing here?
- Don't take me for a fool.

Don't take me for a fool!
I found your cell phone.

Vitry-le François is
not serviced

between the th and
th of April.

Vitry-le François is
not serviced

between the th and
th of April.

Line H to Persan-Beaumont.

Next departure from
Paris at :.

Epinay Villetaneuse :.

La Barre Ormesson :.

Enghien les Bains :.

Ermont Eaubonne :

Les Glaïeuls, :.

Line H to Persan-Beaumont.

As written in article

of the Penal Code:

"Any official record or
report has probative

value only if it is formally regular,

and if its drafter acted in

the performance of their duties

and reported what they personally

saw, heard or found

on a subject-matter within
their jurisdiction".

Ms Nielsen!

Ms Nielsen!

I'm talking to you Ms Nielsen.

May you come in front
of the class, please?

May you come in front
of the class, please?

Do take your time.

Thank you.

Here's the report of a
hearing in a drug case.

What can you tell us
about this document?

Is there a problem, Ms Nielsen?

- I am qualified.
- So tell us.

Do you know what
that report means?


I am qualified.

It doesn't seem so.

The record, Ms Nielsen.
The report!

That's unfair!

Oh, so you think
reviewers will be

nicer on the day of the
verbal interview?

So, how about that report?

And now you failed.

I had enough of this, go away.

You may sit.

We secured the area

but it took us a while
so I'm not sure

the crime scene is

What do we know
about the victim?

Fabien Boyer.

He was identified by

multiple station staff members.

He was working here, right?



he was there quite often.

He worked for a subcontractor.

Any witnesses?

It's a little bit more
complicated than that.

Astrid's not with you?

Well, she sent me
a text as she left

the Police Academy. I don't understand,

she should already be here.

I am qualified.


, travelers.

I am capable.

I am qualified.


I was waiting for you.

I went to the Criminal

to get ready.

I had to establish

more scenarios than usual to

best anticipate

any unexpected events
that could occur.

What's stressing
you out, Astrid?

Is it being in a train station?

I am qualified.

I'll stand by you, okay?

Come with me, I want you
to meet someone.

:. Line H to Persan-

Next departure from Paris─

We found the kid next
to the victim.

His colleagues told us he's
his -year-old son.

He used to come every Wednesday

afternoon at the station with his father.

It seems he's autistic.

Since we found him,

he keeps repeating these words.

Like a litany.

Les Glaïeuls, :. Line H to

- Echolalia.
- I'm sorry?


A litany

has a liturgical function.
An echolalia has

a regulatory function.

This young boy has echolalia.

It helps calm him.

In the meantime, we couldn't
get anything else out of him.

Even if he saw anything,

I'm not sure he could tell us.

No other witness and yet

we're in one the largest
stations in Paris.

Gare de l'Est

is the th most important
station in Paris.

Only th?

Yes. trains come
and go everyday to

Four European countries.

Its daily turnout is

about , travelers.


, suspects!


mm, point blank.

No sign of the w*apon,
we're still looking.

A glove.

In his hands, the young boy

was holding a glove.

He must have held
hands with someone.

He wasn't just with his father.

There was a rd person.



Hold on! Criminal Police.

Do you know him?

Of course, he's my brother.
What's he doing with you?

Wait, nobody told you?

Told me what?

Do you work in the neighborhood?

Yes, to pay for my studies.
But why is

my brother with you?
Where's my father?

Line H to Persan-Beaumont.

Someone has to tell him.

Jules, did you see anything?

You were with dad
when it happened.

Line H to Persan-Beaumont.

f*ck, you're really useless.

Line H to Persan-Beaumont.

Next departure from
Paris at :.

Epinay Villetaneuse :.
La Barre Ormesson :.

Enghien les Bains :.

I got access to the station’s CCTV.

The m*rder took place
in a blind spot

with an exit through
a fire door.

And before that, we

clearly see Jules coming
with his mother.

You were right, Astrid.

Where is she?

You can't just leave your
children like that!

Unless you're fleeing
a crime scene.

Yet you have already

forgotten to get Théo from school.

Thanks Astrid.

You are welcome.

Any results from ballistics?

It's an old w*apon.

Colt ,

an American handgun from WWII.

Hard to trace.


So our best lead is those videos.

I want as many men as
possible on this.

But Commissioner,

we've already been
at it for hours.

Problem is there are more
than cameras!

We’d need a huge team and

multiple days to get to
the end of it!

This way of working

would be totally ineffective.

While solving a puzzle,

to take each and every piece

and look for its place

would be extremely

When I must solve a puzzle,

I lay out all the pieces
in front of me

so I can visualize them
all in one look.


I see trends, groups.

And the puzzle takes form,

little by little.

So what do you suggest, Astrid?

I suggest not watching
the videos by

, but watching them all

at the same time.

Like a giant puzzle made

of thousands of
simultaneous instants.

Astrid, do you realize how many
screens that represent?


I might know someone
who can help.

Could you send me

the video files?

It would only take me minutes.

Okay Astrid, I'm sending
it your way.


Thank you, Lieutenant Enguien.

I am hanging up.

Thank you Ms Nielsen.





I need to ask some hard questions.

We must hurry.

The first minutes of
an investigation are─

Do you have news on my mother?


Do you think she
could be running?

I'm sorry?

Your mother was at
the crime scene.

We have to consider
all possibilities.

Like my mom k*lling my dad?

What the hell?

What a bullshit theory!

Okay, my parents had it rough
these last years.

Twelve years of nobody's
helping them.

But they've been helping each
other for years.

Sure, it ain't easy everyday

but you're not making any sense.

Twelve years.

Is that your brother's age?


Could you give us a way

of communicating with him?

But he's autistic!

There's no communicating
with him at all.

He doesn't understand
what you tell him,

he lives in his bubble.



It is weird.

I do not know this boy


there seems to be something

familiar about him.

It's only natural.

You come from the
same continent.

It's like meeting a compatriot

in a foreign country.

Autism is not a country.


Autistan doesn't exist yet

as far as I know.

Neurodivergence is a part

of your identity for you both.

It's this part of yourself

that you see in him.

It allows creating real bridges

between people.

A bridge that allows
these people

to connect.

Bravo William.



Jules, I already told you,

we don't know where Oscar is.

It's our cat, he got away
a week ago,

he can't comprehend.

Are you okay, Gabriel?

Excuse me.

Commander Coste.

Do you know the Boyers?

I live in the building,
we're pretty close.

It's that kind of residence.

Is everything alright?

I'm okay, It's just..

There was a crime
at Gare de l'Est.

Mr Boyer died.

Fabien is...

Oh Gabriel!

I'm so sorry!

You poor boy.

It's fine. I'm gonna help Jules.

Is their mother here?

No, we're looking for her.

Have you seen her today?


Thank you.


there are more trains here

than in Gare de l'Est!

Yeah, he loves it.

Trains calm him.

That's why he spent
every Wednesday

afternoon at the station
with dad.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.

Next departure from Paris
at :.

Epinay Villetaneuse :.
La Barre Ormesson :.

When he's stuck on
stations like that,

that means something's
bothering him.

Maybe he's trying to
tell us something?

No, don't get your hopes up,

he won't tell you anything.

Even if he had seen something,
he doesn't speak.

He only expresses basic things,

like he's hungry,

he's stressed, he's happy.

There's not a lot up there.

Can you loop

this moment,


Here, the boy walks away
from his mother.

Here, he's checking his phone.

More importantly,

here he has a backpack.

And here

he does not anymore.


did we find the mother?


She hasn't used either her phone

or her card within the last

But there's something
about their finances:

all the costs for keeping
Jules at home

are paid cash,

and those are heavy costs.

Where does this money come from?

Who knows..

Astrid wants me to join her
at Gare de l'Est.

- See you later.
- See you later.

Imminent intervention.

Imminent intervention.




What's happening here?


I had not planned for
this eventuality.

Do you know her?

I had not planned for
this eventuality.

Because she has been

having a meltdown since
I told her the place

was on lockdown so you
have to get her out.

- Criminal Police.
- Yeah, and I'm b*mb Squad.

And we have a suspicious package

we need to operate on.

That suspicious package
is Jules's backpack.

Well Jules shouldn't have
left his bag here.

- Now it's too late.
- Hey!

Are you deaf or something?

I just told you
I'm Criminal Police

and you're about to blow
a piece of evidence.


It's always harder
to analyze confetti

than bank bills but
considering the size,

I’d say a few

thousand euros.

More importantly, Forensics found

cannabis residue stuck
to the bag shreds.

Drug trafficking?

Looks like it.

And what are these?

These are kraft paper strips.

Undoubtedly from the
bag containing the bills.

And in some places,

we can see printed letters

but it's too fragmented.

So we have Jules's maintenance

paid in cash and traces
of cannabis.

There seems to be a
scenario here:

a father

falls into debt to take
care of his son.

And to get out of it,

he starts selling dr*gs.

What about Camille's
description sent to

the other precincts?

Nothing for now.

We're issuing a CLEAR alert.

With all this information,

we're getting further away
from family drama.

She could equally be
a suspect or a victim.

That Tetsuo is quite charming.

He had it all prepared
before I came.

He seems like a good person.

I would love to talk
about him someday.

That's the kind of talk you

have with your mother, you know?

Astrid, are you okay?

Absolutely not.

I have not done it
in a long time.

It will be hard to solve.

I didn't know you like puzzles.

I mean these kinds of puzzles.

Puzzles are interesting

as long as

they are complex enough.

The rst time,

it took me days to solve it.


Yes. Beware,

you did not take your shoes off.

days, hours and minutes.

Are you sure it's a
good idea to start

that now? You're
exhausted, sweetie.

On the contrary.

My special interest

exhausts me in other ways.

It calms me.

It eases me.

It stimulates me.

It connects me.

I must call Raphaelle.

I must call Raphaelle now.


Because I think I know

who could communicate
with the young boy

from Gare de l'Est,

Jules Boyer.

- Hello.
- Hello.


My name is William.

I have a present for
your brother.

He likes it.

Thanks a lot.

He only likes trains anyway.

He's not the only one.

For most autistic people,

living is mainly a fight
against chaos.

Chaos of memory.


Bodies. Lights. Noises.

There are no plants.

Neither inside

nor on the balcony.


I don't think so.

So obviously,

a train universe

made of constant repetitions,

paths that go the
same way, which

means order,

that ought to appease us.

It allows us to control

the world surrounding us.

And trust me, it's not

a coincidence we like trains.

Do you practice gardening?

Either you or your parents?

No, not at all.


Because there is a body of
consistent evidence

that links that spade
and that scraper

to that rectangle of
turned over grass,



Did you loose your cat?

Yes, why?

Because we just found him.

I may be here to help you but

you do know I'm a
medical examiner,

not a forensic veterinarian.

Doctor Fournier.

I would not have called
you if I had not

noticed traces of
emetic regurgitations

at the corner of the
whisker pads.

That and the mucous
membranes are burnt too.

Adding to the traces of

brown urine on the rear legs.

No doubt,

this animal was poisoned.

Rigor mortis indicates

three to four days.

You're dealing with a homicide.

Or rather

a "caticide".

You see, Doctor Fournier,

you are quite the
forensic veterinarian.


Got it, Fournier.

Could you make sure
Astrid brings the kids

back to the police station while

they're securing the apartment?


My understanding is that
every Wednesday

at :pm precisely,

Fabien and his son Jules
put Jules's bag

in one of the station lockers.


Not any locker but always
the same.

Place, time, locker,

everything was settled
like clockwork

to not disrupt the kid,
you know?

Of course.

That little routine occurred

every Wednesday
afternoon, right?


Jules's circuit, as
Fabien called it.

After the lockers,

they used to head for
the storage areas,


the information boards

which the kid

gazed at for hours like it
was the "Mona Lisa".

Then the platforms.

All was timed:

more precise than
a stationmaster.

Was he searched
when he was dropping

off his bag in the lockers?

We knew Fabien well.

It would have been indelicate

to search through Jules's stuff.


to follow the rules.

Thanks a lot.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.

Next departure from Paris at :.

Epinay Villetaneuse :.
La Barre Ormesson :.

Enghien les Bains :.
Ermont Eaubonne :.

Les Glaïeuls :.

Line H to Persan Beaumont...

Oh f*ck, his headphones.

- f*ck.
- La Barre Ormesson :.

Enghien les Bains :.
Ermont Eaubonne :.

- Les Glaïeuls :.
- Stop it.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.

For f*ck's sake Jules,

stop it! You hear me?

Stop it!

No touching.

No touching.


may I?

- There.
- Thanks.

You are welcome.

I never saw him give
one of his pictures.

He seems to like you.

That box of pictures is
my mom's idea.

The emergency box.

We bring it everywhere
with Jules,

there's nothing better to
put a smile on his face.

Excuse me Astrid,

don't you have a lecture at the

Police Academy starting soon?


I have a lecture at the Police

Academy starting soon.

- So...
- Yes.

- So I must go.
- Exactly.

What is it?

Nothing, it's Emma,

she... I can't tell you.

- Come on!
- It's nothing, really.

It's a private joke, you wouldn't...

Private joke... Come on!

So, according to the
lockers register,

it's the same scenario every week.

Fabien drops the bag in the locker
every day at :pm

and gets it back at :pm.

Except that every day, the locker
is opened at

pm and closed minutes later.

Like trading cash for pot.


Oh shit, shit! OK.

Fabien used his son as a mule.

Someone may have stolen
the kid's backpack

before Fabien was k*lled.

Things go wrong, the station is
on lockdown

and they must improvise.

So they give up on the backpack.

Which makes our b*mb squad
friends happy a few hours later.

Question is:

where did they go?

And we're back to square :

Four European countries and
, witnesses.

What a drag.

I agree.

In detail, they may,

at their request, be examined
by a doctor appointed

by the District Prosecutor

or the Judicial Police Officer.

If the police custody is extended,

the doctor adjudicates on whether
they are fit enough

to remain in custody and
announce any

useful findings.

So who do we interrogate?

The SNCF's members?

The hundreds of people working
at the kiosks, the restaurants, the cafés?

- Hey!
- Oh!

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Nico, look. Look at that.

Of course I can see that, meat
on my windshield.

No, no no.

The pieces of letters which
were printed on

kraft paper in Jules's bag.

Those weren't letters

but geometric forms.

Gabriel, you're gonna come with us
for an interrogation.


We found a connection
between your

father's m*rder and
drug trafficking.

And you're that connection.

Your colleague told us you left
your post for an urgent matter

a few minutes before
the station lockdown.

And just before your brother's
backpack got stolen.

That's not evidence.

Considering he didn't have a meltdown
when his bag was taken from him,

it sure looks like it.

I saw mom and Jules

an hour earlier than expected and

I freaked out.

But I swear I never used
the money from the trafficking.

I gave it all to my father and

told him I won it from online poker.

How long have you played
this little game?

Don't know.


The lockers register will
tell us anyway.

You brought your brother into
drug trafficking, do you realize?

It's all his g*dd*mn fault!

My mother had to quit her job
because home care was too expensive.

And I have to work
in a crappy kebab place

to finance my studies.

We are dead broke

and he has to pay.

We are in this situation
because of him.

Do you realize you put
your parents in danger?

It's not some Colombian cartel.

Just a friend from school
who moved to Belgium.

He regularly goes to the Netherlands
and brings back some pot.

No one died!

"No one died"?

We checked the
"high school friend" story,

he was indeed the one
traveling back and forth

and stopping at the lockers
to make the trades.

Fabien always used the same code,
Jules' birthdate.

So no cat-k*lling cartel?

Not a chance. And no turf w*r either.

Gabriel wasn't dealing
at the station

but at the university.

Forensics concluded their investigation
on the bills confetti pieces

and they rounded it up to €.

So it makes sense.

Okay so no more connection
between Gabriel's drug ring

and his father's m*rder, right?

But wait, there's more.

The Cyber division searched
through his computer down to the ROM.

They didn't find anything on Camille,
the mother,

but they found out that Fabien
had a secondary email account.

- It looks like spam.
- It is.

I flipped through it and found
digital receipts

for lunches for in a restaurant,
always the same.

I sent Arthur there
and when he showed the owner

a picture of Fabien, he confirmed
he had been there.

But when he showed a picture of Camille,
he didn't recognize her.

So Fabien was with a woman
but she wasn't Camille.

Is that why Camille came in earlier
on the day of the m*rder?

She wanted to bust her husband
with his mistress?

It seems so.

Do you hear me? Shut the hell up.
Do you hear me?

Are you proud of yourself?
Do you see what you've done?

- Let him go!
- f*ck! What?!

- Calm down!
- What?!

Let your brother go now!

Sure you're in trouble.

You've been going through a rough patch
these last few years.

But have you ever wondered
how he was living it?

I pulled some strings
to get you to sleep at home tonight.

But you'll have to explain
yourself to the DEA.

And you're not to leave Île-de-France
until further notice.

I'm doing this for Jules' sake,

so he won't be placed.

Now cut the crap and behave!

Sit down. Sit!

We received statements from
the victim's colleagues.

One security guard told us
that a week ago,

Fabien asked him a lot of questions
about the security system.

What kind of questions?

He pretended
to be interested in the job,

maybe switching careers to security

while only asking about
the cameras coverage, dead angles,

and particularly the ones from
the technical wing where he was k*lled.

You're saying that
a week prior to his m*rder,

our victim asked for security holes
in the area he was k*lled?


What a mess.

Yes Gabriel?

Slow down, slow down,

I don't under... What?


If something happened to him,
I won't forgive myself.

- Don't say that.
- I was in charge of him.

I looked away for a second,

he jumped from the bus
and I lost him in the crowd.


If I hadn't gotten angry at him,

this wouldn't have happened!

There's an APB for him
in every station.

Two cars are patrolling the area.

We'll find him, don't worry.

I'm listening, where?


I'll call you back.


I am not certain whether to pursue
my formation at the Police Academy.


Wait, Astrid, do you know
what that means?

It means no longer
participating in investigations

with the criminal police.

It's crazy!

You're more qualified
than most cops I know.


- it can't be, Astrid.
- Yes, it can.


Anne Langlais put me in an oppressive
and inappropriate situation

for which I could not find an
adequate behavior.

That's why
you were troubled yesterday.

If she's messing with you,
she's messing with me!


You do not understand.

If I cannot face Anne Langlais,

I will not be able to face an examiner.

I am qualified, yes.


I do not know how to convey it.

Because the exam is

an insurmountable obstacle for me.

I am not able...

I am not able to pass this exam.

Like Jules.

Jules is not able to tell
what he saw at the station.


Here are our limits.

No Astrid, listen,

- we'll find a way...
- Jules!

Sorry, sorry, forgive me.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.
Next departure from Paris at :.

- Epinay Villetaneuse :.
- Forgive me Jules.

La Barre Ormesson :.

Enghien les Bains :.
Ermont Eaubonne :.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.
Next departure from Paris :.

We found him walking
on the line H tracks, Gare du Nord.

With the APB,
we identified him immediately.

Thanks for bringing him back.

Raphaëlle. Line H.

Persan Beaumont. There.

Line H.

Jules gave me this photo earlier.

I think that what he
wanted to show me

is the information board
on the platform.


Persan Beaumont on line H,
like the tracks we found him on.


Also like the line from which he keeps
recitingt he stations in his echolalia.

I opened everything I could
about line H.

Line plan, schedules, maps.

If there's anything to find,
it's here.

There is a station missing.

How so?

"Les Glaïeuls" station.

It does not exist
on the SNCF plan lines.

Yet Jules recites it every time:
"Les Glaïeuls, :".

What does "Les Glaïeuls"
stand for?

Is it an old station,
one that was closed, what is it?

A bus stop.

Look, between this station
and this station,

there's a bus stop with this name.

And a specialized center

for diagnosis and monitoring of autism.

It is about m from the bus stop.

Bravo Jules.

Jules was a lovely kid.

We supported him years ago.

By the way, I brought
the photo album from that year.


There are plenty of photos
of him and his parents inside.

How were his parents towards him?



When Jules first came, I think his mother
still believed she could cure him.

You can not cure autism

as autism is not a disease.

- Exactly.
- Exactly.

She quickly realized
her son's true potential.

She stopped trying to change him

- and started trying to understand him.
- Excuse me.

Sorry, who's that woman?

That's Isabelle Maupa,

Tom's mother, the kid
playing with Jules here.

- But...
- But what?

That's a tragic story.

Tom passed away last year
from an epileptic seizure.

His mother completely lost it
and held us responsible.

She started harassing
one of our colleagues

and became very violent.

I need to call Arthur.

He brought the kids back home.

This woman here,
she's the Boyer's neighbor.

She is the woman Jules tried
to tell us about from the start.

Because he identified her
as dangerous.

Arthur's not answering, shit!

Has anybody seen Arthur?

I should have realized sooner.

Okay guys, we need to find
Isabelle Maupa's flat.

Oh shit! Arthur!

I don't know what happened.
She injected me with something, I think.

My head started spinning,
I couldn't do anything, I'm sorry.

- Okay, we've got a huge problem.
- What?

Isabelle and the kids
aren't at her home.

Because Isabelle never lived here.

Are you okay, Arthur?

Yeah, I feel like shit but I'm okay.

Good, good.

- Come on.
- Come on.

So we have a psychologically
fragile woman

who went berserk at her
autistic son’s death.

She rejects her loss,

transfers her affection on another

kid from the center, Jules,

becomes part of his family life,

and even makes them believe

she lives next door to
approach them.

How is that possible?

Even I was fooled.

She arrived with her groceries.

In this kind of building,

neighbors cross, say hi,

but don’t really know each other.

Isabelle Maupa doesn’t
have a known address.

She left her apartment in
Argenteuil just

after her son's death but
since then, nothing.

However, she inherited
her mother’s

house years ago.

Officially the house
isn’t declared as

her main home

but she’s the owner.

- Let’s go.
- Yeah.

There, candies.

And apple juice for you.


Come on in.

- Where are we?
- Home!

Come, there’s some snacks.

You want a plate?

What would you like?

Some apple juice for you too.

Jules is having a meltdown.

We have to do something.

- No, he isn’t.
- Yes, yes, he is.

He isn’t fine.

I know when he’s having
a meltdown

and he isn’t having a
meltdown, okay?


Help yourself,

I’ll let you take whatever.

There are plenty of
things. There

are also warm pastries
if you want.




Calm down. There.

I know damn well what
a meltdown is.

Everything’s going to be fine,
I have it under control.



La Barre Ormesson :.

- Enghien les Bains :.
- Gabriel? What are you doing?


Line H to Persan Beaumont.

Everything’s fine Jules.

I just gave him a small
something to

help him relax.

That’s all.

He shouldn’t be like this. Shit.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.

Next departure from Paris at :.

Epinay Villetaneuse :.

La Barre Ormesson :.
Enghien les Bains :.

Ermont Eaubonne :.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.


Come on, let’s go.


Jules? Jules?

Look at me, look at me, look
at me, look at me.

Line H to

Persan Beaumont.

Line H to

Persan Beaumont.

Line H to

Persan Beaumont.

Line H to Persan Beaumont.

Gabriel? Jules?

There! There!


Quiet! Untie me!

Untie me! Please!


It wasn’t supposed to
be like this.

It’s all Fabien’s fault.

This w*apon is old,

it’s unreliable.

Wouldn’t want to hurt
her, right?

Put it down.


You won’t take Jules from me.

It’s over, Isabelle.

The house is surrounded.

No. No, it can’t
end like this.

I’m keeping my kid.

Jules isn’t your kid.

Shut up.

We have a shoulder wound.

I repeat, we have a
shoulder wound.

What happened yesterday
at the train station?

Isabelle asked me to follow her

while pointing the g*n at me.

She looked crazy.

She had already shot Fabien,

I was scared she would harm Jules,

so I followed her.

To lead her as far away
as possible.

Fabien had sensed something,

he found her invasive.

Scary even.

I should have listened to him.

Why were you at the
station yesterday?

Because his g*n had disappeared.

I was so scared, I knew

he would do something bad.


Fabien was the one with a g*n?

On the right, guys.



Yeah Astrid?

How is Jules?

He’s fine.

In the end,

Jules’ real victory is having

managed to communicate
with his brother.


has always been communicative,

in his own way.

It’s others who

didn’t understand him.

Don’t worry, I’ll bring your
headset back.

Thank you,


You’re welcome.

I’m hanging up.


Fabien felt cornered.

He was at his wit’s end.

He tried to lead Isabelle

away from his family.

He wanted to press
charges against her.

What stopped him?

Isabelle threatened to
hurt his wife.

She went as far as k*lling
their cat

to show she wasn’t kidding.

Something’s bothering me.

If this woman is so radical,

why not k*ll the kids’ parents?

She’s not a k*ller.

She didn’t premeditatedly
k*ll Fabien.

On the other hand, Fabien
wanted to k*ll her.

What do you mean?

Fabien told Isabelle to meet him

in a desolate corner at
the station with the

intention of putting an
end to her blackmailing.

In the worst way possible.

By k*lling her.

Problem is Camille arrived
with Jules,

it screwed his plan up and

when Isabelle arrived,

he still took his g*n out.

She tried to take it,
the shot went off,

Fabien was k*lled.

Isabelle told the truth.

It wasn’t supposed
to be like this.

Excuse me Astrid,

this person is in charge of your

formation at the Police Academy.

I thought it might be important

so I let her in.

I know who she is.

- I’m off now.
- Thank you.

It was null.

What was?

The report you gave
me yesterday.

It was null.

It was referring to a
custody not having

respected certain

points of the judicial procedure.


the examination report

and the confession it held

were null

and void.

You barely looked at it.

I am qualified.

Why didn’t you come
to class today?

Why attend classes only

to learn what I already know,

if the goal is

out of my league?

What makes you say it’s
out of your league?

It is what you
demonstrated yesterday.

I am not capable of

passing this exam.




I may have gone the wrong way

about it, but I want to
help you be

capable, on the contrary.


the examiners won’t spare you,

they won’t hold back.

They’ll try to make you fail.

They’ll do everything to
destabilize you,

to trap you.

But I don’t want that to happen.


Because the institution
is like this.

It doesn’t like people
who are different.

People who break ranks,

people who step out of line.

Not this why.

Why do you not want
it to happen?

Because it’s my job!

Your job is to make me ready,

but you say you do
not want me to fail.


is personal.




Because it would have

mattered a lot to your father.

You knew Dad?

You are the woman with
the amber perfume.


You are the woman

with the amber perfume.

Dad would go out often at night,

telling me it was for work.

But when he would come back,

he smelled of women's perfume.

An amber smell.

I never knew who it was.

But I always knew he
was dating someone.

And I never understood why

he would not tell me.

I did not find the right time

to ask him.

And then

he died.

He didn’t want it to be too

hard of a change for you.

As soon as we started dating,

he told me he already
had someone in his life.

That he would only give me

the time

he had left outside of

caring for his daughter.

I had accepted it.

The last time we ate together,

he was ready.

He wanted us to meet,

we had even decided on a date.


He died.

He died.

No touching.