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03x04 - La Chambre Ouverte

Posted: 01/18/23 11:25
by bunniefuu
He's gonna die.

He's gonna die.

He's gonna die.


He's gonna die.

What are you doing here? What's the matter?

Doctor Foreman, he's gonna die.

Who is?

Lebel. He's gonna die.

Of course not.

Thierry's with him, don't worry.
Please go to bed.

Come on.

He's gonna die.

He's gonna die.

Thierry, is everything okay with Lebel?

Yes doctor, everything's good,
I'm in front of his door.

All clear.

Do you mind checking?


Doctor, my badge...
I don't understand, I can't get in.


Lebel! Are you okay?

He's not answering, I don't
understand. I was going down to-

fetch my badge. We got the same idea.

[Accidental death in
a psychiatric institute.]


You're getting mail from Alain Lamarck?
You're kidding me!

No kidding. Alain Lamarck used to write
mystery novels by his pen name Erik Ernest.

Be careful, Astrid. I know you love his thrillers
but meanwhile, he moved on to practical work.

- He k*lled people. And many times at that!
- Yes!

And a criminal asking us to open an investigation
for homicide on an accidental death, I mean...

I know it's hard for you to resist
mysteries but it's obviously a trap.


You took a peek, didn't you? Astrid!

Yes. I took a little peek.

The man who died three days ago
was Clarence Lebel, there.

On September th , he m*rder*d his boss,
David Lerivage, by suffocating him with a pillow.

Why was he committed?

Three psychiatric assessments,
here, on-two-three, agreed

that Clarence Lebel acted on a delirious
breath from a psychotic episode.

He was found not criminally responsible,

then committed to the
Esperito Santo psychiatric institute.

Where he died three days ago
from asphyxia by laryngeal oedema.


So what makes you think Lamarck
is right to contest the accident theory?

David Lerivage's autopsy report.

It is written that Clarence Lebel's victim
fractured a finger while struggling.

He broke his left thumb, there.

- But in the story you're holding…
- Yes.

It is written that Clarence Lebel was found

with the same broken
finger, the left thumb.

I can see it.
Do you think it's a mark of revenge?

Raphaëlle. You often say that coincidences
don't exist in an investigation.

Yes, but there's no investigation yet.

And no DA will open
a judicial investigation

on such weak arguments, Astrid.
It can't be done.

Having said that,
Clarence Lebel died in the institute.

No relatives have made themselves known.

Which means that Clarence Lebel's
corpse is still at the MLI.

Raphaëlle. The MLI.

- Fournier?
- Yes.

- You want to call Fournier?
- Yes.

Here we go.

Lebel, Lebel, Lebel...
Where did they put this one?

Lebel... Ah! Lebel! Laryngeal oedema.

You're lucky, he was about to be cremated.

So, I can't open him up without
a rogatory commission.

But we strongly underestimate the external
review. It's a crucial part of an autopsy

in which a brilliant practitioner could
unravel a criminal cause of death.

Assuming that death is criminal.

- So where do we start, Miss Nielsen?
- Here. The left thumb.

Could you start by
examining his left thumb?

The article specifies that he fractured
it struggling in his agony.

Ah yes, the thumb is broken.
But not from trying to break free.

Look, a clean break around the synovial joint.
And it was outwards.

So it has to be an external action?

In this case, that's a hypothesis
we can't rule out, yeah.

What about the cause of death?

I can confirm asphyxia
but not by laryngeal oedema.

Are you sure?

Certainly, an oedema doesn't do that.

Okay but what are those marks around
his lips? Did he do that with his teeth?

That is common when there is pressure
applied to a victim's face.

Yeah, let's say a pressure
with a feathered pillow.

You can call the DA, Coste. That's m*rder.

Doctor Foreman,
can you show us where Clarence Lebel died?

Lebel was restricted to sector .

It's a unit for our
most difficult patients.

And it's the only one restricted.

This way.

Is it really needed?

For your own protection, yes. Behind these bars,
even a pen could become a w*apon.


- No bags, Madam.
- Easy!

Your bag, Madam.

Go ahead, Astrid. It won't be long,
Astrid. And I'll be here.

It's gonna be okay Astrid.

No touching.

This way.

Stay close to me, Astrid.

Who's that? Who's that?

So I went in with my badge
and there he was, dead.

The room was constantly watched for
so I'm willing to believe your m*rder story

but I'm yet to be convinced.

- Do you have badge logs?
- Yes.

You'll give them to me.



There's always something to
look for on a crime scene, isn't it?

Who was watching the door?

Thierry, a caretaker. years
of service, he's irreproachable.

Mr Keller, you were on duty
the night of Clarence Lebel’s m*rder.

You stayed in front of his door
from pm to am.

- And then you tried to come in, is that right?
- Yes.

I swiped my badge but it didn't work.

So I took the elevator and came back
one minute later with doctor Foreman.

And apart from that moment, you never left
your post? Not even once?

No. And nobody went in.
I would have seen them.

You know what they say.

When you're the only witness who didn't see
a thing, maybe you're not just a witness.

What are you saying? That I k*lled him?
Why would I do such a thing?

I don't know, why don't you tell me?

It makes no sense.

Ask every caretaker in sector .

Lebel was a complicated patient but I was
one of the few who could handle him.

The quality of a locked-room mystery
comes from the reliability of the witness.

But in our case, it is impossible to
be certain of the reliability of ours.

- The nurse?
- Yes.

I don't see him guilty.
He doesn't match the profile.

Astrid, I wanted to tell you,

if we're to go back to
Esperito Santo for our case,

just know you don't have to come
if it's too much to handle.

I am sorry, Raphaëlle,
I could not help you today.

But when I am in this place,
my thoughts are blurry.

I am afraid to get lost.

I get confused by the rooms, the spaces.

I feel imprisoned by their stereotyped
and repetitive architecture, like a maze.

But if you are with me,
I think I am capable.

Then we'll do that.

If we go back, I'll always be with you.
I won't let you go. You can count on me.

And I'm starting to wonder
if Lamarck isn't playing us.

He was right about the m*rder.

Yes. How could he have known
before anyone else?

We just have to ask him, it is that simple.

Hello Sir.


How did you know Lebel’s victim
had their finger broken years ago?

This info was never made public.

If you search for it, it’s there.
If you find it, it disappears.

- In letters and starting with an M.
- Cut it out. We’re not here to solve riddles.


Are you messing with us?

You know Astrid,

I ended up understanding
how a poor documentalist like you

managed to take down
a high profile man like me.

Still oh so modest, I see.

If you have all the details of a thousand
at your finger ends,

it is odd if you can’t unravel
the thousand and first.

- Sherlock Holmes.
- No.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
is Sherlock Holmes’ author.

But isn’t a character
but a shadow of its creator?

In this case, by Sherlock Holmes’ mouth,
isn’t it Conan Doyle talking?

Like I did by Erik Ernest’s.

Erik Ernest was not one of your characters.

He was your pseudonym and you k*lled him.

And Conan Doyle k*lled Sherlock Holmes too
by throwing him down the Reichenbach Falls.

Yes, but Sherlock Holmes does not exist.

You, you k*lled a real person.
By poisoning him.

And did that make my books
any less interesting in your eyes Astrid?

I had come to understand that they
constituted enigmas up to your standard.

We’ll stop there.

I’m wondering, which Erik Ernest’s book
did you first read?

Don’t reply, Astrid.

- The Labyrinth.
- The Labyrinth, of course.

The original form of the mystery novels.

Intertwining paths that look alike,
identical and similar,

in which the reader gets lost
between side roads and dead ends.

- Goodbye Mr. Lamarck.
- Goodbye.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

- It’s not done yet, La-
- Yes, it is, Commander Coste.

We have to go, now. Thank you, goodbye.

Astrid, talk to me. What’s happening?

I think I solved the closed room mystery.

No touching.

Clarence Lebel’s k*ller,
I think I know how they did it.

- How they did it?
- The door.

- Yeah.
- Open, sir. There. Thank you.

And? And how did they do it?

And how did they do it?

I thought you had already
searched this place.

We have to go to the floor below.
On the rd floor.

Excuse me, this is your great theory?

A secret passage between
the rd and th floor?

I’ve been working here for years,
there’s no secret passage.

Can we go?

She saw something.

She always does this
when she sees something.

The ficus. It has been moved.

Do you have your access badge please?
Thank you.

Of course. It’s not activated
for the rd floor.

But, could you explain to me Astrid
‘cause I’m not sure I’m following.


The k*ller had time to strangle Clarence Lebel
in the isolation room, on the th floor,

because this man, here,
watched over there, in front of this door,

on the rd floor, all night long.

- Impossible.
- Yes, possible.

The elevator buttons have been tampered with
to send everyone pushing to the rd floor.

There are still marks on the panel.

And the screws
have been incorrectly re-tightened.

Then, the k*ller had to hide a few details
so the floors would become completely similar.

Same number of doors. .
Colors, white, blue.

The ficus.
It has been moved to hide the floor number.

And the same… Sorry, Sir.

Thank you, Sir.

And the same decoration.

The closed room mystery is solved.

Now, we have to find the k*ller.

We found this in the
elevator command panel.

The button of the th led to the rd.

It’s fiddling. The guy from forensic
said it was well done.

But he also said an elevator was
no computer and wasn’t that hard to hack.

You just had to push one button
to put it back to normal.

And the culprit didn’t stop there.

We recovered the hard drive
that contains all the badges’ history.

- And?
- And it’s empty.

We sent it to cybercrime to see
what they could do but that’s a long shot.

So the floor the m*rder happened at
was devoid of any surveillance,

and in the meantime,
the nurse was watching the wrong door.

Perfect illusion.

So we’re crossing
the nurse off of the suspect list.

For now.

The family of the man
Lebel k*lled years ago is in the clear.

His wife and his son live in the USA

and they haven’t come back to France
since his death.

But a m*rder, as we know,
can be premeditated.

Yeah, but there isn’t only family
who could have wanted revenge.

- Friends, colleagues, close ones…
- That makes the number of suspects way higher.

And, tell me if I’m wrong,

but a psychiatric hospital,
we can infiltrate easily, no?

Not the th sector. It’s a real fortress.

There’s only one entry
and it’s guarded like the Holy Grail.

Since nobody came out
of the building since the m*rder,

we think the k*ller is still in there.

You impressed me earlier.

The way you entered the th sector.

It was less hard than last time.

You were with me.

I was sure to not get lost.

I think the perspective of solving a riddle
overtook everything else.

It’s when Lamarck told you about
the labyrinth that you found the solution?

The Labyrinth is the th book Alain Lamarck
published under Erik Ernest’s name.

Yeah but he could have put you on the track
of a solution he already knew.

You think Alain Lamarck could have
a link to Clarence Lebel’s m*rder?

Astrid, this guy is a perverse manipulator.

- Astrid?
- Yes.

I’m not joking. Be careful.

This dude is dangerous, okay?

Oh yeah.

- That’s a lot.
- It’s what you asked for Commander.

The patients’ and nursing staff’s files
who have access to the th sector.

It’s not computerized?

Maybe one day but for now,
that’s all I have to offer you.

It's going to take us hours
to find our way around.

Yes, hours, Lieutenant Enguien. Hours.

Can I talk to you?

Can you tell me more about Lebel?

Lebel’s personality was complex.

He found his happiness in others’ subjections,
who he considered objects.

And did he ever harm other patients?

We’ve always tried to be careful
so it wouldn’t happen

but we can’t be everywhere.

You understand I’ll have to interrogate
all of your patients?

It won’t be easy.

A lot of them are fragile.

And you can understand that
in the th sector,

true and false are very relative notions.

Everyone is here. Good.

Thank you all for being here today.

I’ll be assisted by Commander Coste
and Captain Perran.


They’ll investigate our establishment
following Clarence Lebel’s death.

They will help us see more clearly
on this event which shocked us all.

We are here above all to listen to you.

We’re not pointing fingers at anyone.

We’d like to know more about the victim.

We’re seeking the truth. There.

The truth?

The truth is that I’m happy he’s dead.

Those words may be a bit strong, Lucie.

I can assure you, Lebel was a monster.

Every time we’d cross paths,
he’d tell me he’d r*pe me.

One day he did.

He entered my room.

I tried to resist but he was
scaring me so much.

If Thierry hadn’t come in then…

I wanted revenge.

I wanted to destroy him.
I hated him so much.

- Maybe I did it.
- No!

It's me.

I’m the one who k*lled him.

Gregory, what are you saying?

That’s why…

I heard him dying that night.

It’s because I k*lled him.

Like Daddy.

- No, I k*lled him!
- Liar! It’s me who k*lled him!

Sit back down. Calm down.

Everybody sits down. Everybody calms down.

Hey, guess what.

This weekend I did free falling with Emma.

You’re kiddin’?

You don’t even know
how to jump from a diving board

and you jump from a plane while flying,
just like that?

I’ll ask Foreman to keep you
in observation here, just a bit.



Don’t look at me.

A bit of a miss,
your little interrogation up there, no?

I wouldn’t say that.

We’re here to get to know you.

I can tell you something but...

you won’t be able to use it in the procedure.

- I’ll refuse to testify.
- Go on, we’re listening.

It’s the nursing staff that k*lled Lebel.

Everybody knows it here

but everybody acts as if nothing happened

because everybody is scared.

Scared of what?

To suffer the same fate as Lebel.

Don’t you understand?

It’s not a psychiatric institution here…

They do experiments on us here.

I’m here to take them down.

Sorry, I-

Hey, wow!
- You have a cellphone?

You know what they do with those?

They read directly inside my head.

f*ck, you’re crazy.
Forget about it, whatever.

Yeah, let’s forget about it.
Do I pick up or…

Yes, yes, do it.

- Yes Arthur?
- So, you managed to make them talk?

Yeah, and not just a bit.
of them are accusing themselves.

And you? Any leads?

You mean, in this giant trap to find a link
between suspects and a year old m*rder?

Well, like Astrid would say…

Too much information
can damage their legibility.

She’s putting a filing system in place,
it’s crazy.

- Never saw something like this in my life.
- Okay.

And what do you have on Elizabeth Cuddy?

Elizabeth Cuddy? Don’t move.

Elizabeth Cuddy.

Psychotic with paranoid tendencies.

On her th stay here.

And she started a fire in her last building,
claiming if was full of mics.

And that someone was spying on her.

Ok, and...

on Gregory Demaison, what do you have?

- Gregory Demaison, Astrid.
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- You are welcome.

Gregory Demaison.
Committed for hallucinatory schizophrenia.

Was sequestered by his father until he was .
Holy cow.

He broke free by strangling him.

He k*lled him.

- That is not all.
- Wait, don’t hang up.

According to a report made by the institution,
he att*cked Clarence Lebel weeks ago.

He tried to strangle him.

After that, Clarence Lebel
spent several days in the infirmary.

I am finished.

- Not bad, uh?
- Yes, bad.

Thank you.

Hello Gregory.
May I sit?


The doctor. He doesn't want me
to drink coffee

It's funny because my partner
says that I drink too much of it.

She tells me it's bad for the heart.

In my case, he says that...

the more I drink coffee...

the more I hear voices.

And what are those voices telling you?

It's my father.

He scolds me.

Did he scold you on the night
we found Lebel's body?

- You gonna arrest me?
- No.

Why did you say you k*lled Lebel?

Because my father...

he was Lebel.

Only I recognized him

He had changed his
face but I recognized him...

by his scent

Indeed, they all look alike.

We are in Lucie's room.

She's the one att*cked by Lebel.

I interfered just in time.

Who knows what could have happened.

"Les Fleurs du Mal"

Hold on, It's forbidden.

What, Baudelaire is forbidden?

No. Patients are not allowed
personal effects in their room.

- May I?
- Yes.

Be careful with the file.

So Arthur?

We made progress with the files
but so far, no link between

one of these patients and the m*rder
commited by Lebel nine years ago.

And I found this book hidden
in Lucie Graziani's room.

And look, she dog-eared some pages.

Weird, right?

- May I?
- Sure.

Thank you.

There must be an explanation.

Evidently, with some time,
I may find this explanation.

I knew you'd enjoy it.

But for that, I need time.

Okay. Arthur, any news
concerning the badges' history?

No, not yet. The IT department is on it.


There, you are now witness to it: she
does this to me every time. Every time!

It's too soon for that, young lady.

Doctor, give her her book back.

Sorry but your daughter is barely
out of solitary.

Her weakened mental state forces
us to spare her such external stimuli.

Listen, I already told you: My
daughter doesn't belong here.

She doesn't have a psychiatric
disorder. She is autistic.

Autism is an infantile psychosis. She had
multiple meltdowns since she came here.

Obviously she has meltdowns!
You're taking her book!

Mr Nielsen. She doesn't need books:

She needs treatment.

Incoming call
La Santé Prison probably


I wanted to know if our little chat
had put you on the right track.

Mr Lamarck.

You are not allowed to call me.
I will hang up.

Too bad.

I was going to help you.

I am going to end this conversation.

What if I told you that
one of Erik Ernest's books

is immediately inspired by
the m*rder committed by Lebel?

Not gonna hang up?

Still there, Astrid?

In order to refine my work,
I had access to the case file.

That is how you knew
about the broken thumb.

Good. You're starting to understand.

I also uncovered a piece of information
that would be so useful to you.

To think it could be yours if
you knew in which book it is.

Mr Lamarck. There are
books written by Erik Ernest.

counting special issues.

It's even more amusing knowing
that you read them all, isn't it?


Which means this piece of information
is there, somewhere in your memory.

But where? Prefrontal
lobe? Frontal? Who knows?

Mr Lamark. Which book is it?

Come see me alone.
I'll tell you.

I must tell Commander Coste first.

Didn’t she warn you about me?

My advice: don't tell her you called me.

She might think you're
working behind her back.

Absolutely not.
You are the one who called me.

It's a matter of perspective, Astrid.

Matter of perspective, as always.

Who are you talking to?

The... the book.

I found the solution.

I know why the pages were dog-eared.

The pages were not the clue,

the folded corners were, look.
Each time, they point to a word.





Along the book, these words
form a sentence.

"I think of you. Wait for me
in your room tonight at one"

So in this book resides
a message for Lucie.

Lucie Graziani, yes.

So it means she has a relationship
within the institution?

But with whom?

At the end of the sentence,
four words remain.





Raphaelle. I think it is a signature.


- Eric.
- Yes

- Eric Foreman?
- Yes. Doctor Foreman

Eric Foreman? He is having an affair
with one of his patients?

Relationships between patients and doctors
are strictly forbidden in these institutions.

That's why they communicate
through a coded book.

And that makes a hell
of a motive for Foreman.

Considering that Lebel had att*cked Lucie,
maybe he wanted to avenge her.

Commander. The IT department got
the badges' history from the hospital.

There's a badge opening Lebel's door
two hours before the discovery.

- And it's Forman's.
- Okay. Get to it.

You'll bother him. He's in a session.

Mr Foreman?

Let him go! Let him go!

Let him go! Let him go!

- Easy!
- f*ck!

- Is he breathing?
- Yes. He's alive.

Foreman is still in the ICU.
He had tracheal surgery.

- He won't tell us his version anytime soon.
- No kidding.

Something's weird in Foreman's notes
from his last appointment with Gregory.

Before he got att*cked, I mean.

- Show me.
- Here.

"I smell like his father"

I smell like his father.

Smell like his father...

What does it smell like?


How about that?

- The same perfume
- The same perfume.

This is Lebel's shirt.
This is Foreman's coat.

Nah, don't get it.

Someone sprayed Foreman with
the same perfume as Lebel.

When I interrogated Gregory,
he told me that when he k*lled Lebel,

he had recognized his father by his scent.

He had changed his
face but I recognized him...

by his scent.

That means Gregory's father
and Lebel had the same perfume.

A perfume that makes Gregory ultra violent
because it brings his trauma back up.

Enough to attack Lebel last month.

Exactly! The k*ller must
have witnessed the scene

and wanted to mimic it this
morning to eliminate Foreman.

Thank you, sir.

You have the loveliest weak spot
of them all, Astrid.

One unanswered question and
you come running.

The book you wrote following
the "David Lerivage" case

which was published a few weeks
after the report is "Le Gibet Voyageur"

But I did not find any correlation
to the "David Lerivage" case.

In "La Fracture au Point Mort",
the victim has a broken finger.

It is the only common thread
that I could find

In "Fer de Lance",

a man admitted himself into a
mental hospital to escape justice.

But I do not see a
link to our current case.

You're fascinating.

An unparalleled acuity for
details invisible to others.

And at the same time, a complete
blindness to feelings and emotions.


You know,

a maze leads first and foremost to
our inner self, but it isn't always pretty.

Do you fight your demons, Mrs Nielsen?

- Which book is it, Mr Lamarck?
- The maze scares you.

So you stay above it.

You don't dare to go down.

How will you turn on the light without
going into the heart of darkness?

You do not scare me.

What scares you is
what's inside you, Astrid.

You didn't talk about it
with Raphaelle, did you?

Those questions are not
related to the case.

Answer me and I'll give
the answer you're waiting for.

I do not want Raphaelle to think I am sick.


There we go.

Here's your demon.

You're totally scared of not being valid

I am qualified.

I am useful.

Mr Lamark, which book is it?

In "Le Gibet", figuring out
the m*rder*r is secondary.

The challenge,

the real challenge is to understand
why they weren’t found earlier.

Because the investigators did not know
the first victim had a mistress.

David Lerivage had a mistress.

It is not included in any report.

Yet, by looking at the
pictures from the report,

the proximity with his collaborator
is quite obvious, isn't it?



You can count on me
to keep our little secret.

What little secret?
What little secret are you talking about?

This visit.

Raphaelle must never know about it.

She won't forgive you.

The door.

Death certificate

Birth certificate

Death certificate

Mrs. Laurence KUTNER

Cause of death: su1c1de

Help me, Lucie.

Who would want Dr. Foreman dead?

I’m not here to hurt you.

I just want to know the truth.

The truth.

I know about you and Dr. Foreman.

We figured out the code in your book.

You gotta talk to me now Lucie.

Calm down.

No touching.


Here are my spectators.

Thank you. Thank you.

No touching. No touching.

Miss, are you ok?

My daughter doesn’t belong here.

She’s autistic.

Your demon’s there.

The Labyrinth scares you.

I’m lost.

I… I-


I won't let you down.

You can count on me.




Wait, excuse me. Astrid?


Astrid, what’s going on?


One bean, okay.


I’m here. Tell me.

Laurence Kutner.

Laurence Kutner is David
Lerivage's colleague.

The man that Clarence Lebel k*lled

on the th of September .

She was his colleague

but also his mistress.


How did you find that?

I cross-referenced

the David Lerivage investigation
case reports

and Laurence Kutner's su1c1de.

Laurence Kutner never recovered
from her lover's death.

But there is more.

Laurence Kutner

had a daughter

who was placed

with the public welfare assistance
when her mother died,

then in a foster family.

She eventually took their name.


- Lucie Graziani?
- Yes.

Lucie Graziani

is David Lerivage's illegitimate child.

- Ok. Ok.
- Yes.

I’m sorry, Astrid. I’ll be right back.


I’ll... Dammit, she made
a fool of us.

- Raphaëlle.
- She tricked us.

Open this door. Open up.

- It’s jammed.
- Lucie!

Get back.

There should never have
been an investigation.

That’s what happens when
there’s a m*rder.

Lebel k*lled my father.

My father's death brought
my mother to su1c1de.

Lebel is responsible.
Lebel is responsible.

Lebel is responsible for
f*cking my life up.


Justice decisions are
sometimes unfair.

Nothing that happened
to me is fair.

That’s enough.

That’s enough. It’s over.

It’s done.

It’s over. It’s done. I did what
had to be done.

It’s done.

You didn’t have to
k*ll him, Lucie.


Please come closer.


I had to.

It’s the voice that asked me.

It’s over.

She had a well-thought-out
plan for months,

even for years.

Is she faking her mental
illness or not?

Hard to say.

The experts will decide.

But since she was arrested,

she’s in a severe
psychotic delusion

and she already tried
to self-mutilate.


If she is faking her mental illness,
that’s the world upside

down. That’s what she
reproached Lebel with.

Yes but maybe when she arrived,
she was of sound mind.

Then with her stay in sector ,

maybe it drove her crazy.

For good.

When I was ,

I was expelled from school.

Because of that,

social services filed a report.

I was taken from Dad

and placed in a psychiatric institution.

That is where I was first
confronted with

my first maze.



You see? I promised you I would
get you out of here.

Come on, I’m bringing you home.

You’re making a mistake.

Mazes saved me.

But I think I got lost in it.


Look around you, Astrid.

You’ve beaten this maze
a long time ago.


I have a confession to make.

I went to the prison.


To see Lamarck.

He’s the one who helped me

identify the link between

David Lerivage and Laurence Kutner.

I would have never made
it without him.

You did well.

It allowed you to

close the case.

But you should have told me.

I’m your friend but I’m also
your partner.

I’m never gonna
judge you, Astrid.

I trust you.


- is taking a risk.
- That’s it.

Thank you.

Spectacular getaway in Paris!
Alain Lamarck actively sought.

Miss Nielsen?

For you.


Listen, it’s ringing.

Dear Astrid.

Unlike you, I hate to leave without
saying goodbye.

It is Alain Lamarck.


Commander Coste.
What a pleasure.

Mr. Lamarck.

Did you use me to evade prison?

What a strange idea!

My escape was planned for a
while. I almost missed

it talking to you.

Seeing you has rendered my
stay in prison delightful.

What would Moriarty be without
Sherlock Holmes?

Thanks to you I probably wrote
my best novel.


- Shit.
- He hung up.

The open room - Erik Ernest.
To Astrid Nielsen - Alain Lamarck

What’s this?

The Open Room.

A new novel.