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03x03 - Natifs

Posted: 01/18/23 11:24
by bunniefuu


- Booh!
- You're so stupid!

Come on, let’s go.

I k*lled them.

I k*lled them.

All good for me. Thank
you for the information.

And if we need your
help again, we’ll call you.

- Thank you.
- Have a nice day. Goodbye.

What’s wrong with your dog?

He smelled something.

I think there’s a corpse.

I’ll come with you you
this afternoon if you want.

No, you are always late.
One must not be late.

Especially not on their first day
at the police academy.

Alright. But I could
come and get you, then?


My last experience in an educational
institution was not, per say, a success.

I am particularly worried
about going back to school.

I get it. But they were teenagers.

There, you’ll be amongst adults.

And it’s a school dedicated to
forensic science. This is your corner.

The cards are stacked in your favor.

You'll be the most popular girl in class.



- Popular?
- Yeah, you.

We are going to be late.
One must not be late.

Lieutenant Enguien
is waiting for us.

- Commander.
- Isn’t Nico here?

No, he’s spending the weekend
with Emma, you know?

- So, the body’s over there?
- Yeah, exactly.

Found by policemen alerted
by their dog’s reaction apparently.

And her, that’s the woman
who’s pleading guilty.

She had a big club in her hands.

We have her name?

We haven’t ID-ed her yet but I have to say
her speech isn’t the most coherent.

Yeah, and her outfit.
Are we in Dances with Wolves?

- Agreed, it’s an Indian traditional outfit.
- Absolutely not.

The Indian traditional outfit is rather
the dhoti for men and the sari for women.

I think you are referring to an
autochthonous group living in North America.

Yeah. That’s it.

In that case, the term
Indian is inappropriate.

It would be more suitable to talk about
First Nations or Native Americans.

Max, from the social aptitude group...

is very fussy about
semantics on this subject.

He is from a Cheyenne tribe.

- Really?
- Yes.

- So-
- He arrived in France at years old.

- Let’s go?
- Yes.


Can you tell us what happened?



The crow.

It’s the one who led me there.

And I k*lled them.

- The crow. You k*lled the crow.
- No.

The man.

- I k*lled him.
- Which man?

Great Spirit, I ask for your forgiveness.

Commander Coste, this woman
has extremely blown out pupils.

The palpitations in her neck
indicates she is tachycardic.

And the sweat attests to hyperthermia.
We should check her blood pressure.

But there is a body of consistent evidence

that this woman is under the influence
of a psychotropic drug.

Yeah, I had noticed Astrid. Thanks.



What's your name?

I’m the Son of the Wind.

The Brother of the Six Seasons

And the Child of Rivers.

Okay then. We’ll try that
in the records system.

You don’t want to tell me your name?
Your real one?

Adriel Quittish.

Let’s take her to the hospital
and put her room under surveillance.

You got it.

And see what you can
dig up on Adriel Quittish.

How do you spell that?

It’s for you to find out,
Arthur, Son of the Moon.

You are the Son of the Moon.

It's a joke.

- Hello Doctor Fournier.
- Hello Ma’ams.

This is not a crime scene.
It’s an archeological site.

Oh yes, according to the state
of its skull, it is a crime scene.

But I’m certain, impossible
for this woman to be the m*rder*r.

No, not this time Miss Nielsen.

You know I have a PhD
in forensic anthropology.

- No, I did not know.
- Well, I’m telling you now.

And by some lucky coincidence,
it so happens I did my thesis

on bone diagenesis and its implications
in the post-mortem dating diagnosis.

Alright. Pliers please?

- Sure, here.
- Yes.

I can assuredly say that this victim
has been here at least years.

So this woman was a child back then.

- No moving.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

I’m sorry Miss Nielsen,
but she couldn’t have k*lled them.

Though it is the tip of this club
that went into this skull, Dr. Fournier.

She may not have k*lled them
but she had the m*rder w*apon in her hands.


Miss? Can you hear me?

- There you are. Finally.
- It didn’t start yet?

- Not too upset to have your weekend cut short?
- No, it was nice. And you?

- We’re starting the meeting, Astrid.
- Ah.

Coste, you know what
I think about cold cases.

But this is not a cold case, Commissioner.

We found this woman
with the m*rder w*apon in her hands.

The m*rder w*apon of a -year-old crime.

Well... The m*rder w*apon
of a -year-old crime.


- What do we have on this woman?
- Not much.

No life-threatening injuries,
but she’s still unconscious.

We requested a toxicological analysis.

We need to know who she is first.
And the victim, what do we have on them?

- Forensics is on it.
- Yeah.

- Everything that was near the body is here.
- This?

This kind of amulet and the painting
on this woman’s face

evoke elements of the Native
American culture, don’t they?


- Sorry, what Astrid?
- Atikamekw. With a W.

It is a francophone tribe,
native of Canada.

An Atikamekw delegation
resided in this village in .

Which corresponds to the presumed time
of death for the victim found this morning.

- If you found this at the Doc, this means…
- Yes.

Yes what?

If this information is at
the Criminal Documentation,

it means it is in a file.

An investigation file.

There was another m*rder
in Prémonville in .

And there is a body of consistent evidence
which seems to indicate

it was committed with
the same m*rder w*apon.

Thanks Astrid.

Are you sure it’s the same w*apon?

I am not absolutely sure.

I sent the forensic report to Dr. Fournier
so he can proceed to comparisons.

But the Prémonville victim from years ago
had their skull destroyed by a similar w*apon.

- Who is the victim?
- Some Robert Petiquay.

He was the council chief tribe.

Have we ever found the culprit?


The clues converged towards another
Atikamekw council member, with a W.

Douglas Newashish.

Was he arrested?

He disappeared.

Douglas Newashish has been on the run
since the m*rder.

He is believed to have gone back to Canada.

Witnesses identified
him in a hotel in Le Havre.

And investigators
found credit card activity.

They concluded that Douglas Newashish managed
to board a boat in the direction of Canada.

- Any news since then?
- None.

The file was transferred to
the Canadian authorities

but Douglas Newashish
was never apprehended.

And the other delegation members?
What happened to them?

There are only
a few elements about that in the file.

- Only a few elements yet you seem happy.
- Yes.

Yes, I am happy because
I think I know who could help us.

I was born on my ancestors’ land.

In the Cheyenne tribe.

My parents came to France when I was .

I didn’t speak at all at that time.

- And now, Max speaks languages.
- Yes.

- if we count the Native American ones.
- True indeed, sorry.

I stayed in touch with my family over there

and I regularly go back to the reserve
to partake in Pow wows.

A reserve is land
granted by the government to a tribe.

Pow wows are religious gatherings
during which they dance in their regalia.

Regalia is the name
of the traditional costumes.


The social aptitude
group members are quite fond

of Max sharing
his original culture.

It became, so to speak, a strong common interest.
Or at least for me, I became a fan.

We, the Native Americans,
are very careful about our identity.

It doesn’t mean that we live in teepees,
with bows and arrows.

We adopted a contemporary way of living.

Astrid told me that

the Native American community
was small in France.

So maybe you know the story
of the Atikamekw delegation.

With a W.

Which lived in Prémonville a few years ago?

Everyone knows
about the Prémonville m*rder story.

It’s a real trauma for our community.

A man who kills a member of his own tribe?

And do you know if anyone stayed behind
when they went back to live in Canada?

Because we have very strong hunch a second m*rder
happened in Prémonville years ago.

years ago. It was in .

There is an Atikamekw that arrived
with the delegation and that never left.

I’ll take you there?

Patrick Lavallée, he's a shaman.

- Shaman?
- Yes.

They exist? I mean, for real?

Of course. His traditional name
is Maskowisi.

It means "strong as a bear".

It's here.

Be careful Astrid,
it's slippery.


Hello Maskowisi.

The crow told me you
would be coming.

The crow?

The crow perceives the
illusion within

the meaning given to the
world by humanity.

Okay. Well, we are police.

And you want to ask me
about what

happened years ago
in Prémonville.

years ago.

Did the crow tell you that too?

No. It was common sense.

Let's talk inside.

Up until the 's, the

Canadian government removed
Atikamekw children

from their family

to force them into

catholic residential schools.

They wanted to k*ll the Indian in
these children's hearts,

make them good little whites.

What does it have to do with the
m*rder in Prémonville?

Douglas Newashish, the one
accused of m*rder,

he lost a boy who didn't come back
from residential school.

So you think Robert Petiquay is
connected to that?

He was the tribe council chief
and Douglas reproached

him for being complicit with
the kidnappings at that time.

There was tension between
them, it was no secret,

but nobody thought Douglas could k*ll him.

Yes Astrid?

Here, in the picture, is
that Robert Petiquay?

- Yes.
- Yes.

The club he is holding.

It is the club found this morning

in the young girl's hand.

It's not a club.

It's a head breaker
(jigsaw in french).

A traditional w*apon.

Like I have always said:

head breaker is a violent word.

It has nothing to do with
puzzles. Nothing.

Do you recognize this woman?

The apple doesn't fall far
from the tree.

Listen, Mr. Maskowisi,

we're investigating a m*rder.

We found a body in Prémonville.

And we think this body belongs

to a person k*lled at the same time

with the same w*apon
as Robert Petiquay.

Maybe a second m*rder
by Douglas Newashish,

so I need answers.

The young woman in the picture
you showed me:

she's Abigaël Newashish,
Douglas Newashish's daughter.


didn't she go back to Canada
with the delegation?

Her family distanced itself from it

after Robert Petiquay's m*rder.

They all stayed in France.

May I ask a question, Commander?

You didn't hold back then,
you might as well go on.

May you take me to this
body you found?


If they're an Atikamekw and
they were m*rder*d,

their soul must be stuck here.

I need to help them to
the other side.

And what will you do?

Nothing that could disturb
your investigation.

Commander Coste,

the victim must be identified.

Maybe Mr. Lavallée, aka
Maskowisi "strong as a bear"

could help us identify characteristics
from the skeleton.

Which in turn could allow us

a comparison with members from

the Atikamekw delegation, with a W.


- Thanks, Commander.
- You're welcome.

But I'm keeping my eye on you.

You're still on my list of suspects,

don't forget it.

To some extent, we're colleagues.

Oh so you're a coroner too?

No, but I deal with the dead.

What is he doing exactly?

Is it an American
forensics technique?

It must be some kind of
funeral rite.

Which smells awfully strong.

Are you kidding me?

Listen Fournier, I’m not that
spiritual either but

this guy spent the last years
in a hole so we can

at least pay them some attention.

What am I writing in
the books then?

You'll write it as it is:
corpse identification.

Excuse me.

Thanks a lot, Commander.

You're welcome.

I have a gift for you.

- You have?
- A clue.

This man wasn't k*lled
by Douglas Newashish.

How do you know for sure?

This is

Douglas Newashish.

He identified him.

It is Douglas Newashish.

Thank you Tetsuo.

You are really punctual.
It is :.

The first class is at . I will
not be late.

One should not be late.

School is wonderful, sweetie,
you know?

Maybe you'll make some friends.

Don't be scared.

I'm sure everything will
go well.

Things never went well,


On the first day at
the university

where I study mathematics,

I was paralysed with fear.

- Ah.
- Yes.

I barely spoke French,

I didn't know any customs.

How did you conquer your fear?

I didn't conquer it, Astrid.

I accepted it.

And I found out that

all the other students
were like me.

I was the only Japanese,

but we were all at
the same level.

All at the same level.

Thank you Tetsuo.


Douglas Newashish,

who was thought to be on the run

and accused of Robert

Petiquay's m*rder years ago,

was already dead and buried.

And Fournier confirmed Robert
Petiquay and

Douglas Newashish were k*lled
by the same w*apon.

I was right, Commissioner,
it's a double homicide.

No, you can't say that, Coste.

You don't have proof that
this is Douglas Newashish.

But the shaman confirmed it.

From a year old skeleton.

There are two silver teeth
on the skeleton.

And a pin in his wrist.

It matches Douglas
Newashish's description.

We're still waiting on
a DNA match

with Abigaël Newashish.
We'll know then.

She's the woman found
at the crime scene?

With the m*rder w*apon
in her hands, yes.

So, Abigaël Newashish
was found on her

father's grave with the
w*apon he was

m*rder*d with years ago?

Yes. And we couldn't
interrogate her:

she was high as a kite.

Speaking of, we got the
lab results back.

Her blood is full of
mescaline, phenylethylamine

and lophophorine.

These are alkaloids found
in the peyotl,

a cactus used by the
Natives in their rituals.

Wow! No wonder she
was unconscious.

Enough to knock down a horse.

At least, we have her identity,

we can interrogate her family.

Good. Is Miss Nielsen
gonna join you?

No, Astrid has something else to do.

It is o'clock.

Class must start at .


It is :. Class has
not started.

Class will start late.

- Hello, Ma’am.
- Hello.

Class must start at .

Yes, it's .

No. It is not anymore.

It is minutes past .
Almost ., , .

Well, are you coming in or...

we don't have all day.

Come on.

Hello everybody, I am
Mrs. Langlais,

your criminalistics professor.

We'll start right away with
contextual analysis work,

to determine your capacity
to adapt when

faced with different types
of crime scenes.

I am qualified.

Mr. Newashish?

We're closed, Ma’am.
I'm sorry.

Commander Coste.

Criminal Police.

Is it about Abigaël?

We're really worried,

she didn't come home last night.

She's at the hospital.

Don't worry, she's alright.
She isn't in any danger.

I'm here to talk to you
about your brother,

Douglas Newashish.


Is that you? Douglas?

Asha, my wife. She suffers
from Alzheimer's.

She gets confused sometimes.


can you get Grandma to
the living room, please?

Grandma. Grandma,

we're going to the living room.

Douglas? Did you find him?

We found his body.

I'm sorry.

Don't be, he's a m*rder*r.

A sinner who never repented.

God can judge him now.

It's a bit more complicated than
that, Mr. Newashish.

We think he was m*rder*d.

m*rder*d? By whom?

That's what I'm trying
to find out.

Would you mind showing
me Abigaël's room?

No, no, follow me.


May I?

- Please.
- Thanks.

Abigaël was trying to reedem
her father?

She never accepted having
a m*rder*r for a father.

Linda Newashish.

She was her mother.

She died from liver failure?

Yes, we couldn't find a donor
in time.

And what is that?

It's Atikamekw.

I didn't know she spoke it.

I taught her.

I told you I didn't want to hear

Atikamekw in this house.


She only wanted to speak
her father's tongue.

Well, we'll talk about it later.

Please escort the Commander back.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

In summary, the Locard and Kirk’s Principles
are the foundation of forensic science

by establishing the value of the clue
and the necessity of its search.


Yes, something to say about this?

You are wrong.


Your presentation is wrong
because it is not complete,

and gives a wrong idea
about the Locard’s Principles.

- It needs to be used with-
- It was a global approach.

- I was doing an introduction.
- I was not finished.

Obviously, we will have all the time to dive
into the details all throughout the year.

You will have your time to shine Ms…


Astrid Nielsen.

Yes, well… we will talk about it later.

Be that as it may, at the end of the year,

the ones who will pass this course
will become police officers.

This is not a job, a diploma,

no, it's more than that!

It’s a responsibility.

So don’t count on me to coddle you.

Am I clear?

Have a good day everyone.

Did you see?

For once, it’s me who is on time
and you who is are late.

Yes, it is :pm.

The course began late and finished late,

I am late, one must not be late.

Didn’t it go well Astrid?

I do not know.

I do not think so.

I did not even get out my pencil case.

I did not get out my pencil case out,
I did not open my bag.

Well, I’m taking you to do practical work.

A custom-made thing,

it will help you focus on something else.

Get In!

Your Linda Newashish

she was followed years ago.

We will need to read her file.

And I need nurses and interns.

It’s a priority case.

With more priority than patients
with respiratory deficiency?

Good luck,

even the employees search for
days before finding anything.

Hmm... It is a mess.

Thank you very much Mr.

We will manage. Thank you, Dr.




Yes. I lost some time

because of the alphadecimal code
they are using to class them.

I found a part of this file on Abigail’s
computer under the name

of “Douglas Newashish’s rehabilitation”.

My pinkie tells me
she found something

linked to her father’s death.

Your pinkie, I do not
know but the file yes.


Wait, but…

The transplant that should
have saved Linda Newashish

was programmed for the week
following Robert Petiquay’s m*rder.

And guess who was the donor?

Petiquay himself.


So Abigail found out that her mother’s
donor was Robert Petiquay.

So she knew that her father couldn’t
have k*lled her mother’s savior.


It confirms the double m*rder track.

And you, what did you find?

I contacted our Canadian counterparts

to know more about the Atikamekw
delegation's return in Canada.


Robert Petiquay was the chief
when he was k*lled.

He was completely opposed
to a dam construction plan

created by Euphrate, a French company.

A dam which would have flooded
a part of the Atikamekw reserve.

What’s the link with the murders?

Well, the link is that once he was
dead and there was no one to oppose it,

the contracts were signed, only a
few weeks after the delegation's return.

You are dancing.

I am a little intimidated by this place.

You told us so much about it.

So you are dancing.


I ask for help from the spirits,

my ancestors' spirits.

To ask them for courage.


Here are the emails that I told you about.

Commander Coste took them
from Abigail Newashish’s computer.

They are written in Atikamekw with a W.

The Atikamekw is a language of the
Adeshiwanebowin linguistic family.

It is lucky that you can speak Atikamekw.

The only persons in France who can

are all suspects so I do not know
where we could have found a translator.

I speak a lot of autochtone languages.

Of the spoken by the Native Americans,

I can speak .

Why learn all these languages,
when not a lot of people speak them?


The identity is the language.
When a language disappears,

it’s a whole population's identity
that disappears too.

So, I learn the languages
so the culture doesn't disappear.

And also because
it’s my specific interest.

Like you with puzzles.

And the forensic science.


You’re not staying with me?


I need to verify something.

Work well. I will be back Max.

It’s an old friend.

It has been coming for a long time.

A crow can live more than over
years, did you know?

In our culture, the crow is
the animal of the great mysteries.

With them, the present,
past, future are interlocked

because it can see beyond them.

But, you didn’t come
here to talk about crows.


The first time I came, I saw something

but I did not know that I had seen it.

And I do not know why I took so long

to understand what I had seen.

What do these forms
represent on the handle?

These are the totems animals of
the persons who possessed this w*apon.

Sorry, the club.

There is one more.


Which was not there
when the picture was taken.


It’s surely the totem animal of the person
who possessed the club after Robert Petiquay.


a flying bison.

It’s John Ottawa’s animal totem,
the current chief.

John Ottawa.


Coste, I already told you to knock
before coming into my office.


Ah ok.

The Atikamekw delegation in its entirety.


Max is not originally
Atikamekw with a W tribe,

he is originally from a Cheyenne tribe.

Yes, a Cheyenne delegation.

I‘m listening Coste.

Commissioner, it’s not a cold case.
It’s a judicial error.


There is a body of consistent evidence that
indicates the m*rder w*apon was

in the hands of Robert Petiquay’s successor,
a certain John Ottawa.

The current tribe council chief.


Barely nominated only years ago
after Robert Petiquay’s m*rder,

he signed a contract for a dam, in which
Robert Petiquay was feverishly opposed to.

This dam represented big economic stakes.


So I am just at the beginning
of translating Abigail’s emails

but for the moment, it’s quite violent.
She says [Atikamekw language]...

- Max.
- Yes?

You are the only person in this room
who can speak Atikamekw with a W.

Yes sorry. In summary,
she accuses her correspondent

to have tricked his father into
pretending he was a m*rder*r.

Ok. And this correspondent,
I assume, is Jon Ottawa,

the new tribe chief?

Yes. Congratulations Commissioner,
you found it.

If this is not a body of consistent
evidence, I don’t know what it is.

It is a body of consistent evidence.

There, I was right. It’s a double m*rder.

I will explain.

Douglas Newashish was wrongly accused
for Robert Petiquay’s muder.

But the true k*ller was John Ottawa.

He probably k*lled Douglas Newashish

because he had discovered the truth
and wanted him to take the blame.

Take the blame where?

I will explain later.

Very well.

Then we will transfer this case
to the Canadian authorities.

- It’s their turn to take care of this case now.
- No...

No, you didn’t listen to me,
Commissioner. It’s not a cold case.


I contacted the Canadian police and
John Ottawa has been in France for days.

I think he discovered that Abigail
had found out the truth

about him and he tried to drug her.

That's why she was hum…

Great spirit, the crow,
son of the Wind, etc.

Sorry Max, but big big badtrip.

In that case, what are you
waiting for to arrest him?

Your authorization.


Thank you Commissioner.

If he doesn’t answer me,
it means he went out.

Yes, well at least try, just to see.

No, that’s the basement.
So, we will try this one.

We believe in it. This time, it’s the one.

Ah, thank you very much.

Astrid, stay here, don’t move.




Understood Mr DA. I will call you back.

Did we find an identity?

John Ottawa. His fingerprints
match with his passport ones.

So they shattered his skull
with a blunt object.

I would say that if we were to compare his
wound with your w*apon, it would match.

Yes well it also inverts everything.

We found Abigail with the
m*rder w*apon in her hand,

and we know that
she was really angry with him.

So I can’t be sure % but I think
the victim was unconscious when he was hit.

He was already in this position at least.


What, you think Abigail
would have made him drink peyotl

so he was
dazed, and k*ll him after?

Yeah, but she took it too.

It doesn't help staying lucid
when you want to k*ll someone.

Yeah, well it’s when you’re not
lucid that you can k*ll someone.

At the same time, she could have
drank it after she k*lled him.

Ok we reinforce the security
in front of her room

and I want to interrogate
her once she’s lucid again.

All these fragments on the floor.
It seems like there was a struggle.

It doesn't match with
what you said Fournier.

The furniture was pushed.
It was pushed intentionally.

I think they wanted to make some space.

To dance.

To ask help from the spirits.

Like Max.

You’re totally right Astrid.

It was white sage that was burned here.

The people who were there did a ritual.

What type of ritual?

[speak in Native American languages]

Which means?

Sorry. It’s in Cheyenne.
I will explain myself:

the ritual that happened
here is called crossed fire.

What does it mean?

Well I don’t really understand
because it’s a reconciliation ritual.


Ah finally.

Adriel Quittish.


You don’t remember?
Adriel Quittish, is the name

that Abigail gave
you at the crime scene.

- Well, I found who it was.
- So?

So the spelling gave me trouble,
but it was a false name.

So I had to bypass it, in Canada, etc,
a mess you don’t imagine, but I have it now.

Adriel Quittish is in reality
Marc Lapointe’s Native American name.

It was a child sent to
a Catholic residential school,

like a lot of acculturated
children, he went bad

and died of an
overdose in in Quebec.

Thank you Arthur. I don’t know if it plays
a role in the case, but thank you.

It’s done. Max finished translating the email
exchange between Abigail and John Ottawa.


So it matches with what
he saw at the crime scene.

Their email exchange had calmed
down, they had made peace.

But I don’t understand the last email,
but I’m sure there’s something there.

Because John bought a plane ticket
to come to France just after receiving it.

And what did it say?

It’s Abigail who says saying to John Ottawa
that she found a certain Adriel Quittish.

What? You know who he is?

Of course, Nico, you’re behind schedule

Who is he, this Quittish?

- You sure it’s here?
- Yeah.

Abigaël and Jon Ottawa should
have met here.

Prémonville's abandoned cemetery.

Look, here.

Adriel Quittish.

Adriel Quittish is dead and buried
in Canada.

Why are we in front of his tomb?

Abigaël and Jon found out it was
a fake tomb when they

saw the name of a teenager dead in ‘.

What did they think they’d find?

I don’t know. Douglas’ body maybe.


Hand it over.

Open it.


We need to find out where
this money comes from.

We sent the serial numbers to the
Bank of France,

we should get an answer soon.

But I can tell you these bills were
made over years ago.

They’re Duisenberg.

They’re what?

Duisenberg. Saw it right away.

He was the ECB director until
November st .

It’s starting to look like a lead.

This bill is dated from when
Robert Petiquay died.

So this m*rder could have
been premeditated.

How so?

What if Euphrate,

the French company that was
to build this dam,

paid off an Atikamekw delegation
member to k*ll

the tribe chief, who was
opposing the project.

Ok but why k*ll Douglas Newashish?

He stood in the k*ller’s way

because he had found out what
they were up to.

So why was this money at the
bottom of a tomb?

Thanks a lot.

Abigaël Newashish just woke up.

You can ask her.

You think I k*lled Jon?

I don’t know Miss but for
now you’re our main suspect.

I don’t remember anything.

We took payotl and then nothing.

- We? You and Jon Ottawa?
- Yeah.

- Listen Abigaël-
- My name isn’t Abigaël, it’s Sashka.

It’s the name my father gave me.

My Atikamekw name.

With a W.

I just wanted to be accepted
by my people.

Jon agreed.

The ceremony was to welcome
me back into the tribe.

The reconciliation ceremony.

My father is innocent.

A member of our community
was bought by Euphrate.

They k*lled Robert and pinned
it on my father.

I investigated with Jon and

we were this close to figuring
them out.

Why didn’t you go to the police?

They don’t usually believe
First Nations people.

And Jon and I wanted to discover
the truth

and all the evidence before
telling anyone.

And we were about to.

In Adriel Quittish’s tomb.

My aunt

told me one day:

Find Adriel and you’ll know the truth.

And when I found the tomb with
his name on it,

I knew the truth was down there.

But wait,

your aunt,

she’s not in her right mind.


in her sick mind

is the truth.

Asha, this woman has a few
questions for you.

Mrs. Newashish,

why did you talk about Adriel
Quittish with your niece?

Leave me alone.

I think it’d be good for you to
talk about what

happened years ago, don’t you?

Tell me.

What do you want with my mother?

She’s sick.

Your mother has information on
Douglas Newashish

and Robert Petiquay’s murders. May I?

And on Jon Ottawa’s k*ller.

- Jon Ottawa?
- Yes.

He is dead.


Adriel, he hid the truth.

He hid it to save us.

In his tomb.


We can’t lie anymore.

- Howard, no.
- We can’t lie anymore.

I k*lled Jon Ottawa.

Because he had found out I had
k*lled Robert and Douglas.

He k*lled all .

, , .

Take care of my son, Dad.

I was when I was sent to the

residential school with Adriel.

Adriel was like a brother to me.

A big brother.

And every time while we were there

Adriel stood up so I could
avoid the worst of it.

And all of that destroyed him.

That’s why you k*lled Robert
Petiquay years ago?

He was the tribe chief.
He was complicit.

Are you sure you didn’t k*ll him
for Euphrate’s money?

I never touched the money.

So why did you take it?

I was lost back then.

When they offered money to k*ll the man

I hated the most in the world, it
was an opportunity.

But it went all wrong.

Douglas Newashish found out
about everything

and you k*lled him too.


But the past always comes back.

So you k*lled Jon

because he was about to expose you.

years later, with Abigaël.

It was an accident.

We fought. I k*lled him trying
to defend myself.

- He’s lying.
- Yes.

Howard Newashish could not
have k*lled Jon Ottawa in a

fight because Dr. Fournier confirmed
that Jon Ottawa

was already unconscious
when he was hit.

What do you think, Astrid?

Why is he lying?

Because he did not commit
this m*rder, Raphaëlle.




Enough now.

You need to tell us the truth.

I told you the truth.

I k*lled Robert and Douglas years ago

and I k*lled Jon because he found out.

- Howard…
- No Dad.

I need to take responsibility now.
It’s been too long.

I can’t.

I can’t let you take responsibility
for a crime I committed.

It was me.

I k*lled Jon Ottawa.

Abigaël and him were about
to discover the truth.

I couldn’t.

I couldn't let my son back into it.

Do you understand?

- Miss Nielsen.
- Yes.

Mr. Newashish and his son
were arrested.

Robert, Douglas and Jon
will rest in peace now,

thanks to you.

Like the crow,

you saw the truth through the lies.

I do not understand why
people k*ll each other.

They just had to talk to
understand each other.

Mr. Lavallée,

aka Mascowisi, strong as a bear,

- I need to ask you a question.
- Sure.


did you talk about the crow?

Because it’s your totem animal,
Miss Nielsen.

You have the gift of sight.

It’s your identity.

As mine is being Atikamekw
before anything else.

You need to be proud of it.

Mrs. Langlais,

please accept my apology
for being inconvenient.

I still lack some social conventions.

I think it is important for
you to know

that I have autism.

Why does it matter?

It is part of my identity.

You think they'll indulge you
because you have

autism once you get out of here?

I’m sure it will be the opposite.


if you’re not capable of
facing this program,

there's still time to quit.

I am qualified.

Very well.

Goodbye Miss Nielsen.

Goodbye, Mrs Langlais.


Is it true? You’re
Astrid Nielsen?

Yes, I am Astrid Nielsen.

Wait, you’re the one who
helped on the Lamarck case.

- Yes.
- Crazy.

What are you doing at the
police academy?

You should know since
you are here as well.

I am taking the criminal
police officer exam.

- I love how direct you are.
- You totally put

the teacher back in her place the
other day. When you shut

her down about Locard's principle.

Can you explain the stuff
she talked about

in the last class?


Not now.


Here she is.

The most popular girl
in high school.

It is not a high school, Raphaëlle.

It is the police academy.

Just saying. So,
your day? Was it good?

I do not know.

I hope I will not have to share

moments at the coffee
machine for small talk.

I do not know how to do it.

I’ll give you some advice,
don’t worry.


What’s wrong Astrid?

I do not know what to make

of the program supervisor's
attitude toward me.


I told her I had autism
to let her know.

And she said that if
I was not capable,

I could quit.

I am qualified.

What’s her name?

Mrs. Langlais.
Mrs Anne Langlais.

Mrs. Langlais.

Mrs. Langlais. Good.