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03x02 - Memento Mori

Posted: 01/18/23 11:24
by bunniefuu
Lord, I commend myself to you.

I was waiting for you.


Do you feel ready?

The admission test for the
Police academy

is made of a multiple choice quiz about
the penal procedure.

And a case study on paper.
I am ready.

- I am qualified.
- It's a good thing to be confident.

I already told you:

I do not dread not being admitted.
I dread what

will happen when I am admitted.

If you're admitted, I'll make an
awesome dinner at home.

- And you could bring Tetsuo?
- Why?

Because we're best friends and

it's normal to want to know your best
friend's boyfriend.

- Best friend's what?
- Isn't Tetsuo your boyfriend?

I do not know.

It never occured to me.

You think Tetsuo Tanaka is
my boyfriend.

What can I say... I'm telling it
how I see it.

It seems you're seeing each
other a lot.

You seem in love. You're getting
closer and closer.

It's the logical continuation.

- Ah Nico!
- Hi Raph. Astrid.

- Hello Captain Perran.
- It's a Benedictine monastery.

The victim is a local monk.

Now we're entering the cloister
of the monastery.

Usually, only the monks are allowed
in here.

- We are being watched. There.
- Not a lot of women going through here.

Thank you.

Well, where is that body?


Well, it's here.

That's Brother Louis Desforges.


- Would you look at that!
- He is dead.

He has been stabbed in the front,

by a cm long blade and maybe
mm wide.

How precise! I'm impressed,

Don't be, we found that at
the victim's feet.

A candle blade.

The culprit must have found it
somewhere around the church.

It caused a piercing trauma to the liver
or the spleen, I'd say.

I'll know more with the autopsy.

But I think he didn't die instantly.

There's no blood on it.

- Was it wiped clean?
- Absolutely.

The w*apon has been wiped

on the fabric of the victim's left
sleeve, there

And the angle of the trace seems
to indicate that the victim

cleaned it himself.


That would mean he wanted to
cover up his k*ller.

Who would do such a thing?

- Well, I have an idea but you won't like it.
- Try me.

Wow! Don't you think it looks like

"The Last Supper" from Leonardo da Vinci?

at the table and dead.

So, which one is Judas?


I'm Father Damien, I'm the abbot
of this monastery.

The superior, if you'd like.

I'm available if you need anything.

We're all very affected, as
you can imagine.

Thank you Father.

Which one of you found the body?

It was Brother Thibaud when he
came to start the Lauds.

He is a novice and is often in
charge of

opening the church in the morning.

When you entered the church,

was the door open or closed?

Brother Thibaud unlocked it himself.

Can’t Brother Thibaud speak
for himself?

It's true. I opened the door,
it was locked.

What can you tell me about
Brother Louis?

Louis was only with us for
months so...

He was a monk for only months?

No, he was...

- How can I say this?
- He was transferred from another monastery.


Father Damien, you'll give everything
you have about

the victim to Captain Perran
while my colleague

will takes everyone's

Thank you.

- For me?
- Long, plenty of sugar, splash of milk. As uszh'.

Well, thanks.

Did you find anything in the
monastery files?


The monk Louis Desforges came from
the monastery of

Santa Maria de Niagassi in Burkina
Faso months ago.

So, in his file...

He was born in Lyon in ,

he joined the burkinabe monastery in
to become a novice.

In he became monk,

and in , he was ordained

And he was transferred to
the Monastery

of Sainte Croix in Paris only
months ago.

And from to ,
what do we have?

We have nothing.

We have family contacts or
social security

numbers for the other monks but
nothing about him.

- Something is wrong.
- Yes Astrid, what is it?

Something is wrong.

I looked through the database at the
Criminal Documentation.

Louis Desforges is unknown
from the authorities.

He's a monk, not a serial k*ller.

What I meant is that
Louis Desforges

is unknown to every system
of the authorities.

I've expanded my search, his
social security number

does not exist.

There is no Louis Desforges with
his date or

location of birth in the
civil register. None.

You're telling me that our victim

is using a false identity?

Or it does not exist.

Wait a minute! That sneaky abbot!

Take a look at his file and what
he just casually forgot

to tell us in his statement.

We're gonna sit.

And to think that there was a
m*rder right here

a few hours ago, and here
they are,

back at their usual pace like
nothing happened.


These men live an organized,

silent life, when they don't sing,

whatever happens in the
outside world.

Are YOU a believer?

Absolutely not.

I like to keep an unclear position
as long as I have no proof

of God's existence.

It is like investigations:

I need a body of consistent

Well, don't hold your breath.

I'm sure God doesn't exist.

There is no reason to
think that God exists.


But there is no reason either
to think He does not exist.

Claiming God does not exist

is as faithful as claiming He does exist.

My son, do you admit having
sinned in front of our Lord?

Shouldn't you be the one to
confess, Father?

Commander Coste.


Isn't it a sin to lie,

even by omission?

- I don't see your point.
- Come on.

You found out I came from
the same burkinabe

monastery as Louis, is that it?

There you go, you get it.

You came here years ago.

But you've been at the same
monastery as Louis

Desforges for almost years.

I think we're gonna continue this
conversation at my

confessional, if you don't mind.

You have to give us the victim's
real identity.

Louis Desforges doesn't exist.

I can't.

Stop it, Father.

We said no more lies.

Listen, Commander,

Louis was my friend.

I'm deeply troubled by his passing.

Why won't you give me his name?

Is the Vatican holding you back?

No I can't give it to you because
I don't know it.

And the Vatican won't give
it to you either

because they don't know it either.

When Louis came to Santa Maria
de Niagassi years ago,

he had a fake passport.

And nobody realized.

How did you figure it out then?

He told me.

He told you?

And you didn't try to figure
out his true identity?

And why he hid it from you?

His identity, as you say it, is
purely bureaucratic.

I knew the real him,

I didn't need to know his civil status.

It was between him and the Lord.


Do you know anything about
his past

that could help us identify him?

- Claire.
- Claire? Who's that?

She was his greatest love.

He told me about her many times

and she's the only person of
his past that I know of.

And I only know her first name.

Thank you Father.

You're free to go.

I thought monks could not
have girlfriends.

Usually they can't.

But they're men after all.

They have not always been monks.

They might have had a girlfriend or

a boyfriend before becoming monks.


Tracking this Claire down

may be useful for our

Unfortunately, doing a search with
only a first name

is almost impossible.

Yeah you're right, it's like finding
a needle in a haystack.

Assuming she exists.

- The needle?
- Claire.

You think Father Damien lied
to you.

No, I believe he was honest

and actually close to the victim.

But he isn't telling us everything.

Yes, Fournier?

What's the matter?

Yeah, we're coming.

Right this instant, yes.

Going to the MLI.

A predictable unexpected event.

I like it.

Hey, what’s this? We hadn’t seen it before.

It seems to me those are
crossing synovial scars.

Between the carpal
bones and the arm radius.

And there.

Lesions between
the second and third metatarsals

In everyday speech,
those are called stigmata.

We didn’t see them at the crime scene
because they were hidden by the sleeves.

And contrary to popular belief,
during crucifixion,

nails weren’t put in the palm of the hands,

where the tissue isn't strong enough
to hold up the weight of the body.

No, they were put in the wrists.

Which could insinuate
that this man has been tortured.

Or maybe he did it himself.


Faith makes some people crazy.

Or it’s a miracle.

Stop it Fournier.

- I read that hysterical stigmata were a thing.
- I read that too.

But in those cases, there’s only
a lesion or a wound, at best.

Here, it went through and through.
Let me show you.

And Fournier couldn’t tell how old it was?

No, he had trouble being precise
but he said between to months.

And that the scarring process
was already advanced.

Arthur, any news from
the Vatican’s embassy?

Cause a mutilated monk,
they must be aware of it.

There’s a file but not
the one you’d expect.

Apparently, Louis was under
a disciplinary measure.

He had been expelled
from his African monastery

and was in Paris in penitence
while the investigation was on-going.

An investigation on what?

They didn’t want to say. Not a single clue.

They didn’t want to say?
What in the world…?

It’s an intrnal procedure, not a penal one.

They’re in their rights.

They’re in their rights, oh come on.
f*ck them.

Arthur, be insistent.

We‘ll go through the Quai d’Orsay,
the Elysée Palace if need be,

but we won’t relent.

And you Nico, try to get some intel
from the Niagassi authorities.

And what are you going to do?

Oh, you’ll try to get the wolf
out of the woods.

Even better. I’ll try to tame it.

Hello. Excuse me.

- Yes?
- Hello Astrid.

Hello Tetsuo Tanaka.

I’m calling because-

I was wondering if you
had plans for tonight?

I do not have any project for tonight.

On Mondays, I dine at Raphaëlle’s.

On Wednesdays,
I go to the social aptitude group.

It is neither Monday nor Wednesday.

So tonight, I will stay home

and I will study for the entrance test
for the police academy.

And you?

- Do you have any projects for tonight?
- No, me neither.

You should find an activity.
Boredom is not advisable.


Good evening, goodbye.

Goodbye, Astrid.

Thank you, Brother Thibaud.

Want to interrogate me again?

No, I’m rather here to talk.

I believe you when you tell me
that Louis was your friend

but you’ll have to stop
hiding things from me

if you want me to establish the truth
about his death.


But not here.

Thank you.


Father Damien,
we are not getting any information.

What’s the church hiding?

A saint.



He saw Him.

Saw who?


He had hallucinations?

I’d rather call them visions
but yes, Christ was talking to him.


And according to you,
were those visions real?

I always believed him.

Unlike the Vatican authorities.

When we were in Africa,
Louis was under investigation

by the congregation for
the doctrine of the Faith.

This investigation concluded
the visions were not real.

The Roman curia then sentenced him
to be expelled from his monastery.

And you? You didn’t listen to them?

They’ve made mistakes before.

I witnessed one of those visions.

He was literally transfigured.

Louis had detractors?

Two weeks ago,

we found an owl nailed by
the wings on his cell door.

Someone managed to get in the monastery

to make him feel like the menace
was still hovering around him.

That it had followed him from Africa.

The stigmata?

They crucified him?

Crazy people nailed
Brother Louis to boards.

Fanatics that were accusing him
of being a heretic or whatever.

Boards, can you imagine Astrid?

And, we still have no information
from our colleagues in Burkina-Faso.

It is logical.


Because the case was closed
without any investigation.


What case are you talking about?

The case one of my
burkinabe h*m* sent me.

He found it.

It is the official report
from a doctor from Niagassi,

who was called to the
monastery last February rd.

He was certain that the culprits were part
of the fundamentalist group Ira Dei.

Ira Dei, that means
"the anger of God" in Latin.

- You speak Latin now?
- Absolutely not.

But there are a lot of files
at the Criminal Documentation

that relate their actions in France.

I know the files.

Vandalism of art pieces,
judged blasphemous.

Public aggression in a theater.

Attack of an abortion center.
And numerous other files.

According to Father Damien,
the owl was nailed during a service.

And all the monks were at this service.

Someone must have opened the door for them.

So there’s a cat among the pigeons.
We’ll interrogate them one by one.


Something is bothering me
and I think you could help me.

I’m listening, Astrid.

Tetsuo Tanaka had a strange behavior.

A strange behavior? In what sense?

He called me.

Tetsuo Tanaka called me to know
if I had plans for tonight.

I told him I had nothing
planned for tonight.

In turn, to have an appropriate social behavior,
I asked him if he had plans for tonight.

He said he didn’t have
anything planned either.


I do not understand
the point of this exchange.

I think he just wanted
to invite you to dinner.

Invite me to dinner?


Maybe use this dinner
to make your relationship official.

To ask you to become his girlfriend?



Tetsuo Tanaka called me to ask me
if I had plans for tonight.

Which in reality means
he wants to invite me to dinner.

Which in reality means
he wants to be my boyfriend.

I will not be able to do it.

It is way too complicated.


Yes. It is way too complicated.
I do not understand anything.



I didn’t know Brother Louis well.

He was secretive.

He ate next to nothing at the canteen, as
if the Eucharist alone was enough for him.

I saw him stealing food in the kitchen.

He wanted us to think he was famished.

It was all pretend.

He rarely talked about himself.
I know nothing of his past.

But when he did talk,

I felt like my heart was leaping.

As if Christ Himself
was speaking through his voice.

False devotees are worse than unbelievers.

At the risk of being punished?

Of course, they are punished.

The worst of retributions. Hell.

Kept far away from God’s eyes.

But Brother Louis didn’t wait
to lose his life to lose his soul.

I saw it with my own two eyes.

I saw him enter the monastery,
accompanied by the Father of Lies himself.

The Father of Lies = the Devil

Father Damien says he has Alzheimer’s

but that doesn’t prevent him from wanting
to be God’s right hand punishing the devil.

As for Brother Simon,

he doesn’t even try to hide
how he felt about Brother Louis.

And even Brother Thibaud who admired him

could have helped him become a martyr,
if you know what I mean.

In summary, we can't rule any of them out.

What's certain is that Louis’ presence,
the Saint of Niagassi, had spread.

They’re talking about him on a few Christian
blogs, and especially on Ira Dei’s.

There are some serious messages.

- Calling for retribution?
- Not far off.

In any case, he is called
a charlatan, a liar, a false devotee.

There’s a whole bunch of very virulent
messages written under the pseudonym “Servus”.

They were sent from
the monastery IP address.

Monks surf on the web?

Lots of monks study theology.
Some teach at the Catholic Institute.

And others send heinous messages.

Who logged in today at : AM?

Am I under arrest?

Not yet.

But I fell like
it’s not looking too good for you.


I merely opened the door,
I didn’t know what they would do.

You opened the door
to those who k*lled Brother Louis?

Not at all, I opened the door a week ago
to those who nailed the owl.

It’s unworthy, I know, but I was shaken.

Are you close to Ira Dei?

Not at first.
I had too much respect for Louis.

I believed in his holiness and his visions.

- What made you change your mind?
- A woman.

A woman?

I followed him one day
as he was walking out of the monastery.

He entered a building,

walked out with a woman on his arm.

I thought he was a saint,

but he was cheating.

You have the address?

There was a Claire living at the address
Brother Thibaud gave us.

Claire Moreau.

We’re not sure it’s the same Claire
Louis told you about.

But we can always try.

- Is Claire here?
- No. Nor with her partner.

He told us she went missing days ago.

- Why did you ask me to come?
- Because you knew Brother Louis the best.

Could be useful.

In this room, you’ll be able
to listen to our discussion.

If you notice anything,

anything that tells you this is
the same Claire Louis told you about,

tell Captain Perran and
he’ll relay it to me, okay?

- Very well.
- Let’s go.

- So you’re Claire Moreau’s partner?
- Yeah.

But what’s going on?
Did something happen to her?

What makes you think that?

I haven’t seen her in
days, I’m worried sick.

Do you recognize
the name of Louis Desforges?

No. I don’t know any Desforges.

The only Louis I know of
is Louis Lherbier, Claire’s ex.

He showed up at our house weeks ago.

- It totally messed her up.
- What did they talk about?

I don’t know.

But she slapped him.

The guy vanishes,
doesn’t stay in touch for years.

And shows up out of nowhere.
You can imagine the chaos.

I had to step in and kick him out.

Obviously he didn’t step down.
I had to fight him.

Claire was terrified.

Only after that did she tell me
she had been with him years ago.


that this guy beat her.

Louis Lherbier became
Brother Louis Desforges.

- That’s the victim? You’re % sure?
- %.

Louis Lherbier went off the radar
when Brother Louis joined the monastery.

We even found a trace
of him getting into Africa.

He traveled with his passport,

and disappeared,
becoming Louis Desforges with false papers.

The woman he was dating
back then is Claire Moreau.

She’s been missing for a few days.

She disappeared the day
he went to visit her.

- We issued a critical missing alert.
- You think he could have hurt her?

We think he was violent with her, yes.

Monk or not,

our victim becomes our main suspect
in this woman’s disappearance.

And since she hasn’t shown up,

she may be sequestered somewhere.

Let’s hope she’s still alive.

- Astrid?
- Here.

I found cases where Lherbier
is listed as guilty of acts of v*olence.

But none have earned a mention
on his criminal record.

What was in those files?

July th, : Act of v*olence.
March th, : Fight in a bar.

- And other instances of as*ault and battery.
- Nothing in connection to Claire Moreau?

- Not even a complaint, an entry on the register?
- Nothing.


Father Damien specified that Brother Louis
loved this Claire he told us about.

- Yes.
- So I do not understand.

How can someone abuse a person they love?

They can't.

And anyone who says
otherwise is an assh*le.

Some hide behind an
alleged passionate love,

and others say jealousy is a part of love.

This is all nonsense.

Alright. Thank you for the clarification.

A man who beats his wife

doesn’t love her, okay?

He thinks he owns her but he
doesn’t love her. That’s not love.

Louis Lherbier disappeared years ago.

However, every file at the Criminal
Documentation from that period

has not been digitized yet.

One has to precisely
define the research object

to find relevant information,
or one could read past it and not see it.

Or, as you say,

one might as well look
for a needle in a haystack.

- Hello Tetsuo.
- Hello William.

I need some advice.

Tell me.

It’s about Astrid.

No kidding.

I searched with persistence.

But I did not find a precise definition.

What is a boyfriend?

A boyfriend is someone
you form a couple with.

Alright. So what is a couple?

A couple is a unique relationship
with a very special someone.

It is not precise enough.

It also corresponds to our relationship.
Yet, we are not a couple, are we?


In a couple, there’s…
let’s say a carnal aspect.

- Carnal.
- Yes.

In a couple, you sleep together.

You have told me about men you slept with,
yet did not form a couple.

- Yes.
- Yes.

Yes, you’re right, thanks.

William and Berezine.

They are a couple,
but they do not sleep together.

Shit. You’re right Astrid.

What is a couple?

I feel like I’m doing it wrong.

But it’s a subject I was
never comfortable with.

Let me reassure you. Neither is Astrid.

How can I make her understand?

It's easy.

You just need to tell her.

In romantic relationships… Bear with me.

Neurotypical people do their best
not to say what they really want to say.

The imagination they
display is unbelievable

when it comes to beating around the bush
and implying things.

A real catalog of figures of speech.

For example,

“I don’t feel so bad with you.”

That’s an understatement.

"Hooking up", to talk about sex.


And what about
“What are you doing tonight?”

to avoid just saying
“I want to spend the night with you."

Oh, yes.

Well, you’re speaking in metonymy.

You’re assuming the other
will understand what is not said.

, it’s exhausting.

And , with us...

it doesnt work.

If you really want to
say something to Astrid,

say it.

When you’re lost,
you need to go back to the basics.

Your tree structure. It is very messy.

- Really?
- Yes. I do not understand.

- Not at all.
- Yes.

So, the common denominator between
all of these movies, the tipping point,

is the first kiss.

The kiss.

- When the lips touch.
- It’s wonderful.

The lips.

The body's most sensitive organ.

That holds more than
a million nerve endings.

Physical contact is very difficult for me.

Even just on my shoulder.

So on the lips…

I am not sure I am capable.


Tetsuo Tanaka will never be my boyfriend.

No. No.

I think you just need to talk with him.

You see, a couple
is something you build together.

Get it?

Yes, it’s easy.

Should have seen his face, amazing.

- Yeah. Obviously he was mad.
- Hi.

- months he’s been trying to score.
- Hello Théo.

And that chick just brushed him off.

Hi. She straight up told him
“You’re not my type, it won’t work”.

And he was so sure of himself.
He was all dressed up, and then bam “No".

Totally. Yeah ‘cause she’s a , .

And he’s a , tops.
Obviously, she's out of his league.

The metabolism of people his age
has an extremely high need of calories.

I think I know where Claire Moreau is.

Louis must have brought Claire into
the building. She might still be there.


- How could he have hid her for so long?
- That’s what I thought at first as well.

Then I remembered what
Brother Simon told me.

That he was stealing food from the kitchen
to cheat on his fast.

And that’s not all. Watch this.

Brother Gérard, do you
recognize this woman?

The Devil.

I saw her in the monastery.

I told Father Damien

I saw Louis come in with
the Devil in the cloister.


The Devil.

The granary.

Do you know where the granary is?

I know there was one long ago
but it was sealed off.

- I don’t know where the entrance was.
- I know.

It is here. There.

Just like I said, it was
sealed off a long time ago.

Look. There are scratches on the floor.



The granary.

Stay here. I’ll go in.


I didn’t know Louis was dead.

He didn’t show up again.

When I got hungry, I tried to leave
but the door was stuck.

You’re in shock.

When we found you, you were unconscious.

Did Louis beat you?

He stopped you from leaving?

Louis has never laid his hand on me.

It was Vincent, my partner.
He did this to me.

What was going on between you and Louis?

Back then I was a nurse.

At Saint-François d'Assise Hospital.
In the ER.

Louis came in one day,

He was all messed up,
he had been in a fight.

He was a daredevil.

I liked him right away.

He never turned this v*olence on you?

He had trouble managing his anger,
but not with me.

On the contrary, he protected me.

I felt safe with him.

That’s why I came to see him
when Vincent went crazy.

What do you mean, when Vincent went crazy?

When Louis showed up
at our house last week,

the first thing I did was slap him.

He vanished years ago
and he shows up out of nowhere.

Can you imagine?

But then we started seeing each other.

- You...
- Did you sleep together?


- Something about him had changed.
- Yes. He had become a monk.

But he was still the man I’d loved.

I never took off the necklace he gave me.

He was wearing the other half of the heart.

It was a bit cheesy but it was our thing.

I suppose Vincent didn’t like you
seeing your ex again?

He got so mad.

I ran away, I didn’t know where to go.
So unintentionally I went to Louis.

And he offered to hide me here.

Until we found a solution.

Claire, it’s over now, okay?
We’ll take care of you.

So, did you find a file
where Louis Lherbier is mentioned?


I did not find any file
where Louis Lherbier is mentioned.

I found a file where
Claire Moreau is mentioned.

I could define precisely my research object

when Claire Moreau related
how she met Louis Lherbier.

By mentioning her past as an ER nurse.

The file concerns Fabrice Bernard’s m*rder.

Fabrice Bernard, there,

was the head of the ER department
at Saint François d'Assise Hospital.

On the th January , he was beaten.

And because of a significant
head injury, he died.

The m*rder was not solved.

The culprit was not identified.

And you say that Claire Moreau
is mentioned in the file?

Yes, Claire Moreau is
mentioned as a witness. There.

She worked in the same
department as the victim: the ER.

But what is the link with Louis Lherbier?

This is what was found
in Fabrice Bernard’s tensed hand.

As if he pulled it off of his attacker.

That's Claire Moreau’s necklace.

It is the other half, Raphaëlle.
The one belonging to Louis Lherbier.

Louis Lherbier is not
mentioned in the file.

But I think Louis Lherbier
is responsible for this m*rder.

Louis Lherbier k*lled Fabrice Bernard.

Yes, it’s almost the same necklace.

We found this necklace
from a -year-old m*rder scene.

And what does it have to do with me?

Mrs Moreau, lying to cover for
Louis Lherbier is pointless now.

He is dead.

Moreover, by lying, you are being
obstructive to the case,

and you are preventing us
from finding the person who k*lled him.

- I lost him twice because of this.
- Ah.

Why did Louis lash out at
your head of department?

Fabrice had a bad reputation.

But I thought it wouldn't go
beyond the hand on the ass.

Did he abuse you?

I told Louis instantly.

I was feeling so dirty.

He went crazy.

I don’t think he wanted to k*ll him.

He wanted him to pay.

And then?

We learned of Fabrice's
death the day after.

- You want the truth?
- Yes.

I thanked Louis.

This jerk could die after
what he had done to me

But the following days,
Louis was not the same.

And yet, I told him that the police
would never find him.

Nobody knew what Fabrice had done to me.

And nobody knew at the
hospital that I was with him.

No motive, no link to the victim.

But obviously, it wasn’t the problem.

Louis was overwhelmed with guilt.

He couldn’t sleep.

And one day, he left.

Lherbier k*lled the head of the department
where Claire Moreau worked?

Yes, Fabrice Bernard.

Astrid found the m*rder file
because of Claire Moreau

The m*rder was committed months
before Louis Lherbier left for Africa.

- Good job Astrid.
- Thank you.

Careful with the file.

I could define precisely my research object
because of Claire Moreau.

It is important to define the research object
to find relevant information,

otherwise one could miss it.

So Louis Lherbier’s m*rder is a revenge
linked to the crime he committed years ago?

Well, that's something to work on.

Fabrice Bernard was Claire Moreau’s boss.

He had little to no family,
except for a little brother.

- Arthur went to question him.
- Good.

Yes, Arthur?

Shit, I’m coming right away. Excuse me.

We knocked at his door.

- When he realized we were cops, he escaped.
- Shit!

When we put a wanted notice,
we got a call from the monastery.

telling us Fabrice Bernard’s brother was there.

How many are there in the church?

- All of the monks apparently.
- And he’s armed?

I don’t know but he has a can of gas.

They wanted to send a squad, but I told them
that you'd want to try something first.

You did well.

I won’t go alone.

I won’t go down alone, I’m telling you.

Don’t come closer! Don’t come closer!
Don’t come closer.

Or I'll set them on fire.


I’m putting my g*n down, ok?


I want to help you.

Help me?

What they f*ck did you do for years?

The man who k*lled my brother
was free for years.

What did you do?!

Explain to me what happened.

It was that guy, Louis, the monk,

He came to find me and asked me
to meet him here Sunday evening.

He had information
about my brother’s death.

I was .

Do you have any idea
how it messed my life up?

I do.

- No, you don’t know.
- Yes, I do.

You don’t know!

When that assh*le told me
it was him who had done it,

I just lost it.

He asked for my forgiveness
but I didn’t care.

I did what I've been waiting to do for years.

I took the first thing I could find.

I avenged my brother. An eye for eye.

I regret nothing. I don’t have
anything to lose. I will burn you all!

On the contrary, you have
everything to lose. Joseph, listen to me.

If you surrender right now,

the jury will understand your story.

But if you add innocent victims…

They’re not innocents. They hid a m*rder*r.

Because of you, the person who k*lled
my brother didn’t pay for what he did!

I assure you that the person you’re talking
about didn't run away from his crime.

Stop it.

He hid himself in a monastery,
he didn’t go to prison,

he left his crime behind.

On the contrary. Coming to the
monastery forced him to face it.

You don’t leave your demons behind here.

You face them.

You face yourself.

You know what he said to me,
when I stabbed him?

He said that he forgave me.

He told me to run.

He took the blade and wiped it
to erase my fingerprints.

Who does that? Who does that?

He should have been
angry that I k*lled him, shit.

In the beginning, it was only humiliation,

but then he became more and more violent.

I was hoping he could change but… no.

Thank you, you helped me a lot.

You know Commander,
before choosing the religious pathway

I was chaplain in the army.

In Sahel.

I saw a lot of things.

Memento Mori.

I’m sorry Father, but I didn’t
attend my Latin lessons.

It means “Remember that you will die”.

It was a slogan written in monasteries

as a reminder of humility
and of the fragility of life for the monks.

Well, that's fun.

During all these years,
Louis chose a path of redemption.

When destiny brought him back to Paris,

I think he understood it was God.

God, destiny.

I’m not a big fan of these things.

I have faith in people.

And I try, within my capacity,

to help them have an easier life.

It’s a beautiful calling.

I just finished
my statement against Vincent.

I will follow through your case.
You can count on me.

Thank you.

Claire, I wanted to
present you Father Damien.

Father Damien, this is Claire.

I think you have a lot
to say to each other.

minutes. It’s a hour exam.

You really must have screwed it up
to give it up so quickly.

I did not give up.

I am giving back my paper. Well, my papers.


- Nico.
- It was tense in the church just now.

Yes, but it went well, right?

Well, Raph, I'd like you
to be more careful next time.

- You’re not invincible.
- Yeah, it’s ok. It’s ok.

- Nico, I need to tell you something.
- Hi.

Too nice, the person at the reception.
He let me inside.

- Oh yeah?
- Well he’s going to get yelled at. And you are?

- Well it’s… You don’t know Emma?
- No why? I should?

- Yes, she’s my sister. How are you?
- Raph?

Nico told me a lot about you.

- So, ready?
- Yeah coming.

We'll talk about this tomorrow, ok?

- Bye.
- Bye, guys.

- Can I talk to you about a file?
- Oh not now, you!

Physical contact is difficult for me.

I understand.

So the matter of a kiss between us
is out of the question.


You do not want to be my boyfriend.

Oh, yes. Of course I do.


I never chose how I feel about you.

But you know, already in Japan,
I was timid.

I don’t know how to
express myself, I’m clumsy.

When I arrived in France,
it was even worse.

Until I met you.

With you, I am myself.

Me too.

With you, I am myself, Tetsuo Tanaka.

But we will never be a couple.

Because, we will not be kissing.



We will be a couple.

Because, I will not be
kissing someone else.

