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03x01 - Plan Global

Posted: 01/18/23 11:23
by bunniefuu
Professor Ardan?

Professor Ardan?

Is that you?

Professor Ardan?

No request was made.

You have to stop coming by
whenever you want.

There are procedures,
it’s a classified building.

Listen, I’ll have to file a report.

Professor Ardan?

Professor Ardan?

The report that has been issued
against Miss Nielsen by DA Forest

leans on a new jurisprudence that handles

the consultants and experts’ interventions
during investigations.

What does that mean concretely?


It means that this is the last case
Astrid will work alongside us.

No way. It can’t be over now.

What an assh*le.
He’s doing this to get to Raphaëlle.

- It’s unfair that Astrid has to pay the price.
- I know.

And believe me, I defended Astrid
as I would have any of you.

It was us that went to get her.
It’s crazy, we can’t let her down.

And for Astrid, it’s way
more than a job now.

Astrid knows that
Matthias filed a report against her

but she thinks it’s temporary so we don’t
say anything to Astrid for now, alright?

I’m sure we can fix this.


- Surely, there’s something to be done.
- No.

Did you talk with Raphaëlle?

Absolutely not.

I think it is better not to.

She must think things will get better.

I will have to find the
right moment to tell her.

Without hurting her.

- Commander.
- Hi.

Hello Sir.

I’m happy you came.

I came because you asked me to.

Because there is
an investigation for a homicide.

- Hi Raph.
- Hi.

- Hello Astrid.
- Hello Captain Perran.

Okay Nico, speed it up.

Follow me.
The crime scene is upstairs.

Fournier already started to work.

Has the victim been identified?

Yes, it’s Michel Ardan.

Ardan? The TV guy?

The stupid one
who's always on talk shows?

The astrophysicist!
An excellent popularizer.

I loved his last book
“A grain of sand in the universe”.

He’s known to be a great charmer.

Slow down there. Slow down.
Slow down Astrid!

So, are we sure
the death is suspicious?

The victim had an assigned office
on the first floor of the observatory.

The room was trashed,
like it had been searched.

We’re listing things to see
what may have been stolen.

For now, we haven’t found
his computer or his cellphone.

Did Dr. Fournier
identify the cause of death?

I’ll let you see to that
directly with him.

You’ll see, he’s in a good mood.

The cause of death isn’t clear.

What do you mean it’s not clear?
You don’t know how he died?

I have symptoms but they don’t correlate.

We have signs of ventricular fibrillation,

an unusual cadaveric rigidity that evokes
keraunoparalysis with medullary lesions.

And there, on his shoulder? See?
It's a Lichtenberg figure.

Is that enough?

A Litchenberg figure.

It is an electrostatic shock that provokes
this kind of fractals on the skin.

A bit like ferns.

- Thank you, Miss Nielsen.
- You are welcome, Dr. Fournier.

So you found the cause of death.

The ventricular fibrillation,
the keraunoparalysis,

and the Litchenberg figure
all point towards one single diagnosis.

- No.
- Yes.

- No, it doesn’t work.
- Yes. It does, Dr. Fournier.

What doesn’t work?

- Weather’s nice, isn’t it?
- Yes.

The sky’s clear. It’s pretty nice.

Sunny and no storm to be seen.
That’s the problem.

What Miss Nielsen is saying is that
all of these symptoms I described

point towards only one explanation.

- This man was struck by lightning.
- Without any lightning.

- He was struck by lightning.
- Without any lightning.

A man struck by lightning
during a night without a storm.


Fournier’s right. It doesn’t add up.

It is what the evidence is saying, though.

Surely, there is a rational explanation.
We just have to find it.

I will do some research
on this kind of phenomenon.


I’m sure you solved
this one a long time ago.

- I have never tried it.
- No kidding?

- But it’s a classic.
- Absolutely not.

Solitaire is not a mechanical puzzle.

It is a game devoid of opponents.

Solitaire has been the subject
of many mathematical studies

in the field of game theory.

It is a gift.

Tetsuo Tanaka thought it could interest me.


And I do not know.

It is not a puzzle.

It is a game without an opponent.


If our collaboration came to an end,

would we still be friends?

Of course Astrid.

Work has nothing to do with our friendship.

It helps maintain it, sure, but...

you are my friend.

My best friend.

With or without the investigations,

I am your best friend.

With or without the investigations.

I’m sure everything will be okay.

It’ll go back to normal and your status
won’t be called into question.

We don’t have to worry,
everything will be okay.

We do not have to worry,
everything will be okay.

- It will go back to normal.
- Yes.

Do you have a record of people arriving
and leaving from the observation dome?

Yes. There’s one.

But it will be of no use to you.

Professor Ardan didn’t
respect the procedures.

He would come and go
from the dome as he pleased.

- He had nothing to do there that night.
- He was a researcher, right?

Isn’t it a place to observe the stars?

Yes. but the place is way
behind technologically,

and in an environment
that's way too bright.

This dome and its telescope are antiques.
Not a place of research.

Unless you’re looking
to fly under the radar.

What do you mean, flying under the radar?

Research is something collective.

- Ardan wasn’t playing collectively?
- Oh, no. No.

Ardan was a maverick.

He was spreading rumours that
he was about to make a big discovery.

A discovery that could
make some people jealous?

Highly possible.

Tetsuo Tanaka.

Hello Astrid.

Gilles let me in.

He told me I’d find you here.

- Am I disturbing you?
- Yes.

I am doing research on a
particularly unusual modus operandi.

A victim struck by lightning,
in the absence of any signs of a storm.

This leads to the implication
of a criminal modus operandi.

But as of now, I have not found
any body of consistent evidence.

I didn’t want to disturb you.

But William told me about your situation.

Is it true?

It might be the last time you’re participating
in an investigation with the criminal police?

Not might be.

It is for certain the last time I participate
in an investigation with the criminal police.

You’ll still have the
Criminal Documentation.

If you have to go back to your old life.

You’ll find your old landmarks.

Mister Gaillard is dead.

Now, some of my colleagues talk to me.

I have a friend. Raphaëlle.

It is no longer on Mondays that I do
my groceries, it is on Wednesdays.

And I met you.

I cannot go back to my old life.

Because my old life does not exist anymore.

Michel Ardan was k*lled
to steal his scientific discovery?

I don’t know if the stakes are high enough
in the astronomy world to justify m*rder.

His office was searched,
and his equipment stolen too.

- Yes, but that’s not a reason-
- Sorry, I have something.

I spoke with some journalists,

a few specialized media outlets,
and the general press,

and they were all
contacted by Michel Ardan.

About what?

He was to hold a press conference
this afternoon at the observatory.

We don’t know what he was going to announce

but apparently, it was about to
rub people the wrong way.

Maybe it wasn’t to steal his discovery
that he was k*lled.

Maybe it was to stop him
from announcing it.

We’ll probably have the answer
by searching his house.

Here’s the victim’s apartment.


Let’s start by finding
the computer and the cellphone.

And anything that could help us
find the trail of this great discovery.

You take this room,
I'll get the one in the back?

f*ck. Nico?


Police, stop! Nico?


f*ck, stop!


Stop! f*ck.

Stop or I’ll sh**t!

- You have it?
- Stop!

Hello? Culprit fled the scene.

A woman,
dressed from head to toe in black.

She left on a black motorcycle.

I lost sight of her at the corner
of Babylone and Vaneau.

- You okay?
- What’s wrong?

You-you’re messed up, dude.

Wipe it off.

- Wow, yeah.
- I’m impressed!

Ever since you beat Matthias up,
you're on fire.


Could you recognize her?

No, with her balaclava,
I couldn’t even see her hair color.

She did hurt her left wrist
pretty badly though.

And her ankle.
She was limping when she left.

And we have this.

I think that’s what she was after,
don’t you?

She lost it when she was running.


In this, I have enough information
to make heads roll.

I'll talk about it soon.

I even intend to hold a press conference
once the time is right.

The video of Michel Ardan
was put online this morning.

It seems to be the same notebook.

What kind of scientific discovery
can make heads roll?

Maybe it wasn’t a scientific discovery

he wanted to talk about
at this press conference.

Maybe it was a political discovery.

That's what they’re saying
on social media, in any case.

The video already has over k views

and #Ardan has been
the most used tag in the last hours.

To say what?

Basically, that Michel Ardan was k*lled
to prevent him from revealing what he knew.

The man who knew too much.

If the public starts to get into it,
it will get out of control.

So now more than ever, we stay vigilant.

No leaks on the MO. Is that clear?

This tale of lightning without any storm
might become a sensational thing.

We’ll do our best
to get this woman.

All our mobile teams are on it.

Arthur, find where this video comes from.

It can’t be a coincidence that
it was posted just after the m*rder.

- It might be a lead.
- Okay.

Let's figure out what’s in this red notebook
and what Michel Ardan wanted to announce.

It might tell us
who it would have bothered.

The owner of this red notebook
was an astronomer.

He is dead.

Commander Coste needs to decipher
its contents.

But she cannot ask
the people who knew the victim

because they are potential suspects.

Though I know it is damaging
to think in stereotypes,

it seemed to me that I might find
at least one person

knowledgeable about astronomy
within a group of autistic people.

Yes. , , .

Astrid, I lead an astronomy club
so I could take a look?


But not the notebook.
It is under seal.

No touching.

Here. It is a copy of the entirety
of the notebook contents.

On the last page.

The formula. Written in red.
Circled in red. Like the red notebook.

There’s nothing mysterious
about this formula, Astrid.


I know exactly what it is.

The alphanumeric series
in Prof. Ardan’s notebook

are celestial coordinates.

- Good evening, Commander.
- Good evening, Alice.

What’s weird is that there’s
usually nothing at these coordinates.

But now, there’s something.
Something dull.

Invisible in the dark night’s sky
but that we can see

when it passes in front
of another celestial body.

Do you know
what it might correspond to?


If it’s between the celestial body and us,
it’s probably a satellite.

And if its coordinates
are always the same,

it means it’s geostationary.

But it’s not listed.

An unlisted geostationary satellite?

unlisted geostationary satellites,
Captain Perran.

Hang on, that's Michel Ardan’s great discovery?

That’s what was
in his notebook anyway.

Question is:
who did this info bother?

What we wanna know is who
those satellites belong to.

We pushed a request with
the Defense to get some info.

Could we have stepped into
a case of espionage?

Come on, Nico.

Just say Michel Ardan
was m*rder*d by the KGB.

The woman in black,
the one who fled.

She could work for the secret services.

We caught
her license plate on a street camera.


Just because her license plate is fake
doesn’t mean she’s Mossad.

Look what we learned during
our trip to the countryside.

Forensics found a tracker on Ardan’s car.
Professional stuff.

- Like, used by the army.
- The army-

- I was clear. No leaks on the MO.
- Wasn’t us! We didn’t do anything!


Commissioner, what kind of evidence
led you to believe there was a leak?


Prof. Ardan was struck by lightning when
there was no sign of a storm.

- A mystery that raises controversy.
- Police has no explanation for this enigma.

But the document
published on the Irrémedia site

suggests it could be a military w*apon.

This is an unofficial document,
but it is authentic.

It comes from the Ministry of Defense

and tells of the development
of microwave weapons

whose effects are an exact match
to the case of Prof. Ardan's death.

Call in this journalist.
We need to know how he got the info.

How did you get access to the info
about the crime scene?

I did my work as a journalist.

And where did you get this document?


I know about the
confidentiality of sources.

- I know your website and I respect your work.
- Thank you.

When you give out secrets
about politicians and businessmen

and they face justice,
I’m right behind you.

But this is about a criminal case.

And you might be helping protect
the culprit.

I don't need to use the confidential source card,
I'll be transparent.

I do not know my source.

I received this document and information
on the crime in an anonymous email.

So you're publishing info without
knowing where it comes from.

I don’t know where it comes from
but I verified it.

It’s way easier
when you know where to look.

Listen. We’re on the same side.

We want to reveal the truth too.

Are you sure?

- Sure about what?
- That we’re on the same side.

This document states
that the Ministry of Defense

is secretly developing a w*apon
that provides the best explanation

to the mystery
that is your crime scene.

Who knows what Ardan
wanted to reveal to the public.

- And which big hat it would bother.
- Oh please.

Don’t play the State crime card.

I’ll ask again, Commander.

Are you sure
you’re on the right side of this case?


I have the information you asked for.

The forensics team of
the Criminal Documentation

found that the document from
the National Defense published by Irrémedia

is % authentic, there.


Why shit?

It's what that guy from Irrémedia said.

I hope we’re on the
good guys' side this time.

I do not understand.

I thought some people could be bothered by
Prof. Ardan’s revelations on the satellites.

Our people. Not cops.


Government people.

You are whispering.

Yes. I don’t know why.

- Nothing proves the contrary.
- Well that's what I'm saying. Shit.

But nothing proves it either.

The authenticity of this document
simply proves

that the army has developed
weapons of this type.

It does not prove

that those weapons were used
in Prof. Ardan’s m*rder.

I know.

Just imagine if the government
was mixed up in this.

If that is the case, the investigation
will soon prove it.

The Commissioner will ask you
to act with caution

and respect protocol meticulously.

You will not listen to him.

And you will make a necessary mess
to harass the ones responsible.

You’re right. That's what we do.


So, you haven’t tried yet?

I do not know if I want to start.

We know where the victim’s interview
that went viral comes from.

It’s from "Global Plan".

A documentary that was produced
by Saravac Productions.

- Where was it aired?
- It was published days ago.

Watch this.

Global Plan.
The great conspiracy finally revealed.

Essentially, it defends the theory that
a deep State made up of elites

is secretly working on a global plan to
control humanity.

The truth is
those satellites probably serve

the needs of the Global Plan.

They hide a worldwide conspiracy.

Why would a scientist like Ardan
be involved in this?

That’s what's great about this thing.

More than public figures
are interviewed.

Even a former minister.

What's the background
of the guy who directed this?

Woman. Hélèna Campbell.

Former journalist, brilliant.

She was progressively sidelined
because she defended

questionable theories on vaccines,
the Apollo mission, all that.

Come see this, I have something.

I traced back the first messages
that brought out

Ardan’s interview
referring to a State crime.


All the pages are different.

But they all have
the same profile picture.

They’re fake accounts?

I asked cybercrime
and they just answered.

There’s hundreds of accounts with IP
addresses coming from the same place.

In Podolsk. Near Moscow.

What the hell is this shit?

Commander Coste, I think this shit
is a disinformation campaign

orchestrated from Russia.

- Yes Fournier?
- You’re with Miss Nielsen right now?

- Yes, she’s with me.
- Could you put her through please?

I’ll put her on.

For you.


I have a something new.
Could you come here, please?

- Alright.
- Thank you.

It might be nothing,

but I noticed something
while taking the last samples.

Something unusual.

You mean more unusual than being
struck by lightning without lightning?

I’d like your opinion
before closing the case.

With pleasure, Dr. Fournier.

I noticed red patches on the face.

Doesn’t seem to be linked to
the cause of death

but the samples indicated the presence
of sodium crystals on the epidermis.

Is that harmful?

Totally harmless.
A little irritating, at most.

- But why is it there?
- Is it sodium carbonate?

Yes. It’s the same thing.

Sodium carbonate is totally harmless.
But it is an excellent conductor.

That changes everything.

The Lichtenberg figure on his shoulder
was not made by lightning

but by an electrocution after the victim
was sprayed with a sodium-based solution.

Which made his body highly conductive.

Everything becomes clear then.
It’s not a lightning strike.

Nothing to do with lighting.

- It’s an electrocution.
- Yes.

Well, it’s official.
We’re being played.

I’m willing to bet that the person

who did all this staging
on the crime scene

is Olivier Sinclair’s source.

- They wanted to create a mystery.
- A lightning strike with no lightning.

- They even provided the solution.
- A military w*apon.

Just had to spread the lie
on a large scale.

With a disinformation campaign orchestrated
by Russian hackers.

Nowadays this kind of service
can be found on the black market.

Sorry but you need to see this.

I caught a live on socials.

the ones who produced "Global Plan"?

They're having a party in their office
to celebrate million.


When we were on their site
they were barely at k,

and I thought that was already huge.

- Look who was invited to the party.
- Olivier Sinclair.

He’s fooling around with "Global Plan" ’s team.
No way.

- Is that Hélèna Campbell?
- No, her.

The one limping a bit.

- Limping a bit? Nico.
- Could be her, yeah.

Our burglar.

You don’t have any proof yet.

So go ahead
but tread lightly, Coste, OK?

- You were right Astrid.
- Yes.

And now, you will make a necessary mess
to arrest the ones responsible.

Of course, Sir.
Treading super lightly, as usual.

- I'll find a good excuse.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Campbell?

Commander Coste, what a surprise.

We need access
to the entire interview of Prof. Ardan.

The unedited version, I mean.

I’m sure you understand freedom to inform

makes the presence of two cops sensitive
when they’re pressuring journalists

in the office
of an independent production.

I don’t think Mrs. Campbell
qualifies as a journalist.

I’m muzzled by the governing bodies
of official propaganda

but just because they won’t give me a press card
doesn't mean I’m not a journalist.

May I?

I think we have enough.

Mrs. Campbell, you’re under arrest.
Come on.

Absolutely, Tetsuo Tanaka.

I have not started yet.

Starting it is
taking the risk of solving it.

Like this case.

A part of me wants it to be done.

Another knows it means

the end of my collaboration
with Raphaëlle.


Twist in the observatory case.

Could Hélèna Campbell's arrest
be deemed unfair?

Protests are occuring in front of
the National Assembly.

What were you doing on
Babylone Street

in Prof. Ardan's apartment
yesterday afternoon?

I don't know what you're
talking about.

As you wish.

Either way, your DNA will speak
for itself.

I've visited Prof. Ardan before.

He's in my film.

We met at his apartment to prepare
for the interview.

We became kind of close.

How do you explain this
wrist injury?

As far as everyone knows, maybe

you injured me while
arresting me.

Don't try to outsmart me.

Listen, if you're accusing me
of m*rder,

find me a motive.

Prof. Ardan's positions aligned
with mine.

My film is proof of it.

A proof of relative value.

It's easy to distort
someone's words.

You want a motive?

Here's one:

he watched your film, felt

He threatened you with
interim proceedings

to prevent it from coming out.

You got scared

and then

you realized everything could
go to waste.

And you're wasting your time.

Prof. Ardan's death was political.

Just ask yourself if you're on
the right side.

Please. Your boyfriend already
asked me that.

I won't fall for it.


Commander? The Commissioner
is asking for you.

- Well, he'll have to wait.
- No, I don't think so.

No need to introduce you Prefect
of Police.

The National Police Directorate
is on this case?

The whole country is on this case.

Public opinion has been tense
since Prof. Ardan's death.

With Hélèna Campbell's arrest,
it blew up.

Public opinion?

- Why do I care?
- Coste!

We don't do politics here.

Of course you do.

All you're doing here has
a political impact.

Hélèna Campbell's arrest
undermines the institution.

All you can hear about is
police harassment,

shutting down whistleblowers,

and a protest is occuring in
front of the

National Assembly demanding
her release.

But we have proof she broke
into the victim's

apartment to try to steal evidence!
Isn't that enough?

Then you charge her with breaking
and entering.

You're not taking her custody for
suspicion of m*rder.

Listen, Commander Coste,

we can't go back.

This investigation is public now,

whether you like it or not.

Everything we do is watched
and analyzed.

So for now, we have no choice

but to release Hélèna Campbell.

- You've got to be kidding me!
- Captain Perran!


It's thanks to the Criminal Police that
we proved there

were no military weapons involved.

Finding the real culprit is

our best bet at stopping this nonsense.

So please, let us do our job!

I won't let you do your job:

I'm asking you to do it.

And before this country goes to ruin,


Understood, Prefect.

Is that clear?


Thank you.

What a bitch!

With her matador outfit, I would have
made her eat her hat!

That's an expression, Astrid.

I understood that.

What I do not understand is
its meaning.

Eating your hat

would not achieve anything.

You should have seen Nico!

He flew at her!

Since he kicked my ex's ass,

nothing is stopping him.

I was wondering:

why did you break up with Nico?


What are you saying, Théo?

We didn't break up since
we never dated.

Oh yeah? You're sure?

Come on Astrid, tell him. What's
wrong with you?


I would prefer you not make
me a part of this.

I barely understand
friendly relationships,

I could not even fathom
romantic relationships.

If you have ever been in one
with Captain Perran,

you never told me.

Not disclaiming this affair

is your right, of course...

Enough. I never dated
Nico, okay?

Wow, something's happening
here. What's that?

Look, a buddy of mine
sent me this.

Show me.

As you can see me, I'm just
out of custody.

That is Hélèna Campbell.

Message is clear: they're trying
to shut us up,

to prevent us from
revealing the truth.

None of my rights were
respected while in custody.


My ankle hurts.

They even shoved me,

knowing I was pregnant.


She's crazy!

And those injuries were her own
fault when she tried to run.

You believe me, don't you?

I'm not the one you need to
convince, mom.

But the . billions people
who watched the video, they are.

We just need to issue a denial.

We just need to say that nobody
hurt her.

That her rights were respected

and that she has not told the
authorities she was pregnant.

That's what she wants!

Denying it would mean going
along with her

and her posse calling it a lie.

And not doing anything is
admitting she's right.

We're trapped.

In this investigation,

truths are similar to lies.

And lies are similar to truths.

It's disinformation at its finest.

Denying these assertions makes
them stronger.

It's very hard arguing with
their defenders.

Just like the "vaccines cause
autism" story.

It was long proven that the study

at the root of this rumor was false.

Okay but

how do you mark the difference
between conspiracy

theories and legitimate concerns
by citizens?

I think that conspiracy theories

are mainly a refusal.

Refusal of the complexity
of the world.

It's coming up with simple answers

to complex problems.

That is exactly what the
movie "Global Plan" is doing.

Images are used as proof

when they could easily tell
the opposite.

You only need to watch the entirety
of the interview

to set the record straight.


Unfortunately it was not found

in the raid led by Commander

In this case, Raphaëlle should
get along well with Mélanie.


From Mélanie. More precisely,
from Berezine_.

- Ah yes, William's girlfriend.
- Exactly.

May I remind you that Berezine_

is a cyber activist.

- Yes.
- She is part of a debunker’s collective.

They mainly demystify false

So what's on this drive, Astrid?

They have been investigating
the movie "Global Plan"

since its release.

They already hacked into the computers
of Saravac Productions

before the raid by the Criminal Police.

That means they possess
all the rushes

from the documentary.

- That's awesome!
- Yes.

- Thanks Astrid.
- You are welcome.

You should thank Mélanie.

I will.

The truth is, those satellites probably

meet a need in the private interest
just outside of law.

In no shape or form, the
needs of a global plan.

Yeah, as we expected, he's
saying the exact

opposite of what's shown in the movie.

So what I'm saying is, as
you may already know,

I try to prevent risks of pollution...

There is a cut.

That's not uncommon.

It happens when you change
the memory card.


Only Mrs. Campbell's shirt is

In the reflection. There.

Zoom in.


You're right Astrid. She paired
Monday with Tuesday.

Wrong. She buttoned button
number with hole

number , button number
with hole number ,

- button number with hole number ...
- Thanks Astrid.

Before the cut.

After the cut.

There is more.

The big hand on Prof. Ardan's

made three quarters of a turn,

a minute discrepancy.

minutes is quite a long time to
change a memory card.

The real question is why
Mrs. Campbell

unbuttoned her shirt and buttoned
it up

wrong. One cannot be wrong.

- Astrid.
- Yes.

- It's because they slept together.
- Who?

Well, Hélèna and Prof. Ardan.

For minutes.

minutes is a long time.

Either way, we have our missing
piece of the puzzle.

We now know Hélèna Campbell

might have had an affair
with the victim.

Now why did she sleep with him?

An affair, are you sure?

We don't know if it's an affair for
sure but at the very least,

they hmm... they did it once.

The buttons were misbuttoned.

There's an affair, a man
cheated on.

Maybe our State scandal is a vaudeville.

No one can say what's in Olivier
Sinclair's mind.

Maybe he didn't know.

But if we know what we're looking for,
it's easier to find it. We need

to interrogate him, raid his apartment.

A raid? Right.

For adultery presumptions?

Even though the Prefect of Police

herself ordered Hélèna Campbell's

What are you doing?

- I am cleaning up.
- No need, it's cleaned up.

There's no way the DA will let you
go near Olivier Sinclair

without a valid motive.

Yeah, you're probably right,

Well, it's late, we should
talk about it tomorrow.

Coming, Astrid?


Is she gonna do something stupid?

I think so, yeah.

And there's nothing we can do?

Don't think so, no.

Astrid, all you’ll have to do is look around
and see if anything will catch your eye.

The flashlight! The flashlight, Astrid!

And do not touch anything.

I’m reminding you I’m the one who
is breaking the rules, not you.

- Holding this flashlight-
- Shh!

Lower, Astrid.

- Holding this flashlight-
- This isn’t-

Holding this flashlight already breaks
more than sections

of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Okay, if you want we stop everything
and I’ll come back on my own.

I offered to accompany you for this search

because we are a team, Raphaëlle.

Someone has to look out for you.

Are you sure Olivier Sinclair is not home?

Certain. He has a conference
at Irrémedia.

- We’re all alone, we’re in the clear.
- Ah!


Olivier Sinclair may know Hélèna
cheated on him

if he’s certain that the child
she's bearing isn’t his.



He had a vasectomy years ago.

I’m ready to bet that Hélèna doesn’t
know about it.


- I need to tell you something.
- Yes.

If I agreed to accompany you for this
search which goes against my morals

and my way of working, it is only because
this investigation

- is the last one I’m contributing to.
- Stop it!

- Did you hear something?
- No.

No, it’s not that.

Stop saying it’s our last
investigation together.

- It’s not possible. It can't be our last.
- It is.

So, I wanted to tell you

that even if our collaboration put me
in difficult situations to handle

like now,
and unexpected events, like now,

it also taught me a lot.

No, it’s you Astrid who
taught me a lot.

And I’m not only talking from
a criminalistic point of view.

- Stop talking.
- It's true!

No, stop talking. There’s an alarming noise.
He enters. He’s entering.

Shit, shit, shit. Astrid-

- Do you hear what I’m saying?
- Stop, please.

- Can you let go of me now?
- No, Madam.

This is ridiculous! Let go of me,
you’re hurting me!

Commander, do you realize this police custody
will unleash all hell on you?

You’re not in custody.

I just wanted to talk to you, Hélèna.
But you’re free to go if you want to.

Who’s the father of the child
you’re bearing?

What’s this question?
It’s my partner’s.

- I don’t think so.
- Sorry?

- Olivier Sinclair can’t have children.
- What are you saying?

He can't have children because he had
a vasectomy years ago.

- Didn’t he tell you?
- That’s impossible.

We’ve been trying for years.

You have been trying for years.

But he lied to you.

However, it’s true.

He has two kids from a first marriage
so we can understand.

That’s bullshit.

You’ll talk to him about that.

I bet you already talked
about IVF together,

and every time he brushed it aside,
am I right?

It would be awkward to make him
pass a fertility test.

In his situation-

Listen, stop.
Prof. Ardan’s death is a matter of State.

And yes, I tried to steal his notebook
because it is proof

that Global Plan is a reality.

And that’s why he was m*rder*d,
you know it damn well.


this notebook proves nothing.

That’s what Olivier Sinclair
made you believe.

I think he k*lled your child’s real father

because he couldn’t bear
that you had found solace

in the arms of a brilliant man
like Michel Ardan

when your relationship
was hanging by a thread.

It’s not possible.

It is.

It was just a fling, nothing real.

Free Hélèna Campbell.

Here we are.

It’s over.

When I first saw you,
I immediately understood:

in your duo, Hèlèna is the store window.

But you’re the storyteller.

The true genius of fiction, it’s you.

I don’t know what you're saying.
We’re not doing fiction here.

We’re bringing the truth to light.

Hélèna is the one who’s got a
problem with the truth.

- What did she tell you?
- When you lied?

When you promised her
to give her a child

when you knew it wouldn’t be possible?

She didn’t take it very well,
I won’t deny it.

You’re babbling nonsense.

You had a vasectomy years ago.

She also told us that your mother
had a safe at the BEV,

and that she gave you proxy.

This safe was raided by the criminal police
in strict observance of the criminal law.

The entirety of Prof. Ardan’s stuff stolen
on the crime scene were there.



What story will you tell me this time?

I’m gonna tell you
the hardest one to believe.

I’m gonna tell you the truth.

That’s how he framed Ardan?

By offering to record an interview
to refute his involvement in Global Plan.

Ardan made an appointment at
the Observatory Dome without caution.

And at the moment he least expected it,

Sinclair threw sodium carbonate on him
and electrocuted him with a taser.

- million volts?
- He had links to former Russian soldiers.

Though, there’s something I don’t get.

You gotta be crazy to leak the document
on the military w*apon yourself, no?

No, he knows how
the mechanism of lies works.

On the net, fake news have % more chances
to be shared than true information.

So, how’s it going with Raph?

What, with Raph?
Stop it Nico! It’s been-

- Well, I moved on.
- Just like that? Without talking to her about it?

Without knowing if she likes you or not?

she doesn’t have feelings for me.

- Prefect.
- Commissioner.



While some tension still remains,
the situation calmed down.

The Prime Minister would like to
congratulate Commander Coste in person.

I'd have never made it
without Astrid Nielsen's help.

I know. That’s why I’m here.

[Translation in description]

Astrid! Look.

It’s a dispensation for you to continue
your mission at the criminal police.

It’s signed in person by the Prime Minister,
can you imagine?

On the sine qua non condition
that Mrs. Astrid NIELSEN

passes the Criminal Police Officer Exam
before the end of the year.

That’s easy.

- Do you want us to look at the evaluations?
- Yes.

There! The police officer evaluations.

Solve a practical case
based on a documentary file.

Well that’s easy, it’s already won.

MCQ on the functioning of national police.

Written evaluation
on criminal procedures knowledge.


- It’s a figurative expression.
- Yes, of course.


You’re telling me about the evaluations
to enter the police officer school.

What about the evaluations to exit?

The one I will have to pass to become
a criminal police officer?

- Wait, I’m looking.
- Yes.

- There.
- There.

Individual situational oral exercise
on a practical case in front of a jury.

Circuit to evaluate the stress…

Circuit to evaluate the candidate’s
stress management,

placed in an unexpected situation
with parasite noise…

With parasite noise.

You're capable, Astrid.

- Yes.
- No. Not the parasite noise.

Everything is gonna be alright.


Do you want to learn
how to play Solitaire?

Oh, you know I suck at games
like that.


A ball, a hole, we jump, we remove.

- A ball?
- Yes.

- A hole?
- No.