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02x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/18/23 11:05
by bunniefuu
This was no act of temporary insanity.

Two men from the same family.

Within 24 hours.

It can't be a coincidence.

You haven't changed.

It's the country life.

It keeps you young.

I had been walking around for about an hour.

Then suddenly I felt someone coming.

-Did you say something? Are you nuts? No, I just ran like crazy.

What happened? - His dad is dead.

I couldn't just let him hang there, like some piece of meat.

s*ab wound to the forehead.

He was dead when he was hung up and figure-eight knot used to tie the rope, What instrument was used? - Some kind of spoke or a pin.

A bolt p*stol.

It's obvious who did this.

- You mean Torfi and Skuli? They've been at Finnur's throat for years.

Are you going to k*ll me? ICELAND UNDER SIEGE We need to find them.

Skuli! Skuli! I k*lled Finnur Grimsson.

So Finnur knew it was you who was slitting his throat.


Is Torfi taking the blame to protect his brother? Rescue squad, remember you are not supposed to go near him.

The police will take care of that.

- You have to follow her until then.

It was "Traitor - you will pay".

TRAITOR YOU WILL PAY There is feces from a horse here.

It's still warm.

And hoofmarks over here.

- Alright.

Hey! Hey, stop! Are you alright? - Yes.

I'm alright.

- Tumi.



Tumi Tumi Tumi.


TRAITOR YOU WILL PAY What's going on? That's what met me when I came home last night.

-Christ! Is it the racists? Hammer of Thor? Most likely.

I'll paint over it before anyone sees it.

Why don't you call the police? - That's exactly what they want.

The press will catch wind of it and I won't give them the pleasure.

Isn't the Aluminium Company guy coming tomorrow? Yes, we'll raise a flag and sign the deal.

Won't you be there? - You bet.

You will come to our lunch meeting, won't you? Yes, see you there.


Any washing for you, dear? - Yes, it's in the laundry.


Thorhildur! What? We have to talk.

I'm worried about you.

So, you're drinking coffee now? - Is that also forbidden? This boy - His name is Aron.

Aron he is He's two years older than you.

Is that what this is all about? That I have a boyfriend? Thorhildur! Thorhildur! Thorhildur! They couldn't save the poor dog.

Skuli is obviously threatening and that's why the police are armed now.

They're bringing in the SWAT team.

How is your daughter doing? I don't know.

She's too smart for me.

Talk later.

- Right.


- Hello.

Can I ask you a few questions? I'm actually on my way out.

- This will only take a minute.

Well, come in.

The Hammer of Thor.

Is that the movement? Yes, did you talk about ut at all? It did come up at some point.

But Dad and I disagreed on most things so It wasn't discussed much.

I just don't understand how he could have done this.

Do you know any other people who could be members? No.

What about the brothers? Are you in contact with them? Torfi and Skuli.

No, I haven't been around those idiots since I was a kid.

How was the relationship between your dad and Finnur? They didn't talk much.

Finnur was just married to his sister.

What about you and Finnur? Not much contact.

- But you worked together.


He was mainly overseeing the foreign workers.

Damn! Isn't your friend coming out? I'd actually like to talk to him.


He wasn't really nice to them.

- How so? He was just a bully.

They're kept like prisoners at the plant.

Your father was one of the protesters.

Did you know that? Like I said, my dad and I disagreed on most things.



She's here now.


Have you ordered? No, we were waiting for you.

Any news on Halla? Nothing new.

Fortunately, she seems to be out of danger.

Thank god for that.

That's good news.

Are you sure you don't want to tell the police about your garage? Yes, I am very sure.

It's more likely that it were the same person that m*rder*d what's his name.

Gisli and Halla's brother in-law.


- I wouldn't know.

Is this about American Aluminium? Kolbrun, I can deal with it.

You're afraid they will back out.

- I am not afraid of anything.

But I am in charge.

It's me he mayor, not you.


It could be convenient for you if the deal went sour.

Right? Could be useful for you in the next election.

Should we continue our meeting? Yes.

Have you charged the men you're detaining? Hi.

Any news? The Minister is out of quarantine.

Trausti will inform us if she says something.

What about the fugitive in the mountains? No, but his brother accuses us of violating his human rights for not allowing him to go out to smoke.

You must be worried about your brother.

You're very close, aren't you? How did you get involved with this Hammer of Thor crap? Did you find it online? Were you a founding member? Can I just smoke in peace? I mean You're not serious about this.

It sounds like a bad joke to me.

Not after today.

- What do you mean? What happens today? - Nothing.

What happens today, Torfi? - What's going on? Shouldn't you be talking under more formal circumstances? This is Jorundur, Torfi's lawyer.

Hi, Torfi.

He blurted it out.

We have to find out what he meant.

We'll do it gently.

There's no chance he k*lled Finnur.

No, he's probably covering for his brother.


I have the preliminary results from the DNA and fingerprint test.

Finnur's blood and the brothers' fingerprints are on the bolt p*stol.

Also Torfi's? - Yes.

It looks like we have the m*rder w*apon.

Your fingerprints are on the p*stol.

And your brother's.


Of course they are.

This is our bolt p*stol.

And Finnur's blood.

This is the m*rder w*apon.

Found in the garbage by Finnur's farm.

Torfi has no more to say and former quotes are retracted.

Maybe he wants to explain his words from earlier today.

What's about to happen, Torfi? - No, he's not doing that.

It's irrelevant.

Torfi Torfi What are you saying? Is he pleading innocent now? We have to close the case as soon as possible.

You found the m*rder w*apon and fingerprints Any other clues? Torfi insinuated that something was under way.

-What? I don't know.

We should take it seriously.

I have a feeling that it concerns the plant.

What would that be? Possibly terrorism, Hammer of Thor has vandalised it before.

I just hope they are not targeting the foreign workers.

They're racists.

I think we should raise the alert and send the SWAT team.

There's a team on the way, they should be there soon.

I could send another one.

So you're sure it's that serious? Serious things have been happening.

And a suspect, connected to the movement, is on the run.

I'll see what I can do.



- Yes.

We're going to the plant.

- Alright.

Hinrika, can you take Ketill home? - Yes.

We have to find out what Hammer of Thor is planning.

Any news from the search team, Tryggvi? No, I called them ten minutes ago.

Let me know if you hear something.

We have to find that boy.


Hi, Bardur.

- Hi.


In here.

What are the rescue squads doing in the mountains? Has anyone been charged with the m*rder of Finnur? What? What's going on? I'm in the middle of a m*rder investigation.

-I know that.

I have no time for this now.

- When will you have time? Not when I have the office full of policemen from Reykjavik.

So I embarrass you? When you take part in a protest with men who pile up dead sheep in front of the town hall then yes, I'm embarrassed.

I must be allowed my opinions.

This aluminium smelter will be an ecological disaster.

-Jesus! You come to my workplace without any consideration for me.

You could answer the phone.

- I am the police chief! Don't you realise you stink like a weed factory.

I'll call you when I can.

See yourself out.

You're free to go.

I'll take you home.

What about my boy? - We're keeping him.

Has he been charged with anything? It's being processed.

Well, good morning.

Damn! I'll start by saying this is outrageous.

Has your son been charged? - I have no idea.

But the police has driven my other son into the mountains.

God knows he could be dead from exposure.

This is all about politics.

My sons and I are opposed to the aluminium smelter the town council wants.

That's why I've been in the slammer for two nights.

And now they want to accuse my sons of m*rder.

The township is going to lie down for a foreign heavy industry like a common whore.

It's a disgrace! Ketill.


What happens now? Ketill was jailed because he assaulted a police officer.

Alright, I'll take the helicopter and scan the area Then I'll report to all search teams if we spot him.

The thermal camera should detect him if he is hiding somewhere.

There aren't many places for him to hide.

Ready? Let's go.

Skuli att*cked the rescue squad.

k*lled a dog.

He's armed with a knife.

They've called out the SWAT team.

Torfi told us Hammer of Thor is planning something.

You must tell me what's happening today.

I don't know.

I just know that my sons are not murderers.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Good morning.

- Morning.

These are your sheep.

I think they're all there.

Thank you.

What does the police want with the boys? Skuli is lost in the mountains.

I have to go search for him.

Will you come with me? - No.

I won't come near this.

But you go.

I'll take care of your sheep.

You're alone? - Yes.

What's up? This is the Mayor's house this morning.

Wasn't the police notified? - She didn't want to.

I barely got the photo before she covered it.

Can you send me the photo? Was the clash between the brothers and Finnur serious? There's always some disagreement in the area.

The brawl in the square had nothing to do with Finnur.

No, he was just supporting Olafur, who was the angry one.

What can you tell me about Hammer of Thor? Nothing much.

The brothers sometimes mention it when we're drinking.

What do they say? - They once gave me a pamphlet.

Oh? -I only read a page or so.

Do you have it? - No, I threw it away.

Did you meet others in the group? -No.

Did they mention any others? - No.

You don't owe those idiots anything, son.

-I know.

If you know something, tell her.

There's a girl.

Torfi and Skuli constantly talk about her when they're drunk.

Linked to the Hammer of Thor? - Seems like she controls it all.

Did they mention her name? - No, I don't know the name.


I'll see you then.

The SWAT team is here and have started searching.


These are photos I took after the first protest.

So there are no surveillance cameras in the area? No.

- Why not? A different company and probably because nobody gives a shit.

Maybe you should talk to Pawel.

- Pawel? Is he around? - Yes, follow me.


Is this Pawel high ranking? He doesn't have an official title but he seems to be the leader of the foreign workers that work long hours for a shitty pay.


New Iceland.


- Hi Hi, so you work here as well? Yes, I have a small company that oversees waste disposal.

His mother got him the job.

Right, you should cuff this one, keep him under control.

Will do.

- Take care.

Let's meet the guy.

How are you? Are you in pain? I get morphine.

Is everything ready for the signing tomorrow? -Yes.

Who goes in my place? - I do.

Aren't you busy enough? - Don't worry.

Concentrate on getting better.

There's something over there.

Attention, there is a horse wandering around.

Could be Skuli's horse.

I'll send you the coordinates.

He can't be far away.

Let's do it here.

We see that the graffiti, presumably by by Hammer of Thor, has been covered.

The reason for this vandalism is not yet known.

And we have not been able to reach the Mayor Are you joking Okay, we'll start again.

Have you been inside? - No, I waited for you.

How long has he been gone? He took off on his quad bike as soon as we arrived.

Was nothing found on his computer? Mostly porn, I'm told.

Why 88? - I don't know.

The boy said there was a woman leading the group.

Of Hammer of Thor? - Yes.


- Hi, Andri.

We can't raise the alert and notify the press.

Why not? - The signing in the town hall.

The Prime is going up north to meet reps from the aluminium company.

Very sensitive stuff.

A formal declaration.

When do they arrive? - In the morning.

Send as many as possible.

Will do.

- Thanks.

Some declaration.

That's what Torfi meant.

They're planning something today in connection with the signing tomorrow, at the town hall.

With the Prime Minister.

Would it k*ll you to reply to a text? Sorry.


I was worried about you.

- I'm sorry.

What is it? It's all people talk about.

Our dads on the cover.

This looks good.



- Hello.

Can I ask you a question? - Regarding? Hafdis, someone sprayed your house last night with "Traitor you will pay" Do you take it as a threat? Do you feel like your life is in danger?" Where did you get this information? - Do you know who did this? Was it Hammer of Thor? - No comment.

Why didn't you notify the police? OK.

Let's have a little talk.

So when will the reinforcement be here? Tomorrow morning.

What do you think they'll do? Will they be planting a b*mb? It's hard to say.

They're unpredictable.

Skuli! Skuli! Skuli! Skuli! Skuli, my boy.

Where are you? Have you looked around? Yes, but we're waiting for the expl*sive unit.

When are they due? - In about an hour.

Wait here.

Hinrika That's Arons car.

Let's ask him about the brothers.


Aron, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Have you found Skuli? - Not yet.

How well do you know the brothers? Very little.

Torfi worked shifts here sometimes.

And Skuli? - He's an idiot.

Why do you say that? Once time I was here with Vikingur.

Skuli arrived totally pissed and began pestering us.

Vikingur is gay so you can imagine the insults.

Vikingur just ignored him but it irritated me.

I shouted back at Skuli that he fancied Vikingur and wanted to shag him.

What did Skuli do? - He jumped at me.

Torfi had to drag him off me foaming at the mouth.

It's always like that.

Did you see Torfi with someone when he worked here? Apart from Skuli.

- No.

Did he have a girlfriend? - Not that I know.

He didn't hang out with anyone? - No, he was mostly on the computer.

What computer? Over there.

Can we look at the computer? - Sure.



We found the susbect.

Hands up in the air.

Hands up in the air! Are you armed? Many people have opened their e-mail in this computer.

The question is which account to concentrate on.


Isn't that something? You know what 88 means? - No.

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

88 is HH, Heil Hitler.

Let's try, Heil88.

No, not that What about "HeilHitler".


Well done.

- The inbox is empty.

Not the drafts folder.

This is old school.

You write an e-mail but never send it.

Those who have access to the account can read the mail.

What's this? - Seems like a diary? It is a diary.

Monday work, morning meeting.

Tuesday work, home for lunch.

Friday, gym at seven.

Sunday, gym at nine.

Haircut HS at 18:30.

- What's HS? It also says "Meeting at noon.

" It's Sunday today? Guys Skuli's found.

Alive? -Yes.

He is very sick, the ambulance is on its way.

Vikingur! You just sneak out the back door.

I'd had enough for tonight.

I understand.

You know you have friends here who love you.


Hang on.

Hello? Vikingur? - Yes.

This is your aunt Halla.

I just wanted to hear from you, how you are and tell you I'm sorry about your dad.

Wasn't it alright for me to call? Yes.

How are you feeling? - I'm good.

I'm just trying to grasp what happened.

Me too.

I want to go up north for the funeral.


See you there.

Who was that? - Halla.

Your aunt? She wants to attend Dad's funeral.

I see.

They're taking him to the ambulance.

He's seriously ill.

Foaming at the mouth.

We have to send him to Reykjavik immediately.

It's best that I follow them and try to get him to talk.

Thanks for taking me in so late.

- No problem, darling.

A big day tomorrow? - It sure is.

Aren't you stressed out? - No, it's part of the job.

Crazy times.

Do you know this minister, Halla Thoris? -Sure.

It looks like she's going to make it.

-Thank God.

the Mayor of Siglufjordur when she got home last night.

Do you want me to turn this off? No, I have to see how bad it is.

No one has been charged with the crime.

One man is in custody.

Good evening, CCTV footage from What are you planning? Has it something to do with the signing tommorrow? Your brother's been found.

He's seriously ill.

Sonofodinn88, Torfi? You're too late.


What is going to happen? You have to see this, Andri.

Let's not take things out of proportion.

Neo-Nazis leave a death threat on your garage door and you simply brush it off.

I refuse to be intimidated by this nonsense.

This kind of behaviour only shows these people's misery.

It doesn't affect me.

Many questions are still unanswered Where is this filmed? - In the town hall.

When exactly? The m*rder of Finnur Grimsson is still being investigated.


-Hi, Hafdis.

This is Andri Olafsson, from the police.

Where are you? - I presume you saw the news and I should have talked to you.

- Never mind.

Where are you? I was at the hair salon having a hair cut.

I'm on my way home.

The salon? Where exactly? Was it HS? I'll have to talk to you later.



What the hell is going on? Damn! Hello? Do you know where she lives? Let's go.

Are you alright? Try again.


There, turn around.
