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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/18/23 11:03
by bunniefuu
[Andri] We need reinforcement up north
to look for a suspect in the mountains.

[rescue leader] Remember,
you're not supposed to go near him.

We leave it to the police.

[Hinrika] Two men from the same family.
Within hours.

It can't be a coincidence.

[Hinrika] What can you tell me
about Hammer of Thor?

[Ellidi] There's a girl.

Torfi and Skúli constantly talk
about her when they're drunk.

She's supposed to be in charge.

[Skúli on phone]
The police arrested Torfi.

[woman] Okay,
but did you decide on a slogan?

Yes. "Traitor, you will pay."

- [Lovísa] Wasn't the police notified?
- [Kolbrun] She didn't want that.

I barely got the photo
before she covered it.

Can you send me this photo?

Your fingerprints are on this p*stol,
and your brother's and Finnur's blood.

- Hey, stop!
- [dog barking]

Skúli att*cked the rescue squad.
k*lled a dog.

He's armed with a knife.

- Tumi.
- [dog whines]

- [Andri] What's this?
- It looks like a diary.

Gym at : a.m. Haircut HS at :.

What's HS?

[SWAT member]
The suspect has been found!

Show me your hands.

He's seriously ill, foaming at the mouth.

We have to send him
to Reykjavik immediately.

You've been following someone.
What are you guys up to?

You're too late.

[phone rings]

- Hello.
- [Andri on phone] Where are you?

[Hafdís] I'll have to talk to you later.


[Hafdís screaming]

[sirens wailing]

Temperature of degrees Celsius,
low in pressure.

[running footsteps]

- [doctor] Saturation?
- [EMT] Eighty-four with mask.

[door closes]

[indistinct chatter]


[police radio chatter]

[phone chiming]


[Hinrika] Hi. He's in intensive care
here in Reykjavik.

He's still unconscious.

[Andri] Will he make it?

It's really critical.

- I'm not sure when we can interrogate him.
- Right.

Your brother is in the hospital
in critical condition.

Tell me where they took Hafdís.

You realize that if something
happens to her,

you and your brother will also be charged.

How is that?

Isn't my lawyer supposed to be here?

[theme music playing]

[seagulls screeching]

I'm not sure
what the Americans want to do,

but I doubt we'll go up north today
to sign a formal declaration.

Let's not make any rash decisions.

We've sent most of the SWAT team up north,

but some remain here
in case you're threatened.

What? Why would I be threatened?

Some say that this may have
something to do with the signing.

[seagulls screeching]

- We found Hafdís's car here.
- And we've covered all this area.

They are organized and seem to have been
tracking her for a while.

We are almost certain
that some of them are locals,

and since nothing
came out of the roadblocks,

we assume that she is held
somewhere on a nearby farm.

Ásgeir, you went through her schedule.
Where was she before she was taken?

It says, "Hairdresser HS,"

which is most likely "Hair Salon Sif,"
next the supermarket.

Ásgeir and I will check it out.

I know it has been a long night,

but we have to check every barn,
stable and farm.

All remote places.

[chickens clucking]

[girl] I bet she's dead.

[boy] They're probably
going to set fire to her.

[girl] Maybe it's just money they want.

I'm sure they just want money,
and then they'll let her go.

It will probably turn out all right.


I see your friend has arrived.

My class is about to start.
You can chat for a bit.

- Hi. Want to ditch school?
- Hi.


Willing he followed his father's word,
though all opposing should thwart my rede.

[Hinrika] The Sonatorrek.

The old poem by Egill Skallagrímsson.


Do you have children?


I can honestly say

I never thought I would see the day

when one of my sons was sitting in jail,
accused of m*rder,

and the other one in a hospital,
fighting for his life.

You have had the duties of both parents.

No one should have to go through that.

To become a widower with two young boys.

I always thought I was a good father.

Skúli looked up to me.

In his eyes I was godlike.

He needed that kind of upbringing.

Strong guidance.

[Ketill exhales]

Do you believe he k*lled Finnur?

[phone chiming]


[rain pattering]

[Andri] Is it common
that it's closed on a weekday?

- [doorknob turns]
- Not unless it's only open after lunch.

[Andri] Is this CCTV camera one of ours?

No. It's the grocery store's over there.

Let's check it out.

- [Ásgeir] Hello.
- [Andri] Hello.

- Is the manager around?
- Yes, I'll call him for you.


Sigfus, you're wanted at the counter.

[Sigfus] Yes, I'm coming.

- How do you do?
- [Ásgeir] Hello.

- We wanted to check out your CCTV footage.
- Okay.

[Andri] It concerns an investigation.

- [Ásgeir] Can we look at your computer?
- Sure, it's in the back.

Follow me.

Excuse the mess. I was knitting.

[stutters] I'll be out there
if you need me.

[Andri] Thank you.

- Do you know how this works?
- Let's see.

[mouse clicks]

- This is October th.
- [mouse clicks]

Between : and :.

- [mouse clicks]
- There.


- [Ásgeir] There she is.
- That's her.

- [Andri] The time is :.
- Yes.

Just a few minutes before I spoke to her.

[Ásgeir] Exactly.

- Stop it there.
- [mouse clicks]

- Can you enlarge this?
- [mouse clicking]

Zoom in on the window.

- Is this the hairdresser?
- Hanna Stina.

[Andri] Hanna Stina. HS.

- Why is she watching her leave?
- Maybe just pleased with the haircut.

Just saying.

- Make a copy.
- Yes.

[breathing heavily]

[water trickling]



What do you want from me?

[man ] Read this loud and clear
for the camera.

And if I don't?

[man ] Just read what it says
and then we'll let you go.

[man ] It's rolling. Read it.

It says that you'll k*ll me

if the government doesn't do
as you demand.

Are you for real?

If it's attention you're looking for,
then you have succeeded.

If you're going to thr*aten to execute me,

then you're destroying your lives.

- [sighs] It's not too late to back down.
- [man ] Read what is written.

[Hafdís] Just think about it.

The government will never give in
to those demands.

This will never work.

[man ] Read the text on the f*cking sign!



Can I at least wash my face?

[bucket clangs]



[seagulls screeching]

[Aron] I heard you had been busted
stealing a computer.

Is that what people are talking about?

No, just gossip I heard at the joint.

Okay, at least I'm not stealing cars.


The whole town knows about that.

In the end, Dad had to buy me a car
so that I would stop.

He was royally ashamed of his son,
the loser.

- Did he really say that?
- He didn't have to.

It was obvious.

I know the feeling, too.

When my dad heard
Mom found a computer in my drawer,

he went ballistic.


It was clear
he was mortally ashamed of me.

The policeman whose daughter
was a thief. [chuckles]

[phone buzzes]

[busy signal beeping]

It's beautiful out here.

You can almost forget for a moment
what a sh*thole this is.

[camera shutter clicking]

Is this her son?

- Yes, I think so.
- [camera shutter clicking]

He stayed behind in Reykjavik
when she moved up here.

He just finished his A levels.

- No husband?
- Not yet anyway.

There's really not much action
in this place.

- Hi.
- [Lovísa] Hi.

- Thank you for meeting with me.
- No problem.

I knew that Hammer of Thor had planned
the front pages, and they've succeeded.

How did you find out about the vandalism?
Did she contact you?

I can't give up my sources.

But I have something
you might be interested in.

What is this Hammer of Thor?

Have you been watching them?

Are we looking
at some Anders Breivik types?

I don't make deals with the press.

Here. It's this video.

We didn't notice the car
until we started filming.

- It must have been there for some time.
- [background chatter]

Then it raced off
when we turned on the camera.

It could be a coincidence, of course.

Check out the license plate.

[Andri] The license plate
has been covered.

[Lovísa] Exactly.

- I need a copy.
- Yes, no problem.

Thanks. Thanks for your help.

[sirens wailing]

Good morning.

[knocks on door]

[door opens, closes]

[heart monitor beeping]

[Hinrika] Hello, Halla.

I'm Hinrika,
the Chief of Police in Siglufjordur.

Yes, hello.

Have you found Hafdís?

Not yet, I'm afraid.

She's an old friend.

We'll find her.

How are you doing?


My body is in bad shape.

Luckily, my face wasn't badly burned.

I've never been particularly vain,
but you can just imagine.

Have the men who took Hafdís
made any demands?


I don't understand.

It seems it was, like your brother Gísli,
a member of this group.

Hammer of Thor?

I find that hard to believe,

but these people know
how to exploit people's weaknesses.

Do you mean that he was their victim?

I don't know.

We hadn't been in touch for many years.

After the attack, you said to my colleague

that Gísli always felt
you owed him something.

- Did I say that?
- Yes.

What did you mean by that?

I don't know.

So, you didn't mean anything specific?

No, I guess not.


Sorry, but I must get some rest.


[door opens, closes]

[doctor] We're just waiting
for the blood tests. It won't take long.

- What's new?
- He's awake but very ill.


- It's not only hypothermia.
- We're waiting for the blood tests.

There's something in his gut,
and we don't know what it is.

No idea?

[sighs] Possibly some kind of poisoning.

It's too soon to tell.
We'll have to wait for the test results.

- Can I talk to him?
- No.

He's in no condition
to talk to the police.

His father can sit with him.


I'll talk to him.

"My name is Hafdís Magnusdottir.

I'm the Mayor of Siglufjordur.

I was arrested yesterday by patriots

who want to appeal
to the people through me.

Remember their name:

Hammer of Thor.

They will k*ll me
if that's what it takes...

[shuddering breath]
because I'm the enemy.

A traitor.

[indistinct chatter]

[in English] Why is he looking at you?

- Nuka?
- He keeps looking at you.

You know the one I mean.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[in English] What's going on?

We need to be more discrete.

My brother-in-law
is starting to ask questions, and...

you know what will happen to me
if they find out about us back home.


Yeah, I know, but...

maybe you don't have to go back home.

You know I have a wife and a child.

You know this.


Yeah, I know.

- [in Icelandic] Hello, there.
- Hello, Trausti.

- Hi, guys.
- Hello.

We're watching CCTV footage
right before Hafdís was kidnapped.

Here she is coming out
from the hairdresser's.

- Who is this?
- Hanna Stina, the hairdresser.

Stop! Go back to that jeep.

This jeep was seen
outside Hafdís's house yesterday.

[mouse clicking]

[Ásgeir] Hey, I know this jeep.

I pulled him over the other day.
What's his name again?

A paranoid guy. I'm looking him up.

Tomas Gunnarsson.

I know you feel you're betraying
your friends by talking to me.

We have a video of Tomas following
Hafdís just before she went missing.

I refuse to believe you want
Hafdís to be harmed.

Tell me where she is before it's too late.

Torfi! Is Tomas Gunnarsson
a member of Hammer of Thor?

- [chattering on video]
- Andri, guys.

- A video of Hafdís has gone viral.
- Is she all right?

I was arrested yesterday by patriots

who want to appeal
to the people through me.

- Let's go!
- Remember their name...

Ásgeir, we have to find Tomas Gunnarsson.

...Hammer of Thor.

- [Andri] Do you mean he was poisoned?
- [Hinrika] Not necessarily.

We'll have to wait for the test results.

He's conscious,
but I'm not allowed near him.

[TV anchor] We just received a video
from Hammer of Thor.

We are going to air it but warn viewers
about its graphic content.

Hammer of Thor demands

that all contracts
with foreign conglomerates,

especially those owned by Muslims,
will be terminated.

- Jesus. I'm watching this video.
- Yes.

It was all about the signing
of the declaration, just as we thought.

[sirens wailing]

[Hafdís on TV] All countries
go through periods like this.

All countries have had to wage a w*r
for independence.

That's what makes a country a nation.

Today we meant to sign
a formal declaration

with American Aluminum.

I hereby cancel that signing.

No such documents will be signed today
or any other day.

I will be k*lled if the government
doesn't doesn't follow those instructions.

[man] Look.

Our main goal

is to get this message out to people...

so they'll wake up and realize
how serious this is.

People are sleepwalking, you know.

- We're not going to...
- [woman] Shut up!

Hanna Stina?

What have you gotten
yourself into, my boy?

- [heart monitor beeping]
- [oxygen hissing]

Did you k*ll Finnur Grímsson?

What's this nonsense with the mayor?

Are you and Torfi mixed up in this?


What were you thinking?

Damn, this was your idea!
Why did you talk?

Are you joking?

To stop the bullshit
coming out of your mouth.

We have a plan.
What for if we don't follow it?

The plan was to have her
read the text, and she did.

Hanna Stina, now she knows who you are.

Don't you f*cking see how stupid this is?

Did you really think
this would be so easy?

- Yes.
- Really?

This would be easy
if we had followed the plan!

[Markus] Shut up!

- [SWAT member] Armed police!
- [people screaming]

- Armed police!
- On the floor.

[children crying]

- [SWAT member] Kitchen clear.
- [gasps]

- [woman] What's going on?
- [SWAT member] Hallway clear.

The entrance.


[woman] You can't just barge in here.
This is a daycare, you know.

- Get the hell out...
- Hi, there.

- The jeep isn't here.
- Let's wait a bit.

[SWAT member] The house is clear.
We've secured the premises.

The suspect is not on site.

Are you sure it's safe?

[children crying]

[children crying]

- What's going on?
- Excuse us.

- We're looking for Tomas Gunnarsson.
- Tomas?

He hasn't been here for months.
We broke up.

- Why did you barge in here?
- Do you know where he might be?

[scoffs] What has he done?

When I threw him out,
he was seeing this hairdresser whore.

- Hanna Stina?
- Yes.

Thank you.

[children continue crying]

[chickens clucking]

[phone buzzing]

[buzzing continues]

[children babbling on phone]

- What?
- [woman] Hi.

There was a police squad leaving,
SWAT and all.

The just barged in looking for you.

I told them you were probably
with that whore, Hanna Stina.

[prime minister] I wanted the police
to know our strategy.

We won't issue any statements
in line with their demands.

We postpone the signing
until this blows over.

[Heidrun] Yes, of course.

I assure you that we are doing
everything in our power,

and I'm convinced we will find Hafdís.

[seagulls screeching]


We're not supposed to be here.

Your dad will probably k*ll us. Come on.

Trausti. Trausti, the jeep isn't here.

You cannot go in there.
I can't guarantee your safety.

You must understand.

She's probably alone inside.

I'll go in alone.

Let me position the guys first.
Be careful.

- Should I wait here?
- Yes.

Okay, guys. Take your positions.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Are you Hanna Stina?
- Yes.

I'm Andri Ólafsson, with the police.

I'm looking for Tomas Gunnarsson.
Is he here?

No, he's not here.

- Do you know where he is?
- [stutters] Why are you looking for him?

Can we talk inside?

I dropped by the hair salon.
Not working today on a weekday?

One must take a day off once in a while.

- Would you like some coffee?
- No, thanks.

You know that the mayor has gone missing.

And you think Tomas is involved?

You were probably the last one to see her
before she was abducted


- Did he say anything?
- No.


- [heart monitor beeping]
- [oxygen hissing]


[Andri] I think you know where Hafdís is.

How would I know?

You know Hammer of Thor.

[Markus] She left us to deal with this.

She's just saving her own skin.

She knows who Hanna Stina is
and the police are talking to your ex.

They will trace this to me in no time.

I'm not going to go to f*cking jail.

We have to k*ll her.

[Tomas] We never talked
about k*lling anyone!

How did you think this would play out?

What can you tell me about Hafdís?

- [beeping quickens]
- [alarm beeping]


The plan was only to abduct her, right?

- You don't want her to die, do you?
- [door opens]

[doctor] I told you he was in no condition
for questioning.

There is a life on the line.

Don't you understand
that his condition is critical?


Ketill, Skúli knows where Hafdís is.

I know it.

I can understand you up to a point.

We live in a small country.
Already there are...

six times as many tourists
as the entire population.

It doesn't take much to lose control.

To end up as a minority
in our own country.

You look at what's happening in Europe.

Millions of immigrants
with their own culture,

their own language,

their own religion.

Why are you telling me this?

[Markus] You are f*cking idiots!

Skúli is semi-Ret*rded,

but I really thought
that you had more in you.

There is only one way out of this.

[Tomas] Hey! Hey, Markus!

You're going to die!

- No! No!
- [grunts]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [Hafdís screams]


[heart monitor beeping]


You can save a life.

You don't want this woman to die.

Torfi fully confessed
when he was arrested.

And why shouldn't he?
He thinks he's a hero.

He's proud of what he's done
and stands by it.

I can respect that.

But you, on the other hand,
sit there and play innocent...

terrified of me.

I have no reason to be scared of you.

But I can understand Torfi.

From his perspective, it's only
the beginning of something bigger.

If we look at what's happening
in other countries,

we see it in black and white.

But instead of learning from them,
we just open our arms.

Buy our nation, buy our country,
buy our industry.

Before you know it,
you're speaking English in your own home.

What are we going to do then?

If we become a minority,
we can't do anything.

Just sit and watch the ruins.

And won't even be able to speak
our own language

because nobody understands us
and no one f*cking cares!

I will never become the property
of some bloody foreigners.


How do you think you can change that?

By abducting a mayor in a small town,
in the middle of nowhere?

[phone chiming]



Call Ásgeir. Right.

Skúli has told us everything.

All about Ljosastadir, everything.

This is over.

It's over.

[panting] You have to get me
to a hospital.

- [Tomas] We never meant to sh**t you.
- [groans]



- [groans]
- [chicken clucking]

Tommy! The cops are here.
Where's the g*n?

- What do you want the g*n for?
- [both screaming]


[screaming continues]

- [Hafdís] Help! In here!
- [Markus] I'm not going back to jail.

[indistinct screaming]

[SWAT member] Drop the w*apon!
Drop the w*apon!

- [g*nsh*t]
- [men shouting]



Are you all right?


- I'm just glad that she's alive.
- Yes.

[goose honking]

Do you have any booze?

Come, there's some in the living room.

There's only red wine.

Don't you have anything stronger?

Yeah, I think I know
where Dad keeps his gin.

Hold on.


Look at this. [gasps]

I think they're Euros.

It's a fortune.

- Whose is it?
- Finders keepers.

[Heidrun] I can confirm
that the operation was successful.

Hafdís was saved.

She got shot in the leg,
but is recovering at the hospital.

We think we have fully uprooted
the Hammer of Thor group.

[seagulls screeching]

[indistinct chatter]

[phone chiming]


[Laufey] I haven't been able
to reach Thorhildur all day.

She didn't show up at school.


Why didn't you call sooner?

You were looking for Hafdís.
I didn't want to disturb you.

I'll ask her to call you
when she comes home.

- Okay.
- Yeah.


[line ringing]

[voicemail] This is Thorhildur.
Don't leave a message.

[phone beeps]

[Gudrun] Andri, you need to see this.


A clip from a party at Hanna Stina's
the night of Finnur's m*rder.

Finnur was k*lled between
: p.m. and : a.m.

This is filmed between
: p.m. and : a.m.

So the brothers have an alibi.

Which means the m*rder*r
tried to frame them.

And is still out there.

So we're back to square one.

[reporter] You must be pleased, Andri.
It all turned out well.


But one man got k*lled.
What can you tell us about that?

He was menacing and...
held the mayor at gunpoint.

I reacted before he did and...

shot him.

Was it... Was it necessary?

- I don't know.
- Yes, it was the only right thing to do.

[reporter ] The mayor was shot, too.
Is her life at risk?

No, she's recovering, fortunately.

What about the man you arrested
for the m*rder of Finnur Grímsson?

Any news of him or his brother
in intensive care in Reykjavik?

Torfi Ketilsson is now
in custody in Reykjavik,

and the brothers will be charged
with being involved in an abduction.

But they're not suspects anymore
in Finnur's m*rder.

[reporter ] So you're saying
you still haven't caught the k*ller?

- [sighs]
- I cannot comment on that at this point.

[reporter ] Don't you think there's
a connection between the two cases?


Thanks for stepping in.

They didn't sign the declaration today.

So, mission accomplished.

[sighs] Yes, so it seems.
For now, at least.










[phone buzzes]


[theme music playing]