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04x01 - Tracks

Posted: 01/18/23 10:49
by bunniefuu
'In the criminal justice system, ' 'the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups.

' 'The police who investigate crime' 'and the Crown Prosecutors who prosecute the offenders.

' 'These are their stories.

' Has Daddy's plane landed yet? Uh Not yet.

Is he staying for long? For a bit.

I wish he could stay for ever.

Me, too, sweetie.

Me, too.

Max, oh, I'm so sorry.

Be careful with that.

Pick it up.

I'm sorry.

'I can't confirm casualties.

'I will need all back-up in the local area.


' 'Mind your backs! Coming through!' Hello? Boys! Boys! Over here! Hello, mate.

Keep looking at me.

Just keep looking at me.

I need a paramedic and I need a paramedic now! Can you Can you tell me your name? Max.


Max, I'm Sam, right? Keep your eyes open.

Keep your eyes open.

The doctor's on his way, OK? I want my mummy.

I know.

I promise you, as soon as I can, I'll go and find your mum.

Just keep looking at me, alright, mate? Max.

I need a paramedic! I need a paramedic now! NOW! Max Come on, mate.

Come on, mate.

Come on! OK.

I got it.


It is carnage out there.

We've got hundreds injured.

12 dead.

No systolic.

Hello, hello, hello! Look at you, "Detective Inspector" Leyton! Heard you were covering for the Guv.

How you doing, Wes? I'm doing alright.

How are you, Ron? Shouldn't you be chasing patients round Dartmoor? Not much they couldn't do without me.

What have we got, sir? This is a County Trains commuter.

Gets into Waterloo about seven, absolutely packed to the rafters.

Take it that driver's a gonner? Strangely enough, wasn't even inside.

Yeah? Response ran the plates.

PNC'd them.

It's definitely a ringer.

And it has over 100 speeding tickets dating back six months.

How did he get the car on the tracks? Whoever was driving it crashed through an access gate half a mile back.

Somebody's got CCTV on it? Rail company will send it over soon as they collate it themselves.

You know the drill.

I need all the passengers ID'd and interviewed.

Already up and running.

Your partner gone wibble, has he? He looks a bit There was a young boy on the train.

He tried to save him.

Couldn't Make sure he attends debrief and gets some counselling.


Pint down the Red Lion after shift.

Double whisky chaser, no ice, and a packet of dry roasted! How's that for a memory? Lots to catch up on.


More than you know, Wes.

It was just on the tracks.

No signals, no warning? Nothing.

I slammed on the brakes the second I saw it, but it was too late.

I must have pushed it half a mile at least.

I thought I was never gonna see my kids again.

Well, you will, Mr King.

Don't worry.

We'll get you warm.

Get a cup of tea.

We need a statement from you when you're up to it, OK? Dave, do me a favour.

Take care of Mr King for me.


Thank you.


False plates.

Restricted area.

This is no accident, is it? He'd have to know about the gate, and the timetable.

What are you saying? Disgruntled employee, or what? You mean there's other jobs that suck? Pete, what have you got? Not much, I'm afraid.

But when we get this back to base, we can find the VIN, and see if he's left anything in it.

and you've You've got nothing.

Just drove right through, look.

Do we know who was minding the shop? Haleton Security.

They've got the contract with County Trains.

Uniform are on to it, and they've got a list of all their employees.

When he crashes through the gate, why doesn't it trigger the alarm? It did.

By the time they'd radioed the train, it was too late.

Why? Why the slow response? It happened bang on shift change at Haleton.

What, he crashed the train at 6:30 and collision with the train at 6:36? Yeah.

He's cutting it fine.

How did he know when to time it? Maybe you're right.

This could be an employee of the rail company or the security firm.

Or some train spotter.

Maybe he just did a bit of research beforehand.

Thing is, you can't tell who's in that truck from this, can you? That's cos the cameras are set up to catch trespassers climbing over the fence.

Not cars smashing through it! What time was the site secured? on his toes, then.

We've got CCTV footage checking it now.

See if he's escaped further down the line.

We've processed around 100.

Another 120 to go.

What about the ones that went to hospital? I've got officers talking to them, too.

So no-one saw anything suspicious? No-one on the train saw anything.

One minute they're cruising along like every other morning, the next If anything comes up, call us straightaway.

Excuse me.

Hello? Brooks.

We're up to 15 dead now.


That's great.

Thanks, Pete.

SOCO have found the VIN.

The car belonged to Michael Gennis.


Why does that ring a bell? Gennis put his wife in a coma, permanent brain damage.

He claimed self-defence.

Hung jury.

Three of them thought it reasonable he'd defend himself against a five-foot-two woman! Aren't CPS retrying the case? Yes, thanks to Alicia Phillips.

She pushed for the retrial.

She did an interview about the CPS having zero tolerance in cases of domestic v*olence.

She cited the retrial as an example.

Guess which train she takes every morning? She wasn't on the train? Thankfully, no.

She's been promoted and is now senior prosecutor CPS north-west.

But Gennis wouldn't know that.

What else do we know about him? Financial advisor, self-employed.

He beats the shit out of his previous wife and she gets scared, withdraws her statement.

She emigrated to get away from him.

What a catch Get a warrant.

Spin his address.

If I knew what you were looking for, darling, maybe I'd help you.

You can start by sitting down till we're ready to take you in.

I'm not going to sit down.

Why don't you tell me what this is about? It's about the 15 people who died when your car caused a train crash this morning.

What are you talking about? My car is outside, parked in its space, where I normally You've got to be kidding me.

Obviously it's been nicked.




Same train line.

Planning a trip? What?! Michael Gennis, I'm arresting you on suspicion of 15 counts of m*rder.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention Ow! .


anything you rely on in court.

I had a meeting booked in with a client down in Portsmouth.

I was going to take the train.


Can you provide us with the client's details? It was months ago.

He cancelled.

I must have just held onto the timetable.

Look, this is nothing to do with me.

My car was stolen.

But you didn't report it stolen.

I only found out this morning when you took my front door off, which you'd better be paying for.

When was the last time you saw your vehicle? Last night when I drove home, parked it and went inside.

How long have you been driving on false plates, Mr Gennis? Hmm.

Alright, yes.

I hold my hands up.

I'm a speed freak.

Blame it on Jeremy Clarkson! Well, 103 speeding tickets have just caught up with you.


You, uh You don't like playing by the rules, do you? Exceeding speeding limits, and beating up women.

I think you'll find the jury found me innocent.

They couldn't decide, which is a bit different.

But that was all about to change, wasn't it? I very much doubt it .

The new trial date set for next month must have made you angry.

Know what I think you did? I've a feeling you're going to tell me! You drove your car onto those tracks and watched that train hit it, k*lling 15 people.

What?! Wow! Is he on something, cos that's You wanted Alicia Phillips dead.

Alicia Phillips died in the crash? Right.

Well, every cloud, eh? No, she didn't.

Shall I tell you who did? Oh, here we go.

Oh, boy.

David Shelby died.


Catherine Parkfield, 38.

Mum of three.

Pregnant with a fourth.

Her unborn baby doesn't count in the death toll list.


And Max Dale.

He was seven years old.

He was on his way to meet his father, just back from a tour in Afghanistan.

You know, Gavin Dale will never see his son or his wife again! Because you k*lled them! What's the matter with you? Get out of here! He's meant to be a police officer! Get out now.

Get out! DS Casey, get in here.

What the hell was that? That bastard k*lled 15 people.

He could not give a toss! Don't EVER behave like that in an interview again.

Understand? Maybe DI Chandler let you play bad cop but I will not have officers undermining prosecutions with v*olence! Count yourself lucky he didn't want a brief today, otherwise you'd be suspended.

Get to your desk.

Now! Is he Guv? Yeah? SOCO's got two sets of dabs off the steering wheel.

One belonged to Gennis, but the other matched somebody else not on the system.

Maybe he lent the car to a mate.

We'd better identify those prints, otherwise Gennis's brief will only bring it up in court.

Say someone else did it.

Why don't we just ask him who was driving the car? Another thing, Guv.

It can't have been Gennis.

Unless he's got an invisibility cloak.

We've checked all the CCTV now.

Nobody went in or out of that crash site from the time the crash happened till we sealed off the site.


Well, if no-one's been seen going in and out of the site, then maybe the driver was still in it, hiding amongst the passengers.

Talk to Intel.

See if they've finished the background checks.


Um, Guv Yeah.

About Sam.

What about him? Well Yeah.


I'm trusting you, Ron.

Keep a tight leash on him.

Sam, I know you're hurting.

I know you've got that kid's face right here.

But if you can't hold it together Ronnie, look, I'm still here.

I was only in the job four weeks.

They put me on Response.

I was the first one on the scene - car crash.

OK? Three kids, all gone.

I couldn't sleep for three months, mate.

That was an accident.

This was deliberate.

You have got a boy of your own to think about now and a job you need to hang on to.

OK? And let me tell you.

This is going to get a whole lot worse.

You've got the inquest, you've got the trial.

All those grieving families wanting answers.

So, let's just get it right for them, eh? Eh? Yeah.

Come on.

Come on.

Hello, Kim.

Hi, Ronnie.

Anyone jump out at you? Apart from all the fake injuries hoping for a nice insurance settlement with County Trains! We've got seven between the ages of 16 and 65 with no ticket or who can't remember where they boarded .

Have you P and C'd them? No criminal records.


Thanks, love.


What do you reckon? Our man hung around to admire his handiwork, then got stuck when we closed the scene? Let's start with this one.

He lied about where he got on.

You told the police you boarded the train at Wimbledon.

It was Surbiton.

I stayed at a mate's house.

Why would you lie about that, sir? I was confused.

I had a bang to the head, didn't I? You couldn't have been that confused.

I mean, you're still at work, aren't you? If I don't work, I don't get paid.

You also showed the police an expired passport.

We're going to need to see a valid ID.

That's all I've got.

What about a driver's licence? I don't drive.

What? Not at all? I barely make enough money to pay my mum housekeeping.

How can I afford driving lessons? Cath, I am not asking to change my contact.

I'm not saying that.

All I'm asking is to What? You get him all week! You get him all week and I get Is she not happy? Most weekends, she dumps him with her mum.

She's off partying.

How's it going to hurt if I get him for a weekend? Had your counselling session yet? I'll get my therapy down the pub later.

Don't worry about that.


Right, then.

Here we are.

Number 131.

No valid train ticket.

This is Finn Tyler, 36, unemployed.

Cuts and bruises.

Treated at the scene.

Used his driver's licence as ID.

At least we know this one can drive! Hello, there.

Hi .

Detective Sergeant Brooks, Detective Sergeant Casey.

We'd like a word with Finn Tyler, please.

What's he done now? Is he hurt? Not badly.

He doesn't live here, then? We separated.

A month ago.

Can you tell us where he is? He lives in a bedsit round the corner.

I'll get you the address.


I like your drawings.

It's a triceratops.

It means three-horned face.

Really? You're very clever, aren't you? I'm going to be a palaeontologist when I grow up.

He looks a bit mean to me! He's going to keep me and Mummy safe.

In case Daddy goes funny again.

'Who is it?' Police.

'Just a minute.

' Finny Tyler? DS Brooks.

DS Casey.

The driver's licence you showed the officer at the scene had your wife's address on it.

The separation's only temporary till I get myself back on my feet.

Still, might be best to let the DVLA know your details, yeah? We need to see that licence.

That's my little girl, Ellie.

Bridesmaid at my brother's wedding.

Yeah? That must be tough, being away from her.

Your arm's bleeding.

Did you get that in the crash? Flying glass.


Have you got any spare dressings? We don't just do CPR, you know.

I reckon I can bandage a cut.

Over there.

Take a seat.

I'll have a look at it.

Pop your top off.

This isn't from flying glass, is it, Finn? It is.

It is! It's too clean, Finn.

It's too clean.

That was done by a blade.

How long have you been cutting yourself? How long? It started when I was a kid.

But I stopped when I met Amanda.

She made everything right.

When little Ellie came into our lives, I thought I was healed.

And why did it start again? When I lost them, it all went dark.

It stops when I cut.

For a while, it all stops.

Well, you know what, Finn? I don't think you got this cut in the crash at all.

I think this was done to make it look like it was hurt in the crash.

Am I right? Something make it "go dark" again? I never meant to k*ll anyone! But you did, Finn, didn't you? You k*lled 15 people.

I meant to k*ll one.

It was supposed to be me! We were convinced Gennis was guilty.

It was his car, he had a motive.

But Finn Tyler's DNA is all over that vehicle.

And his confession is water-tight, as you see.

Do you really think Tyler intended to k*ll himself? Why? Does it make a difference? It might influence how we charge him.

Why? You've got his DNA in the vehicle.

His fingerprints are on the steering wheel, and there's a signed, taped confession.

Without a solicitor present.

He didn't want one.

He was seen by a mental health professional? Yeah.

The FME.

He was confident He was confident Tyler was fit for interview.

I'd like to see it.

It's by the book, Jake.

I sincerely hope you're going to charge him with and 120 counts of attempted m*rder.

Cos I was at that scene, and I saw what he did to those people.

It was unequivocal intent by Finn Tyler.

He drove his car onto the tracks knowing the train would crash.

If he was thinking logically, I agree.

But if he was suicidal, logic goes out the window.

It seemed to make a reappearance when he escaped the vehicle and saved his own life.

Screw everyone else's.

We charge m*rder, 15 counts.

Drop the attempted m*rder charges if you have to.

He's confessed, so it saves us the cost of a trial .

Who's repping him? Kate Barker.

Kate Barker? You know her? Met her with Joseph Holland, Manchester.

Big time crack dealer.

CPS north-west had him bang to rights, only he coughs up for Kate Barker as Counsel.

She's the one that got Holland off? She took tenancy of the set in London about three months ago.

An attractive barrister, new on the scene, and you don't know about it? You're losing your touch, Jake! She's doing this on Legal Aid.

Don't let that fool you! 'Diminished responsibility.

' My client has a history of depression with emotional, unstable, personality traits.

I was hoping you'd surprise me.

Jake, by the way.

Finn Tyler grew up in care.

Shocking childhood, a prolific self-harmer.

Perfect dad for four years and then he loses his job and his wife dumps him.

Won't let him see his kid.

He is going to break the jury's hearts.

Jury? He confessed.

Yeah, about that - the police forgot to call in an appropriate adult.

He didn't need one .

The forensic medical examiner assessed him fit for interview.

Oh? With his slashed wrist still gushing blood? Really? I thought we were here to discuss the plea.

We are.

But if we can't agree, this will go before a jury.

What does he want me to agree to, exactly? Manslaughter, diminished responsibility.

The judge will see concurrent sentences are the best option, if she doesn't make a hospital order.

Hospital order?! Tyler deserves prison for life.

You can't expect us to treat this as though he k*lled one person instead of 15.

But that was his intent, to k*ll one person - himself.

Shame he didn't have the balls to stay in the car, then.

You can make me a counter.

- I do love a good barter.

- Please, make yourself at home We're charging m*rder, 15 counts.

The only bargain you're getting off me is the 120 dropped attempted m*rder charges.

I'd say you got a good deal.


Not good enough.

The incarceration of mentally disordered offenders is a passion project of mine.

This will make a great case study.

Ah, now I get the legal aid.

Oh, because all defence barristers are interested in is a page count, right? Maybe I'm different.

And was his responsibility diminished? There's a giant chasm between suicidal thoughts and crashing a commuter train because your wife left you! That's not mad, it's selfish.

Sounds like Kate Barker isn't the only one making this a passion project.

I find su1c1de hard enough to understand, but taking other people with you? That's unforgiveable.

Get the police to talk to Tyler's wife.

Maybe she can fill in that chasm.

When he lost his job, he told me he'd been given an admin role.

They wanted people to work from home.

He said he volunteered so he could spend time with Ellie.

And how did he explain his vanishing wages? He didn't.

Put everything on credit cards.

Mortgage, utilities, the lot.

And you found out? Ellie's HLP.

What they used to call gifted.

She won a part scholarship to a private school.

Because I was doing my nursing training, I got a bursary to cover the rest of her school fees.

We were away at half term, at a friend's cottage in Yorkshire.

Want sugar? No.

No, thanks.

The headmaster rang.

Said that Ellie's fees were a term and a half late.

Finn had maxxed out credit cards and spent her bursary, too.

So you gave Finn his marching orders? I told him I wanted him out.

He was crying, begging me not to leave him.

I mean, I could forgive him the debt.

The lies, even.

But not Ellie's school fees.

She's been given a chance neither of us ever had.

I slept in with Ellie that night.

And the next morning, when we tried to leave the cottage, he wouldn't let us.

He got violent? He locked the door, he barricaded it.

He had a kitchen knife.

Ellie was terrified.

It took me three hours to talk him down.

Get him to let us go.

I honestly thought he was going to k*ll us all! Do you know why I'm here today? To see if I'm mental.

Your solicitor wants to say you're not guilty of m*rder because you're mentally ill.

Do you think you're ill? I don't know.

All I know is I wanted out.

I couldn't even get that right.

I screw everything up.

My marriage, my daughter.

I can't even end my own life without making a mess of it.

Is he psychotic? He's full of shame and rage, but psychotic, no.

He's bitter, resentful.

Towards his wife? I think he wanted to get back at her.

"I k*lled myself and 15 others, and it's all your fault.

" That's got to be hard to live with.

But did he ever intend to go through with it? If he did, he knew perfectly well he was going to take a lot of other people with him.

And that doesn't suggest a mental health disorder sufficient to demonstrate an abnormality of the mind.

I've read both the reports, and while it's clear Mr Tyler was suffering depression, and insecure attachments from his time in care, I'm still not convinced he's suffering an abnormality of the mind.

My Lady, the defendant was evidently suicidal following the break-down of his marriage.

If this isn't an abnormality of the mind, then what is? My Lady, relationships break up.

People feel a little low.

They don't all try and derail commuter trains! A little low? You can tell you've never had a relationship worth hanging on to! I'm inclined to agree with the Crown, Miss Barker.

If your client wants to plead diminished responsibility, so be it.

But it's up to the jury to decide whether or not he was suffering an abnormality of the mind at the time the offence was committed.

'He remained at the scene.

' He mingled with the real passengers.

He used the penknife to inflict superficial wounds to his hands and arms.

He was treated by paramedics and then released.

How would you, as a police officer, interpret these actions? He was trying to blend in.

Get away.

Like any other hit and runner.

I understand you arrived at the scene about Yes, I did.

Am I right you attempted to give CPR to a young child but sadly were unable to save him.


A seven-year-old boy, Max Dale.

I did everything I could but he died.

That must have been incredibly challenging for you.


That's my job.

Even so, you're a father.

I'm sure having a child your son's age die in your arms must have affected you greatly.

Yes, I suppose so.

You must have felt very angry with whoever was responsible.

Of course I felt angry.

But I remained professional.

You arrested Mr Tyler.

Yes, I did.

Interrogated him.

I interviewed him.

He confessed to an officer who had held his dying seven-year-old victim in his arms.

He admitted his guilt at his arrest.

And once again during an interview.

No-one put any pressure on him.

Did you make any special arrangements for Mr Tyler? Special arrangements? Were any special precautions taken while he was in custody? No.

Are you quite sure about that? He was on su1c1de watch.

Nothing more, My Lady.

Kate Barker scored a hat trick off Sam Casey.

If Tyler was on a su1c1de watch, he must be mentally ill.

That's how the jury will see it.

Feeling suicidal could be seen as remorse for his actions.

That's evidence of sanity.

How he felt after is irrelevant.

All the defence has to prove is his state of mind at the time.

Kate Barker is using this case as a soapbox to highlight the cuts in mental health provision.

How too many mentally ill people end up being criminalised by the State.

That will resonate with the jury.

Everyone's angry about NHS cuts.

I have to dash.

This case isn't about cuts.

I won't let her distract them.

Dr Holdsworth, the antidepressants you prescribed have a number of side effects.

All medication has side effects.

Perhaps you could tell us the ones caused by this particular medication.

Nausea, decreased appetite, raised cholesterol, sexual problems.

Insomnia, nightmares, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts.

Well, in some cases, yes.

Finn Tyler was also a prolific self-harmer.

I had no idea he was self-harming.

All I saw was a man feeling down over a marriage break-up.

Nothing more.

What a shame you didn't see a man in severe crisis, begging you for help.

Because then 15 lives might have been saved.

My Lady, did I miss the question there? The jury will disregard the last comment made by Miss Barker.

Dr Holdsworth, you were the last medical professional to see the defendant before the train crash.

You saw him a month before when you prescribed the antidepressants.

That's right.

Did he appear as though he was suffering with a mental health disorder? He was behaving like a spoilt child.

When he didn't get what he wanted, he had a tantrum and stormed out.

What made him so angry? I suggested he try the antidepressants and use some relaxation techniques.

But he wanted sleeping pills.

I'm not in the habit of dishing them out without very good reason .

Because of budget cuts? No, because I don't want patients becoming needlessly reliant on addictive medication, especially when they have a history of addiction.

My Tyler has a history of drug addiction? Alcohol abuse.

He was treated in rehab for alcoholism in 2004 and again earlier this year.

Amanda, hang on a sec.

Did you know Finn was an alcoholic when you first met him? Yeah.

But I really believed he'd stay sober, for me and Ellie.

What made him start drinking again? He had a run-in at work with his brother Daniel.

It just triggered something in him.

He's so jealous of his brother's success.

What sort of business was it? Um, security.

CCTV monitoring, mainly.

Daniel's got contracts up and down the country.

What was the name of the company? Haleton Security.

Daniel Haleton was spoken to after the crash about security and any disgruntled employees.

We even asked him for a list of anyone that had been let go in the past year.

He never mentioned his brother? No.

And because Tyler was unemployed, there was no reason for us to ask about his last employer.

Haleton was paying him cash so Tyler never made it onto any books.

Because of the different surnames, we just didn't connect any dots.

Mr Haleton, you gave your brother a job at your firm, Haleton Security.

I felt sorry for him.

He'd just lost his job and Amanda was doing her nursing qualifications.

I believe you fired him because he was unreliable.

That's right.

He was drinking.

I paid for rehab, but he was just as bad when he got out.

You and your brother grew up in care.

We had a rough start.

But you've got to put the past behind you.

Do you think this was a genuine su1c1de attempt? No.

I think he wanted to get back at me.

How would causing the train crash get back at you? My company had the contract with County Trains.

It was my firm that watched the gate that he broke through.

So Finn knew about the shift change? He knew the best time to hit that gate? It was his job to watch it.

Looking a lot more like revenge than diminished responsibility, to me.

You can't be mentally ill and vengeful? What about school sh**t? Bullied, demoralised teenagers, depressed, seeking revenge.

Any jury with half a brain cell will see Finn Tyler for exactly what he is.

An angry, vengeful man who needlessly m*rder*d back at his brother.

Come on, Miss Barker.

No last word? When the court's heard from our psychiatrist, I'm calling Finn Tyler.

I'll leave the last word to him.

I saw you with Henry.

Were you jealous? I've got to get this.



Kate Barker.

'I never had a dad.

' Mum was an alcoholic.

We were in and out of care homes from as early as I can remember.

I started drinking when I was 12, self-harming when I was 13.

And you carried on as an adult? It was how I coped.

Your brother is a successful businessman.

He told the court he'd moved on from his damaged past.

Fostered by a decent family, wasn't he? They adopted him.

Sent him to a good school.

He was never pushed from pillar to post like me.

Why did your marriage break down? Daniel sacked me.

I was so scared of losing Amanda I never told her.

When she found out I'd run up so much debt, she freaked.

Kicked me out.

I tried to get myself together again, but She wouldn't let me see my little girl.

Without here, there Well, there was no point.

So you took that car and drove onto the tracks.

Tell me, Finn, did you honestly intend to k*ll yourself? Yes! Didn't you realise other people could be hurt? I thought the train would wipe out the car and keep going, like a tube train when someone jumps in front of it.

But you got out of the car.

Why did you do that? I saw the train coming and I saw Ellie crying at my funeral and I couldn't.

I tried to hot-wire the car again, but it wouldn't spark.

I swear to God, I never meant to hurt anyone.

I'm so sorry.

If you really wanted to k*ll yourself, why didn't you throw yourself off a building? I wanted to make sure I didn't survive to be a burden on my family.

You could have jumped in front of a tube, taken an overdose.

That's why I wanted the sleeping tablets, but the doctor never gave them to me.

What was the real reason you caused the train crash? I wanted to k*ll myself .

Was it to get your wife's attention and get revenge on your brother to boot? I mean, she's been here for you every day, hasn't she? Yeah.

You got her attention.

And it only took 15 lives.

My family is everything to me.

Do you expect us to believe you thought no-one else would be hurt? I wasn't thinking straight.

And you didn't want to leave your little girl without a dad.

I couldn't.

What about the fatherless or motherless children you created with your reckless lies? I never meant Your daughter gets to see you.

Maybe only once a fortnight at the prison.

But there are 16 children who will never see their mummy or their daddy again, because of you! "Poor me"? "Poor Finn Tyler"? You can watch Ellie grow up, make friends, pass exams, get a boyfriend, get married.

Max Dale's father is here today.

How do you think he feels? He will never see his wife and son again.

Maybe you'll be lucky enough to help Ellie choose what subjects she takes at school, what she wears on her wedding day.

All Gavin Dale will choose is what flowers to put on his son's grave! Is this a speech, My Lady? Mr Thorne, please.

You could have chosen a method of su1c1de that didn't endanger others.

You could have saved all those children who lost parents from a lifetime of misery! That's not diminished responsibility! It's cowardice! Jake.

If he gets a hospital order, he'll be out in six months.

Or detained for the rest of his life.

He's not mentally ill.

The doctors in a secure unit will spot it in a second.

He'll be out the doors before we know it.

It's all "ifs", Sam.

If the jury find him guilty of m*rder, he's facing 15 life sentences.

Have you been drinking? Yes.

I had a couple at lunch time.

So what? Let's hope the jury's back Monday with good news.

Good news?! There's no good news for Gavin Dale.

That bastard wiped out his entire family! Please answer either yes or no to my first question.

Have the jury reached a verdict upon which you are all agreed? Yes.

On count one, on the charge of the m*rder of Max Dale, how do you find the defendant, Finn Luke Tyler? Guilty or not guilty? Not guilty.

But guilty of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.

On count two, on the charge of the m*rder of Marnie Dale, how do you find the defendant, Finn Luke Tyler? Guilty or not guilty? Not guilty.

But guilty of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.

Finn Luke Tyler, you have been found guilty on 15 counts of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.

I am therefore sentencing you to a hospital order with a Section 41 restriction.

You will not be released without leave of the Secretary of State.

He'll get treatment in hospital.

He'll apply for release in six months.

He deserved 15 life sentences.

Maybe he did.

You agree he was criminally responsible? He did a terrible thing, but it could have been averted.

Millions spent on prisons, while mental health takes the brunt of the courts.

I don't make social policy.


You just clean up after those that do.

Oh, it's been fun Has she told you the good news, then? I didn't think it was fair during the trial, in case it distracted you.

Apart from your awful taste in footwear, there's little you could do to distract me, Miss Barker.


You should definitely start calling me Kate.

Especially as you'll be sharing an office.

Kate will be joining us from Monday.

Alicia's replacement.

Who's for a celebratory drink? Yeah.

I'll see you there.

I just need a quick work with my client.

If you could just get your client to sign that for us, and nominate a family member, we can get his property to them.

Let's see.

Estranged wife or loving brother? Here to see Finn Tyler.

If you want to hang on a tick, I'll get this right back.

Tyler's in number eight.

What are you doing here? Sam? Sam, what are you doing down here? Sam? He's dead! Tyler's dead.