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04x17 - Midway

Posted: 01/18/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis.

I give you the

Intergalactic Gate Bridge.

34 Gates from both the Milky Way
and Pegasus Gate systems

have been strategically placed in the
massive void between our two galaxies.

A macro that I have written
specially for the occasion

will command each Gate in the chain

to store you in its buffer
and forward you along to the next...

and the next and the next...

until you arrive here.

Once at the Midway Space Station,

you simply exit
the Pegasus Gate system

and enter the Milky Way
Gate system, where

a similar macro
designed by yours truly

will forward you along to the SGC.

The program is completely secure.

No need for a shield or an iris.

Total travel time...
a little over 30 minutes.

You applause.

Welcome back, Teyla.

Thank you.
Believe me, it's good to be back.

So, what's new on Earth?

I wouldn't know.

I saw nothing beyond the walls
of Stargate Command for two days.

- How'd the interview go?
- Exactly as you said it would.

The new member of the IOA,
Mr. Coolidge,

was somewhat brusque and arrogant.

He insisted on doing
most of the questioning himself.

I thought he would. These interviews
were the first item on his agenda.

Don't worry, just a new guy
marking his territory.

Yes, well, he is clearly
distrustful of aliens

participating in any aspect

of the Sargate Program,

let alone being active team members.

You changed his mind, right?

I hope so.

Although he did seem distracted

- by my current condition.
- Really?

- I informed the IOA of your pregnancy.
- Yes, they knew,

and most of the members were actually
quite supportive. But Mr. Coolidge...

His demeanor toward women differs

from his demeanor toward men.

He kept calling me "Honey".

I admit, the urge to inflict harm

on this man was quite strong, but

- I managed to refrain from doing so.
- Good call.

Bad idea to run around beating the crap
out of people with a baby on the way.

In the end, I don't think
he will have a problem with me,

mainly because I think
he believes I will not be

returning to active duty
after my child is born.

Won't he be surprised?

Well, we'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

In the meantime, it's important
that we get through these interviews

as smoothly as possible
and not create any waves.

I'll inform you
when the report comes in.

Thank you.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

- Ronon's up next.
- Big waves. We're talking tsunamis.

I've thought about that.

His interview's not for three days,

so I've asked somebody
to come to Atlantis and...

"coach" him.



Colonel Carter.

Welcome to Atlantis.

So, Teal'c, the... hair...

- You do not like it?
- No, I love it.

It's very... Earth.

This city is much larger
than I had expected.

It's a remarkable feat of engineering.

The Ancients really knew
what they were doing.


You look well, Colonel Carter.

- Command has been good to you.
- Thanks, Teal'c.

It takes some getting used to.

The military protocol's
pretty relaxed, but I like it here.

Is that him?

Yep. That's him.

Come on.

Ronon Dex, I'd like you
to meet Teal'c of the Jaffa.

He's the one I was telling you about.

It is a pleasure to meet you,
Ronon Dex.

Colonel Carter has
spoken highly of you.


Like I said, you two are similar
in many ways,

so you should have a lot in common.

Teal'c was a member
of SG-1 for over 10 years.

He knows all about
dealing with the IOA.

Which is why I thought

he could pass along a few pointers,
help you prep for the big interview.

Colonel Carter?


Perhaps you could leave us
to become better acquainted.


Have fun.

Do you not speak, Ronon Dex?

Not when I've got nothing to say.

This is it.

Get to work.

May I join you?

Salisbury steak.

We are often served this
in the SGC mess hall.

I must confess, however,
that I am partial to the tater tots...

I don't need a coach teaching me
how to act during the interview.

I've dealt with the IOA before.

The IOA is comprised
of more than just Mr. Woolsey.

Their new member, Mr. Coolidge,
is far less pleasant.

Oh, well, I can handle him.

I'll stay calm,

answer all his questions.

I know how to play the game.

I am pleased to hear that.

Very well.

Let us speak of other things.

Such as?

Tell me of Sateda.

What do you want to know?

When did the Wraith destroy it?

Years ago.

Your army was unable to fight?

Oh, we fought back.

The battle lasted days.

And when you finally surrendered,

- What did the Wraith do...
- We didn't surrender.

We fought until every last one of us
was either dead or captured.

So tell me, then...

Is it true that negligence on your part

is what first alerted the Wraith
to your presence?

That your reckless actions
brought about the deaths

of thousands of innocent people...

That's a lie!

Indeed it is.

Yet should such a question arise
during your interview,

I trust you will not respond
in a similar manner.

You do, after all,
know how to play the game.



the g*n...


What's the problem here?

There is no problem, Colonel Sheppard.

Well, that's good to hear. Ronon?

All right...

Why don't you take Teal'c
down to the gym,

show him your fighting techniques?

I'm sure you guys
could give each other a few tips.

Colonel, come to place a bet?

- What's going on here?
- Friendly sparring match.

It looks anything but friendly.

No, it's good for 'em.
They're just blowing off some steam.

Go! Go! Go!

- How long have they been at it?
- About an hour.

An hour?

They're not even taking any breaks.

They are now!

I don't think that's a good idea...

Okay, that's enough!

Ronon! Teal'c! Stop!

Let's call it a draw.

Why does he have to go with me?

He's not actually going with you.
He's returning home.

He just happens to be traveling
at the same time.

One less dial-in
on the intergalactic bridge.

That's the other thing. Why don't we
just dial Earth directly from here?

We need a ZPM for that, and
we don't want to waste the extra power.

That was the whole point
of the Gate bridge in the first place.

But there's a 24-hour quarantine
on the Midway station.

Well, you're just going
to have to sit around a bit,

all right? Look.

The guy's got years of experience.
He's, like, 100 years old or something.

It won't k*ll you to listen to him.

Be a good boy.

I hate you.

I'm sorry about breaking up
the sparring match earlier,

but if I didn't, you two would probably
still be fighting.

Listen, I know
that Ronon's been resistant,

but I really appreciate
you coming here and helping us out.

I too wish him to succeed.

- There is great potential in him.
- I agree.

All set?

Let's get this over with.

- Dial the bridge, Chuck.
- Yes, Ma'am.

It gives me great pride
to see how the people of this expedition

have embraced you as their leader.

As I knew they would.

Thanks, Teal'c.

The Portal's activating!

The patterns are stored in the buffer.

The Portal should re-dial momentarily.

Incoming Pegasus activation.

Right on schedule.

I'm going to go get them settled in.

You can get started on the attitude
stabilization diagnostics.

I thought Dempster was doing that.

- Why do I have to do that?
- You don't.

- I want you to do it.
- I just finished five hours

- of power-distribution upgrades.
- You chose to be here.

- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

Regardless, I want you to learn
everything about this station,

and the sooner you do that, the sooner
I get to hand you the reins and go home.

You're not the only one
who wants to go home.

I heard that.


Welcome to the Midway station,
half-way point between

the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies.

Yeah, we know. We've been here before.

Of course. So then you also know
about the 24-hour quarantine

before we can let you carry on to Earth?

Don't want to pass on
any of those pesky Pegasus germs

to the folks back home.

Why don't I just
show you to your quarters?

you're going to have to share.

As you know, there's not
much room on the station.

There's a DVD player and a few movies.

Oh! We sawn Orbit the other day.
It's actually... It's kind of funny.

There's some sudoku books...

Although I think...
No, they're all solved.

Like I said, it's a bit small, but...

You're only here for a day,
so kick back, relax, have an earl grey,

and get to know each other better,
or... not.

I have deciphered the program.

Prepare the first wave!

How's it going?


You're bored. I get it.

Welcome to Midway.

- Are we expecting another dial-in?
- No.

Unscheduled Pegasus activation.

- What the heck?
- Oh, God! Wraith!

That's impossible!

What are the Wraith doing here?

I was about to ask the same question.


Dial Earth.

What's going on?

The intergalactic bridge is down.

- How'd that happen?
- I don't know.

We were sending the daily status
report to the SGC,

and we can't connect to Midway.

Some kind of malfunction
either in one of the Gates

or the call-forwarding macro.

Probably just a glitch.
Simple software hiccup.

- Hiccup?
- We hope.

Ronon and Teal'c?

The malfunction occurred several
minutes after they went through.

I'm sure they made it to Midway.

- But we can't be absolutely certain.
- Those Gates are in space.

- If they walked through...
- No, no.

Look, the glitch occurred
at M4F-788, that is a planetary

Gate at the edge of the Pegasus galaxy,

which means worst-case scenario,
they step through the puddle

and they found themselves stranded
on an uninhabited planet.

Stranded. More time together.
Just what they need.

All right, we need to secure
the Gate room.

No. We must get to the control room.

More Wraith can get
through the Gate.

They cannot use the Stargate
without the control room.

It is best if we just keep...

This way.

What's wrong?

I cannot activate the Portal.

A lockout command
has been initiated.

It's preventing me from accessing
the controls.

Override it.

I'm trying...

It requires a code.

What is the code?

We don't know.


We don't know.
There's only a handful of people

who know that specific code,
for obvious security reasons, and...

None are on the base right now.

You initiated the lockout?

Well, it's not really a matter
of who initiated it.

- It's standard protocol...
- Did you?

But, I mean, yeah it was me, but...

like I said, initiating it and

overriding it are
two entirely separate...


Keep working.
Find a way around it.

It will take time.

- The interface has several...
- The more you speak

the less time you have.

In the meantime,

perhaps I can find a way
to persuade you

to give me that code.

We've got a lock.


Yeah, seems someone
dialing out from 788,

which was preventing us
from dialing in, until now.

- Ronon and Teal'c?
- Oh, I doubt it.

Look, even if the malfunction
spat them out on the planet,

the only logical address
they would dial is back to Atlantis,

which as we know, they didn't.

Maybe it's them and
they can't get a lock.

Ronon, Teal'c.
Are you there?

Ronon, Teal'c, this is Colonel Carter.
Please respond.

I'm telling you, they made it
to the Midway station

before the malfunction.
I'm sure of it.

Wait a minute.

- Didn't you say 788 is uninhabited?
- It is.

All right, if it's not Ronon and Teal'c,
then who dialed out?

The malp is through.

Receiving telemetry.

Visual coming in now.

See? No Ronon, no Teal'c.

Pan left.

That's Wraith tech.

It's hooked up to the DHD.

Pan right.

Oh, crap.

We lost the feed.

Not to mention the malp.
Shut down the Gate.

Is it possible for them to have
h*jacked the intergalactic bridge?

That's a hell of a lot more
than a hiccup.

No impossible. They'd have
to know about the bridge,

And if they did, there're too many
security barriers.

The encryption I used in the call
forwarding macros would take years to...

- What if they knew the passwords?
- How?

We just had a Wraith
on base, Rodney,

working with you, side by side,
on your computers.

You mean Todd?
He was our ally.

Look, and even if he wanted to, there's
no way he could hack into my system...

- Could he?
- You saw the tech hooked up

to the DHD.
What else could they be up to?

We have to get to Midway.

The daedalus's back on Earth.
Is there another way to get there?

Connect to the bridge
via another Gate in Pegasus?

We have to find one
close to the edge.

M6R-125. We could connect
to the bridge through that but,

- I'd need to reconfigure the macros.
- OK, get on it.

Colonel, prepare a strike force.

Honestly, if I knew the code,
I would have given it to you by now.

That depends on the strength
of your allegiance.

No, no, trust me!
My allegiance is not that strong.

It really isn't.

Please. Please!
I'm begging you!

I think he fainted.

Then you shall be next.

- Wait...
- I've got it.

I've successfully gained access
to override the lockout.


Dial the Portal.

In here.

They're heading to the Gate room.


If you want to go to the control room,
go ahead...

I'm going after them.


Send the device.


What device?

Offworld activation!

Midway's IDC.

Opening the iris.

All right, we're redirected.

We gate from Atlantis to M6R-125.

We insert this crystal
with the bridge macros

into the DHD,
dial the first Gate in the void,

and we're back on track,
all the way to Midway.

- Is your strike force ready?
- As soon as McKay gears up,

- we're ready to go.
- Well, I'm...

All right, I'm gearing up.

Prepare the next wave.

They have dialed the Milky Way Gate.

They're heading
for Stargate Command.

We must pursue them.

Now you're talking.

Let's go before the Gate shuts down!

Shut it down! Now!

Two were able to pass through.

But they will be dispensed of
soon enough.

- Make ready the next...
- The Pegasus Portal is activating!

The next inbound wave was
supposed to wait for my command.

Teams 3 and 4, take the lower level.
Teams 1 and 2 with me, this way.

Yeah, they're alive,
they're just stunned.

By this device, perhaps.

I don't know.

Never seen one of these before.

It appears other personnel
have been disabled as well.

The question is how much of this base
has been compromised?

And where the hell are the Wraith?

Ronon, Teal'c, come in!

Ronon, do you copy?

Shut the door.


Colonel Sheppard.


You have no chance
of retaking this station.

Therefore, it is
in your best interests

to surrender immediately.

Do I know you?

Not personally, no.

But I know a great deal about you.

- You as well, Dr. McKay.
- Who are you?

An acquaintance of someone
you recently worked with

to bring about the demise
of those you referred to as


It was from him that I was able
to procure the necessary data

to commandeer this base.

It was Todd.
That bastard hacked my system.

So much for buddies.


what's the plan?

Take over Midway,
and then what? Earth?

My warriors are securing

a beachhead in your command center
as we speak.

Hate to break this to you,
but the SGC is heavily fortified.

You're walking into a world of hurt.

Not to worry.

We have ways of evening the odds.


they're working their way
to the surface, tryin' to get out.

They will be unable to do so.

A pulse of energy, no doubt
from that Wraith device...

has triggered the SGC
a*t*matic lockdown.

So no one gets in,
and no one gets out?


Just the way I like it.

We have activation.

That will be our reinforcements.


it is you who will be in
for a world of hurt.

Oh, crap.

Listen, love to sit around and chat,
but... gotta go.

Take positions.
Anything comes through the Gate,

- k*ll it.
- Yes, Sir.

- You two, with me.
- Where're we going?

To the control room,
to shut down the Gate.

Oh, thank God.

- Where's the head guy?
- He left.

Well, I can see that. Where'd he go?

I don't know. He just ran out.

McKay, we're in the clear!
Get to work!

Where's Ronon and Teal'c?

They went through the Milky Way Gate
on the way to the SGC,

- chasing after the Wraith.
- All right. Here.

- What am I...
- Get them inside.

Seal the door, sh**t anything
that tries to get through.

- Where are you going?
- To go help those marines.

- Is he dead?
- Fainted.

- Figures.
- You better wake him up.

- We got a problem.
- What?

Can't shut the Stargate.

I saw them inputting a lockout protocol
just before you guys came in.

Damn it!

More Wraith coming through the Gate.
We're about to get overrun.

Hester, come in, what's your 20?

We're still outside the Gate room.
We got a ton of Wraith coming through.

- Where are the other teams?
- I lost contact with them.

I don't know how much longer
we can hold 'em off here, Sir.

Just hang on, McKay's trying
to shut down the Gate.



Come in!

Fed on by the Wraith.

That's not a good way to go.


You say that a lot.

- What?
- "Indeed."

Do I?

I had not noticed.

I would very much like
to have a w*apon such as this.


Get in line.

Rodney, talk to me.

Still working.

I lost contact
with Hester and the Marines.

I think they were k*lled.

How long before you can
get the Gate shut down?

I don't know,
this is extremely complicated...

Try the critical systems bypass.

I have to figure out how
to avoid any commands

that may have been compromised.

Hurry up!
We got more Wraith on the way.

I'm working as fast as I can!

- You can bypass the critical systems.
- Not now. Just watch the door.

even if I could shut down the Gate,

there's Wraith in all the base!

We're completely outnumbered.
It's just a matter of time

before they wipe us all out...

The Gate just shut off.

What'd you do?

I shut it off,
using the critical systems bypass.

Are you out of your mind?

What? It worked.

Oh, my God.
The self-destruct.

Did you not just hear me say I needed
to figure out a safe work-around

to avoid any commands that may have
been compromised? As in booby-trapped?

Look, I didn't use the bypass to
shut down the Gate for this very reason!

- Rodney?
- We've made a terrible mistake!

We never should've revived Kavanagh!

He triggered the self-destruct?

- Not on purpose!
- That doesn't really matter now.

All right, we've got
just under 10 minutes

before this whole station blows up.

- Can you turn it off?
- No, we're completely locked out!

They made sure if they couldn't
have the station, then no one could.

This couldn't get any worse.

They're sh**ting at the door.


Are you all right?

Ronon Dex,

this is Mr. Coolidge of the IOA.

What happened?

You were rendered unconscious
by a Wraith stun device.


There are Wraith... Here?

They have infiltrated the base.

It is best if you remain in this room

until Ronon Dex and I
have neutralized the situation.

No, we need to get to the control room,
radio for help.

We don't need help.

How many Wraith are here?

We do not know exact numbers,
but there are many.

And who else besides you
are going after them?

We are the only two.

- Get me to a radio. Now!
- It's better if we...

I've got an idea, Rodney.

Great, we've got Wraith
about to blast through the door.

This place has got
a Jumper docked here, right?

Yeah, to be used
as an emergency escape pod.

Well, I'd say this pretty much
qualifies as an emergency.

No... We'll be stuck out here
in the middle of the galactic void.

They'll mount a rescue. The Jumper
is stocked with food and water.

Unless you want to stay here,

get blown to smithereens
with the rest of the station. Your call!

We got one other problem.

How are we gonna get there?

We're out of time.

- Vent the atmosphere.
- What?

Every room but the control room.
Vent the air.

How close are you?

Just do it.

- Can you make it to the Jumper?
- Don't know. I'll try!

- John, I'm not sure there's time to...
- We don't have time to argue! Do it!

Venting the atmosphere.

All right,

I'll go this way.
You go that way.

Where is Mr. Coolidge?

I don't know.

It's pretty quiet out there.

Looks like they're all dead.

Sheppard, can you hear me?

John, are you there?

It should be enough time.

I think it's safe to repressurize.

Dr. McKay?

Repressurizing the station.

- What you doing?
- I've contacted the military.

They're fully aware of the situation,
which means, unfortunately,

- they're preparing to nuke the base.
- What?

Stargate Command has been compromised.

Only way to prevent the Wraith
from infiltrating

the population is to destroy it.

- Tell them to call it off.
- I can't do that.

Not as long as a single Wraith
is still alive on this base.

- Wraith? What, here?
- Listen, we'll deal with the Wraith.

You've got people alive here.
Buy us some more time.

We don't have time.
There's an escape to the surface.

We need to get to it immediately.
Where's Teal'c?

I need to get back to him.

- No time! We have to leave.
- Not without Teal'c.

We can't go back for him.

We could get bogged down or k*lled!

There's a clear path to the escape,
and we need to get out of here now!

You wanna run away and save yourself?
Fine! I'm stayin' here.

- The Jumper bay is...
- Through the EVA prep room.

It's not a real bay, though.
It's more like an airlock

- that leads to a hatch that's...
- I don't need the blueprints!

- Where is it?
- It's over there.

Through here.


- How the hell did you...
- Get me outta here.

Excellent timing.


Well, I think that's all of them.

I certainly hope you are correct.

We gotta call the military.
They're gonna blow this place up.

What's taking him so long?

Self-destruct's about to blow.
20 seconds!

- Colonel Sheppard! How did you...
- Later.

We're leaving. Sit down!

Ronon Dex...

Do you feel that you can fulfill
the duties of an SG team member with



and respect for those
in authority over you?


Good enough for me.


I'm exactly the kind of team member
they want out there fighting the Wraith.

Their words, not mine.

And you did not hold a w*apon
to their heads?

I did not.

I am pleased.

Yeah, well, I had a good coach.


The Daedalus is preparing to leave.

Colonel Caldwell will beam you aboard
when you are ready.

Still nothing from Midway?


We have lost all contact with them.

The Daedalus will stop on its way back
to Atlantis to assess the situation.

No way.
You actually liked it?

It's his finest film.

Pearl Harbor?

Go ahead and mock it... Everybody does.
But that film will endure, got weight.

Yeah, which is why it plummeted
at the box office!

$200 million domestic.

- That's not plummeting...
- Enough, already!

We've been stuck here
for God knows how long,

and you haven't shut up,
either of you!

You just keep talking and talking...

What was that?

Something just hit us.

- Ronon!
- Where are we?

Daedalus, 302 bay.

We saw you, scooped you up,

- heading back to Atlantis.
- Thank God!

- Midway was destroyed.
- Yeah, we saw.

Where's Sheppard?

He lasted about a day,
sealed himself in there.

No wonder he didn't hear the radio call.

Thank God!

I almost shot 'em myself with a stunner.

Yeah. I understand.

- Where are we?
- Daedalus, 302 bay.

What's the status of SGC?

Secure. Teal'c and I
took care of the Wraith.

I figured you would.

Come on, let's get the hell outta here.


And I passed my interview with the IOA.

- Really?
- Yeah, they said they liked me.

Well, what's not to like?