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04x12 - Spoils of w*r

Posted: 01/18/23 08:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Stargate Atlantis.

You have some Wraith DNA.

My father told people that it was a gift.
I could help my people by warning them

of the Wraiths'approach.

If I can reach out with my mind
and establish a link...

Come on.
That's a little reckless, don't you think?

- Teyla?
- You are all about to die!

You refer to our enemy as the Replicators.

They have begun
to annihilate human worlds.

McKAY: Our old anti-Replicator technology
relied on disrupting the bonds

between each individual nanite's cell.

We do the opposite.

Instead of severing their connections,
we significantly

dial up their attraction to one another.

We turn each cell into an incredibly
powerful nanite magnet.

Our shields can't take
much more of this, sir.

Hopefully, they won't have to.

Son of a bitch.

He actually did it.

The Replicator ships have ceased firing.
The humans' plan worked.

- Give me status on the Darts.
- Approaching the Replicator city.

The Replicators' mass
is sinking into the planet.

- We do not have much time.
- We're not leaving without those Darts.

The mass is approaching critical density.
An expl*si*n is imminent.

Commander, we must
jump into hyperspace.

Not until I get what I came for.

The Darts are on approach.

We have them.

I have the rematerialized cargo
from the Darts.

Now we have what we need
to complete our mission.

Rodney, what've you got?

Well, it's only been a week since the battle,
but a pretty clear pattern is emerging.

You can see it on the long-range scanners.

The Wraith have split up
into distinct groups.

Now that they're done with the
Replicators, they're sizing each other up.

Too many Wraith,
not enough humans to feed on.

Intel's claiming
there are several different factions.

Yes, well, with any luck,
they'll find themselves

in the middle of a nice, long civil w*r, but
what I find particularly interesting is this.

What is it?

Well, that's our old friend,
the Wraith that helped me save Jeannie

- and got us all those hive ships.
- How do you know?

Well, the subspace
tracking device he used?

It's the same signal.

- Why would he reactivate it?
- Well, I have no idea.

I think it's safe to assume that he'd know
we were monitoring their frequency.

- You think he's sending us a message.
- Maybe. Look, it's like I said,

the hive ships that we've been tracking
have formed into distinct groups,

but this one's out there by itself.
And from what we can tell,

it's just floating
in the middle of empty space

nowhere near a habitable planet,

and almost an hour's sublight
from the nearest gate.

So, what does he want?

Well, that's the question.



Do you wish to use this machine?

No. I just didn't expect to find you here.

Why not?

Shouldn't you be taking it easy?

I am pregnant, Ronon, not ill.

In any case, Dr. Keller said
it wouldn't hurt to continue exercising.

- In fact, it's beneficial.
- Yeah, but you're hitting it pretty hard.

Well, I have to remain
in top physical condition

if I'm to keep up with you
and the rest of the team.

Who says you have to keep up?

Any change?

No, he's still sitting out there.

It's been almost 24 hours.

- His ship could be disabled.
- You think it's a distress call?

Hmm, maybe.

- Any other hive ships picking up the signal?
- Lf they are, they're ignoring it.

We're showing no other
Wraith activity in the area.

- How far did you say the nearest gate was?
- Well, it's about an hour by Jumper.

Oh, look, I know
we've worked with this guy before,

and he has helped us out
in the past, but he's still a Wraith.

We don't seriously feel like
we owe him anything, do we?

No, no, of course not, but that
doesn't mean it's not worth checking out.


Colonel. I just heard.

I would like to accompany you
on this mission.

Well, we got it covered.

John, I understand
what you're trying to do,

but I assure you, it is not necessary.

My skills have not diminished and
I still have much to offer the team.

All right, guys, let's head out.
Wait for you at the Jumper Bay, sir.

I'm not even...

I'm not having this conversation again.

We have not had it yet.

In fact, we've barely spoken
since I told you I was pregnant.

It's been a little busy around here.

I understand why you did not want me
to join the attack on the Replicator world,

but that was a special circumstance.

Look, even the simplest op
can become dangerous.

- And I accept that.
- You think it's that simple?

Is this about you trying to protect me,

or are you still angry
because I did not tell you sooner?

This is about your people missing.

This is about
the father of your child missing.

You want to go out, you want to tear it up,
you want to kick ass, but you can't!

And the sooner
you realize that, the better.

Pull up the hive.
I think we're in range.

I've got it, dead ahead.

Looks like it's been shot up pretty bad.

From the Replicator battle?

No, I'm picking up residual radiation
from Wraith weapons fire.

- Were they att*cked by another hive?
- Well, it looks that way.

Any life signs?

- I'm not picking up anything.
- Maybe they're hibernating.

Seems like an odd thing to do
after being att*cked.

You know, plus,
they usually land the ship.

All right. Well, we didn't come all this way
to turn back, so I'm going in.

Lorne, you got anything?

Nothing so far.

Well, we got bodies.

We'll keep looking.

Looks like they were fed on.

Still picking up the Wraith tracking device.
It's that way.

Reading's stronger in here.

I don't see our guy. You?


We're not going to find him.

I thought we were tracking the device.

We are,

but someone cut it out of him.

No sign of the rest of the crew.

Whoever att*cked the ship
must've taken 'em prisoner.

- Including our friend.
- Stop calling him that. It's weird.

Then, what do we call him?
- I don't know, let's go with "Todd. "

It's a guy I knew in college.
He was very pale.

- Todd's a terrible name.
- You got a better one?

- As a matter of fact, I do.
- You know what? Forget I asked.

Colonel, what do we do now?

Well, that all depends. Uh...
Is this thing going to fly?

Well, hull's severely damaged.

I'd say about 30% of the ship
is sealed off and exposed to space,

but with a bit of work,

I think we can get
main systems back online.

That settles it.
We've got ourselves a new ship.

And you can upload it

- to my computer in the lab.
- Okay.

Colonel, I didn't
expect to see you back so soon.

No engagement.
The only Wraith onboard were dead.

- Oh, was the ship badly damaged?
- She's definitely taken a few hits.

McKay's working on repairs,
but that is the easy part.

Well, what's the hard part?

Ship's been secured,
there's no immediate danger,

and you're the only one who can fly it.

Even in my condition?

All right, I might have been
a little tough on you before.

No, you were right.

I'm just trying to understand my position.

You're still a member of my team.

- Am I?
- You always were.

Look, it's my call whether or not
you go on a mission. Take it or leave it.

When do we go?


I found these in the Jumper.

Oh, thank you. I'm starving.

"Apricot Jubilee"?

- Well, if you don't want it...
- No, no, no. It's fine.

- So, how we doing in here, anyway?
- It's coming along.

I've got the hyperdrive operational,
but that's not going to help much

if I can't get the neural interface to work.

What'd you do?

- Nothing.
- You touched something, didn't you?

No. Maybe just a little.

What is it?

Looks like a map.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Of course, it's a map.

The question is, a map to what?

I wanted to tell you sooner,

but I found out shortly after Dr. Keller
and I returned from New Athos.

- It was a difficult time.
- It's okay. I get it.

Now, along with everything else,

I'm burdened with the thought that

this child may be the last of my people.

- We don't know that yet.
- But you understand

why I cannot just stay
in Atlantis and do nothing.

My best hope in learning their fate
is to be out here with you.

How's it coming?
- Ah, you're back.

Well, I've managed to get the neural
interface talking to the main systems,

but I got no way to test it,
so it's going to need some tweaking.

Biggest problem I've had so far
has been with the weapons array,

- but I think I've managed to...
- Wait, wait, wait. Weapons array?

Well, I thought they'd come in handy
when we go after the Wraith.

What are you talking about?

Oh, I figured out where this ship
was headed before it was att*cked.

We figured it out.

Yeah, right.
All you did was activate a screen.

I'm the one who
searched through the ship's log

and found the mention
of the top-secret Wraith outpost.

What Wraith outpost?

I'm sorry, I assumed
a level of uncertainty was implied

by my use of the phrase "top secret. "

In other words, he doesn't know.

The log didn't specify.
But whatever this thing is,

they talk about it like it was sacred.

From what I can gather, it played
a pivotal role in helping the Wraith

win their w*r against the Ancients.

Which is why we're gonna check it out.

Just hold on here a second.
Let's just slow down.

We don't even know if
this thing can fly, let alone...

- How did you do that?
- I don't know.

My abilities appear to be
stronger than before.

McKAY: She's not kidding.

According to this, navigation, propulsion,
and communications are online.


I cannot explain it.

The moment I connected with the ship,
everything became available to me.

I can feel the various systems
at my disposal.

Well, can you fly it?

I'm not sure.

She's flying it, all right.

Are you okay?

Yes. I'm fine.

It's easier than it was last time.
It's almost effortless.

Hey, don't look at me.
I didn't do anything.

The coordinates to the outpost
are in the computer.

I can take us there.

Mmm, that's not why I brought you here.
We can wait for the Daedalus.

The hive that att*cked this ship
had access to the same information,

and by now,
it is almost a day ahead of us.

Now, if that outpost is as important
as the log suggests,

do you really think we can afford to wait?

All right. Get us close,
but keep us out of sensor range.

We'll take a Jumper from there.

Well, what's up?

Hmm, I decided to go over
the remainder of the ship's log

- for any other mention of the outpost.
- And?

There's nothing.
Can you believe it?

This thing goes back a long way.

As far as I can tell, they haven't been
to this place in thousands of years.

- Why now?
We've reached our coordinates.

I'm dropping us out of hyperspace.

Planet is just ahead. I've established
an orbit around one of its moons,

just out of sensor range.

All right, let's get to the Jumper.


It's all right, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

This is exactly the kind of situation
I didn't want to put you in.

I know.

I need somebody to stay behind
and fly the ship

- in case we get into trouble.
- Of course.

So, I'm going to have Lorne
and his men stay here.

Good luck.

- Anything?
- We should be in sensor range



- What?
- Well, there's a space gate.

What, now you're telling me this?

Well, I didn't know!
Look, the log wasn't exactly easy reading.

All right, anything else?

Yeah. I'm picking up
an energy reading on the surface.

You have any idea what it is?


But there's something else.

A hive ship in orbit.

Well, at least we didn't miss the party.

There's no guards.

Probably not expecting any visitors.

- Well, let's say we keep it that way.
- Which way?

Energy reading's strongest over here.

How big is this place?

Don't worry,
I've got an excellent sense of direction.

Didn't you say you got lost
in a garden maze once?

I was 10.
Plus, I was running from a bee.

What the hell is this?

McKAY: It's a queen.

Nice work, Sherlock,
but what's she doing?

I have no idea.


Oh, that is just revolting.

What is it?

Hey, check this out.

Hey, we got company!
Go! Go! Move!

This one is ready.

Put him with the others.

Well, I'm definitely going to have
nightmares about that.

So you think this is
some kind of Wraith farm?

McKAY: That's what it looks like.

The queen secretes genetic material, which
gets distributed through the structure

into those pods.

Presto, newborn Wraith.


Yeah, I know, it sounds disgusting,
but it actually makes sense.

I mean, you got to remember,
they're descended from insects, right?

One thing I don't understand is why here?

I mean, we always just assumed
that this took place on their hive ships,

but what's so special about this place?

I think I have an idea.

McKAY: Oh, my God. Pods!

Thousands of pods!

I've patched into the Wraith console.

I've got internal schematics.



If I'm reading this right, what we saw from
the surface was just the tip of the iceberg.

I mean, this thing is miles in diameter.

Are there any other chambers like this?

Over 100.

It doesn't make any sense.

There's no way a single queen could
provide enough genetic material

to fertilize all those pods.

Maybe there's more than one.

Queens don't work together,
at least, not as far as we know.

All I know is, this place was built
to create some kind of a Wraith army,

and we can't let that happen.

You've seen how big it is. I doubt
our C-4's are going to make much of a dent.

So, we fire on it from orbit.

Theoretically, that could work, problem is,
there's another hive ship out there.

They'd be on top of us
long before we could finish the job.

What about the power supply, huh?

Maybe. Guess we could
shut 'em down for a while.

That's a start.

Only problem is, these readings
are coming from all around us.

We're basically in the middle
of a giant machine.

I'm not sure I can pinpoint the source.

Wake her.

What has happened?

You've done well.

The second batch of warriors is flawless.

We now have a suitable genetic template
with which to proceed to the next phase.

Where is the commander of the fallen hive?

He's in a holding cell.

He completed the recalibration
that was required.

I must regain my strength.

Bring him to me.

His understanding
of this technology is impressive.

You may wish to keep him alive.

You've said the device was ready.

It is.

We are simply making final adjustments
before we bring main power online.

Then he has outlived his usefulness.

And I must feed.

Unless you are volunteering yourself?

Bring him!

I believe I'm about to receive my reward.

So be it.

Sheppard. How did you find me?

We followed them.

You picked up my signal.
I wasn't sure you would come.

What are friends for?

Now, tell us everything you know,

or you're going to join
your two friends here on the floor.


Any word yet?

No, they've not been in contact.

Well, I guess there's not much
to do but wait, huh?


Listen, I never got a chance
to congratulate you.

It's really great.

I didn't even know you were dating anyone.

My sister has a couple of kids.

Two boys, five and seven.

I miss being around 'em.

I'm not really sure what to expect.

Nobody ever is,

at least, not with the first one.

But you get through it.

You're going to make a great mom.

Thank you.

I wish I could be so sure.

Well, Dr. McKay is quite correct.

It would be impossible for a queen
to breed so many warriors all at once,

except by artificial means.

What are you talking about?

The queen creates a handful of warriors,

each of which is then reproduced
thousands of times over.

This was a cloning facility.

That's why it was key
to their victory over the Ancients.

We always knew they did it
with greater numbers,

we just never knew where they came from.

Aren't there too many Wraith
in the galaxy already?

A couple of weeks ago,
when you were fighting the Replicators,

it might've made sense,
but why now?

Answer the man.

We didn't use this facility
during the Replicator w*r

because we didn't have
the means to power it.

The energy requirements are enormous.

ZPMs. He's talking about ZPMs.

I managed to acquire a few
before the Replicator planet was destroyed.

And I was all set
to feel bad about k*lling you.

My intention was to create
an army to wipe out the other Wraith,

but I was betrayed by one of my crew.

He informed another hive of my plans.

The one who disabled your ship.


McKAY: This is good news, right?

It means all we have to do to shut this
place down is get our hands on the ZPMs.

And I know where they are.
I'm sure you haven't come all this way

just to rescue me,
but it would be in your best interest.

Let's go.

Through there.

We'll see if it's clear.
You stay here.

There's one thing I don't understand.

Back when you defeated the Ancients,
how did you get your hands on the ZPM?

The Lantians were powerful, but careless.

Believing their ships were unbeatable,
they sent them deeper and deeper

into Wraith-controlled territory,
trying to weed us out.

It took months, but eventually,
we were able to capture three of them,

each one powered by a ZPM.

At which point,
you brought them back here.

Within weeks, our army had grown
to hundreds of times its original size.

From that point on,
the tide of w*r turned in our favor,

and there was nothing
the Lantians could do.

Save the history lesson for later.
Let's go.


They've discovered my absence!

Well, we're going to have to move quickly.

This way!


Oh, man.

I got stunned.

- Yeah, we know, Rodney. We all did.
- We did?

How come I'm the last one to wake up?

- Hey, where's Todd?
- He escaped.

Well, that's good, isn't it?

He'll come back for us.
I mean, after all, we saved him.

Something tells me
we're on our own with this one.

Something tells me
it's not going to matter.

Open it.

You're letting us out, huh?
That's very kind of you.

Bring them.

The commander of the other hive
escaped, but I brought you these.


Inform the hive.

Have them begin searching
the area for their ship.

In the meantime,

I have a few questions
that need to be answered.

What is it?

I have detected
a Dart approaching our position.

It could be a scout.
Have they spotted us?

I don't know.

Have you detected any communication
between the Dart and the other hive?

- No.
- Well, then we still have a chance.

We should destroy it.

Colonel Sheppard has flown a Dart before.

He would've radioed us by now,

and we can't risk
sending out a signal of our own.

Charging weapons.

Do not fire.

You recognize me?


Have you seen our people?

I have. I will tell you everything,
but you must allow me onboard.

They were captured?
I saw them get stunned.

- Funny how you managed to get away.
- I was lucky.

If I had been captured,
they would have k*lled me instantly.

So, how do we rescue them?

By now, they will have been
brought before the queen.

So, there's still a chance
if you fly us back down there.

You don't understand.

The hive in orbit will have
detected my Dart leaving the planet.

They will grow suspicious
and begin searching for us.

Our only hope is to leave now
and come again later undetected.

We're not going anywhere.

There is no way
to help your friends right now.

You must face this.


There is a chance. I have an idea.

How were you able to find this place?

I don't believe that I have
ever encountered such resistance

from a human before.

I've had a lot of practice.

Well, there is a simpler way.

Tell me what I want to know,
or I feed on one of your friends.

As you wish.

If you're hungry,
I'm the one you're looking for.

- This one.
- Oh, great.

My entire life,
I've never been chosen first,

And now fate decides
to restore the balance.

What is it?

My queen?

Take them back to their cell.

- I do not understand.
- Get out!

What did she say?

She's not talking to us.

She's taking control
of the queen's mind.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Who is this who dares to enter my mind?

Who I am does not matter.

What matters
is that I am stronger than you.


Even now, I am gaining
control of your body.

Yes, you do have strength.

I can feel it now.

But even you cannot sustain
this level of concentration forever.

I do not need forever.

Now, get up!

Turn right.

You are hiding something from me.

I can sense it.

Of course.

Now I feel it.

You are not working alone.

There is another life inside you,

helping you.

Stay away!

You cannot resist me for long.

Combined, your two minds
are very powerful,

but all I need to do is distract you for
a single moment to get to the other.

One thought is all it will take

to crush it out of existence.

That was just weird.

"Weird"? Did you see how close I just
came to becoming Wraith food?

I don't think "weird" quite cuts it.
Like, maybe "paralyzing,"

or "sickening," or "heart-stopping. "

- What do you think happened to her?
- I'm not sure.

Oh, great. She's back.

Here are your weapons.

It's me, John.



You are weakening. I can feel it.


Teyla, you okay?

You must go, quickly.

I don't know how much longer
I can control her.

- Go. Move.
- Could you get her to tell us which way?

- 'Cause I kind of got turned around.
- Just go!

You can let go of her now.
We're leaving.

There it is,

the other life inside you.

- Teyla? Let go.
- John, help me!


Let's pull up the ZPMs
and get the hell out of here.

The only problem is, we have
no idea where they are, remember?

We pulled up the schematics
in the pod room.

- It didn't have any reference to the ZPMs.
- Maybe you didn't look hard enough.

Let's go.

Make this quick.

There's a lot of data.
I'm going to need a minute.

What was that?

McKAY: We're too late.

They've started to clone the warriors.

Forget that, just find the ZPMs.

- I'm going to need more time!
- Rodney.

Look, there are hundreds of pages

of information here and it's all in Wraith.

- They found the queen.
- All right, I got a better idea.

- You do?
- Let's get out of here.

Teyla, are you okay?

- Major Lorne?
- What happened?

I saw them,

Colonel Sheppard, Ronon, Dr. McKay.

- Did they get away?
- The queen was...

Was going after my child.

It's okay, it's okay.
Just take it easy, all right?


The other hive is on its way.

They've found us.

Isn't there
another way out of here?

You want a different exit?
It was hard enough to find this one!

We'd better make a decision fast.
We got more of 'em coming.

Oh, crap.

Let's get out of here!

The hive ship will be here momentarily.
We need to leave now.

Not before our people get back.

Weapons capabilities are limited at best.
The hull is still severely damaged.

We can't survive an attack.

Colonel Sheppard will be here shortly.

You don't know that.

I have seen them. They are alive, and we
will wait for as long as is necessary!

- What's that?
- The other hive.

They've entered weapons range.

This is foolish.
They will target our hyperdrive,

making it impossible to escape.

We can't wait any longer!

Teyla, Lorne, come in.

Colonel, where are you?
- We're on our way.

You must hurry.
The other hive has found us.

Can you hold 'em off?

Not for long.

Approaching Dart Bay.


They're inside.

Colonel, request permission
to jump to hyperspace immediately.

Negative. I have another idea.

Are you crazy?

We still have to destroy the cloning facility.

How? In case you hadn't noticed,
we're under attack.

I know! Teyla, I want you
to set a new course.

- Commander.
- What is it?

We just received
an urgent communication from the hive.

The enemy, they're headed straight for us.

Well, I think that should
probably do the trick.

Let's get out of here.

So, what happened to the other Wraith?

You mean Todd?

Don't ask. He took a Dart.

Either he escaped
through the gate like we did,

or he was captured by the other hive ship.

I can't imagine they could have given him
a very warm welcome.


Talk to Keller?

I've just come from the infirmary.
Everything is fine,

at least, physically.

What does that mean?

I exposed my unborn child
to the mind of a k*ller

even before he has
opened his eyes on the world.


It's a boy.


I thought you didn't want Keller
to tell you anything.

She didn't.


You were right to question
my involvement in this mission.

There was a time when
I would have laid down my life for you

or Ronon or Rodney without hesitation.


I have other considerations now.

That's understandable.

You have no idea how close
she came to extinguishing his life.

If you had hesitated

for even a moment...