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04x11 - Be All My Sins Remember'd

Posted: 01/18/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on stargate atlantis.

I believe you refer to our
enemy as the replicators.

They have begun to
annihilate human worlds.

We need to know if you can shut down
the replicator attack code on your own.

I've been looking into that,and
it's not very promising.

But with this wraith's
help,you think you could do it?

Take this.

What's this?

It's the core drive of
the ship's tracking system.

If this works,we should be able to track every aurora
class replicator ship in the galaxy in real time.

My duplicate did say
they were building more.

A lot more.

Don't worry,we're ahead of schedule.

I know.

All the settlements we've been
assigned have been evacuated.

I know,I know,it's just that most of the planets
that are in the replicators' path are people

that we've had almost no contact with,so I need
you and teyla out there as much as possible.

Yeah,well,I think it might be the flu.

She's been looking a
little green lately.

I'm fine.

Where are we going to now?


The massanians.

Should be interesting.

Look,I'm sorry we're
having to go out so much.

I know you don't feel so hot,but you're
the one with all the contacts out there,so.

it's all right.

I'm feeling much better now.

Off world activation!

That must be lieutenant kemp's team.

Receiving video transmission.

Coming in now,colonel.

Lieutenant,looks like
things are going well.

Most of the settlement's
on their way through,

but a good number of them
have decided to stay behind.

I'm not sure they believe us,sir.

I'm requesting teyla come back and try
to talk some sense into the stragglers,

because I'm not getting
anywhere with them.

Well,I don't think we can do that.

The replicator ship's going
to be there within a half hour.

Well,I don't know what to do.

- incoming!

It's too late.

They're already here!

Lieutenant,get your
team through the gate!

I can'T.

There's too many people-

we lost the transmission.

Dial him back.

I can't get a lock.

They must've taken out the gate.

How many people were
left on that settlement?

Just under 2,000.

both ships at the same time.

This is a first.

This is the first
time we've needed them.

Well,since I've been here.



Good flight?

Long flight.

We'll make it worth your while.

That's what I hear.

You have a way of tracking
the replicator ships?

We do.

That'll make finding and
destroying them a lot easier.

Why don't you come into my
office? We'll get you briefed.

It is this recent discovery of the essential
duality of this particular stem of the nano sub-code

that has opened up a whole world of
possibilities when it comes to the expedient

and permanent deactivation
of the internanite bonds-


I'll let you know when I'll
take questions,thank you.

Have you created an
anti-replicator w*apon or not?

If you just let me continue,I think you'd
have a better understanding of the complexity-

yes or no,doctor.


All right,we move on to plan B.

Just like that?

The replicators are
destroying every human colony

they can find in an attempt to
wipe out the wraith's food supply.

We can't wait.

We have to act now.

Yeah,but plan b,it's not a good plan.


Sure,the apollo and the daedalus have been
retrofitted with the new asgard plasma beam weapons,

which,given,are very,very powerful,

but they still can't
destroy the replicators.

We don't have to destroy
them,we just destroy their ships.

I mean,from what I understand,

once they're exposed to the
harsh environment of space,

they'll essentially be neutralized.

Well,"essentially neutralized" and
"neutralized" are two very different things.

Back when we blasted niam
into space,he froze solid.

We didn't have a problem
till we warmed him up.

That's what I'm saying.

Look,your way leaves
replicator cells inactive,

just waiting around for
someone to reactivate them.

My way shuts them down for good.

But our way is actually operational.

Come to think of it,what
exactly is your way?

From what I understand,you haven't
even gotten your programming done yet,

let alone a delivery method.

Well,you didn't let me
finish my presentation.

I think I got the gist of it.



no,no,I'm just wondering when the colonel
here became a math and physics expert.

Doctor,you came into this meeting
knowing that you had nothing,

but instead of just
saying that like a man,

you thought that you'd dazzle us with a lot of
fancy talk and think that we were too dumb to notice.

So,now you're questioning my manhood?

All right,that is enough.

- No,he just told-
- rodney,move on.

Look,I think we've got
this tracking system down.

We can peg where they're going to be within
a 30-minute window,and given current data,

we've got at least 12 hours
before any of their ships

are even close to an inhabited planet.

Give me and the wraith,like,10 hours
to get the shut-down program working.

If I don't,then you can feel free to go ahead
and open up on them with your beam weapons.

All right.

You have 10 hours.


All right.

I don't understand how
you guys put up with-

if you ever talk like that to
someone under my command again,

you will not be welcome
on this base,colonel.

Is that clear?

Yes,it is.


We're done here.

Thank you.

Why would you lie to them?

I didn't lie to them.

It is most improbable that we
complete our task within 10 hours.

That is quitter talk.

Look,you don't know me.

This is when I'm at my
best,this is when I shine-

impossible deadlines.

I ever tell you about the time I once got a
damaged ancient hyperdrive system online moments

before me and my crew were
incinerated by a super volcano?

Yes,you have.

Well,there you go. See,I
work best under pressure.

Then perhaps I should thr*aten to feed on
you if we do not complete the coding in time.


He's just kidding.

Just tell them you were joking.


I'll work in this area.

Time's up.

So soon?

I guess that means you're not ready.

No,I'm not.

Well,we're going with plan B.

You want to go for a ride?

No,I'll stay here.

This still needs to get done.

Good luck.

Daedalus,this is the
apollo,our scans are clear.

We don't have any other contacts.

Can you confirm?

Copy that.

We have the same reading.

Colonel,how long before
our guest arrives?

Should be any second now.

Won't they be surprised.

We're going weapons hot,apollo.

Copy that.

We have done the same.

I'm detecting a
hyperspace window opening.

Stand by to fire forward beam weapons.


Contact has been neutralized.

I wish I'd had these a few years ago.

Well,the first attack is easy.

They didn't know we were coming.

The replicators have proven very effective in
changing strategies when faced with failure.

Still,we took that ship down
without breaking a sweat.


One down.

37 to go.

one week later

Welcome back,sir.

We were in the neighborhood.
Thought I'd stop by,resupply.

How's it going out there?

Splitting us up was a good call.

The daedalus has downed
another three ships.

Ellis got another two.

That brings us to seven.

That's not bad at all.

I'll need about an hour to get what
we need,then we'll get back out there.

Well,there's been a
little change of plans.



They're falling back?

Safety in numbers.

Evidently,they haven't figured
out how we're tracking them and-

or they haven't figured
out how to stop us.

Either way,they want
to stop losing ships.

So they're all headed back
to the replicator home world.

That's right.

Well,that's good.

They're finally all in one place.

We can wipe them out all at once.


but our two ships versus
an entire replicator fleet.

not to mention the drones they'll
be firing from the surface.

The new weapons we have are very effective,but
they are no match for that kind of fire power.

Well,sounds like the perfect time to finally use
that k*ller program you've been working on,doctor.


Remember when you said all you
needed was 10 hours to finish it?


Well,it's been 10 hours-

and a week.

Are you finished?

Well,I'm just,um,dotting
some "I"s,crossing some "t"S.

Whatever our plan is,we
need to act quickly.

Our current intel suggests that they're putting
all their resources into building new ships.

I figure we have less than a week before they head
back out into the galaxy,and in much greater numbers.

If they start traveling in packs,our
k*ll rate is going to drop drastically.

We can't let that happen.

We need to take them out
while they're all in one place

and we need to do it quickly.

Hey,I should just get back to my lab.

I have to tell them.

I have to tell them
we don't have anything.

This is most troubling.

Ellis is gonna love this.

I don't get it.

We tried reconfiguring
your stand-down code,

we tried programming the
nanites to turn themselves off.

Something should have worked.

They are a very complex
and ingenious design.

Yeah,well,I thought I was ingeniouser.

Yes,I know that's not
a word,mr. Helpful.

All right,look,maybe we could figure out some
way to use the anti-replicator g*ns somehow.

From what you have told me,they have
almost certainly become immune to it.

Even if they haven't,we'd still
have to get them all in one place.

What is it?

I think I've got my first
good idea in three weeks.

Our old anti-replicator technology relied on disrupting
the bonds between each individual nanite cell.

They just collapsed in
a pile of dust,right?

We're familiar with the technology,yes.

right,well,the thinking is
always to continue down that line.

to break the bonds,to turn them off,sever
their connections to one another,

because dust we can deal with,right?


We do the opposite.

Instead of severing their connections,we
significantly dial up their attraction to one another.

We turn each cell into an
incredibly powerful nanite magnet.

You know,one cell attracts another
cell,those two attract two more,

and as more and more nanite
cells bond to the core group,

they become stronger and
stronger and stronger,

to the point where every replicator
cell on the planet,in orbit,all of them,

are amassed in this
giant,super-dense blob.

A super dense-blob?

That's your great idea?

It is,yes,actually.

So what do we do with the blob,then?

Aren't we in danger of creating
some godzilla-sized super-replicator?


At least not at first.

This is not their
normal form of bonding.

I mean,it will take
them some time to adapt,

to figure out how to function
within the new parameters.

How much time?

Well,I mean,I'd hate to speculate.

Since when?

Look,it doesn't matter
anyways,because,long before that happens,

they're going to fuse together so tightly,they
will be rendered essentially inert.

Remember,this bond is
occurring on a subspace level-

which helps get them past the normal
repulsive force between nuclei-

to the point where their electrons
are fusing with their protons,

and once that starts
happening,they're toast.

Yeah,but you're talking about
neutron star levels of density.


It sounds crazy,but this could work.

Well,how do we make it work,then?

Just upload a new command
into their base code?

I have a better idea.


What's this?

- this has been in storage since we found it a while ago.

The ancients used it as part of their research
into the creation of human form replicators.

What are you suggesting?

We have the technology,the
understanding of nanite coding.

We have the ancients'
blueprints,for crying out loud.

You want to make your own replicator?

Not a whole one.

Just a block of nanite
cells,say,yay big-

just enough to get the ball rolling.

I don't know,rodney.

I'm not talking about creating anything
with normal replicator abilities.

Just a group of nanite cells that can serve as a
platform for us to upload the new bonding program.

We take it to the replicator
homeworld,we switch it on,

we beam it into a populated area

and we sit back and watch-

it couldn't be easier.

There is one problem.

Only one?

The replicators on the planet
will be affected fairly quickly,

but there will be a definite
delay until there's enough mass

to attract the nanite cells in orbit.

So those ships will have
plenty of time to escape.

Unless we disable or destroy them.

They have 30 ships,we have two.

If we don't disable them,they're
just going to fly away,

lay low and replicate a new army.

30 ships versus two.

Can't be done.

We might be able to get more ships.

Depending on what has happened
since I have been in captivity here,

I can easily bring another
12 ships to the battle.

12 ships
- willing to fight shoulder to shoulder?

For a chance to destroy the
replicators once and for all.

of course.

It at least brings the
odds down to two to one.

An alliance like this
must be negotiated.

I will need to personally convince them
that this is the proper course of action.

Sit down.

First sign you've crossed us-

I die.

I know.

Well,this is different.

Receiving transmission.

docking instructions.

All right,let's get this over with.

Now what?

You open the door.

Perhaps we should remove these.

I think it sends the
wrong message,don't you?

This is a mistake.

We need his help.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Well,we're here,let's see it through.

Take it easy,guys-

all right,the basic nanite
material has been formed.

Let's see if we can
get them to interact.

I must say,rodney,this is
quite an ingenious idea.

Would you expect anything less?



Well,you have been in
a bit of a rut lately.

- I have not.
- Okay,a dry spell maybe.

That is not true.

- It's not.
- Okay!

Now,are we certain that these nanites
will not go beyond simple cohesion?

Of course. I've disabled
most of the normal protocols.

They won't be able to do anything
beyond form a simple block.

All right,here we go.

It worked.

You did it,rodney.


Mckay is back!

Stop that. I was never gone.

Whoa,wait a minute,we've got a problem.

The cells aren't communicating properly.

This could be tougher than I thought.

And I don't want to
hear you say anything.

Be calm.


What the hell's going on?

Apparently,my fellow wraith wanted to
speak to me without you being around.

They might have just politely
asked us to stay in the jumper.

Come,now,you would never
have let me leave your sight.

Well,we'll never know now,will we?

We have a deal.

seven hives will join us in the fight.

Seven? You said 12.

Not all of them were convinced
the mission was achievable.

Plus,many of our ships
are without queens.

We'd be unable to create new
soldiers should they fall.

If you'd prefer none.

all right,seven.

How did I wake up before ronon?

We had to stun him several times.

I thought it would be best that
you were awake before he was.

Probably a good idea.

Are we in space?

The hives have already left.

They jettisoned your ship before
they jumped into hyperspace.

Anything else happen while we were
unconscious that I should know about?

I must return to atlantis to
help dr. Mckay complete our plan.

Help me wake them up and
we'll get out of here.

All right,looking good.

Rodney,it's only being held
together by a force field.

I know.

I just wanted to give the cells time to
establish their own internal cohesion.

Now we drop the field and
they should hold together.

Not bad,not bad.

Structure is intact.

Bonds are holding.


It's no use,rodney.

You've disabled too many of
the cells' basic protocols.

It was never designed to work this way.

In that case,there's
only one thing we can do.

Dr. Zelenka?


They need to see you right
away in section seven.

We're having some power
problems in the infirmary.

I should go.

This won't take too long.
Is it all right if I-

just go,go.

you're probably holding me back anyway.

Ronon,let it go.

Take it as a compliment.

they were afraid of you.

Dial the gate.

I'm detecting a
hyperspace window forming.

Your guys forget something?

It's an ancestral warship.

Replicators. Dial the gate.

How did they find us?

I have an idea.

You are mistaken.

Receiving transmission.


Sheppard,that better not be you.


What the hell are you doing here?

What the hell are you doing here?

We picked up on seven hives
orbiting a single planet.

Seemed like something
big was going down,

so I thought we'd stop
and do a little intel.

Yeah,well,you just missed them.

I see that.

Now,tell me,what are you doing here?

And better yet
- why didn't those hives destroy your puny little ship?

I take great offense to that

but those are all good
questions,so we should talk.

Yes,we should.

Use bay three.

Well,better her than
the replicators,right?

Let's see what kind of mood she's in.


that wraith better be a prisoner.

Now,I know how it looks.

k*ll it.


No k*lling,okay?

Just hear me out.

So,the idea is to keep the
replicator ships from leaving orbit

until this mckay guy can suck
them back down to the planet?

Couldn't have put it better myself.

And since you only have two ships.

we need the wraith to help.

We figure the replicators have close
to 30 ships guarding the surface.

The wraith bring another
seven to the fight.

Still not very good odds.


but unless we can,say,I don't
know,meet someone with access to ships

it will have to do.

One of the planets we trade with was
completely wiped out a few weeks ago.

We thought it was the
wraith,but it didn't fit.

they weren't culled,they were leveled.


The last time we worked together,I
said I'd let you keep a few secrets,

but not anymore.

If we do this,we go all the way.

No holding back.

All right.


your ship is still a mess.

We have scientists that
have the ancient gene.

Maybe they can help you supe it up.

Well,I'll have to talk
to our governing council,

but even if they agree to move forward,

it'll be up to the individual ship
captains if they want to join us or not.

And fighting alongside the
wraith isn't going to be popular.

Well,we know how persuasive you can be.

I'll start making the calls.


This is all working out for the best-

except for the part where
I'm still tied up,larrin.


You and I have two very different
definitions of "this won't take too long. "

I know. I'm really sorry.

The naquadah generator in section
seven is giving us all sorts of trouble,

but it's fixed now,I'm all yours.

What would you like to try now?

Actually,unencumbered by the continual
need to explain things to you.

I've actually made remarkable progress.


The systems the ancients had in place were designed
to create fully-functional humanoid replicators,right?


well,turns out that trying to
create something much simpler is,

ironically,much more difficult.

In the end,I was forced to compromise.

Wait,you're not suggesting that-

I know it wasn't part of the plan,

but it was either this or nothing.



check on mckay,see if
he made any progress.

I must go see dr. Keller.

Why's that?

I was stunned.

We get stunned all the time.

Shake it off.

The circumstances are different.

How so?

I am carrying a child.

You're what?

I am pregnant,john.

Is this a joke?

Don't look at me.

It just happened.

I didn't even know you
were seeing anybody.

It is no one from atlantis.

How far along are you?

About three months.

- how long have you known?

Just under two.

We've been
- you let me put you out in the field when you've known you were three months pregnant?

I tried to tell you.

You didn't try hard enough.

I am more than capable of-

you got stunned today.

Do you have any idea what
kind of effect that could have?

Athosian woman remain very
active in the community-

this is different.

We get shot at,beat up,stunned.

we take a chance every time
we walk through the gate.


as of this second,you are
relieved from active duty.


Kanan is the father?

You knew that we were-

I could tell.

The way you talked about him.

Yes,he is the father.

I'm sorry.

I will find him.

He is still alive. I feel it.

We'll find him.


I promise.

Come on.

Let's go get you checked out.

You know "ronon," it's a good name.

Boy or girl.

So that brings the grand total to.


Larrin said she can get
three or four more ships.

That's great.


You okay?


I'm taking teyla off active duty.


She's pregnant.

Who's the father?

I never asked.

It has been one hell of a day.

But there's one more
thing you need to see.

Mckay has kind of
thrown us a curve ball.


I was just thinking we
need more of those today.

This is not what we talked about,rodney.

Yeah,well,I'm sorry,but
the block idea didn't fly.

This was the only way.

You have any idea what kind
of a security threat this is?

It's not as bad as you think.

I've stripped down its programming
as much as I possibly could

without sacrificing basic viability.

It can walk,it can talk,but it can't
replicate or change its form or anything.

Does she know why she was created?

Of course.

Well,then she has a certain
amount of self-awareness.



Honestly,I'm not sure how comfortable
I am sending her to her death.


It can't die.

It's not alive.

It's a program.

Her "consciousness" is just
a bunch of ones and zeros.

I mean,you can call it "she" all
you want,but it's still just a thing.

It's a prop.

It's a really advanced
radio-controlled w*apon.

I mean,you don't feel sorry
for your b*ll*ts,do you?

Your bombs?

All right,still.

It's weird.

Yeah,well,at the end of the
day,it doesn't matter anyway,

because we don't have any other choice.

Well,we are teaming up with the wraith.

I guess it's that kind of a mission.

We have a problem.

What is it?

I've been going over your calculations.

I thought it would be prudent,for
the good of the mission.

I hope you don't mind.

No. No,it's fine.

I think you've underestimated how quickly the nanite
cells will adapt to their changing circumstances.

The mass will be able to manipulate its
own form before it reaches critical density.

- Are you sure?
- I'm quite positive.

Once the nanites regain control,they
will be able to halt their own collapse.

At that point,they will
be extremely dangerous.

In other words,we're back to godzilla.

I may have a solution.

We overload their zpms,about
half a dozen of them,

in a symmetrical pattern
around the replicator mass.

The force of the expl*si*n causes
the mass to compress even further,

essentially creating our
own replicator fusion b*mb.

The whole planet will be
destroyed in the process.

You don't mess around,do you?

All this is based on information
provided by a replicator?

We have no reason to trust it.

We're not trusting
it,we're trusting rodney.

Now,this causes a slightly
new wrinkle to the plan.

I'll need to beam
down to the core room-

along with ronon and a squad of marines.

From there,I should be able to hack into
their system and set the zpms to overload.

We'll be keeping their ships occupied.

The seven hives will space themselves around the planet
equally and our smaller ships will fill in the holes.

We could use you in
my chair,air,sheppard.

We have an arsenal of drones,but none of
my guys can fire them quite like you can.

No place I'd rather be.

The hives will be dispatching sizable waves of
darts to target the replicators' hyperdrive engines.

My 302s will join you.

Very well.

Now,while I'm working in the core
room,we'll beam fran down to the city.

Wait a minute
- fran?

Friendly replicator android.

I didn't realize we were naming things.

It noticed that zelenka
and I both had names,and.

and she asked for one,so.

all right,let's move out.

That's quite a sight.

I remember when the cold w*r ended and we
started doing joint missions with the russians.

I thought that was strange.

I've got confirmation from the fleet.

We're ready to go.

Set coordinates for the
replicator home world.

This is quite exciting,isn't it?

It's a bit nerve-wracking.

I quite look forward to it.

You do?

One always wishes to
fulfill one's purpose.


and you're fine with all this?

Why would I not be?

It's my reason for being.

I know,I just.

you're going to. cease to be.


I imagine you'd rather keep being than.

than not.

Certainly,you're not worried
for me,are you,doctor?


That would be silly.

Yes,it would.

We should never have given it speech.


Dr. Mckay,we're approaching the target.

You need to get with
ronon and the marines.

On my way.

Dr. Mckay.


Good luck.


good luck.

Target their hyperdrives with the
beam weapons and launch all 302s.

Beam the replicator and mckay's team
down to their separate coordinates.

fan out. Fan out.

All right,we're clear.

This won't take more than a minute.

Power down in interior section.

Transferring power from non-critical
systems to hull regeneration.

How's it coming,mckay?

I don't want to be doing this all day.

I'm done.

I've got total control over the
power grid and the zpms,and fran is.

fran is just about to activate.


It's working. just hold those
ships off a little longer.

I don't know how much
longer we can keep this up.

We just have to keep them busy.

I don't think they realize
what's happening yet.

One of the replicator ships is
heading towards us at maximum sublight.

They're powering their hyperdrives.


do you see that?


I got it.

It's working much faster
than I ever imagined.

when's it going to be big enough to
start pulling them down from orbit?

Soon. Really soon.

Our shields can't take
much more of this,sir.

Hopefully,they won't have to.

Get ready to transfer power
from the beam weapons to the-

what the hell.

son of a bitch.

he actually did it.

What's happening?

The replicator mass.

it's so heavy,it's sinking
into the planet surface.

Mckay,according to our readings,every
replicator nanite is now part of the mass.

Can you confirm?

Copy that,sam.

I'll set the countdown and-

Did you do that?


it's the mass.

It's collapsed the subterranean
power grid. it's a black out.

We won't be able to overload the zpms.

Not good. Not good.

Do you want me to beam
down there and help you?

The grid has been completely
destroyed,there's nothing either of us can do.

What's the big deal?

You can't overload zpms.

Why don't we just send
some nukes down there?

It's not that simple as that!

In order to implode a mass this large,the
expl*si*n has to be timed down to the nano second.

The force needs to be exactly right.

you can't just fire a few nukes
down here and get the job done.

It's gotta be better than nothing.

I have to agree.

Mckay,my sensors indicate that the ground
around the mass is rich with neutronium.


It's the base raw material
of replicator cells.

Makes all the sense in the world why the ancients
would set up on a planet where it's abundant.

This could be very useful.

Neutronium is incredibly dense.

And that helps us how?

Sam,we are geniuses!

The mass is so super heavy that it's
sinking into the planet's surface,

but if I dial it up,just a little bit,

it'll attract the neutronium
and sink all the way to the core.

And the planet will exert enough
pressure on it to cause an implosion.

Just give me one more.

got it!

we need to get out of here.

All right,let's go,come on!

As much as I'd love to,we shouldn't
stick around to watch this go down.

We should tell the fleet to jump to
the rendez-vous point immediately.

The planet's become unstable.

I'm sorry you lost a ship.

They knew what they were getting into.

Yeah,but still.

You gonna stick around and let
my guys check this place out?

They already gave us a head start
when they got us battle ready.

Besides,I have some things
that need to get taken care of.

Yeah? Like?

Nothing for you to concern
your pretty little head with.


now that we're allies and stuff.

I should probably have
some way of contacting you-

you know,for professional reasons-

in case we need help again.

I know where atlantis is now.

don't worry.

I'll stay in touch.

Colonel sheppard,are you ready to beam?

Good seeing you again.

I bet it was.

Ready to beam.

Welcome back.

Good to be back.

How are our good friends,the wraith?

They never showed up
at the rendezvous point.

Think they got caught in the expl*si*n?

I doubt it.

I guess they just figured there
was nothing left to talk about,so,

as soon as the planet blew
up,we were back to being enemies.

Wraith back to being enemies.

Replicators don't exist
anymore,you out of your dry spell.

all is right with the world.

What are you working on anyway?

You'll be surprised to hear that removing a
planet from the database is actually a lot of work.

I thought you'd be pretty
good at that by now.

You just can't resist
bringing up the fact

that I once accidentally destroyed
a couple of planets,can you?

It was an entire solar system.

You want to do the honors?

No,you go ahead.

All right,m7r-227,you were
a constant pain in the ass.

It's good to see you go.

If only it was that easy in real life.

Area 51 is working on it.

Late dinner?


All right.

I would have loved to have seen
ellis' face when my plan worked.

Such a tool.

I like him.

- You do?
- Yeah.

Good guy,excellent judge of character.

Oh,I see.

I see where you're going with that.

Our intel was correct.

The planet has been
completely destroyed.

Can you detect any
trace replicator cells?


they've been completely wiped out.


We can finally get to work without
having to look over our shoulders.

It's time to begin.