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04x09 - Miller's Crossing

Posted: 01/18/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
Hmm. Maybe if we...




Why don't we bring the Wraith in on this?


A lot of this new nanite coding
is based on his calculations, so maybe...

A, he wouldn't help us.
B, we don't need his help.

And, C, somebody get me some coffee.

You've been silently staring
at that board for three hours.

It'll come to me.

Just e-mail her already.

Excuse me?

Rodney, we're stuck.

We've been stuck for 10 hours.

Just ask her for help. Please?

I'm not stuck.

The last time we hit a block like this,
she helped us through it, right?

That was something completely different.

I cannot sit here
waiting for you to have an epiphany.

I'm losing the will to live.

I suppose there could be more
important things I should be working on.

However you want
to sell it to yourself, that's fine.



Just one big cookie?

- Yeah.
- Don't you want to use your cutters?

Nah, I just want a big one.



You might want to flatten
the dough a little bit.


No, just a giant cookie mountain,
that's what you're going for?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Anything good?

It's from my brother.

He's stuck again.
Do you mind if I...

Yeah, I got this.

Here, do you want to help with mine?

- Okay.
- Okay.

I need a lot of flour.

- How about some more chocolate chips?
- But not the whole bowl.

No, that would be too many.

You can't sleep?

I thought I heard something.


I don't know.

I'm gonna check it out.

She probably just snuck downstairs
for more cookies.

That's actually not a bad idea.

You're coming with us.

Gentlemen, I'm agent Barrett.
I work for the NID.

Mr. Woolsey has asked me
to help you any way that I can.

I'm sorry that we couldn't meet
under better circumstances.

Have the kidnappers tried
to make contact with us yet?

- No, I'm afraid not.
- Okay, well,

- I need to get to Vancouver.
- Okay, the Daedalus is in orbit,

so it will be a quick trip.

Have you learned any new information yet?

No, not yet. The NID
is liaising with CSIS on the ground.

They are expecting us.

"C" what, now?

Canadian Security Intelligence Services.

They're kind of like our CIA.


That's the best you guys can do, huh?

We will be out in the open,

so perhaps a change of clothes first.


I look dumb.

It helps you blend in a little.

I'm going to stand out
no matter what you dress me in.

That's a good point.

Hey, look. It's your Uncle Mer.

Hey, lady.

You going to say hi?

Where's Mom?


I told you.
She's had to go away for a bit,

but she's going to come back soon, okay?

- Can I...
- Yeah, please.

Okay, sweetie?

- Who did this?
- We're not sure,

but we have the best people
in the world working on this,

and all the resources...

You know, when you
came back here last year,

she almost didn't
go back with you to Atlantis.

I said, "Go, you have to do it.
You'll regret not going. "

- I know you did.
- She knew it was going to be dangerous,

but you two are so competitive.

Listen to me. We're going to...

This is your fault, Rodney.

Hey, just a second...

She got kidnapped because of you.

Okay, we do not know that for sure.

We don't?

Really? You figure four
masked men with g*ns broke in here

to steal her secret apple dumpling recipe?

Jealous neighbor, maybe.

Okay, you're angry.
You have every right to be...

If something happens to her...


We're going to find her.

Just bring her back.
Bring her home.

I will.

Come on, Mad.

- Where are we going?
- Just away for a bit.

I told him to get a hotel.

There's no reason for them
to stick around here.

All right, thanks, guys.
Give us the room, please.

So, where do you want to start?

Jeannie and I
were corresponding via e-mail.

She was...

- I was bouncing some ideas off her.
- What about?

Well, before Sheppard's Wraith showed up,

I was trying to perfect
my nanite medical program.

The thing you used to save Weir?

Yeah, a better...
A more complex version of that, but yeah.

Of course, as soon as we found out
that the Replicators were attacking

human worlds throughout the galaxy,

we obviously switched our focus
to shutting them down once and for all.

And you sent Jeannie the program
that you were working on?

Yeah, I just... I needed a new set of eyes.

The question is, what does it
have to do with her being taken?

Yeah. Maybe the Trust or some other
Earth-based organization

wanted info on me or about the program,

but regardless, my e-mail and her capture

happened too close together
not to be connected.

Right. That sounds like
a great place to start.

- Has anyone touched her computer?
- No. No, I told them

that you wanted to have a look at it first.
Nobody's touched it.

I'm going to need to take it apart.

This is going to take some time.

Why don't you go back to the hotel?
I'll call you if I find anything.

- It's okay, we'll stay.
- Seriously.

This could take 10 to 12 hours. Just...
There's nothing you can do here.

Just go back to the hotel.
I'll call you if I find anything.


No. Wait, please.

It's all right.

Let me?

Who are you?

My name is Henry Wallace.

I'm sorry to have...

I need you to do some work for me.


So, someone was monitoring
my sister's computer.

I think I've cracked their Trojan,
and I've got an address.

Barrett and I are on our way there now.

I thought you said
it was going to take 10 hours?

Hey, even I underestimate
how smart I am sometimes.

All right, stay at the house,
and we'll all go together.

It's too late, we're almost there.

I'll give you an address. You can meet us.

What is it?

This looks like the place.

Shouldn't we wait
for Sheppard and Ronon?

Okay. Stand back.

Okay, well, that works, too.

You wouldn't happen to have
another one of those on you, do you?

Yeah, I've got a shotgun in the car.

You okay? What the hell happened?

Two men, they must've been following us.


He's not here. They took him.


Jeannie. Thank God you're alive.

What are you doing here?

I came back to Earth as soon
as I heard you'd been kidnapped.

Have you seen Madison or Kaleb?

Yes, they're a little shaken,
but they're okay.

I put a security detail on them,
so you don't have to worry.

Then how did you...

I got ambushed trying to track down
the guys who took you.

Oh, great. That's just great.

First you get me captured, then you...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I got you captured?
How do you figure that?

Oh, come on.

They were monitoring my computer, right?

- Yeah, so?
- So, would I be here

if you hadn't sent me those e-mails?

- Possibly.
- Meredith.

- What is this? A lab?
- Wow,

that's some great
detective work there, Nancy Drew.

Where the hell are we?

I have no idea. They put me on a plane.

Yeah, me too.
Any idea who's behind any of this?

Dr. McKay.

I've heard a lot about you. It's a pleasure.

I thought you might show up
if your sister went missing.

We couldn't count on it, of course,
but it's a pretty big bonus.


Look, I have no idea who you are,

but you have made a terrible mistake
bringing me here.

Now, I suggest
you let us both go right now,

otherwise about a hundred marines

are going to come kicking down
your front door in the next two minutes.

I'm pretty sure they won't, actually.

Your subcutaneous transmitter
has been deactivated.

Who are you?

I should have started with that.

My name is Henry Wallace.

I'm the president of...

DMT. Great.

- You know who I am, then.
- I'm familiar with your work.

- What's DMT?
- It's Devlin Medical Technologies.

They're a predominantly
government-funded contractor,

and, unfortunately for us,

they manufacture
our subcutaneous transmitters.

- Oh, great.
- Yeah.

How do you even know I exist?

Your company's only privy
to very basic information

about newly declassified experiments
the military is working on.

No, more accurately,
my company is given limited access

to alien advances discovered
through the Stargate program,

and is asked to integrate them
into Earth-based medical technologies.

You're not cleared to know that.

No, I'm not.

But after years of being stupefied

by the military's endless
and unbelievable advances,

I started to do a little digging.

That's how I found out about the SGC,



and that's why we've been
monitoring your family's e-mails

for quite some time now.

What do you want from me?

I've hit a wall and need some help.

My daughter Sharon.

What's wrong with her?

She's suffering from acute
lymphocytic leukemia.

Well, I'm very sorry, but...

She's been particularly unresponsive
to induction chemotherapy.

Prednisone, vincristine, cranial irradiation.

I don't even know what all that means.

- How am I supposed to help?
- The best doctors in the world

have told her to start saying her goodbyes,

begin making funeral plans.

That's what I'm saying.
Neither of us are doctors.

Look, yes, I have a PhD. Two, actually...

The latest project my company
has been working on for the SGC

involves applying advances
in nanotechnology

to cure injury and disease.

- We were close to a prototype.
- Wait a second. Wait.

Sharon was injected
with the first batch of nanites

one week ago.

You barely got manufacturing perfected.

I'm working on the coding.
It's months away! They're not ready!

My team thought they had
ironed out most of the coding.

"Ironed out"? It's not that easy.

I know that now.

- They're malfunctioning.
- Well, of course they are.

And it's not just that
they're not working. They're...

They're actually causing
more problems than the cancer.

Her body is rejecting them.

When I intercepted
your correspondence with Jeannie,

I desperately needed
someone familiar with the coding

to come fix the programming.

Right, so Jeannie was just the bait.

No. From what I could tell,

she had a firmer grasp
of the coding than you did.

I don't think it's fair to judge me
on a couple of e-mails.

- I mean, they don't reflect the entire...
- Meredith, it doesn't matter.

If we don't do something quickly,

Sharon's going to die.

Get the nanites fully operational,
and I'll let you go.


- Absolutely.
- And if we don't?

That's right, sir.

They must have neutralized
the transmitter.

What about the lead you were following?

Dead end.

It's a small, rented room with a router

that ported data
through a site in Singapore.

I mean, who knows where
it was forwarded from there.

We've got our best IT guys
on the job, though.

We're going to start tracing the paper trail,

and hopefully it's going to turn up a lead.

We've been combing the security, traffic,
and ABM cameras from the area.

We've got Ambush talking to witnesses.

We've got half
the Vancouver PD on this one.

We're going to get 'em.

They're not communicating.
- What?

The nanites.
That's what's causing all the problems.

They're going after some cells redundantly,
they're ignoring others,

they've caused at least three
partially clogged arteries...

Something in their coding is stopping
them from understanding each other.

- Great, great.
- Are you even listening to me?

- No, you lost me at "nanites".
- Hey, idiot,

we need to solve this coding problem.

No, what we need to do
is get the hell out of here.

I know, by solving the coding problem.

- So young and so naive.
- You got a better idea?

Yes. Look.

They gave these computers network access

so we could monitor Sharon
in real time, right?

Which means I can also hack
into the security mainframe.

What about Sharon?

- What about us?
- We can do this, Mer.

We can help this girl.

And then what?
He's just going to let us go?

You think he's just going to
give up his life,

lose his company,
get carted off to prison?

- You think he'll be fine with that?
- He's desperate.

I think any parent would understand.

Oh, you think?
All right, let's just for a second

imagine that we live
in this magical land

of unicorns and wizards

and kindhearted people
who you can take at their word.

Let's assume that
he lets us go if we save her.

But what if we fail, huh?
What if she dies?

How happy do you think he'll be then?

Do you think he'll let us just
waltz out the door with an "Aw, shucks.

"Well, better luck next
time, tiger" attitude?


We need to get out of here.

I've been working on a code
to unlock all the keypad doors.

You ready?

What happens
after you get the door open?

Well, I memorized the building's layout
from this computer here.



Come on.


You said there was
a stairway entrance here.

There's supposed to be.

Okay. Wait, wait, wait.

- We got to go back.
- Go back? Why?

Because I got all mixed around.
We got to start again.

Maybe what I thought
was north was south.

- It's hard to tell.
- I can't believe I am betting my life

on your sense of direction.

- I've got an excellent sense of direction.
- Oh, really?

Remember when we went
to West Edmonton Mall

and Dad had to call the police to find you?

- That mall is huge.
- There are maps every seven meters.

Misleading ones.
Now, come on, we got to go back.

Oh, man.

Oh, sh**t.

Run! Run!

Why would you do that?

Why would...

My daughter is dying.

You kidnapped us.
What did you expect?

I shouldn't have given you
network access.

- Yeah, well, it's a rookie mistake.
- Meredith.

You're never going to help me.

- Are you?
- You're going to k*ll us either way.

What exactly is our incentive?

I gave you my word.

Which means exactly nothing to me.


My wife died three years ago.

I can't go through that again.

Sharon's all I have.
You can save her.

Look, this is an experimental
medical program.

It may never work.
All this might've been for nothing.

Worst case scenario,
I thought I would have weeks with Sharon.

Now, if things stay as they are,
I'm lucky to have days.

You never should have injected her.

No. No.

It will work.

It has to work.

- What is that?
- A dose of nanites.

- Meredith.
- Wait, wait, wait. Please.

- No.
- I'm sorry.

You need an incentive.


Fix this.

Or they both die.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Well, you were right.
They're not communicating.

They're not doing a lot of things
they should be doing, in fact.

- Yeah, I know.
- See, the thing is,

even though DMT
manufactured their own nanites,

the coding, the programming,

most of it's lifted directly
from the Replicators.

- Right.
- Yeah, well, the thing is,

as much as I hate to admit it,

we're only just beginning
to understand that coding.

The Wraith we've been working with

has helped us
make leaps and bounds, but...

Wait a second, you've been
working with a Wraith?

Yeah, it's a long story.

What I'm trying to say is
this program that we're pushing on it

is designed to restrain them,

very specifically, to make sure
they don't get out of control.

- So much so...
- That they're completely ineffective.

It's like we tied their hands
behind their backs.

- So we have to cut them loose.
- Exactly.

These nanites can't replicate.

Technically, by unleashing them,

we might make all our
little problems go away.

Okay, that shouldn't be too complex.

Altering two, maybe 3,000 lines of code.

- Yeah, it's a cinch.
- Yeah.

Look, I'm really sorry about all this.

I really don't want to talk
about this right now, okay?

We need to write this program
and upload it to my nanites.

I will yell at you later, okay?


We're going in circles here.

I don't even get what we're doing.

We're trying to match the corporations.

See, the company that rented
the space for the Internet router

was owned by another company,
which was owned by another,

and owned by another.

Trying to connect the company
that was monitoring Jeannie's computer

to a company that would want to take her.

Probably a company owned by the Trust.
We just haven't found a connection.

They knew enough
to shut down the transmitter.

Exactly. You know, the fact
that they even knew that

tells us that they're pretty intimate
with the operations

of the Stargate program.

Again, the Trust.

We should widen the net.
Maybe it wasn't one of them.

- Other known enemy groups?
- Or an ally.

Chinese? Russians?

McKay said he was working on a program
to shut down the Replicators.

Was he working in tandem
with anyone here on Earth?

No. No, not that I know of.

Wait. There was a medical company

that was working on
other nanite programs,

but they didn't have
any direct dealings with him.

And which company was that?

I don't know. Give me a sec.
I'll find out.

- Where are you going?
- Get some food.

In case you forgot,
McKay and his sister are still missing.


You want my help
dissecting corporate structures?

When you find someone to point a g*n at,
you let me know.

Fair enough.

What's it been? A couple hours?

- Something like that.
- So, what? No updates?

I mean, I know we're hostages and all,
but come on!

It took me, like, ten seconds
to upload the program to you.

What's taking them so much time?

It's going to take awhile to figure out

if our coding patch actually
makes the nanites fight the cancer.

When we activated them in Weir,
she was healed almost instantly.

That time, the Replicator cells
actually replaced her damaged cells.

Our guys have to heal them.

But, still, by now they should have seen
massive changes in her condition.

I mean, why aren't they
telling us anything?

Okay, sit down.
You're driving me crazy.

So, are you going to marry
that Katie girl?

- What?
- You heard me.

- Where did that come from?
- I'm trying to take my mind off the fact

that I have tiny robots
running through my veins

because you needed help
with your homework.

Would you rather talk about that?

- Not really.
- So, are you going to marry her?

- I don't know.
- You've been dating for over a year now.

I'm aware of that, thank you.

You think you're going
to find someone better?

No, it's not that.

'Cause you're not.

- Hang on.
- The fact that you found a nice girl

who's willing to put up
with all your many little flaws is a miracle.

- Look...
- Plus, physically, you're...

Well, how do I put this?
You're no John Sheppard.


Let's go back to talking about
how this is my fault,

because I think I liked that better.

Come with me.

Oh, come in, come in.

Sharon, I want to introduce you
to Rodney McKay. Jeannie Miller.

They're the ones that saved you.

It's very nice to meet you.

Thank you so much.

How are you feeling?

Better than I've felt in years.

McKAY: And the cancer?

We can't find any trace of it.

And I'm nervous, right?

Because, you know,
it's an admiral I'm talking to.

So, I say to him, "Sir,

"if you use an I-37 form instead of an N-1,

"you can save yourself from using, like...
Like a hundred G-72s. "

And there is this pause.

No one says anything for, like,
I don't know, it felt like minutes,

and finally, the Admiral
looks over at Landry

and he goes, "Hank,

"not only is your boy here right,
but I think we found ourselves

"a new bingo caller for Sunday nights. "

Bingo! God!

"L-37! N-1! G-72! Bingo!"

Whoever said the Admiral
didn't have a sense of humor?


Then there was this other time
that General O'Neill and I,

- we were:::
- Tell me you have something.

Devlin Medical Technologies.

- That means?
- We got somebody to point your g*n at.


What are you going to do with us?

Hey. We're celebrating here.

She's still got nanites inside her,
and we are both still hostages,

so you'll excuse me
if I skip the champagne.

I'm a man of my word.

- I'm going to let you go.
- What, just like that?

- Just like that.
- But you'll be arrested.

Not helping.

I know.

I've known I was going to prison
from the moment I decided to kidnap you.

I don't care.

My daughter's going to live.

That's all that matters.

I can't expect you to understand.

You're right, I don't.

We've done a great thing here today.

And not just for my daughter.

Hell, we might have
just cured cancer altogether.

So, please, a toast.

To the future.

Sir, we have a problem.


Nothing. Going again.



Turn it off.

I'm so sorry.

She was fine.

- I don't understand.
- Her heart just stopped.

We couldn't get it pumping again.

I'm not sure what happened.

- We need to get out of here.
- I know.

Okay. I need to get you
back to the SGC.

Your nanites are running
on the same programming...

- I know.
- Okay.

I'm going to see
if I can distract the guard.

I need you to go... Jeannie?

Jeannie, what are you doing?

I'm so sorry.

My brother and I need to leave.

We need to get to a bigger lab
with more scientists.


I don't know what to do.

I can't imagine

what you're going through right now.

And I know you're angry.
I would be, too.

But if I go untreated...

Look, I have a family,
a husband, a daughter.


I need to get help,
and I can't do it here.

I'm sorry.


You said she was dead.

She was.

The nanites are still active.

No, once they've beaten the cancer,
they're supposed to shut themselves down.

It's never been tested in a live subject,

and it's only worked
sporadically in simulations.

Look, I told you, this programming
is nowhere near ready to implement.

Wait, you're saying the nanites
brought her back to life?

It's the only viable explanation.

Then why did she die in the first place?

Shouldn't they have kept her alive?

- It's a good point.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

The doctor said her heart
just stopped, right?

- Seemingly out of nowhere?
- Right.

Does Sharon have any heart problems
unrelated to the cancer?

Yes, she has
a mitral regurgitation problem.

Heart murmur.

- What, you don't think...
- We broadened the parameters.

They weren't just programmed
to cure the cancer.

Once they were done with the leukemia,
they moved on to the heart murmur,

and the easiest way to fix that...

Is to shut it down
while they repaired it.

That doesn't make any sense.
Shutting down the heart

and starving the brain of oxygen
would cause severe brain damage.

Damage they could technically fix.

They could repair the tissue, yes,

but the patient would lose
their memories, their language skills,

any sense of self.

They don't care about that.

Look, they were designed to fix the body
of all physical maladies.

I mean, preserving a sense of self
isn't one of their directives.

So, she's going to be stuck
in this vegetative state?

Technically, her brain is perfectly healthy.

It's just like she's been
reset to zero, so to speak.

Meredith, what about me?
I don't have any cancer.

- They'll look around and go straight for...
- Your epilepsy.

I don't want to be shut down for repairs.

Okay, okay,
the first thing we got to do is...

- You guys okay?
How did you...

We need to get Jeannie
to the SGC immediately!

Is the Daedalus still in orbit?

You're welcome. It was a daring rescue.

Yes, yes, yes, thank you, but we're
nowhere near out of the woods yet.

We have to get to the SGC now!

Daedalus, this is Sheppard.

We need a lift.

Okay, I've put Jeannie
in a medically-induced coma

and I've broken her legs.

You what?

Well, we need to slow down the nanites.

Look, this could buy us 10 hours, at least.

You broke her legs?

Couldn't you just give her
a disease or something?

She needed an immediate
and severe trauma.

Besides, if we shut them down
before she's properly healed,

all she has is a few broken bones.

Instead of a disease
she'd have to fight alone.

Exactly. Now, I'm pretty sure
we can't just keep doing this.

I mean, sooner or later, the nanites
are going to abandon her broken bones

and move to her brain,
so we need to move fast.

Can't we just blast her
with an electromagnetic pulse?

No, these nanites were designed
specifically to be immune

to EM field fluctuations.

- Wonderful.
- So we have a little over 10 hours

to come up with a program
that shuts down the nanites.


So, what's the plan?

Well, as embarrassing
as I find this to say,

I need some help.

It's a bad idea.

Yeah, well, it's the only one I got.

Why have you brought me here?

McKAY: Look, you understand
the Replicator coding better than anyone.

If we're going to do this quickly,
then we need your help.

And why should you care?
I mean,

we're going to k*ll you either way, right?
That's what you're thinking?

Okay. Okay. So, incentives.

First off,
we have no interest in k*lling you.

Of course, you've probably
already figured that out by now,

but we can't let you go, either, because
you know too much about Atlantis,

unless you could prove
that you were trustworthy,

and this would go a long way
towards proving that.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure
I wouldn't buy that, either.

Do you have any relatives?

Do the Wraith have brothers or sisters?

I don't know how it works.

But with us, with my people,

those bonds mean a lot.

My sister is in trouble,
and it's pretty much all my fault.

You could help us.
You could save her.

Doesn't mean anything to you, does it?

I suppose it wouldn't mean
much to me, either, if I was in your place.



You and I both know

that if we can figure out how to shut down
these Earth-made nanites,

it would be a giant step toward
shutting down the Replicators.

I know you lost your hive.

I have no idea how horrible
that must have been for you,

but knowing that they're still out there,

that you alone can do something about it,

that's got to be driving you crazy.

So don't do this for me.
Don't do this for my sister.

Do this for yourself.

Do this because you know you can,

and because you know
it'll help destroy the Replicators

once and for all.

What do you say?

Thank you.

All right, there's a few bugs
to code out, but I think we're close.

- We?
- Hey, I have been contributing.

Now, if I could suggest a few targets...

Are you okay?


What if he's faking?

What if he's just milking it
for a hot meal?

No, I believe him.
He can't finish the coding without feeding.

I understand exactly what he's doing,

but he's far more versed
at implementing it than I am.

Maybe if I had a couple of weeks,

but he's the only one
who can do it in a day.

I don't know what to say,
but the NID is not going to provide us

with a human for him to feed on.

I know.

It needs to be me.


I want him to feed on me.

You want to what?

Let him feed off me,
get his strength back,

then he can finish the coding
and save Jeannie.

Then, what, force him to give you
your life back?

- He's not going to do that.
- Sharon died.

Half an hour ago.

I don't understand. What happened?
I thought the nanites would...

This time it wasn't a problem
with the programming.

It was a manufacturing defect.

Look, in layman's terms,
the nanites ran out of steam

while they were repairing her arteries.

She bled out internally.
There was nothing we could do.

I can't lose my sister, John.

How am I going to explain that
to her husband? To her kid?

That Wraith'll k*ll you.

- That's my choice to make.
- No, it's not.

You're an invaluable member of my team,

and you report directly to me.

Really? You want to talk about
chain of command right now?

- You are not doing this.
- She's here because of me.

I can't fix the problem,
but I can help the guy who can.

Look, this was not
an easy decision to make.

I can't.


I'm sorry.

We're going over the data.
We don't understand what happened.

I'm sorry.

And Jeannie?

She's not going to make it.

We brought in

a specialist from the Pegasus Galaxy,

part of an enemy race called the Wraith.

Somehow, McKay has convinced
him to create a program

to shut down the nanites in Jeannie's body.


He was close, real close,

but he hasn't fed in a few weeks,
so he collapsed.

He's too weak
to finish the coding modifications.

I don't understand.

If it means saving her life,
why not just feed him?

Well, he feeds on


Their life force.

I see.

Little hard to find volunteers.

So Jeannie will...

She's going to die.

Just like Sharon.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sure you are.

This is Kaleb, her husband.

And Madison, her little daughter.

I never meant for any of this to happen.

I know you didn't.

But it did.

Now McKay's blaming himself

and I know better.

You know better.

Oh, come on.

- Can I help you, sir?
- No. No problem.

May I see that, sir?

No, you may not.

Sir, the card, please.

You're not Dr. Lee, sir.

Was that Lee's card?

You know, we were just at the gym
and must have swapped pants,

so would you just open the door for me?

Not without a card, sir.

Look, I'm Dr. Rodney McKay.
This is my lab.

- Would you please open the door?
- I can't do that, sir.

This is a matter of life and death!

- Open the door!
- I'm...

- McKAY: Sheppard?
- Let him in.

- What?
- I was showing Wallace the labs.

The Wraith got the upper hand.

That's what the report's going to say.


Come on. You've got work to do.

No, he does not.

I have completed the reprogramming.

That was quick.

Well, get it uploaded.

- Jeannie?
- Mer.

It's okay. It's okay.

Man, medical comas are weird.

Yeah, well,
you're not the first to mention it.

- Did you...
- Yes.

- So I'm...
- You are absolutely fine.

I mean, aside from
a few inert nanites in you.

Thanks, Mer.

You can...

I'm really sorry about all this.

Oh, I am going
to hold this over your head for... Forever.

Oh. That's totally fair.

Like, you're going to eat
a lot of vegetarian food

- and not complain about it.
- Sure. Sure.

And you're going to read Madison
three stories instead of her usual two.

All right.

You're going to buy me a car.

Well, let's not get out of control here.

You almost got me k*lled.
That's at least a car. A nice one.

- A hybrid.
- Yeah, we'll talk about it on the way home.

Home. That sounds great.

I love you.


I love you, too.

- Hey.
- McKAY: Hey.

Look who's back.
How was the family?

It was great.

I bought them a Prius.

- Guilt.
- Yeah.

Listen, I can't believe what you did.

I don't really want to talk about it.

You talked Wallace into sacrificing himself.

No, I didn't.

- Well, then how did he...
- I...

I presented a situation.

He volunteered.

Still, you talked a man into k*lling himself.

He wanted to make things right.

I merely...

Presented the situation.



Want to get something to eat?


Say, you and I are about even
when it comes to looks, right?

- Who's been lying to you?
- No, I'm serious.

I am, too. Who's been lying to you?