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04x08 - The Seer

Posted: 01/18/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
McKAY: Previously on
Stargate Atlantis.

What about us?

You know enough
about this place to get us out.

We make it to the stargate,
we both go our separate ways.

Until then, we're going to need each other.

Next time we meet...

All bets are off.

McKAY: It's a command code
that directs them to attack the Wraith.

I've written a basic
block-storage transport protocol

to upload the attack command
directly from this tablet into the core.

Long-range scanners
have detected a massive fleet of ships

being launched from the Replicator planet.

McKAY: The attack command
must have been activated.

- But they're not heading for us.
- That's a Wraith planet.

- Oh, we really should be going.
- You're going to love the Athosians.

- Where is everyone?
- I do not know.

What happened to my people?

Teyla, I've looked over your test results.
There's something we need to talk about.

They are called the Vedeenans.

I've known about them my entire life,
but I've never met them.

They do occasionally trade
with others in the galaxy,

but for the most part,
they keep to themselves.

And you want to visit them because...

It is said that their leader,
a man named Davos, is a great seer.

What do you mean, like a psychic?

I do not know the full extent of his powers,

but it is rumored that he can
even glimpse the future.

Give me a break.

You do not believe such a thing is possible.

Well, gee, let me think, um... No.

Look, in a mechanical, Newtonian
universe, not a problem.

I mean, you know enough variables,
you can predict the outcome,

but quantum physics
blows that out of the water.

I understand your skepticism.

Even among my own people
the stories were not widely believed,

but I need to know for myself.

You think this Davos might be
able to help you find out

what happened to your people?

I realize that it may seem desperate,
but it has been several weeks,

and our usual means of investigation
have turned up nothing.

Rodney, what's the latest
from the forensics team on New Athos?

Uh, well, they're still searching,

but so far, they haven't found
anything useful.

Intel hasn't turned up anything either.
As far as we know,

they vanished into thin air.

Allow me to make a prediction.
This will be a complete waste of time.

I knew you were going to say that.

All right, from what Teyla says,
these people sound a little skittish.

You can bet that four heavily-armed
strangers showing up out of nowhere

is going to set them off a little,
so let's be on our best behavior, children.

You must be the people of Atlantis.

These people don't look very surprised.

You sure you didn't tell them
we were coming?

I've had no previous contact
with these people.

My name is Linara.

Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.

We know. We know all of you.

You've been expected for some time now.

Mr. Woolsey. How was your trip?

Well, spending a day in quarantine
on the Midway Station

wasn't exactly my idea of a good time,

but I suppose it beats
a three-week journey on the Daedalus.

Well, that quarantine was only set up
at the insistence of the IOA.

In response to some recent contagions
that have taken hold on this base.

Let's face it, Midway is the only buffer
between Pegasus and the Milky Way.

It can't hurt to err on the side of caution.

Anyway, it gave me a chance to prepare
for your three-month evaluation.

Right. So, how am I doing so far?

That's exactly what needs
to be determined,

but I want you to know,
I'm here as an observer only.

I have no intention of getting involved
in the day-to-day operations of the base.


That's refreshing.

Well, the IOA has come to realize
that bureaucratic interference on Atlantis

isn't always as beneficial
as we might like to hope.

And on a personal note,

it's been brought to my attention
in my own performance evaluations

that I can, on occasion,
be a bit of a busybody.

Unscheduled offworld

Excuse me.

We're receiving a signal.

It's Captain Robbins, on M2R-441.

Ah. They're delivering medical supplies
to a planet that was recently culled.

Patch him in.

Captain, this is Colonel Carter.
Please report.

We had a bit of
a development here, Colonel.

According to the locals, a few days after
the culling, another hive showed up.

They didn't k*ll anybody.

They just wanted the surviving villagers
to deliver a message.

- A message?
- That's right.

Apparently, this particular Wraith wants
to meet with Colonel Sheppard.

So, you're telling me
Davos knew we were coming?

He had a vision of your arrival.

Before I take you to see him,
there is something you should know.

He's very ill.

Our healers have done all that they can,
but it's not enough.

Some of us were hoping, well, if you
do come from the City of the Ancestors...

We may be able to help.

We would be forever in your debt.

- He must be very important to you.
- We owe him our lives.

Two years ago, he had a vision
that the Wraith were coming.

We had time to gather our provisions

and escape to the caves
in the northern mountains.

Even from deep underground,
we could hear their ships searching for us.

Eventually, they went away
and never returned.

Not a single Vedeenan was taken.


Of course, for me,
it's much more than that.

He's my father.

The people of Atlantis are here to see you.


Yes, come in. I've been expecting you,

and I know why you're here.

You have doubt in your heart.

Anyone with a basic understanding
of body language could've told you that.

Among my gifts, is the ability
to show others what I can see.

Well, you're the skeptic.



What happened?

I think I saw a vision.

- Of what?
- Of us,

being captured by the Wraith.

You said it was a forested planet,
misty, with Ancient ruins.

That's what I saw, yes.

McKAY: What?

While you were gone, we received a report

that the people of M2R-441
were recently visited by a Wraith.

Now, from the description
of his facial markings,

it sounds a lot like the Wraith who helped
you escape from the Genii last year.

My old buddy?

Apparently, he has a matter
of great importance

that he wants to discuss with you.

We already sent
an advance team to the address

that he proposed for the rendezvous.

The interesting thing is, it sounds an awful
lot like the planet in McKay's vision.

So, we're believing this now?

- Davos did know we were coming.
- Did you ask him about the Athosians?

I did not have a chance.

After he showed Rodney
the vision, he fell ill.

- They were hoping we could help him out.
- I'll send Dr. Keller.

In the meantime, there's only
one way to know for sure if he's right.

Go to the rendezvous, check it out.

Do you have something
to add, Mr. Woolsey?

Well, as I said before,
I'm here strictly as an observer.

But since you ask,
I have to wonder how wise it would be.

I may share some
of Dr. McKay's skepticism,

but we don't need
any mystical visions to tell us

that this Wraith probably can't be trusted.

You're talking about
walking deliberately into a trap.


This is a bad idea.

You're the one who said
it's impossible to see the future.

McKAY: Yeah, I was thinking about that.
I realized that quantum uncertainty

doesn't necessarily preclude the possibility
of seeing probable futures.

It's like blackjack. You never know exactly
what's going to happen next,

but a card counter can certainly
increase the odds in his favor.

And frankly, this feels like hitting on an 18.

It's more like doubling down against a 10.

Hold on, this is the place.
This is where it happened.

You were supposed to come unarmed.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

How's the patient, Doctor?

Well, from what I can tell, he...

He seems to be suffering from

a kind of lymphatic cancer.

There's not a lot I can do for him here.

Have you detected any physical anomalies
that might be related to his visions?

Sorry, force of habit.

Well, I don't really have
the equipment with me

that's necessary
to make that kind of analysis.

All right, why don't you bring him back.

Understood. Um, just so we're clear,

are we doing this to try
and save his life or to study him?

I'll have the infirmary
prepped and ready for your arrival.

Carter out.

So much for trust.

You tried to ambush us.

I had no intention of causing you harm,

but I could not guarantee your cooperation
simply by throwing myself at your mercy.

My intent was to have this discussion
on neutral ground.

A discussion?

The reason for my contacting you.

I require your help.

We worked together once before.

- Doesn't mean I want to do it again.
- You will.

Oh, more predictions, just what I need.

As you know, Wraith are at w*r.

I believe you refer to
our enemy as "the Replicators".

Sounds vaguely familiar.

Well, we have a w*apon,

a virus that was designed
to reset their attack directive,

causing them to stand down
and return to their planet.

At present, it is not working.

Get to the part where we care.

It is well known among the Wraith
that Dr. McKay made certain changes

to the Replicator base code,

opening the door for them
to alter their own programming.

Well, knowingly or not, they have since
repaired the weakness our virus exploited,

which means in order
to get it working again,

I need to know
the changes Dr. McKay made.

Now, here's the part you're not getting.

We're glad they're kicking your ass.

Only because you are as yet unaware
of their new tactic.

What are you talking about?

They realized we have
a significant vulnerability.

Our food supply.

They have begun
to annihilate human worlds.

You think he's telling the truth?
He gave us an address.

Claims it was a human planet
the Replicators destroyed.

- Is it in the database?
- Mmm. M5S-768. We visited it last year.

It was a thriving, pre-industrial society.

- Send a MALP.
- Okay.

Receiving MALP telemetry. Here we go.

No life signs.

How do we know the Wraith didn't do that?

The MALP's detecting residual radiation.

The energy signature's consistent
with Replicator weapons fire.

He was telling the truth.

How many people lived on that planet?

We estimated somewhere
between 50,000 and 75,000.

What does the machine do?

It scans the cells in his body
and reports any abnormalities.

Hopefully, it'll help us figure out
exactly what's wrong with him.

And then you'll be able to cure him?

I'll do my best.

You'll have to forgive her, Doctor.

She's not used to dealing with uncertainty.
I may have spoiled her in that regard.

Yeah, I've heard about your gift.

It's remarkable.

I can see many things,

but unfortunately, my own fate
remains hidden from me.

If we hadn't de-activated the attack code,
this never would have happened.

- It was my call, Rodney.
- But it was my idea.

Now, we had a ZPM, we had Elizabeth,

all we had to do was leave,
but I opened my big mouth.

You never could have known
it was going to go this way.

No, we don't know that for sure.
Look, remember the nanovirus

that caused the fatal aneurysms?

I always suspected
the Replicators were behind it.

Yeah, but you never proved it.

Yeah, but we know how they feel about
the humans. They think we were a mistake.

Look, we should have seen
something like this coming.

John, Rodney,

I know this news is hard for us to accept,
but right now we need to focus,

figure out what our next step is.

I suppose the most obvious solution would
be to shut down the attack code again.

- Can we do that?
- It's been done before, just not by us.

- By the Wraith.
- Yes.

And what about our prisoner?
What exactly is he proposing?

Well, he claims to have the original virus

that de-activated
the attack code the first time.

It's not working this time round

because of the changes we made
to the Replicator base code.

Theoretically, knowing what we know
and knowing what they know,

we should be able to work together
to shut them down again.

Well, obviously, that's out of the question.

Do I really have to remind everyone
what happened the last time

we cooperated with the Wraith?

The circumstances have changed,
and what happened to non-interference?

As you said,
the circumstances have changed.

Colonel Sheppard, you've had the most
experience dealing with the Wraith.

Do you seriously think this is a good idea?

I think it's not your call.

I need to contact my superiors.

It's just been confirmed.
Two more worlds have been destroyed,

and that makes three.

- How many dead?
- Well, it's just an estimate...

- How many?
- 150,000.

And this is just the beginning, isn't it?

There's no reason to assume
they're going to stop.


What about Woolsey?

He's contacted the IOA. They're taking
the matter under advisement.

Oh, well, they're good at that.

They'll bicker and argue,
but at the end of the day,

they're going to leave you holding the bag,
just like they did with Elizabeth.

Now I know why
you didn't want the job.

Look, John, Woolsey was right
about one thing.

You have had more experience with
the Wraith than just about anyone,

and in particular, with this Wraith.

- You have a history.
- Well, it's not like we're dating.

I know we can't trust him, not completely,

but what I don't know, is whether or not
it's worth the risk to play along with him,

at least for a little while.

You're the only one who can answer that.

Colonel Carter, this is Dr. Keller.

Go ahead.

I've got something you need to see.

I'm on my way.

How's he doing?

Uh, not good.

He went into convulsions a while ago.
I gave him a sedative.

Truth is, we got him here too late.

All I can do right now
is alleviate his symptoms,

but whether or not he survives,

that's out of my hands.

This is what I wanted you to see.

This is the result of his brain scan.

He's showing abnormally
high synaptic activity.

It's similar to what happened to Dr. McKay

when he encountered that Ascension
device, only not as extreme,

and in his case, it's not advancing.

Presumably, he's been like that
his whole life.

You're saying he was born this way?

He's a genetic accident.

One in a million, if not more.

Oh, um, by the way, Mr. Woolsey's already
asked for a copy of these test results.

I'm sorry, Doctor, but like it or not,
this is important information.

He may be a window into
our own evolutionary future.

Doctor? He's awake.

How you feeling?

Much better, thank you.

Hi, I'm Colonel Carter.

You are the leader of these people.

Well, the ones on this base, yes.

Not an easy task, I imagine.

- Some days are worse than others.
- I understand.

I myself was in a position of authority
back on my homeworld.

From what I understand,
you had a little bit of an advantage.

Believe me, catching glimpses of the future
is not always as helpful as you might think.

But there is something you should see.

Uh... You're not feeling well.
I think... It's okay. You should rest.

Everything has a purpose, Colonel,

including the circumstances
that brought me here. Please.

Oh, my God.

What is it? What did you see?

I'm sorry.

We should stop trusting that Wraith, now.

I'm not buying it.

Dr. McKay's vision came true
exactly as he saw it.

Well, I don't care. The Replicators
are not destroying this city,

not if I have anything to say about it.

Maybe Rodney's right.

Maybe what Davos can see
is only a probable future.

Well, his track record's pretty good,
so I'd have to say it's highly probable.

Which means it's going to be hard to avoid.

For all we know, nine out of ten courses of
action are going to lead to the same fate.

Now, unfortunately,
the vision I saw had no context to it.

We have no way of knowing
why the Replicators were attacking.

Isn't it obvious?

We're contemplating joining forces
with the Wraith against them.

We don't know that that's what causes it.

It's a pretty safe assumption.
Right now we're not a target.

No, no, but the rest of the humans
in this galaxy are, and it's our fault.

Nevertheless, our priority remains
the safety of this expedition,

and you know as well as I do,
the Wraith can't be trusted.

This one may be different.

Yes, I read the file.

He helped you escape
from a Genii prison,

and as a reward, you let him live.

Let's hope we don't all come
to regret your decision.

Colonel Carter, we've got a problem.

We routinely track a number of hives
with the long-range sensors.

They don't usually do
anything out of the ordinary.

Most of the time,
they're just passing through.

But a few minutes ago,
this one suddenly changed course.

It's headed straight for us.

But they don't know we're here.

They're not supposed to.

- What did you do?
- What are you referring to?

- There's a ship on the way.
- Ah, they picked up my signal.

- What signal?
- Ask your Satedan friend.

He's familiar with the technology.

- A subspace-tracking device.
- I had it implanted.

We would've detected it.

I only activated it
after you brought me here.

The ship is necessary to complete my plan.

The Replicator virus
is contained within its databanks.

When it gets here, we may begin our work.

Or when it gets here,
I'm going to blow it out of the sky.

Now, that would be unwise.
That hive is loyal to me.

For the moment, they are the only ones
who know the location of Atlantis,

but if you attack them,
they will broadcast these coordinates

to every hive ship in the galaxy.

There is no reason for us
to be at odds, John Sheppard.

We need each other.

Rodney, we need to know
if you can shut down

the Replicator attack code on your own.

I've been looking into that,
and it's not very promising.

You're the one who activated it
in the first place.

Well, that was easy.
Well, actually, it was spectacularly difficult,

- but then, everything's relative.
- Rodney.

But the Replicators were originally
designed and programmed to do

exactly what they're doing.
I mean, they were built for this.

It was much harder for the Wraith
to get them to stop

than it was for me
to get them to start again.

But with this Wraith's help,
you think you could do it?

If he really has the original
shut-down virus, yeah, I think we can.

He claims he ordered the hive ship
not to give away our position

- unless they're att*cked.
- Do you believe him?

Well, are there
any other ships headed this way?

- No.
- Then I'd say for the moment,

he's telling the truth.

Dr. Keller told me I might find you here.

She was kind enough
to let me go for a little walk.

It's quite something, isn't it?

I know I was brought here for a reason,

to play a role on a much bigger stage
before I die.

Surely it is not time
to start speaking that way.

Dr. Keller is a dedicated
and skilled physician,

but it doesn't take a great seer to know
what she is thinking and not saying.

My time is coming to an end.

You wish to ask me something.

You know why I came to your planet?

To learn the fate of your people.

- Yes.
- I can tell you only this,

they are still alive,

but they are shrouded in darkness.

I know you will continue
to search for them,

but I'm not sure this burden should
be borne by someone in your condition.

Uh, my condition?

You carry a life inside you, do you not?


You conceal it from the others.

It is complicated.

I see.

I'm sorry I cannot offer you more.

That is all right.

Thank you.

And now you must take me
to Colonel Carter.

Yes, of course. This way.


This is Teyla to the Infirmary.
I need a medical team now!

- We got a problem.
- Firing drones.

Teyla's vision only confirms
what I've been saying all along.

If we destroy the hive ship,

we lose our best chance
of stopping the Replicators.

We may not have a choice.
One way or another,

events are going to result
in the destruction of that ship.

Well, if you believe that, then you
believe Atlantis is going to be destroyed.

We might as well
pack up our bags and go home.

How about this.

We play along. We wait for them

to transmit the program
to Rodney's computer,

then we blow them out of the sky.

Betray them before they have
a chance to betray us.

They're Wraith.
Anyone going to lose any sleep over this?

Rodney, can you guarantee that you could
finish the job without the Wraith's help?

Oh, if I have the original virus,
not a problem.

- Can you guarantee it?
- Well, I mean...


That is not the only problem.
If we do not destroy the hive

quickly enough,
it may have time to send a message.

All right.
I think I need to meet this Wraith myself.

Mr. Woolsey.

You want me to come with you?

Well, I'm sure you want your report to
the IOA to be as thorough as possible.

Of course.

I've never met a Wraith face-to-face before.

Oh, well, you're in for a treat.

Ladies first.

Open it.

- It's all right.

I'm Colonel Samantha Carter.

A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Richard Woolsey.

I understand you're proposing
that we work together on a joint venture.

That is correct.

Last time we went down this road,

things didn't exactly work out
the way we'd hoped.

You were betrayed.
Believe me, I understand your reluctance.

If we do this, we do it our way.
Your ship remains in orbit.

They make the slightest false move,
and they'll be destroyed.

Fair enough.

The program will be downloaded
into a non-networked computer

in one of our labs.
All work will be conducted on this base.

You will remain under constant guard,
and when you're done, we keep the virus.

It won't be easy to upload it
into the Replicator network.

Are you sure you're up to the task?

We did it before, we'll do it again.

I agree to your terms.
You see, I want this as much as you do.

Now, let's say that this works.
What happens then?

In my time as a prisoner among the Genii,
I lost my position among Wraith.

I still have a few loyal followers,
but nothing like the standing I once had.

So, you're going to use this
to leverage your way back in?

In a manner of speaking.

Sooner or later,
we're going to end up on opposite sides.

Yes, but not today.

Do we have an agreement?

We do.

I believe among your people
it is customary to shake hands.

Just a little Wraith humor.

I hope you know what you're doing.

The Wraith ship just dropped
out of hyperspace.

Are they powering weapons?

Negative. They're sending a transmission.

Rodney, you're on.

That's it?
That's their super-w*apon?

Well, what were you expecting?

A big g*n, something that goes boom.

Sam, that's it.

McKAY: We got it.

I can go down to the chair room
and finish this off right now.

Can't risk it, John.

Security, have the Wraith
escorted to Dr. McKay's lab.

- No, this is all wrong.
- What do you mean?

You must iterate all values
of the expression

before you can aggregate the results.

Are you kidding? We're better off using
known data points and extrapolating.

- You risk compounding errors.
- What?

If my hands were free, I could help you.

No, it's fine. I'll do it myself, thanks.

As you wish.

He's holding out on us.

Part of the virus is missing.

I mean, sure, they're minor sub-routines,
nothing that would be greatly affected

by the changes I made
to the Replicator base code,

but still, necessary to make it work.

Look, I probably wouldn't have
even noticed it, except...

Well, you know, I'm really good.

- Look, he's definitely up to something.
- We know.

You know? What do you mean you know?

A few minutes ago,
we started tracking another hive ship,

on course for Atlantis.

I swear I know nothing of this.

You gave our position away
to another hive ship.

Why would I betray you now, just as
we were beginning to trust each other?

McKAY: We're not, really, are we?

You held back some of the virus.

Just a small portion,

nothing that prevents us
from completing our work,

and once that is done,
I will gladly transmit the remainder.

- I say we k*ll him right now.
- I agree.

I had no way of knowing
you would not simply

take the virus and then turn against me.

I'm offended you could even think that.

The point is, you lied. How do we know
you're not lying about the ship?

Wraith are divided into many camps.

There is much suspicion and mistrust.

The last thing I need is for another hive
to appear before I can complete this work.

That's it. That's why they're coming.

They're tracking his ship. Think about it,

a single hive, off by itself,
out in the middle of nowhere,

orbiting a supposedly uninhabited planet.

That's bound to raise a few eyebrows.

I mean, if you had eyebrows.

There is only one solution.

You must cloak the city.

We cloak the city, we lose shields.

We'd be completely vulnerable to attack.

And what if he's telling the truth?

If we don't cloak,
we'll be giving up our position.

He's been playing us from the start.
This is what he wanted all along.

All right, wait a minute.

A little while ago you thought the
Replicators were going to destroy the city,

now you think the Wraith
are going to do it. Which one is it?

How long until the second hive gets here?

Two hours.

Hello again.

Colonel. It's nice to see you,

but I'm afraid I can't offer you
any more insight into future events.

These medicines dull my mind.

That's all right. That's not why I came.

Although, I did want to ask you
a few questions about your visions,

if you feel up to it.

Of course.

Have you ever been wrong?


Knowing how events play out,

you haven't been able
to change the future, or... Or avoid it?

I'm afraid not.

What about the culling on your planet?

I did not see a culling,

merely the Wraith ships arriving,
and that is exactly what happened.

Dr. McKay's vision happened as he saw it,

but his interpretation was incorrect.

Pretty hard to misinterpret what I saw.

I make no judgments,
but I do know it will come to pass.

It's hard for me to accept that.

You're telling me that
the future is predetermined,

but I have always believed that
the future is what you make it.

Perhaps both are true.

Perhaps the future is predetermined
by the character of those who shape it.

One thing has been clear to me
from the moment I set foot in this city.

The galaxy is at a crossroads.

Never before have I sensed that the future

of so many worlds
can turn on the actions of so few.

The other hive ship will be here soon.

I know.
You should get down to the chair room.

So, we've decided to take them out?

Right now, I'm having
a hard time deciding anything.

You know what the problem is?

- Too much information.
- Really?

There's only so much information
you need to make a decision,

anything after that complicates it.

Like these visions,
are they making things better or worse?

Well, they helped you avoid
being captured by the Wraith.

No, you and I both know we would
never walk into a trap unprepared,

even if McKay didn't have that vision.

The future is predetermined
by the character of those who shape it.

What's that?


Look, technically Woolsey is correct.

The safety of this city is our first priority,

and based on that,
there is only one decision,

take out both the hive ships
as soon as possible.



what the hell's the point of being out here
if we're not going to help people?

We're going to be safe and sound while
the rest of the galaxy gets slaughtered?

So, play it safe, or take a chance with the
Wraith and maybe save millions of lives.

This kind of decision used to be easy,
but then I was just making it for myself.

Now, I'm asking a lot of people
to take a chance with me.

Everybody on this base chose to be here,

and they did so because they believe
in the same things you do.

If anything goes wrong...

I'll be ready.

Rodney, prepare to cloak the city.

All right, people, you heard her.
Let's do this.

My understanding

is it takes some doing to switch back
from the cloak to the shields.

It's not something that
can be done right away.

That's right.

So, if we commit to this course of action,
there's no going back.

I'm afraid not.

There's still some time before
the second hive gets here.

You could return to Midway if you like.

But then my report wouldn't be
as thorough as possible, would it?

I'm in position, Colonel.


Rodney, how we doing?

Engaging cloak now.



Doctor! Doctor, help him!


- Davos.
- Father?


I'm sorry.

The second hive just dropped
out of hyperspace.

This is it.

The first hive is sending a transmission.

They're probably trying to
explain what they're doing here.

Come on, guys, what's happening?

McKAY: Stand by.

- Rodney...
- They're still just talking.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

- We got a problem.
What is it?

What's going on?

- Both ships just powered weapons.
- Oh, my God.

- That's it. Firing drones.
John, wait.

Just give it a second.

Are you insane?
They're going to wipe us out!

Shut up, Woolsey.

Colonel Sheppard,

as a ranking representative of the IOA,

I'm assuming command of this base.

I'm ordering you to launch the drones now!

Belay that order!

One more word out of you,
and I will have you removed.

Hold on, something's happening.

- The hives are firing on each other.
- Are you sure?

They're not pulling any punches, either.

They just destroyed each other.

I guess the other Wraith
didn't buy their story.

Was either ship able to
get off a subspace message?

Oh, right.


We're good.

John, you can stand down.


I'm taking him back to Vedeena,

to be buried according to our custom.

It is good that he is going home.

I don't know what my people
will do without him.

He's always been there,
warning us of danger,

protecting us from harm.

Now for the first time in my life,

I fear the future.

Just because something is unknown,

does not necessarily mean
it needs to be feared.

Trust yourself

and the rest will unfold as it is meant to.

He was an interesting man.


He knew that I was pregnant.


You know, pretty soon,
other people are going to find out, too.

You're going to have to tell them.

I know.

So, all it took was
the destruction of my ship

for you to finally trust me.

No, not true. I still don't trust you.

Take him to the lab. He's got work to do.


this is awkward.


For the record,

I thought I was making the right call.

It was a difficult situation for everyone.

I just have one last question.

How did you know the two Wraith ships
would fire on each other?

I didn't.

You going to put that in your report?

It probably would be better if I didn't.

There may be such a thing
as being too thorough.


- Where's Woolsey?
- Oh, you just missed him.

That hurts my feelings.
I didn't even say goodbye yet.

How's McKay doing?

He and the Wraith are back at it,
but I guess they're having a problem

getting this virus to work.

I'd hate to think this was all for nothing.

Well, we got out alive
and we kept our location secret.

That still counts for something.


Still thinking about those visions, huh?

I can't get them out of my head.
Everything Davos saw came true.

For all we know, that it won't come true
for another thousand years.

Or it could come true tomorrow.

Right. So, what else is new?